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 * Licensed to the Warcraft4J Project under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The Warcraft4J Project licenses
 * this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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package nl.salp.warcraft4j.fileformat.dbc;

import nl.salp.warcraft4j.util.LazyInstance;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.EqualsBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.HashCodeBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringBuilder;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.function.Supplier;

import static java.lang.String.format;

 * Client database file entry.
 * @author Barre Dijkstra
public class DbcEntry {
    /** The datatype for a stringtable reference. */
    private static final DataType<Integer> STRINGTABLE_REF_DATATYPE = DataTypeFactory.getInteger();
    /** The datatype for the entry id. */
    private static final DataType<Integer> ID_DATATYPE = DataTypeFactory.getInteger();
    /** The offset for the id. */
    private static final int ID_OFFSET = 0;
    /** The hash of the name of the DBC file containing the entry. */
    private final long filenameHash;
    /** The number of fields. */
    private final int fieldCount;
    /** Lazy instance of the unparsed entry data. */
    private transient final LazyInstance<byte[]> entryData;
    /** Cached hashcode value for the entry. */
    private int hash;

     * Create a new entry instance.
     * @param filenameHash The hash of the name of the DBC file containing the entry.
     * @param fieldCount   The number of fields.
     * @param entryData    The unparsed entry data.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException When invalid arguments were provided.
    public DbcEntry(long filenameHash, int fieldCount, byte[] entryData) throws IllegalArgumentException {
        this(filenameHash, fieldCount, new LazyInstance<>(entryData));
        if (entryData == null || entryData.length == 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't create a DBC entry with no data.");

     * Create a new entry instance.
     * @param filenameHash      The hash of the name of the DBC file containing the entry.
     * @param fieldCount        The number of fields.
     * @param entryDataSupplier Supplier for the unparsed entry data.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException When invalid arguments were provided.
    public DbcEntry(long filenameHash, int fieldCount, Supplier<byte[]> entryDataSupplier)
            throws IllegalArgumentException {
        this(filenameHash, fieldCount, new LazyInstance<>(entryDataSupplier));
        if (entryDataSupplier == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't create a DBC entry without a data supplier.");

     * Create a new entry instance.
     * @param filenameHash The hash of the name of the DBC file containing the entry.
     * @param fieldCount   The number of fields.
     * @param entryData    The unparsed entry data as a {@link LazyInstance}.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException When invalid arguments were provided.
    public DbcEntry(long filenameHash, int fieldCount, LazyInstance<byte[]> entryData)
            throws IllegalArgumentException {
        if (entryData == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't create a DBC entry with no data.");
        this.filenameHash = filenameHash;
        this.fieldCount = fieldCount;
        this.entryData = entryData;
        this.hash = 0;

     * Get the hash of the name of the DBC file containing the entry.
     * @return The DBC filename hash.
     * @see DbcFile#getFilenameHash()
    public long getFilenameHash() {
        return filenameHash;

     * Get the number of entry fields.
     * @return The number of fields.
     * @see DbcFile#getNumberOfEntryFields()
    public int getFieldCount() {
        return fieldCount;

     * Get the size of the entry in bytes.
     * <p>
     * Please note that this reads and initialises the entry data if it hasn't been read yet.
     * </p>
     * @return The size in bytes.
    public int getEntrySize() {
        return entryData.get().length;

     * Get the id of the entry.
     * @return The id.
     * @throws DbcParsingException When reading the id failed.
    public int getId() throws DbcParsingException {
        return read(ID_OFFSET, ID_DATATYPE);

     * Get a value from the entry.
     * @param offset   The offset of the value from the start of the entry data in bytes.
     * @param dataType The datatype of the value.
     * @param <T>      The type of the value.
     * @return The value.
     * @throws DbcParsingException When reading the value failed.
    public <T> T getValue(int offset, DataType<T> dataType) throws DbcParsingException {
        return read(offset, dataType);

     * Get a field as a resolved stringtable value.
     * @param offset      The offset of the value from the start of the entry data in bytes.
     * @param stringTable The stringtable to resolve the field value on.
     * @return Optional containing the stringtable value if a value was available for the field.
     * @throws DbcParsingException When reading the field or resolving the stringtable value failed.
    public Optional<String> getStringTableValue(int offset, DbcStringTable stringTable) throws DbcParsingException {
        if (stringTable == null) {
            throw new DbcParsingException("Unable to get a StringTable value from a null StringTable.");
        int stringTableOffset = read(offset, STRINGTABLE_REF_DATATYPE);
        return stringTable.getEntry(stringTableOffset);

     * Get the unparsed entry data.
     * <p>
     * Please note that this reads and initialises the entry data if it hasn't been read yet.
     * </p>
     * @return The unparsed entry data.
    public byte[] getUnparsedEntryData() {
        return entryData.get();

     * Read a value from the unparsed data.
     * @param offset   The offset of the value from the start of the entry data in bytes.
     * @param dataType The datatype of the value.
     * @param <T>      The type of the value.
     * @return The value.
     * @throws DbcParsingException When reading the value failed.
    private <T> T read(int offset, DataType<T> dataType) throws DbcParsingException {
        if (dataType == null) {
            throw new DbcParsingException("Unable to get a value for a null data type.");
        if (offset < 0 || offset > (getEntrySize() - dataType.getLength())) {
            throw new DbcParsingException(
                    format("Unable to get a %d byte value from a %d byte entry from offset %d",
                            dataType.getLength(), getEntrySize(), offset));
        return dataType.readNext(ByteBuffer.wrap(entryData.get(), offset, dataType.getLength()),

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public int hashCode() {
        if (hash == 0) {
            hash = new HashCodeBuilder().append(filenameHash).append(getId()).append(fieldCount).toHashCode();
        return hash;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        return EqualsBuilder.reflectionEquals(this, obj);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public String toString() {
        return ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(this);