Java tutorial
/* $Id: 5f4eab4c97bbb2926ea8da3c275e3007a0a4df2d $ * * Part of ZonMW project no. 50-53000-98-156 * * @license * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy * of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. * * Copyright (c) 2016 RIVM National Institute for Health and Environment */ package nl.rivm.cib.episim.model.disease.infection; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.NavigableMap; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.function.Supplier; import; import; import; import org.aeonbits.owner.ConfigFactory; import org.aeonbits.owner.Mutable; import org.aeonbits.owner.util.Collections; import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.ExponentialDistribution; import org.apache.commons.math3.exception.MaxCountExceededException; import org.apache.commons.math3.ode.FirstOrderDifferentialEquations; import org.apache.commons.math3.ode.FirstOrderIntegrator; import org.apache.commons.math3.ode.nonstiff.DormandPrince853Integrator; import org.apache.commons.math3.ode.sampling.StepHandler; import org.apache.commons.math3.ode.sampling.StepInterpolator; import org.apache.commons.math3.random.MersenneTwister; import org.apache.commons.math3.random.RandomGenerator; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.junit.Test; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode; import io.coala.bind.LocalBinder; import io.coala.bind.LocalConfig; import io.coala.dsol3.Dsol3Scheduler; import io.coala.json.JsonUtil; import io.coala.log.LogUtil; import io.coala.math.DecimalUtil; import io.coala.math.MatrixBuilder; import io.coala.math3.Math3ProbabilityDistribution; import io.coala.math3.Math3PseudoRandom; import io.coala.random.DistributionParser; import io.coala.random.ProbabilityDistribution; import io.coala.random.PseudoRandom; import io.coala.time.Scheduler; import io.coala.time.SchedulerConfig; import io.coala.util.MapBuilder; import io.reactivex.Observable; import io.reactivex.ObservableEmitter; import io.reactivex.schedulers.Schedulers; import io.reactivex.subjects.BehaviorSubject; import net.jodah.concurrentunit.Waiter; import nl.rivm.cib.episim.model.disease.IllnessTrajectory; import nl.rivm.cib.episim.model.disease.infection.MSEIRS.Transition; /** * {@link MSEIRSTest} tests {@link IllnessTrajectory} * * @version $Id: 5f4eab4c97bbb2926ea8da3c275e3007a0a4df2d $ * @author Rick van Krevelen */ public class MSEIRSTest { /** */ static final Logger LOG = LogUtil.getLogger(MSEIRSTest.class); @Test public void compareMSEIRS() throws TimeoutException { final SIRConfig conf = ConfigFactory.create(SIRConfig.class); final double[] T = conf.t(); final long[] pop = conf.population();"Starting with SIR: {}, t in {}", pop, T); final int t = (int) T[0], N = (int) T[1], C = pop.length; final MatrixBuilder result = MatrixBuilder.sparse(N - t + 1, pop.length * 4).label("Results") .labelColumns("~dS.dt", "~dI.dt", "~dR.dt", "S_gil(t)", "I_gil(t)", "R_gil(t)", "S_sel(t)", "I_sel(t)", "R_sel(t)", "S_dyn(t)", "I_dyn(t)", "R_dyn(t)") .labelRows(i -> "max(t=<" + i + ")"); // the Dormand-Prince (embedded Runge-Kutta) ODE integrator // see deterministic(conf, () -> new DormandPrince853Integrator(1.0E-8, 10, 1.0E-20, 1.0E-20)) .blockingForEach(yt -> result.withContent( -> d), DecimalUtil.ceil(yt.getKey()).longValue(), 0 * C)); final int n = 10; final Waiter waiter = new Waiter(); LOG.trace("Running Gillespie x {}...", n); // see averages(() -> stochasticGillespie(conf, 1d), d -> DecimalUtil.ceil(d).longValue(), n) .forEach(stats -> result.withContent(stats.getValue(), stats.getKey(), 1 * C)); LOG.trace("Running Sellke x {}...", n); // see e.g. Cook et al. 2008, equation 3.5: averages(() -> stochasticSellke(conf, 1d), d -> DecimalUtil.ceil(d).longValue(), n) .forEach(stats -> result.withContent(stats.getValue(), stats.getKey(), 2 * C)); LOG.trace("Running Epidemes x {}...", 1); averages(() -> stochasticLocal(conf, 1d), d -> DecimalUtil.ceil(d).longValue(), 1).subscribe( stats -> result.withContent(stats.getValue(), stats.getKey(), 3 * C), waiter::fail, waiter::resume); //waiter.await(); // Application.launch( CartesianPlot.class ); LOG.trace("result: \n{}",;"Complete"); } private <T> Observable<Entry<T, Stream<BigDecimal>>> averages( final Supplier<Observable<Entry<Double, long[]>>> sir, final Function<Double, T> bins, final int n) { return Observable.create(sub -> { final NavigableMap<T, long[]> sums = java.util.Collections .synchronizedNavigableMap(new TreeMap<T, long[]>()); final long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); final AtomicInteger iteration = new AtomicInteger(); final AtomicLong sysTime = new AtomicLong(t0); Observable.range(0, n).flatMap(i -> Observable.just(i).subscribeOn(Schedulers.computation()).map(ii -> { final int iii = iteration.incrementAndGet(); final long t = System.currentTimeMillis(); sysTime.updateAndGet(t1 -> { if (t - t1 > 10000) { LOG.trace("Progress {}% at ~{}/s, iteration {} of {}", DecimalUtil.floor(DecimalUtil.divide(iii * 100, n)), DecimalUtil.round(DecimalUtil.divide(iii * 1000, t - t0)), iii, n); return t; } return t1; }); return sir.get() // group by bin size .groupBy(yt -> bins.apply(yt.getKey())) // take highest floating point t in this bin .flatMap(gr -> gr.reduce((yt1, yt2) -> yt1.getKey().compareTo(yt2.getKey()) > 0 ? yt1 : yt2) .toObservable().map(yt -> Collections.entry(gr.getKey(), yt.getValue()))) // add to current sums .collect(() -> sums, (sum, yt) -> sum.compute(yt.getKey(), (k, v) -> v == null ? yt.getValue() : IntStream.range(0, v.length) .mapToLong(iv -> v[iv] + yt.getValue()[iv]).toArray())) .blockingGet(); })).blockingSubscribe(); sums.forEach((k, v) -> sub .onNext(Collections.entry(k, -> DecimalUtil.divide(y, n))))); final long dt = System.currentTimeMillis() - t0; LOG.trace("Completed {} iterations in {}s = {}/s", n, DecimalUtil.toScale(DecimalUtil.divide(dt, 1000), 1), DecimalUtil.round(DecimalUtil.divide(n * 1000, dt))); }); } static void publishCopy(final ObservableEmitter<Entry<Double, double[]>> sub, final double t, final double[] y) { sub.onNext(Collections.entry(t, Arrays.copyOf(y, y.length))); } static void publishCopy(final ObservableEmitter<Entry<Double, long[]>> sub, final double t, final long[] y) { sub.onNext(Collections.entry(t, Arrays.copyOf(y, y.length))); } /** * {@link SIRConfig} used in {@link MSEIRSTest} * * @version $Id: 5f4eab4c97bbb2926ea8da3c275e3007a0a4df2d $ * @author Rick van Krevelen */ public interface SIRConfig extends Mutable { @DefaultValue("" + 12) double reproduction(); @DefaultValue("" + 14) double recovery(); @Separator(",") @DefaultValue("50,1,0") long[] population(); @DefaultValue("0,40") double[] t(); @DefaultValue("ORANGE,RED,GREEN") String[] colors(); @DefaultValue("WHITE,PURPLE,BLUE") String[] colors2(); Long seed(); } public static Observable<Map.Entry<Double, double[]>> deterministic(final SIRConfig config, final Supplier<FirstOrderIntegrator> integrators) { return Observable.create(sub -> { final double gamma = 1. / config.recovery(); final double beta = gamma * config.reproduction(); final double[] y0 = -> n).toArray(); final double[] t = config.t(); try { final FirstOrderIntegrator integrator = integrators.get(); integrator.addStepHandler(new StepHandler() { @Override public void init(final double t0, final double[] y0, final double t) { publishCopy(sub, t0, y0); } @Override public void handleStep(final StepInterpolator interpolator, final boolean isLast) throws MaxCountExceededException { publishCopy(sub, interpolator.getInterpolatedTime(), interpolator.getInterpolatedState()); if (isLast) sub.onComplete(); } }); integrator.integrate(new FirstOrderDifferentialEquations() { @Override public int getDimension() { return y0.length; } @Override public void computeDerivatives(final double t, final double[] y, final double[] yp) { // SIR terms (flow rates) final double n = y[0] + y[1] + y[2], flow_si = beta * y[0] * y[1] / n, flow_ir = gamma * y[1]; yp[0] = -flow_si; yp[1] = flow_si - flow_ir; yp[2] = flow_ir; } }, t[0], y0, t[1], y0); } catch (final Exception e) { sub.onError(e); } }); } public static Observable<Entry<Double, long[]>> stochasticGillespie(final SIRConfig config) { return stochasticGillespie(config, 0d); } public static Observable<Entry<Double, long[]>> stochasticGillespie(final SIRConfig config, final double maxDt) { return Observable.create(sub -> { final double gamma = 1. / config.recovery(); final double beta = gamma * config.reproduction(); final long[] y = config.population(); final double[] T = config.t(); final double dt = Double.isFinite(maxDt) && maxDt > 0 ? maxDt : T[1]; final Long seed = config.seed(); final RandomGenerator rng = new MersenneTwister(seed == null ? System.currentTimeMillis() : seed); for (double t = T[0]; t < T[1];) { publishCopy(sub, t, y); // SIR terms (flow rates) final double n = y[0] + y[1] + y[2], flow_si = beta * y[0] * y[1] / n, flow_ir = gamma * y[1], flow_sum = flow_si + flow_ir; final double t2 = t + new ExponentialDistribution(rng, 1d / flow_sum).sample(); // publish intermediate values for (double t1 = Math.min(t2, t + dt), tMax = Math.min(T[1], t2); t1 < tMax; t1 += dt) publishCopy(sub, t1, y); // advance time to next event t = t2; // determine event (s->i, i->r, ...) if (rng.nextDouble() < flow_si / flow_sum) { y[0]--; // from S y[1]++; // to I } else { y[1]--; // from I y[2]++; // to R if (y[0] != 0 && y[1] == 0) { y[0]--; // from S y[1]++; // to I } } } sub.onComplete(); }); } public static Observable<Entry<Double, long[]>> stochasticSellke(final SIRConfig config) { return stochasticSellke(config, 0d); } public static Observable<Entry<Double, long[]>> stochasticSellke(final SIRConfig config, final double maxDt) { return Observable.create(sub -> { final double beta = config.reproduction() / config.recovery(); final long[] y = config.population(); final double[] T = config.t(); final double dt = Double.isFinite(maxDt) && maxDt > 0 ? maxDt : T[1]; final Long seed = config.seed(); final RandomGenerator rng = new MersenneTwister(seed == null ? System.currentTimeMillis() : seed); final ExponentialDistribution resistanceDist = new ExponentialDistribution(rng, 1), recoverDist = new ExponentialDistribution(rng, config.recovery()); // pending infections (mapping resistance -> amount) final TreeMap<Double, Integer> tInfect = IntStream.range(0, (int) y[0]) .mapToObj(i -> resistanceDist.sample()) .collect(Collectors.toMap(r -> r, r -> 1, Integer::sum, TreeMap::new)); // pending recoveries (mapping time -> amount) final TreeMap<Double, Integer> tRecover = new TreeMap<>(); double cumPres = 0; // Re-initialize infectives as susceptibles with zero resistance tInfect.put(cumPres, (int) y[1]); y[0] += y[1]; // I -> S y[1] -= y[1]; // I -> 0 for (double t = T[0]; t < T[1];) { publishCopy(sub, t, y); final long localPopSize = y[0] + y[1] + y[2]; final Double ri = tInfect.isEmpty() ? null : tInfect.firstKey(), ti = ri == null ? null : // now + remaining resistance per relative pressure t + (ri - cumPres) / (beta * Math.max(y[1], 1) / localPopSize), tr = tRecover.isEmpty() ? null : tRecover.firstKey(); // time of next infection is earliest if (ti != null && (tr == null || ti < tr)) { final int ni = tInfect.remove(ri); cumPres = ri; // publish intermediate values for (double t1 = Math.min(ti, t + dt), tMax = Math.min(T[1], ti); t1 < tMax; t1 += dt) publishCopy(sub, t1, y); // infect t = ti; y[0] -= ni; // from S y[1] += ni; // to I // schedule S_t recoveries at t+Exp(1/gamma) for (int i = 0; i < ni; i++) tRecover.compute(t + recoverDist.sample(), (k, v) -> v == null ? 1 : v + 1); } // time of next recovery is earliest else if (tr != null) { final int nr = tRecover.remove(tr); if (ri != null) // advance cumulative pressure by dt * relative pressure cumPres += (tr - t) * beta * y[1] / localPopSize; // publish intermediate values for (double t1 = Math.min(tr, t + dt), tMax = Math.min(T[1], tr); t1 < tMax; t1 += dt) publishCopy(sub, t1, y); // recover t = tr; y[1] -= nr; // from I y[2] += nr; // to R } // no events remaining else { // publish intermediate values for (double t1 = t + dt; t1 < T[1]; t1 += dt) publishCopy(sub, t1, y); // time ends break; } } sub.onComplete(); }); } public static Observable<Entry<Double, long[]>> stochasticLocal(final SIRConfig config) { return stochasticLocal(config, 0d); } /** * TODO extend Sellke with Gillespie-approach: * <li>maintain ordered mapping of occupancy-amounts to room-ids, e.g. <br> * roomPressure <- Map<Integer, List<ID>> <br> * totalPressure <-,ids)->n*ids.size()).sum * <br> * Observable<Change<ID,Integer,Integer>>.sub(upd -> <br> * {rooms.get(upd.oldPressure).remove(; <br> * rooms.get(upd.newPressure).add(;} * <li>when next infection is due (according to pressure/resistance * dynamics) attribute infection uniformly to room at that sorted position: * <br> * idRnd = floor(rnd.draw()*totalRooms), cumPressure = 0 <br> * roomPressure.eachEntry((n,ids)->{ <br> * curPressure = n*ids.size(); <br> * if(idRnd < cumPressure) { <br> * scaled = idRnd ids.size() <br> * return ids.get(scaled)} <br> * cumPressure +=curPressure;}) * * @param maxDt * @return */ public static Observable<Entry<Double, long[]>> stochasticLocal(final SIRConfig config, final double maxDt) { return Observable.create(sub -> { // final double gamma = 1. / recovery(); // final double beta = gamma * reproduction(); final long[] y = config.population(); final double[] T = config.t(); // final double dt = Double.isFinite( maxDt ) && maxDt > 0 ? maxDt // : T[1]; final ObjectNode sirConfig = JsonUtil.getJOM().createObjectNode()// // .put( InfectionPressure.DECAY_TYPE_KEY, // InfectionPressure.Decay.ConditionalDecay.class // .getName() ) .put(MSEIRS.Transition.SUSCEPTIBILITY.stringify(), String.format("exp(%s day)", config.reproduction())) .put(MSEIRS.Transition.INFECTIOUS.stringify(), String.format("exp(%s day)", config.recovery())) .put(MSEIRS.Transition.WANING_NATURAL.stringify(), String.format("const(%s day)", T[1])); final LocalConfig binderConfig = new LocalConfig.JsonBuilder().withId("vir") .withProvider(Scheduler.class, Dsol3Scheduler.class) // .withProvider( PseudoRandom.Factory.class, // Math3PseudoRandom.MersenneTwisterFactory.class ) // .withProvider( ProbabilityDistribution.Factory.class, // Math3ProbabilityDistribution.Factory.class ) .withProvider(ProbabilityDistribution.Parser.class, DistributionParser.class) .withProvider(MSEIRS.Broker.class, MSEIRS.Broker.SimpleDefault.class, sirConfig).build(); final long seed = config.seed() == null ? System.currentTimeMillis() : config.seed(); final LocalBinder binder = binderConfig.createBinder(MapBuilder.<Class<?>, Object>unordered() .put(ProbabilityDistribution.Factory.class, new Math3ProbabilityDistribution.Factory(new Math3PseudoRandom.MersenneTwisterFactory() .create(PseudoRandom.Config.NAME_DEFAULT, seed))) .build()); final Transition si = Transition.SUSCEPTIBILITY, ir = Transition.INFECTIOUS; binder.inject(Scheduler.class, SchedulerConfig .getOrCreate( MapBuilder.unordered().put(SchedulerConfig.DURATION_KEY, "" + T[1]).build()) .toJSON()) .run(s -> { publishCopy(sub,, y); final long subpopSize = y[0] + y[1], initialSusceptible = y[0]; final BehaviorSubject<Double> pressure = BehaviorSubject .createDefault(DecimalUtil.divide(y[1], subpopSize).doubleValue()); final MSEIRS.Broker pathogen = binder.inject(MSEIRS.Broker.class); Observable.rangeLong(0L, subpopSize) .flatMap(i -> pathogen.create(i < initialSusceptible ? si : ir).mseirsEmitter()) .subscribe(c -> { boolean changed = false; if (c == si) { y[0]--; y[1]++; changed = true; } else if (c == ir) { y[1]--; y[2]++; changed = true; } if (changed) { pressure.onNext(DecimalUtil.divide(y[1], subpopSize).doubleValue()); publishCopy(sub,, y); } }, sub::onError); for (int i = 0; i < subpopSize; i++) { // final int ii = i; // final InfectionPressure trajectory = binder // .inject( InfectionPressure.Factory.class ) // .create( sirConfig ); // pressure.subscribe( trajectory ); // trajectory.emitCondition() // //.map( EpiTrajectory.EpiCondition::getEpiCompartment ) // .subscribe( c -> // { // final double t = T[0] // +; //// if( t > T[1] ) //// { //// sub.onComplete(); //// return; //// } // if( c.getEpiCompartment().isInfective() ) // { // y[0]--; // y[1]++; // pressure.onNext( y[1] ); // publishCopy( sub, t, y ); // } else if( !c.getEpiCompartment() // .isSusceptible() ) // { // y[1]--; // y[2]++; // pressure.onNext( y[1] ); // sub.onNext( Collections.entry( t, y ) ); // } else // sub.onComplete(); // } ); } }); sub.onComplete(); }); } // @Ignore // @Test // public void testPathogen() // { // final LocalConfig config = new LocalConfig.JsonBuilder().withId( "vir" ) // .withProvider( Scheduler.class, Dsol3Scheduler.class ).build(); // "start {} with binder config: {}", getClass().getSimpleName(), // config ); // // final LocalBinder binder = config // .createBinder( // MapBuilder.<Class<?>, Object>unordered() // .put( ProbabilityDistribution.Parser.class, // new DistributionParser( null ) ) // .build() ); // final Scheduler scheduler = binder.inject( Scheduler.class ); // final Subject<Long> pressure = PublishSubject.create(); // final Observable<Instant> T_p = Observable // .fromArray( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ) // .map( t -> Instant.of( t, TimeUnits.DAYS ) ); // final BehaviorSubject<BigDecimal> S = BehaviorSubject // .createDefault( BigDecimal.valueOf( 1000 ) ), // I = BehaviorSubject.createDefault( BigDecimal.ONE ), // R = BehaviorSubject.createDefault( BigDecimal.ZERO ), // N = BehaviorSubject.createDefault( // S.getValue().add( I.getValue() ).add( R.getValue() ) ); // S.zipWith( I, BigDecimal::add ).zipWith( R, BigDecimal::add ) // .subscribe( N ); // // scheduler.onReset( T -> // { // // // time step duration // final Quantity<Time> dt = QuantityUtil.valueOf( 1, TimeUnits.DAY ); //// final Unit<Time> step = TimeUnits.DAY ; // // growth/birth //// final Quantity<Frequency> dt_inv = dt.inverse() //// .asType( Frequency.class ); //// final Unit<Frequency> t_inv = dt_inv.getUnit(); // // growth/birth //// final Quantity<Frequency> b = QuantityUtil.valueOf( 0, t_inv ); // // mortality/death //// final Quantity<Frequency> d = QuantityUtil.valueOf( 0, t_inv ); // // immunity wane //// final Quantity<Frequency> alpha = QuantityUtil.valueOf( 0, t_inv ); // // // GIVENS: // // basic reproduction ratio = beta/gamma // final BigDecimal R_0 = BigDecimal.valueOf( 15 ); // // mean period of infection/recovery // final Quantity<Time> recovery = dt.multiply( 12 ); // // mean period of vaccination (acceptance in NL) //// final Quantity<Time> vaccination = dt.multiply( 12 ); // // // infectious/recovery rate // final Quantity<Frequency> gamma = QuantityUtil.inverse( recovery ) // .asType( Frequency.class ); // // contact // final Quantity<Frequency> beta = gamma.multiply( R_0 ); // // passive/waning //// final Quantity<Frequency> delta = QuantityUtil.valueOf( .1, t_inv ); // // vaccination //// final Quantity<Frequency> rho = QuantityUtil.inverse( vaccination ) //// .asType( Frequency.class ); // // // forward-Euler method // T.atEach( () -> (Infiniterator) () -> dt ), t -> // { // final BigDecimal s_0 = S.getValue(), i_0 = I.getValue(), // r_0 = R.getValue(), n = N.getValue(), // si = QuantityUtil.toBigDecimal( beta.multiply( s_0 ) // .multiply( i_0 ).divide( n ).multiply( dt ) ), // ir = QuantityUtil.toBigDecimal( // gamma.multiply( i_0 ).multiply( dt ) ); // LOG.trace( "S[{}]--({})->I[{}]--({})->R[{}] (n={})", // DecimalUtil.round( s_0 ), DecimalUtil.toScale( si, 2 ), // DecimalUtil.round( i_0 ), DecimalUtil.toScale( ir, 2 ), // DecimalUtil.round( r_0 ), DecimalUtil.round( n ) ); // S.onNext( s_0.add( si ) ); // I.onNext( i_0.add( si ).subtract( ir ) ); // R.onNext( r_0.add( ir ) ); // } ); // // final InfectionPressure.Factory pathogens = binder // .inject( InfectionPressure.Factory.SimpleBinding.class ); // final InfectionPressure trajectory = pathogens.create( JsonUtil // .getJOM().createObjectNode()// // .put( InfectionPressure.DECAY_TYPE_KEY, // InfectionPressure.Decay.ProportionalDecay.class // .getName() ) // .put( Period.LATENCY.jsonKey(), "const(.5 week)" ) // .put( Period.WANING.jsonKey(), "const(.5 year)" ) // // // ); // LOG.trace( "t={}, init pathogen: {}",, trajectory ); // // // have pathogen subscribe to an individual's infection pressure // pressure.doOnNext( p -> LOG.trace( "t={}, p={}",, p ) ) // .subscribe( trajectory ); // trajectory.emitCondition().subscribe( // c -> LOG.trace( "t={}, trajectory @ {}",, c ), // Exceptions::propagate ); // // // add infectious scenario // final AtomicLong p = new AtomicLong(); // T.atEach( T_p, t -> pressure.onNext( p.incrementAndGet() ) ); // // LOG.trace( "t={}, initialized", ); // } ); // //; // // "completed {}", getClass().getSimpleName() ); // } }