Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * @since Sep 21, 2015 11:56:46 AM (creation date) * @author Peter Withers <> */ public class AnnotationTimelinePanel extends FocusPanel { protected final ServiceLocations serviceLocations = GWT.create(ServiceLocations.class); private final HashMap<AnnotationData, Label> annotationLebels = new HashMap<>(); private final HashMap<Stimulus, StimulusButton> stimulusButtons = new HashMap<>(); private final HashMap<Stimulus, Integer> tierTopPositions = new HashMap<>(); private final ArrayList<Stimulus> stimulusArray = new ArrayList<>(); AbsolutePanel absolutePanel = new AbsolutePanel(); final Label timelineCursor = new Label(); private int currentOffsetWidth = -1; private double currentVideoLength = -1; final int tierHeight; private boolean isScrubbing = false; // private Image addAnnotationButton = null; public AnnotationTimelinePanel() { absolutePanel.setStylePrimaryName("annotationTimelineTier"); tierHeight = 30; timelineCursor.setStylePrimaryName("annotationTimelineCursor"); absolutePanel.add(timelineCursor); this.add(absolutePanel); } public void startUpdating(final VideoPanel videoPanel, final AnnotationTimelineView annotationTimelineView, final DataFactory dataFactory) { AnnotationTimelinePanel.this.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { isScrubbing = false; final int relativeX = event.getRelativeX(absolutePanel.getElement()); final int relativeY = event.getRelativeY(absolutePanel.getElement()); videoPanel.setCurrentTime(currentVideoLength * ((float) relativeX / (float) currentOffsetWidth)); int stimulusIndex = relativeY / tierHeight; final int topPosition = tierHeight * stimulusIndex; final Stimulus stimulus = stimulusArray.get(stimulusIndex); // if (addAnnotationButton != null) { // absolutePanel.remove(addAnnotationButton); // } // addAnnotationButton = new Image(UriUtils.fromString(serviceLocations.staticFilesUrl() + stimulus.getImage())); // addAnnotationButton.setHeight(tierHeight + "px"); //// absolutePanel.add(addAnnotationButton, 0, topPosition); // absolutePanel.add(addAnnotationButton, getLeftPosition(videoPanel.getCurrentTime(), videoPanel.getDurationTime()), topPosition); // addAnnotationButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { // // @Override // public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { // insertAnnotation(stimulus, videoPanel, annotationTimelineView, dataFactory); // } // }); } }); AnnotationTimelinePanel.this.addMouseDownHandler(new MouseDownHandler() { @Override public void onMouseDown(MouseDownEvent event) { isScrubbing = true; } }); AnnotationTimelinePanel.this.addMouseUpHandler(new MouseUpHandler() { @Override public void onMouseUp(MouseUpEvent event) { isScrubbing = false; } }); isScrubbing = false; AnnotationTimelinePanel.this.addMouseOverHandler(new MouseOverHandler() { @Override public void onMouseOver(MouseOverEvent event) { isScrubbing = false; } }); AnnotationTimelinePanel.this.addMouseMoveHandler(new MouseMoveHandler() { @Override public void onMouseMove(MouseMoveEvent event) { if (isScrubbing) { final int relativeX = event.getRelativeX(absolutePanel.getElement()); videoPanel .setCurrentTime(currentVideoLength * ((float) relativeX / (float) currentOffsetWidth)); } } }); Timer timer = new Timer() { double lastTime = -1; @Override public void run() { final double currentTime = videoPanel.getCurrentTime(); if (lastTime != currentTime) { lastTime = currentTime; resizeTimeline(currentTime, videoPanel.getDurationTime()); // labelticker.setText("" + currentTime); absolutePanel.setWidgetPosition(timelineCursor, getLeftPosition(videoPanel.getCurrentTime(), videoPanel.getDurationTime()), absolutePanel.getOffsetHeight() - timelineCursor.getOffsetHeight()); // to folling section is going to be a bit time critical, so might need some attention in the future ArrayList<Stimulus> intersectedStimuli = new ArrayList<>(); for (AnnotationData annotationData : annotationLebels.keySet()) { if (intersectsTime(annotationData, currentTime)) { intersectedStimuli.add(annotationData.getStimulus()); } } // since we dont have an included and excluded list, we instead clear all highlights then set the known highlights after that for (StimulusButton button : stimulusButtons.values()) { button.removeStyleName("stimulusButtonHighlight"); } for (Stimulus intersectedStimulus : intersectedStimuli) { final StimulusButton stimulusButton = stimulusButtons.get(intersectedStimulus); if (stimulusButton != null) { stimulusButton.addStyleName("stimulusButtonHighlight"); } } } this.schedule(10); } }; timer.schedule(10); } public void setTierCount(int tierCount) { absolutePanel.setHeight(tierHeight * tierCount + "px"); } public void addStimulusButton(final Stimulus stimulus, final StimulusGrid stimulusGrid, final VideoPanel videoPanel, final AnnotationTimelineView annotationTimelineView, final DataFactory dataFactory, final int stimulusCounter, final int columnCount, final String imageWidth) { final int topPosition = getTierTopPosition(stimulus); tierTopPositions.put(stimulus, topPosition); // final Image image = new Image(UriUtils.fromString(serviceLocations.staticFilesUrl() + stimulus.getImage())); // image.setHeight(tierHeight + "px"); // absolutePanel.add(image, 0, topPosition); // final Label tierLabel = new Label(stimulus.getLabel()); // tierLabel.setHeight(tierHeight + "px"); // absolutePanel.add(tierLabel, 0, topPosition); stimulusButtons.put(stimulus, stimulusGrid.addImageItem(new PresenterEventListner() { @Override public String getLabel() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates. } @Override public int getHotKey() { return -1; } @Override public String getStyleName() { return null; } @Override public void eventFired(ButtonBase button, SingleShotEventListner singleShotEventListner) { insertAnnotation(stimulus, videoPanel, annotationTimelineView, dataFactory); singleShotEventListner.resetSingleShot(); } }, UriUtils.fromString(stimulus.getImage()), stimulusCounter / columnCount, 1 + stimulusCounter % columnCount, imageWidth, null, -1)); } public void insertAnnotation(final Stimulus stimulus, final VideoPanel videoPanel, final AnnotationTimelineView annotationTimelineView, final DataFactory dataFactory) { final double clickedTime = videoPanel.getCurrentTime(); AnnotationData foundAnnotationData = null; for (AnnotationData currentAnnotationData : annotationLebels.keySet()) { if (currentAnnotationData.getStimulus().equals(stimulus)) { if (intersectsTime(currentAnnotationData, clickedTime)) { foundAnnotationData = currentAnnotationData; break; } } } if (foundAnnotationData != null) { foundAnnotationData.setOutTime(clickedTime); annotationLebels.get(foundAnnotationData) .setWidth(getWidth(foundAnnotationData, videoPanel.getDurationTime()) + "px"); } else { final AutoBean<AnnotationData> annotationDataBean = dataFactory.annotation(); final AnnotationData annotationData =; annotationData.setInTime(clickedTime); annotationData.setOutTime(videoPanel.getDurationTime()); annotationData.setAnnotationHtml("" + videoPanel.getCurrentTime()); annotationData.setStimulus(stimulus); insertTierAnnotation(annotationData, videoPanel, annotationTimelineView); } } private int getLeftPosition(final AnnotationData annotationData, final double durationTime) { return getLeftPosition(annotationData.getInTime(), durationTime); } private int getWidth(final AnnotationData annotationData, final double durationTime) { return getLeftPosition(annotationData.getOutTime() - annotationData.getInTime(), durationTime); } private int getLeftPosition(final double currentTime, final double durationTime) { return (int) ((currentOffsetWidth - 1) * (currentTime / durationTime)); } public boolean intersectsTime(final AnnotationData annotationData, final double currentTime) { return (currentTime >= annotationData.getInTime() && currentTime <= annotationData.getOutTime()); } public Set<AnnotationData> getAnnotations() { return annotationLebels.keySet(); } public Set<Stimulus> setAnnotations(AnnotationSet annotationSet, final VideoPanel videoPanel, final AnnotationTimelineView annotationTimelineView) { Set<Stimulus> foundStimulus = new HashSet<>(); final Set<AnnotationData> annotations = annotationSet.getAnnotations(); if (annotations != null) { for (AnnotationData annotationData : annotations) { insertTierAnnotation(annotationData, videoPanel, annotationTimelineView); foundStimulus.add(annotationData.getStimulus()); } } return foundStimulus; } private void insertTierAnnotation(final AnnotationData annotationData, final VideoPanel videoPanel, final AnnotationTimelineView annotationTimelineView) { final Label label1 = new Label(annotationData.getAnnotationHtml()); label1.setStylePrimaryName("annotationTimelineTierSegment"); final SingleShotEventListner tierSegmentListner = new SingleShotEventListner() { @Override protected void singleShotFired() { // if (addAnnotationButton != null) { // // todo: this would be better if the button was not added when a tier is clicked // absolutePanel.remove(addAnnotationButton); // } clearHighlights(); videoPanel.playSegment(annotationData); annotationTimelineView.setEditingAnnotation(annotationData); label1.setStyleDependentName("Highlight", true); resetSingleShot(); } }; label1.addClickHandler(tierSegmentListner); label1.addTouchStartHandler(tierSegmentListner); label1.addTouchMoveHandler(tierSegmentListner); label1.addTouchEndHandler(tierSegmentListner); label1.setWidth(getWidth(annotationData, videoPanel.getDurationTime()) + "px"); final int topPosition = getTierTopPosition(annotationData.getStimulus()); absolutePanel.add(label1, getLeftPosition(annotationData, videoPanel.getDurationTime()), topPosition); annotationLebels.put(annotationData, label1); } private int getTierTopPosition(Stimulus stimulus) { final int topPosition; if (tierTopPositions.containsKey(stimulus)) { topPosition = tierTopPositions.get(stimulus); } else { int stimulusCounter = tierTopPositions.size(); topPosition = tierHeight * stimulusCounter; tierTopPositions.put(stimulus, topPosition); stimulusArray.add(stimulus); } return topPosition; } public void deleteAnnotation(final AnnotationData annotationData) { absolutePanel.remove(annotationLebels.remove(annotationData)); } public void updateAnnotationText(final AnnotationData annotationData) { final Label label = annotationLebels.get(annotationData); label.setText(annotationData.getAnnotationHtml()); } private void clearHighlights() { for (Label label : annotationLebels.values()) { label.setStyleDependentName("Highlight", false); } } public void updateAnnotation(final AnnotationData annotationData) { final Label label = annotationLebels.get(annotationData); label.setWidth(getWidth(annotationData, currentVideoLength) + "px"); label.setText(annotationData.getAnnotationHtml()); final int topPosition = absolutePanel.getWidgetTop(label); absolutePanel.setWidgetPosition(label, getLeftPosition(annotationData, currentVideoLength), topPosition); } public void resizeTimeline(final double currentTime, final double durationTime) { int width = absolutePanel.getOffsetWidth(); if (currentOffsetWidth < 1 || currentOffsetWidth != width || currentVideoLength != durationTime) { // AnnotationTimelinePanel.this.setWidth(width + units); currentOffsetWidth = width; currentVideoLength = durationTime; // currentOffsetUnits = units; for (AnnotationData annotationData : annotationLebels.keySet()) { final Label label = annotationLebels.get(annotationData); label.setWidth(getWidth(annotationData, durationTime) + "px"); final int topPosition = absolutePanel.getWidgetTop(label); absolutePanel.setWidgetPosition(label, getLeftPosition(annotationData, durationTime), topPosition); } } } }