Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2012 Royal Dutch Army * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package nl.mindef.c2sc.nbs.olsr.pud.uplink.server.logger.impl; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Formatter; import java.util.FormatterClosedException; import java.util.IllegalFormatException; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import nl.mindef.c2sc.nbs.olsr.pud.uplink.server.constants.Constants; import nl.mindef.c2sc.nbs.olsr.pud.uplink.server.dao.ClusterLeaderMsgs; import nl.mindef.c2sc.nbs.olsr.pud.uplink.server.dao.Nodes; import nl.mindef.c2sc.nbs.olsr.pud.uplink.server.dao.PositionUpdateMsgs; import nl.mindef.c2sc.nbs.olsr.pud.uplink.server.dao.RelayServers; import nl.mindef.c2sc.nbs.olsr.pud.uplink.server.dao.Senders; import nl.mindef.c2sc.nbs.olsr.pud.uplink.server.dao.domainmodel.ClusterLeaderMsg; import nl.mindef.c2sc.nbs.olsr.pud.uplink.server.dao.domainmodel.Node; import nl.mindef.c2sc.nbs.olsr.pud.uplink.server.dao.domainmodel.PositionUpdateMsg; import nl.mindef.c2sc.nbs.olsr.pud.uplink.server.dao.domainmodel.Sender; import nl.mindef.c2sc.nbs.olsr.pud.uplink.server.dao.util.TxChecker; import nl.mindef.c2sc.nbs.olsr.pud.uplink.server.logger.DatabaseLogger; import nl.mindef.c2sc.nbs.olsr.pud.uplink.server.reportonce.ReportOnce; import nl.mindef.c2sc.nbs.olsr.pud.uplink.server.reportonce.ReportSubject; import org.apache.log4j.Level; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.olsr.plugin.pud.PositionUpdate; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Required; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; @Repository public class DatabaseLoggerImpl implements DatabaseLogger { protected Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName()); private String databaseLogFile = null; /** * @param databaseLogFile * the databaseLogFile to set */ @Required public void setDatabaseLogFile(String databaseLogFile) { this.databaseLogFile = databaseLogFile; } private String dotSimpleFile = null; /** * @param dotSimpleFile * the dotFullFile to set */ @Required public void setDotSimpleFile(String dotSimpleFile) { this.dotSimpleFile = dotSimpleFile; } private String dotFullFile = null; /** * @param dotFullFile * the dotFullFile to set */ @Required public void setDotFullFile(String dotFullFile) { this.dotFullFile = dotFullFile; } private boolean detectDuplicateNames = true; /** * @param detectDuplicateNames * the detectDuplicateNames to set */ @Required public final void setDetectDuplicateNames(boolean detectDuplicateNames) { this.detectDuplicateNames = detectDuplicateNames; } private boolean generateSVG = false; /** * @param generateSVG * the generateSVG to set */ @Required public void setGenerateSVG(boolean generateSVG) { this.generateSVG = generateSVG; } private String svgSimpleFile = null; /** * @param svgSimpleFile * the svgSimpleFile to set */ @Required public void setSvgSimpleFile(String svgSimpleFile) { this.svgSimpleFile = svgSimpleFile; } private String svgFullFile = null; /** * @param svgFullFile * the svgFullFile to set */ @Required public void setSvgFullFile(String svgFullFile) { this.svgFullFile = svgFullFile; } /** the Node handler */ private Nodes nodes; /** * @param nodes * the nodes to set */ @Required public void setNodes(Nodes nodes) { this.nodes = nodes; } /** the PositionUpdateMsgs handler */ private PositionUpdateMsgs positionUpdateMsgs; /** * @param positionUpdateMsgs * the positionUpdateMsgs to set */ @Required public void setPositions(PositionUpdateMsgs positionUpdateMsgs) { this.positionUpdateMsgs = positionUpdateMsgs; } /** the ClusterLeaderMsgs handler */ private ClusterLeaderMsgs clusterLeaderMsgs; /** * @param clusterLeaderMsgs * the clusterLeaderMsgs to set */ @Required public void setClusterLeaderMsgs(ClusterLeaderMsgs clusterLeaderMsgs) { this.clusterLeaderMsgs = clusterLeaderMsgs; } private RelayServers relayServers; /** * @param relayServers * the relayServers to set */ @Required public void setRelayServers(RelayServers relayServers) { this.relayServers = relayServers; } private Senders senders; /** * @param senders * the senders to set */ @Required public void setSenders(Senders senders) { this.senders = senders; } private ReportOnce reportOnce; /** * @param reportOnce * the reportOnce to set */ @Required public final void setReportOnce(ReportOnce reportOnce) { this.reportOnce = reportOnce; } private TxChecker txChecker; /** * @param txChecker * the txChecker to set */ @Required public final void setTxChecker(TxChecker txChecker) { this.txChecker = txChecker; } /* * Main */ private static final String dotNodeTemplateSimple = "%n%s%s [shape=%s, style=filled, fillcolor=%s, label=\"%s\"%s]%n"; private static final String dotNodeTemplateFullIp = "%n%s%s [shape=box, margin=0, label=<%n" + " <table border=\"0\" cellborder=\"1\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"4\">%n" + " <tr><td bgcolor=\"%s\">%s</td></tr>%n" + " <tr><td bgcolor=\"%s\">%s</td></tr>%n" + " </table>>%s];%n"; private static final String dotNodeTemplateFull = "%n%s%s [shape=box, margin=0, label=<%n" + " <table border=\"0\" cellborder=\"1\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"4\">%n" + " <tr><td bgcolor=\"%s\">%s</td></tr>%n" + " <tr><td bgcolor=\"%s\">%s</td></tr>%n" + " <tr><td bgcolor=\"%s\">%s</td></tr>%n" + " </table>>%s];%n"; private static final String shapeNormal = "ellipse"; private static final String shapeClusterLeader = "box"; private static final String colorSimpleOk = "white"; private static final String colorSimpleNotOk = "red"; private static final String colorFullOk = colorSimpleOk; private static final String colorFullNotOk = colorSimpleNotOk; protected static String getNodeNameOrIp(Node node) { PositionUpdateMsg puMsg = node.getPositionUpdateMsg(); if (puMsg == null) { /* use IP variant */ return node.getMainIp().getHostAddress().toString(); } /* use named variant */ return puMsg.getPositionUpdateMsg().getPositionUpdateNodeId(); } private static void writeDotNode(OutputStream gvoss, OutputStream gvos, Node node, String indent) throws IllegalFormatException, FormatterClosedException, IOException { StringBuilder sbSimple = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder sbFull = new StringBuilder(); Formatter formatterSimple = null; Formatter formatterFull = null; try { formatterSimple = new Formatter(sbSimple); formatterFull = new Formatter(sbFull); Sender sender = node.getSender(); String senderIP = (sender == null) ? "" : "" + sender.getIp().getHostAddress() + ":" + sender.getPort(); String senderColor = (sender == null) ? colorFullNotOk : colorFullOk; Long nodeId = node.getId(); String nodeIP = node.getMainIp().getHostAddress().toString(); PositionUpdateMsg nodePU = node.getPositionUpdateMsg(); PositionUpdate nodePUMsg = (nodePU == null) ? null : nodePU.getPositionUpdateMsg(); String nodeSimpleColor = (nodePUMsg == null) ? colorSimpleNotOk : colorSimpleOk; String nodeColor = (nodePUMsg == null) ? colorFullNotOk : colorFullOk; String nodeShape = node.getClusterNodes().isEmpty() ? shapeNormal : shapeClusterLeader; String nodeName = getNodeNameOrIp(node); String url = (sender == null) ? "" : ", URL=\"http://" + sender.getIp().getHostAddress() + "\""; formatterSimple.format(dotNodeTemplateSimple, indent, nodeId, nodeShape, nodeSimpleColor, nodeName, url); if ((nodePUMsg == null) || (nodePUMsg.getPositionUpdateNodeIdType() == 4) || (nodePUMsg.getPositionUpdateNodeIdType() == 6)) { /* use IP variant */ formatterFull.format(dotNodeTemplateFullIp, indent, nodeId, nodeColor, nodeName, senderColor, senderIP, url); } else { /* use named variant */ formatterFull.format(dotNodeTemplateFull, indent, nodeId, nodeColor, nodeName, colorFullOk, nodeIP, senderColor, senderIP, url); } /* now write graph */ ClusterLeaderMsg nodeCL = node.getClusterLeaderMsg(); if (nodeCL != null) { formatterSimple.format("%s%s -> %s%n", indent, nodeId, nodeCL.getClusterLeaderNode().getId()); formatterFull.format("%s%s -> %s%n", indent, nodeId, nodeCL.getClusterLeaderNode().getId()); } gvoss.write(sbSimple.toString().getBytes(Constants.CHARSET_DEFAULT)); gvos.write(sbFull.toString().getBytes(Constants.CHARSET_DEFAULT)); } finally { if (formatterSimple != null) { formatterSimple.close(); formatterSimple = null; } if (formatterFull != null) { formatterFull.close(); formatterFull = null; } } } protected static class NodeNameComparatorOnIp implements Comparator<Node>, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -2764537819530543962L; @Override public int compare(Node o1, Node o2) { return o1.getMainIp().getHostAddress().toString().compareTo(o2.getMainIp().getHostAddress().toString()); } } private static void addNode2NameMap(Map<String, List<Node>> nodeName2Nodes, Node node) { assert (nodeName2Nodes != null); assert (node != null); String nodeName = getNodeNameOrIp(node); List<Node> mapping = nodeName2Nodes.get(nodeName); if (mapping == null) { mapping = new LinkedList<Node>(); mapping.add(node); nodeName2Nodes.put(nodeName, mapping); } else { if (!mapping.contains(node)) { mapping.add(node); } } } private void warnOnDuplicateNames(Map<String, List<Node>> nodeName2Nodes) { if (nodeName2Nodes == null) { return; } for (Map.Entry<String, List<Node>> entry : nodeName2Nodes.entrySet()) { List<Node> mapping = entry.getValue(); if (mapping.size() <= 1) { continue; } Collections.sort(mapping, new NodeNameComparatorOnIp()); boolean warn = false; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (Node node : mapping) { if (this.reportOnce.add(ReportSubject.DUPLICATE_NODE_NAME, entry.getKey(), node.getMainIp().getHostAddress().toString())) { warn = true; sb.append(" "); sb.append(node.getMainIp().getHostAddress().toString()); Sender sender = node.getSender(); if (sender != null) { sb.append(", received from "); sb.append(sender.getIp().getHostAddress().toString()); sb.append(":"); sb.append(sender.getPort()); } sb.append("\n"); } } if (warn) { sb.insert(0, "\nDetected node(s) using existing name \"" + entry.getKey() + "\":\n"); this.logger.warn(sb.toString()); } } } private void checkDuplicateNames(List<List<Node>> clusters) { if (clusters == null) { return; } this.logger.debug("Checking for duplicate node names"); try { Map<String, List<Node>> nodeName2Nodes = new TreeMap<String, List<Node>>(); for (List<Node> cluster : clusters) { for (Node clusterNode : cluster) { addNode2NameMap(nodeName2Nodes, clusterNode); } } warnOnDuplicateNames(nodeName2Nodes); } catch (Exception e) { this.logger.error("Error while checking for duplicate names", e); } } private void generateDotAndSVG(List<List<Node>> clusters) throws IOException { this.logger.debug("Creating SVG files"); Map<String, List<Node>> nodeName2Nodes = null; this.dotSimpleFileOSChannel.position(0); this.dotFullFileOSChannel.position(0); String header = "digraph SmartGatewayMap {\n" + " label=\"OLSR SmartGateway Clusters of " + new Date() + "\"\n" + " labelloc=t\n" + " labeljust=l\n"; this.dotSimpleFileOS.write(header.getBytes(Constants.CHARSET_DEFAULT)); this.dotFullFileOS.write(header.getBytes(Constants.CHARSET_DEFAULT)); try { if (clusters != null) { if (this.detectDuplicateNames) { nodeName2Nodes = new TreeMap<String, List<Node>>(); this.logger.debug(" and also checking for duplicate node names"); } int clusterIndex = 1; for (List<Node> cluster : clusters) { String s = ((clusterIndex == 1) ? "" : "\n") + " subgraph cluster" + clusterIndex++ + " {\n" + " label=\"\";\n" + " style=filled;\n" + " fillcolor=lightgrey;\n" + " color=black;\n"; this.dotSimpleFileOS.write(s.getBytes(Constants.CHARSET_DEFAULT)); this.dotFullFileOS.write(s.getBytes(Constants.CHARSET_DEFAULT)); try { for (Node node : cluster) { writeDotNode(this.dotSimpleFileOS, this.dotFullFileOS, node, " "); if (this.detectDuplicateNames) { addNode2NameMap(nodeName2Nodes, node); } } } finally { this.dotSimpleFileOS.write(" }\n".getBytes(Constants.CHARSET_DEFAULT)); this.dotFullFileOS.write(" }\n".getBytes(Constants.CHARSET_DEFAULT)); } } } } catch (Exception e) { this.logger.error("Error while generating the dot file", e); } finally { this.dotSimpleFileOS.write("}\n".getBytes(Constants.CHARSET_DEFAULT)); this.dotFullFileOS.write("}\n".getBytes(Constants.CHARSET_DEFAULT)); } this.dotSimpleFileOS.flush(); this.dotFullFileOS.flush(); this.dotSimpleFileOSChannel.truncate(this.dotSimpleFileOSChannel.position()); this.dotFullFileOSChannel.truncate(this.dotFullFileOSChannel.position()); this.logger.debug("Generating SVG file"); Runtime.getRuntime().exec("fdp -Tsvg " + this.dotSimpleFile + " -o " + this.svgSimpleFile); Runtime.getRuntime().exec("fdp -Tsvg " + this.dotFullFile + " -o " + this.svgFullFile); warnOnDuplicateNames(nodeName2Nodes); } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = true) public void logit() throws IOException { try { this.txChecker.checkInTx("DatabaseLogger::logit"); } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); } this.databaseLogFileOSChannel.position(0); this.logger.debug("Writing database logfile"); this.relayServers.print(this.databaseLogFileOS); this.databaseLogFileOS.write(eol); this.senders.print(this.databaseLogFileOS); this.databaseLogFileOS.write(eol); this.nodes.print(this.databaseLogFileOS); this.databaseLogFileOS.write(eol); this.positionUpdateMsgs.print(this.databaseLogFileOS); this.databaseLogFileOS.write(eol); this.clusterLeaderMsgs.print(this.databaseLogFileOS); this.databaseLogFileOSChannel.truncate(this.databaseLogFileOSChannel.position()); this.databaseLogFileOS.flush(); if (this.generateSVG || this.detectDuplicateNames) { List<List<Node>> clusters = this.nodes.getClusters(null); if (this.generateSVG) { generateDotAndSVG(clusters); } else if (this.detectDuplicateNames) { checkDuplicateNames(clusters); } } } private FileOutputStream databaseLogFileOS = null; private FileChannel databaseLogFileOSChannel = null; private FileOutputStream dotSimpleFileOS = null; private FileChannel dotSimpleFileOSChannel = null; private FileOutputStream dotFullFileOS = null; private FileChannel dotFullFileOSChannel = null; private static final byte[] eol; static { try { eol = "\n".getBytes(Constants.CHARSET_DEFAULT); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(e); } } @Override public void init() throws FileNotFoundException { this.databaseLogFileOS = new FileOutputStream(this.databaseLogFile, false); this.databaseLogFileOSChannel = this.databaseLogFileOS.getChannel(); if (this.generateSVG) { this.dotSimpleFileOS = new FileOutputStream(this.dotSimpleFile, false); this.dotSimpleFileOSChannel = this.dotSimpleFileOS.getChannel(); this.dotFullFileOS = new FileOutputStream(this.dotFullFile, false); this.dotFullFileOSChannel = this.dotFullFileOS.getChannel(); } } public void uninit() { if (this.databaseLogFileOSChannel != null) { try { this.databaseLogFileOSChannel.close(); } catch (IOException e) { /* ignore */ } this.databaseLogFileOSChannel = null; } if (this.dotSimpleFileOS != null) { try { this.dotSimpleFileOS.close(); } catch (IOException e) { /* ignore */ } this.dotSimpleFileOS = null; } if (this.dotFullFileOS != null) { try { this.dotFullFileOS.close(); } catch (IOException e) { /* ignore */ } this.dotFullFileOS = null; } if (this.databaseLogFileOS != null) { try { this.databaseLogFileOS.close(); } catch (IOException e) { /* ignore */ } this.databaseLogFileOS = null; } } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = true) public void log(Logger log, Level level) { try { this.txChecker.checkInTx("DatabaseLogger::log"); } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { this.relayServers.log(log, level); this.senders.log(log, level); this.nodes.log(log, level); this.positionUpdateMsgs.log(log, level); this.clusterLeaderMsgs.log(log, level); } catch (Throwable t) { this.logger.error("Error while logging database", t); } } }