Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package nl.meertens.cmdi; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import joptsimple.OptionParser; import joptsimple.OptionSet; import; import org.codehaus.stax2.XMLInputFactory2; import org.codehaus.stax2.XMLStreamReader2; import org.codehaus.stax2.evt.XMLEvent2; /** * * @author menzowi */ public class FindProfiles { static final String CMD_NS = ""; static final String CR_URI = ""; static final String XSI_NS = ""; static final int ERROR = -1; static final int START = 0; static final int OPEN_CMD = 1; static final int OPEN_HEADER = 2; static final int OPEN_MDPROFILE = 3; static final int STOP = 9; private static void showHelp() { System.err.println("INF: findProfiles <options> -- <DIR>?"); System.err.println("INF: <DIR> source directory to recurse for CMD files (default: .)"); System.err.println("INF: findProfiles options:"); System.err.println("INF: -e=<EXT> the extension of CMDI files (default: cmdi)"); System.err.println("INF: -d show debug info"); System.err.println("INF: -v be verbose"); } public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException { Boolean debug = false; Boolean verbose = false; String dir = "."; String ext = "cmdi"; // check command line OptionParser parser = new OptionParser("dve:?*"); OptionSet options = parser.parse(args); if (options.has("d")) debug = true; if (options.has("v")) verbose = true; if (options.has("e")) ext = (String) options.valueOf("e"); if (options.has("?")) { showHelp(); System.exit(0); } List arg = options.nonOptionArguments(); if (arg.size() > 1) { System.err.println("!FTL: only one source <DIR> argument is allowed!"); showHelp(); System.exit(1); } if (arg.size() == 1) dir = (String) arg.get(0); Set<String> profiles = new HashSet<String>(); Pattern cr_rest = Pattern.compile("^.*" + CR_URI + "rest/registry/profiles/", Pattern.DOTALL); Pattern cr_ext = Pattern.compile("/xsd.*$", Pattern.DOTALL); XMLInputFactory2 xmlif = (XMLInputFactory2) XMLInputFactory2.newInstance(); xmlif.configureForConvenience(); Collection<File> inputs = FileUtils.listFiles(new File(dir), new String[] { ext }, true); int e = 0; int i = 0; int s = inputs.size(); for (File input : inputs) { i++; if (verbose) System.err.println("?INF: " + i + "/" + s + ": " + input); int state = START; int sdepth = 0; int depth = 0; XMLStreamReader2 xmlr = null; FileInputStream in = null; String profile = null; try { in = new FileInputStream(input); xmlr = (XMLStreamReader2) xmlif.createXMLStreamReader(in); while (state != STOP && state != ERROR) { int eventType = xmlr.getEventType(); QName qn = null; switch (eventType) { case XMLEvent2.START_ELEMENT: depth++; qn = xmlr.getName(); break; case XMLEvent2.END_ELEMENT: qn = xmlr.getName(); break; } switch (state) { case START: switch (eventType) { case XMLEvent2.START_ELEMENT: if (qn.getNamespaceURI().equals(CMD_NS) && qn.getLocalPart().equals("CMD")) { state = OPEN_CMD; sdepth = depth; String prof = xmlr.getAttributeValue(XSI_NS, "schemaLocation"); if (prof != null) { if (prof.contains(CR_URI)) { prof = cr_rest.matcher(prof).replaceFirst(""); prof = cr_ext.matcher(prof).replaceFirst(""); profile = prof; if (verbose || debug) System.out.println("?" + (debug ? "DBG" : "INF") + ": " + input + ": xsi:schemaLocation[" + prof + "]"); } else System.err.println("!WRN: " + input + ": xsi:schemaLocation[" + prof + "] doesn't contain a reference to a CMD profile in CR!"); } } else { System.err.println("!ERR: " + input + ": no cmd:CMD root found!"); state = ERROR; } break; case XMLEvent2.END_DOCUMENT: System.err.println("!ERR: " + input + ": no XML content found!"); state = ERROR; break; } break; case OPEN_CMD: switch (eventType) { case XMLEvent2.START_ELEMENT: if (qn.getNamespaceURI().equals(CMD_NS) && qn.getLocalPart().equals("Header")) { state = OPEN_HEADER; sdepth = depth; } else { System.err.println("!ERR: " + input + ": no cmd:CMD/cmd:Header found!"); state = ERROR; } break; case XMLEvent2.END_ELEMENT: if (qn.getNamespaceURI().equals(CMD_NS) && qn.getLocalPart().equals("CMD") && sdepth == depth) { System.err.println("!ERR: " + input + ": no cmd:CMD/cmd:Header found!"); state = ERROR; } break; } break; case OPEN_HEADER: switch (eventType) { case XMLEvent2.START_ELEMENT: if (qn.getNamespaceURI().equals(CMD_NS) && qn.getLocalPart().equals("MdProfile") && sdepth + 1 == depth) { state = OPEN_MDPROFILE; } break; case XMLEvent2.END_ELEMENT: if (qn.getNamespaceURI().equals(CMD_NS) && qn.getLocalPart().equals("Header") && sdepth == depth) { System.err.println("!" + (profile == null ? "ERR" : "WRN") + ": " + input + ": no cmd:CMD/cmd:Header/cmd:MdProfile found!"); state = ERROR; } break; } break; case OPEN_MDPROFILE: switch (eventType) { case XMLEvent2.CHARACTERS: String prof = xmlr.getText(); prof = cr_rest.matcher(prof).replaceFirst(""); prof = cr_ext.matcher(prof).replaceFirst(""); if (verbose || debug) System.out.println( "?" + (debug ? "DBG" : "INF") + ": " + input + ": MdProfile[" + prof + "]"); if (profile == null) profile = prof; else if (!prof.equals(profile)) System.out.println("!WRN: " + input + ": MdProfile[" + prof + "] and xsi:schemaLocation[" + profile + "] contradict!"); state = STOP; break; default: state = STOP; break; } break; } switch (eventType) { case XMLEvent2.END_ELEMENT: depth--; break; } eventType =; } } catch (Exception ex) { System.err.println("!ERR: " + input + ": " + ex); ex.printStackTrace(System.err); state = ERROR; } finally { try { xmlr.close(); in.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { System.err.println("!ERR: " + input + ": " + ex); ex.printStackTrace(System.err); state = ERROR; } } if (profile != null) profiles.add(profile); if (state == ERROR) e++; } for (String profile : profiles) { System.out.println(profile); } System.exit(e); } }