Java tutorial
package; /* * #%L * Timbuctoo core * ======= * Copyright (C) 2012 - 2015 Huygens ING * ======= * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program. If not, see * <>. * #L% */ import static nl.knaw.huygens.timbuctoo.config.TypeNames.getInternalName; import static nl.knaw.huygens.timbuctoo.config.TypeRegistry.toBaseDomainEntity; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import nl.knaw.huygens.timbuctoo.config.TypeNames; import nl.knaw.huygens.timbuctoo.config.TypeRegistry; import nl.knaw.huygens.timbuctoo.model.DomainEntity; import nl.knaw.huygens.timbuctoo.model.Entity; import nl.knaw.huygens.timbuctoo.model.Relation; import nl.knaw.huygens.timbuctoo.model.SystemEntity; import nl.knaw.huygens.timbuctoo.model.util.Change; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ArrayNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject; import com.mongodb.DBCollection; import com.mongodb.DBCursor; import com.mongodb.DBObject; import com.mongodb.MongoException; public class MongoStorage implements Storage { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MongoStorage.class); private final MongoDB mongoDB; private final EntityIds entityIds; private final EntityInducer inducer; protected final EntityReducer reducer; private final MongoQueries queries; private final ObjectMapper objectMapper; private final Properties properties; private final TreeEncoderFactory treeEncoderFactory; private final TreeDecoderFactory treeDecoderFactory; @Inject public MongoStorage(MongoDB mongoDB, EntityIds entityIds, Properties properties, EntityInducer inducer, EntityReducer reducer) { this.mongoDB = mongoDB; this.entityIds = entityIds; = properties; this.inducer = inducer; this.reducer = reducer; queries = new MongoQueries(); objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); treeEncoderFactory = new TreeEncoderFactory(objectMapper); treeDecoderFactory = new TreeDecoderFactory(); } private String propertyName(Class<? extends Entity> type, String fieldName) { return properties.propertyName(type, fieldName); } @Override public void createIndex(boolean unique, Class<? extends Entity> type, String... fields) throws StorageException { DBObject keys = new BasicDBObject(); for (String field : fields) { keys.put(propertyName(type, field), 1); } mongoDB.createIndex(getDBCollection(type), keys, new BasicDBObject("unique", unique)); } @Override public <T extends Entity> String getStatistics(Class<T> type) { try { return mongoDB.getStats(getDBCollection(type)).toString(); } catch (StorageException e) { return "?"; } } @Override public void close() { mongoDB.close(); } @Override public boolean isAvailable() { return mongoDB.isAvailable(); } // --- support ------------------------------------------------------- private final Map<Class<? extends Entity>, DBCollection> collectionCache = Maps.newHashMap(); protected <T extends Entity> DBCollection getDBCollection(Class<T> type) { DBCollection collection = collectionCache.get(type); if (collection == null) { Class<? extends Entity> baseType = getBaseClass(type); String collectionName = getInternalName(baseType); collection = mongoDB.getCollection(collectionName); collection.setDBDecoderFactory(treeDecoderFactory); collection.setDBEncoderFactory(treeEncoderFactory); collectionCache.put(type, collection); } return collection; } protected <T extends Entity> DBCollection getVersionCollection(Class<T> type) { Class<? extends Entity> baseType = getBaseClass(type); String collectionName = getInternalName(baseType) + "_versions"; DBCollection collection = mongoDB.getCollection(collectionName); collection.setDBDecoderFactory(treeDecoderFactory); collection.setDBEncoderFactory(treeEncoderFactory); return collection; } private Class<? extends Entity> getBaseClass(Class<? extends Entity> type) { return TypeRegistry.getBaseClass(type); } private DBObject toDBObject(JsonNode node) { return new JacksonDBObject<JsonNode>(node, JsonNode.class); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected JsonNode toJsonNode(DBObject object) throws StorageException { if (object instanceof JacksonDBObject) { return (((JacksonDBObject<JsonNode>) object).getObject()); } else if (object instanceof DBJsonNode) { return ((DBJsonNode) object).getDelegate(); } else { LOG.error("Failed to convert {}", object.getClass()); throw new StorageException("Unknown DBObject type"); } } @VisibleForTesting static <T extends Entity> StorageIterator<T> newStorageIterator(Class<T> type, DBCursor cursor, EntityReducer reducer) { if (cursor == null) { return StorageIteratorStub.newInstance(); } else { return new MongoStorageIterator<T>(type, cursor, reducer); } } // --- generic storage layer ----------------------------------------- private JsonNode getExisting(Class<? extends Entity> type, DBObject query) throws StorageException { DBObject dbObject = getDBCollection(type).findOne(query); if (dbObject == null) { LOG.error("No match for query \"%s\"", query); throw new NoSuchEntityException("No match for query", query); } return toJsonNode(dbObject); } private <T extends Entity> T getItem(Class<T> type, DBObject query) throws StorageException { DBObject item = mongoDB.findOne(getDBCollection(type), query); return (item != null) ? reducer.reduceVariation(type, toJsonNode(item)) : null; } private <T extends Entity> StorageIterator<T> findItems(Class<T> type, DBObject query) throws StorageException { DBCursor cursor = mongoDB.find(getDBCollection(type), query); return newStorageIterator(type, cursor, reducer); } @Override public <T extends Entity> long count(Class<T> type) { try { return mongoDB.count(getDBCollection(type)); } catch (StorageException e) { return 0; } } // --- entities ------------------------------------------------------ @Override public <T extends Entity> boolean entityExists(Class<T> type, String id) throws StorageException { DBObject query = queries.selectById(id); return mongoDB.exist(getDBCollection(type), query); } @Override public <T extends Entity> T getEntityOrDefaultVariation(Class<T> type, String id) throws StorageException { DBObject query = queries.selectById(id); return getItem(type, query); } @Override public <T extends Entity> T getEntity(Class<T> type, String id) throws StorageException { DBObject query = queries.selectById(id); DBObject object = mongoDB.findOne(getDBCollection(type), query); if (object == null) { return null; } JsonNode existing = toJsonNode(object); if (TypeRegistry.isDomainEntity(type) && existing.isObject()) { ObjectNode objectTree = (ObjectNode) existing; if (!doesVariationExist(TypeNames.getInternalName(type), objectTree)) { return null; } } return reducer.reduceVariation(type, existing); } @Override public <T extends SystemEntity> StorageIterator<T> getSystemEntities(Class<T> type) throws StorageException { DBObject query = queries.selectAll(); return findItems(type, query); } @Override public <T extends DomainEntity> StorageIterator<T> getDomainEntities(Class<T> type) throws StorageException { DBObject query = TypeRegistry.isPrimitiveDomainEntity(type) ? queries.selectAll() : queries.selectVariation(type); return findItems(type, query); } @Override public <T extends Entity> StorageIterator<T> getEntitiesByProperty(Class<T> type, String field, String value) throws StorageException { DBObject query = queries.selectByProperty(propertyName(type, field), value); return findItems(type, query); } @Override public <T extends SystemEntity> String addSystemEntity(Class<T> type, T entity) throws StorageException { Change change = Change.newInternalInstance(); String id = entityIds.getNextId(type); entity.setId(id); entity.setRev(1); entity.setCreated(change); entity.setModified(change); JsonNode tree = inducer.convertSystemEntityForAdd(type, entity); mongoDB.insert(getDBCollection(type), id, toDBObject(tree)); return id; } @Override public <T extends DomainEntity> String addDomainEntity(Class<T> type, T entity, Change change) throws StorageException { String id = entityIds.getNextId(type); entity.setId(id); entity.setRev(1); entity.setCreated(change); entity.setModified(change); entity.setPid(null); entity.setDeleted(false); entity.setVariations(null); // make sure the list is empty entity.addVariation(toBaseDomainEntity(type)); entity.addVariation(type); JsonNode tree = inducer.convertDomainEntityForAdd(type, entity); mongoDB.insert(getDBCollection(type), id, toDBObject(tree)); return id; } @Override public <T extends SystemEntity> void updateSystemEntity(Class<T> type, T entity) throws UpdateException, StorageException { Change change = Change.newInternalInstance(); String id = entity.getId(); int revision = entity.getRev(); checkIfEntityExists(type, id, revision); DBObject query = queries.selectByIdAndRevision(id, revision); JsonNode tree = getExisting(type, query); SystemEntity systemEntity = reducer.reduceVariation(type, tree); systemEntity.setRev(revision + 1); systemEntity.setModified(change); inducer.adminSystemEntity(systemEntity, (ObjectNode) tree); inducer.convertSystemEntityForUpdate(type, entity, (ObjectNode) tree); mongoDB.update(getDBCollection(type), query, toDBObject(tree)); } @Override public <T extends DomainEntity> void updateDomainEntity(Class<T> type, T entity, Change change) throws UpdateException, StorageException { String id = entity.getId(); int revision = entity.getRev(); checkIfEntityExists(type, id, revision); DBObject query = queries.selectByIdAndRevision(id, revision); JsonNode tree = getExisting(type, query); DomainEntity domainEntity = reducer.reduceVariation(toBaseDomainEntity(type), tree); domainEntity.setRev(revision + 1); domainEntity.setModified(change); domainEntity.setPid(null); domainEntity.addVariation(type); inducer.adminDomainEntity(domainEntity, (ObjectNode) tree); inducer.convertDomainEntityForUpdate(type, entity, (ObjectNode) tree); mongoDB.update(getDBCollection(type), query, toDBObject(tree)); } /** * A method that checks if the entity is present in the database. * @param type the type of the entity * @param id the id of the entity * @param revision the revision of the entity * @throws StorageException when one of the query executions fails. * @throws NoSuchEntityException when the entity is not available at all. * @throws UpdateException when the requested version is not available. */ private <T extends Entity> void checkIfEntityExists(Class<T> type, String id, int revision) throws StorageException, NoSuchEntityException, UpdateException { if (!revisionExists(type, id, revision)) { if (!entityExists(type, id)) { throw new NoSuchEntityException("\"%s\" with id \"%s\" does not exist.", type.getSimpleName(), id); } throw new UpdateException( String.format("\"%s\" with id \"%s\" and revision \"%s\" could not be updated.", type.getSimpleName(), id, "" + revision)); } } private <T extends Entity> boolean revisionExists(Class<T> type, String id, int revision) throws StorageException { DBObject query = queries.selectByIdAndRevision(id, revision); return mongoDB.exist(getDBCollection(type), query); } @Override public <T extends DomainEntity> void deleteDomainEntity(Class<T> type, String id, Change change) throws StorageException { if (!TypeRegistry.isPrimitiveDomainEntity(type)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only primitive DomainEntities can be deleted. " + type.getSimpleName() + " is not a primitive DomainEntity."); } if (mongoDB.remove(getDBCollection(type), queries.selectById(id)) <= 0) { throw new NoSuchEntityException(type, id); } } @Override public void deleteRelationsOfEntity(Class<Relation> type, String id) throws StorageException { mongoDB.remove(getDBCollection(type), queries.selectRelationsByEntityId(id)); } @Override public <T extends DomainEntity> void deleteVariation(Class<T> type, String id, Change change) throws StorageException { String variationToDelete = TypeNames.getInternalName(type); if (TypeRegistry.isPrimitiveDomainEntity(type)) { throwTypeIsAPrimitiveException(type); } DBObject query = queries.selectById(id); JsonNode tree = getExisting(type, query); if (tree.isObject()) { ObjectNode objectTree = (ObjectNode) tree; if (!doesVariationExist(variationToDelete, objectTree)) { throw new NoSuchEntityException(type, id); } List<String> fieldsToDelete = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Iterator<String> fieldNames = objectTree.fieldNames(); fieldNames.hasNext();) { String fieldName =; if (StringUtils.startsWith(fieldName, variationToDelete)) { fieldsToDelete.add(fieldName); } } objectTree.remove(fieldsToDelete); } DomainEntity entity = reducer.reduceVariation(toBaseDomainEntity(type), tree); int revision = entity.getRev(); entity.setRev(revision + 1); entity.setModified(change); entity.setPid(null); entity.getVariations().remove(variationToDelete); inducer.adminDomainEntity(entity, (ObjectNode) tree); mongoDB.update(getDBCollection(type), query, toDBObject(tree)); } @Override public <T extends Relation> void declineRelationsOfEntity(Class<T> type, String id, Change change) throws StorageException { if (TypeRegistry.isPrimitiveDomainEntity(type)) { throwTypeIsAPrimitiveException(type); } Map<String, Object> propertyMap = Maps.newHashMap(); propertyMap.put(propertyName(type, "accepted"), false); propertyMap.put(DomainEntity.PID, null); BasicDBObject setQuery = new BasicDBObject(); setQuery.putAll(queries.setPropertiesToValue(propertyMap)); setQuery.putAll(queries.incrementRevision()); getDBCollection(type).update(queries.selectRelationsByEntityId(id), setQuery, false, true); } private void throwTypeIsAPrimitiveException(Class<? extends DomainEntity> type) throws IllegalArgumentException { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Only project variations can be deleted. " + type.getSimpleName() + " is a primitive."); } @Override public <T extends DomainEntity> void setPID(Class<T> type, String id, String pid) throws StorageException { DBObject query = queries.selectById(id); JsonNode tree = getExisting(type, query); DomainEntity domainEntity = reducer.reduceVariation(toBaseDomainEntity(type), tree); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(domainEntity.getPid())) { throw new IllegalStateException( String.format("%s with %s already has a pid: %s", type.getSimpleName(), id, pid)); } domainEntity.setPid(pid); inducer.adminDomainEntity(domainEntity, (ObjectNode) tree); mongoDB.update(getDBCollection(type), query, toDBObject(tree)); addVersion(type, id, tree); } private <T extends Entity> void addVersion(Class<T> type, String id, JsonNode tree) throws StorageException { DBCollection collection = getVersionCollection(type); DBObject query = queries.selectById(id); if (collection.findOne(query) == null) { ObjectNode node = objectMapper.createObjectNode(); node.put("_id", id); node.put("versions", objectMapper.createArrayNode()); mongoDB.insert(collection, id, toDBObject(node)); } ObjectNode versionNode = objectMapper.createObjectNode(); versionNode.put("versions", tree); ObjectNode update = objectMapper.createObjectNode(); update.put("$push", versionNode); mongoDB.update(collection, query, toDBObject(update)); } // --- system entities ----------------------------------------------- @Override public <T extends Entity> T findItemByProperty(Class<T> type, String field, String value) throws StorageException { DBObject query = queries.selectByProperty(propertyName(type, field), value); return getItem(type, query); } @Override public <T extends SystemEntity> int deleteSystemEntity(Class<T> type, String id) throws StorageException { DBObject query = queries.selectById(id); return mongoDB.remove(getDBCollection(type), query); } @Override public <T extends SystemEntity> int deleteSystemEntities(Class<T> type) throws StorageException { DBObject query = queries.selectAll(); return mongoDB.remove(getDBCollection(type), query); } @Override public <T extends SystemEntity> int deleteByModifiedDate(Class<T> type, Date dateValue) throws StorageException { DBObject query = queries.selectByModifiedDate(dateValue); return mongoDB.remove(getDBCollection(type), query); } // --- domain entities ----------------------------------------------- @Override public <T extends DomainEntity> List<T> getAllVariations(Class<T> type, String id) throws StorageException { Preconditions.checkArgument(TypeRegistry.isPrimitiveDomainEntity(type), "Nonprimitive type %s", type); DBObject query = queries.selectById(id); DBObject item = mongoDB.findOne(getDBCollection(type), query); if (item != null) { return reducer.reduceAllVariations(type, toJsonNode(item)); } else { return Collections.emptyList(); } } @Override public <T extends DomainEntity> List<T> getAllRevisions(Class<T> type, String id) throws StorageException { DBObject query = queries.selectById(id); DBObject item = mongoDB.findOne(getVersionCollection(type), query); return (item != null) ? reducer.reduceAllRevisions(type, toJsonNode(item)) : Lists.<T>newArrayList(); } @Override public <T extends DomainEntity> T getRevision(Class<T> type, String id, int revision) throws StorageException { DBObject query = queries.getRevisionFromVersionCollection(id, revision); DBObject projection = queries.getRevisionProjection(revision); DBObject dbObject = getVersionCollection(type).findOne(query, projection); return (dbObject != null) ? reducer.reduceVariation(type, toJsonNode(dbObject)) : null; } @Override public <T extends Relation> StorageIterator<T> getRelationsByEntityId(Class<T> type, String id) throws StorageException { DBObject query = queries.selectRelationsByEntityId(id); return findItems(type, query); } @Override public <T extends DomainEntity> List<String> getAllIdsWithoutPIDOfType(Class<T> type) throws StorageException { List<String> list = Lists.newArrayList(); try { DBObject query = queries.selectVariationWithoutPID(type); DBObject columnsToShow = new BasicDBObject("_id", 1); DBCursor cursor = getDBCollection(type).find(query, columnsToShow); while (cursor.hasNext()) { list.add((String)"_id")); } } catch (MongoException e) { LOG.error("Error while retrieving objects without pid of type {}", type.getSimpleName()); throw new StorageException(e); } return list; } @Override public List<String> getRelationIds(List<String> ids) throws StorageException { List<String> relationIds = Lists.newArrayList(); try { DBObject query = queries.selectRelationsByEntityIds(ids); DBObject columnsToShow = new BasicDBObject("_id", 1); DBCursor cursor = getDBCollection(Relation.class).find(query, columnsToShow); while (cursor.hasNext()) { relationIds.add((String)"_id")); } } catch (MongoException e) { LOG.error("Error while retrieving relation id's of {}", ids); throw new StorageException(e); } return relationIds; } @Override public <T extends Relation> T findRelation(Class<T> type, String sourceId, String targetId, String relationTypeId) throws StorageException { if (sourceId != null && targetId != null && relationTypeId != null) { DBObject query = new BasicDBObject(); query.put(Relation.SOURCE_ID, sourceId); query.put(Relation.TARGET_ID, targetId); query.put(Relation.TYPE_ID, relationTypeId); return getItem(type, query); } return null; } @Override public <T extends Relation> StorageIterator<T> findRelations(Class<T> type, String sourceId, String targetId, String relationTypeId) throws StorageException { DBObject query = queries.selectRelationsByIds(sourceId, targetId, relationTypeId); return findItems(type, query); } @Override public <T extends Relation> List<T> getRelationsByType(Class<T> type, List<String> relationTypeIds) throws StorageException { DBObject query = queries.selectByProperty(propertyName(type, Relation.TYPE_ID), relationTypeIds); return findItems(type, query).getAll(); } @Override public <T extends DomainEntity> void deleteNonPersistent(Class<T> type, List<String> ids) throws StorageException { DBObject query = queries.selectNonPersistent(ids); mongoDB.remove(getDBCollection(type), query); } @Override public boolean doesVariationExist(Class<? extends DomainEntity> type, String id) throws StorageException { try { JsonNode node = getExisting(type, queries.selectById(id)); if (node.isObject()) { String variation = TypeNames.getInternalName(type); return doesVariationExist(variation, (ObjectNode) node); } } catch (NoSuchEntityException e) { return false; } return false; } private boolean doesVariationExist(String variation, ObjectNode objectTree) { ArrayNode variations = (ArrayNode) objectTree.get(DomainEntity.VARIATIONS); for (Iterator<JsonNode> variationIterator = variations.elements(); variationIterator.hasNext();) { if (Objects.equal(variation, { return true; } } return false; } }