Java tutorial
package nl.knaw.huygens.alexandria.lmnl.importer; /* * #%L * alexandria-markup * ======= * Copyright (C) 2016 - 2018 HuC DI (KNAW) * ======= * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import nl.knaw.huygens.alexandria.data_model.*; import nl.knaw.huygens.alexandria.exporter.LaTeXExporterInMemory; import nl.knaw.huygens.alexandria.lmnl.AlexandriaLMNLBaseTest; import nl.knaw.huygens.alexandria.lmnl.exporter.LMNLExporterInMemory; import; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static; public class LMNLImporterInMemoryTest extends AlexandriaLMNLBaseTest { private final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LMNLImporterInMemoryTest.class); private final LMNLExporterInMemory lmnlExporterInMemory = new LMNLExporterInMemory().useShorthand(); @Ignore @Test public void testMarkupAnnotation() throws LMNLSyntaxError { String input = "[l [n}144{n]}He manages to keep the upper hand{l]"; Document actual = new LMNLImporterInMemory().importLMNL(input); // Expectations: // We expect a Document // - with one text node // - with one range on it // - with one annotation on it. Document expected = new Document(); Limen limen = expected.value(); Markup r1 = new Markup(limen, "l"); Annotation a1 = simpleAnnotation("n", "144"); r1.addAnnotation(a1); TextNode t1 = new TextNode("He manages to keep the upper hand"); r1.setOnlyTextNode(t1); limen.setOnlyTextNode(t1); limen.addMarkup(r1); logLMNL(actual); assertTrue(compareDocuments(expected, actual)); assertThat(actual).isEqualToComparingFieldByFieldRecursively(expected); logKdTree(actual); NodeRangeIndexInMemory index = new NodeRangeIndexInMemory(actual.value()); List<IndexPoint> indexPoints = index.getIndexPoints(); logKdTree(actual); List<IndexPoint> expectedIndexPoints = new ArrayList<>(); expectedIndexPoints.add(new IndexPoint(0, 0)); assertThat(indexPoints).containsExactlyElementsOf(expectedIndexPoints); } @Test public void testLexingComplex() throws LMNLSyntaxError { String input = "[excerpt\n"// + " [source [date}1915{][title}The Housekeeper{]]\n"// + " [author\n"// + " [name}Robert Frost{]\n"// + " [dates}1874-1963{]] }\n"// + "[s}[l [n}144{n]}He manages to keep the upper hand{l]\n"// + "[l [n}145{n]}On his own farm.{s] [s}He's boss.{s] [s}But as to hens:{l]\n"// + "[l [n}146{n]}We fence our flowers in and the hens range.{l]{s]\n"// + "{excerpt]"; LMNLImporterInMemory importer = new LMNLImporterInMemory(); Document actual = importer.importLMNL(input); // Limen getDocumentId = actual.getDocumentId(); // Markup markup = new Markup(getDocumentId, "excerpt"); // assertThat(getDocumentId.markupList).hasSize(7); // List<Markup> markupList = getDocumentId.markupList; // // -> "[" + t + "}").forEach(System.out::print); // Markup markup1 = markupList.get(0); // assertThat(markup1.getKey()).isEqualTo("excerpt"); // // Markup markup2 = markupList.get(1); // assertThat(markup2.getKey()).isEqualTo("s"); // // Markup markup3 = markupList.get(2); // assertThat(markup3.getKey()).isEqualTo("l"); Document expected = new Document(); Limen limen = expected.value(); TextNode tn00 = new TextNode("\n"); TextNode tn01 = new TextNode("He manages to keep the upper hand").setPreviousTextNode(tn00); TextNode tn02 = new TextNode("\n").setPreviousTextNode(tn01); TextNode tn03 = new TextNode("On his own farm.").setPreviousTextNode(tn02); TextNode tn04 = new TextNode(" ").setPreviousTextNode(tn03); TextNode tn05 = new TextNode("He's boss.").setPreviousTextNode(tn04); TextNode tn06 = new TextNode(" ").setPreviousTextNode(tn05); TextNode tn07 = new TextNode("But as to hens:").setPreviousTextNode(tn06); TextNode tn08 = new TextNode("\n").setPreviousTextNode(tn07); TextNode tn09 = new TextNode("We fence our flowers in and the hens range.").setPreviousTextNode(tn08); TextNode tn10 = new TextNode("\n").setPreviousTextNode(tn09); Annotation date = simpleAnnotation("date", "1915"); Annotation title = simpleAnnotation("title", "The Housekeeper"); Annotation source = simpleAnnotation("source").addAnnotation(date).addAnnotation(title); Annotation name = simpleAnnotation("name", "Robert Frost"); Annotation dates = simpleAnnotation("dates", "1874-1963"); Annotation author = simpleAnnotation("author").addAnnotation(name).addAnnotation(dates); Annotation n144 = simpleAnnotation("n", "144"); Annotation n145 = simpleAnnotation("n", "145"); Annotation n146 = simpleAnnotation("n", "146"); Markup excerpt = new Markup(limen, "excerpt").addAnnotation(source).addAnnotation(author) .setFirstAndLastTextNode(tn00, tn10); // 3 sentences Markup s1 = new Markup(limen, "s").setFirstAndLastTextNode(tn01, tn03); Markup s2 = new Markup(limen, "s").setOnlyTextNode(tn05); Markup s3 = new Markup(limen, "s").setFirstAndLastTextNode(tn07, tn09); // 3 lines Markup l1 = new Markup(limen, "l").setOnlyTextNode(tn01).addAnnotation(n144); Markup l2 = new Markup(limen, "l").setFirstAndLastTextNode(tn03, tn07).addAnnotation(n145); Markup l3 = new Markup(limen, "l").setOnlyTextNode(tn09).addAnnotation(n146); limen.setFirstAndLastTextNode(tn00, tn10).addMarkup(excerpt).addMarkup(s1).addMarkup(l1).addMarkup(l2) .addMarkup(s2).addMarkup(s3).addMarkup(l3); assertActualMatchesExpected(actual, expected); List<IndexPoint> expectedIndexPoints = new ArrayList<>(); expectedIndexPoints.add(new IndexPoint(0, 0)); logKdTree(actual); // assertThat(indexPoints).containsExactlyElementsOf(expectedIndexPoints); } @Test public void testLMNL1kings12() throws IOException, LMNLSyntaxError { String pathname = "data/lmnl/1kings12.lmnl"; InputStream input = FileUtils.openInputStream(new File(pathname)); Document actual = new LMNLImporterInMemory().importLMNL(input);"document={}", actual); logLMNL(actual); Limen actualLimen = actual.value(); List<Markup> actualMarkupList = actualLimen.markupList; Markup excerpt = actualMarkupList.get(0); assertThat(excerpt.getTag()).isEqualTo("excerpt"); List<Annotation> annotations = excerpt.getAnnotations(); assertThat(annotations).hasSize(1); // just the soutce annotation; Annotation source = simpleAnnotation("source"); Annotation book = simpleAnnotation("book", "1 Kings"); source.addAnnotation(book); Annotation chapter = simpleAnnotation("chapter", "12"); source.addAnnotation(chapter); String actualSourceLMNL = lmnlExporterInMemory.toLMNL(annotations.get(0)).toString(); String expectedSourceLMNL = lmnlExporterInMemory.toLMNL(source).toString(); assertThat(actualSourceLMNL).isEqualTo(expectedSourceLMNL); Markup q1 = actualMarkupList.get(2); assertThat(q1.getTag()).isEqualTo("q"); // first q assertThat(q1.textNodes).hasSize(2); // has 2 textnodes Markup q2 = actualMarkupList.get(3); assertThat(q2.getTag()).isEqualTo("q"); // second q, nested in first assertThat(q2.textNodes).hasSize(1); // has 1 textnode // compareLMNL(pathname, actual); logKdTree(actual); List<IndexPoint> expectedIndexPoints = new ArrayList<>(); expectedIndexPoints.add(new IndexPoint(0, 0)); // assertThat(indexPoints).containsExactlyElementsOf(expectedIndexPoints); } @Test public void testLMNLOzymandias() throws IOException, LMNLSyntaxError { String pathname = "data/lmnl/ozymandias-voices-wap.lmnl"; InputStream input = FileUtils.openInputStream(new File(pathname)); Document actual = new LMNLImporterInMemory().importLMNL(input);"document={}", actual); logLMNL(actual); assertThat(actual.value().hasTextNodes()).isTrue(); String lmnl = lmnlExporterInMemory.toLMNL(actual); assertThat(lmnl).startsWith("[sonneteer [id}ozymandias{] [encoding [resp}ebeshero{] [resp}wap{]]}"); // annotations from sonneteer endtag moved to start tag assertThat(lmnl).contains("[meta [author}Percy Bysshe Shelley{] [title}Ozymandias{]]"); // anonymous markup // compareLMNL(pathname, actual); logKdTree(actual); List<IndexPoint> expectedIndexPoints = new ArrayList<>(); expectedIndexPoints.add(new IndexPoint(0, 0)); // assertThat(indexPoints).containsExactlyElementsOf(expectedIndexPoints); } @Test public void testDiscontinuousRanges() throws LMNLSyntaxError { String input = "'[e [n}1{]}Ai,{e]' riep Piet, '[e [n}1{]}wat doe je, Mien?{e]'"; Document actual = new LMNLImporterInMemory().importLMNL(input);"textNodes={}", actual.value().textNodeList);"markups={}", actual.value().markupList); assertThat(actual.value().hasTextNodes()).isTrue(); assertThat(actual.value().markupList).hasSize(1); String lmnl = lmnlExporterInMemory.toLMNL(actual);"lmnl={}", lmnl); assertThat(lmnl).isEqualTo(input); LaTeXExporterInMemory latex = new LaTeXExporterInMemory(actual);"matrix=\n{}", latex.exportMatrix());"kdtree=\n{}", latex.exportKdTree()); } @Test public void testAnnotationTextWithRanges() throws LMNLSyntaxError { String input = "[lmnl [a}This is the [type}annotation{type] text{a]}This is the main text{lmnl]"; printTokens(input); Document actual = new LMNLImporterInMemory().importLMNL(input); // Expectations: // We expect a Document // - with one text node // - with one range on it // - with one annotation on it. // - that has one range on it. Document expected = new Document(); Limen limen = expected.value(); Markup r1 = new Markup(limen, "lmnl"); // Annotation a1 = simpleAnnotation("a", "This is the [type}annotation{type] text"); Annotation a1 = simpleAnnotation("a"); Limen annotationLimen = a1.value(); TextNode at1 = new TextNode("This is the "); TextNode at2 = new TextNode("annotation"); Markup ar1 = new Markup(annotationLimen, "type").addTextNode(at2); TextNode at3 = new TextNode(" text"); annotationLimen// .addTextNode(at1)// .addTextNode(at2)// .addTextNode(at3)// .addMarkup(ar1); r1.addAnnotation(a1); TextNode t1 = new TextNode("This is the main text"); r1.setOnlyTextNode(t1); limen.setOnlyTextNode(t1); limen.addMarkup(r1); logLMNL(actual); compareLMNL(expected, actual); assertTrue(compareDocuments(expected, actual)); logKdTree(actual); NodeRangeIndexInMemory index = new NodeRangeIndexInMemory(actual.value()); List<IndexPoint> indexPoints = index.getIndexPoints(); logKdTree(actual); List<IndexPoint> expectedIndexPoints = new ArrayList<>(); expectedIndexPoints.add(new IndexPoint(0, 0)); assertThat(indexPoints).containsExactlyElementsOf(expectedIndexPoints); } @Test public void testAnnotationTextInAnnotationWithRanges() throws LMNLSyntaxError { String input = "[range1 [annotation1}[ra11}[ra12]{ra11]{annotation1]]"; printTokens(input); Document actual = new LMNLImporterInMemory().importLMNL(input); Document expected = new Document(); Limen limen = expected.value(); Markup r1 = new Markup(limen, "range1"); Annotation a1 = simpleAnnotation("annotation1"); Limen annotationLimen = a1.value(); TextNode at1 = new TextNode(""); Markup ar11 = new Markup(annotationLimen, "ra11").addTextNode(at1); Markup ar12 = new Markup(annotationLimen, "ra12").addTextNode(at1); annotationLimen// .addTextNode(at1)// .addMarkup(ar11)// .addMarkup(ar12); r1.addAnnotation(a1); TextNode t1 = new TextNode(""); r1.setOnlyTextNode(t1); limen.setOnlyTextNode(t1); limen.addMarkup(r1); logLMNL(actual); compareLMNL(expected, actual); assertTrue(compareDocuments(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testAnonymousAnnotationRangeOpener() throws LMNLSyntaxError { String input = "[range1 [}annotation text{]}bla{range1]"; printTokens(input); Document actual = new LMNLImporterInMemory().importLMNL(input); Document expected = new Document(); Limen limen = expected.value(); Markup r1 = new Markup(limen, "range1"); Annotation a1 = simpleAnnotation("", "annotation text"); r1.addAnnotation(a1); TextNode t1 = new TextNode("bla"); r1.setOnlyTextNode(t1); limen.setOnlyTextNode(t1); limen.addMarkup(r1); logLMNL(actual); compareLMNL(expected, actual); assertTrue(compareDocuments(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testAtomsAreIgnored() throws LMNLSyntaxError { String input = "[r}Splitting the {{Atom}}.{r]"; printTokens(input); Document actual = new LMNLImporterInMemory().importLMNL(input); Document expected = new Document(); Limen limen = expected.value(); Markup r1 = new Markup(limen, "r"); TextNode t1 = new TextNode("Splitting the ."); r1.setOnlyTextNode(t1); limen.setOnlyTextNode(t1); limen.addMarkup(r1); logLMNL(actual); compareLMNL(expected, actual); } @Test public void testEmptyRange() throws LMNLSyntaxError { String input = "[empty}{empty]"; printTokens(input); Document actual = new LMNLImporterInMemory().importLMNL(input); Document expected = new Document(); Limen limen = expected.value(); Markup r1 = new Markup(limen, "empty"); TextNode t1 = new TextNode(""); r1.setOnlyTextNode(t1); limen.setOnlyTextNode(t1); limen.addMarkup(r1); logLMNL(actual); compareLMNL(expected, actual); assertTrue(compareDocuments(expected, actual)); } @Test public void testBalisage2018a() throws LMNLSyntaxError { String input = "[text}\n" + "[page [n}21v{]}\n" + "[div [type}p{]}\n" + "[line [rend}indent2{]}1[rend [place}sup{]}st{rend]. Voice from the Mountains {line]\n" + "[line}Thrice three hundred thousand years {line]\n" + "[line [rend}indent1{]}Oe'r the Earthquakes couch we stood {line]\n" + "[line}Oft as men convulsed with fear {line]\n" + "[line [rend}indent1{]}We trembeld in our [w [facs}#ms_shelley_e1-0046-1{]}multitude{w] {line]\n" + "{div]\n" + "[div [type}p{]}\n" + "[line [rend}indent2{]}2[rend [place}sub{]}d{rend]. Voice from the Springs {line]\n" + "[line}Thunderbolts had parched our water{line]\n" + "[line [rend}indent2{]}We had been stained with bitter blood {line]\n" + "{page]\n" + "[page [n}22v{]}\n" + "[line}And had ran mute [w [facs}#ms_shelley_e1-0046-2{]}mid{w] shrieks of slaugter{line]\n" + "[line [rend}indent2{]}Thro' a city & a solitude!{line]\n" + "{div]\n" + "{page]\n" + "{text]"; printTokens(input); Document actual = new LMNLImporterInMemory().importLMNL(input); assertThat(actual).isNotNull(); } @Test public void testBalisage2018b() throws LMNLSyntaxError { String input = "[text}\n" + "[poem}\n" + "[sp}\n" + "[speaker}1st. Voice from the Mountains{speaker]\n" + "[stanza [rhyme}abab{]}\n" + "[lg [type}quatrain{]}\n" + "[l}Thrice three hundred thousand [w}[rhyme [label}a{]}year{rhyme]s{w] {l]\n" + "[l}Oe'r the Earthquakes couch we [w}[rhyme [label}b{]}stood{rhyme]{w] {l]\n" + "[l}Oft as men convulsed with [w}[rhyme}a{]}fear{rhyme]{w] {l]\n" + "[l}We trembled in our [w}multi[rhyme [label}b{]}tude{rhyme]{w] {l]\n" + "{lg]\n" + "{sp]\n" + "[sp}\n" + "[speaker}2d. Voice from the Mountains{speaker]\n" + "[lg [type}quatrain{]}\n" + "[l}Thunderbolts had parched our [w}[rhyme [label}a{]}water{rhyme]{w]{l]\n" + "[l}We had been stained with bitter [w}[rhyme [label}b{]}blood{rhyme]{w]{l]\n" + "[l}And had ran mute 'mid shrieks of [w}[rhyme [label}a{]}slaugter{rhyme]{w]{l]\n" + "[l}Thro' a city & a [w}[rhyme [label}b{]}solitude{rhyme]{w]{l]\n" + "{lg]\n" + "{sp]\n" + "{stanza]\n" + "{poem]\n" + "{text]"; printTokens(input); Document actual = new LMNLImporterInMemory().importLMNL(input); assertThat(actual).isNotNull(); } @Test public void testBalisage2018c() throws LMNLSyntaxError { String input = "[text}\n" + "[s}\n" + "[cl}[phr}1st. Voice{phr] [phr}from the Mountains{phr]\n" + "{cl]\n" + "[cl}\n" + " [phr [type}NP{]}[w [type}Adjunct{]}Thrice{w] three hundred thousand years{phr] \n" + " [phr [type}PP{]}Oe'r the Earthquakes couch{phr] [phr [type}VP{]}we stood;{phr]{cl]\n" + "[cl}\n" + " [phr=1 [type}Adverb{]}[w [type}Adjunct{]}Oft{w] [phr=2 [type}Adverb{]}as men convulsed with fears{phr=2] [phr [type}VP{]}We trembled{phr] in our multitude{phr=1]{cl]\n" + "[cl}\n" + " [phr [type}NP{]}2d. Voice{phr] [phr [type}Adverb{]}from the Springs{phr]{cl]\n" + "[cl}\n" + " [phr [type}N{]}Thunderbolts{phr] [phr [type}V{]}had parched{phr] [phr [type}O{]}our water[pc},{pc]{phr] \n" + " [phr [type}N{]}We{phr] [phr [type}VP{]}had been stained{phr] [phr [type}Adjunct{]}with [w [type}A{]}bitter{w] blood{phr]{cl]\n" + "[cl}\n" + " [phr}[w [type}contr{]}And{w] [phr [type}VP{]}had ran mute{phr] 'mid shrieks of slaugter{phr] \n" + " [phr}Thro' a city & a solitude!{phr]\n" + "{cl]\n" + "{s]{text]\n"; printTokens(input); Document actual = new LMNLImporterInMemory().importLMNL(input); assertThat(actual).isNotNull(); } @Test public void testBalisage2018d() throws LMNLSyntaxError { String input = "[text}\n" + "[poem}\n" + "[title}My Alba{title]\n" + "[stanza [type}octave{] [rhyme}abab{]}\n" + "[lg}\n" + "[l}Now that I've [w}was[rhyme [label}a{]}ted{rhyme]{w]{l]\n" + "[l}five years in [w}Manhat[rhyme [label}b{]}tan{rhyme]{w]{l]\n" + "[l}life [w}deca[rhyme [label}a{]}ying{rhyme]{w]{l]\n" + "[l}talent a [w}[rhyme [label}b{]}blank{rhyme]{w]{l]\n" + "{lg]\n" + "[lg}\n" + "[l}talking [w}disconnec[rhyme [label}a{]}ted{rhyme]{w]{l]\n" + "[l}patient and [w}men[rhyme [label}b{]}tal{rhyme]{w]{l]\n" + "[l}sliderule and [w}num[rhyme [label}a{]}ber{rhyme]{w]{l]\n" + "[l}machine on a [w}[rhyme [label}b{]}desk{rhyme]{w]{l]\n" + "{lg]\n" + "{stanza]\n" + "{poem]\n" + "{text]\n"; printTokens(input); Document actual = new LMNLImporterInMemory().importLMNL(input); assertThat(actual).isNotNull(); } @Test public void testBalisage2018e() throws LMNLSyntaxError { String input = "[text}\n" + "[page [n}1{]}\n" + "[div [type}title{]}My Alba{div]\n" + "[div [type}body{]}\n" + "[line}Now that I've wasted five years in{line]\n" + "[line}Manhattan{line]\n" + "[line}life decaying talent a {line]\n" + "[line}blank {line]\n" + "[line}talking disconnected patient {line]\n" + "[line}and mental {line]\n" + "[line}sliderule and number machine on a desk{line]\n" + "{div]\n" + "{page]\n" + "{text]\n"; printTokens(input); Document actual = new LMNLImporterInMemory().importLMNL(input); assertThat(actual).isNotNull(); } @Test public void testBalisage2018f() throws LMNLSyntaxError { String input = "[text}\n" + "[s}\n" + "[cl}Now that \n" + " [phr [type}VP{]}[w [type}S{]}I{w][w [type}AV{]}[m [type}contr{]}[pc}'{pc]ve{m]{w] [w [type}V{]}[m [type}root{]}wast{m][m [type}suffix{]}ed{m]{w]{phr] \n" + " [phr [type}NP{]}[w [type}A{]}five{w] [w [type}N{]}years{w]{phr] \n" + " [phr [type}PP{]}[w [type}P{]}in{w] [w [type}N{]}Manhattan{w]{phr]\n" + "{cl]\n" + "[cl}\n" + " [phr [type}VP{]}[w [type}N{]}life{w] [w [type}V{]}[m [type}root{]}decay{m][m [type}suffix{]}ing{m]{w]{phr] \n" + " [phr [type}NP{]}[w [type}N{]}talent{w] [w [type}D{]}a{w] [w [type}N{]}blank{w]{phr]\n" + "{cl]\n" + "[cl}\n" + " [phr [type}VP{]}[w [type}V{]}talking{w] [w [type}Adv{]}disconnected{w] [w [type}Adv{]}patient{w] [w [type}C{]}and{w] [w [type}Adv{]}mental{w]{phr]\n" + "{cl] \n" + "[cl}\n" + " [phr=1 [type}NP{]}[w [type}N{]}sliderule{w] [w [type}C{]}and{w] [phr=2 [type}N{]}[w [type}N{]}number{w] [w [type}N{]}machine{w]{phr=2]{phr=1] \n" + " [phr [type}PP{]}[w [type}P{]}on{w] [w [type}D{]}a{w] [w [type}N{]}desk{w]{phr]\n" + "{cl]\n" + "{s]\n" + "{text]\n"; printTokens(input); Document actual = new LMNLImporterInMemory().importLMNL(input); assertThat(actual).isNotNull(); } @Test public void testComments() throws LMNLSyntaxError { String input = "[!-- comment 1 --][foo [!-- comment 2 --]}FOO[!-- comment 3 --]BAR{foo]"; Document actual = new LMNLImporterInMemory().importLMNL(input); // Comments are ignored, so: // We expect a Document // - with one text node // - with one range on it Document expected = new Document(); Limen limen = expected.value(); Markup r1 = new Markup(limen, "foo"); TextNode t1 = new TextNode("FOOBAR"); r1.setOnlyTextNode(t1); limen.setOnlyTextNode(t1); limen.addMarkup(r1); logLMNL(actual); compareLMNL(expected, actual); } @Test public void testUnclosedRangeThrowsSyntaxError() { String input = "[tag} tag [v}is{v] not closed"; try { Document actual = new LMNLImporterInMemory().importLMNL(input); fail("no LMNLSyntaxError thrown"); } catch (LMNLSyntaxError e) { assertThat(e.getMessage()).contains("Unclosed LMNL range(s): [tag}"); } } @Test public void testUnopenedRangeThrowsSyntaxError() { String input = "text{lmnl]"; try { Document actual = new LMNLImporterInMemory().importLMNL(input); fail("no LMNLSyntaxError thrown"); } catch (LMNLSyntaxError e) { assertThat(e.getMessage()).contains("Closing tag {lmnl] found without corresponding open tag."); } } @Test public void testSyntaxError() { String input = "[a}bla{b]"; try { Document actual = new LMNLImporterInMemory().importLMNL(input); fail("no LMNLSyntaxError thrown"); } catch (LMNLSyntaxError e) { assertThat(e.getMessage()).contains("Unclosed LMNL range(s): [a}"); assertThat(e.getMessage()).contains("Closing tag {b] found without corresponding open tag."); } } @Test public void testAcrosticFileThrowsSyntaxError() throws IOException { String pathname = "data/lmnl/acrostic-syntax-error.lmnl"; InputStream input = FileUtils.openInputStream(new File(pathname)); try { Document actual = new LMNLImporterInMemory().importLMNL(input); fail("no LMNLSyntaxError thrown"); } catch (LMNLSyntaxError e) { assertThat(e.getMessage()) .contains("Unclosed LMNL range(s): [H}, [name}, [T}, [name}, [lizabeth}, [name=a}"); } } private void compareLMNL(String pathname, Document actual) throws IOException { String inLMNL = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(pathname), "UTF-8"); String outLMNL = lmnlExporterInMemory.toLMNL(actual); assertThat(outLMNL).isEqualTo(inLMNL); } private void compareLMNL(Document expected, Document actual) { String expectedLMNL = lmnlExporterInMemory.toLMNL(expected); String actualLMNL = lmnlExporterInMemory.toLMNL(actual); assertThat(actualLMNL).isEqualTo(expectedLMNL); } private Annotation simpleAnnotation(String tag) { return new Annotation(tag); } private Annotation simpleAnnotation(String tag, String content) { Annotation a1 = simpleAnnotation(tag); Limen annotationLimen = a1.value(); TextNode annotationText = new TextNode(content); annotationLimen.setOnlyTextNode(annotationText); return a1; } private void assertActualMatchesExpected(Document actual, Document expected) { Limen actualLimen = actual.value(); List<Markup> actualMarkupList = actualLimen.markupList; List<TextNode> actualTextNodeList = actualLimen.textNodeList; Limen expectedLimen = expected.value(); List<Markup> expectedMarkupList = expectedLimen.markupList; List<TextNode> expectedTextNodeList = expectedLimen.textNodeList; assertThat(actualTextNodeList).hasSize(expectedTextNodeList.size()); for (int i = 0; i < expectedTextNodeList.size(); i++) { TextNode actualTextNode = actualTextNodeList.get(i); TextNode expectedTextNode = expectedTextNodeList.get(i); assertThat(actualTextNode).isEqualToComparingFieldByFieldRecursively(expectedTextNode); } assertThat(actualMarkupList).hasSize(expectedMarkupList.size()); for (int i = 0; i < expectedMarkupList.size(); i++) { Markup actualMarkup = actualMarkupList.get(i); Markup expectedMarkup = expectedMarkupList.get(i); assertThat(actualMarkup.getTag()).isEqualTo(expectedMarkup.getTag()); Comparator<Markup> markupComparator = Comparator.comparing(Markup::getTag); assertThat(actualMarkup).usingComparator(markupComparator).isEqualTo(expectedMarkup); } String actualLMNL = lmnlExporterInMemory.toLMNL(actual); String expectedLMNL = lmnlExporterInMemory.toLMNL(expected);"LMNL={}", actualLMNL); assertThat(actualLMNL).isEqualTo(expectedLMNL); // assertThat(actual).isEqualToComparingFieldByFieldRecursively(expected); } // I could use a matcher framework here private boolean compareDocuments(Document expected, Document actual) { Iterator<TextNode> i1 = expected.value().getTextNodeIterator(); Iterator<TextNode> i2 = actual.value().getTextNodeIterator(); boolean result = true; while (i1.hasNext() && result) { TextNode t1 =; TextNode t2 =; result = compareTextNodes(t1, t2); } return result; } private boolean compareTextNodes(TextNode t1, TextNode t2) { return t1.getContent().equals(t2.getContent()); } private void logLMNL(Document actual) {"LMNL=\n{}", lmnlExporterInMemory.toLMNL(actual)); } private void logKdTree(Document actual) { LaTeXExporterInMemory latexExporterInMemory = new LaTeXExporterInMemory(actual); String latex1 = latexExporterInMemory.exportMatrix();"matrix=\n{}", latex1); String latexKdTree = latexExporterInMemory.exportKdTree();"latex tree=\n{}", latexKdTree); } }