Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2015 DANS - Data Archiving and Networked Services * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. *******************************************************************************/ package nl.knaw.dans.common.lang.util; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Random; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.semanticdesktop.aperture.mime.identifier.MimeTypeIdentifier; import org.semanticdesktop.aperture.mime.identifier.MimeTypeIdentifierFactory; import org.semanticdesktop.aperture.mime.identifier.magic.MagicMimeTypeIdentifierFactory; import org.semanticdesktop.aperture.util.IOUtil; public class FileUtil { private static final String INVALID_PATH_REG_EX = "[:?*\"'<>|]*"; private static final Pattern INVALID_PATH_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(INVALID_PATH_REG_EX); private static MimeTypeIdentifierFactory MIMETYPE_IDENTIFIER_FACTORY; /** * Copy the file <code>original</code> to the file <code>destination</code>. * * @param original * the original file * @param destination * the destination file * @throws IOException * for exceptions during IO */ public static void copyFile(File original, File destination) throws IOException { if (!original.exists()) { throw new FileNotFoundException("File not found: " + original.getName()); } if (original.isHidden()) { return; } if (original.equals(destination)) { throw new IOException("Cannot copy " + original.getName() + " into itself."); } if (original.isDirectory() && destination.isFile()) { throw new IOException("Cannot copy the contents of '" + original.getName() + "' to the file " + destination.getName()); } File finalDestination; if (destination.isDirectory()) { finalDestination = new File(destination, original.getName()); } else { finalDestination = destination; } if (original.isDirectory()) { finalDestination.mkdirs(); for (File f : original.listFiles()) { copyFile(f, finalDestination); } } else { FileInputStream fis = null; FileOutputStream fos = null; try { fis = new FileInputStream(original); fos = new FileOutputStream(finalDestination); byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; int read =; while (read != -1) { fos.write(buffer, 0, read); read =; } } finally { closeStreams(fis, fos); } } } private static void closeStreams(FileInputStream fis, FileOutputStream fos) throws IOException { try { if (fis != null) { fis.close(); } } finally { if (fos != null) { fos.close(); } } } public static File createTempDirectory(File basePath, String prefix) throws IOException { if (!basePath.isDirectory()) throw new IOException( "Directory '" + basePath.getAbsolutePath() + "' does not exist or is not a directory."); Integer i = 1; // infinite loop protection Random r = new Random(); File destPath; do { destPath = new File( basePath.getAbsolutePath() + File.separatorChar + prefix + "_" + Math.abs(r.nextInt())); i++; } while ((destPath.isFile() || destPath.isDirectory()) && i < 1024); if (i >= 1024) throw new IOException("Unable to detect unique path"); if (!destPath.mkdir()) throw new IOException("Unable to create temp directory"); return destPath; } public static File createTempDirectory(String prefix) throws IOException { File tmpPath = new File(System.getProperty("")); if (!tmpPath.isDirectory()) throw new IOException("Temporary directory '" + tmpPath.getAbsolutePath() + "' does not exist or is not a directory."); return createTempDirectory(tmpPath, prefix); } public static void deleteDirectory(File path) throws IOException { if (!path.isDirectory()) throw new IOException("Directory '" + path + "' does not exist or is not a directory."); if (path.isDirectory()) { File[] files = path.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { if (files[i].isDirectory()) { deleteDirectory(files[i]); } else { if (!files[i].delete()) throw new IOException("Error while deleting file " + files[i].getAbsolutePath()); } } } if (!path.delete()) throw new IOException("Error while deleting directory " + path.getAbsolutePath()); } /** * Returns just filename of a full path, e.g. returns smily.gif for /images/smily.gif * * @param path * The full path to the filename */ public static String getBasicFilename(String path) { // get uploaded filename without path Integer bIdx = path.lastIndexOf("/"); if (bIdx < 0) bIdx = path.lastIndexOf("\\"); if (bIdx >= 0 && bIdx != path.length()) return path.substring(bIdx + 1); return path; } public static byte[] readFile(File file) throws IOException { byte[] bytes = null; InputStream inStream = null; long length = file.length(); try { inStream = new FileInputStream(file); if (length > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { throw new IOException("File too long " + file.getName()); } bytes = new byte[(int) length]; int offset = 0; int numRead = 0; while (offset < bytes.length && (numRead =, offset, bytes.length - offset)) >= 0) { offset += numRead; } if (offset < bytes.length) { throw new IOException("Could not completely read file " + file.getName()); } } finally { if (inStream != null) { inStream.close(); } } return bytes; } /** * Identify the mimeType of a file. * * @param file * the file to identify * @return the mimeType of the file or <code>null</code> if the mimeType could not be identified * @throws IOException * for any IOException that may occur while opening, reading or closing the file */ public static String getMimeType(File file) throws IOException { String mType; FileInputStream stream = null; MimeTypeIdentifier identifier = getMimeTypeIdentifier(); try { stream = new FileInputStream(file); BufferedInputStream buffer = new BufferedInputStream(stream); byte[] bytes = IOUtil.readBytes(buffer, identifier.getMinArrayLength()); mType = identifier.identify(bytes, file.getPath(), null); } finally { if (stream != null) { stream.close(); } } return mType; } private static MimeTypeIdentifier getMimeTypeIdentifier() { if (MIMETYPE_IDENTIFIER_FACTORY == null) { MIMETYPE_IDENTIFIER_FACTORY = new MagicMimeTypeIdentifierFactory(); } return MIMETYPE_IDENTIFIER_FACTORY.get(); } public static boolean isValidRelativePath(String path) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(path)) { return false; } if (path.startsWith("/")) { return false; } return !INVALID_PATH_PATTERN.matcher(path).matches(); } }