Java tutorial
package nl.kadaster.geodatastore; import; import; import; import org.apache.http.client.methods.CloseableHttpResponse; import org.junit.Assert; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import support.*; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class LifeCycleSteps { private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LifeCycleSteps.class); private final String datasetFileName = "somefile.txt"; @Autowired private TestClient tc; @Autowired private Configuration conf; private CloseableHttpResponse response = null; private String datasetId; private DatasetQueryResponse datasetQueryResponse; @When("^I upload a random file$") public void iUploadARandomFile() throws Throwable { logger.debug("Start: I upload a random file"); uploadRandomDataSet(); } @Then("^I get the identifier of the uploaded dataset$") public void iGetTheIdentifierOfTheUploadedDataset() throws Throwable { logger.debug("Start: I get the identifier of the uploaded dataset"); checkDataSetId(); } @Given("^The identifier of the uploaded dataset is known$") public void theIdentifierOfTheUploadedDatasetIsKnown() throws Throwable { logger.debug("Start: The identifier of the uploaded dataset is known"); createTestClient(); uploadRandomDataSet(); checkDataSetId(); Assert.assertNotNull(datasetId); Assert.assertNotEquals(0, datasetId.length()); } @When("^I add descriptive metadata with status draft$") public void iAddDescriptiveMetadataWithStatusDraft() throws Throwable { logger.debug("Start: I add descriptive metadata with status draft"); String jsonMetaData; String url = conf.getDataset(true) + "/" + datasetId; jsonMetaData = createValidMetaData(); tc.addPostString("metadata", jsonMetaData); response = tc.sendRequest(url, TestClient.HTTPPOST); Assert.assertNotNull(response); } @Then("^I get the defined meta data back$") public void iGetTheDefinedMetaDataBack() throws Throwable { logger.debug("Start: I get the defined meta data back"); try { String resultText = tc.getResultText(); JsonConverter json = new JsonConverter(); DatasetServiceResponse dataSet = json.toObject(resultText, DatasetServiceResponse.class); Assert.assertNotNull(dataSet); Assert.assertEquals(false, dataSet.getError()); Assert.assertEquals(true, dataSet.getValid()); logger.debug("Found dataset: {}", dataSet); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Error extracting result"); } finally { response.close(); } } @Given("^The metadata are uploaded and valid$") public void theMetadataAreUploadedAndValid() throws Throwable { logger.debug("Start: The metadata are uploaded and valid"); createTestClient(); uploadRandomDataSet(); checkDataSetId(); Assert.assertNotNull(datasetId); Assert.assertNotEquals(0, datasetId.length()); String jsonMetaData; String url = conf.getDataset(true) + "/" + datasetId; jsonMetaData = createValidMetaData(); tc.addPostString("metadata", jsonMetaData); response = tc.sendRequest(url, TestClient.HTTPPOST); Assert.assertNotNull(response); } @When("^I publish the uploaded dataset with valid metadata$") public void iPublishTheUploadedDatasetWithValidMetadata() throws Throwable { logger.debug("Start: I publish the uploaded dataset with valid metadata"); String url = conf.getDataset(true) + "/" + datasetId; boolean publish = true; tc.addPostString("publish", Boolean.toString(publish)); response = tc.sendRequest(url, TestClient.HTTPPOST); Assert.assertNotNull(response); Assert.assertEquals(200, tc.getStatusCode()); } @Then("^I get the defined meta data with status published back$") public void iGetTheDefinedMetaDataWithStatusPublishedBack() throws Throwable { logger.debug("Start: I get the defined meta data with status published back"); // The dataset is published try { JsonConverter jc = new JsonConverter(); DatasetServiceResponse datasetResponse = jc.toObject(tc.getResultText(), DatasetServiceResponse.class); boolean error = datasetResponse.getError(); String status = datasetResponse.getStatus(); Assert.assertFalse(error); Assert.assertEquals("published", status); logger.debug("Datasetresponse: {}", datasetResponse); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error during conversion of json response: {}", e); } finally { tc.closeSession(); } } @Given("^The dataset is successfully published$") public void theDatasetIsSuccessfullyPublished() throws Throwable { logger.debug("Start: The dataset is successfully published"); createTestClient(); uploadRandomDataSet(); checkDataSetId(); Assert.assertNotNull(datasetId); Assert.assertNotEquals(0, datasetId.length()); String jsonMetaData; String url = conf.getDataset(true) + "/" + datasetId; jsonMetaData = createValidMetaData(); createTestClient(); tc.addPostString("metadata", jsonMetaData); response = tc.sendRequest(url, TestClient.HTTPPOST); Assert.assertNotNull(response); boolean publish = true; tc.addPostString("publish", Boolean.toString(publish)); response = tc.sendRequest(url, TestClient.HTTPPOST); Assert.assertNotNull(response); Assert.assertEquals(200, tc.getStatusCode()); // The dataset is published try { JsonConverter jc = new JsonConverter(); DatasetServiceResponse datasetResponse = jc.toObject(tc.getResultText(), DatasetServiceResponse.class); boolean error = datasetResponse.getError(); String status = datasetResponse.getStatus(); Assert.assertFalse(error); Assert.assertEquals("published", status); logger.debug("Datasetresponse: {}", datasetResponse); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error during conversion of json response: {}", e); } finally { tc.closeSession(); } } @When("^I download the published dataset$") public void iDownloadThePublishedDataset() throws Throwable { logger.debug("Start: I download the published dataset"); String url = conf.getDownloadUrl(true) + "/" + datasetId; response = tc.sendRequest(url, TestClient.HTTPGET); Assert.assertNotNull(response); Assert.assertEquals(200, tc.getStatusCode()); String resultText = tc.getResultText(); Assert.assertNotNull(resultText); logger.debug("Received file with contents: {}", resultText); } @Then("^I get the random uploaded file$") public void iGetTheRandomUploadedFile() throws Throwable { logger.debug("Start: I get the random uploaded file"); String fname = tc.getContentDispositionFilename(); Assert.assertEquals(datasetFileName, fname); } @When("^I delete the dataset$") public void iDeleteTheDataset() throws Throwable { logger.debug("Start: I delete the dataset"); String url = conf.getDelete(true) + "/" + datasetId; response = tc.sendRequest(url, TestClient.HTTPDELETE); Assert.assertNotNull(response); Assert.assertEquals(200, tc.getStatusCode()); String resultText = tc.getResultText(); Assert.assertNotNull(resultText); logger.debug("Deleted file with contents: {}", resultText); } @Given("^There are test datasets with status (.*)$") public void thereAreTestDatasetsWithStatusDraft(String status) throws Throwable { logger.debug("Start: There are test datasets with status {}", status); String title = URLEncoder.encode(datasetFileName, "UTF-8"); String queryParameters = "q=" + title + "&pageSize=100&status=" + status; String url = conf.getDatasets(false) + "/" + queryParameters; createTestClient(); response = tc.sendRequest(url, TestClient.HTTPGET); Assert.assertNotNull(response); Assert.assertEquals(200, tc.getStatusCode()); // The dataset is published try { JsonConverter jc = new JsonConverter(); datasetQueryResponse = jc.toObject(tc.getResultText(), DatasetQueryResponse.class); logger.trace("Datasetresponse: {}", datasetQueryResponse); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error during conversion of json response: {}", e); } finally { tc.closeSession(); } } @When("^I delete all found datasets$") public void iDeleteAllFoundDatasets() throws Throwable { logger.debug("Start: I delete all found datasets"); int len = datasetQueryResponse.getMetadata().length; int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { logger.debug("Deleting element: {} id: {}, status: {}, summary: {}", i, datasetQueryResponse.getMetadata()[i].getIdentifier(), datasetQueryResponse.getMetadata()[i].getStatus(), datasetQueryResponse.getMetadata()[i].getSummary()); String url = conf.getDelete(true) + "/" + datasetQueryResponse.getMetadata()[i].getIdentifier(); logger.debug("Deleting dataset with url: {}", url); response = tc.sendRequest(url, TestClient.HTTPDELETE); Assert.assertNotNull(response); Assert.assertEquals(200, tc.getStatusCode()); String resultText = tc.getResultText(); Assert.assertNotNull(resultText); logger.debug("Deleted file with contents: {}", resultText); } Assert.assertEquals(len, i); } @Then("^There are no more test datasets with status (.*)$") public void thereAreNoMoreTestDatasetsWithStatusDraft(String status) throws Throwable { logger.debug("Start: There are no more test datasets with status {}", status); String title = URLEncoder.encode(datasetFileName, "UTF-8"); String queryParameters = "q=" + title + "&pageSize=100&status=" + status; String url = conf.getDatasets(false) + "/" + queryParameters; createTestClient(); response = tc.sendRequest(url, TestClient.HTTPGET); Assert.assertNotNull(response); Assert.assertEquals(200, tc.getStatusCode()); // The dataset is published try { JsonConverter jc = new JsonConverter(); datasetQueryResponse = jc.toObject(tc.getResultText(), DatasetQueryResponse.class); logger.trace("Datasetresponse: {}", datasetQueryResponse); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error during conversion of json response: {}", e); } finally { tc.closeSession(); } Assert.assertEquals(0, datasetQueryResponse.getCount()); } @When("^I upload a random file with thumbnail and metadata$") public void iUploadARandomFileWithThumbnailAndMetadata() throws Throwable { logger.debug("Start: I upload a random file with thumbnail and metadata"); // get upload file File randomFile = getRandomFile(datasetFileName); // get meta data String metaData = createValidMetaData(); // set thumbnail File thumbNailFile = getThumbNailFile(); // set publish flag boolean publish = true; // send to client createTestClient(); Assert.assertNotNull(tc); tc.addPostFile("dataset", randomFile); tc.addPostString("metadata", metaData); tc.addPostFile("thumbnail", thumbNailFile); tc.addPostString("publish", Boolean.toString(publish)); String url = conf.getDataset(true); response = tc.sendRequest(url, TestClient.HTTPPOST); Assert.assertNotNull(response); Assert.assertEquals(200, tc.getStatusCode()); } private String createValidMetaData() throws Throwable { logger.debug("Create valid metadata"); String jsonMetaData; // I add valid metadata String title = "TEST gui lifecycle"; String summary = "Deze gegevensset is onderdeel van testen en is toegevoegd in het kader van gui lifecycle testen"; String[] keywords = { "Test", "Gui lifecycle" }; String lineage = "Bron van de gegevens is onbekend, en niet relevant voor deze test set"; String resolution = "1000"; MetaData metaData = new MetaData(); metaData.setTitle(title); metaData.setSummary(summary); metaData.setKeywords(keywords); String[] topicCategories = getTopicCategories(); metaData.setTopicCategories(topicCategories); LocationKeyValuePair locationKvP = getLocation(); metaData.setLocationUri(locationKvP.getKey()); metaData.setLineage(lineage); String license = getLicence(); metaData.setLicense(license); metaData.setResolution(resolution); JsonConverter jc = new JsonConverter(); jsonMetaData = jc.toJson(metaData); return jsonMetaData; } private void checkDataSetId() throws Exception { logger.debug("Check if datasetid is returned"); // The datasetId is known try { if (tc.getStatusCode() == 200) { try { JsonConverter jc = new JsonConverter(); DatasetServiceResponse datasetResponse = jc.toObject(tc.getResultText(), DatasetServiceResponse.class); datasetId = datasetResponse.getIdentifier(); boolean error = datasetResponse.getError(); String fileName = datasetResponse.getFileName(); Assert.assertNotNull(datasetId); Assert.assertFalse(error); Assert.assertEquals(datasetFileName, fileName); logger.debug("Created dataset: {} filename: {} error: {}", datasetId, fileName, error); logger.debug("Datasetresponse: {}", datasetResponse); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error during conversion of json response: {}", e); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Error extracting result"); } finally { tc.closeSession(); } } private void uploadRandomDataSet() throws Exception { logger.debug("Upload a random dataset"); // And I uploaded a dataset file File randomFile = getRandomFile(datasetFileName); tc.addPostFile("dataset", randomFile); String url = conf.getDataset(true); response = tc.sendRequest(url, TestClient.HTTPPOST); Assert.assertNotNull(response); } private String[] getTopicCategories() throws Throwable { logger.debug("Get a list of topic catagories from the registry server"); String[] result = null; String url = conf.getRegistry(false) + "/topicCategory"; createTestClient(); response = tc.sendRequest(url, TestClient.HTTPGET); Assert.assertNotNull(response); try { if (tc.getStatusCode() == 200) { try { JsonConverter jc = new JsonConverter(); KeyLabelPairResponse topicResponse = jc.toObject(tc.getResultText(), KeyLabelPairResponse.class); int len = topicResponse.getResponse().length; Assert.assertNotEquals(0, len); if (len > 2) { result = new String[1]; result[0] = topicResponse.getResponse()[0].getKey(); // result[1] = // topicResponse.getResponse()[1].getLabel(); } Assert.assertNotNull(result); logger.debug("Found topics: {}", topicResponse); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error during conversion of json response: {}", e); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Error extracting result"); } finally { tc.closeSession(); } return result; } private LocationKeyValuePair getLocation() throws Throwable { logger.debug("Get a list of locations from the registry server"); LocationKeyValuePair result = null; String url = conf.getRegistry(false) + "/location?q=Arnhem"; createTestClient(); response = tc.sendRequest(url, TestClient.HTTPGET); Assert.assertNotNull(response); try { if (tc.getStatusCode() == 200) { try { JsonConverter jc = new JsonConverter(); LocationResponse locationResponse = jc.toObject(tc.getResultText(), LocationResponse.class); int len = locationResponse.getResponse().length; Assert.assertNotEquals(0, len); if (len > 0) { result = locationResponse.getResponse()[0]; } Assert.assertNotNull(result); logger.debug("LocationResponse - label: {}, key: {}", result.getLabel(), result.getKey()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error during conversion of json response: {}", e); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Error extracting result"); } finally { tc.closeSession(); } return result; } private String getLicence() throws Exception { logger.debug("Get a list of licenses from the registry server"); String result = null; String url = conf.getRegistry(false) + "/license"; tc.addHeader("Accept", "application/json"); response = tc.sendRequest(url, TestClient.HTTPGET); Assert.assertNotNull(response); try { if (tc.getStatusCode() == 200) { try { JsonConverter jc = new JsonConverter(); KeyLabelPairResponse licenseResponse = jc.toObject(tc.getResultText(), KeyLabelPairResponse.class); int len = licenseResponse.getResponse().length; Assert.assertNotEquals(0, len); if (len > 1) { result = licenseResponse.getResponse()[0].getKey(); } Assert.assertNotNull(result); logger.debug("Found licences: {}", licenseResponse); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error during conversion of json response: {}", e); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Error extracting result"); } finally { tc.closeSession(); } return result; } private void createTestClient() throws Throwable { logger.debug("Create a test client"); // There is a test client tc.addHeader("Accept", "application/json"); if (conf.isUseproxy()) { tc.setProxy(conf.getProxyHost(), conf.getProxyPort()); } Assert.assertNotNull(tc); } private File getRandomFile(String name) { logger.debug("Get a random file with name {}", name); File file = new File(name); try { // if file doesnt exists, then create it if (!file.exists()) { file.createNewFile(); } FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(file.getAbsoluteFile()); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fw); String content = "This is dummy text"; bw.write(content); bw.close(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Couldnot create file: {}", name, e); } return file; } private File getThumbNailFile() throws URISyntaxException { logger.debug("Get a thumbnail file"); URL url = this.getClass().getResource("/xls.png"); File file = new File(url.toURI()); return file; } }