Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2016 Dienst voor het kadaster en de openbare registers * * This file is part of Imvertor. * * Imvertor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Imvertor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Imvertor. If not, see <>. * */ package nl.imvertor.common.file; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; import org.mozilla.universalchardet.UniversalDetector; /** * Extension of File, by providing file functions frequently required from any file. * * This implementation does not access the chain environment (Configurator, Transfomer or such). * * @author arjan * */ public class AnyFile extends File { private static final long serialVersionUID = -5935261977364630945L; public static HashMap<String, String> exts = new HashMap<String, String>(); static { //TODO these extensions should be provided by the OS; the descriptions may have to be mimetypes. exts.put("jpeg", "JPEG"); exts.put("jpg", "JPEG"); exts.put("tiff", "TIFF"); exts.put("tif", "TIFF"); exts.put("png", "PNG"); exts.put("doc", "MSWord"); exts.put("docx", "MSWord"); exts.put("odt", "ODF"); exts.put("ott", "ODF"); exts.put("html", "HTML"); exts.put("htm", "HTML"); exts.put("xhtml", "XHTML"); exts.put("xml", "XML"); exts.put("properties", "Properties"); } public LinkedList<File> files; private BufferedReader lineReader = null; public AnyFile(String pathname) { super(pathname); } public AnyFile(File file) { super(file.getAbsolutePath()); } public AnyFile(File file, String subpath) { super(file, subpath); } /** * Determine if a file path specified is absolute. * This is the case when that path starts with "\" or "drive:" (windows) or "/" (unix). * * @param path * @return */ public static boolean isAbsolutePath(String path) { return path.startsWith("\\") || path.startsWith("/") | (match(path, "^(.:)") != null); } public static boolean isFile(String path) { return (new File(path)).isFile() ? true : false; } /** * Return a string indicating the type of file. This is based on the file extension. * Returns null when the extension is null or unknown to the system. * * Note that the filetype can be overridden bij classes implementing subtypes, such as {@link MsWordFile} and {@link HtmlFile}. * In these cases, a file extension may differ from the standard extensions defined by the OD. * * @return */ public String getFileType() { return exts.get(getExtension()); } /** * Get the extension of the file. Note that the file doesn't have to exist. * * @return String The extension in lower case. */ public String getExtension() { return getExtensionCS().toLowerCase(); } /** * Get the case sensitive extension of the file. Note that the file doesn't have to exist. * * @return String The extension in lower case. */ public String getExtensionCS() { String ext = ""; String s = this.getName(); int i = s.lastIndexOf('.'); if (i > 0 && i < s.length() - 1) ext = s.substring(i + 1); return ext; } public String getNameNoExtension() { String name = this.getName(); int i = name.lastIndexOf('.'); if (i > 0 && i < name.length() - 1) name = name.substring(0, i); return name; } public String getContent() throws IOException { StringBuffer fileData = new StringBuffer(1000); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(this)); char[] buf = new char[1024]; int numRead = 0; while ((numRead = != -1) { String readData = String.valueOf(buf, 0, numRead); fileData.append(readData); buf = new char[1024]; } reader.close(); return fileData.toString(); } public void setContent(String s) throws IOException { setContent(s, false); } public void setContent(String s, boolean append) throws IOException { FileWriterWithEncoding out = new FileWriterWithEncoding(this, "UTF-8", append); out.write(s); out.flush(); out.close(); } public void replaceAll(String oldString, String newString) throws IOException { String c = getContent(); setContent(c.replace(oldString, newString)); } public boolean matchesWildcard(String wildcard) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); char[] chars = wildcard.toCharArray(); for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; ++i) { if (chars[i] == '*') buffer.append(".*"); else if (chars[i] == '?') buffer.append(".{1}"); else if ("[\\^$.|+()".indexOf(chars[i]) != -1) buffer.append("\\" + chars[i]); else buffer.append(chars[i]); } return matchesRegex(this, buffer.toString()); } public boolean matchesRegex(File file, String regex) { String s = getAbsolutePath(); regex = "^" + regex + "$"; Matcher m = Pattern.compile(regex).matcher(s); return m.find(); } public String getIsoDateTime() { DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mmZ"); return df.format(this.lastModified()); } public String getFileInfo() throws IOException { String date = new Date(this.lastModified()).toString(); return "\"" + this.getCanonicalPath() + "\" " + (this.isDirectory() ? "(DIR) " : "") + "of " + date + ", " + this.length() + " bytes"; } /** * Filespec is an array of strings: * * 0 Path, * 1 URL, * 2 name (no extension), * 3 extension, * 4 E when exists, otherwise e. * * The following strings are added when the path exists: * * 5 F when it is a file, otherwise f (it's a directory) * 6 H when it is hidden, otherwise h * 7 R when it can be read, otherwise r * 8 W when it can be written to, otherwise w * 9 E when it can be executed, otherwise e * 10 the date & time in ISO format * * When an error occured, only 1 string is returned, the error message. * * @param filepath * @return */ public String[] getFilespec() { String name = getName(); int i = name.lastIndexOf('.'); String[] parms = {}, specs = {}; try { if (exists()) { parms = new String[] { (isDirectory()) ? "f" : "F", (isHidden()) ? "H" : "h", (canRead()) ? "R" : "r", (canWrite()) ? "W" : "w", (canExecute()) ? "E" : "e", (new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:sssZ")).format(lastModified()) }; } specs = new String[] { getCanonicalPath(), toURI().toURL().toString(), (i > 0 && i < name.length() - 1) ? name.substring(0, i) : name, (i > 0 && i < name.length() - 1) ? name.substring(i + 1) : "", (exists()) ? "E" : "e" }; return ArrayUtils.addAll(specs, parms); } catch (Exception e) { return new String[] { e.getMessage() }; } } /** * Maak een kopie van dit file naar opgegeven pad. * Als target pad is een directory, plaats het dan daar onder de file naaam. * Wanneer de doeldirectory niet bestaat, maak die dan aan. * Overschrijft eventueel bestaand file. * @throws IOException */ public void copyFile(File targetFile) throws IOException { if (this.isDirectory()) throw new IOException("Kan geen directory als file kopieren: " + this.getCanonicalPath()); if (targetFile.isDirectory()) targetFile = new File(targetFile.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + this.getName()); FileUtils.copyFile(this, targetFile, true); } public void copyFile(String targetFile) throws Exception { copyFile(new File(targetFile)); } /** * break a path down into individual elements and add to a list. * example : if a path is /a/b/c/d.txt, the breakdown will be [d.txt,c,b,a] * * taken from: * * @param f input file * @return a List collection with the individual elements of the path in reverse order */ private List<String> getPathList(File f) { List<String> l = new ArrayList<String>(); File r; try { r = f.getCanonicalFile(); while (r != null) { l.add(r.getName()); r = r.getParentFile(); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); l = null; } return l; } /** * Figure out a string representing the relative path of * 'f' with respect to 'r' * * taken from: * @param r home path * @param f path of file */ private String matchPathLists(List<String> r, List<String> f) { // start at the beginning of the lists // iterate while both lists are equal String s = ""; int i = r.size() - 1; int j = f.size() - 1; // first eliminate common root while ((i >= 0) && (j >= 0) && (r.get(i).equals(f.get(j)))) { i--; j--; } // for each remaining level in the home path, add a .. for (; i >= 0; i--) { s += ".." + File.separator; } // for each level in the file path, add the path for (; j >= 1; j--) { s += f.get(j) + File.separator; } // file name s += f.get(j); return s; } /** * get relative path of File 'f' with respect to 'home' directory * example : home = /a/b/c * f = /a/d/e/x.txt * s = getRelativePath(home,f) = ../../d/e/x.txt * * taken from: * * @param home base path, should be a directory, not a file, or it doesn't make sense * @param f file to generate path for * @return path from home to f as a string */ public String getRelativePath(File home) { List<String> homelist = getPathList(home); List<String> filelist = getPathList(this); String s = matchPathLists(homelist, filelist); return s; } public String getRelativePath(String homePath) { List<String> homelist = getPathList(new File(homePath)); List<String> filelist = getPathList(this); String s = matchPathLists(homelist, filelist); return s; } /** * Return a file writer, which allow strings to be written to this file. * If writing lines, append \n to the string. * * @param append Append to the existing file? * @return * @throws IOException */ public FileWriterWithEncoding getWriterWithEncoding(String encoding, boolean append) throws IOException { return new FileWriterWithEncoding(this, "UTF-8", append); } /** * Return a file writer, which allow strings to be written to this file. * If writing lines, append \n to the string. * * @param append Append to the existing file? * @return * @throws IOException */ public FileWriter getWriter(boolean append) throws IOException { return new FileWriter(this, append); } /** * Return a buffered file writer, which allow strings to be written to this file. * If writing lines, append \n to the string. * * @param append Append to the existing file? * @return * @throws IOException */ public BufferedWriter getBufferedWriter(boolean append) throws IOException { return new BufferedWriter(getWriter(append)); } public FileReader getReader() throws IOException { return new FileReader(this); } /** * Write all file contents to the writer passed. * * @param writer * @throws IOException */ public void readToWriter(Writer writer) throws IOException { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(this)); char[] buf = new char[1024]; int numRead = 0; while ((numRead = != -1) { String readData = String.valueOf(buf, 0, numRead); writer.write(readData); buf = new char[1024]; } reader.close(); } /** * Guess if this file is an XML file. * Test if the file starts with <?xml. * Only suited for UTF-8. * * @return * @throws Exception */ public boolean isXml() throws Exception { return getHead(5).equals("<?xml"); } public String getHead(int numberBytes) throws Exception { FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream(this.getAbsolutePath()); byte bytes[] = new byte[numberBytes];; String r = new String(bytes, "UTF-8"); is.close(); return r; } /** * Dit gaat terug op * * * @return * @throws IOException */ public String guessEncoding() throws IOException { byte[] buf = new byte[4096]; FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(this.getAbsolutePath()); // (1) UniversalDetector detector = new UniversalDetector(null); // (2) int nread; while ((nread = > 0 && !detector.isDone()) { detector.handleData(buf, 0, nread); } // (3) detector.dataEnd(); // (4) String encoding = detector.getDetectedCharset(); // (5) detector.reset(); fis.close(); return encoding; } private static String match(String s, String regex) { Matcher m = Pattern.compile(regex).matcher(s); if (m.find()) return s.substring(m.start(), m.end()); else return null; } /** * Read the next line. * If no more lines available, close the stream and return null. * Next call, reopen the stream and start again. * * @return * @throws IOException */ public String getNextLine() throws IOException { String line = null; if (lineReader == null) lineReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(this)); if (!(lineReader.ready() && (line = lineReader.readLine()) != null)) lineReader.close(); return line; } }