Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2012. Axon Framework * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package nl.enovation.addressbook.jpa.webui.init; import java.util.Random; import nl.enovation.addressbook.jpa.pojo.Contact; import nl.enovation.addressbook.jpa.pojo.PhoneNumberEntry; import nl.enovation.addressbook.jpa.pojo.PhoneNumberType; import nl.enovation.addressbook.jpa.repository.ContactRepository; import nl.enovation.addressbook.jpa.repository.PhoneNumberEntryRepository; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; @Component public class DBInit { private static PhoneNumberEntryRepository phoneNumberEntryRepository; private static ContactRepository contactRepository; static final String[] GROUP_NAMES = { "Corporate Development", "Human Resources", "Legal", "Environment", "Quality Assurance", "Research and Development", "Production", "Sales", "Marketing" }; static final String[] FIRST_NAMES = { "Peter", "Alice", "Joshua", "Mike", "Olivia", "Nina", "Alex", "Rita", "Dan", "Umberto", "Henrik", "Rene", "Lisa", "Marge" }; static final String[] LAST_NAMES = { "Smith", "Gordon", "Simpson", "Brown", "Clavel", "Simons", "Verne", "Scott", "Allison", "Gates", "Rowling", "Barks", "Ross", "Schneider", "Tate" }; static final String CITIES[] = { "Amsterdam", "Berlin", "Helsinki", "Hong Kong", "London", "Luxemburg", "New York", "Oslo", "Paris", "Rome", "Stockholm", "Tokyo", "Turku" }; static final String STREETS[] = { "4215 Blandit Av.", "452-8121 Sem Ave", "279-4475 Tellus Road", "4062 Libero. Av.", "7081 Pede. Ave", "6800 Aliquet St.", "P.O. Box 298, 9401 Mauris St.", "161-7279 Augue Ave", "P.O. Box 496, 1390 Sagittis. Rd.", "448-8295 Mi Avenue", "6419 Non Av.", "659-2538 Elementum Street", "2205 Quis St.", "252-5213 Tincidunt St.", "P.O. Box 175, 4049 Adipiscing Rd.", "3217 Nam Ave", "P.O. Box 859, 7661 Auctor St.", "2873 Nonummy Av.", "7342 Mi, Avenue", "539-3914 Dignissim. Rd.", "539-3675 Magna Avenue", "Ap #357-5640 Pharetra Avenue", "416-2983 Posuere Rd.", "141-1287 Adipiscing Avenue", "Ap #781-3145 Gravida St.", "6897 Suscipit Rd.", "8336 Purus Avenue", "2603 Bibendum. Av.", "2870 Vestibulum St.", "Ap #722 Aenean Avenue", "446-968 Augue Ave", "1141 Ultricies Street", "Ap #992-5769 Nunc Street", "6690 Porttitor Avenue", "Ap #105-1700 Risus Street", "P.O. Box 532, 3225 Lacus. Avenue", "736 Metus Street", "414-1417 Fringilla Street", "Ap #183-928 Scelerisque Road", "561-9262 Iaculis Avenue" }; public static void createItems() { String group; PhoneNumberEntry phoneNumber; Random r = new Random(0); for (String g : GROUP_NAMES) { group = g; int amount = r.nextInt(15) + 1; for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { Contact c = new Contact(); c.setFirstName(FIRST_NAMES[r.nextInt(FIRST_NAMES.length)]); c.setLastName(LAST_NAMES[r.nextInt(LAST_NAMES.length)]); c.setCity(CITIES[r.nextInt(CITIES.length)]); int n = r.nextInt(100000); if (n < 10000) { n += 10000; } c.setZipCode("" + n); c.setStreet(STREETS[r.nextInt(STREETS.length)]); c.setDepartment(group);; phoneNumber = new PhoneNumberEntry(); phoneNumber .setPhoneNumber("+358 02 " + r.nextInt(10) + r.nextInt(10) + r.nextInt(10) + r.nextInt(10)); phoneNumber.setPhoneNumberType(PhoneNumberType.FAX); phoneNumber.setContact(c); c.getPhoneNumbers().add(phoneNumber);; } } } public void setContactRepository(ContactRepository contactRepository) { DBInit.contactRepository = contactRepository; } public void setPhoneNumberEntryRepository(PhoneNumberEntryRepository phoneNumberEntryRepository) { DBInit.phoneNumberEntryRepository = phoneNumberEntryRepository; } }