Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2013 Cyso < development [at] cyso . nl > * * This file is part of vcloud-client. * * vcloud-client is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * vcloud-client is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with vcloud-client. If not, see <>. */ package nl.cyso.vcloud.client; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Level; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import nl.cyso.vcloud.client.constants.vCloudConstants; import nl.cyso.vcloud.client.types.ManipulateType; import org.apache.commons.lang.NotImplementedException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.vmware.vcloud.sdk.Catalog; import com.vmware.vcloud.sdk.CatalogItem; import com.vmware.vcloud.sdk.FakeSSLSocketFactory; import com.vmware.vcloud.sdk.OrgVdcNetwork; import com.vmware.vcloud.sdk.Organization; import com.vmware.vcloud.sdk.Task; import com.vmware.vcloud.sdk.VCloudException; import com.vmware.vcloud.sdk.VM; import com.vmware.vcloud.sdk.Vapp; import com.vmware.vcloud.sdk.VappTemplate; import com.vmware.vcloud.sdk.VcloudClient; import com.vmware.vcloud.sdk.Vdc; import com.vmware.vcloud.sdk.VirtualDisk; import com.vmware.vcloud.sdk.VirtualNetworkCard; import com.vmware.vcloud.sdk.constants.UndeployPowerActionType; import com.vmware.vcloud.sdk.constants.Version; public class vCloudClient { private VcloudClient vcc = null; protected VcloudClient getVcc() { return vcc; } private void vccPreCheck() { if (this.vcc == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("vCloudClient was not logged in"); } } public void login(String uri, String username, String password) { VcloudClient.setLogLevel(Level.ALL); this.vcc = new VcloudClient(uri, Version.V1_5); try { this.vcc.registerScheme("https", 443, FakeSSLSocketFactory.getInstance()); } catch (Exception e) { Formatter.printErrorLine("Unexpected error"); Formatter.printStackTrace(e); System.exit(1); } HashMap<String, ReferenceType> organizationsMap = null; try { this.vcc.login(username, password); organizationsMap = this.vcc.getOrgRefsByName(); } catch (VCloudException ve) { Formatter.printErrorLine("An error occurred while logging in:\n"); Formatter.printErrorLine(ve.getLocalizedMessage()); System.exit(1); } if (organizationsMap.isEmpty()) { Formatter.printErrorLine("Invalid login for user " + username); System.exit(1); } } public void listOrganizations() { this.vccPreCheck(); try { Formatter.printInfoLine("Retrieving Organizations..."); Collection<ReferenceType> orgs = this.vcc.getOrgRefs(); List<String> o = new ArrayList<String>(orgs.size()); for (ReferenceType org : orgs) { o.add(org.getName()); } Collections.sort(o, String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); Formatter.printInfoLine("Organizations:"); for (String p : o) { Formatter.printInfoLine("\t" + p); } } catch (VCloudException e) { Formatter.printErrorLine("An error occured while retrieving organizations"); Formatter.printErrorLine(e.getLocalizedMessage()); System.exit(1); } } public void listVDCs(String org) { this.vccPreCheck(); Organization orgObj = this.getOrganization(org); try { Formatter.printInfoLine("This organization contains:\n\n"); for (ReferenceType vdcRef : orgObj.getVdcRefs()) { Vdc vdc = Vdc.getVdcByReference(this.vcc, vdcRef); Formatter.printInfoLine( String.format("%-20s - %s", vdcRef.getName(), vdc.getResource().getDescription())); for (ReferenceType netRef : vdc.getAvailableNetworkRefs()) { OrgVdcNetwork net = OrgVdcNetwork.getOrgVdcNetworkByReference(this.vcc, netRef); StringBuilder i = new StringBuilder(); try { List<IpRangeType> ips = net.getResource().getConfiguration().getIpScope().getIpRanges() .getIpRange(); for (IpRangeType ip : ips) { i.append(String.format(" %s - %s ", ip.getStartAddress(), ip.getEndAddress())); } } catch (NullPointerException e) { i.append("?"); } Formatter.printInfoLine( String.format("\t%-10s (%s)", net.getResource().getName(), i.toString())); } } } catch (VCloudException e) { Formatter.printErrorLine("An error occured while retrieving virtual data centers"); Formatter.printErrorLine(e.getLocalizedMessage()); System.exit(1); } } public void listVApps(String org, String vdc) { this.vccPreCheck(); Vdc vdcObj = this.getVDC(org, vdc); try { Formatter.printInfoLine("This virtual data center contains:\n"); for (ReferenceType vappRef : vdcObj.getVappRefs()) { Vapp vapp = Vapp.getVappByReference(this.vcc, vappRef); Formatter.printInfoLine( String.format("%-20s - %s", vappRef.getName(), vapp.getResource().getDescription())); for (VAppNetworkConfigurationType vn : vapp.getVappNetworkConfigurations()) { StringBuilder i = new StringBuilder(); try { List<IpRangeType> vips = vn.getConfiguration().getIpScope().getIpRanges().getIpRange(); for (IpRangeType ip : vips) { i.append(String.format(" %s - %s ", ip.getStartAddress(), ip.getEndAddress())); } } catch (NullPointerException e) { i.append("?"); } Formatter.printInfoLine(String.format("\t%-10s (%s)", vn.getNetworkName(), i.toString())); } } } catch (VCloudException e) { Formatter.printErrorLine("An error occured while retrieving vApps"); Formatter.printErrorLine(e.getLocalizedMessage()); System.exit(1); } } public void listVMs(String org, String vdc, String vapp) { this.vccPreCheck(); Vapp vappObj = this.getVApp(org, vdc, vapp); try { Formatter.printInfoLine("This vApp contains:"); List<VM> vms = vappObj.getChildrenVms(); for (VM vm : vms) { Formatter.printInfoLine(String.format("----\n%-20s - %s", vm.getReference().getName(), vm.getResource().getDescription())); Formatter.printInfoLine(String.format("\tID: %s", vm.getReference().getHref())); Formatter.printInfoLine(String.format("\tCPUs: %s, RAM: %s MB", vm.getCpu().getNoOfCpus(), vm.getMemory().getMemorySize())); Formatter.printInfoLine( String.format("\tOS: %s", vm.getOperatingSystemSection().getDescription().getValue())); try { Formatter.printInfoLine(String.format("\tVMware Tools: Version %s", vm.getRuntimeInfoSection().getVMWareTools().getVersion())); } catch (NullPointerException ne) { Formatter.printInfoLine(String.format("\tVMware Tools: No")); } try { if (vm.getGuestCustomizationSection().isAdminPasswordAuto() && vm.getGuestCustomizationSection().isAdminPasswordEnabled()) { Formatter.printInfoLine(String.format("\tAdministrator password: %s", vm.getGuestCustomizationSection().getAdminPassword())); } } catch (NullPointerException ne) { Formatter.printInfoLine(String.format("\tAdministrator password: Unknown")); } try { Formatter.printInfoLine(String.format("\tConsole Link: http://vcloud.localhost/console.html?%s", vm.acquireTicket().getValue())); } catch (VCloudException e) { Formatter.printInfoLine(String.format("\tConsole Link: %s", e.getLocalizedMessage())); } try { int length = vm.getVMDiskChainLength(); Formatter.printInfoLine(String.format("\tDisk Chain Length: %s %s", String.valueOf(length), (length == 0 ? "" : length == 1 ? "(Flat)" : "(Chained)"))); } catch (NullPointerException ne) { Formatter.printInfoLine(String.format("\tDisk Chain Length: Unknown")); } catch (VCloudException ve) { Formatter.printInfoLine(String.format("\tDisk Chain Length: Unknown")); } Formatter.printInfoLine("\tDisks:"); for (VirtualDisk disk : vm.getDisks()) { if (disk.isHardDisk()) { Formatter.printInfoLine(String.format("\t\t%-10s - %s MB", disk.getItemResource().getElementName().getValue(), disk.getHardDiskSize())); } else { Formatter.printInfoLine( String.format("\t\t%-10s", disk.getItemResource().getElementName().getValue())); } } Formatter.printInfoLine("\tNICs:"); for (VirtualNetworkCard net : vm.getNetworkCards()) { String ip = null; try { ip = net.getIpAddress(); } catch (VCloudException e) { ip = "?"; } Formatter.printInfoLine(String.format("\t\t%-14s - %15s - %s - %s", ip, net.getItemResource().getAddress().getValue(), net.getItemResource().getConnection().get(0).getValue(), net.getItemResource().getDescription().getValue())); } } } catch (VCloudException e) { Formatter.printErrorLine("An error occured while retrieving VMs"); Formatter.printErrorLine(e.getLocalizedMessage()); System.exit(1); } } public void listCatalogs(String org) { this.vccPreCheck(); Organization orgObj = this.getOrganization(org); try { Formatter.printInfoLine("Catalogs:\n"); for (ReferenceType catalogRef : orgObj.getCatalogRefs()) { Catalog catalog = Catalog.getCatalogByReference(this.vcc, catalogRef); Formatter.printInfoLine(String.format("----\n%-20s - %s", catalogRef.getName(), catalog.getResource().getDescription())); List<CatalogItem> vapps = new ArrayList<CatalogItem>(); List<CatalogItem> media = new ArrayList<CatalogItem>(); for (ReferenceType itemRef : catalog.getCatalogItemReferences()) { CatalogItem item = CatalogItem.getCatalogItemByReference(this.vcc, itemRef); ReferenceType ref = item.getEntityReference(); if (ref.getType().equals(vCloudConstants.MediaType.VAPP_TEMPLATE)) { vapps.add(item); } else if (ref.getType().equals(vCloudConstants.MediaType.MEDIA)) { media.add(item); } } Formatter.printInfoLine("\tvApps:"); for (CatalogItem item : vapps) { Formatter.printInfoLine(String.format("\t\t%-20s - %s", item.getReference().getName(), item.getResource().getDescription().replace("\n", ", "))); } Formatter.printInfoLine("\tvMedia:"); for (CatalogItem item : media) { Formatter.printInfoLine(String.format("\t\t%-20s - %s", item.getReference().getName(), item.getResource().getDescription().replace("\n", ", "))); } } } catch (VCloudException e) { Formatter.printErrorLine("An error occured while retrieving Catalogs"); Formatter.printErrorLine(e.getLocalizedMessage()); System.exit(1); } } private Organization getOrganization(String org) { this.vccPreCheck(); Formatter.printInfoLine("Retrieving organization: " + org); Organization orgObj = null; try { ReferenceType orgRef = this.vcc.getOrgRefByName(org); orgObj = Organization.getOrganizationByReference(this.vcc, orgRef); } catch (VCloudException e) { Formatter.printErrorLine("An error occured while selecting the organization"); Formatter.printErrorLine(e.getLocalizedMessage()); System.exit(1); } catch (NullPointerException ne) { Formatter.printErrorLine("Organization does not exist"); System.exit(1); } Formatter.printInfoLine("Retrieved organization"); return orgObj; } private Vdc getVDC(String org, String vdc) { this.vccPreCheck(); Vdc vdcObj = null; try { Organization o = this.getOrganization(org); ReferenceType vdcRef = o.getVdcRefByName(vdc); vdcObj = Vdc.getVdcByReference(this.vcc, vdcRef); } catch (VCloudException e) { Formatter.printErrorLine("An error occured while selecting the virtual data center"); Formatter.printErrorLine(e.getLocalizedMessage()); System.exit(1); } catch (NullPointerException ne) { Formatter.printErrorLine("Virtual data center does not exist"); System.exit(1); } Formatter.printInfoLine("Retrieved virtual data center: " + vdc); return vdcObj; } private Vapp getVApp(String org, String vdc, String vapp) { this.vccPreCheck(); Vapp vappObj = null; try { Vdc vdcObj = this.getVDC(org, vdc); vappObj = Vapp.getVappByReference(this.vcc, vdcObj.getVappRefByName(vapp)); } catch (VCloudException e) { Formatter.printErrorLine("An error occured while retrieving vApp"); Formatter.printErrorLine(e.getLocalizedMessage()); System.exit(1); } catch (NullPointerException ne) { Formatter.printErrorLine("vApp does not exist"); System.exit(1); } Formatter.printInfoLine("Retrieved vApp: " + vapp); return vappObj; } private VM getVM(String org, String vdc, String vapp, String vm) { this.vccPreCheck(); VM vmObj = null; try { Vapp vappObj = this.getVApp(org, vdc, vapp); for (VM v : vappObj.getChildrenVms()) { if (v.getReference().getName().equals(vm)) { vmObj = v; } } } catch (VCloudException e) { Formatter.printErrorLine("An error occured while retrieving VM"); Formatter.printErrorLine(e.getLocalizedMessage()); System.exit(1); } if (vmObj == null) { Formatter.printErrorLine("VM does not exist"); System.exit(1); } Formatter.printInfoLine("Retrieved VM: " + vm); return vmObj; } private CatalogItem getCatalogItem(String org, String catalog, String item, String type) { this.vccPreCheck(); Formatter.printInfoLine("Retrieving catalog: " + catalog); Catalog cat = null; try { Organization orgObj = this.getOrganization(org); for (ReferenceType catalogRef : orgObj.getCatalogRefs()) { if (catalogRef.getName().equals(catalog)) { cat = Catalog.getCatalogByReference(this.vcc, catalogRef); } } } catch (VCloudException e) { Formatter.printErrorLine("An error occured while retrieving Catalog"); Formatter.printErrorLine(e.getLocalizedMessage()); System.exit(1); } if (cat == null) { Formatter.printErrorLine("Catalog not found"); System.exit(1); } Formatter.printInfoLine("Retrieving catalog item: " + item); CatalogItem itemObj = null; try { itemObj = CatalogItem.getCatalogItemByReference(this.vcc, cat.getCatalogItemRefByName(item)); if (!itemObj.getEntityReference().getType().equals(type)) { Formatter.printErrorLine("Catalog item was found, but was not of the requested type"); System.exit(1); } } catch (VCloudException e) { Formatter.printErrorLine("An error occured while retrieving vApp"); Formatter.printErrorLine(e.getLocalizedMessage()); System.exit(1); } catch (NullPointerException ne) { Formatter.printErrorLine("Catalog item not found"); System.exit(1); } return itemObj; } private Task manipulateVM(String org, String vdc, String vapp, String vm, ManipulateType action) { this.vccPreCheck(); VM vmObj = this.getVM(org, vdc, vapp, vm); Task t = null; try { switch (action) { case POWERON: Formatter.printInfoLine("Powering on VM: " + vm); t = vmObj.powerOn(); break; case POWEROFF: Formatter.printInfoLine("Powering off VM: " + vm); t = vmObj.undeploy(UndeployPowerActionType.POWEROFF); break; case SHUTDOWN: Formatter.printInfoLine("Shutting down VM: " + vm); t = vmObj.undeploy(UndeployPowerActionType.SHUTDOWN); break; case REMOVE: Formatter.printInfoLine("Removing VM: " + vm); t = vmObj.delete(); break; default: throw new NotImplementedException("Manipulation type not implemented: " + action.toString()); } } catch (VCloudException e) { Formatter.printErrorLine("An error occured while manipulating VM"); Formatter.printErrorLine(e.getLocalizedMessage()); System.exit(1); } return t; } public Task addVM(String org, String vdc, String vapp, String catalog, String template, String fqdn, String description, String ip, String network, String ipAddressAllocationMode) { System.err.println("ipAddressAllocationMode : " + ipAddressAllocationMode); if (true) return null; this.vccPreCheck(); Vapp vappObj = this.getVApp(org, vdc, vapp); CatalogItem itemObj = this.getCatalogItem(org, catalog, template, vCloudConstants.MediaType.VAPP_TEMPLATE); VappTemplate templateObj = null; VappTemplate vmObj = null; Formatter.printInfoLine("Retrieving requested VM template: " + template); try { templateObj = VappTemplate.getVappTemplateByReference(this.vcc, itemObj.getEntityReference()); for (VappTemplate child : templateObj.getChildren()) { if (child.isVm()) { vmObj = child; } } } catch (VCloudException e) { Formatter.printErrorLine("Unexpected error"); Formatter.printStackTrace(e); System.exit(1); } if (vmObj == null) { Formatter.printErrorLine("Could not find template VM"); System.exit(1); } Formatter.printInfoLine("Building vApp recompose request"); // Change vApp settings RecomposeVAppParamsType recomp = new RecomposeVAppParamsType(); recomp.setName(vappObj.getReference().getName()); List<SourcedCompositionItemParamType> sources = recomp.getSourcedItem(); // Change new VM network settings NetworkConnectionType nw = new NetworkConnectionType(); nw.setIpAddress(ip); nw.setMACAddress(null); Formatter.printInfoLine("Set IP Address Allocation Mode: " + ipAddressAllocationMode); nw.setIpAddressAllocationMode(ipAddressAllocationMode); nw.setNetwork(network); nw.setIsConnected(true); NetworkConnectionSectionType networkObject = new NetworkConnectionSectionType(); networkObject.setInfo(new MsgType()); networkObject.getNetworkConnection().add(nw); InstantiationParamsType instant = new InstantiationParamsType(); List<JAXBElement<? extends SectionType>> sections = instant.getSection(); sections.add(new ObjectFactory().createNetworkConnectionSection(networkObject)); String[] fqdnParts = fqdn.split("\\."); GuestCustomizationSectionType guest = new GuestCustomizationSectionType(); guest.setInfo(new MsgType()); guest.setComputerName(fqdnParts[0]); guest.setAdminPasswordAuto(true); guest.setAdminPasswordEnabled(true); guest.setEnabled(true); sections.add(new ObjectFactory().createGuestCustomizationSection(guest)); // Whip it all up SourcedCompositionItemParamType s = new SourcedCompositionItemParamType(); s.setSource(vmObj.getReference()); s.getSource().setName(fqdn); s.setSourceDelete(false); s.setInstantiationParams(instant); sources.add(s); Formatter.printInfoLine("Recomposing vApp"); // Do it Task t = null; try { t = vappObj.recomposeVapp(recomp); } catch (VCloudException e) { Formatter.printErrorLine("An error occured while recomposing vApp"); Formatter.printErrorLine(e.getLocalizedMessage()); System.exit(1); } return t; } public Task setGuestCustomizations(String org, String vdc, String vapp, String vm, boolean genPassword) { return this.setGuestCustomizations(org, vdc, vapp, vm, genPassword, null); } public Task setGuestCustomizations(String org, String vdc, String vapp, String vm, boolean genPassword, String password) { this.vccPreCheck(); VM vmObj = this.getVM(org, vdc, vapp, vm); Formatter.printInfoLine("Retrieving Guest Customizations section for " + vm); GuestCustomizationSectionType guest = null; try { guest = vmObj.getGuestCustomizationSection(); } catch (VCloudException ve) { Formatter.printErrorLine("An error occurred while getting guest customizations"); Formatter.printErrorLine(ve.getLocalizedMessage()); System.exit(1); } if (genPassword == true) { guest.setEnabled(true); guest.setAdminPasswordAuto(true); guest.setAdminPasswordEnabled(true); } else if (password != null) { guest.setEnabled(true); guest.setAdminPasswordAuto(false); guest.setAdminPasswordEnabled(true); guest.setAdminPassword(password); } else { guest.setAdminPasswordEnabled(false); } Formatter.printInfoLine("Updating Guest Customizations"); // Do it Task t = null; try { t = vmObj.updateSection(guest); } catch (VCloudException ve) { Formatter.printErrorLine("An error occurred while updating guest customizations"); Formatter.printErrorLine(ve.getLocalizedMessage()); System.exit(1); } return t; } public Task removeVM(String org, String vdc, String vapp, String vm) { return this.manipulateVM(org, vdc, vapp, vm, ManipulateType.REMOVE); } public Task powerOnVM(String org, String vdc, String vapp, String vm) { return this.manipulateVM(org, vdc, vapp, vm, ManipulateType.POWERON); } public Task powerOffVM(String org, String vdc, String vapp, String vm) { return this.manipulateVM(org, vdc, vapp, vm, ManipulateType.POWEROFF); } public Task shutdownVM(String org, String vdc, String vapp, String vm) { return this.manipulateVM(org, vdc, vapp, vm, ManipulateType.SHUTDOWN); } public Task resizeVMDisks(String org, String vdc, String vapp, String vm, String diskname, BigInteger disksize) { this.vccPreCheck(); Task t = null; try { VM vmObj = this.getVM(org, vdc, vapp, vm); int length = 0; try { length = vmObj.getVMDiskChainLength(); } catch (NullPointerException ne) { Formatter.printErrorLine( "Could not retrieve VM disk chain length. Operation will continue, but may fail."); } if (length > 1) { Formatter.printErrorLine( "VM has a disk chain length larger than one. This VM needs to be consolidated before the disk can be extended."); System.exit(1); } List<VirtualDisk> disks = vmObj.getDisks(); List<VirtualDisk> newDisks = new ArrayList<VirtualDisk>(disks.size()); for (VirtualDisk disk : disks) { if (disk.isHardDisk()) { RASDType d = new RASDType(); d.setElementName(disk.getItemResource().getElementName()); d.setResourceType(disk.getItemResource().getResourceType()); d.setInstanceID(disk.getItemResource().getInstanceID()); for (int i = 0; i < disk.getItemResource().getHostResource().size(); i++) { CimString resource = disk.getItemResource().getHostResource().get(i); d.getHostResource().add(resource); if (disk.getItemResource().getElementName().getValue().equals(diskname)) { if (disk.getHardDiskSize().compareTo(disksize) == 1) { throw new VCloudException( "Failed to resize disk, shrinking disks is not supported"); } for (QName key : resource.getOtherAttributes().keySet()) { if (key.getLocalPart().equals("capacity")) { resource.getOtherAttributes().put(key, disksize.toString()); } } } } newDisks.add(new VirtualDisk(d)); } } t = vmObj.updateDisks(newDisks); } catch (VCloudException e) { Formatter.printErrorLine("An error occured while resizing disks"); Formatter.printErrorLine(e.getLocalizedMessage()); Formatter.printStackTrace(e); System.exit(1); } return t; } public Task consolidateVM(String org, String vdc, String vapp, String vm) { this.vccPreCheck(); Task t = null; try { VM vmObj = this.getVM(org, vdc, vapp, vm); Formatter.printInfoLine("Consolidating VM: " + vm); t = vmObj.consolidate(); } catch (VCloudException e) { Formatter.printErrorLine("An error occured while consolidating"); Formatter.printErrorLine(e.getLocalizedMessage()); Formatter.printStackTrace(e); System.exit(1); } return t; } }