Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2013 Cyso < development [at] cyso . nl > * * This file is part of vcloud-client. * * vcloud-client is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * vcloud-client is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with vcloud-client. If not, see <>. */ package nl.cyso.vcloud.client; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import nl.cyso.vcloud.client.config.ConfigModes; import nl.cyso.vcloud.client.types.ModeType; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import com.vmware.vcloud.sdk.Task; import com.vmware.vcloud.sdk.VCloudException; public class Formatter { public static void usageError(String error, ModeType mode) { Formatter.printErrorLine(error + "\n"); ConfigModes.printConfigModeHelp(mode); System.exit(-1); } // TODO: find something better than hard coding examples public static void printExamples() { Formatter.printInfoLine("\nexamples:"); Formatter.printInfoLine(String.format(" %s -c cloud.cfg", Version.PROJECT_NAME)); Formatter.printInfoLine(" Load configuration from file \"cloud.cfg\"\n"); Formatter.printInfoLine(String.format(" %s -c cloud.cfg -l org", Version.PROJECT_NAME)); Formatter.printInfoLine(" List all organizations that you have access to\n"); Formatter.printInfoLine( String.format(" %s -c cloud.cfg --organization=\"sample-org\" -l vdc", Version.PROJECT_NAME)); Formatter.printInfoLine( " List all virtual data centers of organization \"sample-org\" and their networks\n"); Formatter.printInfoLine( String.format(" %s -c cloud.cfg --organization=\"sample-org\" --vdc=\"sample-vdc\" -l vapp", Version.PROJECT_NAME)); Formatter.printInfoLine( " List all vApps of virtual data center \"sample-vdc\" of organization \"sample-org\" and their networks\n"); Formatter.printInfoLine(String.format( " %s -c cloud.cfg --organization=\"sample-org\" --vdc=\"sample-vdc\" --vapp=\"sample-vapp\" -l vm", Version.PROJECT_NAME)); Formatter.printInfoLine( " Formatter.printInfopp \"sample-vapp\" of virtual data center \"sample-vdc\" of organization \"sample-org\"\n"); Formatter.printInfoLine( String.format(" %s -c cloud.cfg --organization=\"sample-org\" -l catalog", Version.PROJECT_NAME)); Formatter.printInfoLine(" List all available catalogs and their content of organization \"sample-org\"\n"); Formatter.printInfoLine(String.format( " %s -c cloud.cfg --organization=\"sample-org\" --vdc=\"sample-vdc\" --vapp=\"sample-vapp\" --catalog=\"sample-catalog\" --template=\"sample-template\" \\", Version.PROJECT_NAME)); Formatter.printInfoLine( " --fqdn=\"\" --description=\"This is a new VM\" --network=\"vcloud-netw-1\" --ip=\"\" --add-vm"); Formatter.printInfoLine( " Create a new VM in vApp \"sample-vapp\" of virtual data center \"sample-vdc\" of organization \"sample-org\","); Formatter.printInfoLine( " with FQDN \"\", a description, and IP \"\" in network \"vcloud-netw-1\"\n"); Formatter.printInfoLine(String.format( " %s -c cloud.cfg --organization=\"sample-org\" --vdc=\"sample-vdc\" --vapp=\"sample-vapp\" --vm=\"\" --remove-vm", Version.PROJECT_NAME)); Formatter.printInfoLine( " Remove an existing VM named \"\" from vApp \"sample-vapp\" of virtual data center \"sample-vdc\" of organization \"sample-org\".\n"); } public static String getHeader() { StringBuilder header = new StringBuilder(); header.append(String.format("%s version %s\n", Version.PROJECT_NAME, Version.RELEASE_VERSION)); header.append(String.format("BUILD_VERSION: %s\n", Version.BUILD_VERSION)); return header.toString(); } public static void printHeader() { Formatter.printBorderedInfo(Formatter.getHeader()); } public static void waitForTaskCompletion(Task task) { String message = "Waiting for task completion "; String[] twirl = new String[] { "-", "\\", "|", "/" }; boolean wait = true; int counter = 0; while (wait) { Formatter.printInfo("\r" + message + twirl[counter % twirl.length]); try { task.waitForTask(20); } catch (TimeoutException e) { // Still waiting... counter++; continue; } catch (VCloudException vce) { Formatter.printInfo("\n"); Formatter.printErrorLine("An error occured while executing task"); Formatter.printErrorLine(vce.getLocalizedMessage()); System.exit(-1); } Formatter.printInfo("\n"); Formatter.printInfoLine("Done"); wait = false; } } public static void printError(Object error) { System.err.print(error); } public static void printInfo(Object info) { System.out.print(info); } public static void printErrorLine(Object error) { System.err.println(error); } public static void printInfoLine(Object info) { System.out.println(info); } public static void printBorderedInfo(Object info) { Formatter.printBordered(info, false); } public static void printBorderedError(Object error) { Formatter.printBordered(error, true); } private static void printBordered(Object msg, boolean error) { String[] lines = msg.toString().split("\n"); int longest = 0; for (String line : lines) { if (line.length() > longest) { longest = line.length(); } } if (error) { Formatter.printErrorLine(StringUtils.repeat("-", longest)); Formatter.printError(msg); Formatter.printErrorLine(StringUtils.repeat("-", longest)); } else { Formatter.printInfoLine(StringUtils.repeat("-", longest)); Formatter.printInfo(msg); Formatter.printInfoLine(StringUtils.repeat("-", longest)); } } public static void printStackTrace(Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); } }