Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012-2013 E.Hooijmeijer * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package nl.cad.tpsparse; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import nl.cad.tpsparse.convert.AbstractTpsToCsv; import nl.cad.tpsparse.convert.BufferingTpsToCsv; import nl.cad.tpsparse.convert.StreamingTpsToCsv; import nl.cad.tpsparse.csv.BufferingCsvWriter; import nl.cad.tpsparse.csv.CsvDiff; import nl.cad.tpsparse.csv.CsvFile; import nl.cad.tpsparse.csv.CsvReader; import nl.cad.tpsparse.csv.CsvWriter; import nl.cad.tpsparse.csv.ImmediateCsvWriter; import nl.cad.tpsparse.tps.NotATopSpeedFileException; import nl.cad.tpsparse.tps.TpsBlock; import nl.cad.tpsparse.tps.TpsFile; import nl.cad.tpsparse.tps.TpsFile.DetailVisitor; import nl.cad.tpsparse.tps.TpsPage; import nl.cad.tpsparse.tps.TpsRecord; import nl.cad.tpsparse.tps.record.FieldDefinitionRecord; import nl.cad.tpsparse.tps.record.IndexDefinitionRecord; import nl.cad.tpsparse.tps.record.MemoDefinitionRecord; import nl.cad.tpsparse.tps.record.TableDefinitionRecord; import nl.cad.tpsparse.util.Utils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import com.beust.jcommander.JCommander; import com.beust.jcommander.Parameter; import com.beust.jcommander.ParameterException; import com.beust.jcommander.converters.FileConverter; /** * Converts TPS files into CSV files. Also displays various information on a TPS * file. * @author E.Hooijmeijer */ public class Main { /** * JCommander style commandline parameters. */ public static class Args { @Parameter(names = "-s", description = "source TPS file or folder containing TPS files.", converter = FileConverter.class, required = false) private File sourceFile; @Parameter(names = "-i", description = "displays TPS file information.") private boolean info; @Parameter(names = "-idx", description = "displays the record ids for the available indexes.") private boolean index; @Parameter(names = "-layout", description = "displays the file layout.") private boolean layout; @Parameter(names = "-e", description = "shows stacktraces.") private boolean stackTraces; @Parameter(names = "-t", description = "target CSV file or folder to create CSV files in.", converter = FileConverter.class, required = false) private File targetFile; @Parameter(names = "-sep", description = "separator character, used to separate fields. Use two hex digits for non standard chars (09=tab).", required = false, converter = CharConverter.class) private char separator = ','; @Parameter(names = "-quot", description = "quote character, used to quote field values. Use two hex digits for non standard chars.", required = false, converter = CharConverter.class) private char quoteCharacter = '\"'; @Parameter(names = "-ignoreErrors", description = "ignores errors, parsing only the pages that are readable (data is lost!)", required = false) private boolean ignoreErrors; @Parameter(names = { "-?", "-help", "--help" }, description = "displays help and usage information.", required = false) private boolean help; @Parameter(names = { "-encoding" }, description = "CSV output encoding.", required = false) private String encoding = "ISO-8859-1"; @Parameter(names = { "-tpsEncoding" }, description = "TPS (input) encoding for strings.", required = false) private String tpsEncoding = "ISO-8859-1"; @Parameter(names = { "-compare" }, description = "Compare Output File to existing Csv", required = false, converter = FileConverter.class) private File compareToFile; @Parameter(names = { "-raw" }, description = "Don't attempt any character encoding, output the bytes as is.") private boolean raw = false; @Parameter(names = { "-owner", "-password" }, description = "specify the owner/password for the tps file.") private String password; @Parameter(names = { "-direct" }, description = "writes directly to file without buffering, useful for large files. Doesn't sort.") private boolean direct = false; @Parameter(names = { "-verbose" }, description = "more verbose output.") private boolean verbose = false; } public static void main(String[] args) { Args params = new Args(); JCommander cmd = new JCommander(params); try { cmd.parse(args); if ( || params.sourceFile == null) { String version = Package.getPackage("nl.cad.tpsparse").getImplementationVersion(); System.out.println("TPS-to-CSV : converts Clarion TPS files to CSV."); System.out.println("Version " + version + ""); System.out.println( "(C) 2012-2014 E.Hooijmeijer, Apache 2 licensed (\n"); System.out.println("WARNING : This software is based on Reverse Engineered TPS Files."); System.out.println(" As such, its probably incomplete and may mis-interpret data."); System.out.println(" It is no replacement for any existing Clarion tooling."); System.out.println(" Check the output files thoroughly before proceeding.\n"); System.out.println("Commercial Clarion tooling is available at\n"); System.out.println("Typical use:"); System.out.println( " java -jar tps-to-csv.jar -s [source file or folder] -t [target file or folder] -sort -raw\n"); cmd.usage(); } else { if (params.sourceFile.isFile()) { parseFile(params); } else { if (params.targetFile != null && params.targetFile.isFile()) { throw new ParameterException( "If the source is a folder, the target must also be a folder."); } File[] files = listFiles(params.sourceFile); File targetBase = params.targetFile; for (File file : files) { params.sourceFile = file; params.targetFile = (targetBase == null ? null : new File(targetBase, file.getName() + ".csv")); parseFile(params); } } } // } catch (IOException ex) { System.out.println("Error reading TPS file: " + ex.getMessage()); } catch (UnsupportedCharsetException ex) { System.out.println("Unknown or unsupported characterset '" + ex.getCharsetName() + "'."); } catch (ParameterException ex) { System.out.println(ex.getMessage()); cmd.usage(); } } /** * @param folder the folder to scan. * @return the tps files in the folder. */ private static File[] listFiles(File folder) { return folder.listFiles(new FileFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File pathname) { return pathname.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".tps"); } }); } /** * processes a single file. * @param args the commandline arguments. * @throws IOException if reading/writing fails. */ private static void parseFile(Args args) throws IOException { TpsFile tpsFile = openFile(args); // try { Map<Integer, TableDefinitionRecord> tableDefinitions = tpsFile.getTableDefinitions(args.ignoreErrors); if (args.verbose) { System.out.println("Memory: " + Utils.reportMemoryUsage()); } // if ( { info(args.sourceFile, tableDefinitions); } // if (args.index) { index(tpsFile, tableDefinitions); } // if (args.layout) { layout(tpsFile); } // if (args.targetFile != null) { // for (Map.Entry<Integer, TableDefinitionRecord> table : tableDefinitions.entrySet()) { // CsvWriter csv = openOutputCsvFile(args, tableDefinitions, table); try { AbstractTpsToCsv tpsToCsv = null; if ( { tpsToCsv = new StreamingTpsToCsv(args.sourceFile, args.targetFile, csv, tpsFile, table); } else { tpsToCsv = new BufferingTpsToCsv(args.sourceFile, args.targetFile, csv, tpsFile, table); } tpsToCsv.setIgnoreErrors(args.ignoreErrors); tpsToCsv.setVerbose(args.verbose);; } finally { finishCsvFile(args, tableDefinitions, table, csv); } // if ((args.compareToFile != null) && (tableDefinitions.size() == 1)) { runDiff(args); } // } } } catch (Exception ex) { System.err.println(args.sourceFile.getName() + " : " + ex.getMessage()); if (args.stackTraces) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } private static void runDiff(Args args) throws IOException { System.out.println("Diff of " + args.targetFile + " v.s " + args.compareToFile + " : "); CsvFile generated = new CsvReader(args.separator, args.quoteCharacter).read(args.targetFile, args.encoding); CsvFile compareTo = new CsvReader(args.separator, args.quoteCharacter).read(args.compareToFile, args.encoding); CsvDiff diff = new CsvDiff(); if (!diff.compareCsv(generated, compareTo)) { for (String error : diff.getErrors()) { System.err.println(" " + error); } } else { System.out.println(" No (real) differences."); } } private static CsvWriter openOutputCsvFile(Args args, Map<Integer, TableDefinitionRecord> tableDefinitions, Map.Entry<Integer, TableDefinitionRecord> table) throws IOException { CsvWriter csv = null; if ( { if (tableDefinitions.size() == 1) { csv = new ImmediateCsvWriter(args.separator, args.quoteCharacter, args.targetFile, args.encoding); } else { csv = new ImmediateCsvWriter(args.separator, args.quoteCharacter, buildTargetFile(args, table), args.encoding); } } else { csv = new BufferingCsvWriter(args.separator, args.quoteCharacter); } return csv; } private static void finishCsvFile(Args args, Map<Integer, TableDefinitionRecord> tableDefinitions, Map.Entry<Integer, TableDefinitionRecord> table, CsvWriter csv) throws IOException { if (csv instanceof BufferingCsvWriter) { if (tableDefinitions.size() == 1) { if (args.raw) { ((BufferingCsvWriter) csv).writeRaw(args.targetFile); } else { ((BufferingCsvWriter) csv).writeToFile(args.targetFile, args.encoding); } } else { File target = buildTargetFile(args, table); if (args.raw) { ((BufferingCsvWriter) csv).writeRaw(target); } else { ((BufferingCsvWriter) csv).writeToFile(target, args.encoding); } } } else { ((ImmediateCsvWriter) csv).close(); } } private static File buildTargetFile(Args args, Map.Entry<Integer, TableDefinitionRecord> table) { File parentFile = args.targetFile.getParentFile(); String name = args.targetFile.getName(); File target = new File(parentFile, name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf('.')) + "." + getTableName(table) + ".csv"); return target; } private static String getTableName(Entry<Integer, TableDefinitionRecord> table) { List<FieldDefinitionRecord> fields = table.getValue().getFields(); if (fields.size() > 0) { return fields.get(0).getTableName(); } else { return String.valueOf(table.getKey()); } } private static TpsFile openFile(Args args) throws IOException { try { if (args.verbose) { System.out.println("Opening " + args.sourceFile); } TpsFile tpsFile = new TpsFile(args.sourceFile); tpsFile.setStringEncoding(Charset.forName(args.tpsEncoding)); tpsFile.getHeader(); return tpsFile; } catch (NotATopSpeedFileException ex) { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(args.password)) { System.out.println("Encrypted file, using set password."); return new TpsFile(args.sourceFile, args.password); } else { throw ex; } } } private static void index(TpsFile tps, Map<Integer, TableDefinitionRecord> tableDefinitions) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (Map.Entry<Integer, TableDefinitionRecord> table : tableDefinitions.entrySet()) { TableDefinitionRecord def = table.getValue(); for (int t = 0; t < def.getIndexes().size(); t++) { IndexDefinitionRecord field = def.getIndexes().get(t); sb.append(field.getName() + " : "); // boolean first = false; for (Integer idx : tps.getIndexRecordIds(table.getKey(), t)) { if (first) { sb.append(", "); } else { first = true; } sb.append(idx); } // sb.append("\n"); } } System.out.println(sb.toString()); } private static void info(File sourceFile, Map<Integer, TableDefinitionRecord> tableDefinitions) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String type = ""; sb.append(sourceFile.getName() + " : contains " + tableDefinitions.size() + " table(s).\n"); for (Map.Entry<Integer, TableDefinitionRecord> table : tableDefinitions.entrySet()) { TableDefinitionRecord def = table.getValue(); sb.append("Table " + table.getKey() + " : " + def.getFields().size() + " Fields, " + def.getIndexes().size() + " Indexes, " + def.getMemos().size() + " Memos, " + def.getRecordLength() + " bytes per row, driver version " + def.getDriverVersion() + ".\n"); for (int t = 0; t < def.getFields().size(); t++) { FieldDefinitionRecord field = def.getFields().get(t); if (field.isArray()) { type = " array[" + field.getNrOfElements() + "] of " + field.getFieldTypeName(); } else { type = " of type " + field.getFieldTypeName(); } sb.append("Field '" + field.getFieldName() + "'" + type + " at offset " + field.getOffset() + ", " + field.getLength() + " bytes\n"); } for (int t = 0; t < def.getIndexes().size(); t++) { IndexDefinitionRecord field = def.getIndexes().get(t); sb.append("Index '" + field.getName() + "' on " + field.getFieldsInKey() + " fields \n"); for (FieldDefinitionRecord keyField : field.getFieldRecords(table.getValue())) { sb.append(" " + keyField.getFieldName() + "\n"); } } for (int t = 0; t < def.getMemos().size(); t++) { MemoDefinitionRecord field = def.getMemos().get(t); sb.append("Memo '" + field.getName() + "' with flags " + field.getFlags() + " \n"); } } System.out.println(sb.toString()); } private static void layout(TpsFile tpsFile) { tpsFile.visitDetails(new DetailVisitor() { @Override public void onStartBlock(TpsBlock block) { System.out.println(block); } @Override public void onStartPage(TpsPage page) { System.out.println(" " + page); } @Override public void onTpsRecord(TpsBlock block, TpsPage page, TpsRecord record) { System.out.println(" " + record); } }); } }