Java tutorial
/* * Yet Another UserAgent Analyzer * Copyright (C) 2013-2017 Niels Basjes * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package nl.basjes.parse.useragent; import nl.basjes.parse.useragent.analyze.Analyzer; import nl.basjes.parse.useragent.analyze.InvalidParserConfigurationException; import nl.basjes.parse.useragent.analyze.Matcher; import nl.basjes.parse.useragent.analyze.MatcherAction; import nl.basjes.parse.useragent.analyze.UselessMatcherException; import nl.basjes.parse.useragent.parse.UserAgentTreeFlattener; import nl.basjes.parse.useragent.utils.Normalize; import nl.basjes.parse.useragent.utils.VersionSplitter; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ParseTree; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Formatter; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import static nl.basjes.parse.useragent.UserAgent.AGENT_CLASS; import static nl.basjes.parse.useragent.UserAgent.AGENT_NAME; import static nl.basjes.parse.useragent.UserAgent.AGENT_VERSION; import static nl.basjes.parse.useragent.UserAgent.AGENT_VERSION_MAJOR; import static nl.basjes.parse.useragent.UserAgent.DEVICE_BRAND; import static nl.basjes.parse.useragent.UserAgent.DEVICE_CLASS; import static nl.basjes.parse.useragent.UserAgent.DEVICE_NAME; import static nl.basjes.parse.useragent.UserAgent.DEVICE_VERSION; import static nl.basjes.parse.useragent.UserAgent.LAYOUT_ENGINE_CLASS; import static nl.basjes.parse.useragent.UserAgent.LAYOUT_ENGINE_NAME; import static nl.basjes.parse.useragent.UserAgent.LAYOUT_ENGINE_VERSION; import static nl.basjes.parse.useragent.UserAgent.LAYOUT_ENGINE_VERSION_MAJOR; import static nl.basjes.parse.useragent.UserAgent.OPERATING_SYSTEM_CLASS; import static nl.basjes.parse.useragent.UserAgent.OPERATING_SYSTEM_NAME; import static nl.basjes.parse.useragent.UserAgent.OPERATING_SYSTEM_VERSION; import static nl.basjes.parse.useragent.UserAgent.PRE_SORTED_FIELDS_LIST; import static nl.basjes.parse.useragent.UserAgent.SET_ALL_FIELDS; import static nl.basjes.parse.useragent.UserAgent.SYNTAX_ERROR; public class UserAgentAnalyzer extends Analyzer { private static final int INFORM_ACTIONS_HASHMAP_SIZE = 300000; private static final int DEFAULT_PARSE_CACHE_SIZE = 10000; private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(UserAgentAnalyzer.class); protected List<Matcher> allMatchers = new ArrayList<>(); private Map<String, Set<MatcherAction>> informMatcherActions = new HashMap<>(INFORM_ACTIONS_HASHMAP_SIZE); private final Map<String, List<Map<String, List<String>>>> matcherConfigs = new HashMap<>(64); private boolean doingOnlyASingleTest = false; // If we want ALL fields this is null. If we only want specific fields this is a list of names. protected Set<String> wantedFieldNames = null; protected final List<Map<String, Map<String, String>>> testCases = new ArrayList<>(2048); private Map<String, Map<String, String>> lookups = new HashMap<>(128); protected UserAgentTreeFlattener flattener; private Yaml yaml; private LRUMap<String, UserAgent> parseCache = new LRUMap<>(DEFAULT_PARSE_CACHE_SIZE); public UserAgentAnalyzer() { this(true); } protected UserAgentAnalyzer(boolean initialize) { if (initialize) { initialize(true); } } protected void initialize(boolean showMatcherStats) { logVersion(); loadResources("classpath*:UserAgents/**/*.yaml", showMatcherStats); } public UserAgentAnalyzer(String resourceString) { loadResources(resourceString, true); } public static void logVersion() { String[] lines = { "For more information:", "Copyright (C) 2013-2017 Niels Basjes - License Apache 2.0" }; String version = getVersion(); int width = version.length(); for (String line : lines) { width = Math.max(width, line.length()); }"");"/-{}-\\", padding('-', width)); logLine(version, width);"+-{}-+", padding('-', width)); for (String line : lines) { logLine(line, width); }"\\-{}-/", padding('-', width));""); } private static String padding(char letter, int count) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(128); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { sb.append(letter); } return sb.toString(); } private static void logLine(String line, int width) {"| {}{} |", line, padding(' ', width - line.length())); } // -------------------------------------------- public static String getVersion() { return "Yauaa " + Version.getProjectVersion() + " (" + Version.getGitCommitIdDescribeShort() + " @ " + Version.getBuildTimestamp() + ")"; } public void loadResources(String resourceString, boolean showMatcherStats) {"Loading from: \"{}\"", resourceString); flattener = new UserAgentTreeFlattener(this); yaml = new Yaml(); Map<String, Resource> resources = new TreeMap<>(); PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver resolver = new PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver(); try { Resource[] resourceArray = resolver.getResources(resourceString); for (Resource resource : resourceArray) { resources.put(resource.getFilename(), resource); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } doingOnlyASingleTest = false; int maxFilenameLength = 0; if (resources.isEmpty()) { throw new InvalidParserConfigurationException("Unable to find ANY config files"); } for (Map.Entry<String, Resource> resourceEntry : resources.entrySet()) { try { Resource resource = resourceEntry.getValue(); String filename = resource.getFilename(); maxFilenameLength = Math.max(maxFilenameLength, filename.length()); loadResource(resource.getInputStream(), filename); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }"Loaded {} files", resources.size()); if (lookups != null && !lookups.isEmpty()) { // All compares are done in a case insensitive way. So we lowercase ALL keys of the lookups beforehand. Map<String, Map<String, String>> cleanedLookups = new HashMap<>(lookups.size()); for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, String>> lookupsEntry : lookups.entrySet()) { Map<String, String> cleanedLookup = new HashMap<>(lookupsEntry.getValue().size()); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : lookupsEntry.getValue().entrySet()) { cleanedLookup.put(entry.getKey().toLowerCase(), entry.getValue()); } cleanedLookups.put(lookupsEntry.getKey(), cleanedLookup); } lookups = cleanedLookups; }"Building all matchers"); int totalNumberOfMatchers = 0; int skippedMatchers = 0; if (matcherConfigs != null) { long fullStart = System.nanoTime(); for (Map.Entry<String, Resource> resourceEntry : resources.entrySet()) { Resource resource = resourceEntry.getValue(); String configFilename = resource.getFilename(); List<Map<String, List<String>>> matcherConfig = matcherConfigs.get(configFilename); if (matcherConfig == null) { continue; // No matchers in this file (probably only lookups and/or tests) } long start = System.nanoTime(); int startSize = informMatcherActions.size(); for (Map<String, List<String>> map : matcherConfig) { try { allMatchers.add(new Matcher(this, lookups, wantedFieldNames, map)); totalNumberOfMatchers++; } catch (UselessMatcherException ume) { skippedMatchers++; } } long stop = System.nanoTime(); int stopSize = informMatcherActions.size(); if (showMatcherStats) { Formatter msg = new Formatter(Locale.ENGLISH); msg.format( "Building %4d matchers from %-" + maxFilenameLength + "s took %5d msec resulted in %8d extra hashmap entries", matcherConfig.size(), configFilename, (stop - start) / 1000000, stopSize - startSize);; } } long fullStop = System.nanoTime(); Formatter msg = new Formatter(Locale.ENGLISH); msg.format( "Building %4d (dropped %4d) matchers from %4d files took %5d msec resulted in %8d hashmap entries", totalNumberOfMatchers, skippedMatchers, matcherConfigs.size(), (fullStop - fullStart) / 1000000, informMatcherActions.size());; }"Analyzer stats");"Lookups : {}", (lookups == null) ? 0 : lookups.size());"Matchers : {} (total:{} ; dropped: {})", allMatchers.size(), totalNumberOfMatchers, skippedMatchers);"Hashmap size : {}", informMatcherActions.size());"Testcases : {}", testCases.size()); //"All possible field names:"); // int count = 1; // for (String fieldName : getAllPossibleFieldNames()) { //"- {}: {}", count++, fieldName); // } } /** * Used by some unit tests to get rid of all the standard tests and focus on the experiment at hand. */ public void eraseTestCases() { testCases.clear(); } public Set<String> getAllPossibleFieldNames() { Set<String> results = new TreeSet<>(); results.addAll(HARD_CODED_GENERATED_FIELDS); for (Matcher matcher : allMatchers) { results.addAll(matcher.getAllPossibleFieldNames()); } return results; } public List<String> getAllPossibleFieldNamesSorted() { List<String> fieldNames = new ArrayList<>(getAllPossibleFieldNames()); Collections.sort(fieldNames); List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (String fieldName : PRE_SORTED_FIELDS_LIST) { fieldNames.remove(fieldName); result.add(fieldName); } for (String fieldName : fieldNames) { result.add(fieldName); } return result; } /* Example of the structure of the yaml file: ---------------------------- config: - lookup: name: 'lookupname' map: "From1" : "To1" "From2" : "To2" "From3" : "To3" - matcher: options: - 'verbose' - 'init' require: - 'Require pattern' - 'Require pattern' extract: - 'Extract pattern' - 'Extract pattern' - test: input: user_agent_string: 'Useragent' expected: FieldName : 'ExpectedValue' FieldName : 'ExpectedValue' FieldName : 'ExpectedValue' ---------------------------- */ private void loadResource(InputStream yamlStream, String filename) { Object loadedYaml; try { loadedYaml = yaml.load(yamlStream); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Caught exception during parse of file {}", filename); throw e; } if (!(loadedYaml instanceof Map)) { throw new InvalidParserConfigurationException("Yaml config (" + filename + "): File must be a Map"); } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" }) // Ignoring the possibly wrong generic here Object rawConfig = ((Map<String, Object>) loadedYaml).get("config"); if (rawConfig == null) { throw new InvalidParserConfigurationException( "Yaml config (" + filename + "): Missing 'config' top level entry"); } if (!(rawConfig instanceof List)) { throw new InvalidParserConfigurationException( "Yaml config (" + filename + "): Top level 'config' must be a Map"); } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" }) // Ignoring the possibly wrong generic here List<Object> configList = (List<Object>) rawConfig; int entryCount = 0; for (Object configEntry : configList) { entryCount++; if (!(configEntry instanceof Map)) { throw new InvalidParserConfigurationException( "Yaml config (" + filename + " [" + entryCount + "]): Entry must be a Map"); } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" }) // Ignoring the possibly wrong generic here Map<String, Object> entry = (Map<String, Object>) configEntry; if (entry.size() != 1) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (String key : entry.keySet()) { sb.append('"').append(key).append("\" "); } throw new InvalidParserConfigurationException("Yaml config (" + filename + " [" + entryCount + "]): Entry has more than one child: " + sb.toString()); } Map.Entry<String, Object> onlyEntry = entry.entrySet().iterator().next(); String key = onlyEntry.getKey(); Object value = onlyEntry.getValue(); switch (key) { case "lookup": if (!(value instanceof Map)) { throw new InvalidParserConfigurationException( "Yaml config (" + filename + " [" + entryCount + "]): Entry 'lookup' must be a Map"); } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" }) // Ignoring the possibly wrong generic here Map<String, Object> newLookup = (Map<String, Object>) value; Object rawName = newLookup.get("name"); if (rawName == null) { throw new InvalidParserConfigurationException( "Yaml config (" + filename + " [" + entryCount + "]): Lookup does not have 'name'"); } if (!(rawName instanceof String)) { throw new InvalidParserConfigurationException( "Yaml config (" + filename + " [" + entryCount + "]): Lookup 'name' must be a String"); } Object rawMap = newLookup.get("map"); if (rawMap == null) { throw new InvalidParserConfigurationException( "Yaml config (" + filename + " [" + entryCount + "]): Lookup does not have 'map'"); } if (!(rawMap instanceof Map)) { throw new InvalidParserConfigurationException( "Yaml config (" + filename + " [" + entryCount + "]): Lookup 'map' must be a Map"); } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" }) // Ignoring the possibly wrong generic here Map<String, String> map = (Map<String, String>) rawMap; lookups.put((String) rawName, map); break; case "matcher": if (!(value instanceof Map)) { throw new InvalidParserConfigurationException( "Yaml config (" + filename + "): Entry 'matcher' must be a Map"); } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" }) // Ignoring the possibly wrong generic here Map<String, List<String>> matcherConfig = (Map<String, List<String>>) value; List<Map<String, List<String>>> matcherConfigList = matcherConfigs.get(filename); if (matcherConfigList == null) { matcherConfigList = new ArrayList<>(32); matcherConfigs.put(filename, matcherConfigList); } matcherConfigList.add(matcherConfig); break; case "test": if (!doingOnlyASingleTest) { if (!(value instanceof Map)) { throw new InvalidParserConfigurationException( "Yaml config (" + filename + "): Entry 'testcase' must be a Map"); } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" }) // Ignoring the possibly wrong generic here Map<String, Map<String, String>> testCase = (Map<String, Map<String, String>>) value; Map<String, String> metaData = testCase.get("metaData"); if (metaData == null) { metaData = new HashMap<>(); testCase.put("metaData", metaData); } metaData.put("filename", filename); metaData.put("fileentry", String.valueOf(entryCount)); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<String> options = (List<String>) testCase.get("options"); Map<String, String> expected = testCase.get("expected"); if (options != null) { if (options.contains("only")) { doingOnlyASingleTest = true; testCases.clear(); } } if (expected == null || expected.isEmpty()) { doingOnlyASingleTest = true; testCases.clear(); } testCases.add(testCase); } break; default: throw new InvalidParserConfigurationException( "Yaml config (" + filename + "): Found unexpected config entry: " + key + ", allowed are 'lookup, 'matcher' and 'test'"); } } } public void informMeAbout(MatcherAction matcherAction, String keyPattern) { String hashKey = keyPattern.toLowerCase(); Set<MatcherAction> analyzerSet = informMatcherActions.get(hashKey); if (analyzerSet == null) { analyzerSet = new HashSet<>(); informMatcherActions.put(hashKey, analyzerSet); } analyzerSet.add(matcherAction); } private boolean verbose = false; public void setVerbose(boolean newVerbose) { this.verbose = newVerbose; flattener.setVerbose(newVerbose); } public UserAgent parse(String userAgentString) { UserAgent userAgent = new UserAgent(userAgentString); return cachedParse(userAgent); } public UserAgent parse(UserAgent userAgent) { userAgent.reset(); return cachedParse(userAgent); } public void disableCaching() { setCacheSize(0); } /** * Sets the new size of the parsing cache. * Note that this will also wipe the existing cache. * @param newCacheSize The size of the new LRU cache. As size of 0 will disable caching. */ public void setCacheSize(int newCacheSize) { if (newCacheSize >= 1) { parseCache = new LRUMap<>(newCacheSize); } else { parseCache = null; } } public int getCacheSize() { if (parseCache == null) { return 0; } return parseCache.maxSize(); } private synchronized UserAgent cachedParse(UserAgent userAgent) { if (parseCache == null) { return nonCachedParse(userAgent); } String userAgentString = userAgent.getUserAgentString(); UserAgent cachedValue = parseCache.get(userAgentString); if (cachedValue != null) { userAgent.clone(cachedValue); } else { cachedValue = new UserAgent(nonCachedParse(userAgent)); parseCache.put(userAgentString, cachedValue); } // We have our answer. return userAgent; } private UserAgent nonCachedParse(UserAgent userAgent) { boolean setVerboseTemporarily = userAgent.isDebug(); // Reset all Matchers for (Matcher matcher : allMatchers) { matcher.reset(setVerboseTemporarily); } userAgent = flattener.parse(userAgent); // Fire all Analyzers for (Matcher matcher : allMatchers) { matcher.analyze(userAgent); } userAgent.processSetAll(); return hardCodedPostProcessing(userAgent); } private static final List<String> HARD_CODED_GENERATED_FIELDS = new ArrayList<>(); static { HARD_CODED_GENERATED_FIELDS.add(SYNTAX_ERROR); HARD_CODED_GENERATED_FIELDS.add(AGENT_VERSION_MAJOR); HARD_CODED_GENERATED_FIELDS.add(LAYOUT_ENGINE_VERSION_MAJOR); HARD_CODED_GENERATED_FIELDS.add("AgentNameVersion"); HARD_CODED_GENERATED_FIELDS.add("AgentNameVersionMajor"); HARD_CODED_GENERATED_FIELDS.add("LayoutEngineNameVersion"); HARD_CODED_GENERATED_FIELDS.add("LayoutEngineNameVersionMajor"); HARD_CODED_GENERATED_FIELDS.add("OperatingSystemNameVersion"); HARD_CODED_GENERATED_FIELDS.add("WebviewAppVersionMajor"); HARD_CODED_GENERATED_FIELDS.add("WebviewAppNameVersionMajor"); } private UserAgent hardCodedPostProcessing(UserAgent userAgent) { // If it is really really bad ... then it is a Hacker. if ("true".equals(userAgent.getValue(SYNTAX_ERROR))) { if (userAgent.get(DEVICE_CLASS).getConfidence() == -1 && userAgent.get(OPERATING_SYSTEM_CLASS).getConfidence() == -1 && userAgent.get(LAYOUT_ENGINE_CLASS).getConfidence() == -1) { userAgent.set(DEVICE_CLASS, "Hacker", 10); userAgent.set(DEVICE_BRAND, "Hacker", 10); userAgent.set(DEVICE_NAME, "Hacker", 10); userAgent.set(DEVICE_VERSION, "Hacker", 10); userAgent.set(OPERATING_SYSTEM_CLASS, "Hacker", 10); userAgent.set(OPERATING_SYSTEM_NAME, "Hacker", 10); userAgent.set(OPERATING_SYSTEM_VERSION, "Hacker", 10); userAgent.set(LAYOUT_ENGINE_CLASS, "Hacker", 10); userAgent.set(LAYOUT_ENGINE_NAME, "Hacker", 10); userAgent.set(LAYOUT_ENGINE_VERSION, "Hacker", 10); userAgent.set(LAYOUT_ENGINE_VERSION_MAJOR, "Hacker", 10); userAgent.set(AGENT_CLASS, "Hacker", 10); userAgent.set(AGENT_NAME, "Hacker", 10); userAgent.set(AGENT_VERSION, "Hacker", 10); userAgent.set(AGENT_VERSION_MAJOR, "Hacker", 10); userAgent.set("HackerToolkit", "Unknown", 10); userAgent.set("HackerAttackVector", "Unknown", 10); } } // !!!!!!!!!! NOTE !!!!!!!!!!!! // IF YOU ADD ANY EXTRA FIELDS YOU MUST ADD THEM TO THE BUILDER TOO !!!! // TODO: Perhaps this should be more generic. Like a "Post processor" (Generic: Create fields from fields)? addMajorVersionField(userAgent, AGENT_VERSION, AGENT_VERSION_MAJOR); addMajorVersionField(userAgent, LAYOUT_ENGINE_VERSION, LAYOUT_ENGINE_VERSION_MAJOR); addMajorVersionField(userAgent, "WebviewAppVersion", "WebviewAppVersionMajor"); concatFieldValuesNONDuplicated(userAgent, "AgentNameVersion", AGENT_NAME, AGENT_VERSION); concatFieldValuesNONDuplicated(userAgent, "AgentNameVersionMajor", AGENT_NAME, AGENT_VERSION_MAJOR); concatFieldValuesNONDuplicated(userAgent, "WebviewAppNameVersionMajor", "WebviewAppName", "WebviewAppVersionMajor"); concatFieldValuesNONDuplicated(userAgent, "LayoutEngineNameVersion", LAYOUT_ENGINE_NAME, LAYOUT_ENGINE_VERSION); concatFieldValuesNONDuplicated(userAgent, "LayoutEngineNameVersionMajor", LAYOUT_ENGINE_NAME, LAYOUT_ENGINE_VERSION_MAJOR); concatFieldValuesNONDuplicated(userAgent, "OperatingSystemNameVersion", OPERATING_SYSTEM_NAME, OPERATING_SYSTEM_VERSION); // The device brand field is a mess. UserAgent.AgentField deviceBrand = userAgent.get(DEVICE_BRAND); if (deviceBrand.getConfidence() >= 0) { userAgent.set(DEVICE_BRAND, Normalize.brand(deviceBrand.getValue()), deviceBrand.getConfidence() + 1); } // The email address is a mess UserAgent.AgentField email = userAgent.get("AgentInformationEmail"); if (email != null && email.getConfidence() >= 0) { userAgent.set("AgentInformationEmail",, email.getConfidence() + 1); } return userAgent; } private void concatFieldValuesNONDuplicated(UserAgent userAgent, String targetName, String firstName, String secondName) { UserAgent.AgentField firstField = userAgent.get(firstName); UserAgent.AgentField secondField = userAgent.get(secondName); String first = null; long firstConfidence = -1; String second = null; long secondConfidence = -1; if (firstField != null) { first = firstField.getValue(); firstConfidence = firstField.getConfidence(); } if (secondField != null) { second = secondField.getValue(); secondConfidence = secondField.getConfidence(); } if (first == null && second == null) { return; // Nothing to do } if (second == null) { if (firstConfidence >= 0) { userAgent.set(targetName, first, firstConfidence); return; } return; // Nothing to do } else { if (first == null) { if (secondConfidence >= 0) { userAgent.set(targetName, second, secondConfidence); return; } return; } } if (first.equals(second)) { userAgent.set(targetName, first, firstConfidence); } else { if (second.startsWith(first)) { userAgent.set(targetName, second, secondConfidence); } else { userAgent.set(targetName, first + " " + second, Math.max(firstField.getConfidence(), secondField.getConfidence())); } } } private void addMajorVersionField(UserAgent userAgent, String versionName, String majorVersionName) { UserAgent.AgentField agentVersionMajor = userAgent.get(majorVersionName); if (agentVersionMajor == null || agentVersionMajor.getConfidence() == -1) { UserAgent.AgentField agentVersion = userAgent.get(versionName); if (agentVersion != null) { userAgent.set(majorVersionName, VersionSplitter.getSingleVersion(agentVersion.getValue(), 1), agentVersion.getConfidence()); } } } public void inform(String key, String value, ParseTree ctx) { inform(key, key, value, ctx); inform(key + "=\"" + value + '"', key, value, ctx); } private void inform(String match, String key, String value, ParseTree ctx) { Set<MatcherAction> relevantActions = informMatcherActions.get(match.toLowerCase()); if (verbose) { if (relevantActions == null) {"--- Have (0): {}", match); } else {"+++ Have ({}): {}", relevantActions.size(), match); int count = 1; for (MatcherAction action : relevantActions) {"+++ -------> ({}): {}", count, action.toString()); count++; } } } if (relevantActions != null) { for (MatcherAction matcherAction : relevantActions) { matcherAction.inform(key, value, ctx); } } } // =============================================================================================================== public static class GetAllPathsAnalyzer extends Analyzer { final List<String> values = new ArrayList<>(128); final UserAgentTreeFlattener flattener; private final UserAgent result; GetAllPathsAnalyzer(String useragent) { flattener = new UserAgentTreeFlattener(this); result = flattener.parse(useragent); } public List<String> getValues() { return values; } public UserAgent getResult() { return result; } public void inform(String path, String value, ParseTree ctx) { values.add(path); values.add(path + "=\"" + value + "\""); } public void informMeAbout(MatcherAction matcherAction, String keyPattern) { } } @SuppressWarnings({ "unused" }) public static List<String> getAllPaths(String agent) { return new GetAllPathsAnalyzer(agent).getValues(); } public static GetAllPathsAnalyzer getAllPathsAnalyzer(String agent) { return new GetAllPathsAnalyzer(agent); } // =============================================================================================================== public static Builder newBuilder() { return new Builder(); } public static class Builder { private final UserAgentAnalyzer uaa; protected Builder() { this.uaa = new UserAgentAnalyzer(false); } protected Builder(UserAgentAnalyzer forceAnalyzer) { this.uaa = forceAnalyzer; } public Builder withCache(int cacheSize) { uaa.setCacheSize(cacheSize); return this; } public Builder withoutCache() { uaa.setCacheSize(0); return this; } public Builder withField(String fieldName) { if (uaa.wantedFieldNames == null) { uaa.wantedFieldNames = new HashSet<>(32); } uaa.wantedFieldNames.add(fieldName); return this; } public Builder withFields(Collection<String> fieldNames) { if (fieldNames == null) { return this; } for (String fieldName : fieldNames) { withField(fieldName); } return this; } public Builder withAllFields() { uaa.wantedFieldNames = null; return this; } boolean showMatcherLoadStats = true; public Builder showMatcherLoadStats() { showMatcherLoadStats = true; return this; } public Builder hideMatcherLoadStats() { showMatcherLoadStats = false; return this; } private void addGeneratedFields(String result, String... dependencies) { if (uaa.wantedFieldNames.contains(result)) { Collections.addAll(uaa.wantedFieldNames, dependencies); } } public UserAgentAnalyzer build() { if (uaa.wantedFieldNames != null) { addGeneratedFields("AgentNameVersion", AGENT_NAME, AGENT_VERSION); addGeneratedFields("AgentNameVersionMajor", AGENT_NAME, AGENT_VERSION_MAJOR); addGeneratedFields("WebviewAppNameVersionMajor", "WebviewAppName", "WebviewAppVersionMajor"); addGeneratedFields("LayoutEngineNameVersion", LAYOUT_ENGINE_NAME, LAYOUT_ENGINE_VERSION); addGeneratedFields("LayoutEngineNameVersionMajor", LAYOUT_ENGINE_NAME, LAYOUT_ENGINE_VERSION_MAJOR); addGeneratedFields("OperatingSystemNameVersion", OPERATING_SYSTEM_NAME, OPERATING_SYSTEM_VERSION); addGeneratedFields(AGENT_VERSION_MAJOR, AGENT_VERSION); addGeneratedFields(LAYOUT_ENGINE_VERSION_MAJOR, LAYOUT_ENGINE_VERSION); addGeneratedFields("WebviewAppVersionMajor", "WebviewAppVersion"); // Special field that affects ALL fields. uaa.wantedFieldNames.add(SET_ALL_FIELDS); } uaa.initialize(showMatcherLoadStats); return uaa; } } }