Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2013-2017 B3Partners B.V. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package nl.b3p.viewer.util; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import nl.b3p.viewer.config.ClobElement; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; /** * * @author Meine Toonen */ public class SelectedContentCache { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SelectedContentCache.class); public static final String AUTHORIZATIONS_KEY = "authorizations"; public static final String DETAIL_CACHED_SELECTED_CONTENT = "cachedSelectedContent"; public static final String DETAIL_CACHED_SELECTED_CONTENT_DIRTY = "cachedSelectedContentDirty"; public static final String DETAIL_CACHED_EXPANDED_SELECTED_CONTENT = "cachedExpandedSelectedContent"; public static final String DETAIL_CACHED_EXPANDED_SELECTED_CONTENT_DIRTY = "cachedExpandedSelectedContentDirty"; public JSONObject getSelectedContent(HttpServletRequest request, Application app, boolean validXmlTags, boolean includeAppLayerAttributes, boolean includeRelations, EntityManager em) throws JSONException { return getSelectedContent(request, app, validXmlTags, includeAppLayerAttributes, includeRelations, em, true); } public JSONObject getSelectedContent(HttpServletRequest request, Application app, boolean validXmlTags, boolean includeAppLayerAttributes, boolean includeRelations, EntityManager em, boolean shouldProcessCache) throws JSONException { // Don't use cache when any of these parameters is true, cache only // the JSON variant used when starting up the viewer boolean useExpanded = includeAppLayerAttributes || includeRelations; JSONObject cached = null; if (mustCreateNewCache(app, validXmlTags, useExpanded)) { cached = createSelectedContent(app, validXmlTags, includeAppLayerAttributes, includeRelations, em); if (!validXmlTags) { ClobElement el = new ClobElement(cached.toString()); app.getDetails().put( useExpanded ? DETAIL_CACHED_EXPANDED_SELECTED_CONTENT : DETAIL_CACHED_SELECTED_CONTENT, el); setApplicationCacheDirty(app, false, useExpanded, em); em.getTransaction().commit(); } } else { ClobElement el = app.getDetails() .get(useExpanded ? DETAIL_CACHED_EXPANDED_SELECTED_CONTENT : DETAIL_CACHED_SELECTED_CONTENT); cached = new JSONObject(el.getValue()); } if (shouldProcessCache) { JSONObject selectedContent = processCache(request, cached, em); return selectedContent; } else { return cached; } } private JSONObject processCache(HttpServletRequest request, JSONObject cached, EntityManager em) throws JSONException { Set<String> roles = Authorizations.getRoles(request, em); JSONObject levels = cached.getJSONObject("levels"); JSONObject appLayers = cached.getJSONObject("appLayers"); JSONArray selectedContent = cached.getJSONArray("selectedContent"); JSONObject services = cached.has("services") ? cached.getJSONObject("services") : new JSONObject(); // sortedKeys() was removed form the api in // not sure if sorting is relevant here, but it was doing // TreeSet keySet = new TreeSet(appLayers.keySet()); // so if sorting is required we can do // for (Iterator<String> it = new TreeSet(appLayers.keySet()).iterator(); it.hasNext();) { for (Iterator<String> it = appLayers.keys(); it.hasNext();) { String key =; JSONObject appLayer = appLayers.getJSONObject(key); boolean allowed = isAppLayerAllowed(appLayer, roles); if (!allowed) { it.remove(); } } for (Iterator it = levels.keys(); it.hasNext();) { String key = (String); JSONObject level = levels.getJSONObject(key); boolean allowed = isLevelAllowed(level, roles); if (!allowed) { it.remove(); } JSONArray newLayers = new JSONArray(); if (level.has("layers")) { JSONArray layers = level.getJSONArray("layers"); for (int i = 0; i < layers.length(); i++) { String layerId = layers.getString(i); if (appLayers.has(layerId)) { newLayers.put(layerId); } } level.put("layers", newLayers); } } String scheme = request.getScheme(); String serverName = request.getServerName(); int serverPort = request.getServerPort(); String contextPath = request.getContextPath(); StringBuilder url = new StringBuilder(); String servletPath = "/action/proxy/wms"; url.append(scheme).append("://").append(serverName); if ((serverPort != 80) && (serverPort != 443)) { url.append(":").append(serverPort); } url.append(contextPath).append(servletPath); final String proxyUrl = url.toString(); for (Iterator<String> it = services.keys(); it.hasNext();) { String key =; JSONObject service = services.getJSONObject(key); if (service.has(GeoService.DETAIL_USE_PROXY) && service.getBoolean(GeoService.DETAIL_USE_PROXY)) { try { String actualURL = service.getString("url"); String param = URLEncoder.encode(actualURL, "UTF-8"); StringBuilder newUrl = new StringBuilder(proxyUrl); newUrl.append("?url="); newUrl.append(param); if (service.has(GeoService.PARAM_MUST_LOGIN) && service.getBoolean(GeoService.PARAM_MUST_LOGIN)) { newUrl.append("&mustLogin=true&serviceId="); newUrl.append(service.get("id")); } service.put("url", newUrl); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { log.error("Cannot add proxy url for service: ", ex); } } } JSONArray newSelectedContent = new JSONArray(); for (int i = 0; i < selectedContent.length(); i++) { JSONObject obj = selectedContent.getJSONObject(i); String type = obj.getString("type"); String id = obj.getString("id"); if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("level")) { if (isLevelAllowed(id, levels)) { newSelectedContent.put(obj); } } } cached.put("selectedContent", newSelectedContent); return cached; } private boolean isLevelAllowed(String id, JSONObject levels) { return levels.has(id); } private boolean isLevelAllowed(JSONObject level, Set<String> roles) throws JSONException { boolean allowed = isAuthorized(level, roles, false); if (!allowed) { return false; } if (level.has("children")) { JSONArray children = level.getJSONArray("children"); JSONArray newChildren = new JSONArray(); for (int i = 0; i < children.length(); i++) { JSONObject child = children.getJSONObject(i); if (isLevelAllowed(child, roles)) { newChildren.put(child.getString("child")); } } level.put("children", newChildren); } return true; } private boolean isAppLayerAllowed(JSONObject appLayer, Set<String> roles) throws JSONException { boolean allowed = isAuthorized(appLayer, roles, false); if (!allowed) { return false; } boolean editAuthorized = isAuthorized(appLayer, roles, true, "editAuthorizations"); appLayer.put("editAuthorized", editAuthorized); return true; } private boolean isAuthorized(JSONObject obj, Set<String> roles, boolean alsoWriters) throws JSONException { return isAuthorized(obj, roles, alsoWriters, AUTHORIZATIONS_KEY); } private boolean isAuthorized(JSONObject obj, Set<String> roles, boolean alsoWriters, String authString) throws JSONException { if (obj.has(authString) && obj.getJSONObject(authString).length() != 0) { // Levels only have readers JSONArray readers = obj.getJSONObject(authString).getJSONArray("readers"); if (readers.length() > 0) { Set<String> allowedRoles = new HashSet(); for (int i = 0; i < readers.length(); i++) { if (!readers.isNull(i)) { String reader = readers.getString(i); allowedRoles.add(reader); } } if (Collections.disjoint(roles, allowedRoles)) { return false; } } if (alsoWriters) { JSONArray writers = obj.getJSONObject(authString).getJSONArray("writers"); if (writers.length() > 0) { Set<String> allowedRoles = new HashSet(); for (int i = 0; i < writers.length(); i++) { String writer = writers.getString(i); allowedRoles.add(writer); } if (Collections.disjoint(roles, allowedRoles)) { return false; } } } } obj.remove(authString); return true; } public JSONObject createSelectedContent(Application app, boolean validXmlTags, boolean includeAppLayerAttributes, boolean includeRelations, EntityManager em) throws JSONException { Level root = app.getRoot(); JSONObject o = new JSONObject(); if (root != null) { o.put("rootLevel", root.getId().toString()); Application.TreeCache treeCache = app.loadTreeCache(em); treeCache.initializeLevels("left join fetch l.documents", em); treeCache.initializeApplicationLayers("left join fetch al.details", em); Authorizations.ApplicationCache appCache = Authorizations.getApplicationCache(app, em); JSONObject levels = new JSONObject(); o.put("levels", levels); JSONObject appLayers = new JSONObject(); o.put("appLayers", appLayers); JSONArray selectedContent = new JSONArray(); o.put("selectedContent", selectedContent); List selectedObjects = new ArrayList(); walkAppTreeForJSON(levels, appLayers, selectedObjects, root, false, validXmlTags, includeAppLayerAttributes, includeRelations, app, treeCache, appCache, em, false); Collections.sort(selectedObjects, new Comparator() { @Override public int compare(Object lhs, Object rhs) { Integer lhsIndex, rhsIndex; if (lhs instanceof StartLevel) { lhsIndex = ((StartLevel) lhs).getSelectedIndex(); } else { lhsIndex = ((StartLayer) lhs).getSelectedIndex(); } if (rhs instanceof StartLevel) { rhsIndex = ((StartLevel) rhs).getSelectedIndex(); } else { rhsIndex = ((StartLayer) rhs).getSelectedIndex(); } return lhsIndex.compareTo(rhsIndex); } }); for (Object obj : selectedObjects) { JSONObject j = new JSONObject(); if (obj instanceof StartLevel) { j.put("type", "level"); j.put("id", ((StartLevel) obj).getLevel().getId().toString()); } else { j.put("type", "appLayer"); j.put("id", ((StartLayer) obj).getApplicationLayer().getId().toString()); } selectedContent.put(j); } Map<GeoService, Set<String>> usedLayersByService = new HashMap<GeoService, Set<String>>(); visitLevelForUsedServicesLayers(root, usedLayersByService, app, treeCache); if (!usedLayersByService.isEmpty()) { JSONObject services = new JSONObject(); o.put("services", services); for (Map.Entry<GeoService, Set<String>> entry : usedLayersByService.entrySet()) { GeoService gs = entry.getKey(); Set<String> usedLayers = entry.getValue(); String serviceId = gs.getId().toString(); if (validXmlTags) { serviceId = "service_" + serviceId; } services.put(serviceId, gs.toJSONObject(false, usedLayers, validXmlTags, true, em)); } } } return o; } private void walkAppTreeForJSON(JSONObject levels, JSONObject appLayers, List selectedContent, Level l, boolean parentIsBackground, boolean validXmlTags, boolean includeAppLayerAttributes, boolean includeRelations, Application app, Application.TreeCache treeCache, Authorizations.ApplicationCache appCache, EntityManager em, boolean previouslySelected) throws JSONException { StartLevel sl = l.getStartLevels().get(app); if (sl != null) { JSONObject o = l.toJSONObject(false, app, null, em); Authorizations.Read auths = appCache.getProtectedLevels().get(l.getId()); o.put(AUTHORIZATIONS_KEY, auths != null ? auths.toJSON() : new JSONObject()); o.put("background", l.isBackground() || parentIsBackground); o.put("removed", sl.isRemoved()); String levelId = l.getId().toString(); if (validXmlTags) { levelId = "level_" + levelId; } levels.put(levelId, o); boolean selected = false || previouslySelected; if (sl != null && sl.getSelectedIndex() != null && !sl.isRemoved() && !previouslySelected) { selectedContent.add(sl); selected = true; } for (ApplicationLayer al : l.getLayers()) { StartLayer startLayer = al.getStartLayers().get(app); if (startLayer != null) { JSONObject p = al.toJSONObject(includeAppLayerAttributes, includeRelations, em, app); p.put("background", l.isBackground() || parentIsBackground); p.put("removed", startLayer.isRemoved()); Authorizations.ReadWrite rw = appCache.getProtectedAppLayers().get(al.getId()); p.put("editAuthorizations", rw != null ? rw.toJSON() : new JSONObject()); String alId = al.getId().toString(); if (validXmlTags) { alId = "appLayer_" + alId; } Authorizations.ReadWrite applayerAuths = appCache.getProtectedAppLayers().get(al.getId()); p.put(AUTHORIZATIONS_KEY, applayerAuths != null ? applayerAuths.toJSON() : new JSONObject()); appLayers.put(alId, p); if (startLayer.getSelectedIndex() != null && !startLayer.isRemoved()) { selectedContent.add(startLayer); } } } List<Level> children = treeCache.getChildrenByParent().get(l); if (children != null) { Collections.sort(children); JSONArray jsonChildren = new JSONArray(); o.put("children", jsonChildren); for (Level child : children) { JSONObject childObject = new JSONObject(); String childId = child.getId().toString(); if (validXmlTags) { childId = "level_" + childId; } childObject.put("child", childId); Authorizations.Read levelAuths = appCache.getProtectedLevels().get(child.getId()); childObject.put(AUTHORIZATIONS_KEY, levelAuths != null ? levelAuths.toJSON() : new JSONObject()); jsonChildren.put(childObject); walkAppTreeForJSON(levels, appLayers, selectedContent, child, l.isBackground(), validXmlTags, includeAppLayerAttributes, includeRelations, app, treeCache, appCache, em, selected); } } } } private void visitLevelForUsedServicesLayers(Level l, Map<GeoService, Set<String>> usedLayersByService, Application app, Application.TreeCache treeCache) { for (ApplicationLayer al : l.getLayers()) { GeoService gs = al.getService(); Set<String> usedLayers = usedLayersByService.get(gs); if (usedLayers == null) { usedLayers = new HashSet<String>(); usedLayersByService.put(gs, usedLayers); } usedLayers.add(al.getLayerName()); } List<Level> children = treeCache.getChildrenByParent().get(l); if (children != null) { for (Level child : children) { visitLevelForUsedServicesLayers(child, usedLayersByService, app, treeCache); } } } private boolean mustCreateNewCache(Application app, boolean validXmlTags, boolean expanded) { ClobElement cache = expanded ? app.getDetails().get(DETAIL_CACHED_EXPANDED_SELECTED_CONTENT) : app.getDetails().get(DETAIL_CACHED_SELECTED_CONTENT); if (cache == null || validXmlTags) { return true; } else { ClobElement dirtyClob = expanded ? app.getDetails().get(DETAIL_CACHED_EXPANDED_SELECTED_CONTENT_DIRTY) : app.getDetails().get(DETAIL_CACHED_SELECTED_CONTENT_DIRTY); boolean dirty = Boolean.valueOf(dirtyClob.getValue()); return dirty; } } public static void setApplicationCacheDirty(Application app, Boolean dirty, Boolean expanded, EntityManager em) { setApplicationCacheDirty(app, dirty, expanded, false, em); } public static void setApplicationCacheDirty(Application app, Boolean dirty, Boolean expanded, Boolean onlyThisApplication, EntityManager em) { Set<Application> apps = new HashSet<Application>(); if (dirty && !onlyThisApplication) { apps = app.getRoot().findApplications(em); } else { apps.add(app); } // Also invalidate possible mashups for (Application application : apps) { if (dirty) { application.getDetails().put(DETAIL_CACHED_SELECTED_CONTENT_DIRTY, new ClobElement(dirty.toString())); application.getDetails().put(DETAIL_CACHED_EXPANDED_SELECTED_CONTENT_DIRTY, new ClobElement(dirty.toString())); } else { application.getDetails().put(expanded ? DETAIL_CACHED_EXPANDED_SELECTED_CONTENT_DIRTY : DETAIL_CACHED_SELECTED_CONTENT_DIRTY, new ClobElement(dirty.toString())); } } } }