Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2017 B3Partners B.V. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package nl.b3p.viewer.image; import; import static java.lang.Math.floor; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.json.JSONObject; /** * * @author Meine Toonen */ public class CombineWMTSUrl extends CombineTileImageUrl { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(CombineTileImageUrl.class); private String layername; private TileMatrixSet set; private double ratio = 1; public CombineWMTSUrl(CombineTileImageUrl ctiu) { super(ctiu); } public CombineWMTSUrl() { super(); } @Override protected String createUrl(ImageBbox imageBbox, Bbox tileBbox, int indexX, int indexY, int zoomlevel) { try { TileMatrix tm = set.getMatrices().get(zoomlevel); return url + "request=GetTile&version=1.0.0&format=image/png&SERVICE=WMTS&layer=" + getLayername() + "&TileMatrixSet=" + URLEncoder.encode(set.getIdentifier(), "UTF-8") + "&TileRow=" + indexY + "&TileCol=" + indexX + "&TileMatrix=" + URLEncoder.encode(tm.getIdentifier(), "UTF-8") + "&STYLE=default"; } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { log.error("Cannot encode url"); return null; } } public void setMatrixSet(JSONObject matrixSet) { set = TileMatrixSet.fromJSONObject(matrixSet); } @Override public Integer getClosestZoomlevel(ImageBbox requestBbox) { double res = requestBbox.getUnitsPixelX(); int dpi = 72; double dpm = 0.0254; double scale = res * (dpi / dpm); List<TileMatrix> matrices = set.getMatrices(); int index = -1; for (int i = 0; i < matrices.size(); i++) { TileMatrix tm = matrices.get(i); if (i == (matrices.size() - 1)) { return i; } TileMatrix next = matrices.get(i + 1); double scCur = Double.valueOf(tm.getScaleDenominator()); double scNext = Double.valueOf(next.getScaleDenominator()); if (scale < scCur && scale > scNext) { index = i; break; } } return index; } @Override public List<CombineImageUrl> calculateNewUrl(ImageBbox imbbox) { List<CombineImageUrl> tileImages = new ArrayList<>(); //get tilematrix Integer indexOfMatrix = getClosestZoomlevel(imbbox); TileMatrix tm = set.getMatrices().get(indexOfMatrix); /* calc which tiles are needed */ String topleft = tm.getTopLeftCorner(); double tileMatrixMinX = Double.valueOf(topleft.substring(0, topleft.indexOf(" "))); double tileMatrixMaxY = Double.valueOf(topleft.substring(topleft.indexOf(" ") + 1)); int matrixHeight = tm.getMatrixHeight(); int matrixWidth = tm.getMatrixWidth(); double bBoxMinX = imbbox.getBbox().getMinx(); double bBoxMinY = imbbox.getBbox().getMiny(); double bBoxMaxX = imbbox.getBbox().getMaxx(); double bBoxMaxY = imbbox.getBbox().getMaxy(); double pixelSpan = Double.valueOf(tm.getScaleDenominator()) * 0.00028 / TileService.metersPerUnit(tm.getMatrixSet().getCrs()); double tileSpanX = tm.getTileWidth() * pixelSpan; double tileSpanY = tm.getTileHeight() * pixelSpan; int minTileIndexX = (int) floor((bBoxMinX - tileMatrixMinX) / tileSpanX + epsilon); int maxTileIndexX = (int) floor((bBoxMaxX - tileMatrixMinX) / tileSpanX + epsilon); int minTileIndexY = (int) floor((tileMatrixMaxY - bBoxMaxY) / tileSpanY + epsilon); int maxTileIndexY = (int) floor((tileMatrixMaxY - bBoxMinY) / tileSpanY - epsilon); double requestResolution = imbbox.getUnitsPixelX(); ratio = requestResolution / pixelSpan; //to avoid requesting out-of-range tiles if (minTileIndexX < 0) { minTileIndexX = 0; } if (maxTileIndexX >= matrixWidth) { maxTileIndexX = matrixWidth - 1; } if (minTileIndexY < 0) { minTileIndexY = 0; } if (maxTileIndexY >= matrixHeight) { maxTileIndexY = matrixHeight - 1; } int xOffset = (int) floor(((bBoxMinX - tileMatrixMinX) / tileSpanX) % 1 * (tm.getTileWidth() / ratio)); int yOffset = (int) floor(((tileMatrixMaxY - bBoxMaxY) / tileSpanY) % 1 * (tm.getTileHeight() / ratio)); double tileWidthMapUnits = imbbox.getUnitsPixelX() * tm.getTileWidth(); double tileHeightMapUnits = imbbox.getUnitsPixelY() * tm.getTileHeight(); /* 5) Opbouwen nieuwe tile url en per url ook x,y positie van tile bepalen zodat drawImage deze op de juiste plek kan zetten */ int numX = 0; int numY = 0; for (int ix = minTileIndexX; ix <= maxTileIndexX; ix++) { for (int iy = minTileIndexY; iy <= maxTileIndexY; iy++) { double[] tempBbox = new double[4]; tempBbox[0] = serviceBbox.getMinx() + (ix * tileWidthMapUnits); tempBbox[1] = serviceBbox.getMiny() + (iy * tileHeightMapUnits); tempBbox[2] = tempBbox[0] + tileWidthMapUnits; tempBbox[3] = tempBbox[1] + tileHeightMapUnits; Bbox tileBbox = new Bbox(tempBbox); CombineStaticImageUrl tile = createTile(imbbox, tileBbox, ix, iy, indexOfMatrix, (numX * (tm.getTileWidth() / ratio)) - xOffset, (numY * (tm.getTileHeight() / ratio)) - yOffset); tileImages.add(tile); numY++; } numX++; numY = 0; } return tileImages; } public CombineStaticImageUrl createTile(ImageBbox imageBbox, Bbox tileBbox, int tileX, int tileY, int matrixId, Double imgPosX, Double imgPosY) { CombineStaticImageUrl img = new CombineStaticImageUrl(); TileMatrix tm = set.getMatrices().get(matrixId); String tileUrl = createUrl(imageBbox, tileBbox, tileX, tileY, matrixId); img.setUrl(tileUrl); img.setHeight((int) (tm.getTileHeight() / ratio)); img.setWidth((int) (tm.getTileWidth() / ratio)); img.setBbox(tileBbox); img.setX(imgPosX.intValue()); img.setY(imgPosY.intValue()); img.setAlpha(this.getAlpha()); return img; } public String getLayername() { return layername; } public void setLayername(String layername) { this.layername = layername; } }