Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2011-2013 B3Partners B.V. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.persistence.*; import; import; import; import; import nl.b3p.viewer.config.ClobElement; import nl.b3p.web.WaitPageStatus; import org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.MutableBoolean; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.MutablePair; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import; import; import; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.stripesstuff.stripersist.Stripersist; /** * * @author Matthijs Laan */ @Entity @DiscriminatorValue(ArcIMSService.PROTOCOL) public class ArcIMSService extends GeoService implements Updatable { private static final org.apache.commons.logging.Log log = org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory .getLog(ArcIMSService.class); public static final String PROTOCOL = "arcims"; public static final String PARAM_SERVICENAME = "ServiceName"; public static final String PARAM_USERNAME = "username"; public static final String PARAM_PASSWORD = "password"; private static final String TOPLAYER_ID = "-1"; @Basic private String serviceName; public String getServiceName() { return serviceName; } public void setServiceName(String serviceName) { this.serviceName = serviceName; } @Override public void checkOnline() throws Exception { Map params = new HashMap(); params.put(PARAM_ONLINE_CHECK_ONLY, Boolean.TRUE); if (getServiceName() != null) { params.put(PARAM_SERVICENAME, getServiceName()); } loadFromUrl(getUrl(), params, new WaitPageStatus() { @Override public void setCurrentAction(String currentAction) { // no debug logging super.currentAction.set(currentAction); } @Override public void addLog(String message) { // no debug logging logs.add(message); } }); } //<editor-fold desc="Loading service metadata from ArcIMS"> @Override public ArcIMSService loadFromUrl(String url, Map params, WaitPageStatus status) throws Exception { try { status.setCurrentAction("Ophalen informatie..."); ArcIMSService ims = new ArcIMSService(); ims.setUsername((String) params.get(PARAM_USERNAME)); ims.setPassword((String) params.get(PARAM_PASSWORD)); HTTPClient client = new SimpleHttpClient(); client.setUser(ims.getUsername()); client.setPassword(ims.getPassword()); serviceName = (String) params.get(PARAM_SERVICENAME); ArcIMSServer gtims = new ArcIMSServer(new URL(url), serviceName, client); if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(params.get(GeoService.PARAM_ONLINE_CHECK_ONLY))) { return null; } ServiceInfo si = gtims.getInfo(); ims.setName(si.getTitle()); ims.setServiceName(gtims.getServiceName()); ims.setUrl(url); status.setProgress(50); status.setCurrentAction("Inladen layers..."); /* Automatically create featuresource, persisted by cascade from Layer.featureType */ ArcXMLFeatureSource fs = new ArcXMLFeatureSource(); fs.setLinkedService(ims); fs.setName(ims.getName()); fs.setServiceName(ims.getServiceName()); fs.setUsername(ims.getUsername()); fs.setPassword(ims.getPassword()); fs.setUrl(url); /* ArcIMS has a flat layer structure, create a virtual top layer */ Layer top = new Layer(); top.setVirtual(true); top.setTitle("Layers"); top.setService(ims); for (AxlLayerInfo axlLayerInfo : gtims.getAxlServiceInfo().getLayers()) { top.getChildren().add(parseAxlLayerInfo(axlLayerInfo, ims, fs, top)); } ims.setTopLayer(top); return ims; } finally { status.setCurrentAction(""); status.setProgress(100); status.setFinished(true); } } private Layer parseAxlLayerInfo(AxlLayerInfo axl, GeoService service, ArcXMLFeatureSource fs, Layer parent) { Layer l = new Layer(); l.setParent(parent); l.setService(service); l.setFilterable(AxlLayerInfo.TYPE_FEATURECLASS.equals(axl.getType())); l.setQueryable(true); l.setName(axl.getId()); l.setTitle(axl.getName()); l.getDetails().put("axl_type", new ClobElement(axl.getType())); String s = axl.getMinscale(); if (s != null) { try { l.setMinScale(Double.parseDouble(s.replace(',', '.'))); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { } } s = axl.getMaxscale(); if (s != null) { try { l.setMaxScale(Double.parseDouble(s.replace(',', '.'))); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { } } if (axl.getFclass() != null) { SimpleFeatureType sft = new SimpleFeatureType(); sft.setFeatureSource(fs); sft.setTypeName(axl.getId()); sft.setWriteable(false); sft.setDescription(axl.getName()); for (AxlFieldInfo axlField : axl.getFclass().getFields()) { AttributeDescriptor att = new AttributeDescriptor(); sft.getAttributes().add(att); att.setName(axlField.getName()); String type; switch (axlField.getType()) { case AxlField.TYPE_SHAPE: if (sft.getGeometryAttribute() == null) { sft.setGeometryAttribute(att.getName()); } type = AttributeDescriptor.TYPE_GEOMETRY; break; case AxlField.TYPE_BOOLEAN: type = AttributeDescriptor.TYPE_BOOLEAN; break; case AxlField.TYPE_ROW_ID: case AxlField.TYPE_BIG_INTEGER: case AxlField.TYPE_SMALL_INTEGER: case AxlField.TYPE_INTEGER: type = AttributeDescriptor.TYPE_INTEGER; break; case AxlField.TYPE_DOUBLE: case AxlField.TYPE_FLOAT: type = AttributeDescriptor.TYPE_DOUBLE; break; case AxlField.TYPE_DATE: type = AttributeDescriptor.TYPE_DATE; break; case AxlField.TYPE_CHAR: case AxlField.TYPE_STRING: default: type = AttributeDescriptor.TYPE_STRING; } att.setType(type); } fs.getFeatureTypes().add(sft); l.setFeatureType(sft); } return l; } //</editor-fold> //<editor-fold desc="Updating"> @Override public UpdateResult update() { initLayerCollectionsForUpdate(); final UpdateResult result = new UpdateResult(this); try { Map params = new HashMap(); params.put(PARAM_USERNAME, getUsername()); params.put(PARAM_PASSWORD, getPassword()); if (getServiceName() != null) { params.put(PARAM_SERVICENAME, getServiceName()); } ArcIMSService update = loadFromUrl(getUrl(), params, result.getWaitPageStatus().subtask("", 80)); // Find auto-linked FeatureSource (manually linked feature sources // not updated automatically) (TODO: maybe provide option to do that) ArcXMLFeatureSource linkedFS = null; try { linkedFS = (ArcXMLFeatureSource) Stripersist.getEntityManager() .createQuery("from FeatureSource where linkedService = :this").setParameter("this", this) .getSingleResult(); } catch (NoResultException nre) { // linked FeatureSource was removed by user } updateLayers(update, linkedFS, result); removeOrphanLayersAfterUpdate(result); if (linkedFS != null && linkedFS.getFeatureTypes().isEmpty()) { log.debug("Linked ArcGISFeatureSource has no type names anymore, removing it"); Stripersist.getEntityManager().remove(linkedFS); } result.setStatus(UpdateResult.Status.UPDATED); } catch (Exception e) { result.failedWithException(e); } return result; } private void updateLayers(final ArcIMSService update, final ArcXMLFeatureSource linkedFS, final UpdateResult result) { /* This is a lot simpler than WMS, because layers always have an id * (name in WMS and our Layer object) * * And even simpler than ArcGIS because layers have no tree structure. */ getTopLayer().getChildren().clear(); SimpleFeatureType ft; for (Layer updateLayer : update.getTopLayer().getChildren()) { MutablePair<Layer, UpdateResult.Status> layerStatus = result.getLayerStatus() .get(updateLayer.getName()); Layer updatedLayer; if (layerStatus == null) { // New layer ft = updateLayer.getFeatureType(); if (updateLayer.getFeatureType() != null) { if (linkedFS != null) { linkedFS.addOrUpdateFeatureType(updateLayer.getName(), ft, new MutableBoolean()); } else { // New FeatureSource to be persisted ft.getFeatureSource().setLinkedService(this); } } result.getLayerStatus().put(updateLayer.getName(), new MutablePair(updateLayer, UpdateResult.Status.NEW)); updatedLayer = updateLayer; } else { assert (layerStatus.getRight() == UpdateResult.Status.MISSING); Layer old = layerStatus.getLeft(); old.update(updateLayer); layerStatus.setRight(UpdateResult.Status.UNMODIFIED); // Do not overwrite manually set feature source if (old.getFeatureType() == null || old.getFeatureType().getFeatureSource().getLinkedService() == this) { if (updateLayer.getFeatureType() == null) { // If was set before the old feature type will be removed // later when all orphan MISSING layers are removed if (old.getFeatureType() != null) { layerStatus.setRight(UpdateResult.Status.UPDATED); } old.setFeatureType(null); } else { if (linkedFS != null) { MutableBoolean updated = new MutableBoolean(false); ft = linkedFS.addOrUpdateFeatureType(updateLayer.getName(), updateLayer.getFeatureType(), updated); if (old.getFeatureType() == null || updated.isTrue()) { layerStatus.setRight(UpdateResult.Status.UPDATED); } } else { ft = updateLayer.getFeatureType(); // New FeatureSource to be persisted ft.getFeatureSource().setLinkedService(this); layerStatus.setRight(UpdateResult.Status.UPDATED); } old.setFeatureType(ft); } } updatedLayer = old; } assert updatedLayer.getChildren().isEmpty(); updatedLayer.setService(this); updatedLayer.setParent(getTopLayer()); getTopLayer().getChildren().add(updatedLayer); } } private void removeOrphanLayersAfterUpdate(UpdateResult result) { assert (result.getDuplicateOrNoNameLayers().size() == 1); assert (result.getDuplicateOrNoNameLayers().get(0) == getTopLayer()); // Remove old layers from this service which are missing from updated // service for (Pair<Layer, UpdateResult.Status> p : result.getLayerStatus().values()) { if (p.getRight() == UpdateResult.Status.MISSING) { Layer removed = p.getLeft(); if (removed.getFeatureType() != null) { removed.getFeatureType().getFeatureSource().removeFeatureType(removed.getFeatureType()); } Stripersist.getEntityManager().remove(removed); } } } //</editor-fold> //<editor-fold desc="Add serviceName to toJSONObject()"> @Override public JSONObject toJSONObject(boolean flatten, Set<String> layersToInclude, boolean validXmlTags) throws JSONException { return toJSONObject(flatten, layersToInclude, validXmlTags, false); } @Override public JSONObject toJSONObject(boolean flatten, Set<String> layersToInclude, boolean validXmlTags, boolean includeAuthorizations) throws JSONException { JSONObject o = super.toJSONObject(flatten, layersToInclude, validXmlTags, includeAuthorizations); if (serviceName != null) { o.put("serviceName", serviceName); } return o; } @Override public JSONObject toJSONObject(boolean flatten) throws JSONException { return toJSONObject(flatten, null, false); } //</editor-fold> }