Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2011-2013 B3Partners B.V. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import; import java.util.*; import javax.persistence.*; import nl.b3p.viewer.config.ClobElement; import nl.b3p.web.WaitPageStatus; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.MutablePair; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import; import; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.stripesstuff.stripersist.Stripersist; import static nl.b3p.viewer.config.RemoveEmptyMapValuesUtil.removeEmptyMapValues; import org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.MutableBoolean; /** * * @author Matthijs Laan */ @Entity @DiscriminatorValue(ArcGISService.PROTOCOL) public class ArcGISService extends GeoService implements Updatable { private static final org.apache.commons.logging.Log log = org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory .getLog(ArcGISService.class); public static final String PROTOCOL = "arcgis"; public static final String PARAM_USERNAME = "username"; public static final String PARAM_PASSWORD = "password"; /** Parameter to avoid the call to /ArcGIS/rest/services?f=json to determine * the version (10 or 9). Some sites have this URL hidden but the service * itself is available. String with "9" or "10", null or any other value * means get it from /ArcGIS/rest/services?f=json. */ public static final String PARAM_ASSUME_VERSION = "assumeVersion"; /** GeoService.details map key for ArcGIS currentVersion property */ public static final String DETAIL_CURRENT_VERSION = "arcgis_currentVersion"; /** GeoService.details map key to save assume version to pass on to datastore */ public static final String DETAIL_ASSUME_VERSION = "arcgis_assumeVersion"; /** Layer.details map key for ArcGIS type property */ public static final String DETAIL_TYPE = "arcgis_type"; /** Layer.details map key for ArcGIS description property */ public static final String DETAIL_DESCRIPTION = "arcgis_description"; /** Layer.details map key for ArcGIS geometryType property */ public static final String DETAIL_GEOMETRY_TYPE = "arcgis_geometryType"; /** Layer.details map key for ArcGIS capabilities property */ public static final String DETAIL_CAPABILITIES = "arcgis_capabilities"; /** Layer.details map key for ArcGIS defaultVisibility property */ public static final String DETAIL_DEFAULT_VISIBILITY = "arcgis_defaultVisibility"; /** Layer.details map key for ArcGIS definitionExpression property */ public static final String DETAIL_DEFINITION_EXPRESSION = "arcgis_definitionExpression"; private static final String TOPLAYER_ID = "-1"; // Layer types are not specified in the ArcGIS API reference, so these are guesses. // See {} // Group layers are thus virtual layers. Sometimes ArcGIS even has layers // without a type... public static final Set<String> NON_VIRTUAL_LAYER_TYPES = Collections.unmodifiableSet( new HashSet(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "Feature Layer", "Raster Layer", "Annotation Layer" // not sure about this one... }))); private static Set<String> additionalUpdatableDetails = new HashSet<String>( Arrays.asList(new String[] { DETAIL_TYPE, DETAIL_DESCRIPTION, DETAIL_GEOMETRY_TYPE, DETAIL_CAPABILITIES, DETAIL_DEFAULT_VISIBILITY, DETAIL_DEFINITION_EXPRESSION, DETAIL_CURRENT_VERSION })); private static JSONObject issueRequest(String url, HTTPClient client) throws Exception { return new JSONObject(IOUtils.toString(client.get(new URL(url)).getResponseStream(), "UTF-8")); } @Transient private JSONObject serviceInfo; @Transient private String currentVersion; @Transient private int currentVersionMajor; @Transient private SortedMap<String, Layer> layersById; @Transient private Map<String, List<String>> childrenByLayerId; //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Loading service metadata from ArcGIS"> @Override public ArcGISService loadFromUrl(String url, Map params, WaitPageStatus status) throws Exception { try { status.setCurrentAction("Ophalen informatie..."); if (!url.endsWith("/MapServer")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("URL moet eindigen in \"/MapServer\""); } if (url.indexOf("/rest/services") == -1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("URL moet \"/rest/\" bevatten"); } HTTPClient client = new SimpleHttpClient(); client.setUser((String) params.get(PARAM_USERNAME)); client.setPassword((String) params.get(PARAM_PASSWORD)); ArcGISService s = new ArcGISService(); s.setUrl(url); s.loadServiceInfo(client, (String) params.get(PARAM_ASSUME_VERSION)); if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(params.get(GeoService.PARAM_ONLINE_CHECK_ONLY))) { return null; } // Get name from URL instead of MapServer/:documentInfo.Title // Will not change on update int i = url.lastIndexOf("/MapServer"); String temp = url.substring(0, i); i = temp.lastIndexOf("/"); String name = temp.substring(i + 1); s.setName(name); s.load(client, status); return s; } finally { status.setProgress(100); status.setCurrentAction("Service ingeladen"); status.setFinished(true); } } private void loadServiceInfo(HTTPClient client, String assumeVersion) throws Exception { if ("9.x".equals(assumeVersion)) { currentVersion = "9.x"; currentVersionMajor = 9; getDetails().put(DETAIL_ASSUME_VERSION, new ClobElement("9.x")); } else if ("10.x".equals(assumeVersion)) { currentVersion = "10.x"; currentVersionMajor = 10; getDetails().put(DETAIL_ASSUME_VERSION, new ClobElement("10.x")); } else { // currentVersion not included in MapServer/ JSON in 9.3.1, get it // from the root services JSON int i = getUrl().indexOf("/rest/services"); String servicesUrl = getUrl().substring(0, i) + "/rest/services"; serviceInfo = issueRequest(servicesUrl + "?f=json", client); currentVersion = serviceInfo.getString("currentVersion"); currentVersionMajor = Integer.parseInt(currentVersion.split("\\.")[0]); } if (currentVersionMajor >= 10) { // In version 10, get full layers info immediately // The MapServer/ JSON is not very interesing by itself serviceInfo = issueRequest(getUrl() + "/layers?f=json", client); } else { // In 9.x, MapServer/layers is not supported serviceInfo = issueRequest(getUrl() + "?f=json", client); } getDetails().put(DETAIL_CURRENT_VERSION, new ClobElement(currentVersion)); } private void load(HTTPClient client, WaitPageStatus status) throws Exception { int layerCount = serviceInfo.getJSONArray("layers").length(); status.setProgress((int) Math.round(100.0 / (layerCount + 1))); status.setCurrentAction("Inladen layers..."); /* Automatically create featuresource */ ArcGISFeatureSource fs = new ArcGISFeatureSource(); fs.setLinkedService(this); fs.setUrl(getUrl()); fs.setUsername(client.getUser()); fs.setPassword(client.getPassword()); Layer top = new Layer(); top.setVirtual(true); // set to false later if any defaultVisible children top.setName(TOPLAYER_ID); // name needed for possible non-virtual layer top.setTitle(getName()); top.setService(this); setTopLayer(top); layersById = new TreeMap(); childrenByLayerId = new HashMap(); layersById.put(top.getName(), top); if (currentVersionMajor >= 10) { // info is the MapServer/layers response, all layers JSON info // immediately available JSONArray layers = serviceInfo.getJSONArray("layers"); for (int i = 0; i < layers.length(); i++) { JSONObject layer = layers.getJSONObject(i); Layer l = parseArcGISLayer(layer, this, fs, childrenByLayerId); layersById.put(l.getName(), l); } } else { // In 9.x, request needed for each layer JSONArray layers = serviceInfo.getJSONArray("layers"); for (int i = 0; i < layers.length(); i++) { JSONObject layer = layers.getJSONObject(i); String id = layer.getString("id"); status.setCurrentAction("Inladen laag \"" + layer.optString("name", id) + "\""); layer = issueRequest(getUrl() + "/" + id + "?f=json", client); Layer l = parseArcGISLayer(layer, this, fs, childrenByLayerId); layersById.put(l.getName(), l); status.setProgress((int) Math.round(100.0 / (layerCount + 1) * i + 2)); } } setLayerTree(getTopLayer(), layersById, childrenByLayerId); setAllChildrenDetail(getTopLayer()); // FeatureSource is navigable via Layer.featureType CascadeType.PERSIST relation if (!fs.getFeatureTypes().isEmpty()) { fs.setName(getName()); } } private static void setLayerTree(Layer topLayer, Map<String, Layer> layersById, Map<String, List<String>> childrenByLayerId) { /* fill children list and parent references */ for (Layer l : layersById.values()) { List<String> childrenIds = childrenByLayerId.get(l.getName()); if (childrenIds != null) { for (String childId : childrenIds) { Layer child = layersById.get(childId); if (child != null) { l.getChildren().add(child); child.setParent(l); } } } } /* children of top layer is special because those have parentLayerId -1 */ topLayer.getChildren().clear(); for (Layer l : layersById.values()) { if (l.getParent() == null && !TOPLAYER_ID.equals(l.getName())) { topLayer.getChildren().add(l); l.setParent(topLayer); } } Collections.sort(topLayer.getChildren(), new Comparator<Layer>() { @Override public int compare(Layer lhs, Layer rhs) { return lhs.getName().compareTo(rhs.getName()); } }); } private Layer parseArcGISLayer(JSONObject agsl, GeoService service, ArcGISFeatureSource fs, Map<String, List<String>> childrenByLayerId) throws JSONException { Layer l = new Layer(); // parent set later in 2nd pass l.setService(service); l.setName(agsl.getString("id")); l.setTitle(agsl.getString("name")); JSONArray subLayerIds = agsl.optJSONArray("subLayers"); if (subLayerIds != null) { List<String> childrenIds = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < subLayerIds.length(); i++) { JSONObject subLayer = subLayerIds.getJSONObject(i); String subLayerId = subLayer.getInt("id") + ""; childrenIds.add(subLayerId); } childrenByLayerId.put(l.getName(), childrenIds); } l.getDetails().put(DETAIL_TYPE, new ClobElement(agsl.getString("type"))); l.getDetails().put(DETAIL_CURRENT_VERSION, new ClobElement(agsl.optString("currentVersion", currentVersion))); l.getDetails().put(DETAIL_DESCRIPTION, new ClobElement(StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(agsl.getString("description"), null))); l.getDetails().put(DETAIL_GEOMETRY_TYPE, new ClobElement(agsl.getString("geometryType"))); l.getDetails().put(DETAIL_CAPABILITIES, new ClobElement(agsl.optString("capabilities"))); l.getDetails().put(DETAIL_DEFAULT_VISIBILITY, new ClobElement(agsl.optBoolean("defaultVisibility", false) ? "true" : "false")); l.getDetails().put(DETAIL_DEFINITION_EXPRESSION, new ClobElement(StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(agsl.optString("definitionExpression"), null))); removeEmptyMapValues(l.getDetails()); try { l.setMinScale(agsl.getDouble("minScale")); l.setMaxScale(agsl.getDouble("maxScale")); } catch (JSONException e) { } try { JSONObject extent = agsl.getJSONObject("extent"); BoundingBox bbox = new BoundingBox(); bbox.setMinx(extent.getDouble("xmin")); bbox.setMaxx(extent.getDouble("xmax")); bbox.setMiny(extent.getDouble("ymin")); bbox.setMaxy(extent.getDouble("ymax")); bbox.setCrs(new CoordinateReferenceSystem( "EPSG:" + extent.getJSONObject("spatialReference").getInt("wkid"))); l.getBoundingBoxes().put(bbox.getCrs(), bbox); } catch (JSONException e) { } // XXX implemented in ArcGISDataStore // XXX sometimes geometry field not in field list but layer has geometryType boolean hasFields = false; if (!agsl.isNull("fields")) { JSONArray fields = agsl.getJSONArray("fields"); if (fields.length() > 0) { SimpleFeatureType sft = new SimpleFeatureType(); sft.setFeatureSource(fs); sft.setTypeName(l.getName()); sft.setDescription(l.getTitle()); sft.setWriteable(false); for (int i = 0; i < fields.length(); i++) { JSONObject field = fields.getJSONObject(i); AttributeDescriptor att = new AttributeDescriptor(); sft.getAttributes().add(att); att.setName(field.getString("name")); att.setAlias(field.getString("alias")); String et = field.getString("type"); String type = AttributeDescriptor.TYPE_STRING; if ("esriFieldTypeOID".equals(et)) { type = AttributeDescriptor.TYPE_INTEGER; } else if ("esriFieldTypeGeometry".equals(et)) { if (sft.getGeometryAttribute() == null) { sft.setGeometryAttribute(att.getName()); } String gtype = agsl.getString("geometryType"); if ("esriGeometryPoint".equals(gtype)) { type = AttributeDescriptor.TYPE_GEOMETRY_POINT; } else if ("esriGeometryMultipoint".equals(gtype)) { type = AttributeDescriptor.TYPE_GEOMETRY_MPOINT; } else if ("esriGeometryLine".equals(gtype) || "esriGeometryPolyline".equals(gtype)) { type = AttributeDescriptor.TYPE_GEOMETRY_LINESTRING; } else if ("esriGeometryPolygon".equals(gtype)) { type = AttributeDescriptor.TYPE_GEOMETRY_POLYGON; } else { // don't bother type = AttributeDescriptor.TYPE_GEOMETRY; } } else if ("esriFieldTypeDouble".equals(et)) { type = AttributeDescriptor.TYPE_DOUBLE; } else if ("esriFieldTypeInteger".equals(et) || "esriFieldTypeSmallInteger".equals(et)) { type = AttributeDescriptor.TYPE_INTEGER; } else if ("esriFieldTypeDate".equals(et)) { type = AttributeDescriptor.TYPE_DATE; } att.setType(type); } fs.getFeatureTypes().add(sft); l.setFeatureType(sft); hasFields = true; } } /* We could check capabilities field for "Query", but don't bother, * group layers have Query in that property but no fields... */ l.setQueryable(hasFields); l.setFilterable(hasFields); l.setVirtual(!NON_VIRTUAL_LAYER_TYPES.contains(l.getDetails().get(DETAIL_TYPE).getValue())); return l; } //</editor-fold> //<editor-fold desc="Updating"> @Override public UpdateResult update() { initLayerCollectionsForUpdate(); final UpdateResult result = new UpdateResult(this); try { Map params = new HashMap(); params.put(PARAM_USERNAME, getUsername()); params.put(PARAM_PASSWORD, getPassword()); ArcGISService update = loadFromUrl(getUrl(), params, result.getWaitPageStatus().subtask("", 80)); getDetails().put(DETAIL_CURRENT_VERSION, update.getDetails().get(DETAIL_CURRENT_VERSION)); // Our virtual top layer doesn't have to be updated unless we put // extra stuff from the metadata in it // Remove old stuff from before GeoService.details was added getTopLayer().getDetails().remove(DETAIL_CURRENT_VERSION); // For updating - old toplayer may have had null name getTopLayer().setName(TOPLAYER_ID); result.getLayerStatus().put(getTopLayer().getName(), new MutablePair(getTopLayer(), UpdateResult.Status.UNMODIFIED)); // Find auto-linked FeatureSource (manually linked feature sources // not updated automatically) (TODO: maybe provide option to do that) ArcGISFeatureSource linkedFS = null; try { linkedFS = (ArcGISFeatureSource) Stripersist.getEntityManager() .createQuery("from FeatureSource where linkedService = :this").setParameter("this", this) .getSingleResult(); } catch (NoResultException nre) { // linked FeatureSource was removed by user } updateLayers(update, linkedFS, result); removeOrphanLayersAfterUpdate(result); if (linkedFS != null && linkedFS.getFeatureTypes().isEmpty()) { log.debug("Linked ArcGISFeatureSource has no type names anymore, removing it"); Stripersist.getEntityManager().remove(linkedFS); } result.setStatus(UpdateResult.Status.UPDATED); } catch (Exception e) { result.failedWithException(e); } return result; } private void updateLayers(final ArcGISService update, final ArcGISFeatureSource linkedFS, final UpdateResult result) { /* This is a lot simpler than WMS, because layers always have an id * (name in WMS and our Layer object) */ Map<String, Layer> updatedLayersById = new HashMap(); SimpleFeatureType ft; for (Layer updateLayer : update.layersById.values()) { MutablePair<Layer, UpdateResult.Status> layerStatus = result.getLayerStatus() .get(updateLayer.getName()); Layer updatedLayer = null; if (layerStatus == null) { // New layer ft = updateLayer.getFeatureType(); if (updateLayer.getFeatureType() != null) { if (linkedFS != null) { updateLayer.setFeatureType( linkedFS.addOrUpdateFeatureType(updateLayer.getName(), ft, new MutableBoolean())); } else { // New FeatureSource to be persisted ft.getFeatureSource().setLinkedService(this); } } result.getLayerStatus().put(updateLayer.getName(), new MutablePair(updateLayer, UpdateResult.Status.NEW)); updatedLayer = updateLayer; } else { assert (layerStatus.getRight() == UpdateResult.Status.MISSING); Layer old = layerStatus.getLeft(); old.setParent(null); old.update(updateLayer, additionalUpdatableDetails); layerStatus.setRight(UpdateResult.Status.UNMODIFIED); // Do not overwrite manually set feature source if (old.getFeatureType() == null || old.getFeatureType().getFeatureSource().getLinkedService() == this) { if (updateLayer.getFeatureType() == null) { // If was set before the old feature type will be removed // later when all orphan MISSING layers are removed if (old.getFeatureType() != null) { layerStatus.setRight(UpdateResult.Status.UPDATED); } old.setFeatureType(null); } else { if (linkedFS != null) { MutableBoolean updated = new MutableBoolean(false); ft = linkedFS.addOrUpdateFeatureType(updateLayer.getName(), updateLayer.getFeatureType(), updated); if (old.getFeatureType() == null || updated.isTrue()) { layerStatus.setRight(UpdateResult.Status.UPDATED); } } else { ft = updateLayer.getFeatureType(); // New FeatureSource to be persisted ft.getFeatureSource().setLinkedService(this); layerStatus.setRight(UpdateResult.Status.UPDATED); } old.setFeatureType(ft); } } updatedLayer = old; } // will be filled in setLayerTree() updatedLayer.getChildren().clear(); updatedLayer.setParent(null); updatedLayer.setService(this); updatedLayersById.put(updateLayer.getName(), updatedLayer); } setLayerTree(getTopLayer(), updatedLayersById, update.childrenByLayerId); } private void removeOrphanLayersAfterUpdate(UpdateResult result) { assert (result.getDuplicateOrNoNameLayers().size() == 1); assert (result.getDuplicateOrNoNameLayers().get(0) == getTopLayer()); // Remove old layers from this service which are missing from updated // service for (Pair<Layer, UpdateResult.Status> p : result.getLayerStatus().values()) { if (p.getRight() == UpdateResult.Status.MISSING) { Layer removed = p.getLeft(); if (removed.getFeatureType() != null) { removed.getFeatureType().getFeatureSource().removeFeatureType(removed.getFeatureType()); } Stripersist.getEntityManager().remove(removed); } } } //</editor-fold> public String getCurrentVersion() { ClobElement ce = getDetails().get(DETAIL_CURRENT_VERSION); String cv = ce != null ? ce.getValue() : null; if (cv == null && getTopLayer() != null) { // get it from the topLayer, was saved there before GeoService.details // was added ce = getTopLayer().getDetails().get(DETAIL_CURRENT_VERSION); cv = ce != null ? ce.getValue() : null; // try the first actual layer where may have been saved in version < 4.1 if (cv == null && !getTopLayer().getChildren().isEmpty()) { ce = getTopLayer().getChildren().get(0).getDetails().get(DETAIL_CURRENT_VERSION); cv = ce != null ? ce.getValue() : null; } } return cv; } //<editor-fold desc="Add currentVersion to toJSONObject()"> @Override public JSONObject toJSONObject(boolean flatten, Set<String> layersToInclude, boolean validXmlTags) throws JSONException { return toJSONObject(validXmlTags, layersToInclude, validXmlTags, false); } @Override public JSONObject toJSONObject(boolean flatten, Set<String> layersToInclude, boolean validXmlTags, boolean includeAuthorizations) throws JSONException { JSONObject o = super.toJSONObject(flatten, layersToInclude, validXmlTags, includeAuthorizations); // Add currentVersion info to service info // Assume 9.x by default JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); o.put("arcGISVersion", json); json.put("s", "9.x"); // complete currentVersion string json.put("major", 9L); // major version, integer json.put("number", 9.0); // version as as Number String cv = getCurrentVersion(); if (cv != null) { json.put("s", cv); try { String[] parts = cv.split("\\."); json.put("major", Integer.parseInt(parts[0])); json.put("number", Double.parseDouble(cv)); } catch (Exception e) { // keep defaults } } return o; } @Override public JSONObject toJSONObject(boolean flatten) throws JSONException { return toJSONObject(flatten, null, false); } //</editor-fold> }