Java tutorial
/* * B3P Kaartenbalie is a OGC WMS/WFS proxy that adds functionality * for authentication/authorization, pricing and usage reporting. * * Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008 B3Partners BV * * This file is part of B3P Kaartenbalie. * * B3P Kaartenbalie is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * B3P Kaartenbalie is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with B3P Kaartenbalie. If not, see <>. */ package nl.b3p.kaartenbalie.struts; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.RoundingMode; import java.util.Date; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.NoResultException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import; import nl.b3p.kaartenbalie.core.server.accounting.LayerCalculator; import nl.b3p.kaartenbalie.core.server.accounting.entity.LayerPricing; import nl.b3p.ogc.utils.KBConfiguration; import nl.b3p.wms.capabilities.Layer; import nl.b3p.wms.capabilities.ServiceProvider; import org.apache.struts.action.ActionErrors; import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward; import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping; import org.apache.struts.validator.DynaValidatorForm; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; /** * * @author Chris Kramer */ public class WmsPricingAction extends PricingAction { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(WmsPricingAction.class); private static final String START_END_ERROR_KEY = "error.dateinput"; private static final String LAYER_PLACEHOLDER_ERROR_KEY = "beheer.princing.placeholder.error"; private static final String SCALE_ERROR_KEY = "beheer.pricing.scale.error"; public ActionForward save(ActionMapping mapping, DynaValidatorForm dynaForm, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { log.debug("Getting entity manager ......"); EntityManager em = getEntityManager(); request.setAttribute("id", request.getParameter("id")); if (!isTokenValid(request)) { prepareMethod(dynaForm, request, EDIT, LIST); addAlternateMessage(mapping, request, TOKEN_ERROR_KEY); return getAlternateForward(mapping, request); } ActionErrors errors = dynaForm.validate(mapping, request); if (!errors.isEmpty()) { addMessages(request, errors); prepareMethod(dynaForm, request, EDIT, LIST); addAlternateMessage(mapping, request, VALIDATION_ERROR_KEY); return getAlternateForward(mapping, request); } Date validFrom = FormUtils.FormStringToDate(dynaForm.getString("validFrom"), null); Date validUntil = FormUtils.FormStringToDate(dynaForm.getString("validUntil"), null); if (validUntil != null && validFrom != null) { if (validUntil.before(validFrom)) { prepareMethod(dynaForm, request, EDIT, LIST); addAlternateMessage(mapping, request, START_END_ERROR_KEY); return getAlternateForward(mapping, request); } } LayerPricing lp = getLayerPricing(dynaForm, request, true); if (lp == null) { prepareMethod(dynaForm, request, LIST, EDIT); addAlternateMessage(mapping, request, NOTFOUND_ERROR_KEY); return getAlternateForward(mapping, request); } lp.setValidFrom(validFrom); lp.setValidUntil(validUntil); Layer layer = null; String id = FormUtils.nullIfEmpty(getLayerID(dynaForm)); if (id != null) { layer = getLayerByUniqueName(id); } if (layer == null || layer.getName() == null || layer.getName().trim().length() == 0) { prepareMethod(dynaForm, request, LIST, EDIT); addAlternateMessage(mapping, request, LAYER_PLACEHOLDER_ERROR_KEY); return getAlternateForward(mapping, request); } lp.setServerProviderPrefix(layer.getSpAbbr()); lp.setLayerName(layer.getName()); lp.setPlanType(FormUtils.StringToInt(dynaForm.getString("planType"))); String service = dynaForm.getString("service"); String operation = null; if (service != null && service.equalsIgnoreCase("WMS")) { operation = dynaForm.getString("operationWMS"); } else if (service != null && service.equalsIgnoreCase("WFS")) { operation = dynaForm.getString("operationWFS"); } else { service = null; } if (operation != null && operation.trim().length() == 0) { operation = null; } lp.setService(service); lp.setOperation(operation); BigDecimal minScale = FormUtils.bdValueNull(dynaForm.getString("minScale")); BigDecimal maxScale = FormUtils.bdValueNull(dynaForm.getString("maxScale")); String projection = dynaForm.getString("projection"); if (projection != null && projection.trim().length() == 0) { projection = null; } if (projection != null && (minScale != null || maxScale != null)) { boolean scaleOK = false; if (minScale != null && minScale.doubleValue() > 0) { if (maxScale != null && maxScale.doubleValue() > 0) { if (maxScale.compareTo(minScale) > 0) { scaleOK = true; } } } if (!scaleOK) { prepareMethod(dynaForm, request, LIST, EDIT); addAlternateMessage(mapping, request, SCALE_ERROR_KEY); return getAlternateForward(mapping, request); } if (minScale != null) { lp.setMinScale(minScale.setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP)); } if (maxScale != null) { lp.setMaxScale(maxScale.setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP)); } lp.setProjection(projection); } BigDecimal unitPrice = FormUtils.bdValueNull(dynaForm.getString("unitPrice")); /* * || door && vervangen. Price is namelijk verplicht en dus nooit null * en hij kwam dus altijd door de check. Ook als het bedrag 0 was. */ if (unitPrice != null && unitPrice.doubleValue() > 0.0) { lp.setUnitPrice(unitPrice.setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP)); } else { lp.setLayerIsFree(Boolean.TRUE); } em.persist(lp); prepareMethod(dynaForm, request, LIST, EDIT); addDefaultMessage(mapping, request, ACKNOWLEDGE_MESSAGES); return getDefaultForward(mapping, request); } public void createLists(DynaValidatorForm form, HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception { super.createLists(form, request); log.debug("Getting entity manager ......"); EntityManager em = getEntityManager(); /* * Set the allowed projectsion */ request.setAttribute("projections", KBConfiguration.SUPPORTED_PROJECTIONS); request.setAttribute("wmsRequests", KBConfiguration.ACCOUNTING_WMS_REQUESTS); request.setAttribute("wfsRequests", KBConfiguration.ACCOUNTING_WFS_REQUESTS); /* * Now set the default service to WMS - if appliable.. */ if (form.getString("service") == null || form.getString("service").trim().length() == 0) { form.set("service", new String("WMS")); form.set("operationWMS", new String("GetMap")); } String id = FormUtils.nullIfEmpty(getLayerID(form)); if (id == null) { return; } Layer layer = getLayerByUniqueName(id); if (layer == null || layer.getName() == null || layer.getName().trim().length() == 0) { return; } String layerName = layer.getName(); String spAbbr = layer.getSpAbbr(); ServiceProvider sp = layer.getServiceProvider(); request.setAttribute("spName", sp.getTitle()); request.setAttribute("lName", layer.getName()); /* * Now fetch the layerpricings that match with this layer. */ request.setAttribute("layerPricings", em.createQuery("FROM LayerPricing AS lp " + "WHERE lp.layerName = :layerName AND lp.serverProviderPrefix = :serverProviderPrefix AND lp.service = :service " + "ORDER BY lp.deletionDate ASC, lp.creationDate DESC").setParameter("layerName", layer.getName()) .setParameter("serverProviderPrefix", layer.getSpAbbr()).setParameter("service", "WMS") .getResultList()); /* * Then calculate all the different prices for all requesttypes.. */ LayerCalculator lc = new LayerCalculator(); Object[][] tableData = new Object[KBConfiguration.ACCOUNTING_WMS_REQUESTS.length /*+ KBConfiguration.ACCOUNTING_WFS_REQUESTS.length*/][3]; Date now = new Date(); BigDecimal units = new BigDecimal("1"); int totalWMSRequests = KBConfiguration.ACCOUNTING_WMS_REQUESTS.length; for (int i = 0; i < totalWMSRequests; i++) { tableData[i][0] = "WMS"; tableData[i][1] = KBConfiguration.ACCOUNTING_WMS_REQUESTS[i]; try { tableData[i][2] = lc.calculateLayerComplete(spAbbr, layerName, now, KBConfiguration.DEFAULT_PROJECTION, null, units, LayerPricing.PAY_PER_REQUEST, "WMS", KBConfiguration.ACCOUNTING_WMS_REQUESTS[i]); } catch (NoResultException nre) { tableData[i][2] = null; } } /* * Uitgezet omdat er een aparte pagina is voor WFS. Later kan het altijd nog samengevoegt worden * Er moet dan wel op gelet worden dat WFS layers anders zijn dan WMS layers en ook in aparte tabellen * zitten en aparte modelen hebben. */ /*int totalWMFRequests = KBConfiguration.ACCOUNTING_WFS_REQUESTS.length; for (int i = 0; i < totalWMFRequests; i++) { tableData[i +totalWMSRequests ][0] = "WFS"; tableData[i + totalWMSRequests][1] = KBConfiguration.ACCOUNTING_WFS_REQUESTS[i]; try { tableData[i + totalWMSRequests][2] = lc.calculateLayerComplete(layer, now, KBConfiguration.DEFAULT_PROJECTION, null, units,LayerPricing.PAY_PER_REQUEST, "WFS", KBConfiguration.ACCOUNTING_WFS_REQUESTS[i]); } catch (NoResultException nre) { tableData[i + totalWMSRequests][2] = null; } }*/ request.setAttribute("tableData", tableData); } }