Java tutorial
/* * B3P Kaartenbalie is a OGC WMS/WFS proxy that adds functionality * for authentication/authorization, pricing and usage reporting. * * Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008 B3Partners BV * * This file is part of B3P Kaartenbalie. * * B3P Kaartenbalie is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * B3P Kaartenbalie is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with B3P Kaartenbalie. If not, see <>. */ package nl.b3p.kaartenbalie.service.requesthandler; import; import; import; import; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.Query; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import; import; import nl.b3p.kaartenbalie.core.server.User; import nl.b3p.kaartenbalie.core.server.accounting.ExtLayerCalculator; import nl.b3p.kaartenbalie.core.server.accounting.entity.LayerPriceComposition; import nl.b3p.kaartenbalie.core.server.accounting.entity.LayerPricing; import nl.b3p.kaartenbalie.core.server.monitoring.DataMonitoring; import nl.b3p.kaartenbalie.core.server.monitoring.ServiceProviderRequest; import nl.b3p.kaartenbalie.core.server.persistence.MyEMFDatabase; import nl.b3p.kaartenbalie.service.ProviderException; import nl.b3p.ogc.utils.KBConfiguration; import nl.b3p.ogc.utils.LayerSummary; import nl.b3p.ogc.utils.OGCCommunication; import nl.b3p.ogc.utils.OGCConstants; import nl.b3p.ogc.utils.OGCRequest; import nl.b3p.ogc.utils.OGCResponse; import nl.b3p.ogc.utils.SpLayerSummary; import nl.b3p.ogc.wfs.v110.WfsLayer; import; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.http.HttpEntity; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpUriRequest; import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity; import org.w3c.dom.Document; /** * * @author Chris */ public abstract class WFSRequestHandler extends OGCRequestHandler { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(WFSRequestHandler.class); /** * Creates a new instance of WFSRequestHandler */ public WFSRequestHandler() { } public boolean mayDirectWrite() { return false; } /** * @return the maxResponseTime */ public int getMaxResponseTime() { if (maxResponseTime <= 0) { try { maxResponseTime = new Integer(KBConfiguration.WFS_RESPONSE_TIME_LIMIT); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { maxResponseTime = 33333; } } return maxResponseTime; } public HttpPost createPostMethod(OGCRequest spOgcReq, SpLayerSummary sp, ServiceProviderRequest wfsRequest) throws Exception { String oldBody = spOgcReq.getXMLBody(); String body = ""; // staat bij transactie handler, waarom? // String[] temp = oldBody.split("id"); // for (int x = 0; x < temp.length; x++) { // if (x < (temp.length - 1)) { // body += temp[x] + "gml:id"; // } else { // body += temp[x]; // } // } body = oldBody; log.debug("WFS POST to serviceprovider: '" + sp.getSpAbbr() + "' with url: '" + sp.getSpUrl() + "' and body:"); log.debug(body); // TODO body cleanen if (KBConfiguration.SAVE_MESSAGES) { wfsRequest.setMessageSent(body); } wfsRequest.setBytesSent(new Long(body.getBytes().length)); OGCRequest tmpReq = new OGCRequest(spOgcReq.fixHttpHost(sp.getSpUrl())); tmpReq.removeAllWFSParameters(); String postUrl = spOgcReq.getUrl(tmpReq.getUrl()); HttpPost method = new HttpPost(postUrl); //work around voor ESRI post Messages //method.setRequestEntity(new StringRequestEntity(body, "text/xml", "UTF-8")); method.setEntity(new StringEntity(body)); return method; } public HttpGet createGetMethod(OGCRequest spOgcReq, SpLayerSummary sp, ServiceProviderRequest wfsRequest) throws Exception { OGCRequest tmpReq = new OGCRequest(spOgcReq.fixHttpHost(sp.getSpUrl())); tmpReq.removeAllWFSParameters(); String getUrl = spOgcReq.getUrl(tmpReq.getUrl()); log.debug("WFS GET to serviceprovider: '" + sp.getSpAbbr() + "' with url: '" + getUrl.toString() + "'"); if (KBConfiguration.SAVE_MESSAGES) { wfsRequest.setMessageSent(getUrl.toString()); } wfsRequest.setBytesSent(new Long(getUrl.length())); return new HttpGet(getUrl.toString()); } protected boolean checkNumberOfSps(List<LayerSummary> lsl, int n) { List<String> spl = new ArrayList(); for (LayerSummary ls : lsl) { if (!spl.contains(ls.getSpAbbr())) { spl.add(ls.getSpAbbr()); } } return spl.size() == n; } public abstract String prepareRequest4Sp(OGCRequest ogcrequest, SpLayerSummary sp) throws Exception; public abstract List<LayerSummary> prepareRequestLayers(OGCRequest ogcrequest) throws Exception; public abstract OGCResponse getNewOGCResponse(); public byte[] prepareDirectWrite(InputStream isx) throws IOException { return null; } public void writeResponse(DataWrapper data, User user) throws Exception { OGCResponse ogcresponse = getNewOGCResponse(); OGCRequest ogcrequest = data.getOgcrequest(); String version = ogcrequest.getFinalVersion(); String spInUrl = ogcrequest.getServiceProviderName(); Integer[] orgIds = user.getOrganizationIds(); OutputStream os = data.getOutputStream(); Object identity = null; try { identity = MyEMFDatabase.createEntityManager(MyEMFDatabase.MAIN_EM); boolean forAdmin = isConfigInUrlAndAdmin(data, user); // zet layers uit request in een list List<LayerSummary> layerSummaryList = prepareRequestLayers(ogcrequest); if (layerSummaryList == null) { // als geen layers meegegeven, dan alle layers gebruiken // alleen bij getcapabilities EntityManager em = MyEMFDatabase.getEntityManager(MyEMFDatabase.MAIN_EM); String[] al = getOrganisationLayers(em, orgIds, version, forAdmin); layerSummaryList = LayerSummary.createLayerSummaryList(Arrays.asList(al), spInUrl, true); } // maak lijst waarin de layers per sp zijn verzameld // boolean om volgorde van de lagen te bewaren List<SpLayerSummary> spLayerSummaries = null; if (forAdmin) { spLayerSummaries = getLayerSummaries(layerSummaryList, spInUrl); } else { spLayerSummaries = getServiceProviderURLS(layerSummaryList, orgIds, false, data, false); } if (spLayerSummaries == null || spLayerSummaries.isEmpty()) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "No Serviceprovider available! User might not have rights to any Serviceprovider!"); } if (spLayerSummaries.size() > 1 && version.equals(OGCConstants.WFS_VERSION_UNSPECIFIED)) { // forceren dat alle sp dezelfde versie retourneren, indien meer dan 1 ogcrequest.addOrReplaceParameter(OGCConstants.VERSION, OGCConstants.WFS_VERSION_110); } DataMonitoring rr = data.getRequestReporting(); long startprocestime = System.currentTimeMillis(); String xmlEncoding = "UTF-8"; for (SpLayerSummary sp : spLayerSummaries) { if (spInUrl != null && !spInUrl.equals(sp.getSpAbbr())) { // sp in url en dit is een andere sp continue; } sp.setSpInUrl(spInUrl); // zet de juiste layers voor deze sp OGCRequest sprequest = (OGCRequest) ogcrequest.clone(); prepareRequest4Sp(sprequest, sp); String lurl = sp.getSpUrl(); if (lurl.length() == 0) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("No Serviceprovider for this service available!"); } ServiceProviderRequest wfsRequest = this.createServiceProviderRequest(data, lurl, sp.getServiceproviderId(), 0l); B3PCredentials credentials = new B3PCredentials(); credentials.setUserName(sp.getUsername()); credentials.setPassword(sp.getPassword()); credentials.setUrl(lurl); HttpClientConfigured hcc = new HttpClientConfigured(credentials); HttpUriRequest method = null; if (sprequest.getHttpMethod().equalsIgnoreCase("POST")) { method = createPostMethod(sprequest, sp, wfsRequest); } else { // get method = createGetMethod(sprequest, sp, wfsRequest); } try { HttpResponse response = hcc.execute(method); try { int statusCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); wfsRequest.setResponseStatus(statusCode); HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity(); if (statusCode != 200) { log.error("Failed to connect with " + method.getURI() + " Using body: " + sprequest.getXMLBody()); throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Failed to connect with " + method.getURI() + " Using body: " + sprequest.getXMLBody()); } wfsRequest.setRequestResponseTime(System.currentTimeMillis() - startprocestime); data.setContentType("text/xml"); InputStream is = entity.getContent(); InputStream isx = null; byte[] bytes = null; int rsl = 0; try { rsl = new Integer(KBConfiguration.RESPONSE_SIZE_LIMIT); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { log.debug("KBConfiguration.RESPONSE_SIZE_LIMIT not properly configured: " + nfe.getLocalizedMessage()); } if (KBConfiguration.SAVE_MESSAGES) { int len = 1; byte[] buffer = new byte[2024]; ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); while ((len =, 0, buffer.length)) > 0) { bos.write(buffer, 0, len); if (buffer.length > rsl && rsl > 0) { throw new ProviderException( "Response size exceeds maximum set in configuration:" + buffer.length + ", max is: " + rsl); } } bytes = bos.toByteArray(); isx = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes); } else { isx = new CountingInputStream(is); } if (KBConfiguration.SAVE_MESSAGES || spInUrl == null || !mayDirectWrite()) { DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); dbf.setNamespaceAware(true); DocumentBuilder builder = dbf.newDocumentBuilder(); Document doc = builder.parse(isx); // indien meerdere sp met verschillende encodings // dan wint de laatste! String docEncoding = doc.getXmlEncoding(); if (docEncoding != null) { xmlEncoding = docEncoding; } int len = 0; if (KBConfiguration.SAVE_MESSAGES) { wfsRequest.setMessageReceived(new String(bytes)); } else { len = new Integer(((CountingInputStream) isx).getCount()); wfsRequest.setBytesReceived(new Long(len)); } if (len > rsl && rsl > 0) { throw new ProviderException("Response size exceeds maximum set in configuration:" + len + ", max is: " + rsl); } String prefix = sp.getSpAbbr(); if (spInUrl != null && !spInUrl.isEmpty()) { // sp in url dus geen prefix toevoegen prefix = null; } if (OGCResponse.isWfsV100ErrorResponse(doc.getDocumentElement())) { // wfs 1.0.0 error ogcresponse.rebuildWfsV100ErrorResponse(doc, sprequest, prefix); } else if (OGCResponse.isOwsV100ErrorResponse(doc.getDocumentElement())) { // wfs 1.1.0 error ogcresponse.rebuildOwsV100ErrorResponse(doc, sprequest, prefix); } else { // normale response ogcresponse.rebuildResponse(doc, sprequest, prefix); } } else { /** * Deze methode kan alleen aangeroepen worden als * aan de volgende voorwaarden is voldaan: * <li> slechts n sp nodig voor aanroep * <li> spabbr zit in de url en niet als prefix in * de layer name * <li> KBConfiguration.SAVE_MESSAGES is false Als * aan voorwaarden is voldaan dat wordt direct * doorgestreamd indien er geen fout is opgetreden. * <li> de aanroep methode mayDirectWrite is true. */ // direct write possible byte[] h = prepareDirectWrite(isx); if (h != null) { os.write(h); } // write rest IOUtils.copy(isx, os); wfsRequest.setBytesReceived(new Long(((CountingInputStream) isx).getCount())); ogcresponse.setAlreadyDirectWritten(true); break; } } finally { hcc.close(response); hcc.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { wfsRequest.setExceptionMessage("Failed to send bytes to client: " + e.getMessage()); wfsRequest.setExceptionClass(e.getClass()); throw e; } finally { rr.addServiceProviderRequest(wfsRequest); } } // only write when not already direct written if (!ogcresponse.isAlreadyDirectWritten()) { String responseBody = ogcresponse.getResponseBody(spLayerSummaries, ogcrequest, xmlEncoding); if (responseBody != null && !responseBody.equals("")) { byte[] buffer = responseBody.getBytes(xmlEncoding); os.write(buffer); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("XMLbody empty!"); } } doAccounting(user.getMainOrganizationId(), data, user); } finally { log.debug("Closing entity manager ....."); MyEMFDatabase.closeEntityManager(identity, MyEMFDatabase.MAIN_EM); } } protected LayerPriceComposition calculateLayerPriceComposition(DataWrapper dw, ExtLayerCalculator lc, String spAbbr, String layerName) throws Exception { String operation = dw.getOperation(); if (operation == null) { log.error("Operation can not be null"); throw new Exception("Operation can not be null"); } String projection = dw.getOgcrequest().getParameter(OGCConstants.WFS_PARAM_SRSNAME); // todo klopt dit? /* * De srs parameter word nu alleen gevult met null. Hier moet misschien * nog naar gekeken worden, maar nu werk het zo wel. */ BigDecimal scale = (new BigDecimal(dw.getOgcrequest().calcScale())).setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP); int planType = LayerPricing.PAY_PER_REQUEST; String service = OGCConstants.WFS_SERVICE_WFS; return lc.calculateLayerComplete(spAbbr, layerName, new Date(), projection, scale, new BigDecimal("1"), planType, service, operation); } protected SpLayerSummary getValidLayerObjects(EntityManager em, LayerSummary m, Integer[] orgIds, boolean b3pLayering) throws Exception { String query = "select distinct new " + "nl.b3p.ogc.utils.SpLayerSummary(l, 'true',sp) " + "from WfsLayer l, Organization o, WfsServiceProvider sp join o.wfsLayers ol " + "where l = ol and " + "l.wfsServiceProvider = sp and " + " in (:orgIds) and " + " = :layerName and " + "sp.abbr = :layerCode and " + "sp.allowed = true"; return getValidLayerObjects(em, query, m, orgIds, b3pLayering); } protected String[] getOrganisationLayers(EntityManager em, Integer[] orgIds, String version, boolean isAdmin) throws Exception { List<SpLayerSummary> spLayers = null; if (!isAdmin) { String query = "select distinct new " + "nl.b3p.ogc.utils.SpLayerSummary(l, 'true',sp) " + "from Organization o " + "join o.wfsLayers l " + "join l.wfsServiceProvider sp " + "where in (:orgIds) " + "and sp.allowed = true"; if (version != null && !version.equals(OGCConstants.WFS_VERSION_UNSPECIFIED)) { query += " and sp.wfsVersion = :version"; } Query q = em.createQuery(query); if (orgIds != null) { List lijst = Arrays.asList(orgIds); q.setParameter("orgIds", lijst); } else { q.setParameter("orgIds", null); } if (version != null && !version.equals(OGCConstants.WFS_VERSION_UNSPECIFIED)) { q.setParameter("version", version); } spLayers = q.getResultList(); } else { String query = "select distinct new " + "nl.b3p.ogc.utils.SpLayerSummary(l, 'true',sp) " + "from WfsLayer l " + "join l.wfsServiceProvider sp"; if (version != null && !version.equals(OGCConstants.WFS_VERSION_UNSPECIFIED)) { query += " where sp.wfsVersion = :version"; } Query q = em.createQuery(query); if (version != null && !version.equals(OGCConstants.WFS_VERSION_UNSPECIFIED)) { q.setParameter("version", version); } spLayers = q.getResultList(); } List<String> layers = new ArrayList<String>(); for (SpLayerSummary spls : spLayers) { String ln = OGCCommunication.attachSp(spls.getSpAbbr(), spls.getLayerName()); layers.add(ln); } return (String[]) layers.toArray(new String[] {}); } /** * Create a URI from the ogcrequest with provided URL, by adding the request * parameters. * * @param ogcrequest * @param lurl * @param version * @return */ protected String createUriString(OGCRequest ogcrequest, String lurl, String version) { StringBuffer url = new StringBuffer(lurl); if (!lurl.endsWith("?")) { url.append("?"); } String[] params = ogcrequest.getParametersArray(); for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { String key = params[i].split("=")[0]; if (key.equalsIgnoreCase(OGCRequest.VERSION)) { if (version != null) {// if version not given exclude from params url.append(OGCRequest.VERSION); url.append("="); url.append(version); } } else { url.append(params[i]); } url.append("&"); } return url.toString(); } /** * Create a ServiceProviderRequest for WFS requests. * * @param data * @param url * @param spId * @param bytesSent * @return */ protected ServiceProviderRequest createServiceProviderRequest(DataWrapper data, String url, Integer spId, Long bytesSent) { DataMonitoring rr = data.getRequestReporting(); OGCRequest ogcrequest = data.getOgcrequest(); ServiceProviderRequest wfsRequest = new ServiceProviderRequest(); wfsRequest.setMsSinceRequestStart(new Long(rr.getMSSinceStart())); wfsRequest.setServiceProviderId(spId); String version = ogcrequest.getFinalVersion(); if (version.equals(OGCConstants.WFS_VERSION_UNSPECIFIED)) { version = null; } String uri = createUriString(ogcrequest, url, version); wfsRequest.setProviderRequestURI(uri); wfsRequest.setWmsVersion(version); wfsRequest.setBytesSent(bytesSent); return wfsRequest; } protected List<SpLayerSummary> getLayerSummaries(List<LayerSummary> lsl) throws Exception { return getLayerSummaries(LayerSummary.getLayersAsArray(lsl), null); } protected List<SpLayerSummary> getLayerSummaries(List<LayerSummary> lsl, String serviceName) throws Exception { return getLayerSummaries(LayerSummary.getLayersAsArray(lsl), serviceName); } private List<SpLayerSummary> getLayerSummaries(String[] layers) throws Exception { return getLayerSummaries(layers, null); } private List<SpLayerSummary> getLayerSummaries(String[] layers, String serviceName) throws Exception { EntityManager em = MyEMFDatabase.getEntityManager(MyEMFDatabase.MAIN_EM); List<SpLayerSummary> eventualSPList = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) { String layer = layers[i]; boolean splitName = (serviceName == null || serviceName.isEmpty()) ? true : false; LayerSummary m = OGCCommunication.splitLayerWithoutNsFix(layer, splitName, serviceName, null); String abbr = m.getSpAbbr(); String name = OGCCommunication.buildLayerNameWithoutSp(m); List matchingLayers = em .createQuery("from WfsLayer l where = :name and l.wfsServiceProvider.abbr = :abbr") .setParameter("name", name).setParameter("abbr", abbr).getResultList(); if (matchingLayers.isEmpty()) { /* * XXX "or no rights" ?? No rights are checked... */ log.error("layer not found: " + layer); throw new Exception(KBConfiguration.REQUEST_NORIGHTS_EXCEPTION + ": " + layer); } if (matchingLayers.size() > 1) { log.error("layers with duplicate names, name: " + layer); throw new Exception(KBConfiguration.GETMAP_EXCEPTION); } WfsLayer l = (WfsLayer) matchingLayers.get(0); SpLayerSummary layerInfo = new SpLayerSummary(l, "true"); addToServerProviderList(eventualSPList, layerInfo, false); } return eventualSPList; } }