Java tutorial
/* * B3P Kaartenbalie is a OGC WMS/WFS proxy that adds functionality * for authentication/authorization, pricing and usage reporting. * * Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008 B3Partners BV * * This file is part of B3P Kaartenbalie. * * B3P Kaartenbalie is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * B3P Kaartenbalie is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with B3P Kaartenbalie. If not, see <>. */ package nl.b3p.imagetool; import com.sun.imageio.plugins.png.PNGMetadata; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.GeometryFactory; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Polygon; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.PrecisionModel; import; import; import java.awt.AlphaComposite; import java.awt.BasicStroke; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.RenderingHints; import java.awt.Shape; import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import javax.imageio.ImageReader; import javax.imageio.ImageWriter; import; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.geotools.geometry.jts.LiteShape; import org.geotools.geometry.jts.ReferencedEnvelope; import org.geotools.referencing.CRS; import org.geotools.renderer.lite.RendererUtilities; public class ImageTool { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ImageTool.class); private BufferedImage bi; public static final String TIFF = "image/tiff"; public static final String GIF = "image/gif"; public static final String JPEG = "image/jpeg"; public static final String PNG = "image/png"; /** * Reads an image from an http input stream. * * @param method Apache HttpClient GetMethod object * @param mime String representing the mime type of the image. * * @return BufferedImage * * @throws Exception */ // <editor-fold defaultstate="" desc="readImage(GetMethod method, String mime) method."> public static BufferedImage readImage(InputStream is, String mime) throws Exception { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); int bytesRead = 0; byte[] buffer = new byte[2048]; while (bytesRead != -1) { bytesRead =, 0, buffer.length); if (bytesRead > 0) { baos.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); } } ImageReader ir = null; BufferedImage i = null; try { if (mime.indexOf(";") != -1) { mime = mime.substring(0, mime.indexOf(";")); } String mimeType = getMimeType(mime); /* TODO: Kijken waarom er geen mime type meer binnenkomt. Wellicht door de * HttpClient vernieuwing in kaartenbalie ? */ if (mimeType == null) { mimeType = "image/png"; } if (mimeType == null) { log.error("Response from server not understood (mime = " + mime + "): " + baos.toString()); throw new Exception( "Response from server not understood (mime = " + mime + "): " + baos.toString()); } ir = getReader(mimeType); if (ir == null) { log.error("no reader available for imageformat: " + mimeType.substring(mimeType.lastIndexOf("/") + 1)); throw new Exception("no reader available for imageformat: " + mimeType.substring(mimeType.lastIndexOf("/") + 1)); } //TODO Make smarter.. Possibly faster... But keep reporting! ImageInputStream stream = ImageIO.createImageInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray())); ir.setInput(stream, true); i =; //if image is a png, has no alpha and has a tRNS then make that color transparent. if (!i.getColorModel().hasAlpha() && ir.getImageMetadata(0) instanceof PNGMetadata) { PNGMetadata metadata = (PNGMetadata) ir.getImageMetadata(0); if (metadata.tRNS_present) { int alphaPix = (metadata.tRNS_red << 16) | (metadata.tRNS_green << 8) | (metadata.tRNS_blue); BufferedImage tmp = new BufferedImage(i.getWidth(), i.getHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); for (int x = 0; x < i.getWidth(); x++) { for (int y = 0; y < i.getHeight(); y++) { int rgb = i.getRGB(x, y); rgb = (rgb & 0xFFFFFF) == alphaPix ? alphaPix : rgb; tmp.setRGB(x, y, rgb); } } i = tmp; } } } finally { if (ir != null) { ir.dispose(); } } return i; } // </editor-fold> /** * First combines the given images to one image and then sends this image * back to the client. * * @param images BufferedImage array with the images tha have to be combined * and sent to the client. * @param mime String representing the mime type of the image. * @param dw DataWrapper object in which the request object is stored. * * @throws Exception */ // <editor-fold defaultstate="" desc="writeImage(BufferedImage [] images, String mime, DataWrapper dw) method."> public static void writeImage(BufferedImage image, String mime, OutputStream os) throws Exception { String mimeType = getMimeType(mime); if (mimeType == null) { log.error("unsupported mime type: " + mime); throw new Exception("unsupported mime type: " + mime); } if (mime.equals(TIFF)) { writeTIFFImage(image, os); } else { writeOtherImage(image, os, mimeType.substring(mimeType.lastIndexOf("/") + 1)); } } public static BufferedImage drawGeometries(BufferedImage bi, CombineImageSettings settings) throws Exception { int srid = 28992; if (settings.getSrid() != null) { srid = ((int) settings.getSrid()); } int width = 500; int height = 500; ImageBbox imbbox = settings.getRequestBbox(); if (imbbox.getWidth() != null && imbbox.getHeight() != null) { width = imbbox.getWidth(); height = imbbox.getHeight(); } else { Integer[] hw = settings.getWidthAndHeightFromUrls(); if (hw != null && hw.length == 2) { width = hw[0]; height = hw[1]; } } Bbox bbox = imbbox.getBbox(); if (bbox == null) { bbox = settings.getBbox(); } if (bbox == null) { bbox = settings.getBboxFromUrls(); } if (bbox == null) { log.error("No BBOX found"); throw new Exception("Can't find bbox in settings or URL"); } return drawGeometries(bi, settings, srid, bbox, width, height); } public static BufferedImage drawGeometries(BufferedImage bi, CombineImageSettings settings, int srid, Bbox bbox, int width, int height) throws Exception { List wktGeoms = settings.getWktGeoms(); if (wktGeoms == null || wktGeoms.size() <= 0) { return bi; } BufferedImage newBufIm = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB_PRE); // BufferedImage newBufIm = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); Graphics2D gbi = newBufIm.createGraphics(); gbi.drawImage(bi, 0, 0, null); for (int i = 0; i < wktGeoms.size(); i++) { gbi.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, 0.5f)); CombineImageWkt ciw = (CombineImageWkt) wktGeoms.get(i); Color color = settings.getDefaultWktGeomColor(); if (ciw.getColor() != null) { color = ciw.getColor(); } gbi.setColor(color); String wktGeom = ciw.getWktGeom(); Geometry geom = geometrieFromText(wktGeom, srid); Shape shape = createImage(geom, srid, bbox, width, height); Point centerPoint = null; if (geom instanceof Polygon) { gbi.fill(shape); } else if (geom instanceof com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Point) { centerPoint = calculateCenter(shape, srid, bbox, width, height); gbi.draw(new Ellipse2D.Double(centerPoint.getX(), centerPoint.getY(), 4, 4)); } else { gbi.setStroke(new BasicStroke(3)); gbi.draw(shape); } if (ciw.getLabel() != null) { if (centerPoint == null) { centerPoint = calculateCenter(shape, srid, bbox, width, height); } gbi.setColor(; gbi.drawString(ciw.getLabel(), (float) centerPoint.getX(), (float) centerPoint.getY()); } } gbi.dispose(); return newBufIm; } private static Point calculateCenter(Shape shape, int srid, Bbox bbox, int width, int height) throws Exception { Point centerPoint = new Point(); double x = shape.getBounds2D().getCenterX(); double y = shape.getBounds2D().getCenterY(); centerPoint.setLocation(x, y); centerPoint = transformToScreen(centerPoint, srid, bbox, width, height); return centerPoint; } public static Shape createImage(Geometry geometrie, int bboxSrid, Bbox bbox, int width, int height) throws Exception { ReferencedEnvelope re = new ReferencedEnvelope(bbox.getMinx(), bbox.getMaxx(), bbox.getMiny(), bbox.getMaxy(), CRS.decode("EPSG:" + bboxSrid)); AffineTransform transform = RendererUtilities.worldToScreenTransform(re, new Rectangle(width, height)); LiteShape ls = new LiteShape(geometrie, transform, false); return ls; } public static Point transformToScreen(Point source, int bboxSrid, Bbox bbox, int width, int height) throws Exception { ReferencedEnvelope re = new ReferencedEnvelope(bbox.getMinx(), bbox.getMaxx(), bbox.getMiny(), bbox.getMaxy(), CRS.decode("EPSG:" + bboxSrid)); AffineTransform transform = RendererUtilities.worldToScreenTransform(re, new Rectangle(width, height)); Point result = new Point(); transform.transform(source, result); return result; } public static Geometry geometrieFromText(String wktgeom, int srid) { WKTReader wktreader = new WKTReader(new GeometryFactory(new PrecisionModel(), srid)); try { Geometry geom =; return geom; } catch (ParseException p) { log.error("Can't create geomtry from wkt: " + wktgeom, p); } return null; } // </editor-fold> /** * Writes a TIFF image to the outputstream. * * @param bufferedImage BufferedImage created from the given images. * @param dw DataWrapper object in which the request object is stored. * * @throws Exception */ // <editor-fold defaultstate="" desc="getOnlineData(DataWrapper dw, ArrayList urls, boolean overlay, String REQUEST_TYPE) method."> private static void writeTIFFImage(BufferedImage bufferedImage, OutputStream os) throws Exception { //"Writing TIFF using ImageIO.write"); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ImageIO.write(bufferedImage, "tif", baos); os.write(baos.toByteArray()); } // </editor-fold> /** * Writes a JPEG, GIF or PNG image to the outputstream. * * @param bufferedImage BufferedImage created from the given images. * @param dw DataWrapper object in which the request object is stored. * @param extension String with the extension of the file * * @throws Exception */ // <editor-fold defaultstate="" desc="writeOtherImage(BufferedImage bufferedImage, DataWrapper dw, String extension) method."> private static void writeOtherImage(BufferedImage bufferedImage, OutputStream os, String extension) throws Exception { //"Writing JPG, GIF or PNG using ImageIO.write"); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ImageOutputStream ios = ImageIO.createImageOutputStream(baos); ImageIO.write(bufferedImage, extension, ios); os.write(baos.toByteArray()); ios.flush(); ios.close(); } // </editor-fold> /** * Method which handles the combining of the images. This method redirects * to the right method for the different images, since not every image can * be combined in the same way. * * @param images BufferedImage array with the images tha have to be * combined. * @param mime String representing the mime type of the image. * @param width the width of the result image (or null if the width of the * first image must be used) * @param height the height of the result image (or null if the width of the * first image must be used) * @return BufferedImage */ public static BufferedImage combineImages(List<ReferencedImage> images, String mime, Integer width, Integer height) throws Exception { if (mime.equals(JPEG)) { return combineJPGImages(images, width, height); } else { return combineOtherImages(images, width, height); } } // </editor-fold> /** * Combines JPG images. Combining JPG images is different from the other * image types since JPG has to use an other imageType: * BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB. * * @param images the referenced Images * @param width the width of the result image (or null if the width of the * first image must be used) * @param height the height of the result image (or null if the width of the * first image must be used) * * @return BufferedImage */ private static BufferedImage combineJPGImages(List<ReferencedImage> images, Integer width, Integer height) throws Exception { if (images.get(0) != null) { BufferedImage bi = images.get(0).getImage(); if (width == null) { width = bi.getWidth(); } if (height == null) { height = bi.getHeight(); } } BufferedImage newBufIm = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); Graphics2D gbi = newBufIm.createGraphics(); for (ReferencedImage image : images) { drawImage(gbi, image); image.dispose(); } return newBufIm; } /** * Combines GIF, TIFF or PNG images. Combining these images is different * from the JPG image types since these has to use an other imageType: * BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB_PRE. * * @param images the referenced Images * @param width the width of the result image (or null if the width of the * first image must be used) * @param height the height of the result image (or null if the width of the * first image must be used) * * @return BufferedImage */ private static BufferedImage combineOtherImages(List<ReferencedImage> images, Integer width, Integer height) throws Exception { if (images != null && images.get(0) != null) { BufferedImage bi = images.get(0).getImage(); //if no height / width use the height/widht of the first image. if (height == null) { height = bi.getHeight(); } if (width == null) { width = bi.getWidth(); } } BufferedImage newBufIm = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB_PRE); Graphics2D gbi = newBufIm.createGraphics(); gbi.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION, RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BICUBIC); if (images != null) { for (ReferencedImage image : images) { drawImage(gbi, image); image.dispose(); } } return newBufIm; } /** * Draws the image to the graphics object. * * @param gbi graphics object * @param image the referenced image. */ private static void drawImage(Graphics2D gbi, ReferencedImage image) throws Exception { if (image.getAlpha() != null) { gbi.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, image.getAlpha())); } else { gbi.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, 1.0f)); } Integer x = image.getX(); Integer y = image.getY(); if (x == null) { x = 0; } if (y == null) { y = 0; } if (image.getHeight() != null && image.getWidth() != null) { gbi.drawImage(image.getImage(), x, y, image.getWidth(), image.getHeight(), null); } else { gbi.drawImage(image.getImage(), x, y, null); } } // </editor-fold> /** * Private method which seeks through the supported MIME types to check if a * certain MIME is supported. * * @param mime String with the MIME to find. * * @return a String with the found MIME or null if no MIME was found. */ // <editor-fold defaultstate="" desc="getMimeType(String mime) method."> public static String getMimeType(String mime) { /*Crap ESRI, image/jpg is not a content type, needs to be image/jpeg*/ if ("image/jpg".equalsIgnoreCase(mime)) { mime = "image/jpeg"; } String[] mimeTypes = ImageIO.getReaderMIMETypes(); for (int i = 0; i < mimeTypes.length; i++) { if (mimeTypes[i].equalsIgnoreCase(mime)) { return mimeTypes[i]; } } return null; } // </editor-fold> /** * Private method which seeks through the supported image readers to check * if a there is a reader which handles the specified MIME. * * @param mime String with the MIME to find. * * @return ImageReader which can handle the specified MIME or null if no * reader was found. */ // <editor-fold defaultstate="" desc="getReader(String mime) method."> private static ImageReader getReader(String mime) { if (mime.equals(JPEG) || mime.equals(PNG)) { return getJPGOrPNGReader(mime); } else { return getGIFOrTIFFReader(mime); } } // </editor-fold> /** * Private method which seeks through the supported image readers to check * if a there is a reader which handles the specified MIME. This method * checks spe- cifically for JPG or PNG images because Sun's Java supports * two kind of readers for these particular formats. And because one of * these readers doesn't function well, we need to be sure we have the right * reader. * * @param mime String with the MIME to find. * * @return ImageReader which can handle the specified MIME or null if no * reader was found. */ // <editor-fold defaultstate="" desc="getJPGOrPNGReader(String mime) method."> private static ImageReader getJPGOrPNGReader(String mime) { Iterator it = ImageIO.getImageReadersByMIMEType(mime); ImageReader imTest = null; String name = null; while (it.hasNext()) { imTest = (ImageReader); name = imTest.getClass().getPackage().getName(); String generalPackage = name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf(".")); if (generalPackage.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { continue; } } //"Using ImageReader: " + name); return imTest; } // </editor-fold> /** * Private method which seeks through the supported image readers to check * if a there is a reader which handles the specified MIME. This method * checks spe- cifically for GIF or TIFF images. * * @param mime String with the MIME to find. * * @return ImageReader which can handle the specified MIME or null if no * reader was found. */ // <editor-fold defaultstate="" desc="getGIFOrTIFFReader(String mime) method."> private static ImageReader getGIFOrTIFFReader(String mime) { Iterator it = ImageIO.getImageReadersByMIMEType(mime); ImageReader imTest = null; String name = null; while (it.hasNext()) { imTest = (ImageReader); name = imTest.getClass().getPackage().getName(); } //"Using ImageReader: " + name); return imTest; } // </editor-fold> /** * Private method which seeks through the supported image writers to check * if a there is a writers which handles the specified MIME. * * @param mime String with the MIME to find. * * @return ImageWriter which can handle the specified MIME or null if no * writer was found. */ // <editor-fold defaultstate="" desc="getWriter(String mime) method."> private ImageWriter getWriter(String mime) { if (mime.equals(JPEG) || mime.equals(PNG)) { return getJPGOrPNGWriter(mime); } else { return getGIFOrTIFFWriter(mime); } } // </editor-fold> /** * Private method which seeks through the supported image writers to check * if a there is a writers which handles the specified MIME. This method * checks spe- cifically for JPG or PNG images because Sun's Java supports * two kind of writers for these particular formats. And because one of * these writers doesn't function well, we need to be sure we have the right * writers. * * @param mime String with the MIME to find. * * @return ImageWriter which can handle the specified MIME or null if no * writer was found. */ // <editor-fold defaultstate="" desc="getJPGOrPNGWriter(String mime) method."> private ImageWriter getJPGOrPNGWriter(String mime) { Iterator it = ImageIO.getImageReadersByMIMEType(mime); ImageWriter imTest = null; while (it.hasNext()) { imTest = (ImageWriter); String name = imTest.getClass().getPackage().getName(); String generalPackage = name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf(".")); if (generalPackage.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { continue; } } return imTest; } // </editor-fold> /** * Private method which seeks through the supported image writers to check * if a there is a writers which handles the specified MIME. This method * checks spe- cifically for GIF or TIFF images. * * @param mime String with the MIME to find. * * @return ImageWriter which can handle the specified MIME or null if no * writer was found. */ // <editor-fold defaultstate="" desc="getGIFOrTIFFWriter(String mime) method."> private ImageWriter getGIFOrTIFFWriter(String mime) { Iterator it = ImageIO.getImageReadersByMIMEType(mime); ImageWriter imTest = null; while (it.hasNext()) { imTest = (ImageWriter); } return imTest; } /** * */ public static BufferedImage changeColor(BufferedImage im, Color color, Color newColor) { for (int x = 0; x < im.getWidth(); x++) { for (int y = 0; y < im.getHeight(); y++) { if (im.getRGB(x, y) == color.getRGB()) { im.setRGB(x, y, newColor.getRGB()); } } } return im; } // </editor-fold> }