Java tutorial
/* * B3P Commons GIS is a library with commonly used classes for OGC * reading and writing. Included are wms, wfs, gml, csv and other * general helper classes and extensions. * * Copyright 2005 - 2008 B3Partners BV * * This file is part of B3P Commons GIS. * * B3P Commons GIS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * B3P Commons GIS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with B3P Commons GIS. If not, see <>. */ /* * * * Created on 23 oktober 2007, 13:40 * * Autor: Roy Braam */ package nl.b3p.gis.writers; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry; import com.vividsolutions.jump.feature.AttributeType; import com.vividsolutions.jump.feature.Feature; import com.vividsolutions.jump.feature.FeatureCollection; import com.vividsolutions.jump.feature.FeatureSchema; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import nl.b3p.ogc.utils.SqlMetaDataUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; /** * * @author Roy Braam */ public class B3pOgcSqlWriter { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(B3pOgcSqlWriter.class); private Connection connection; private int batchValue = 20; public static final String DEFAULT_GEOM_COLUMN = "the_geom"; public static final String POSTGRES_GLOBALGEOMETRY = "GEOMETRY"; public static final List SUPPORTED_DIALECTS = Arrays.asList(new String[] { SqlMetaDataUtils.PRODUCT_POSTGRES }); /** Creates a new instance of B3pOgcSqlWriter */ public B3pOgcSqlWriter(Connection conn) { setConnection(conn); } /* Creates a connection and a B3pOgcSqlWriter*/ public B3pOgcSqlWriter(String url, String user, String password, java.sql.Driver driver) throws SQLException { DriverManager.registerDriver(driver); setConnection(DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password)); } /** * Write features to the given table. * @param fc The collection of features. * @param tablename The tablename. * @param geomColumn The name of the geometry column. If null the attribute name of type geometry ikn the featureCollection is used. * @param srid The srid of the features. If srid is null the srid of the geometry in the featurecollection is used. If that is also 0 or null -1 is used. * @param dimension The dimension of the geometry in the feature. If 0 the dimension of the geometry is used. If still 0, 2 is used. * @param createTabel If true the function will try to create a table if the given tablename doesn't exists. It only supports PostGres/Postgis for creating geometry columns! * @param attributeNamesToLowerCase If true all attribute names will be cast to a lower case (recommended) */ public int[] write(FeatureCollection fc, String tablename, String geomColumn, int dimension, boolean createTable, boolean attributeNamesToLowerCase) throws SQLException, Exception { return write(fc, tablename, geomColumn, null, dimension, createTable, attributeNamesToLowerCase, null, null); } /** * Write features to the given table. * @param fc The collection of features. * @param tablename The tablename. * @param geomColumn The name of the geometry column. If null the attribute name of type geometry ikn the featureCollection is used. * @param srid The srid of the features. If srid is null the srid of the geometry in the featurecollection is used. If that is also 0 or null -1 is used. * @param dimension The dimension of the geometry in the feature. If 0 the dimension of the geometry is used. If still 0, 2 is used. * @param createTabel If true the function will try to create a table if the given tablename doesn't exists. It only supports PostGres/Postgis for creating geometry columns! * @param attributeNamesToLowerCase If true all attribute names will be cast to a lower case (recommended) * @param columns to check on. If all attributes of a feature equals the columns of a record. The database record wil be updated with the feature (not inserted). */ public int[] write(FeatureCollection fc, String tablename, String geomColumn, int dimension, boolean createTable, boolean attributeNamesToLowerCase, String[] columnNamesToCheck) throws SQLException, Exception { return write(fc, tablename, geomColumn, null, dimension, createTable, attributeNamesToLowerCase, columnNamesToCheck, null); } /** * Write features to the given table. * @param fc The collection of features. * @param tablename The tablename. * @param geomColumn The name of the geometry column. If null the attribute name of type geometry ikn the featureCollection is used. * @param srid The srid of the features. If srid is null the srid of the geometry in the featurecollection is used. If that is also 0 or null -1 is used. * @param dimension The dimension of the geometry in the feature. If 0 the dimension of the geometry is used. If still 0, 2 is used. * @param createTabel If true the function will try to create a table if the given tablename doesn't exists. It only supports PostGres/Postgis for creating geometry columns! * @param attributeNamesToLowerCase If true all attribute names will be cast to a lower case (recommended) * @param columns to check on. If all attributes of a feature equals the columns of a record. The database record wil be updated with the feature (not inserted). * @param the value to ignore. If a feature has that value don't include it in the update/insert. */ public int[] write(FeatureCollection fc, String tablename, String geomColumn, int dimension, boolean createTable, boolean attributeNamesToLowerCase, String[] columnNamesToCheck, String ignoreValue) throws SQLException, Exception { return write(fc, tablename, geomColumn, null, dimension, createTable, attributeNamesToLowerCase, columnNamesToCheck, ignoreValue); } /** * Write features to the given table. * @param fc The collection of features. * @param tablename The tablename. * @param geomColumn The name of the geometry column. If null the attribute name of type geometry ikn the featureCollection is used. * @param srid The srid of the features. If srid is null the srid of the geometry in the featurecollection is used. If that is also 0 or null -1 is used. * @param dimension The dimension of the geometry in the feature. If 0 the dimension of the geometry is used. If still 0, 2 is used. * @param createTabel If true the function will try to create a table if the given tablename doesn't exists. It only supports PostGres/Postgis for creating geometry columns! * @param attributeNamesToLowerCase If true all attribute names will be cast to a lower case (recommended) * @deprecated use function without SRID. */ @Deprecated public int[] write(FeatureCollection fc, String tablename, String geomColumn, String srid, int dimension, boolean createTable, boolean attributeNamesToLowerCase) throws SQLException, Exception { return write(fc, tablename, geomColumn, srid, dimension, createTable, attributeNamesToLowerCase, null, null); } /** * Write features to the given table. * @param fc The collection of features. * @param tablename The tablename. * @param geomColumn The name of the geometry column. If null the attribute name of type geometry ikn the featureCollection is used. * @param srid The srid of the features. If srid is null the srid of the geometry in the featurecollection is used. If that is also 0 or null -1 is used. * @param dimension The dimension of the geometry in the feature. If 0 the dimension of the geometry is used. If still 0, 2 is used. * @param createTabel If true the function will try to create a table if the given tablename doesn't exists. It only supports PostGres/Postgis for creating geometry columns! * @param attributeNamesToLowerCase If true all attribute names will be cast to a lower case (recommended) * @param columns to check on. If all attributes of a feature equals the columns of a record. The database record wil be updated with the feature (not inserted). * @param the value to ignore. If a feature has that value don't include it in the update/insert. * @deprecated use function without SRID. */ @Deprecated public int[] write(FeatureCollection fc, String tablename, String geomColumn, String srid, int dimension, boolean createTable, boolean attributeNamesToLowerCase, String[] columnNamesToCheck, String ignoreValue) throws SQLException, Exception { ignoreValue = "'" + ignoreValue + "'"; //check if al features are of the same geom type and get a geom int nupdates = 0; int ninserts = 0; Iterator fcit = fc.iterator(); Geometry aGeom = null; boolean sameGeomType = true; while (fcit.hasNext() && sameGeomType) { Feature f = (Feature); FeatureSchema fs = f.getSchema(); if (fs.getGeometryIndex() >= 0 && f.getGeometry() != null) { if (aGeom == null) { aGeom = f.getGeometry(); } else { if (!aGeom.getGeometryType().equals(f.getGeometry().getGeometryType())) { sameGeomType = false; } } } } /*if(!sameGeomType) throw new Exception("Not all features got the same Geometry Type");*/ DatabaseMetaData dbmd = connection.getMetaData(); FeatureSchema fs = fc.getFeatureSchema(); if (tablename == null) { log.error("No table name given."); throw new Exception("No table name given."); } List tableNames = SqlMetaDataUtils.getTableAndViewNames(connection); if (tableNames == null) { log.error("Cannot get database tables."); throw new Exception("Cannot get database tables."); } else { if (tableNames.contains(tablename)) { checkcolumns(fs, geomColumn, attributeNamesToLowerCase, dbmd, tablename); } else if (createTable) { createTable(dbmd, tablename, fs, geomColumn, attributeNamesToLowerCase, srid, aGeom, sameGeomType, dimension); } else { log.error("Table does not exists."); throw new Exception("Table does not exists."); } String insertPart = createInsertPart(fs, tablename); String updatePart = createUpdatePart(tablename); Iterator it = fc.iterator(); //Create the insert script. StringBuffer q = null; for (int inserts = 0; it.hasNext(); inserts++) { if (q == null) { q = new StringBuffer(); } Feature f = (Feature); boolean update = false; if (columnNamesToCheck != null) { //ArrayList values = getPrimaryValues(fs, f, columnNamesToCheck); update = checkExinstenceInDB(columnNamesToCheck, f, tablename); } if (update) { nupdates++; q.append(updatePart.toString()); q.append(addUpdateValue(fs, f, geomColumn, columnNamesToCheck, ignoreValue)); } else { ninserts++; q.append(insertPart.toString()); q.append(addInsertValue(fs, f, geomColumn, attributeNamesToLowerCase, ignoreValue)); } if (getBatchValue() != 0) { if ((inserts + 1) % getBatchValue() == 0) { executeStatement(q.toString()); q = null; } } } if (q != null && q.length() > 0) { executeStatement(q.toString()); } return new int[] { nupdates, ninserts }; } } private boolean checkExinstenceInDB(String[] columnNamesToCheck, Feature f, String tablename) throws SQLException, ParseException { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); sql.append("SELECT * FROM \""); sql.append(tablename); sql.append("\" WHERE "); for (int i = 0; i < columnNamesToCheck.length; i++) { if (i != 0) { sql.append(" AND "); } sql.append("\"" + columnNamesToCheck[i] + "\""); sql.append(" = "); sql.append(getSqlValue(f, f.getSchema(), columnNamesToCheck[i], true)); } sql.append(";"); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("checkExistenceInDB - sql: " + sql); } PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement(sql.toString()); ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery(); boolean found =; statement.execute(); statement.close(); return found; } private void checkcolumns(FeatureSchema fs, String geomColumn, boolean attributeNamesToLowerCase, DatabaseMetaData dbmd, String tablename) throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < fs.getAttributeCount(); i++) { if (i != fs.getGeometryIndex() || geomColumn == null) { boolean columFound = false; String attributeName = fs.getAttributeName(i); if (attributeNamesToLowerCase) { attributeName = attributeName.toLowerCase(); } AttributeType attributeType = fs.getAttributeType(i); //get the column by attribute name. ResultSet rs = dbmd.getColumns(null, null, tablename, attributeName); //if the column exists check the compatibility of the data_type if ( { int type = rs.getInt("DATA_TYPE"); if (isCompatibleType(attributeType, type)) { columFound = true; } } //if there is no correct columFound it is a 'wrong' table if (!columFound) { log.error("Table already exists but has wrong columns."); throw new Exception("Table already exists but has wrong columns."); } } else { ResultSet rs = dbmd.getColumns(null, null, tablename, geomColumn); if (! { log.error("Table already exists but has wrong columns."); throw new Exception("Table already exists but has wrong columns."); } } } } private void executeStatement(String statementToExecute) throws SQLException { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("executeStatement: " + statementToExecute); } PreparedStatement statement = null; try { statement = connection.prepareStatement(statementToExecute); statement.execute(); } catch (SQLException se) { throw se; } finally { if (statement != null) { statement.close(); } } } private String addInsertValue(FeatureSchema fs, Feature f, String geomColumn, boolean attributeNamesToLowerCase, String ignoreValue) throws ParseException { StringBuffer columns = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer values = new StringBuffer(); columns.append("("); boolean first = true; for (int i = 0; i < fs.getAttributeCount(); i++) { String value = getSqlValue(f, fs, i, false); if (ignoreValue == null || !ignoreValue.equals(value)) { if (!first) { columns.append(", "); values.append(", "); } first = false; values.append(value); if (i != fs.getGeometryIndex() || geomColumn == null) { if (attributeNamesToLowerCase) { columns.append("\"" + fs.getAttributeName(i).toLowerCase() + "\""); } else { columns.append("\"" + fs.getAttributeName(i) + "\""); } } else { columns.append("\"" + geomColumn + "\""); } } } columns.append(") VALUES ("); columns.append(values.toString()); columns.append(");"); return columns.toString(); } private String getSqlValue(Feature f, FeatureSchema fs, String attributeName, boolean nullForEmptyNumber) throws ParseException { return getSqlValue(f, fs.getAttributeIndex(attributeName), nullForEmptyNumber); } private String getSqlValue(Feature f, int i, boolean nullForEmptyNumber) throws ParseException { return getSqlValue(f, f.getSchema(), i, nullForEmptyNumber); } private String getSqlValue(Feature f, FeatureSchema fs, int i, boolean nullForEmptyNumber) throws ParseException { Object o = f.getAttribute(fs.getAttributeName(i)); StringBuffer values = new StringBuffer(); if (fs.getAttributeType(i).equals(AttributeType.GEOMETRY)) { values.append("GeomFromText(\'"); values.append(f.getGeometry().toText()); int geomSRID = f.getGeometry().getSRID(); //int schemaSRID = fs.getCoordinateSystem().getEPSGCode(); /*if (geomSRID>=0 && schemaSRID>=0 && geomSRID!=schemaSRID) throw new ParseException("SRID of geometry differs from EPSG code of feature schema!", i); */ if (geomSRID >= 0) { values.append("\', " + geomSRID); } /*else if (schemaSRID>=0){ values.append("\', "+geomSRID); } */ else { values.append("\', 28992"); } values.append(")"); } else if (fs.getAttributeType(i).equals(AttributeType.DOUBLE) || fs.getAttributeType(i).equals(AttributeType.INTEGER)) { if ("".equals(o) || o == null) { if (nullForEmptyNumber) { values.append("null"); } else { values.append("''"); } } else { // check if value is a number!!! // else we get strange SQL syntax errors try { Double.parseDouble(o.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The DOUBLE/INTEGER value is not valid: " + o); } values.append(o); } } else if (fs.getAttributeType(i).equals(AttributeType.STRING)) { if (o == null) { values.append(o); } else { String s = (String) o; s = s.replaceAll("'", "\'\'"); values.append("\'"); values.append(s); values.append("\'"); } } else if (fs.getAttributeType(i).equals(AttributeType.DATE)) { if (o == null) { values.append(o); } else if (o instanceof Date) { Date d = (Date) o; GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); cal.setTime(d); values.append("\'"); values.append(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(d)); values.append("\'"); } else if (o instanceof String) { values.append("\'"); if (!"''".equals(o)) { values.append(formatDate("dd-MM-yyyy", "HH:mm:ss", "yyyy-MM-dd", "HH:mm:ss", (String) o)); } values.append("\'"); } else { values.append("\'\'"); } } else if (fs.getAttributeType(i).equals(AttributeType.OBJECT)) { if (o == null) { values.append(o); } else { values.append("\'"); values.append(o); values.append("\'"); } } return values.toString(); } private String addUpdateValue(FeatureSchema fs, Feature f, String geomColumn, String[] columnNamesToCheck, String ignoreValue) throws ParseException { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); boolean first = true; for (int i = 0; i < fs.getAttributeCount(); i++) { String value = getSqlValue(f, fs, i, false); if (ignoreValue == null || !ignoreValue.equals(value)) { if (!first) { sb.append(", "); } first = false; if (fs.getGeometryIndex() == i) { sb.append("\"" + geomColumn + "\""); } else { sb.append("\"" + fs.getAttributeName(i) + "\""); } sb.append(" = "); sb.append(value); } } sb.append(" WHERE "); for (int i = 0; i < columnNamesToCheck.length; i++) { if (i != 0) { sb.append(" AND "); } sb.append("\"" + columnNamesToCheck[i] + "\""); sb.append(" = "); sb.append(getSqlValue(f, fs, columnNamesToCheck[i], false)); } sb.append(";"); return sb.toString(); } private String formatDate(String olddate, String oldtime, String newdate, String newtime, String parse_date) throws ParseException { SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(olddate + " " + oldtime); Date date = null; // first try date + time try { date = dateFormat.parse(parse_date); dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(newdate + " " + newtime); } catch (ParseException e) { // second try date try { dateFormat.applyPattern(olddate); date = dateFormat.parse(parse_date); dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(newdate); } catch (ParseException e2) { // third try time dateFormat.applyPattern(oldtime); date = dateFormat.parse(parse_date); dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(newtime); } } return dateFormat.format(date); } private void createTable(DatabaseMetaData dbmd, String tablename, FeatureSchema fs, String geomColumn, boolean attributeNamesToLowerCase, String srid, Geometry aGeom, boolean sameGeomType, int dimension) throws SQLException, Exception { //check if the product is supported if (SUPPORTED_DIALECTS.contains(dbmd.getDatabaseProductName())) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("CREATE TABLE \""); sb.append(tablename); sb.append("\"("); boolean firstColumn = true; boolean geomColumnFound = false; //create a create table script without the geometry column. for (int i = 0; i < fs.getAttributeCount(); i++) { AttributeType at = fs.getAttributeType(i); if (at.equals(AttributeType.GEOMETRY)) { geomColumnFound = true; if (geomColumn == null) { if (attributeNamesToLowerCase) { geomColumn = fs.getAttributeName(i).toLowerCase(); } else { geomColumn = fs.getAttributeName(i); } } } else { if (!firstColumn) { sb.append(", "); } firstColumn = false; sb.append("\""); if (attributeNamesToLowerCase) { sb.append(fs.getAttributeName(i).toLowerCase()); } else { sb.append(fs.getAttributeName(i)); } sb.append("\" "); if (at.equals(AttributeType.DATE)) { sb.append("date"); } else if (at.equals(AttributeType.DOUBLE)) { sb.append("double precision"); } else if (at.equals(AttributeType.INTEGER)) { sb.append("bigint"); } else { sb.append("varchar(255)"); } } } sb.append(")WITH OIDS"); StringBuffer sbg = null; //if there is a geomColum needed create the create script. if (geomColumnFound) { //if it is a postgres/postgis db if (dbmd.getDatabaseProductName().equalsIgnoreCase(SqlMetaDataUtils.PRODUCT_POSTGRES)) { // get the database name. String s = dbmd.getURL(); String url = dbmd.getURL(); String db = url.split("/")[url.split("/").length - 1]; //create the script for the addGeometryColumn function sbg = new StringBuffer(); sbg.append("select addGeometryColumn(\'"); sbg.append("public"); sbg.append("\', \'"); sbg.append(tablename); sbg.append("\', \'"); sbg.append(geomColumn); sbg.append("\', "); //if the srid is given as param use it. Otherwise try to get the srid out of the geometry or use -1 as srid if (srid != null) { sbg.append(srid); } else if (aGeom != null) { if (aGeom.getSRID() >= 0) { sbg.append(aGeom.getSRID()); } } else { sbg.append(-1); } sbg.append(", \'"); //if not all geometries are of the same type create a global geometry column if (!sameGeomType || aGeom == null) { sbg.append(POSTGRES_GLOBALGEOMETRY); } else { sbg.append(aGeom.getGeometryType().toUpperCase()); } sbg.append("\', "); //if the dimension is given use it, otherwise try to get it out of the Geometry of use 2 if (dimension > 0) { sbg.append(dimension); } else { if (aGeom.getDimension() > 1) { sbg.append(aGeom.getDimension()); } else { sbg.append("2"); } } sbg.append(")"); } } //execute the create table script. PreparedStatement statement = null; if (sbg.toString() != null) { sb.append(";"); sb.append(sbg.toString()); } statement = connection.prepareStatement(sb.toString()); statement.execute(); statement.close(); } else { log.error("CREATE TABLE not supported for " + dbmd.getDatabaseProductName()); throw new Exception("CREATE TABLE not supported for " + dbmd.getDatabaseProductName()); } } private String createInsertPart(FeatureSchema fs, String tablename) { StringBuffer insertPart = new StringBuffer(); insertPart.append("INSERT INTO \""); insertPart.append(tablename); insertPart.append("\""); return insertPart.toString(); } private String createUpdatePart(String tablename) { StringBuffer insertPart = new StringBuffer(); insertPart.append("UPDATE \""); insertPart.append(tablename); insertPart.append("\" SET "); return insertPart.toString(); } /** * Check if the given attributetype is compatible with the given sql type * @param attributeType the attributeType of the feature attribute * @param type the sql type of the column. * @return true if compatible */ private boolean isCompatibleType(AttributeType attributeType, int type) { if (attributeType.equals(AttributeType.DATE)) { if (type == java.sql.Types.DATE || type == java.sql.Types.TIME || type == java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP) { return true; } } else if (attributeType.equals(AttributeType.DOUBLE)) { if (type == java.sql.Types.DOUBLE || type == java.sql.Types.DECIMAL || type == java.sql.Types.REAL || type == java.sql.Types.FLOAT) { return true; } } else if (attributeType.equals(AttributeType.GEOMETRY)) { return true; } else if (attributeType.equals(AttributeType.INTEGER)) { if (type == java.sql.Types.INTEGER || type == java.sql.Types.BIGINT || type == java.sql.Types.SMALLINT || type == java.sql.Types.TINYINT) { return true; } } else if (attributeType.equals(AttributeType.OBJECT)) { return true; } else if (attributeType.equals(AttributeType.STRING)) { if (type == java.sql.Types.VARCHAR || type == java.sql.Types.CHAR || type == java.sql.Types.BLOB || type == java.sql.Types.CLOB || type == java.sql.Types.LONGVARCHAR) { return true; } } return false; } /**Get the connection */ public Connection getConnection() { return connection; } /**Set the Connection *@param connection the connection used to access the database */ public void setConnection(Connection connection) { this.connection = connection; } /**Get the batch value for committing inserts */ public int getBatchValue() { return batchValue; } /** Set the batch value for committing inserts. Default 2. * @param batchValue the new value. Default it is 20 */ public void setBatchValue(int batchValue) { this.batchValue = batchValue; } public void close() throws SQLException { if (connection != null) { connection.close(); } } }