Java tutorial
/* * B3P Gisviewer is an extension to Flamingo MapComponents making * it a complete webbased GIS viewer and configuration tool that * works in cooperation with B3P Kaartenbalie. * * Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008 B3Partners BV * * This file is part of B3P Gisviewer. * * B3P Gisviewer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * B3P Gisviewer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with B3P Gisviewer. If not, see <>. */ package nl.b3p.gis.viewer; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import nl.b3p.combineimages.CombineImagesServlet; import; import nl.b3p.commons.struts.ExtendedMethodProperties; import nl.b3p.gis.viewer.print.PrintInfo; import nl.b3p.gis.viewer.print.PrintServlet; import; import nl.b3p.gis.viewer.struts.BaseHibernateAction; import nl.b3p.imagetool.CombineImageSettings; import nl.b3p.imagetool.CombineImagesHandler; import nl.b3p.ogc.utils.OGCRequest; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.fop.apps.MimeConstants; import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward; import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping; import org.apache.struts.validator.DynaValidatorForm; import org.json.JSONObject; public class PrintAction extends BaseHibernateAction { private static final Log logFile = LogFactory.getLog(PrintAction.class); protected static final String PRINT = "print"; protected static final String IMAGE = "image"; private static final String METADATA_TITLE = "Kaartexport B3P Gisviewer"; private static final String METADATA_AUTHOR = "B3P Gisviewer"; private static final String OUTPUT_PDF_PRINT = "PDF_PRINT"; private static final String OUTPUT_PDF = "PDF"; private static final String OUTPUT_RTF = "RTF"; private static final int MAXSIZE = 2048; private static String logoPath = null; private static String extraImagePath = null; private static String disclaimer = null; private static SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMMM-yyyy", new Locale("NL")); private static float footerHeight = 25; private static boolean addFooter = true; private static int maxResponseTime = 30000; private static Integer DEFAULT_PPI = 72; @Override protected Map getActionMethodPropertiesMap() { Map map = new HashMap(); ExtendedMethodProperties hibProp; hibProp = new ExtendedMethodProperties(PRINT); hibProp.setDefaultForwardName(SUCCESS); hibProp.setAlternateForwardName(FAILURE); map.put(PRINT, hibProp); hibProp = new ExtendedMethodProperties(IMAGE); hibProp.setDefaultForwardName(SUCCESS); hibProp.setAlternateForwardName(FAILURE); map.put(IMAGE, hibProp); return map; } public ActionForward unspecified(ActionMapping mapping, DynaValidatorForm dynaForm, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { CombineImageSettings settings = getCombineImageSettings(request); String imageId = CombineImagesServlet.uniqueName(""); request.getSession().setAttribute(imageId, settings); dynaForm.set("imageId", imageId); /* Legenda items klaarzetten voor jsp. Deze legenda urls zijn door de viewer.js via een formulier gesubmit. In de getCombineImageSettings worden deze gesplit en in een Map<laag naam, legenda url> settings gestopt. De gebruiker kan in het printvoorbeeld nog kiezen welke legenda plaatjes in de print moeten komen. */ request.getSession().setAttribute("legendItems", settings.getLegendMap()); Integer currentScale = calcCurrentScale(settings); dynaForm.set("scale", currentScale); return mapping.findForward(SUCCESS); } public ActionForward image(ActionMapping mapping, DynaValidatorForm dynaForm, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { String username = null; String password = null; GisPrincipal gp = GisPrincipal.getGisPrincipal(request); if (gp != null) { username = gp.getName(); password = gp.getPassword(); } CombineImageSettings settings = null; String imageId = request.getParameter("imageId"); if (imageId != null && request.getSession().getAttribute(imageId) != null) { settings = (CombineImageSettings) request.getSession().getAttribute(imageId); response.setContentType(settings.getMimeType()); response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"printvoorbeeld.png\";"); response.setDateHeader("Expires", System.currentTimeMillis() + (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)); String keepAlive = request.getParameter("keepAlive"); if (keepAlive == null || keepAlive.length() == 0) { request.getSession().removeAttribute(imageId); } } if (settings == null) { logFile.error("No settings for image found"); this.addAlternateMessage(mapping, request, null, "No settings for image found"); return this.getAlternateForward(mapping, request); } OutputStream os = null; try { //response.setContentType("text/html;charset=UTF-8"); os = response.getOutputStream(); CombineImagesHandler.combineImage(response.getOutputStream(), settings, settings.getMimeType(), maxResponseTime, username, password); } finally { if (os != null) { os.close(); } } return null; } private Integer calcCurrentScale(CombineImageSettings settings) { Double newMapWidth = settings.getBbox().getMaxx() - settings.getBbox().getMinx(); Double scale = newMapWidth / (settings.getWidth() * 0.00028); return scale.intValue(); } private String calculateBboxForScale(CombineImageSettings settings, Integer scale) { Integer mapWidth = settings.getWidth(); Integer mapHeight = settings.getHeight(); /* Calculate new width in map units assuming a default * pixel on screen of 0.28mm */ Double newMapWidth = Math.ceil(scale * (mapWidth * 0.00028)); Double newMapHeight = Math.ceil(scale * (mapHeight * 0.00028)); double minx = settings.getBbox().getMinx(); double miny = settings.getBbox().getMiny(); double maxx = settings.getBbox().getMaxx(); double maxy = settings.getBbox().getMaxy(); /* Calculate center of current bounding box */ double centerX = (maxx - minx) / 2 + minx; double centerY = (maxy - miny) / 2 + miny; /* Calculate new bounding box for scale */ String newMinX = Double.toString(centerX - (newMapWidth / 2)); String newMaxX = Double.toString(centerX + (newMapWidth / 2)); String newMinY = Double.toString(centerY - (newMapHeight / 2)); String newMaxY = Double.toString(centerY + (newMapHeight / 2)); return newMinX + "," + newMinY + "," + newMaxX + "," + newMaxY; } private float calcPixelSizeForResolution(Integer ppi) { float ratio = (float) 1 / ppi; float pixelSize = (float) ratio * 25.4f; return (float) pixelSize / 1000; } /* Paper sizes in mm * A0 841 1189, A1 594 x 841, A2 420 594, A3 297 420, A4 210 297 */ private Double convertPaperFormatToInches(String format, boolean landscape) { Double oneMmInchUnit = 0.0394; // 1mm = 0.0394 inch if (format.equals("A0") && !landscape) { return 841 * oneMmInchUnit; } else if (format.equals("A0") && landscape) { return 1189 * oneMmInchUnit; } else if (format.equals("A1") && !landscape) { return 594 * oneMmInchUnit; } else if (format.equals("A1") && landscape) { return 841 * oneMmInchUnit; } else if (format.equals("A2") && !landscape) { return 420 * oneMmInchUnit; } else if (format.equals("A2") && landscape) { return 594 * oneMmInchUnit; } else if (format.equals("A3") && !landscape) { return 297 * oneMmInchUnit; } else if (format.equals("A3") && landscape) { return 420 * oneMmInchUnit; } else if (format.equals("A4") && !landscape) { return 210 * oneMmInchUnit; } else if (format.equals("A4") && landscape) { return 297 * oneMmInchUnit; } return null; } private Integer calcNewMapWidthFromPPI(Integer ppi, Double paperWidthInInches) { Double w = Math.ceil(ppi * paperWidthInInches); return w.intValue(); } /** * Calculate new scale given a ppi, map width and paper size * * @see * * */ private Integer calcScaleForHigherPPI(Integer ppi, Integer mapWidthInMeters, Double paperWidthInInches) { float pixelSize = calcPixelSizeForResolution(ppi); Integer newMapWidth = calcNewMapWidthFromPPI(ppi, paperWidthInInches); Double schaal = Math.ceil(mapWidthInMeters / (newMapWidth * pixelSize)); return schaal.intValue(); } public ActionForward print(ActionMapping mapping, DynaValidatorForm dynaForm, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { /* ophalen form waardes */ String title = FormUtils.nullIfEmpty(dynaForm.getString("title")); String imageId = FormUtils.nullIfEmpty(dynaForm.getString("imageId")); String imageSize = FormUtils.nullIfEmpty(dynaForm.getString("imageSize")); String pageSize = FormUtils.nullIfEmpty(dynaForm.getString("pageSize")); boolean landscape = Boolean.valueOf(dynaForm.getString("landscape")).booleanValue(); String outputType = FormUtils.nullIfEmpty(dynaForm.getString("outputType")); String remark = FormUtils.nullIfEmpty(dynaForm.getString("remark")); Object strPPI = dynaForm.get("ppi"); Integer PPI = DEFAULT_PPI; if (strPPI != null) { PPI = (Integer) strPPI; } Principal user = request.getUserPrincipal(); GisPrincipal gp = (GisPrincipal) user; String organizationcode = gp.getSp().getOrganizationCode(); /* huidige CombineImageSettings ophalen */ CombineImageSettings originalSettings = (CombineImageSettings) request.getSession().getAttribute(imageId); CombineImageSettings settings = CombineImageSettings.fromJson(originalSettings.getOriginalJSON()); settings.setLegendMap(originalSettings.getLegendMap());// Argh, ugly ugly ugly :'( /* bbox klaarzetten voor xsl */ String bbox = ""; if (settings.getBbox() != null) { String minx = Double.toString(settings.getBbox().getMinx()); String miny = Double.toString(settings.getBbox().getMiny()); String maxx = Double.toString(settings.getBbox().getMaxx()); String maxy = Double.toString(settings.getBbox().getMaxy()); bbox = minx + "," + miny + "," + maxx + "," + maxy; } /* nu */ Date now = new Date(); SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("d MMMMM yyyy", new Locale("NL")); String imageUrl = createImageUrl(request); /* template keuze */ String template; if (landscape && pageSize.equals("A4")) { template = PrintServlet.xsl_A4_Liggend; } else if (!landscape && pageSize.equals("A4")) { template = PrintServlet.xsl_A4_Staand; } else if (landscape && pageSize.equals("A3")) { template = PrintServlet.xsl_A3_Liggend; } else if (!landscape && pageSize.equals("A3")) { template = PrintServlet.xsl_A3_Staand; } else if (landscape && pageSize.equals("A2")) { template = PrintServlet.xsl_A2_Liggend; } else if (!landscape && pageSize.equals("A2")) { template = PrintServlet.xsl_A2_Staand; } else if (landscape && pageSize.equals("A1")) { template = PrintServlet.xsl_A1_Liggend; } else if (!landscape && pageSize.equals("A1")) { template = PrintServlet.xsl_A1_Staand; } else if (landscape && pageSize.equals("A0")) { template = PrintServlet.xsl_A0_Liggend; } else if (!landscape && pageSize.equals("A0")) { template = PrintServlet.xsl_A0_Staand; } else { template = PrintServlet.xsl_A4_Liggend; } /* nieuw (xml) Object voor gebruik met fop */ PrintInfo info = new PrintInfo(); info.setTitel(title); info.setDatum(df.format(now)); info.setImageUrl(imageUrl); info.setBbox(bbox); info.setOpmerking(remark); info.setOrganizationcode(organizationcode); /* Indien schaal ingevuld in printvoorbeeld de bbox opnieuw berekenen. */ Integer currentScale = calcCurrentScale(settings); String oldBBox = calculateBboxForScale(settings, currentScale); Integer newScale = (Integer) dynaForm.get("scale"); String newBbox; if (newScale != null && newScale > 0) { newBbox = calculateBboxForScale(settings, newScale); info.setBbox(newBbox); settings.setBbox(newBbox); info.setScale(newScale); } /* Test voor grotere print resoluties en papier formaten a0, a1 en a2 */ Double paperInches = convertPaperFormatToInches(pageSize, landscape); Integer newWidthPx = calcNewMapWidthFromPPI(PPI, paperInches); info.setKwaliteit(newWidthPx); /* Otherwise put legend items on new pages */ Map legendItemsMap = new HashMap(); String[] arr = (String[]) dynaForm.get("legendItems"); if (arr != null && arr.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { String key = arr[i]; if (settings.getLegendMap() != null && settings.getLegendMap().containsKey(key)) { String url = (String) settings.getLegendMap().get(key); legendItemsMap.put(key, url); } } } info.setLegendItems(legendItemsMap); /* Ophalen kolom instellingen */ String scaleColumnOne = (String) request.getParameter("scaleColumnOne"); String scaleColumnTwo = (String) request.getParameter("scaleColumnTwo"); String scaleColumnThree = (String) request.getParameter("scaleColumnThree"); String titleColumnOne = (String) request.getParameter("titleColumnOne"); String titleColumnTwo = (String) request.getParameter("titleColumnTwo"); String titleColumnThree = (String) request.getParameter("titleColumnThree"); if (scaleColumnOne != null && scaleColumnOne.equalsIgnoreCase("on")) { info.setScaleColumnOne("on"); } if (scaleColumnTwo != null && scaleColumnTwo.equalsIgnoreCase("on")) { info.setScaleColumnTwo("on"); } if (scaleColumnThree != null && scaleColumnThree.equalsIgnoreCase("on")) { info.setScaleColumnThree("on"); } if (titleColumnOne != null && titleColumnOne.equalsIgnoreCase("on")) { info.setTitleColumnOne("on"); } if (titleColumnTwo != null && titleColumnTwo.equalsIgnoreCase("on")) { info.setTitleColumnTwo("on"); } if (titleColumnThree != null && titleColumnThree.equalsIgnoreCase("on")) { info.setTitleColumnThree("on"); } /* Ophalen radio button per kaartlaag om in juiste kolom te plaatsen */ Map legendItemsOne = new HashMap(); Map legendItemsTwo = new HashMap(); Map legendItemsThree = new HashMap(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : settings.getLegendMap().entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); String value = entry.getValue(); String formValue = (String) request.getParameter(key); Integer column = 0; if (formValue != null && !formValue.equals("")) { column = new Integer(formValue); } if (column == 1) { legendItemsOne.put(key, value); } if (column == 2) { legendItemsTwo.put(key, value); } if (column == 3) { legendItemsThree.put(key, value); } } info.setColumnOneItems(legendItemsOne); info.setColumnTwoItems(legendItemsTwo); info.setColumnThreeItems(legendItemsThree); /* doorgeven mimetype en template */ String mimeType; if (outputType != null && outputType.equals(OUTPUT_PDF) || outputType.equals(OUTPUT_PDF_PRINT)) { mimeType = MimeConstants.MIME_PDF; } else if (outputType != null && outputType.equals(OUTPUT_RTF)) { mimeType = MimeConstants.MIME_RTF; } else { mimeType = MimeConstants.MIME_PDF; } /* add javascript print dialog to pdf ? */ boolean addJavascript = false; if (outputType.equals(OUTPUT_PDF_PRINT)) { addJavascript = true; } logFile.debug("Print url: " + info.getImageUrl()); /* Maak de output */ PrintServlet.setSettings(settings); PrintServlet.createOutput(info, mimeType, template, addJavascript, response); return null; } private String createImageUrl(HttpServletRequest request) { if (PrintServlet.baseImageUrl != null) { return PrintServlet.baseImageUrl; } else { String requestUrl = request.getRequestURL().toString(); int lastIndex = requestUrl.lastIndexOf("/"); String basePart = requestUrl.substring(0, lastIndex); String servletPart = "/services/PrintServlet?"; return basePart + servletPart; } } static public CombineImageSettings getCombineImageSettings(HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception { String jsonSettingsParam = FormUtils.nullIfEmpty(request.getParameter("jsonSettings")); String legendUrls = FormUtils.nullIfEmpty(request.getParameter("legendUrls")); JSONObject jsonSettings = new JSONObject(jsonSettingsParam); CombineImageSettings settings = CombineImageSettings.fromJson(jsonSettings); Map legendMap = new HashMap(); if (legendUrls != null) { logFile.debug("legendUrls: " + legendUrls); String[] arr = legendUrls.split(";"); for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { String[] legendUrlsArr = arr[i].split("#"); legendMap.put(legendUrlsArr[0], legendUrlsArr[1]); } settings.setLegendMap(legendMap); } String mimeType = FormUtils.nullIfEmpty(request.getParameter(OGCRequest.WMS_PARAM_FORMAT)); if (mimeType != null && !mimeType.equals("")) { settings.setMimeType(mimeType); } return settings; } }