Java tutorial
/** * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS HEADER. * * Copyright (c) 2010 ForgeRock AS. All Rights Reserved * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms * of the Common Development and Distribution License * (the License). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the License at * * See the License for the specific language governing * permission and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL * Header Notice in each file and include the License file * at * If applicable, add the following below the CDDL Header, * with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by * your own identifying information: * "Portions Copyrighted 2013 Ron Alders" */ package nl.alders.openam; import com.iplanet.dpro.session.service.InternalSession; import com.iplanet.sso.SSOException; import com.iplanet.sso.SSOToken; import com.iplanet.sso.SSOTokenManager; import com.sun.identity.authentication.spi.AMLoginModule; import com.sun.identity.authentication.spi.AuthLoginException; import com.sun.identity.authentication.spi.InvalidPasswordException; import com.sun.identity.authentication.util.ISAuthConstants; import com.sun.identity.idm.*; import com.sun.identity.shared.datastruct.CollectionHelper; import com.sun.identity.shared.debug.Debug; import com.yubico.client.v2.YubicoClient; import com.yubico.client.v2.VerificationResponse; import com.yubico.client.v2.ResponseStatus; import com.yubico.client.v2.exceptions.YubicoVerificationException; import com.yubico.client.v2.exceptions.YubicoValidationFailure; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import java.util.*; import; import; import; import; public class YubikeyModule extends AMLoginModule { public static final String MODULE_NAME = "YubikeyModule"; public static final String BUNDLE_NAME = "amAuthYubikeyModule"; private static final String AUTHLEVEL = "sunAMAuthYubikeyModuleAuthLevel"; private static Debug debug = Debug.getInstance(MODULE_NAME); private Map options = null; private Map sharedState = null; private String UUID = null; private String userName = null; // Module setting parameters private static final String CLIENTID = ISAuthConstants.AUTH_ATTR_PREFIX_NEW + "YubikeyModuleClientID"; private static final String SECRETKEY = ISAuthConstants.AUTH_ATTR_PREFIX_NEW + "YubikeyModuleSecretKey"; private static final String YUBIKEY_VAL_SERVERS = ISAuthConstants.AUTH_ATTR_PREFIX_NEW + "YubikeyModuleWSApiUrls"; private static final String YUBIKEY_ATTR = ISAuthConstants.AUTH_ATTR_PREFIX_NEW + "YubikeyModuleYubiKeyAttributeName"; private int clientId = 0; private String secretKey = null; private String yubikeyAttrName = null; private String wsapiUrls[] = {}; /** * Constructor */ public YubikeyModule() { debug.message("In YubikeyModule.YubikeyModule()"); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void init(Subject subject, Map sharedState, Map options) { debug.message("In YubikeyModule.init()"); this.sharedState = sharedState; this.options = options; amCache.getResBundle(BUNDLE_NAME, getLoginLocale()); String authLevel = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(options, AUTHLEVEL); if (authLevel != null) { try { setAuthLevel(Integer.parseInt(authLevel)); } catch (Exception e) { debug.error("Unable to set auth level " + authLevel, e); } } if (options != null) { try { clientId = Integer.parseInt(CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(options, CLIENTID)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { debug.error("Unable to set Yubikey Client ID " + clientId, e); } secretKey = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(options, SECRETKEY); yubikeyAttrName = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(options, YUBIKEY_ATTR); // Validation servers Set<String> wsapiUrlsSet = (Set<String>) options.get(YUBIKEY_VAL_SERVERS); if (wsapiUrlsSet != null) { wsapiUrls = wsapiUrlsSet.toArray(new String[wsapiUrlsSet.size()]); } } //get username from previous authentication try { userName = (String) sharedState.get(getUserKey()); } catch (Exception e) { debug.error("YubiKey" + ".init() : " + "Unable to get username : ", e); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public int process(Callback[] callbacks, int state) throws LoginException { debug.message("In YubikeyModule.process()"); try { //check for session and get username and UUID if (userName == null || userName.length() == 0) { // session upgrade case. Need to find the user ID from the old // session SSOTokenManager mgr = SSOTokenManager.getInstance(); InternalSession isess = getLoginState("Yubikey").getOldSession(); if (isess == null) { throw new AuthLoginException("amAuth", "noInternalSession", null); } SSOToken token = mgr.createSSOToken(isess.getID().toString()); UUID = token.getPrincipal().getName(); userName = token.getProperty("UserToken"); if (debug.messageEnabled()) { debug.message("OATH" + ".process() : " + "Username from SSOToken : " + userName); } if (userName == null || userName.length() == 0) { throw new AuthLoginException("amAuth", "noUserName", null); } } switch (state) { case ISAuthConstants.LOGIN_START: if (callbacks == null || callbacks.length != 2) { throw new AuthLoginException(BUNDLE_NAME, "authFailed", null); } //get OTP and check format String OTP = String.valueOf(((PasswordCallback) callbacks[0]).getPassword()); if (!YubicoClient.isValidOTPFormat(OTP)) { debug.error("Yubikey.process() : invalid OTP code"); setFailureID(userName); throw new InvalidPasswordException(BUNDLE_NAME, "invalidOTP", null); } //Yubikey OTP validation if (checkOTP(OTP)) { return ISAuthConstants.LOGIN_SUCCEED; } else { setFailureID(userName); throw new InvalidPasswordException("amAuth", "invalidPasswd", null); } } } catch (SSOException e) { debug.error("Yubikey" + ".process() : " + "SSOException", e); throw new AuthLoginException(BUNDLE_NAME, "authFailed", null); } return ISAuthConstants.LOGIN_IGNORE; } private boolean checkOTP(String otp) throws AuthLoginException { debug.message("In YubikeyModule.checkOTP()"); AMIdentity id = getIdentity(userName); if (id == null) { throw new AuthLoginException(BUNDLE_NAME, "authFailed", null); } String yubiKeyId = getYubiKeyId(id); debug.message("In YubikeyModule.checkOTP() 1"); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(yubiKeyId)) { debug.error("Yubikey.checkOTP() : yubikeyID of user : " + userName + " is not a valid value"); throw new AuthLoginException(BUNDLE_NAME, "authFailed", null); } try { debug.message("In YubikeyModule.checkOTP() 2"); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(secretKey)) { // client.setKey(this.secretKey); debug.error("Yubikey.checkOTP() : yubii secretKey : " + secretKey + " is not a valid value"); throw new AuthLoginException(BUNDLE_NAME, "authFailed", null); } debug.message("In YubikeyModule.checkOTP() 3"); YubicoClient client = YubicoClient.getClient(clientId, secretKey); debug.message("In YubikeyModule.checkOTP() 4"); //YubicoClient client = YubicoClient.getClient(this.clientId); // if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(secretKey)) { // client.setKey(this.secretKey); // } // if (wsapiUrls != null && wsapiUrls.length > 0) { // client.setWsapiUrls(this.wsapiUrls); // } VerificationResponse yubicoResponse = client.verify(otp); debug.message("In YubikeyModule.checkOTP() 5"); debug.message("In YubikeyModule response: " + yubicoResponse.getStatus()); debug.message("In YubikeyModule response: " + yubicoResponse.getPublicId()); debug.message("yubiKeyId: " + yubiKeyId); return yubicoResponse.getStatus().equals(ResponseStatus.OK) && yubicoResponse.getPublicId().equals(yubiKeyId); } catch (YubicoVerificationException e) { throw new AuthLoginException(BUNDLE_NAME, "authFailed", null); } catch (YubicoValidationFailure yubicoValidationFailure) { throw new AuthLoginException(BUNDLE_NAME, "falidationFailed", new String[] { yubicoValidationFailure.getMessage() }); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AuthLoginException(BUNDLE_NAME, "authFailed", null); } } /** * get YubiKey identification from user profile * * @param id AMIdentity of user * @return yubikey identification for OTP validation * @throws AuthLoginException */ private String getYubiKeyId(AMIdentity id) throws AuthLoginException { Set<String> yubiKeySet; try { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(yubikeyAttrName)) { debug.error("Yubikey" + ".checkOTP() : " + "invalid secret key attribute name : "); throw new AuthLoginException(BUNDLE_NAME, "authFailed", null); } yubiKeySet = id.getAttribute(yubikeyAttrName); } catch (IdRepoException e) { debug.error("Yubikey" + ".checkOTP() : " + "error getting secret key attribute : ", e); throw new AuthLoginException(BUNDLE_NAME, "authFailed", null); } catch (SSOException e) { debug.error("Yubikey" + ".checkOTP() : " + "error invalid repo id : " + id, e); throw new AuthLoginException(BUNDLE_NAME, "authFailed", null); } String yubiKey = yubiKeySet.iterator().next(); //get rid of white space in string (messes with data converter) yubiKey = yubiKey.replaceAll("\\s+", ""); yubiKey = yubiKey.toLowerCase(); return yubiKey; } /** * Gets the AMIdentity of a user with username equal to uName. * * @param uName username of the user to get. * @return The AMIdentity of user with username equal to uName. */ private AMIdentity getIdentity(String uName) { AMIdentity theID = null; AMIdentityRepository amIdRepo = getAMIdentityRepository(getRequestOrg()); IdSearchControl idsc = new IdSearchControl(); idsc.setAllReturnAttributes(true); // search for the identity Set<AMIdentity> results = Collections.EMPTY_SET; try { idsc.setMaxResults(0); IdSearchResults searchResults = amIdRepo.searchIdentities(IdType.USER, uName, idsc); if (searchResults != null) { results = searchResults.getSearchResults(); } if (results == null || results.size() != 1) { throw new IdRepoException("Yubikey" + ".getIdentity : " + "More than one user found"); } theID = results.iterator().next(); } catch (IdRepoException e) { debug.error("Yubikey.getIdentity : error searching Identities with username : " + userName, e); } catch (SSOException e) { debug.error("Yubikey.getIdentity : AuthOATH module exception : ", e); } return theID; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Principal getPrincipal() { if (UUID != null) { return new YubikeyPrincipal(UUID); } if (userName != null) { return new YubikeyPrincipal(userName); } return null; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void destroyModuleState() { userName = null; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void nullifyUsedVars() { options = null; sharedState = null; userName = null; clientId = 0; secretKey = null; yubikeyAttrName = null; } }