Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package nforce.graphs; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import org.jdom2.Document; import org.jdom2.Element; import org.jdom2.JDOMException; import org.jdom2.input.SAXBuilder; import nforce.constants.nForceConstants; /** * This class is the hierarchial graph * @author penpen926 */ public class HierGraph extends Graph { float cost = 0; /* Stores the cost for the editing. */ int[] setSizes = null; /* Here since we have different sets of edges between different vertex sets, * we got to have more than one edge weights matrices.*/ ArrayList<float[][]> edgeWeights = null; /* This matrix stores the distances. */ /* Distances, unlike edge weight, must be defined between two arbitrary vertices. It does not matter whether the two vertices come from the same set or not, since later single-linkage and kmeans clustering use pairwise distances. */ /* Note that the distance matrix is a LOWER TRIANGULAR MATRIX. */ /* In MatrixHierNpartiteGraph, since we have distances between different vertices, we have more than one distances.*/ //ArrayList<float[][]> distances = null; /* 2nd version of distances, for test. */ float[][] distMatrix = null; /** * Constructor. * @param filePath */ public HierGraph(String filePath, boolean isHeader, boolean isXmlFile) { /* Init the vertices arrayList. */ vertices = new ArrayList<>(); /* Init the distance arrayList. */ //distances = new ArrayList<>(); /* Init the action arrayList. */ actions = new ArrayList<>(); /* If the input file is with header.*/ if (isXmlFile) { try { readXmlGraph(filePath); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("(biforce.graphs.MatrixHierGeneralGraph.constructor) " + " MatrixHierGeneralGraph readGraphWithHeader failed:" + " " + filePath); return; } } else if (isHeader) try { readGraphWithHeader(filePath); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("(MatrixHierNpartiteGraph.constructor)" + " MatrixHierNpartiteGraph readGraphWithHeader failed:" + " " + filePath); } else try { readGraph(filePath); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("(MatrixHierNpartiteGraph.constructor)" + " MatrixHierNpartiteGraph readGraphWithHeader failed:" + " " + filePath); } /* Init the distance matrix. */ /* for(int i=0;i<setSizes.length;i++){ /* Create the dist matrix between two sets. */ //float[][] dist = new float [setSizes[i]][setSizes[i+1]]; /* Init the values in the dist matrix. */ /* for(int j=0;j<dist.length;j++) for(int k=0;k<dist[0].length;k++) dist[j][k] = Double.NaN; distances.add(dist); } */ /* 2nd version of the distance matrix. */ distMatrix = new float[vertices.size()][vertices.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < distMatrix.length; i++) for (int j = 0; j < distMatrix[0].length; j++) distMatrix[i][j] = Float.NaN; } public HierGraph(String filePath, boolean isHeader, float thresh) { /* Init the vertices arrayList. */ vertices = new ArrayList<>(); /* Init the distance arrayList. */ //distances = new ArrayList<>(); /* Init the action arrayList. */ actions = new ArrayList<>(); /* If the input file is with header.*/ if (isHeader) try { readGraphWithHeader(filePath); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("(MatrixHierNpartiteGraph.constructor)" + " MatrixHierNpartiteGraph readGraphWithHeader failed:" + " " + filePath); } else try { readGraph(filePath); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("(MatrixHierNpartiteGraph.constructor)" + " MatrixHierNpartiteGraph readGraphWithHeader failed:" + " " + filePath); } /* Init the distance matrix. */ // for(int i=0;i<setSizes.length-1;i++){ /* Create the dist matrix between two sets. */ // float[][] dist = new float [setSizes[i]][setSizes[i+1]]; /* Init the values in the dist matrix. */ // for(int j=0;j<dist.length;j++) // for(int k=0;k<dist[0].length;k++) // dist[j][k] = Double.NaN; // distances.add(dist); // } setThreshold(thresh); detractThresh(); /* 2nd version of the distance matrix. */ distMatrix = new float[vertices.size()][vertices.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < distMatrix.length; i++) for (int j = 0; j < distMatrix[0].length; j++) distMatrix[i][j] = Float.NaN; } /** * This method performs breadth-first search in MatrixHierNpartiteGraph. * @param Vtx * @return */ @Override public HierSubgraph bfs(Vertex Vtx) { LinkedList<Vertex> queue = new LinkedList<>(); //create a marker HashMap<String, Boolean> marker = new HashMap<>(); //init the haspmap //create a new arrayList<Vertex> as result ArrayList<Vertex> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (Vertex vtx : getVertices()) { marker.put(vtx.toString(), Boolean.FALSE); } //enqueue source and mark source queue.add(Vtx); result.add(Vtx); marker.put(Vtx.toString(), true); //while queue is not empty while (!queue.isEmpty()) { //dequeue an item from queue into CurrentVtx Vertex CurrentVtx = queue.pollLast(); //get the nei of CurrentVtx ArrayList<Vertex> nei = neighbours(CurrentVtx); /* If no neighbour is found, then we continue. */ if (nei == null) continue; //for each neighbour for (Vertex vtx : nei) { if (!marker.get(vtx.toString())) { marker.put(vtx.toString(), true); queue.add(vtx); result.add(vtx); } } } /* Create a new subkpartitegraph. */ HierSubgraph sub = new HierSubgraph(result, this); return sub; } /** * This method returns all connected components. * @return */ @Override public ArrayList<HierSubgraph> connectedComponents() { ArrayList<HierSubgraph> connectecComps = new ArrayList<>(); //create a indicator LinkedList of vertices, when a vertex is included in one of the subgraphs, then it is //removed from the indicator LinkedList LinkedList<Vertex> indicatorList = new LinkedList<>(); //add all the vertex into the IndicatorArray for (Vertex vtx : getVertices()) { indicatorList.add(vtx); } //While there is still unvisited vertex, we use it as the seed to search for subgraphs. while (!indicatorList.isEmpty()) { Vertex Seed = indicatorList.pollFirst(); HierSubgraph comp = bfs(Seed); connectecComps.add(comp); //remove all the vertex in the comp from indicatorList for (Vertex vtx : comp.getSubvertices()) { indicatorList.remove(vtx); } } connectecComps.trimToSize(); return connectecComps; } /** * This method detracts all edge weights in matrices. */ @Override public final void detractThresh() { for (int i = 0; i < edgeWeights.size(); i++) { float[][] weights = edgeWeights.get(i); for (int j = 0; j < weights.length; j++) for (int k = 0; k < weights[0].length; k++) weights[j][k] -= thresh; } this.threshDetracted = true; } @Override public final void detractThresh(float thresh) { /* Check if the threshold has already detracted */ if (threshDetracted) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "(MatrixHierNpartiteGraph.detractThresh)" + " The threshold is already detracted."); else setThreshold(thresh); detractThresh(); } @Override public final void detractThresh(float[] thresh) { // Check if already detracted. if (threshDetracted) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "(MatrixHierNpariteGraph.detractThresh) The threshold is already detracted."); // Check the length if (thresh.length != this.edgeWeights.size()) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "(MatrixHierNpartiteGraph.detractThresh) The length of the threshold array does not fit the graph: " + thresh.length + " " + edgeWeights.size()); for (int i = 0; i < edgeWeights.size(); i++) { float[][] weights = edgeWeights.get(i); for (int j = 0; j < weights.length; j++) for (int k = 0; k < weights[0].length; k++) weights[j][k] -= thresh[i]; } } /** * This method gets the distance between two vertices. * @param vtx1 * @param vtx2 * @return */ @Override public float dist(Vertex vtx1, Vertex vtx2) { /* First check if the distances between the two vertices are defined. */ /* if( vtx1.getVtxSet() - vtx2.getVtxSet() != 1 && vtx1.getVtxSet() - vtx2.getVtxSet() != -1) return Double.NaN; int minVtxSet = Math.min(vtx1.getVtxSet(),vtx2.getVtxSet()); if(minVtxSet == vtx1.getVtxSet()) return distances.get(minVtxSet)[vtx1.getVtxIdx()][vtx2.getVtxSet()]; else return distances.get(minVtxSet)[vtx2.getVtxIdx()][vtx1.getVtxSet()]; */ /* 2nd version of distances. */ return distMatrix[vtx1.getDistIdx()][vtx2.getDistIdx()]; } @Override public float edgeWeight(Vertex vtx1, Vertex vtx2) { /* Return Double.NaN for all undefined. */ if (vtx1.getVtxSet() - vtx2.getVtxSet() != 1 && vtx1.getVtxSet() - vtx2.getVtxSet() != -1) return Float.NaN; int minVtxLvl = Math.min(vtx1.getVtxSet(), vtx2.getVtxSet()); if (minVtxLvl == vtx1.getVtxSet()) return edgeWeights.get(minVtxLvl)[vtx1.getVtxIdx()][vtx2.getVtxIdx()]; else return edgeWeights.get(minVtxLvl)[vtx2.getVtxIdx()][vtx1.getVtxIdx()]; } @Override public float edgeWeight(int vtxIdx1, int vtxIdx2) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "This edgeWeight(int, int) is not supported in MatrixHierNpartiteGraph."); } /** * Return the edge weight matrix * * @question return final ? * @param i * @return */ public float[][] edgeWeightMatrix(int i) { /* First check the index. */ if (i < 0 || i >= edgeWeights.size()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "(MatrixHierNpartiteGraph.edgeWeighMatrix) Index out of bound: " + i); } return edgeWeights.get(i); } /** * This method computes the euclidean distances between two vertices. * @param vtx1 * @param vtx2 * @return */ private float euclidDist(Vertex vtx1, Vertex vtx2) { if (vtx1.getCoords() == null || vtx2.getCoords() == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("(MatrixHierNpartiteGraph.euclidDist) Null coordinates: " + "vtx1: " + vtx1.getCoords().toString() + " vtx2: " + vtx2.getCoords().toString()); //check if they have the same dimension if (vtx1.getCoords().length != vtx2.getCoords().length) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Point 1 and Point 2 have different dimension"); float Dist = 0; for (int i = 0; i < vtx1.getCoords().length; i++) { Dist += (vtx1.getCoords()[i] - vtx2.getCoords()[i]) * (vtx1.getCoords()[i] - vtx2.getCoords()[i]); } Dist = (float) Math.sqrt(Dist); return Dist; } @Override public float getCost() { return cost; } @Override public boolean isActionTaken(int actIdx) { Vertex vtx1 = actions.get(actIdx).getVtx1(); Vertex vtx2 = actions.get(actIdx).getVtx2(); if (edgeWeight(vtx1, vtx2) == actions.get(actIdx).getOriginalWeight()) return false; else return true; } @Override public boolean isSame(Graph graph) { /* Check if it is a MatrixHierNpartiteGraph. */ if (!(graph instanceof HierGraph)) return false; HierGraph converted = (HierGraph) graph; /* Check the vertices. */ if (this.vertices.size() != converted.vertices.size()) return false; for (int i = 0; i < vertices.size(); i++) if (!vertices.get(i).equals(converted.vertices.get(i))) return false; /* Check the setSizes. */ if (setSizes.length != converted.setSizes.length) return false; for (int i = 0; i < setSizes.length; i++) if (setSizes[i] != converted.setSizes[i]) return false; /* Check the edgeWeights. */ if (edgeWeights.size() != converted.edgeWeights.size()) return false; for (int i = 0; i < edgeWeights.size(); i++) if (!isMatrixEqual(edgeWeights.get(i), converted.edgeWeights.get(i))) return false; return true; } /** * This method returns if the two matrices are same. * @param matrix1 * @param matrix2 * @return */ public boolean isMatrixEqual(float[][] matrix1, float[][] matrix2) { if (matrix1.length != matrix2.length) return false; if (matrix1[0].length != matrix2[0].length) return false; for (int i = 0; i < matrix1.length; i++) for (int j = 0; j < matrix2.length; j++) if (matrix1[i][j] != matrix2[i][j]) return false; return true; } @Override public ArrayList<Vertex> neighbours(Vertex currentVtx) { /* Here we add a pre-condition: Check if the threshold is detracted. */ if (!threshDetracted) { System.out.println("(MatrixHierNpartiteGraph.neighbours) Threshold must be detracted first."); detractThresh(); } ArrayList<Vertex> neighbours = new ArrayList<>(); for (Vertex vtx : vertices) { /* If they are from the same set, then it's impossible there's an edge * between them.*/ float ew = edgeWeight(currentVtx, vtx); if (!Double.isNaN(ew) && ew > 0) neighbours.add(vtx); } //neighbours.trimToSize(); /* If no neighbour is found, then return null. */ if (neighbours.isEmpty()) return null; return neighbours; } @Override public boolean pushAction(Vertex vtx1, Vertex vtx2) { /* First check if thresh is already detracted, if not we have to first detract threshold. */ if (!threshDetracted) detractThresh(); float ew = edgeWeight(vtx1, vtx2); if (ew == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("There is a null-edge between vtx1 and vtx2"); Action act = null; act = new Action(vtx1, vtx2, ew); actions.add(act); if (act.getOriginalWeight() > 0) { cost += act.getOriginalWeight(); } else { cost -= act.getOriginalWeight(); } return true; } /** * This method pushes a vertex into the graph. * @param vtx * @return */ private int pushVertex(String value, int vertexSet) { Vertex vtx = new Vertex(value, vertexSet, -1); //U. Note: we should add a new meothod, searching a vertex in a given //vertex list (arrayList or Linkedlist). This method should be a static //method int idx = vertices.indexOf(vtx); if (idx == -1) { try { /* 2nd version of distances. */ vtx.setDistIdx(vertices.size()); vertices.add(vtx); //set the index of the new vertex according to its vertex set vtx.setVtxIdx(setSizes[vertexSet]); setSizes[vertexSet]++; } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { System.out.println("(MatrixHierNpartiteGraph.pushVertex) setSizes: Index out of bounds exception: " + vertexSet + " " + setSizes.length); return -1; } return vtx.getVtxIdx(); } else return ((ArrayList<Vertex>) vertices).get(idx).getVtxIdx(); } /** * Read the graph from the input file. * @param filePath * @throws IOException */ @Override public final void readGraph(String filePath) throws IOException { FileReader fr = new FileReader(filePath); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr); String line = null; /* Reader the file for the first time and gather the information * about the number of sets, the number of vertices.*/ int maxSetIdx = 0; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { String[] splits = line.split("\\s+"); /* If the splits has the length of 2, then we have only one node in the line. */ if (splits.length == 2) { /* Get the max size index.*/ try { int setIdx = Integer.parseInt(splits[1]); if (maxSetIdx < setIdx) maxSetIdx = setIdx; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println("(MatrixHierNpartiteGraph.readGraph) Number format information: " + line); return; } } /* If the splits has the length of 4, then we have two nodes in the line. */ else if (splits.length == 5) { try { int setIdx1 = Integer.parseInt(splits[1]); int setIdx2 = Integer.parseInt(splits[3]); if (maxSetIdx < setIdx1) maxSetIdx = setIdx1; if (maxSetIdx < setIdx2) maxSetIdx = setIdx2; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println("(MatrixHierNpartiteGraph.readGraph) Number format information: " + line); return; } } /* Else, there must be an error. */ else { System.out.println("(MatrixHierNpartiteGraph.readGraph) Line with wrong tokens: " + line); return; } } /* Init setSizes. */ setSizes = new int[maxSetIdx + 1]; br.close(); fr.close(); /* Read the file for the second time, get the sizes of all vertex sets, to init the edgeWeight matrix, but not to assign any values in setSizes. The values in setSizes are left for pushVertex() to init.*/ int[] sizes = new int[maxSetIdx + 1]; fr = new FileReader(filePath); br = new BufferedReader(fr); line = null; /* We use hashsets to get the numbers of vertices. */ ArrayList<HashSet<String>> vertexHashSets = new ArrayList<>(); /* Init all hashsets in vertexHashSets. */ for (int i = 0; i < maxSetIdx + 1; i++) vertexHashSets.add(new HashSet<String>()); while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { String[] splits = line.split("\\s+"); /* If there are two tokens in the line, then we have one vertex in the line. */ if (splits.length == 2) vertexHashSets.get(Integer.parseInt(splits[1])).add(String.copyValueOf(splits[0].toCharArray())); else if (splits.length == 5) { vertexHashSets.get(Integer.parseInt(splits[1])).add(String.copyValueOf(splits[0].toCharArray())); ; vertexHashSets.get(Integer.parseInt(splits[3])).add(String.copyValueOf(splits[2].toCharArray())); ; } } /* Then we give values to sizes. */ for (int i = 0; i < maxSetIdx + 1; i++) sizes[i] = vertexHashSets.get(i).size(); /* Init thte edgeWeights matrix. */ edgeWeights = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < maxSetIdx; i++) { float[][] weights = new float[sizes[i]][sizes[i + 1]]; /* Init the values. */ for (int j = 0; j < weights.length; j++) for (int k = 0; k < weights[0].length; k++) weights[j][k] = Float.NaN; edgeWeights.add(weights); } br.close(); fr.close(); /* Read the file for the third time, assign the edge weights. */ fr = new FileReader(filePath); br = new BufferedReader(fr); while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { String[] splits = line.split("\\s+"); /* If we have only one vertex in the line, we just push it into vertices arrayList. */ if (splits.length == 2) { String vtxName = String.copyValueOf(splits[0].toCharArray()); int vtxLvl = -1; /* Catch the NumberFormatException. */ try { vtxLvl = Integer.parseInt(String.copyValueOf(splits[1].toCharArray())); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println("(readGraph) Invalid format for vertex set index: " + splits[1]); System.exit(0); } //Push vertex pushVertex(vtxName, vtxLvl); } /* If not, then we have two vertices in the line, we push them into vertices and assign * the edge weight between them.*/ else { String vtx1Name = String.copyValueOf(splits[0].toCharArray()); //int Vtx1Lvl = Integer.parseInt(String.copyValueOf(splits2[1].toCharArray())); int vtx1Lvl = -1; /* Catch the NumberFormatException. */ try { vtx1Lvl = Integer.parseInt(String.copyValueOf(splits[1].toCharArray())); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println("(readGraph) Invalid format for vertex set index: " + splits[0]); System.exit(0); } String vtx2Name = String.copyValueOf(splits[2].toCharArray()); //int Vtx2Lvl = Integer.parseInt(String.copyValueOf(splits2[3].toCharArray())); int vtx2Lvl = -1; /* Catch the NumberFormatException. */ try { vtx2Lvl = Integer.parseInt(String.copyValueOf(splits[3].toCharArray())); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println("(readGraph) Invalid format for vertex set index: " + splits[3]); System.exit(0); } //U. note: here it's not proper to use addVertex() just to search for an existing vertex. //Thus, we should add a new method findVertex(). maybe a static method in Class Vertex, or a normal //method in the new NpartiteGraph class int idx1 = pushVertex(vtx1Name, vtx1Lvl); int idx2 = pushVertex(vtx2Name, vtx2Lvl); float ew = Float.parseFloat(String.copyValueOf(splits[4].toCharArray())); //U. note: here we need a method to assign edgeweight. int minVtxLvl = Math.min(vtx1Lvl, vtx2Lvl); if (vtx1Lvl == minVtxLvl) edgeWeights.get(minVtxLvl)[idx1][idx2] = ew; else edgeWeights.get(minVtxLvl)[idx2][idx1] = ew; } } br.close(); fr.close(); /* Init the cluster object. */ clusters = new ArrayList<>(); } /** * This method reads the graph from the xml input. * @param filePath */ public final void readXmlGraph(String filePath) throws IOException { /* Read the input file. */ SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(); Document graphInput = null; try { graphInput = File(filePath)); } catch (JDOMException e) { System.out.println( "(biforce.graphs.MatrixHierGeneralGraph.readGraphInXml) Document init error: " + filePath); return; } /* Get the root element. */ Element docRoot, entity; try { docRoot = graphInput.getRootElement(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { System.out.println( "(biforce.graphs.MatrixHierGeneralGraph.readGraphInXml) The input document does not have a root element."); e.printStackTrace(); return; } /* 1. Anaylze the element "entity", get the name of the nodes.*/ /* Get the child element of "entity", throw an IllegalStateException.*/ entity = docRoot.getChild("entity"); if (entity == null) /* If no such "entity" child element is found, then throw the exception.*/ throw new IllegalStateException( "(biforce.graphs.MatrixHierGeneralGraph.readGraphInXml) The input document does not have an \"entity\" child element."); /* Get how many levels are there in this graph.*/ String levelStr = entity.getAttributeValue("levels"); /* Get how many sets are there in the graph. */ /* levelStr is required. */ if (levelStr == null) { /* If no "levels" attribute is defined, then an exception is thrown. */ throw new IllegalArgumentException( "(biforce.graphs.MatrixHierGeneralGraph.readGraphInXml) Attribute \"levels\" must be given."); } try { setSizes = new int[Integer.parseInt(levelStr)];/* Init setSizes. */ } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new NumberFormatException( "(biforce.graphs.MatrixHierGeneralGraph.readGraphInXml) Attribute \"levels\" number format error: " + levelStr); } /* Check if there is an external file for the node names.*/ String hasExternEntityFile = entity.getAttributeValue("externalFile"); /* Get the content in entity. */ String entityContent = entity.getContent(0).getValue().trim(); /* Check entityContent. It cannot be null.*/ if (entityContent == null) throw new IllegalStateException( "(biforce.graphs.MatrixHierGeneralGraph.readGraphInXml) The content of the element entity is null."); /* If there is an external file for the nodes' names, then the content of the element should be the path of the external file. Otherwise, it should be the nodes' names themselves. */ if (hasExternEntityFile == null || hasExternEntityFile.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) { XmlInputParser parser = new XmlInputParser(); parser.parseEntityString(entityContent, this); } /* If the node names are stored in an external file.*/ else if (hasExternEntityFile.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { XmlInputParser parser = new XmlInputParser(); parser.parseEntityFile(entityContent, this); } else throw new IllegalStateException( "(biforce.graphs.MatrixHierGeneralGraph.readGraphInXml) Illegal attribute of \"externalFile\": " + hasExternEntityFile); /* Init all matrices. */ /* Init the inter matrices. */ edgeWeights = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < setSizes.length - 1; i++) { float[][] interMatrix = new float[setSizes[i]][setSizes[i + 1]]; /* Give matrix the init values. */ for (int j = 0; j < setSizes[i]; j++) for (int k = 0; k < setSizes[i + 1]; k++) interMatrix[j][k] = Float.NaN; /* Push this interMatrix into interEdgeWeights. */ edgeWeights.add(interMatrix); } /* Read the edge weights from the xml input file. */ ArrayList<Element> matrixElementList = new ArrayList<>(docRoot.getChildren("matrix")); /* First check the number of elements in matrixElementList, if not equal to setSizes.length-1. */ if (matrixElementList.size() != setSizes.length - 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "(biforce.graphs.MatrixHierGeneralGraph.readGraphInXml) The number of matrices is wrong: " + matrixElementList.size()); /* 2. Assign the edge weights. */ for (Element matrix : matrixElementList) { /* First check where is this matrix. */ String matrixLevel = matrix.getAttributeValue("matrixLevel"); if (matrixLevel == null) /* The matrixLevel attribute is required. */ throw new IllegalArgumentException( "(biforce.graphs.MatrixHierGeneralGraph.readGraphInXml) The matrixLevel attribute is required."); String[] matrixLevelSplits = matrixLevel.split("\\s+"); /* If string matrixLevel cannot be splitted into two splits, then it must be wrong. */ if (matrixLevelSplits.length != 2) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "(biforce.graphs.MatrixHierGeneralGraph.readGraphInXml) The attribute matrixLevel error: " + matrixLevel); /* Get the two levels. */ int matrixLevel1 = -1, matrixLevel2 = -1; try { matrixLevel1 = Integer.parseInt(String.copyValueOf(matrixLevelSplits[0].toCharArray())); matrixLevel2 = Integer.parseInt(String.copyValueOf(matrixLevelSplits[1].toCharArray())); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "(biforce.graphs.MatrixHierGeneralGraph.readGraphInXml) The attribute matrixLevel error: " + matrixLevel); } /* Check if the matrix is a intra- or inter edge weight matrix. */ if (matrixLevel1 == matrixLevel2) /* Intra matrix. */ throw new IllegalArgumentException( "(biforce.graphs.MatrixHierNpartiteGraph.readGraphInXml) There is no intra-matrix in a MatrixHierNpartiteGraph."); else { /* For inter-matrix. */ String matrixContent = matrix.getContent(0).getValue().trim(); /* Check if the matrix is stored in an external file.*/ String hasExternMatrixFile = matrix.getAttributeValue("externalFile"); if (hasExternMatrixFile == null || hasExternMatrixFile.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) { XmlInputParser parser = new XmlInputParser(); parser.parseInterMatrixString(matrixContent, matrixLevel1, matrixLevel2, this); } else if (hasExternMatrixFile.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { XmlInputParser parser = new XmlInputParser(); parser.parseInterMatrixFile(matrixContent, matrixLevel1, matrixLevel2, this); } else throw new IllegalStateException( "(biforce.graphs.MatrixHierGeneralGraph.readGraphInXml))Illegal attribute of \"externalFile\": " + hasExternMatrixFile); } } clusters = new ArrayList<>(); } /** * The rule for header: * NumberOfSets Set1Size Set2Size ... SetNSize * @param filePath * @throws IOException */ public final void readGraphWithHeader(String filePath) throws IOException { FileReader fr = new FileReader(filePath); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr); /* Read the header, assign setSizes */ String line = null; line = br.readLine(); String[] headerSplits = line.split("\\s+"); /* Create the dummy set sizes just to create edgeWeights */ int[] sizes = null; try { sizes = new int[Integer.parseInt(headerSplits[0])]; for (int i = 0; i < headerSplits.length - 1; i++) { sizes[i] = Integer.parseInt(headerSplits[i + 1]); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.out .println("(MatrixHierNpartiteGraph.readGraphWithHeader) Header number format problem: " + line); System.exit(0); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { System.out.println( "((MatrixHierNpartiteGraph.readGraphWithHeader) Number of sets and the given sizes do not match: " + line); System.exit(0); } /* However, here we must int setSizes, set all elements to 0. */ setSizes = new int[Integer.parseInt(headerSplits[0])]; for (int i = 0; i < setSizes.length; i++) setSizes[i] = 0; /* Init the edgeWeight matrix. */ edgeWeights = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < setSizes.length - 1; i++) { float[][] weights = new float[sizes[i]][sizes[i + 1]]; /* Init the values. */ for (int j = 0; j < weights.length; j++) for (int k = 0; k < weights[0].length; k++) weights[j][k] = Float.NaN; edgeWeights.add(weights); } /* Read the graph.*/ while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { String[] splits = line.split("\\s+"); /* If we have only one vertex in the line, we just push it into vertices arrayList. */ if (splits.length == 2) { String vtxName = String.copyValueOf(splits[0].toCharArray()); int vtxLvl = -1; /* Catch the NumberFormatException. */ try { vtxLvl = Integer.parseInt(String.copyValueOf(splits[1].toCharArray())); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println("(readGraph) Invalid format for vertex set index: " + splits[1]); System.exit(0); } //Push vertex pushVertex(vtxName, vtxLvl); } /* If not, then we have two vertices in the line, we push them into vertices and assign * the edge weight between them.*/ else { String vtx1Name = String.copyValueOf(splits[0].toCharArray()); //int Vtx1Lvl = Integer.parseInt(String.copyValueOf(splits2[1].toCharArray())); int vtx1Lvl = -1; /* Catch the NumberFormatException. */ try { vtx1Lvl = Integer.parseInt(String.copyValueOf(splits[1].toCharArray())); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println("(readGraph) Invalid format for vertex set index: " + splits[0]); System.exit(0); } String vtx2Name = String.copyValueOf(splits[2].toCharArray()); //int Vtx2Lvl = Integer.parseInt(String.copyValueOf(splits2[3].toCharArray())); int vtx2Lvl = -1; /* Catch the NumberFormatException. */ try { vtx2Lvl = Integer.parseInt(String.copyValueOf(splits[3].toCharArray())); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println("(readGraph) Invalid format for vertex set index: " + splits[3]); System.exit(0); } //U. note: here it's not proper to use addVertex() just to search for an existing vertex. //Thus, we should add a new method findVertex(). maybe a static method in Class Vertex, or a normal //method in the new NpartiteGraph class int idx1 = pushVertex(vtx1Name, vtx1Lvl); int idx2 = pushVertex(vtx2Name, vtx2Lvl); float ew = Float.parseFloat(String.copyValueOf(splits[4].toCharArray())); //U. note: here we need a method to assign edgeweight. int minVtxLvl = Math.min(vtx1Lvl, vtx2Lvl); if (vtx1Lvl == minVtxLvl) edgeWeights.get(minVtxLvl)[idx1][idx2] = ew; else edgeWeights.get(minVtxLvl)[idx2][idx1] = ew; } } br.close(); fr.close(); /* Init the cluster object. */ clusters = new ArrayList<>(); } /** * This method re-add the threshold to edge weights, provided the threshold has been * detracted before. */ @Override public void restoreThresh() { /* First check if the thresh is detracted, if not then throw an exception. */ if (!threshDetracted) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "(MatrixBipartiteGraph2.restoreThresh)" + " The threshold is not yet detracted."); /* Second check if the threshold has been set. */ if (thresh == Double.MAX_VALUE) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "(MatrixBipartiteGraph2.detractThresh)" + " The threshold must be set at first."); else { for (int i = 0; i < edgeWeights.size(); i++) { float[][] weights = edgeWeights.get(i); for (int j = 0; j < weights.length; j++) for (int k = 0; k < weights[0].length; k++) weights[j][k] += thresh; } } threshDetracted = false; } /** * This method removes the action with the given index from the arraylist actions. * @param Index * @return */ @Override public boolean removeAction(int Index) { try { actions.remove(Index); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { System.out.println("(MatrixHierNpartiteGraph.removeAction) Index out of bounds: " + Index + " size: " + actions.size()); return false; } return true; } /** * This method sets the distance between two given vertices. * Apparently, the two vertices must be in the "neighbouring" vertex sets. * @param vtx1 * @param vtx2 * @param dist */ public void setDist(Vertex vtx1, Vertex vtx2) { /* Check the vertex sets first. */ /* if(vtx1.getVtxSet() - vtx2.getVtxSet() != 1 && vtx1.getVtxSet() - vtx2.getVtxSet() != -1) return; int minVtxSet = Math.min(vtx1.getVtxSet(),vtx2.getVtxSet()); if(minVtxSet == vtx1.getVtxSet()) distances.get(minVtxSet)[vtx1.getVtxIdx()][vtx2.getVtxIdx()]= euclidDist(vtx1,vtx2); else distances.get(minVtxSet)[vtx2.getVtxIdx()][vtx1.getVtxIdx()]= euclidDist(vtx1,vtx2); */ /* For the 2nd version of distance. */ distMatrix[vtx1.getDistIdx()][vtx2.getDistIdx()] = euclidDist(vtx1, vtx2); distMatrix[vtx2.getDistIdx()][vtx2.getDistIdx()] = euclidDist(vtx2, vtx1); } @Override public void setEdgeWeight(Vertex vtx1, Vertex vtx2, float edgeWeight) { /* Check the vertex sets first. */ if (vtx1.getVtxSet() - vtx2.getVtxSet() != 1 && vtx1.getVtxSet() - vtx2.getVtxSet() != -1) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "(MatrixHierNpartiteGraph.setEdgeWeight) The two vertices must be in the " + "neighbouring vertex sets: " + vtx1.getVtxSet() + " " + vtx2.getVtxSet()); int minVtxSet = Math.min(vtx1.getVtxSet(), vtx2.getVtxSet()); if (minVtxSet == vtx1.getVtxSet()) edgeWeights.get(minVtxSet)[vtx1.getVtxIdx()][vtx2.getVtxIdx()] = edgeWeight; else edgeWeights.get(minVtxSet)[vtx2.getVtxIdx()][vtx1.getVtxIdx()] = edgeWeight; } @Override public boolean takeAction(int idx) { /* First the check the index. */ if (idx < 0 || idx >= actions.size()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("(MatrixBipartitGraph2.takeAction) Wrong action index: " + idx); Action act = actions.get(idx); if (act.getOriginalWeight() > 0) setEdgeWeight(act.getVtx1(), act.getVtx2(), nForceConstants.FORBIDDEN); else setEdgeWeight(act.getVtx1(), act.getVtx2(), nForceConstants.PERMENANT); return true; } @Override public boolean takeActions() { boolean flag = true; for (int i = 0; i < actions.size(); i++) { if (!takeAction(i)) flag = false; } return flag; } /** * This method updates/re-sets all pairwise distances. */ @Override public void updateDist() { for (int i = 0; i < vertices.size(); i++) for (int j = 0; j < vertices.size(); j++) setDist(vertices.get(i), vertices.get(j)); } /** * This method updates the positions of the vertices given the displacement * vectors for all vertices. * @param dispVector */ @Override public void updatePos(float[][] dispVector) { /* For each vertex, update the position. */ for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount(); i++) { /* Compute the new coordinates. */ float[] coords = vertices.get(i).getCoords(); for (int j = 0; j < coords.length; j++) { coords[j] += dispVector[i][j]; } /* Set the coordinates. */ vertices.get(i).setCoords(coords); } } /** * This method returns the number of vertex sets. * @return */ @Override public int vertexSetCount() { return setSizes.length; } /** * This method writes to the given filePath, according to the different format. * @param filePath * @param outFmt */ @Override public void writeGraphTo(String filePath, boolean outFmt) { if (filePath == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "(MatrixHierNpartiteGraph.writeGraphTo) The given file path is null. "); if (!outFmt) /* The plain format. */ writePlainGraphTo(filePath); else writeXmlGraphTo(filePath); } /** * This method writes to the given filepath the xml graph format. * @param filePath */ public void writeXmlGraphTo(String filePath) { FileWriter fw = null; BufferedWriter bw = null; try { fw = new FileWriter(filePath); bw = new BufferedWriter(fw); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("(MatrixBipartiteGraph2.writeXmlGraphTo) Xml output error."); return; } try { bw.write("<document>\n"); /* Output the entity element. */ bw.write("<entity levels=\"" + setSizes.length + "\">\n"); /* Output the vertices. */ for (int k = 0; k < setSizes.length; k++) { for (int i = 0; i < vertices.size(); i++) { if (vertices.get(i).getVtxSet() == k) bw.write(vertices.get(i).getValue() + "\t"); } bw.write("\n"); } bw.write("</entity>\n"); /* Output the matrix. */ for (int l = 0; l < setSizes.length - 1; l++) { bw.write("<matrix matrixLevel=\"" + l + " " + (l + 1) + "\">\n"); float[][] matrix = edgeWeights.get(l); for (int j = 0; j < matrix.length; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < matrix[0].length - 1; k++) bw.write(matrix[j][k] + "\t"); bw.write(matrix[j][matrix[0].length - 1] + "\n"); } bw.write("</matrix>\n"); } bw.write("</document>\n"); bw.flush(); bw.close(); fw.close(); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("(MatrixBipartiteGraph2.writeXmlGraphTo) Xml writing error."); return; } } /** * This method writes to the given filepath the plain graph format. * @param filePath */ public void writePlainGraphTo(String filePath) { FileWriter fw = null; BufferedWriter bw = null; try { fw = new FileWriter(filePath); bw = new BufferedWriter(fw); bw.write(setSizes.length + "\t"); for (int i = 0; i < setSizes.length - 1; i++) bw.write(setSizes[i] + "\t"); bw.write(setSizes[setSizes.length - 1] + "\n"); for (int i = 0; i < vertices.size(); i++) for (int j = i + 1; j < vertices.size(); j++) { float ew = edgeWeight(vertices.get(i), vertices.get(j)); if (Double.isNaN(ew)) continue; bw.write(vertices.get(i).getValue() + "\t" + vertices.get(i).getVtxSet() + "\t" + vertices.get(j).getValue() + "\t" + vertices.get(j).getVtxSet() + "\t" + ew + "\n"); } bw.flush(); bw.close(); fw.close(); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("(MatrixHierNpartiteGraph.writePlainGraphTo) Write error."); return; } } /** * This method outputs the cluster result to the given path. * @param filePath The file path to output. * @param isXmlFile If the file is outputted as xml format. */ @Override public void writeClusterTo(String filePath, boolean isXmlFile) { if (isXmlFile) writeXmlClusterTo(filePath); else writePlainClusterTo(filePath); } /** * This method writes the cluster in plain format into filePath. * @param filePath */ public void writePlainClusterTo(String filePath) { FileWriter fw = null; BufferedWriter bw = null; try { fw = new FileWriter(filePath); bw = new BufferedWriter(fw); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("(MatrixBipartiteGraph2.writeClusterTo) Clusters writing error."); return; } try { for (int i = 0; i < clusters.size(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < clusters.get(i).getVertices().size() - 1; j++) { bw.write(clusters.get(i).getVertices().get(j).getValue() + "\t"); } bw.write(clusters.get(i).getVertices().get(clusters.get(i).getVertices().size() - 1).getValue() + "\n"); } bw.flush(); bw.close(); fw.close(); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("(MatrixBipartiteGraph2.writeClusterTo) Clusters writing error."); return; } } /** * This method writes the resulted clusters into the filePath. * @param filePath */ public void writeXmlClusterTo(String filePath) { try { FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(filePath); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fw); for (int i = 0; i < clusters.size(); i++) { writeSingleCluster(bw, clusters.get(i)); } bw.flush(); bw.close(); fw.close(); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("(MatrixHierNpartiteGraph.writeXmlClusterTo) Cluster writing error."); e.printStackTrace(); return; } } /** * This method writes a single cluster using the given BufferedWriter * @param bw * @param cluster */ public void writeSingleCluster(BufferedWriter bw, Cluster cluster) { ArrayList<Vertex> clusterVertices = cluster.getVertices(); try { /* We output the cluster in separated sets. */ for (int i = 0; i < setSizes.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < clusterVertices.size(); j++) if (clusterVertices.get(j).getVtxSet() == i) bw.write(clusterVertices.get(j).getValue() + "\t"); bw.write("\n"); } bw.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("(MatrixHierNpartiteGraph.writeSingleCluster) Single cluster output error."); e.printStackTrace(); return; } } /** * * @param filePath */ @Override public void writeResultInfoTo(String filePath) { FileWriter fw = null; BufferedWriter bw = null; try { fw = new FileWriter(filePath); bw = new BufferedWriter(fw); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("(MatrixBipartiteGraph2.writeResultInfoTo) Result file opening error. "); return; } try { for (int i = 0; i < actions.size(); i++) { bw.write(actions.get(i).getVtx1().getValue() + "\t" + actions.get(i).getVtx1().getVtxSet() + "\t" + actions.get(i).getVtx2().getValue() + "\t" + actions.get(i).getVtx2().getVtxSet() + "\t" + actions.get(i).getOriginalWeight() + "\n"); } } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("(MatrixBiPartiteGraph2.writeResultInfoTo) Writing error."); return; } } public void writerInterEwMatrix(String outFile, int idx) { } public void writeIntraEwMatrix(String outFile, int idx) { } public void writeDistanceMatrix(String file) { } }