Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 Jordan S. Jones <> * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package nextmethod.web.razor.parser; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import; import; import nextmethod.base.Delegates; import nextmethod.base.IDisposable; import nextmethod.base.KeyValue; import nextmethod.collections.IterableIterator; import nextmethod.web.razor.editor.SpanEditHandler; import nextmethod.web.razor.generator.RazorCommentCodeGenerator; import nextmethod.web.razor.generator.SpanCodeGenerator; import nextmethod.web.razor.parser.syntaxtree.AcceptedCharacters; import nextmethod.web.razor.parser.syntaxtree.BlockType; import nextmethod.web.razor.parser.syntaxtree.RazorError; import nextmethod.web.razor.parser.syntaxtree.SpanBuilder; import nextmethod.web.razor.parser.syntaxtree.SpanKind; import nextmethod.web.razor.text.SourceLocation; import nextmethod.web.razor.tokenizer.Tokenizer; import nextmethod.web.razor.tokenizer.TokenizerView; import nextmethod.web.razor.tokenizer.symbols.ISymbol; import nextmethod.web.razor.tokenizer.symbols.KnownSymbolType; import nextmethod.web.razor.tokenizer.symbols.SymbolBase; import nextmethod.web.razor.utils.DisposableAction; import static nextmethod.web.razor.resources.Mvc4jRazorResources.RazorResources; public abstract class TokenizerBackedParser<TTokenizer extends Tokenizer<TSymbol, TSymbolType>, TSymbol extends SymbolBase<TSymbolType> & ISymbol, TSymbolType extends Enum<TSymbolType>> extends ParserBase { private TokenizerView<TTokenizer, TSymbol, TSymbolType> tokenizer; private SpanBuilder span; private Delegates.IAction1<SpanBuilder> spanConfig; private TSymbol previousSymbol; protected TokenizerBackedParser() { this.span = new SpanBuilder(); } protected SpanBuilder getSpan() { return span; } protected void setSpan(@Nonnull final SpanBuilder span) { this.span = span; } protected TokenizerView<TTokenizer, TSymbol, TSymbolType> getTokenizer() { return tokenizer != null ? tokenizer : initTokenizer(); } private TokenizerView<TTokenizer, TSymbol, TSymbolType> initTokenizer() { return this.tokenizer = new TokenizerView<>(getLanguage().createTokenizer(getContext().getSource())); } protected Delegates.IAction1<SpanBuilder> getSpanConfig() { return spanConfig; } protected void setSpanConfig(@Nullable final Delegates.IAction1<SpanBuilder> spanConfig) { this.spanConfig = spanConfig; } protected TSymbol getPreviousSymbol() { return previousSymbol; } protected TSymbol getCurrentSymbol() { return getTokenizer().getCurrent(); } protected boolean isCurrentSymbol(@Nonnull final TSymbolType type) { return getCurrentSymbol().getType() == type; } protected SourceLocation getCurrentLocation() { return (isEndOfFile() || getCurrentSymbol() == null) ? getContext().getSource().getLocation() : getCurrentSymbol().getStart(); } protected boolean isEndOfFile() { return getTokenizer().isEndOfFile(); } protected abstract LanguageCharacteristics<TTokenizer, TSymbol, TSymbolType> getLanguage(); protected void handleEmbeddedTransition() { } protected boolean isAtEmbeddedTransition(final boolean allowTemplatesAndComments, final boolean allowTransitions) { return false; } public void buildSpan(@Nonnull final SpanBuilder span, @Nonnull final SourceLocation start, @Nonnull final String content) { getLanguage().tokenizeString(start, content).forEach(span::accept); } protected void initialize(@Nonnull final SpanBuilder span) { if (spanConfig != null) { spanConfig.invoke(span); } } protected boolean nextToken() { previousSymbol = getCurrentSymbol(); return getTokenizer().next(); } // Helpers void doAssert(@Nonnull final TSymbolType expectedType) { assert !isEndOfFile() && Objects.equals(getCurrentSymbol().getType(), expectedType); } protected void putBack(@Nullable final TSymbol symbol) { if (symbol != null) { getTokenizer().putBack(symbol); } } /** * Put the specified symbols back in the input stream. The provide list MUST be in the ORDER THE SYMBOLS WERE READ. * The list WILL be reversed and the putBack(TSymbol) will be called on each item. * * @param symbols TSymbols to be put back into the input stream */ protected void putBack(@Nullable final Iterable<TSymbol> symbols) { if (symbols != null) { List<TSymbol> tSymbols = Lists.newArrayList(symbols); Collections.reverse(tSymbols); tSymbols.forEach(this::putBack); } } protected void putCurrentBack() { if (!isEndOfFile() && getCurrentSymbol() != null) { putBack(getCurrentSymbol()); } } protected boolean balance(@Nonnull final EnumSet<BalancingModes> mode) { final TSymbolType left = getCurrentSymbol().getType(); final TSymbolType right = getLanguage().flipBracket(left); final SourceLocation start = getCurrentLocation(); acceptAndMoveNext(); if (isEndOfFile() && !mode.contains(BalancingModes.NoErrorOnFailure)) { getContext().onError(start, RazorResources().parseErrorExpectedCloseBracketBeforeEof( getLanguage().getSample(left), getLanguage().getSample(right))); } return balance(mode, left, right, start); } protected boolean balance(@Nonnull final EnumSet<BalancingModes> mode, @Nonnull final TSymbolType left, @Nonnull final TSymbolType right, @Nonnull final SourceLocation start) { int startPosition = getCurrentLocation().getAbsoluteIndex(); int nesting = 1; if (!isEndOfFile()) { final List<TSymbol> syms = Lists.newArrayList(); do { if (isAtEmbeddedTransition(mode.contains(BalancingModes.AllowCommentsAndTemplates), mode.contains(BalancingModes.AllowEmbeddedTransitions))) { accept(syms); syms.clear(); handleEmbeddedTransition(); // Reset backtracking since we've already outputted some spans. startPosition = getCurrentLocation().getAbsoluteIndex(); } if (at(left)) { nesting++; } else if (at(right)) { nesting--; } if (nesting > 0) { syms.add(getCurrentSymbol()); } } while (nesting > 0 && nextToken()); if (nesting > 0) { if (!mode.contains(BalancingModes.NoErrorOnFailure)) { getContext().onError(start, RazorResources().parseErrorExpectedCloseBracketBeforeEof( getLanguage().getSample(left), getLanguage().getSample(right))); } if (mode.contains(BalancingModes.BacktrackOnFailure)) { getContext().getSource().setPosition(startPosition); } else { accept(syms); } } else { // Accept all the symbols we saw accept(syms); } } return nesting == 0; } protected boolean nextIs(@Nonnull final TSymbolType type) { return nextIs(input1 -> input1 != null && type == input1.getType()); } @SafeVarargs protected final boolean nextIs(@Nonnull final TSymbolType... types) { final List<TSymbolType> tSymbolTypes = Lists.newArrayList(types); return nextIs(input1 -> input1 != null && Iterables.any(tSymbolTypes, input -> input != null && input == input1.getType())); } protected boolean nextIs(@Nonnull final Delegates.IFunc1<TSymbol, Boolean> condition) { final TSymbol cur = getCurrentSymbol(); nextToken(); final Boolean result = condition.invoke(getCurrentSymbol()); putCurrentBack(); putBack(cur); ensureCurrent(); return result != null && result; } protected boolean was(@Nonnull final TSymbolType type) { return getPreviousSymbol() != null && getPreviousSymbol().getType() == type; } protected boolean at(@Nonnull final TSymbolType type) { return !isEndOfFile() && getCurrentSymbol() != null && getCurrentSymbol().getType() == type; } protected boolean acceptAndMoveNext() { accept(getCurrentSymbol()); return nextToken(); } @Nullable protected TSymbol acceptSingleWhiteSpaceCharacter() { if (getLanguage().isWhiteSpace(getCurrentSymbol())) { final KeyValue<TSymbol, TSymbol> pair = getLanguage().splitSymbol(getCurrentSymbol(), 1, getLanguage().getKnownSymbolType(KnownSymbolType.WhiteSpace)); accept(pair.getKey()); getSpan().getEditHandler().setAcceptedCharacters(AcceptedCharacters.SetOfNone); nextToken(); return pair.getValue(); } return null; } protected void accept(@Nonnull final Iterable<TSymbol> symbols) { symbols.forEach(this::accept); } protected void accept(@Nullable final TSymbol symbol) { if (symbol != null) { for (RazorError error : symbol.getErrors()) { getContext().getErrors().add(error); } getSpan().accept(symbol); } } @SafeVarargs protected final boolean acceptAll(@Nonnull final TSymbolType... types) { for (TSymbolType type : types) { if (getCurrentSymbol() == null || getCurrentSymbol().getType() != type) { return false; } acceptAndMoveNext(); } return true; } protected void addMarkerSymbolIfNecessary() { addMarkerSymbolIfNecessary(getCurrentLocation()); } protected void addMarkerSymbolIfNecessary(@Nonnull final SourceLocation location) { if (getSpan().getSymbols().size() == 0 && !AcceptedCharacters.Any.equals(getContext().getLastAcceptedCharacters())) { accept(getLanguage().createMarkerSymbol(location)); } } protected void output(@Nonnull final SpanKind kind) { configure(kind, null); output(); } protected void output(@Nonnull final SpanKind kind, @Nonnull final AcceptedCharacters acceptedCharacters) { output(kind, EnumSet.of(acceptedCharacters)); } protected void output(@Nonnull final SpanKind kind, @Nonnull final EnumSet<AcceptedCharacters> accepts) { configure(kind, accepts); output(); } protected void output(@Nonnull final EnumSet<AcceptedCharacters> accepts) { configure(null, accepts); output(); } protected void output() { if (getSpan().getSymbols().size() > 0) { getContext().addSpan(getSpan().build()); initialize(getSpan()); } } protected IDisposable pushSpanConfig() { return pushSpanConfig((Delegates.IAction2<SpanBuilder, Delegates.IAction1<SpanBuilder>>) null); } protected IDisposable pushSpanConfig(@Nullable final Delegates.IAction1<SpanBuilder> newConfig) { return pushSpanConfig(newConfig == null ? null : (span1, ignored) -> newConfig.invoke(span1)); } protected IDisposable pushSpanConfig( @Nullable final Delegates.IAction2<SpanBuilder, Delegates.IAction1<SpanBuilder>> newConfig) { final Delegates.IAction1<SpanBuilder> old = getSpanConfig(); configureSpan(newConfig); return new DisposableAction(() -> setSpanConfig(old)); } protected void configureSpan(@Nonnull final Delegates.IAction1<SpanBuilder> config) { setSpanConfig(config); initialize(getSpan()); } protected void configureSpan( @Nullable final Delegates.IAction2<SpanBuilder, Delegates.IAction1<SpanBuilder>> config) { final Delegates.IAction1<SpanBuilder> prev = getSpanConfig(); if (config == null) { setSpanConfig(null); } else { setSpanConfig(span1 -> config.invoke(span1, prev)); } initialize(getSpan()); } protected void expected(@Nonnull final KnownSymbolType type) { expected(getLanguage().getKnownSymbolType(type)); } @SafeVarargs protected final void expected(@Nonnull final TSymbolType... types) { assert !isEndOfFile() && getCurrentSymbol() != null && Arrays.asList(types).contains(getCurrentSymbol().getType()); acceptAndMoveNext(); } protected boolean optional(@Nonnull final KnownSymbolType type) { return optional(getLanguage().getKnownSymbolType(type)); } protected boolean optional(@Nonnull final TSymbolType type) { if (at(type)) { acceptAndMoveNext(); return true; } return false; } protected boolean required(@Nonnull final TSymbolType expected, final boolean errorIfNotFound, @Nonnull final String errorBase) { final boolean found = at(expected); if (!found && errorIfNotFound) { String error; if (getLanguage().isNewLine(getCurrentSymbol())) { error = RazorResources().errorComponentNewline(); } else if (getLanguage().isWhiteSpace(getCurrentSymbol())) { error = RazorResources().errorComponentWhitespace(); } else if (isEndOfFile()) { error = RazorResources().errorComponentEndOfFile(); } else { error = RazorResources().errorComponentCharacter(getCurrentSymbol().getContent()); } getContext().onError(getCurrentLocation(), errorBase, error); } return found; } @SuppressWarnings("SimplifiableIfStatement") protected boolean ensureCurrent() { if (getCurrentSymbol() == null) { return nextToken(); } return true; } protected void acceptWhile(@Nonnull final TSymbolType type) { acceptWhile(input1 -> input1 != null && type == input1.getType()); } protected void acceptWhile(@Nonnull final TSymbolType type1, @Nonnull final TSymbolType type2) { acceptWhile(input1 -> input1 != null && (type1 == input1.getType() || type2 == input1.getType())); } protected void acceptWhile(@Nonnull final TSymbolType type1, @Nonnull final TSymbolType type2, @Nonnull final TSymbolType type3) { acceptWhile(input1 -> input1 != null && (type1 == input1.getType() || type2 == input1.getType() || type3 == input1.getType())); } @SafeVarargs protected final void acceptWhile(@Nonnull final TSymbolType... types) { acceptWhile(tSymbol -> tSymbol != null && Iterables.any(Arrays.asList(types), tSymbolType -> tSymbolType != null && tSymbolType == tSymbol.getType())); } protected void acceptUntil(@Nonnull final TSymbolType type) { acceptWhile(input1 -> input1 == null || type != input1.getType()); } protected void acceptUntil(@Nonnull final TSymbolType type1, @Nonnull final TSymbolType type2) { acceptWhile(input1 -> { if (input1 == null) return false; final TSymbolType symbolType = input1.getType(); return (type1 != symbolType && type2 != symbolType); }); } protected void acceptUntil(@Nonnull final TSymbolType type1, @Nonnull final TSymbolType type2, @Nonnull final TSymbolType type3) { acceptWhile(input1 -> { if (input1 == null) return false; final TSymbolType symbolType = input1.getType(); return (type1 != symbolType && type2 != symbolType && type3 != symbolType); }); } @SafeVarargs protected final void acceptUntil(@Nonnull final TSymbolType... types) { final List<TSymbolType> symbolTypeList = Arrays.asList(types); acceptWhile(tSymbol -> tSymbol == null || Iterables.all(symbolTypeList, tSymbolType -> tSymbolType == null || tSymbolType != tSymbol.getType())); } protected void acceptWhile(@Nonnull final Delegates.IFunc1<TSymbol, Boolean> condition) { accept(readWhileLazy(condition)); } protected Iterable<TSymbol> readWhile(@Nonnull final Delegates.IFunc1<TSymbol, Boolean> condition) { return Lists.newArrayList(readWhileLazy(condition)); } Iterable<TSymbol> readWhileLazy(@Nonnull final Delegates.IFunc1<TSymbol, Boolean> condition) { return new IterableIterator<TSymbol>() { @SuppressWarnings("LoopStatementThatDoesntLoop") @Override protected TSymbol computeNext() { while (ensureCurrent() && Boolean.TRUE.equals(condition.invoke(getCurrentSymbol()))) { try { return getCurrentSymbol(); } finally { nextToken(); } } return endOfData(); } }; } protected TSymbol acceptWhiteSpaceInLines() { TSymbol lastWs = null; while (getLanguage().isWhiteSpace(getCurrentSymbol()) || getLanguage().isNewLine(getCurrentSymbol())) { // Capture the previous whitespace node if (lastWs != null) { accept(lastWs); } if (getLanguage().isWhiteSpace(getCurrentSymbol())) { lastWs = getCurrentSymbol(); } else if (getLanguage().isNewLine(getCurrentSymbol())) { // Accept newline and reset last whitespace tracker accept(getCurrentSymbol()); lastWs = null; } getTokenizer().next(); } return lastWs; } protected boolean atIdentifier(final boolean allowKeywords) { return getCurrentSymbol() != null && (getLanguage().isIdentifier(getCurrentSymbol()) || (allowKeywords && getLanguage().isKeyword(getCurrentSymbol()))); } private void configure(@Nullable final SpanKind kind, @Nullable EnumSet<AcceptedCharacters> accepts) { if (kind != null) { getSpan().setKind(kind); } if (accepts != null) { getSpan().getEditHandler().setAcceptedCharacters(accepts); } } protected void outputSpanBeforeRazorComment() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(RazorResources().languageDoesNotSupportRazorComment()); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void commentSpanConfig(@Nonnull final SpanBuilder span) { span.setCodeGenerator(SpanCodeGenerator.Null); span.setEditHandler(SpanEditHandler.createDefault(getLanguage().createTokenizeStringDelegate())); } private final Delegates.IAction1<SpanBuilder> commentSpanConfigDelegate = input -> { if (input != null) { commentSpanConfig(input); } }; protected void razorComment() { if (!getLanguage().knowsSymbolType(KnownSymbolType.CommentStart) || !getLanguage().knowsSymbolType(KnownSymbolType.CommentStar) || !getLanguage().knowsSymbolType(KnownSymbolType.CommentBody)) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(RazorResources().languageDoesNotSupportRazorComment()); } outputSpanBeforeRazorComment(); try (final IDisposable pushSpanConfigDisposable = pushSpanConfig(commentSpanConfigDelegate)) { try (final IDisposable startBlockDisposable = getContext().startBlock(BlockType.Comment)) { getContext().getCurrentBlock().setCodeGenerator(new RazorCommentCodeGenerator()); final SourceLocation start = getCurrentLocation(); expected(KnownSymbolType.CommentStart); output(SpanKind.Transition, AcceptedCharacters.None); expected(KnownSymbolType.CommentStar); output(SpanKind.MetaCode, AcceptedCharacters.None); optional(KnownSymbolType.CommentBody); addMarkerSymbolIfNecessary(); output(SpanKind.Comment); boolean errorReported = false; if (!optional(KnownSymbolType.CommentStar)) { errorReported = true; getContext().onError(start, RazorResources().parseErrorRazorCommentNotTerminated()); } else { output(SpanKind.MetaCode, AcceptedCharacters.None); } if (!optional(KnownSymbolType.CommentStart)) { if (!errorReported) { errorReported = true; getContext().onError(start, RazorResources().parseErrorRazorCommentNotTerminated()); } } else { output(SpanKind.Transition, AcceptedCharacters.None); } } } initialize(getSpan()); } }