Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


package NexT.db.mongo;

import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject;
import com.mongodb.DBCollection;
import com.mongodb.DBCursor;
import com.mongodb.DBObject;
import java.util.List;
import org.bson.types.ObjectId;

 * @author Shinmera
 * @license GPLv3
 * @version 0.0.0
public class DataModel extends NexT.db.DataModel {
    private MongoWrapper wrapper;
    private DBCollection collection;
    private DBObject data;

    private DataModel(DBCollection collection, DBObject data) {
        this.wrapper = MongoWrapper.getInstance();
        this.collection = collection;
        if (data == null) {
   = new BasicDBObject();
        } else {
   = data;

     * Attempt to retrieve records from the specified collection using the
     * given query. If no records were found, null is returned instead.
     * @param collection The collection to query
     * @param query A DBObject representing the query parameters.
     * @return Null if no documents were found or an array of records.
     * @throws MongoException Thrown if the MongoWrapper has not been
     * initialized yet or if there was an error reading the objects from the db.
    public static DataModel[] getData(String collection, DBObject query) throws MongoException {
        return getData(collection, query, 0, -1);

     * Attempt to retrieve records from the specified collection using the
     * given query. If no records were found, null is returned instead.
     * @param collection The collection to query
     * @param query A DBObject representing the query parameters.
     * @param from From offset.
     * @param limit Max. number of entries.
     * @return Null if no documents were found or an array of records.
     * @throws MongoException Thrown if the MongoWrapper has not been
     * initialized yet or if there was an error reading the objects from the db.
    public static DataModel[] getData(String collection, DBObject query, int from, int limit)
            throws MongoException {
        MongoWrapper wrapper = MongoWrapper.getInstance();
        if (wrapper == null)
            throw new MongoException("MongoWrapper has not been initiated.");
        DBCollection col = wrapper.getCollection(collection);
        DBCursor cursor = col.find(query).skip(from);
        if (limit != -1)
            cursor = cursor.limit(limit);
        List<DBObject> modelsList;
        DataModel[] models;
        try {
            modelsList = cursor.toArray();
            models = new DataModel[modelsList.size()];
            for (int i = 0; i < models.length; i++) {
                models[i] = new DataModel(col, modelsList.get(i));
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new MongoException("Error while retrieving Objects", ex);
        } finally {
        if (models.length == 0)
            return null;
            return models;

     * Attempt to retrieve one record from the specified collection using the
     * given query.
     * @param collection The collection to query
     * @param query A DBObject representing the query parameters.
     * @return Null if no documents were found or the first record.
     * @throws MongoException Thrown if the MongoWrapper has not been
     * initialized yet or if there was an error reading the objects from the db.
    public static DataModel getFirst(String collection, DBObject query) throws MongoException {
        MongoWrapper wrapper = MongoWrapper.getInstance();
        if (wrapper == null)
            throw new MongoException("MongoWrapper has not been initiated.");
        DBCollection col = wrapper.getCollection(collection);
        DBObject obj = col.findOne(query);
        return (obj == null) ? null : new DataModel(col, obj);

     * Get an empty model for a given collection. This is mainly used to insert
     * new records into the database.
     * @param collection The name of the collection to use for this model.
     * @return Returns the new DataModel hull tied to the collection.
     * @throws MongoException Thrown if the MongoWrapper has not been
     * initialized yet.
    public static DataModel getHull(String collection) throws MongoException {
        MongoWrapper wrapper = MongoWrapper.getInstance();
        if (wrapper == null)
            throw new MongoException("MongoWrapper has not been initiated.");
        return new DataModel(wrapper.getCollection(collection), null);

     * Set a new or existing field to a given value. Objects can be nested by
     * storing DBObjects as a value.
     * @param column The key
     * @param o  The value
     * @return This object again so it can be used for chaining.
    public DataModel set(String column, Object o) {
        data.put(column, o);
        return this;

     * Retrieve the object from a particular key. If the requested key does not
     * exist, null is returned. Note that this is no test for whether a field
     * already exists or not, as the value of an existing field may also be
     * null.
     * @param column
     * @return The requested Object or null.
    public <T> T get(String column) {
        return (data.containsField(column)) ? (T) data.get(column) : null;

     * Returns whether a given key exists in the model or not.
     * @param column
     * @return 
    public boolean hasColumn(String column) {
        return data.containsField(column);

    public String id() {
        return ((ObjectId) get("_id")).toString();

     * Inserts the data into the db as a new record and replaces the original
     * data in the model. Note that after performing this action, all update()
     * and delete() calls only affect the documents matching the latest insert.
     * @throws MongoException 
     * @return This object again so it can be used for chaining.
    public DataModel insert() throws MongoException {
        try {
            int affected = collection.insert(data).getN();
            MongoWrapper.LOG.fine("[DataModel] Record " + data + " inserted. " + affected + " records affected.");
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new MongoException("Insert failed!", ex);
        return this;

     * Attempts to update the model in the database. This is only possible if
     * the object has been retrieved through getData or if the hull has been
     * inserted before.
     * @throws MongoException 
     * @return This object again so it can be used for chaining.
     * @see DataModel#insert() 
    public DataModel update() throws MongoException {
        if (!data.containsField("_id"))
            throw new MongoException("Model is only a hull. Perform an insert first!");
        try {
            int affected = collection.update(new BasicDBObject().append("_id", get("_id")), data).getN();
            MongoWrapper.LOG.fine("[DataModel] Record updated to " + data + ". " + affected + " records affected.");
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new MongoException("Update failed!", ex);
        return this;

     * Attempts to delete the model in the database. This is only possible if
     * the object has been retrieved through getData or if the hull has been
     * inserted before.
     * @throws MongoException 
     * @return This object again so it can be used for chaining.
     * @see DataModel#insert() 
    public DataModel delete() throws MongoException {
        if (!data.containsField("_id"))
            throw new MongoException("Model is only a hull. Perform an insert first!");
        try {
            int affected = collection.remove(data).getN();
                    .fine("[DataModel] Record matching " + data + " deleted. " + affected + " records affected.");
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new MongoException("Delete failed!", ex);
        return this;