Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package netdecoder; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import static netdecoder.NetDecoderUtils.createNetworkFromPaths; import static netdecoder.NetDecoderUtils.getFlowDifference; import static netdecoder.NetDecoderUtils.getTotalFlowInProteins; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.PosixParser; /** * * @author edroaldo * */ public class NetDecoder { private CommandLine cmd = null; private Options options = null; private String file; //private String fileHGNC; private String geneSymbol; private String ontologyFile; public boolean checkArgs(String args[]) { try { options = new Options(); options.addOption("PPI", true, "PPI network"); options.addOption("HGNC", true, "mappings to official gene symbols"); options.addOption("SYMBOL", true, "mappings between protein ids, gene symbols and gene ontologies"); options.addOption("GO", true, "The Gene Ontology"); options.addOption("gen", false, "generate patient-specific networks"); options.addOption("randomizations", true, "num of randomizations to perform"); options.addOption("comp", false, "generate composite network by integrating patient-specific networks"); options.addOption("e", true, "gene expression matrix"); options.addOption("s", true, "table contaning sample annotation"); options.addOption("d", true, "type of network to generate, e.g, control or ERnegative"); options.addOption("control", true, "control annotation from the sample table to select control arrays"); options.addOption("condition", true, "disease annotation from the sample table to select control arrays"); options.addOption("g", true, "gene list to be used as sources"); options.addOption("i", true, "file containing irrelevant Gene Ontologies"); options.addOption("out", true, "output folder to save patient-specific networks"); options.addOption("in", true, "folder containig patient-specific networks"); options.addOption("f", true, "filename"); options.addOption("nc", true, "network control"); options.addOption("ncp", true, "network control paths"); options.addOption("nd", true, "network disease"); options.addOption("ndp", true, "network disease paths"); options.addOption("lfm", true, "load filtered matrix of key interactions"); options.addOption("H", false, "Hub analysis"); options.addOption("S", false, "Evaluate the significance of predicted key edges"); options.addOption("E", false, "Edge analysis"); options.addOption("corThreshold", true, "correlation threshold for key edges"); options.addOption("ratioThreshold", true, "ratio threshold for key edges"); options.addOption("ratioSink", true, "ratio to select sinks with flow differences"); options.addOption("ratioHidden", true, "ratio to select hidden proteins with flow differences"); options.addOption("top", true, "top sinks or hidden proteins"); options.addOption("overlap", false, "Remove overlap control and disese edges"); options.addOption("includeKeyEdges", false, "Prioritize paths including key edges in addition to include hidden and sinks with highest flow differences"); options.addOption("P", false, "Path analysis"); options.addOption("PD", false, "Path analysis with DEGs"); options.addOption("thresholdFlow", true, "Threshold for flow"); options.addOption("thresholdDistance1", true, "Threshold for euclidean distance, similarity"); options.addOption("thresholdDistance2", true, "Threshold for euclidean distance, dyssimilarity"); options.addOption("frequency", true, "Use frequency to filter edges"); options.addOption("C", false, "Evaluate context contribution of disease-associated genes"); options.addOption("gwGOscores", true, "load genome-wide GO scores"); options.addOption("geneGOscores", true, "load gene GO scores"); options.addOption("ds", true, "list of disease states"); options.addOption("gGO", false, "calculate GO scores for disease-associated genes"); options.addOption("GRN", true, "Gene regulatory network used to defined a context for disease-associated genes"); options.addOption("GWGO", false, "generate genome-wide GO scores"); options.addOption("sourceGOscores", true, "file containing GO scores generated from source genes defined by the user (top 100, for example)"); options.addOption("UGL", false, "run NetDecoder using a user-defined gene list as sources"); options.addOption("PKS", false, "Predict key source genes"); options.addOption("PKP", false, "Predic key processes"); options.addOption("GN", false, "Evaluate DFNs in different contexts"); options.addOption("DFN", false, "Obtain two differential networks from two networks"); options.addOption("topPATHS", false, "Create subnetworks from top paths in DFNs"); options.addOption("RANDOM", false, "Create composite networks using a randomized PPI"); options.addOption("rPPI", true, "Random PPI"); options.addOption("rr", true, "Indicate if real or random expression is used"); options.addOption("ccs", true, "list of CCS files, space separated"); options.addOption("cCCS", false, "combine Context-Contribution Scores"); options.addOption("hCCS", true, "Threshold to select high CCS > 10"); options.addOption("lCCS", true, "Threshold to select low CCS (< -10)"); options.addOption("variance", true, "Variance to filter CCS (> 50)"); options.addOption("V", false, "Run a validation analysis"); //options.addOption("generate_random_sources", false, "generate random sources"); //options.addOption("random_sources", true, "file containing random sources"); //options.addOption("num_random_sources", true, "number of random sources to generate"); //options.addOption("num_iterations", true, "number of iterations"); CommandLineParser parser = new PosixParser(); this.cmd = parser.parse(options, args); return true; } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } return false; } public void runAnalysis() throws Exception, IOException, NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException { file = cmd.getOptionValue("PPI"); //fileHGNC = cmd.getOptionValue("HGNC"); geneSymbol = cmd.getOptionValue("SYMBOL"); ontologyFile = cmd.getOptionValue("GO"); if (cmd.hasOption("gen")) { generatePhenotypeNetworks(); } else if (cmd.hasOption("RANDOM")) { generateRandomNetworks(); } else if (cmd.hasOption("E")) { edgeAnalysis(); System.exit(0); } else if (cmd.hasOption("S")) { FOXM1(); //computePval(); //applyEdgeAnalysis2RandomNetworks(); //computeCCSRandomNetworks(); System.exit(0); } else if (cmd.hasOption("C")) { //impactScore(); System.exit(0); } else if (cmd.hasOption("cCCS")) { if (cmd.hasOption("RANDOM")) { //significantCCS(); } else { plotIP(); } System.exit(0); } else if (cmd.hasOption("V")) { validation(); System.exit(0); } } public void validation() throws IOException { } //use edge flow for each edge in a path_dir as a test statistic? //or use total flow through a path_dir as a test statistic? public void computePval() throws Exception { //CONTINUE LATER... String dir = cmd.getOptionValue("out"); //String d = cmd.getOptionValue("d"); String filename = cmd.getOptionValue("f"); String ncp = cmd.getOptionValue("nc"); String ndp = cmd.getOptionValue("nd"); String condition = cmd.getOptionValue("condition"); //RJava rJava = new RJava(); List<String> controlPaths = Serialization.deserialize(ncp, List.class); List<String> diseasePaths = Serialization.deserialize(ndp, List.class); List<Path> cPaths = NetDecoderUtils.convertString2Paths(controlPaths); List<Path> dPaths = NetDecoderUtils.convertString2Paths(diseasePaths); System.out.println(controlPaths.size()); System.out.println(diseasePaths.size()); System.out.println(dPaths.size()); String ref = "RandomNetwork_ERnegative_Sources"; List<List<Path>> allRandomPaths = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { //50 randomizations String path_dir = dir + condition + "/random/random_" + i + "/"; String open = path_dir + ref; //System.out.println("Opening file in " + open); List<String> randomPathsAux = Serialization.deserialize(open + "_paths.ser", List.class); List<Path> randomPaths = NetDecoderUtils.convertString2Paths(randomPathsAux); allRandomPaths.add(randomPaths); } List<Path> significantPaths = new ArrayList(); for (Path path : dPaths) { double countHigher = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { //50 randomizations List<Path> randomPaths = allRandomPaths.get(i); double rPathFlow = 0; //if a a random network do not contains an observed path, its path flow in zero. if (randomPaths.contains(path)) { int index = randomPaths.indexOf(path); Path rPath = randomPaths.get(index); rPathFlow = rPath.getFlow(); } if (rPathFlow >= path.getFlow()) { countHigher++; } } double pvalueHigher = countHigher / 50.0; if (pvalueHigher < 0.05) { significantPaths.add(path); System.out.println(path); System.out.println("higher flow: " + pvalueHigher); System.out.println("-----------"); } } System.out.println("significant paths: " + significantPaths.size() + " of " + dPaths.size()); } //Figure out a way to compute p-values using flow difference as test statistic public void computePval_TMP_OLD() throws Exception { //CONTINUE LATER... String dir = cmd.getOptionValue("out"); //String d = cmd.getOptionValue("d"); String filename = cmd.getOptionValue("f"); String nc = cmd.getOptionValue("nc"); String nd = cmd.getOptionValue("nd"); String condition = cmd.getOptionValue("condition"); //RJava rJava = new RJava(); Map<String, Node> controlNetwork = Serialization.deserialize(nc, Map.class); Map<String, Node> diseaseNetwork = Serialization.deserialize(nd, Map.class); Map<String, Map<String, Double>> flowInNetworks = getFlowInNetworks(controlNetwork, diseaseNetwork); //Map<String, Double> diseaseSinksMap = NetDecoderUtils.getSinks(diseasePaths); //Map<String, Double> obsFlowDifference = getFlowDifference(flowInNetworks, diseaseSinksMap.keySet()); Map<String, Double> obsFlowDifference = computeImpactScore(controlNetwork, diseaseNetwork); System.out.println(controlNetwork.size()); System.out.println(diseaseNetwork.size()); System.out.println(obsFlowDifference.size()); String ref = "RandomNetwork_ERnegative_Sources"; for (String gene : obsFlowDifference.keySet()) { System.out.println(gene); double countHigher = 0; double countLower = 0; double total = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { //50 randomizations String path = dir + condition + "/random/random_" + i + "/"; String open = path + ref; //System.out.println("Opening file in " + open); Map<String, Node> randomNetwork = Serialization.deserialize(open + "_subnet.ser", Map.class); //Map<String, Double> randomSinksMap = NetDecoderUtils.getSinks(randomPaths); //Map<String, Map<String, Double>> randFlowInNetworks = getFlowInNetworks(controlPaths, randomPaths); //Map<String, Double> randFlowDifference = getFlowDifference(randFlowInNetworks, randomSinksMap.keySet()); Map<String, Double> randFlowDifference = computeImpactScore(controlNetwork, randomNetwork); if (randFlowDifference.containsKey(gene)) { if (randFlowDifference.get(gene) >= obsFlowDifference.get(gene)) { countHigher++; } if (randFlowDifference.get(gene) <= obsFlowDifference.get(gene)) { countLower++; } } else { System.out.println("it is not a sink in random network..."); } } double pvalueHigher = countHigher / 50.0; double pvalueLower = countLower / 50.0; System.out.println(pvalueHigher); System.out.println(pvalueLower); /*System.out.println("---counts---"); System.out.println(countHigher); System.out.println(countLower);*/ System.out.println("-----------"); } } //assessing significance of key edges and top hidden/sinks //first apply an edge analysis in each random network... then count! public void applyEdgeAnalysis2RandomNetworks() throws Exception { //CONTINUE LATER... String dir = cmd.getOptionValue("out"); //String d = cmd.getOptionValue("d"); String filename = cmd.getOptionValue("f"); String nc = cmd.getOptionValue("nc"); String ncp = cmd.getOptionValue("ncp"); String control = cmd.getOptionValue("control"); String condition = cmd.getOptionValue("condition"); Double corThreshold = Double.valueOf(cmd.getOptionValue("corThreshold")); Double ratioThreshold = Double.valueOf(cmd.getOptionValue("ratioThreshold")); Double ratioSink = Double.valueOf(cmd.getOptionValue("ratioSink")); Double ratioHidden = Double.valueOf(cmd.getOptionValue("ratioHidden")); Integer top = Integer.valueOf(cmd.getOptionValue("top")); RJava rJava = new RJava(); Map<String, Node> controlNetwork = Serialization.deserialize(nc, Map.class); //List<String> controlNetworkPaths = Serialization.deserialize(ncp, List.class); //NEED TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO ITERATE THROUGH ALL NETWORKS/PATHS FROM THE FOLDERS... String ref = "RandomNetwork_ERnegative_Sources"; for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { //50 randomizations String path = dir + condition + "/random/random_" + i + "/"; String open = path + ref; System.out.println("Opening file in " + open); Map<String, Node> diseaseNetwork = Serialization.deserialize(open + "_subnet.ser", Map.class); //List<String> diseaseNetworkPaths = Serialization.deserialize(open + "_paths.ser", List.class); Map<String, Map<String, Double>> flowInNetworks = getFlowInNetworks(controlNetwork, diseaseNetwork); Set<Edge> cEdges = getAllEdges(controlNetwork); Set<Edge> dEdges = getAllEdges(diseaseNetwork); Map<String, Map<String, Double>> flowMatrix = new LinkedHashMap(); if (!cmd.hasOption("overlap")) { //use only edges in both networks to infer key edges? dEdges.addAll(cEdges); } else { dEdges.retainAll(cEdges); } Map<String, Double> xxControl = new LinkedHashMap(); Map<String, Double> xxDisease = new LinkedHashMap(); for (Edge e : dEdges) { Edge eControl = NetDecoderUtils.getEdge(controlNetwork, e); Edge eDisease = NetDecoderUtils.getEdge(diseaseNetwork, e); if (eControl != null && eDisease != null) { xxControl.put(e.toString(), eControl.getFlow()); xxDisease.put(e.toString(), eDisease.getFlow()); } else if (eControl != null) { xxControl.put(e.toString(), eControl.getFlow()); xxDisease.put(e.toString(), 0.0); } else if (eDisease != null) { xxControl.put(e.toString(), 0.0); xxDisease.put(e.toString(), eDisease.getFlow()); } } flowMatrix.put(control, xxControl); flowMatrix.put(condition, xxDisease); Map<String, Map<String, Double>> aux = changeMapping(flowMatrix); String name = path + filename + "_flowMatrix"; saveFlowMatrix(aux, control, condition, name + ".txt"); rJava.plotBarplot(path, name, condition, corThreshold, ratioThreshold, filename); } countFeatures(dir, filename, condition); } public void countFeatures(String dir, String filename, String condition) throws Exception { //String dir = cmd.getOptionValue("in"); //String filename = cmd.getOptionValue("f"); //String control = cmd.getOptionValue("control"); //String condition = cmd.getOptionValue("condition"); String rKeyEdges = dir + condition + "/" + filename + "_keyEdges.txt"; System.out.println(rKeyEdges); Set<Edge> realKeyEdges = loadKeyEdges(rKeyEdges); Map<String, Integer> countKeyEdges = new LinkedHashMap(); for (Edge ed : realKeyEdges) { countKeyEdges.put(ed.toString(), 0); } for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { //50 randomizations String random = "/random/random_" + i; String path = dir + condition + random + "/"; String keyEdgesFile = path + filename + "_keyEdges.txt"; Set<Edge> keyEdges = loadKeyEdges(keyEdgesFile); //allKeyEdges.put(random, keyEdges); for (Edge e : keyEdges) { if (countKeyEdges.containsKey(e.toString())) { countKeyEdges.put(e.toString(), countKeyEdges.get(e.toString()) + 1); } } } System.out.println(countKeyEdges); } public List<Double> getRandomCorrelations(List<Double> correlations) { List<Double> random = new ArrayList(); int max = correlations.size(); int min = 0; for (int i = 0; i < correlations.size(); i++) { Random rand = new Random(); int randomNumber = rand.nextInt((max - min) + min); random.add(correlations.get(randomNumber)); } return random; } public void generateRandomNetworks() throws IOException { System.out.println("Random networks..."); String geneListFile = cmd.getOptionValue("g"); String state = cmd.getOptionValue("d"); String filename = cmd.getOptionValue("f"); int numIterations = Integer.valueOf(cmd.getOptionValue("randomizations")); String dir = cmd.getOptionValue("out"); OntologyUtils utils = new OntologyUtils(ontologyFile); NetworkFlow net = new NetworkFlow(); InputOutput io = new InputOutput(); io.getColumnFromMITABFaster(file); List<String> TFAnnot = setDefaultSinks(); Set<String> sourceGenes = new LinkedHashSet(NetworkFlow.getGenes(geneListFile)); Set<String> sinks = net.setUniversalSinksHuman(utils, TFAnnot, geneSymbol); List<List<Node>> sourcesAndSinks = net.selectSources(sourceGenes, sinks, io.getProteinsA(), io.getProteinsB()); List<Node> sources = sourcesAndSinks.get(0); //0 stores the sources List<Node> sinkNodes = sourcesAndSinks.get(1); //1 stores the sinks for (int i = 0; i < numIterations; i++) { String path2create = dir + state + "/random_" + i + "/"; new File(path2create).mkdirs(); //create folders System.out.println("saving data into: " + path2create); List<Double> correlations = getRandomCorrelations(io.getCorrelations());//io.getCorrelations(); //get random numbers between 0 and 1 List<Double> signCors = io.getSignCors(); Map<Integer, Map<String, Edge>> allPathsNet = new LinkedHashMap(); Set<String> sinkGOSubnet = new LinkedHashSet(); Map<String, Node> network = new LinkedHashMap(); net.createNetwork(sources, sinkNodes, network, io.getProteinsA(), io.getProteinsB(), correlations, signCors); net.mappingNameToId(network); net.setGOHuman(network, utils, geneSymbol); net.compute(network, allPathsNet, utils, sinkGOSubnet); Map<String, Node> subnet = new LinkedHashMap(); Map<Integer, List<Edge>> pathsSubnet = net.buildSubnet(network, subnet, allPathsNet); //Map<Integer, List<Edge>> pathsSubnet = net.getPaths(auxNetMP, subnet); List<String> pathsFlow = new ArrayList(); for (Integer path : pathsSubnet.keySet()) { String pathFlowAsString = NetDecoderUtils.convertPath2String(pathsSubnet.get(path), true); pathsFlow.add(pathFlowAsString); } String subnetName = filename + "_subnet.ser"; String pathsName = filename + "_paths.ser"; Serialization.serialize(subnet, path2create + subnetName); Serialization.serialize(pathsFlow, path2create + pathsName); Map<String, Double> GOscoreW = NetworkFlow.countGOWeighted(subnet); NetworkFlow.saveGOscoresW(GOscoreW, state, utils, path2create + filename + ".txt"); } } public void generatePhenotypeNetworks() throws IOException { System.out.println("Phenotype-specific networks..."); String geneListFile = cmd.getOptionValue("g"); String state = cmd.getOptionValue("d"); String filename = cmd.getOptionValue("f"); String dir = cmd.getOptionValue("out"); OntologyUtils utils = new OntologyUtils(ontologyFile); NetworkFlow net = new NetworkFlow(); InputOutput io = new InputOutput(); io.getColumnFromMITABFaster(file); List<String> TFAnnot = setDefaultSinks(); Set<String> sourceGenes = new LinkedHashSet(NetworkFlow.getGenes(geneListFile)); List<Double> correlations = io.getCorrelations(); List<Double> signCors = io.getSignCors(); Map<Integer, Map<String, Edge>> allPathsNet = new LinkedHashMap(); Set<String> sinkGOSubnet = new LinkedHashSet(); Map<String, Node> network = new LinkedHashMap(); Set<String> sinks = net.setUniversalSinksHuman(utils, TFAnnot, geneSymbol); List<List<Node>> sourcesAndSinks = net.selectSources(sourceGenes, sinks, io.getProteinsA(), io.getProteinsB()); List<Node> sources = sourcesAndSinks.get(0); List<Node> sinkNodes = sourcesAndSinks.get(1); net.createNetwork(sources, sinkNodes, network, io.getProteinsA(), io.getProteinsB(), correlations, signCors); net.mappingNameToId(network); net.setGOHuman(network, utils, geneSymbol); net.compute(network, allPathsNet, utils, sinkGOSubnet); Map<String, Node> subnet = new LinkedHashMap(); Map<Integer, List<Edge>> pathsSubnet = net.buildSubnet(network, subnet, allPathsNet); //Map<Integer, List<Edge>> pathsSubnet = net.getPaths(auxNetMP, subnet); List<String> pathsFlow = new ArrayList(); for (Integer path : pathsSubnet.keySet()) { String pathFlowAsString = NetDecoderUtils.convertPath2String(pathsSubnet.get(path), true); pathsFlow.add(pathFlowAsString); } //String subnetName = filename + "_subnet.ser"; String pathsName = filename + "_paths.ser"; //Serialization.serialize(subnet, dir + subnetName); Serialization.serialize(pathsFlow, dir + pathsName); //(new NetworkFlow()).saveSubNet(subnet, filename+"_subnet.txt"); //Map<String, Double> GOscoreW = NetworkFlow.countGOWeighted(subnet); //NetworkFlow.saveGOscoresW(GOscoreW, state, utils, dir + filename + ".txt"); } public Map<String, Map<String, Double>> changeMapping(Map<String, Map<String, Double>> ccsMap) { //gene -> matrix -> score Map<String, Map<String, Double>> aux = new LinkedHashMap(); for (String s : ccsMap.keySet()) { for (String go : ccsMap.get(s).keySet()) { Map<String, Double> aux2 = new LinkedHashMap(); aux2.put(s, ccsMap.get(s).get(go)); if (!aux.containsKey(go)) { aux.put(go, aux2); } else { aux.get(go).put(s, aux2.get(s)); } } } return aux; } public void plotIP() throws IOException, NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException { //open several files containing all context contribution scores for a specific phenotype String[] ccs = cmd.getOptionValue("ccs").split("\\ "); List<String> diseases = Arrays.asList(cmd.getOptionValue("ds").split("\\ ")); String filename = cmd.getOptionValue("f"); String dir = cmd.getOptionValue("out"); /*Map<String, Map<String, Double>> ccsMap = new LinkedHashMap(); for(int i = 0; i < ccs.length; i++){ System.out.println(diseases.get(i) + " " + loadCCS(ccs[i])); ccsMap.put(diseases.get(i), loadCCS(ccs[i])); } //System.out.println(ccsMap); Map<String, Map<String, Double>> CCS = changeMapping(ccsMap); System.out.println(CCS);*/ /*for (String path_dir : CCS.keySet()) { if (CCS.get(path_dir).size() < diseases.size()) { //in case the state is not present in all CCS profiles. for (int i = 1; i < ccs.length; i++) { CCS.get(path_dir).put(diseases.get(i), 0.0); } } }*/ //saveCCSMatrix(CCS, filename+".txt"); RJava rJava = new RJava(); if (diseases.size() == 2) { //rJava.plotHeatmap_CCS(dir, ccs[0], ccs[1], filename, diseases.get(0), diseases.get(1)); rJava.createScritpHeatmap_CCS(dir, ccs[0], ccs[1], filename, diseases.get(0), diseases.get(1)); } else { rJava.plotHeatmap_CCS_2(dir, ccs[0], ccs[1], ccs[2], filename, diseases.get(0), diseases.get(1), diseases.get(2)); } //rJava.plotHeatmap_CCS_2(dir, ccs[0], "", filename, diseases.get(0), ""); //rJava.plotHeatmap_Fig4(dir, filename); } public static void saveCCSMatrix(Map<String, Map<String, Double>> ccsMatrix, String file) throws IOException { File f = new File(file); if (!f.exists()) { f.createNewFile(); } FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(f.getAbsoluteFile()); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fw); int i = 0; bw.write("gene"); for (String gene : ccsMatrix.keySet()) { Map<String, Double> ccs = ccsMatrix.get(gene); if (i == 0) { for (String matrix : ccs.keySet()) { bw.write("\t" + matrix); //bw.write(edge.getSymbol() + "\t"); } bw.newLine(); i = 1; } //bw.write(state.getSymbol() + "\t"); bw.write(gene); for (String matrix : ccs.keySet()) { bw.write("\t" + ccs.get(matrix)); } bw.newLine(); } bw.close(); } public static Map<String, Double> loadCCS(String file) throws IOException { Map<String, Double> ccs = new LinkedHashMap(); BufferedReader in = null; //int edgesColumn = 1; //int scoreColumn = 3; try { in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); String firstLine = in.readLine(); //System.out.println(firstLine); String line; while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { String[] columns = line.split("\t"); String gene = columns[1]; Double score = Double.valueOf(columns[2]); ccs.put(gene, score); } return ccs; } finally { in.close(); } } /* public void computeCCSRandomNetworks() throws Exception{ //CONTINUE LATER... String[] gwGOscore = cmd.getOptionValue("gwGOscores").split("\\ "); String[] geneGOscore = cmd.getOptionValue("geneGOscores").split("\\ "); //List<String> diseaseStates = Arrays.asList(cmd.getOptionValue("ds").split("\\ ")); String realRandom = cmd.getOptionValue("rr"); String dir = cmd.getOptionValue("in"); String condition = cmd.getOptionValue("condition"); String filename = cmd.getOptionValue("f"); List<Map<String, Map<String, Double>>> geneContext = new ArrayList(); geneContext.add(Serialization.deserialize(geneGOscore[0], Map.class)); geneContext.add(Serialization.deserialize(geneGOscore[1], Map.class)); String ref = "RandomNetwork_ERnegative_Sources"; for(int i = 0; i < 50; i++){ String state = "random_" + i; List<String> diseaseStates = new ArrayList(); diseaseStates.add("control"); diseaseStates.add(state); String path_dir = dir + condition + "/random/random_" + i + "/"; String open = path_dir + ref; System.out.println(dir); System.out.println("Opening file in " + open); List<Map<String, Double>> genomeContext = new ArrayList(); Map<String, Double> auxGW = NetworkFlow.loadGOscores(open + ".txt"); genomeContext.add(NetworkFlow.loadGOscores(gwGOscore[0])); genomeContext.add(auxGW); NetDecoderUtils.contributionScore(genomeContext, geneContext, diseaseStates, realRandom, path_dir + filename); } }*/ public Set<Edge> getAllEdges(Map<String, Node> network) { Set<Edge> edges = new LinkedHashSet(); for (String p : network.keySet()) { Node protein = network.get(p); for (Edge edge : protein.getEdges()) { if (edge.getFrom().getName().equals("s") || edge.getTo().getName().equals("t")) { continue; } edges.add(edge); } } return edges; } public static void saveFlowMatrix(Map<String, Map<String, Double>> flowMatrix, String control, String disease, String file) throws IOException { File f = new File(file); if (!f.exists()) { f.createNewFile(); } FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(f.getAbsoluteFile()); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fw); bw.write("edge\t" + control + "\t" + disease); bw.newLine(); for (String edge : flowMatrix.keySet()) { bw.write(edge); Map<String, Double> states = flowMatrix.get(edge); for (String state : states.keySet()) { bw.write("\t" + states.get(state)); } bw.newLine(); } bw.close(); } public static Set<Edge> loadKeyEdges(String file) throws IOException { Set<Edge> keyEdges = new LinkedHashSet(); BufferedReader in = null; int edgesColumn = 0; try { in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); in.readLine(); String line; while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { String[] columns = line.split("\t"); String[] xx = columns[edgesColumn].split("\\->"); Edge edge = new Edge(new Node(xx[0]), new Node(xx[1])); keyEdges.add(edge); } return keyEdges; } finally { in.close(); } } public Map<String, Double> computeImpactScore(Map<String, Node> controlNetwork, Map<String, Node> diseaseNetwork) { Map<String, Map<String, Double>> flowInNetworks = getFlowInNetworks(controlNetwork, diseaseNetwork); Map<String, Double> scores = new LinkedHashMap(); Map<String, Double> sources = NetDecoderUtils.getSources(diseaseNetwork); for (String gene : flowInNetworks.keySet()) { //for (String path_dir : candidateGenes) { if (!(sources.containsKey(gene) || gene.equals("s") || gene.equals("t"))) { if (controlNetwork.containsKey(gene) && diseaseNetwork.containsKey(gene)) { double numRI = rewiredInteractions(gene, controlNetwork, diseaseNetwork); int numCC = correlationChange(gene, controlNetwork, diseaseNetwork); //double score = Math.log10((Math.abs(flowInNetworks.get(path_dir).get("difference")) * numRI * numCC)); double score = flowInNetworks.get(gene).get("difference") * numRI * numCC; scores.put(gene, score); //System.out.println(path_dir + "\t" + score +"\t" + numRI + "\t" + numCC + "\t" + flowInNetworks.get(path_dir).get("difference")); } } } Map<String, Double> sortedScores = NetworkFlow.sortByValues(scores); List<String> aux = new ArrayList(sortedScores.keySet()); List<String> topGenes_down = aux.subList(0, 20); List<String> topGenes_up = aux.subList(aux.size() - 20, aux.size()); List<String> topGenes = new ArrayList(topGenes_down); topGenes.addAll(topGenes_up); Map<String, Double> topGenesScores = new LinkedHashMap(); for (String g : topGenes) { //topGenesScores.put(g, Math.log10(sortedScores.get(g))); if (sortedScores.get(g) > 0) { topGenesScores.put(g, Math.log10(sortedScores.get(g))); } else { double tmp = -Math.log10(Math.abs(sortedScores.get(g))); topGenesScores.put(g, tmp); } } return topGenesScores; } public Map<String, Double> getEdgeFlow(Map<String, Node> network) { Map<String, Double> edgeFlows = new LinkedHashMap(); Set<Edge> edges = getAllEdges(network); for (Edge e : edges) { edgeFlows.put(e.toString(), e.getFlow()); } return edgeFlows; } public void impactScore(String path2create) throws IOException, NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException { String dir = cmd.getOptionValue("out"); String filename = cmd.getOptionValue("f"); //List<String> diseaseStates = Arrays.asList(cmd.getOptionValue("ds").split("\\ ")); //String geneListFile = cmd.getOptionValue("g"); String control = cmd.getOptionValue("control"); String condition = cmd.getOptionValue("condition"); String ncp = cmd.getOptionValue("ncp"); String ndp = cmd.getOptionValue("ndp"); RJava rJava = new RJava(); List<String> controlNetworkPaths = Serialization.deserialize(ncp, List.class); List<String> diseaseNetworkPaths = Serialization.deserialize(ndp, List.class); Map<String, Node> controlNetwork = createNetworkFromPaths(controlNetworkPaths); Map<String, Node> diseaseNetwork = createNetworkFromPaths(diseaseNetworkPaths); Map<String, Double> topGenesScores = computeImpactScore(controlNetwork, diseaseNetwork); //String path2create = dir + diseaseStates.get(1) + "/"; //String path2create = dir + condition + "/"; //new File(path2create).mkdirs(); Map<String, Map<String, Double>> flowDifference = getFlowInNetworks(controlNetwork, diseaseNetwork); Map<String, Double> totalFlowsDisease = NetDecoderUtils.getTotalFlow(diseaseNetwork); Map<String, Double> totalFlowsControl = NetDecoderUtils.getTotalFlow(controlNetwork); List<String> Rscripts = new ArrayList(); for (String gene : topGenesScores.keySet()) { List<Edge> controlEdges = controlNetwork.get(gene).getEdges(); List<Edge> diseaseEdges = diseaseNetwork.get(gene).getEdges(); Map<String, Node> cNet = NetDecoderUtils.createMotifImpactScore(controlEdges); Map<String, Node> dNet = NetDecoderUtils.createMotifImpactScore(diseaseEdges); (new NetworkFlow()).saveSubNet(cNet, path2create + filename + "_" + gene + "_IP_Control.txt"); (new NetworkFlow()).saveSubNet(dNet, path2create + filename + "_" + gene + "_IP_Disease.txt"); Map<String, Double> controlDiff = getFlowDifference(flowDifference, cNet.keySet()); Map<String, Double> diseaseDiff = getFlowDifference(flowDifference, dNet.keySet()); Map<String, Double> controlTotal = getTotalFlowInProteins(totalFlowsControl, cNet.keySet()); Map<String, Double> diseaseTotal = getTotalFlowInProteins(totalFlowsDisease, dNet.keySet()); Map<String, Double> controlEdgesFlow = getEdgeFlow(cNet); Map<String, Double> diseaseEdgesFlow = getEdgeFlow(dNet); NetDecoderUtils.saveFlows(controlTotal, path2create + filename + "_" + gene + "_IP_totalFlow_Control.txt"); NetDecoderUtils.saveFlows(diseaseTotal, path2create + filename + "_" + gene + "_IP_totalFlow_Disease.txt"); NetDecoderUtils.saveFlows(controlDiff, path2create + filename + "_" + gene + "_IP_flowDifference_Control.txt"); NetDecoderUtils.saveFlows(diseaseDiff, path2create + filename + "_" + gene + "_IP_flowDifference_Disease.txt"); NetDecoderUtils.saveFlows(controlEdgesFlow, path2create + filename + "_" + gene + "_IP_edge_flows_Control.txt"); NetDecoderUtils.saveFlows(diseaseEdgesFlow, path2create + filename + "_" + gene + "_IP_edge_flows_Disease.txt"); /*rJava.exportGML2(path2create + filename + "_" + gene + "_IP_Control", path2create + filename + "_" + gene + "_IP_totalFlow_Control", path2create + filename + "_" + gene + "_IP_flowDifference_Control"); rJava.exportGML2(path2create + filename + "_" + gene + "_IP_Disease", path2create + filename + "_" + gene + "_IP_totalFlow_Disease", path2create + filename + "_" + gene + "_IP_flowDifference_Disease"); rJava.plotDistribution(path2create + filename + "_" + gene + "_IP_edge_flows_Control", diseaseStates.get(0)); rJava.plotDistribution(path2create + filename + "_" + gene + "_IP_edge_flows_Disease", diseaseStates.get(1));*/ String gmlControl = rJava.createScriptExportGML2(path2create + filename + "_" + gene + "_IP_Control", path2create + filename + "_" + gene + "_IP_totalFlow_Control", path2create + filename + "_" + gene + "_IP_flowDifference_Control"); String gmlDisease = rJava.createScriptExportGML2(path2create + filename + "_" + gene + "_IP_Disease", path2create + filename + "_" + gene + "_IP_totalFlow_Disease", path2create + filename + "_" + gene + "_IP_flowDifference_Disease"); //String distrControl = rJava.createDistributionScript(path2create + filename + "_" + gene + "_IP_edge_flows_Control", diseaseStates.get(0)); //String distrDisease = rJava.createDistributionScript(path2create + filename + "_" + gene + "_IP_edge_flows_Disease", diseaseStates.get(1)); String distrControl = rJava.createDistributionScript( path2create + filename + "_" + gene + "_IP_edge_flows_Control", control); String distrDisease = rJava.createDistributionScript( path2create + filename + "_" + gene + "_IP_edge_flows_Disease", condition); Rscripts.add(gmlControl); Rscripts.add(gmlDisease); Rscripts.add(distrControl); Rscripts.add(distrDisease); } NetDecoderUtils.saveCCS(topGenesScores, condition, filename + "_IMPACT_SCORE_" + condition + ".txt"); String plotIP = rJava.createScritpHeatmap_CCS_1(dir, filename + "_IMPACT_SCORE_" + condition, condition); Rscripts.add(plotIP); String scriptName = dir + filename + "_IMPACT_SCORE_combinedScript_" + condition + ".R"; NetDecoderUtils.combineFiles(Rscripts, scriptName); try { Runtime.getRuntime().exec("R --slave --no-save CMD BATCH " + scriptName); } catch (IOException io) { System.out.println(io.getMessage()); } //NetDecoderUtils.saveCCS(topGenesScores, diseaseStates.get(1), realRandom, // filename + "_IMPACT_SCORE_" + diseaseStates.get(1) + ".txt"); //rJava.plotVennImpactScore(dir, geneListFile, filename + "_" + diseaseStates.get(1), // diseaseStates.get(1), filename + "_" + diseaseStates.get(1)); } public int correlationChange(String gene, Map<String, Node> controlNetwork, Map<String, Node> diseaseNetwork) { int count = 1; if (controlNetwork.containsKey(gene) && diseaseNetwork.containsKey(gene)) { Node geneControl = controlNetwork.get(gene); Node geneDisease = diseaseNetwork.get(gene); List<Edge> edgesControl = geneControl.getEdges(); List<Edge> edgesDisease = geneDisease.getEdges(); List<Edge> aux = new ArrayList(edgesControl); aux.retainAll(edgesDisease); for (Edge e : aux) { int iControl = edgesControl.indexOf(e); int iDisease = edgesDisease.indexOf(e); Double sigControl = Math.signum(edgesControl.get(iControl).getSignScore()); Double sigDisease = Math.signum(edgesDisease.get(iDisease).getSignScore()); if (!sigControl.equals(sigDisease)) { count++; //System.out.println(e + "\t" + edgesControl.get(iControl).getSignScore()); //System.out.println(e + "\t" + edgesDisease.get(iDisease).getSignScore()); } } } return count; } public double rewiredInteractions(String gene, Map<String, Node> controlNetwork, Map<String, Node> diseaseNetwork) { Set<Node> inflowControl = new LinkedHashSet(); Set<Node> inflowDisease = new LinkedHashSet(); double total = 0.0; if (controlNetwork.containsKey(gene) && diseaseNetwork.containsKey(gene)) { Node geneControl = controlNetwork.get(gene); Node geneDisease = diseaseNetwork.get(gene); for (Edge e : geneControl.getEdges()) { if (e.getTo().getName().equals(geneControl.getName())) { //System.out.println(e.getTo() + "\t" + e); inflowControl.add(e.getFrom()); } } for (Edge e : geneDisease.getEdges()) { if (e.getTo().getName().equals(geneDisease.getName())) { //System.out.println(e.getTo() + "\t" + e); inflowDisease.add(e.getFrom()); } } //System.out.println(inflowControl); //System.out.println(inflowDisease); total = inflowControl.size() + inflowDisease.size(); inflowDisease.removeAll(inflowControl); } if (inflowDisease.isEmpty()) { return 1; } else { return inflowDisease.size() / total; } } public void FOXM1() throws IOException, NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException { String dir = cmd.getOptionValue("out"); //String d = cmd.getOptionValue("d"); String filename = cmd.getOptionValue("f"); String ncp = cmd.getOptionValue("ncp"); String ndp = cmd.getOptionValue("ndp"); String control = cmd.getOptionValue("control"); String condition = cmd.getOptionValue("condition"); RJava rJava = new RJava(); List<String> controlNetworkPaths = Serialization.deserialize(ncp, List.class); List<String> diseaseNetworkPaths = Serialization.deserialize(ndp, List.class); Map<String, Node> controlNetwork = createNetworkFromPaths(controlNetworkPaths); Map<String, Node> diseaseNetwork = createNetworkFromPaths(diseaseNetworkPaths); List<String> genes = new ArrayList(); genes.add("FOXM1"); List<Map<String, Node>> subnetsControl = NetDecoderUtils.getPathsFromGenes2(controlNetwork, controlNetworkPaths, genes); List<Map<String, Node>> subnetsDisease = NetDecoderUtils.getPathsFromGenes2(diseaseNetwork, diseaseNetworkPaths, genes); (new NetworkFlow()).saveSubNet(subnetsControl.get(0), filename + "_FOXM1_Control.txt"); (new NetworkFlow()).saveSubNet(subnetsDisease.get(0), filename + "_FOXM1_Disease.txt"); /*String gmlControl = rJava.createScriptExportGML(filename+"_FOXM1_Control", filename + "_FOXM1_totalFlow_Control", filename + "_FOXM1_flowDifference_Control"); String gmlDisease = rJava.createScriptExportGML(filename+"_FOXM1_Disease", filename + "_FOXM1_totalFlow_Disease", filename + "_FOXM1_flowDifference_Disease"); List<String> Rscripts = new ArrayList(); Rscripts.add(gmlControl); Rscripts.add(gmlDisease); String scriptName = filename + "_FOXM1_combinedScript" + ".R"; NetDecoderUtils.combineFiles(Rscripts, scriptName); try { Runtime.getRuntime().exec("R --slave --no-save CMD BATCH " + scriptName); System.out.println("HERE!!"); } catch (IOException io) { System.out.println(io.getMessage()); }*/ } public void edgeAnalysis() throws IOException, NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException { String dir = cmd.getOptionValue("out"); //String d = cmd.getOptionValue("d"); String filename = cmd.getOptionValue("f"); String ncp = cmd.getOptionValue("ncp"); String ndp = cmd.getOptionValue("ndp"); String control = cmd.getOptionValue("control"); String condition = cmd.getOptionValue("condition"); Double corThreshold = Double.valueOf(cmd.getOptionValue("corThreshold")); Double ratioThreshold = Double.valueOf(cmd.getOptionValue("ratioThreshold")); Integer top = Integer.valueOf(cmd.getOptionValue("top")); RJava rJava = new RJava(); String geneListFile = cmd.getOptionValue("g"); Set<String> genesPaths = null; if (!geneListFile.equals("none")) { genesPaths = new LinkedHashSet(NetworkFlow.getGenes(geneListFile)); } List<String> controlNetworkPaths = Serialization.deserialize(ncp, List.class); List<String> diseaseNetworkPaths = Serialization.deserialize(ndp, List.class); Map<String, Node> controlNetwork = createNetworkFromPaths(controlNetworkPaths); Map<String, Node> diseaseNetwork = createNetworkFromPaths(diseaseNetworkPaths); Map<String, Map<String, Double>> flowInNetworks = getFlowInNetworks(controlNetwork, diseaseNetwork); Map<String, Double> totalFlowsDisease = NetDecoderUtils.getTotalFlow(diseaseNetwork); Map<String, Double> totalFlowsControl = NetDecoderUtils.getTotalFlow(controlNetwork); Set<Edge> cEdges = getAllEdges(controlNetwork); Set<Edge> dEdges = getAllEdges(diseaseNetwork); Map<String, Map<String, Double>> flowMatrix = new LinkedHashMap(); if (!cmd.hasOption("overlap")) { //use only edges in both networks to infer key edges? dEdges.addAll(cEdges); } else { dEdges.retainAll(cEdges); } Map<String, Double> xxControl = new LinkedHashMap(); Map<String, Double> xxDisease = new LinkedHashMap(); for (Edge e : dEdges) { Edge eControl = NetDecoderUtils.getEdge(controlNetwork, e); Edge eDisease = NetDecoderUtils.getEdge(diseaseNetwork, e); //System.out.println(eDisease.getFlow() + "\t" + eDisease.getSignScores()); if (eControl != null && eDisease != null) { xxControl.put(e.toString(), eControl.getFlow()); xxDisease.put(e.toString(), eDisease.getFlow()); } else if (eControl != null) { xxControl.put(e.toString(), eControl.getFlow()); xxDisease.put(e.toString(), 0.0); } else if (eDisease != null) { xxControl.put(e.toString(), 0.0); xxDisease.put(e.toString(), eDisease.getFlow()); } } flowMatrix.put(control, xxControl); flowMatrix.put(condition, xxDisease); //creating folders... String path2create = dir + condition + "/"; new File(path2create).mkdirs(); Map<String, Map<String, Double>> aux = changeMapping(flowMatrix); String name = path2create + filename + "_flowMatrix"; saveFlowMatrix(aux, control, condition, name + ".txt"); List<String> Rscripts = new ArrayList(); //rJava.plotBarplot(path2create, name, condition, corThreshold, ratioThreshold, filename); String barplot = rJava.createBarplotScript(path2create, name, condition, corThreshold, ratioThreshold, filename); //Rscripts.add(barplot); try { TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(5); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } //Load key edges flow matrix for differential edge-centered network enrichment String keyEdgesFile = path2create + filename + "_keyEdges.txt"; System.out.println(keyEdgesFile); Set<Edge> keyEdges = loadKeyEdges(keyEdgesFile); //==========save full networks NetDecoderUtils.savePaths(NetDecoderUtils.convertString2Paths(diseaseNetworkPaths), condition + "/" + filename + "_ALL_paths_disease.txt"); NetDecoderUtils.savePaths(NetDecoderUtils.convertString2Paths(controlNetworkPaths), condition + "/" + filename + "_ALL_paths_control.txt"); Map<String, Double> controlDFNdiff = getFlowDifference(flowInNetworks, controlNetwork.keySet()); Map<String, Double> diseaseDFNdiff = getFlowDifference(flowInNetworks, diseaseNetwork.keySet()); Map<String, Double> controlDFNtotal = getTotalFlowInProteins(totalFlowsControl, controlNetwork.keySet()); Map<String, Double> diseaseDFNtotal = getTotalFlowInProteins(totalFlowsDisease, diseaseNetwork.keySet()); NetDecoderUtils.saveFlows(controlDFNtotal, dir + "/" + condition + "/" + filename + "_FULL_totalFlow_Control.txt"); NetDecoderUtils.saveFlows(diseaseDFNtotal, condition + "/" + filename + "_FULL_totalFlow_Disease.txt"); NetDecoderUtils.saveFlows(controlDFNdiff, condition + "/" + filename + "_FULL_flowDifference_Control.txt"); NetDecoderUtils.saveFlows(diseaseDFNdiff, condition + "/" + filename + "_FULL_flowDifference_Disease.txt"); NetDecoderUtils.saveGeneList(controlNetwork, condition + "/" + filename + "_FULL_GENES_Control.txt"); NetDecoderUtils.saveGeneList(diseaseNetwork, condition + "/" + filename + "_FULL_GENES_Disease.txt"); (new NetworkFlow()).saveSubNet(controlNetwork, condition + "/" + filename + "_FULL_Control.txt"); (new NetworkFlow()).saveSubNet(diseaseNetwork, condition + "/" + filename + "_FULL_Disease.txt"); //rJava.exportGML(condition + "/" +filename+"_FULL_Control", condition + "/" +filename + "_FULL_totalFlow_Control", // condition + "/" +filename + "_FULL_flowDifference_Control"); //rJava.exportGML(condition + "/" +filename+"_FULL_Disease", condition + "/" +filename + "_FULL_totalFlow_Disease", // condition + "/" + filename + "_FULL_flowDifference_Disease"); String gmlControl = rJava.createScriptExportGML(condition + "/" + filename + "_FULL_Control", condition + "/" + filename + "_FULL_totalFlow_Control", condition + "/" + filename + "_FULL_flowDifference_Control"); String gmlDisease = rJava.createScriptExportGML(condition + "/" + filename + "_FULL_Disease", condition + "/" + filename + "_FULL_totalFlow_Disease", condition + "/" + filename + "_FULL_flowDifference_Disease"); Rscripts.add(gmlControl); Rscripts.add(gmlDisease); //=========== //Now have to extract paths containing key edges Map<Edge, List<Path>> diseaseEdges2Path = NetDecoderUtils.getPathsFromEdges(diseaseNetworkPaths, keyEdges); Map<Edge, List<Path>> controlEdges2Path = NetDecoderUtils.getPathsFromEdges(controlNetworkPaths, keyEdges); //String name_2 = path2create + filename + "_" + control + "_" + condition; String name_2 = path2create + filename; NetDecoderUtils.comparePaths(diseaseEdges2Path, controlEdges2Path, totalFlowsDisease, totalFlowsControl, flowInNetworks, rJava, condition, genesPaths, name_2, path2create, Rscripts); System.out.println("Saving key targets"); Set<String> sinks = prioritizeSinks(controlNetwork, diseaseNetwork, condition, top, rJava, name_2, Rscripts); System.out.println("Saving Network routers"); Set<String> hidden = prioritizeHiddenProteins(controlNetwork, diseaseNetwork, condition, top, rJava, name_2, Rscripts); Set<String> IPgenes = computeImpactScore(controlNetwork, diseaseNetwork).keySet(); prioritizePaths(controlNetworkPaths, diseaseNetworkPaths, totalFlowsDisease, flowInNetworks, sinks, hidden, IPgenes, rJava, name_2, Rscripts); String scriptName = filename + "_NETWORK_ROUTERS_combinedScript" + ".R"; NetDecoderUtils.combineFiles(Rscripts, scriptName); try { Runtime.getRuntime().exec("R --slave --no-save CMD BATCH " + scriptName); } catch (IOException io) { System.out.println(io.getMessage()); } //compute and ranking genes by impact score. impactScore(path2create); } public Map<String, Map<String, Double>> getFlowInNetworks(Map<String, Node> controlNetwork, Map<String, Node> diseaseNetwork) { Set<String> allGenes = new LinkedHashSet(diseaseNetwork.keySet()); allGenes.addAll(controlNetwork.keySet()); Map<String, Map<String, Double>> flows = new LinkedHashMap(); for (String gene : allGenes) { Map<String, Double> tmp = new LinkedHashMap(); if (diseaseNetwork.containsKey(gene) && controlNetwork.containsKey(gene)) { Double difference = diseaseNetwork.get(gene).getTotalFlow() - controlNetwork.get(gene).getTotalFlow(); tmp.put("control", controlNetwork.get(gene).getTotalFlow()); tmp.put("disease", diseaseNetwork.get(gene).getTotalFlow()); tmp.put("difference", difference); } else if (diseaseNetwork.containsKey(gene)) { tmp.put("control", 0.0); tmp.put("disease", diseaseNetwork.get(gene).getTotalFlow()); tmp.put("difference", diseaseNetwork.get(gene).getTotalFlow()); } else { tmp.put("control", controlNetwork.get(gene).getTotalFlow()); tmp.put("disease", 0.0); tmp.put("difference", controlNetwork.get(gene).getTotalFlow()); } flows.put(gene, tmp); } return flows; } public Set<String> prioritizeSinks(Map<String, Node> controlNetwork, Map<String, Node> diseaseNetwork, String condition, int topSinks, RJava rJava, String filename, List<String> Rscripts) throws IOException { Map<String, Map<String, Double>> flowInNetworks = getFlowInNetworks(controlNetwork, diseaseNetwork); Map<String, Double> controlSinksMap = NetDecoderUtils.getSinks(controlNetwork); Map<String, Double> diseaseSinksMap = NetDecoderUtils.getSinks(diseaseNetwork); Set<String> allSinks = new LinkedHashSet(controlSinksMap.keySet()); allSinks.addAll(diseaseSinksMap.keySet()); Map<String, Double> flowDifference = NetDecoderUtils.getFlowDifference(flowInNetworks, allSinks); Map<String, Double> sortedScores = NetworkFlow.sortByValues(flowDifference); List<String> aux = new ArrayList(sortedScores.keySet()); List<String> topGenes_down = aux.subList(0, topSinks); List<String> topGenes_up = aux.subList(aux.size() - topSinks, aux.size()); List<String> topGenes = new ArrayList(topGenes_down); topGenes.addAll(topGenes_up); Map<String, Double> topGenesScores = new LinkedHashMap(); for (String g : topGenes) { if (sortedScores.get(g) > 0) { topGenesScores.put(g, Math.log10(sortedScores.get(g))); } else { double tmp = -Math.log10(Math.abs(sortedScores.get(g))); topGenesScores.put(g, tmp); } } String name = filename + "_SINKS"; NetDecoderUtils.saveFlows(topGenesScores, name + ".txt"); //rJava.plotHeatmapSH2(name, condition, topSinks, "Key targets",filename); String heatmap = rJava.createHeatmapSH2Script(name, condition, topSinks, "Key targets", filename); Rscripts.add(heatmap); //save network motifs for network routers here (downstream genes, network router is "from" in the edge): Map<String, Double> totalFlowsDisease = NetDecoderUtils.getTotalFlow(diseaseNetwork); Map<String, Double> totalFlowsControl = NetDecoderUtils.getTotalFlow(controlNetwork); for (String gene : topGenesScores.keySet()) { if (controlNetwork.containsKey(gene)) { List<Edge> controlEdges = controlNetwork.get(gene).getEdges(); Map<String, Node> cNet = NetDecoderUtils.createMotifTargets(gene, controlEdges); (new NetworkFlow()).saveSubNet(cNet, filename + "_" + gene + "_KT_Control.txt"); Map<String, Double> controlDiff = getFlowDifference(flowInNetworks, cNet.keySet()); Map<String, Double> controlTotal = getTotalFlowInProteins(totalFlowsControl, cNet.keySet()); Map<String, Double> controlEdgesFlow = getEdgeFlow(cNet); NetDecoderUtils.saveFlows(controlTotal, filename + "_" + gene + "_KT_totalFlow_Control.txt"); NetDecoderUtils.saveFlows(controlDiff, filename + "_" + gene + "_KT_flowDifference_Control.txt"); NetDecoderUtils.saveFlows(controlEdgesFlow, filename + "_" + gene + "_KT_edge_flows_Control.txt"); //rJava.exportGML2(filename + "_" + gene + "_KT_Control", // filename + "_" + gene + "_KT_totalFlow_Control", // filename + "_" + gene + "_KT_flowDifference_Control"); String gmlControl = rJava.createScriptExportGML2(filename + "_" + gene + "_KT_Control", filename + "_" + gene + "_KT_totalFlow_Control", filename + "_" + gene + "_KT_flowDifference_Control"); //rJava.plotDistribution(filename + "_" + gene + "_KT_edge_flows_Control", "Control"); String distrControl = rJava .createDistributionScript(filename + "_" + gene + "_KT_edge_flows_Control", "Control"); Rscripts.add(gmlControl); Rscripts.add(distrControl); } if (diseaseNetwork.containsKey(gene)) { List<Edge> diseaseEdges = diseaseNetwork.get(gene).getEdges(); Map<String, Node> dNet = NetDecoderUtils.createMotifTargets(gene, diseaseEdges); (new NetworkFlow()).saveSubNet(dNet, filename + "_" + gene + "_KT_Disease.txt"); Map<String, Double> diseaseDiff = getFlowDifference(flowInNetworks, dNet.keySet()); Map<String, Double> diseaseTotal = getTotalFlowInProteins(totalFlowsDisease, dNet.keySet()); Map<String, Double> diseaseEdgesFlow = getEdgeFlow(dNet); NetDecoderUtils.saveFlows(diseaseTotal, filename + "_" + gene + "_KT_totalFlow_Disease.txt"); NetDecoderUtils.saveFlows(diseaseDiff, filename + "_" + gene + "_KT_flowDifference_Disease.txt"); NetDecoderUtils.saveFlows(diseaseEdgesFlow, filename + "_" + gene + "_KT_edge_flows_Disease.txt"); /*rJava.exportGML2(filename + "_" + gene + "_KT_Disease", filename + "_" + gene + "_KT_totalFlow_Disease", filename + "_" + gene + "_KT_flowDifference_Disease"); rJava.plotDistribution(filename + "_" + gene + "_KT_edge_flows_Disease", condition);*/ String gmlDisease = rJava.createScriptExportGML2(filename + "_" + gene + "_KT_Disease", filename + "_" + gene + "_KT_totalFlow_Disease", filename + "_" + gene + "_KT_flowDifference_Disease"); String distrDisease = rJava .createDistributionScript(filename + "_" + gene + "_KT_edge_flows_Disease", condition); Rscripts.add(gmlDisease); Rscripts.add(distrDisease); } } return topGenesScores.keySet(); } public Set<String> prioritizeHiddenProteins(Map<String, Node> controlNetwork, Map<String, Node> diseaseNetwork, String condition, int topHidden, RJava rJava, String filename, List<String> Rscripts) throws IOException { Map<String, Map<String, Double>> flowInNetworks = getFlowInNetworks(controlNetwork, diseaseNetwork); Map<String, Double> hiddenProteinsControl = NetDecoderUtils.getHiddenProteins(controlNetwork); Map<String, Double> hiddenProteinsDisease = NetDecoderUtils.getHiddenProteins(diseaseNetwork); Set<String> allHidden = new LinkedHashSet(hiddenProteinsControl.keySet()); allHidden.addAll(hiddenProteinsDisease.keySet()); Map<String, Double> flowDifference = NetDecoderUtils.getFlowDifference(flowInNetworks, allHidden); Map<String, Double> sortedScores = NetworkFlow.sortByValues(flowDifference); List<String> aux = new ArrayList(sortedScores.keySet()); List<String> topGenes_down = aux.subList(0, topHidden); List<String> topGenes_up = aux.subList(aux.size() - topHidden, aux.size()); List<String> topGenes = new ArrayList(topGenes_down); topGenes.addAll(topGenes_up); Map<String, Double> topGenesScores = new LinkedHashMap(); for (String g : topGenes) { if (sortedScores.get(g) > 0) { topGenesScores.put(g, Math.log10(sortedScores.get(g))); } else { double tmp = -Math.log10(Math.abs(sortedScores.get(g))); topGenesScores.put(g, tmp); } } String name = filename + "_HIDDEN"; NetDecoderUtils.saveFlows(topGenesScores, name + ".txt"); //rJava.plotHeatmapSH2(name, condition, topHidden, "Network routers", filename); String heatmap = rJava.createHeatmapSH2Script(name, condition, topHidden, "Network routers", filename); Rscripts.add(heatmap); //save network motifs for network routers here (downstream genes, network router is "from" in the edge): Map<String, Double> totalFlowsDisease = NetDecoderUtils.getTotalFlow(diseaseNetwork); Map<String, Double> totalFlowsControl = NetDecoderUtils.getTotalFlow(controlNetwork); for (String gene : topGenesScores.keySet()) { if (controlNetwork.containsKey(gene)) { List<Edge> controlEdges = controlNetwork.get(gene).getEdges(); Map<String, Node> cNet = NetDecoderUtils.createMotifNetworkRouters(gene, controlEdges); (new NetworkFlow()).saveSubNet(cNet, filename + "_" + gene + "_NR_Control.txt"); Map<String, Double> controlDiff = getFlowDifference(flowInNetworks, cNet.keySet()); Map<String, Double> controlTotal = getTotalFlowInProteins(totalFlowsControl, cNet.keySet()); Map<String, Double> controlEdgesFlow = getEdgeFlow(cNet); NetDecoderUtils.saveFlows(controlTotal, filename + "_" + gene + "_NR_totalFlow_Control.txt"); NetDecoderUtils.saveFlows(controlDiff, filename + "_" + gene + "_NR_flowDifference_Control.txt"); NetDecoderUtils.saveFlows(controlEdgesFlow, filename + "_" + gene + "_NR_edge_flows_Control.txt"); /*rJava.exportGML2(filename + "_" + gene + "_NR_Control", filename + "_" + gene + "_NR_totalFlow_Control", filename + "_" + gene + "_NR_flowDifference_Control"); rJava.plotDistribution(filename + "_" + gene + "_NR_edge_flows_Control", "Control");*/ String gmlControl = rJava.createScriptExportGML2(filename + "_" + gene + "_NR_Control", filename + "_" + gene + "_NR_totalFlow_Control", filename + "_" + gene + "_NR_flowDifference_Control"); String distrControl = rJava .createDistributionScript(filename + "_" + gene + "_NR_edge_flows_Control", "Control"); Rscripts.add(gmlControl); Rscripts.add(distrControl); } if (diseaseNetwork.containsKey(gene)) { List<Edge> diseaseEdges = diseaseNetwork.get(gene).getEdges(); Map<String, Node> dNet = NetDecoderUtils.createMotifNetworkRouters(gene, diseaseEdges); (new NetworkFlow()).saveSubNet(dNet, filename + "_" + gene + "_NR_Disease.txt"); Map<String, Double> diseaseDiff = getFlowDifference(flowInNetworks, dNet.keySet()); Map<String, Double> diseaseTotal = getTotalFlowInProteins(totalFlowsDisease, dNet.keySet()); Map<String, Double> diseaseEdgesFlow = getEdgeFlow(dNet); NetDecoderUtils.saveFlows(diseaseTotal, filename + "_" + gene + "_NR_totalFlow_Disease.txt"); NetDecoderUtils.saveFlows(diseaseDiff, filename + "_" + gene + "_NR_flowDifference_Disease.txt"); NetDecoderUtils.saveFlows(diseaseEdgesFlow, filename + "_" + gene + "_NR_edge_flows_Disease.txt"); String gmlDisease = rJava.createScriptExportGML2(filename + "_" + gene + "_NR_Disease", filename + "_" + gene + "_NR_totalFlow_Disease", filename + "_" + gene + "_NR_flowDifference_Disease"); String distrDisease = rJava .createDistributionScript(filename + "_" + gene + "_NR_edge_flows_Disease", condition); Rscripts.add(gmlDisease); Rscripts.add(distrDisease); } } return topGenesScores.keySet(); } /*public Set<String> prioritizeSinks( List<String> controlPaths, List<String> diseasePaths, String condition, double ratioThreshold, int topSinks, RJava rJava, String filename){ //optimize the code to select transcription factors? Map<String, Node> controlPaths = createNetworkFromPaths(new ArrayList(controlPaths)); Map<String, Node> diseasePaths = createNetworkFromPaths(new ArrayList(diseasePaths)); Map<String, Map<String, Double>> data = new LinkedHashMap(); Map<String, Double> controlSinksMap = NetDecoderUtils.getSinks(controlPaths); Map<String, Double> diseaseSinksMap = NetDecoderUtils.getSinks(diseasePaths); for (String n : diseaseSinksMap.keySet()) { Map<String, Double> auxData = new LinkedHashMap(); if (controlSinksMap.containsKey(n)) { Double ratio = diseaseSinksMap.get(n) / controlSinksMap.get(n); if (ratio > ratioThreshold) { //with 2 includes the path_dir BCL2 as a regulator... auxData.put("control", controlSinksMap.get(n)); auxData.put("disease", diseaseSinksMap.get(n)); data.put(n, auxData); } } else { auxData.put("control", 0.0); auxData.put("disease", diseaseSinksMap.get(n)); data.put(n, auxData); } } Map<String, Map<String, Double>> rData = changeMapping(data); Map<String, Double> sortedDisease = NetworkFlow.sortByValues(rData.get("disease")); String name = filename + "_SINKS"; NetDecoderUtils.saveData(data, name+".txt"); rJava.plotHeatmapSH(name, condition, topSinks, "Sinks",filename); List<String> genes = new ArrayList(sortedDisease.keySet()); Set<String> topGenes = new LinkedHashSet(genes.subList(genes.size() - topSinks, genes.size())); return topGenes; }*/ /*public Set<String> prioritizeHiddenProteins( List<String> controlPaths, List<String> diseasePaths, String condition, double ratioThreshold, int topHidden, RJava rJava, String filename){ Map<String, Node> controlPaths = createNetworkFromPaths(new ArrayList(controlPaths)); Map<String, Node> diseasePaths = createNetworkFromPaths(new ArrayList(diseasePaths)); Map<String, Map<String, Double>> data = new LinkedHashMap(); Map<String, Double> hiddenProteinsControl = NetDecoderUtils.getHiddenProteins(controlPaths); Map<String, Double> hiddenProteinsDisease = NetDecoderUtils.getHiddenProteins(diseasePaths); for(String p:hiddenProteinsDisease.keySet()){ Map<String, Double> auxData = new LinkedHashMap(); if (hiddenProteinsControl.containsKey(p)) { double ratio = hiddenProteinsDisease.get(p) / hiddenProteinsControl.get(p); if (ratio > ratioThreshold) { //10 auxData.put("control", hiddenProteinsControl.get(p)); auxData.put("disease", hiddenProteinsDisease.get(p)); data.put(p, auxData); } } else { auxData.put("control", 0.0); auxData.put("disease", hiddenProteinsDisease.get(p)); data.put(p, auxData); } } Map<String, Map<String, Double>> rData = changeMapping(data); Map<String, Double> sortedDisease = NetworkFlow.sortByValues(rData.get("disease")); String name = filename + "_HIDDEN"; NetDecoderUtils.saveData(data, name+".txt"); rJava.plotHeatmapSH(name, condition, topHidden, "Intermediary",filename); List<String> genes = new ArrayList(sortedDisease.keySet()); Set<String> topGenes = new LinkedHashSet(genes.subList(genes.size() - topHidden, genes.size())); return topGenes; }*/ public void prioritizePaths(List<String> controlPaths, List<String> diseasePaths, Map<String, Double> totalFlows, Map<String, Map<String, Double>> flowDifference, Set<String> sinks, Set<String> hidden, Set<String> IPgenes, RJava rJava, String filename, List<String> Rscripts) throws IOException { //get all paths containing sinks with fold change > 2 sinks.removeAll(IPgenes); hidden.removeAll(IPgenes); Set<Path> paths = new LinkedHashSet(); for (String p : diseasePaths) { Path path = NetDecoderUtils.convertString2Path(p); boolean flag = false; for (Edge e : path.getPath()) { Node from = e.getFrom(); Node to = e.getTo(); //is it a key target or a network router? if (sinks.contains(to.getName()) && (hidden.contains(from.getName()) || hidden.contains(to.getName()))) { flag = true; break; //is it a key target or a path_dir with high impact score? } else if (sinks.contains(to.getName()) && (IPgenes.contains(from.getName()) || IPgenes.contains(to.getName()))) { flag = true; break; //is it a network router or path_dir with high impact score? } else if ((hidden.contains(from.getName()) || hidden.contains(to.getName())) && (IPgenes.contains(from.getName()) || IPgenes.contains(to.getName()))) { flag = true; break; } } if (flag) { paths.add(path); //System.out.println(path_dir); } } List<String> tmpPaths = NetDecoderUtils.convertPaths2String(new ArrayList(paths)); Map<String, Node> network = NetDecoderUtils.createNetworkFromPaths2Plot(tmpPaths); Map<String, Double> flowDiff = getFlowDifference(flowDifference, network.keySet()); Map<String, Double> flowTotal = getTotalFlowInProteins(totalFlows, network.keySet()); if (!network.isEmpty()) { (new NetworkFlow()).saveSubNet(network, filename + "_PRIORITIZED_NETWORK.txt"); NetDecoderUtils.saveFlows(flowDiff, filename + "_flowDifference_PRIORITIZED_NETWORK.txt"); NetDecoderUtils.saveFlows(flowTotal, filename + "_flowTotal_PRIORITIZED_NETWORK.txt"); //rJava.exportGML(filename + "_PRIORITIZED_NETWORK", // filename + "_flowTotal_PRIORITIZED_NETWORK", // filename + "_flowDifference_PRIORITIZED_NETWORK"); String gml1 = rJava.createScriptExportGML(filename + "_PRIORITIZED_NETWORK", filename + "_flowTotal_PRIORITIZED_NETWORK", filename + "_flowDifference_PRIORITIZED_NETWORK"); Rscripts.add(gml1); } else { System.out.println("No paths fulfill the criteria to be be prioritized!"); } } public void prioritizePaths(List<String> controlPaths, List<String> diseasePaths, Map<Edge, List<Path>> diseaseEdges2Path, Map<Edge, List<Path>> controlEdges2Path, Map<String, Double> totalFlows, Map<String, Map<String, Double>> flowDifference, Set<String> sinks, Set<String> hidden, boolean includeKeyEdges, RJava rJava, String filename) throws IOException { //get all paths containing sinks with fold change > 2 Set<Path> paths = new LinkedHashSet(); Set<Path> pathsFilteredByEdges = new LinkedHashSet(); for (String p : diseasePaths) { Path path = NetDecoderUtils.convertString2Path(p); boolean flag = false; for (Edge e : path.getPath()) { Node from = e.getFrom(); Node to = e.getTo(); if (sinks.contains(to.getName())) { if (hidden.contains(from.getName()) || hidden.contains(to.getName())) { flag = true; break; } } } if (flag) { paths.add(path); //System.out.println(path_dir); } } if (includeKeyEdges) { for (Edge key : diseaseEdges2Path.keySet()) { for (Path path : paths) { if (path.getPath().contains(key)) { pathsFilteredByEdges.add(path); //System.out.println(key + " " + path_dir); } } } } Set<Path> aux = null; if (includeKeyEdges) { //System.out.println(pathsFilteredByEdges); aux = pathsFilteredByEdges; } else { //System.out.println(paths); aux = paths; } List<String> tmpPaths = NetDecoderUtils.convertPaths2String(new ArrayList(aux)); Map<String, Node> network = createNetworkFromPaths(tmpPaths); Map<String, Double> flowDiff = getFlowDifference(flowDifference, network.keySet()); Map<String, Double> flowTotal = getTotalFlowInProteins(totalFlows, network.keySet()); if (!network.isEmpty()) { (new NetworkFlow()).saveSubNet(network, filename + "_prioritizedNetwork.txt"); NetDecoderUtils.saveFlows(flowDiff, filename + "_flowDifference_prioritizedNetwork.txt"); NetDecoderUtils.saveFlows(flowTotal, filename + "_flowTotal_prioritizedNetwork.txt"); rJava.exportGML(filename + "_prioritizedNetwork", filename + "_flowTotal_prioritizedNetwork", filename + "_flowDifference_prioritizedNetwork"); } else { System.out.println("No paths fulfill the criteria to be be prioritized!"); } } public void DFNAnalysis(List<String> controlPaths, List<String> diseasePaths) throws IOException { List<Path> diseaseSpecPaths = NetDecoderUtils.getPhenotypeSpecificPaths(diseasePaths, controlPaths); List<Path> controlSpecPaths = NetDecoderUtils.getPhenotypeSpecificPaths(controlPaths, diseasePaths); System.out.println(diseaseSpecPaths.size()); System.out.println(diseasePaths.size()); System.out.println(controlSpecPaths.size()); System.out.println(controlPaths.size()); List<String> sDiseasePaths = NetDecoderUtils.transformPaths2String(diseaseSpecPaths); List<String> sControlPaths = NetDecoderUtils.transformPaths2String(controlSpecPaths); Map<String, Node> diseaseNetwork = NetDecoderUtils.createNetworkFromPaths(sDiseasePaths); Map<String, Node> controlNetwork = NetDecoderUtils.createNetworkFromPaths(sControlPaths); System.out.println(diseaseNetwork.size()); System.out.println(controlNetwork.size()); Set<String> genesDisease = new LinkedHashSet(diseaseNetwork.keySet()); Set<String> genesControl = new LinkedHashSet(controlNetwork.keySet()); genesDisease.removeAll(controlNetwork.keySet()); genesControl.removeAll(diseaseNetwork.keySet()); System.out.println("GENES: " + genesDisease.size()); System.out.println("GENES: " + genesControl.size()); Collections.sort(diseaseSpecPaths, (Path p1, Path p2) ->, p2.flow)); Collections.sort(controlSpecPaths, (Path p1, Path p2) ->, p2.flow)); //NetDecoderUtils.savePaths(diseasePaths, dir+filename+"_DFN_paths_disease.txt"); //NetDecoderUtils.savePaths(controlPaths, dir+filename+"_DFN_paths_control.txt"); NetDecoderUtils.savePaths(diseaseSpecPaths, "TEST_DFN_paths_disease.txt"); NetDecoderUtils.savePaths(controlSpecPaths, "TEST_DFN_paths_control.txt"); } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException { try { NetDecoder pn = new NetDecoder(); if (pn.checkArgs(args)) { pn.runAnalysis(); } else { System.out.println("ferrou"); } } catch (Throwable t) { System.err.println("Uncaught exception - " + t.getMessage()); t.printStackTrace(System.err); } } public List<String> setDefaultSinks() { //Use current CellNet TFs for this? List<String> TFAnnot = new ArrayList(); TFAnnot.add("GO:0003676"); //nucleic acid binding TFAnnot.add("GO:0006355"); //regulation of transcription, DNA-templated TFAnnot.add("GO:0008134"); //transcription factor binding //TFAnnot.add("GO:0003677"); //DNA binding return TFAnnot; } }