Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2007-2016 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.ymate.platform.webmvc.impl; import net.ymate.platform.core.lang.BlurObject; import net.ymate.platform.core.util.ClassUtils; import net.ymate.platform.core.util.RuntimeUtils; import net.ymate.platform.webmvc.*; import net.ymate.platform.webmvc.annotation.*; import net.ymate.platform.webmvc.base.Type; import net.ymate.platform.webmvc.context.WebContext; import net.ymate.platform.webmvc.util.CookieHelper; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; /** * (WEB)?? * * @author ( on 15/5/27 ?5:42 * @version 1.0 */ public class DefaultRequestProcessor implements IRequestProcessor { private final Log _LOG = LogFactory.getLog(DefaultRequestProcessor.class); public Map<String, Object> processRequestParams(IWebMvc owner, RequestMeta requestMeta) throws Exception { Map<String, Object> _returnValues = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); // ?????? if (!requestMeta.isSingleton()) { _returnValues.putAll( __doGetParamValueFromParameterMetas(owner, requestMeta, requestMeta.getClassParameterMetas())); } // ?? _returnValues.putAll( __doGetParamValueFromParameterMetas(owner, requestMeta, requestMeta.getMethodParameterMetas())); // return _returnValues; } protected Map<String, Object> __doGetParamValueFromParameterMetas(IWebMvc owner, RequestMeta requestMeta, Collection<ParameterMeta> metas) throws Exception { Map<String, Object> _resultMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); Map<String, Object> _resultEscapedMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); boolean _escapeBeforeFlag = Type.EscapeOrder.BEFORE.equals(owner.getModuleCfg().getParameterEscapeOrder()); if (owner.getModuleCfg().isParameterEscapeMode() && !_escapeBeforeFlag) { // ??WebContext WebContext.getContext().addAttribute(Type.EscapeOrder.class.getName(), _resultEscapedMap); } for (ParameterMeta _meta : metas) { Object _result = __doGetParamValue(owner, requestMeta, _meta, _meta.getParamName(), _meta.getParamType(), _meta.getParamAnno()); if (_result != null) { if (owner.getModuleCfg().isParameterEscapeMode()) { // ?before, ? if (_escapeBeforeFlag) { _result = _meta.doParamEscape(_meta, _result); } else { // @ModelBind?, ? if (!_meta.isModelBind()) { // ?, ?? Object _resultEscaped = _meta.doParamEscape(_meta, _result); // _resultEscapedMap.put(_meta.getFieldName(), _resultEscaped); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(_meta.getParamName())) { _resultEscapedMap.put(_meta.getParamName(), _resultEscaped); } } } } // _resultMap.put(_meta.getFieldName(), _result); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(_meta.getParamName())) { _resultMap.put(_meta.getParamName(), _result); } } } return _resultMap; } /** * ?? * * @param owner Owner * @param requestMeta ?? * @param paramMeta ??? * @param paramName ??? * @param paramType ? * @param _annotation ?? * @return ??? * @throws Exception ? */ protected Object __doGetParamValue(IWebMvc owner, RequestMeta requestMeta, ParameterMeta paramMeta, String paramName, Class<?> paramType, Annotation _annotation) throws Exception { Object _pValue = null; if (_annotation instanceof CookieVariable) { CookieVariable _anno = (CookieVariable) _annotation; String _v = CookieHelper.bind(owner).getCookie(paramName).toStringValue(); _pValue = __doSafeGetParamValue(owner, paramName, paramType, _v, StringUtils.trimToNull(_anno.defaultValue()), _anno.fullScope()); } else if (_annotation instanceof PathVariable) { String _v = WebContext.getRequestContext().getAttribute(paramName); _pValue = __doSafeGetParamValue(owner, paramName, paramType, _v, null, false); } else if (_annotation instanceof RequestHeader) { RequestHeader _anno = (RequestHeader) _annotation; String _v = WebContext.getRequest().getHeader(paramName); _pValue = __doSafeGetParamValue(owner, paramName, paramType, _v, StringUtils.trimToNull(_anno.defaultValue()), _anno.fullScope()); } else if (_annotation instanceof RequestParam) { RequestParam _anno = (RequestParam) _annotation; _pValue = this.__doParseRequestParam(owner, paramName, StringUtils.trimToNull(_anno.defaultValue()), paramType, _anno.fullScope()); } else if (_annotation instanceof ModelBind) { _pValue = __doParseModelBind(owner, requestMeta, paramMeta, paramType); } return _pValue; } protected Object __doParseRequestParam(IWebMvc owner, String paramName, String defaultValue, Class<?> paramType, boolean fullScope) { if (paramType.isArray()) { if (paramType.equals(IUploadFileWrapper[].class)) { if (WebContext.getRequest() instanceof IMultipartRequestWrapper) { return ((IMultipartRequestWrapper) WebContext.getRequest()).getUploadFiles(paramName); } return null; } String[] _values = (String[]) WebContext.getRequest().getParameterMap().get(paramName); if (_values == null || _values.length == 0) { _values = StringUtils.split(defaultValue, ","); } if (_values != null && _values.length > 0) { Class<?> _arrayClassType = ClassUtils.getArrayClassType(paramType); Object[] _tempParams = (Object[]) Array.newInstance(_arrayClassType, _values.length); for (int _tempIdx = 0; _tempIdx < _values.length; _tempIdx++) { _tempParams[_tempIdx] = __doSafeGetParamValue(owner, paramName, _arrayClassType, _values[_tempIdx], null, false); } return _tempParams; } return null; } else if (paramType.equals(IUploadFileWrapper.class)) { if (WebContext.getRequest() instanceof IMultipartRequestWrapper) { return ((IMultipartRequestWrapper) WebContext.getRequest()).getUploadFile(paramName); } return null; } return __doSafeGetParamValue(owner, paramName, paramType, WebContext.getRequest().getParameter(paramName), defaultValue, fullScope); } protected Object __doSafeGetParamValue(IWebMvc owner, String paramName, Class<?> paramType, String paramValue, String defaultValue, boolean fullScope) { Object _returnValue = null; try { if (paramValue == null) { if (fullScope) { _returnValue = new BlurObject(WebContext.getRequest().getParameter(paramName)) .toObjectValue(paramType); if (_returnValue == null) { _returnValue = new BlurObject(WebContext.getContext().getSession().get(paramName)) .toObjectValue(paramType); if (_returnValue == null) { _returnValue = new BlurObject(WebContext.getContext().getApplication().get(paramName)) .toObjectValue(paramType); } } } } if (_returnValue == null) { _returnValue = new BlurObject(StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(paramValue, defaultValue)) .toObjectValue(paramType); } } catch (Throwable e) { if (owner.getOwner().getConfig().isDevelopMode()) { _LOG.warn("Invalid '" + paramName + "' value: " + paramValue, RuntimeUtils.unwrapThrow(e)); } } return _returnValue; } protected Object __doParseModelBind(IWebMvc owner, RequestMeta requestMeta, ParameterMeta paramMeta, Class<?> paramType) throws Exception { ClassUtils.BeanWrapper<?> _wrapper = ClassUtils.wrapper(paramType); // ClassUtils.BeanWrapper<?> _wrapperEscaped = null; boolean _escapeBeforeFlag = Type.EscapeOrder.BEFORE.equals(owner.getModuleCfg().getParameterEscapeOrder()); if (!_escapeBeforeFlag) { _wrapperEscaped = ClassUtils.wrapper(paramType); } if (_wrapper != null) { for (String _fName : _wrapper.getFieldNames()) { ParameterMeta _meta = new ParameterMeta(requestMeta, _wrapper.getField(_fName)); if (_meta.isParamField()) { Object _result = __doGetParamValue(owner, requestMeta, _meta, _meta.doBuildParamName(paramMeta.getPrefix(), _meta.getParamName(), _fName), _meta.getParamType(), _meta.getParamAnno()); if (_result != null) { if (owner.getModuleCfg().isParameterEscapeMode()) { if (_escapeBeforeFlag) { _result = _meta.doParamEscape(_meta, _result); } else { Object _resultEscaped = _meta.doParamEscape(_meta, _result); if (_wrapperEscaped != null) { _wrapperEscaped.setValue(_fName, _resultEscaped); } } } _wrapper.setValue(_fName, _result); } } } if (owner.getModuleCfg().isParameterEscapeMode() && !_escapeBeforeFlag) { Map<String, Object> _resultEscapedMap = WebContext.getContext() .getAttribute(Type.EscapeOrder.class.getName()); if (_wrapperEscaped != null) { _resultEscapedMap.put(paramMeta.getFieldName(), _wrapperEscaped.getTargetObject()); } } return _wrapper.getTargetObject(); } return null; } }