Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2007-2016 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.ymate.platform.persistence.jdbc.impl; import net.ymate.platform.core.lang.BlurObject; import net.ymate.platform.core.lang.PairObject; import net.ymate.platform.core.util.ExpressionUtils; import net.ymate.platform.core.util.UUIDUtils; import net.ymate.platform.persistence.*; import net.ymate.platform.persistence.base.EntityMeta; import net.ymate.platform.persistence.base.IEntity; import net.ymate.platform.persistence.base.IEntityPK; import net.ymate.platform.persistence.base.ShardingList; import net.ymate.platform.persistence.impl.DefaultResultSet; import net.ymate.platform.persistence.jdbc.IConnectionHolder; import net.ymate.platform.persistence.jdbc.ISession; import net.ymate.platform.persistence.jdbc.base.*; import net.ymate.platform.persistence.jdbc.base.impl.BatchUpdateOperator; import net.ymate.platform.persistence.jdbc.base.impl.DefaultQueryOperator; import net.ymate.platform.persistence.jdbc.base.impl.DefaultUpdateOperator; import net.ymate.platform.persistence.jdbc.base.impl.EntityResultSetHandler; import net.ymate.platform.persistence.jdbc.dialect.IDialect; import net.ymate.platform.persistence.jdbc.dialect.impl.OracleDialect; import net.ymate.platform.persistence.jdbc.query.BatchSQL; import net.ymate.platform.persistence.jdbc.query.EntitySQL; import net.ymate.platform.persistence.jdbc.query.SQL; import net.ymate.platform.persistence.jdbc.query.Where; import; import net.ymate.platform.persistence.jdbc.transaction.Transactions; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.sql.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; /** * ???? * * @author ( on 2011-9-27 ?03:09:46 * @version 1.0 */ public class DefaultSession implements ISession { private String __id; private IConnectionHolder __connectionHolder; private IDialect __dialect; private String __tablePrefix; // private ISessionEvent __sessionEvent; public DefaultSession(IConnectionHolder connectionHolder) { this.__id = UUIDUtils.UUID(); this.__connectionHolder = connectionHolder; // __dialect = connectionHolder.getDialect(); __tablePrefix = connectionHolder.getDataSourceCfgMeta().getTablePrefix(); } public String getId() { return __id; } public IConnectionHolder getConnectionHolder() { return __connectionHolder; } public ISession setSessionEvent(ISessionEvent sessionEvent) { this.__sessionEvent = sessionEvent; return this; } public void close() { // ??????? if (__connectionHolder != null) { if (Transactions.get() == null) { __connectionHolder.release(); } } } public <T> IResultSet<T> find(SQL sql, IResultSetHandler<T> handler) throws Exception { IQueryOperator<T> _opt = new DefaultQueryOperator<T>(sql.getSQL(), this.__connectionHolder, handler); for (Object _param : sql.params().params()) { _opt.addParameter(_param); } if (__sessionEvent != null) { __sessionEvent.onQueryBefore(new SessionEventContext(_opt)); } _opt.execute(); if (__sessionEvent != null) { __sessionEvent.onQueryAfter(new SessionEventContext(_opt)); } return new DefaultResultSet<T>(_opt.getResultSet()); } public <T> IResultSet<T> find(SQL sql, IResultSetHandler<T> handler, Page page) throws Exception { String _pagedSql = __dialect.buildPagedQuerySQL(sql.getSQL(),, page.pageSize()); // long _count = 0; if (page.isCount()) { _count = this.count(sql); } // IQueryOperator<T> _opt = new DefaultQueryOperator<T>(_pagedSql, this.__connectionHolder, handler); for (Object _param : sql.params().params()) { _opt.addParameter(_param); } if (__sessionEvent != null) { __sessionEvent.onQueryBefore(new SessionEventContext(_opt)); } _opt.execute(); if (__sessionEvent != null) { __sessionEvent.onQueryAfter(new SessionEventContext(_opt)); } return new DefaultResultSet<T>(_opt.getResultSet(),, page.pageSize(), _count); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T extends IEntity> IResultSet<T> find(T entity) throws Exception { return find(entity, Fields.create(), null, entity instanceof IShardingable ? (IShardingable) entity : null); } public <T extends IEntity> IResultSet<T> find(T entity, IShardingable shardingable) throws Exception { return find(entity, Fields.create(), null, shardingable); } public <T extends IEntity> IResultSet<T> find(T entity, Page page) throws Exception { return find(entity, Fields.create(), null, entity instanceof IShardingable ? (IShardingable) entity : null); } public <T extends IEntity> IResultSet<T> find(T entity, Page page, IShardingable shardingable) throws Exception { return find(entity, Fields.create(), null, shardingable); } public <T extends IEntity> IResultSet<T> find(T entity, Fields filter) throws Exception { return find(entity, filter, null, entity instanceof IShardingable ? (IShardingable) entity : null); } public <T extends IEntity> IResultSet<T> find(T entity, Fields filter, IShardingable shardingable) throws Exception { return find(entity, filter, null, shardingable); } public <T extends IEntity> IResultSet<T> find(T entity, Fields filter, Page page) throws Exception { return find(entity, filter, page, entity instanceof IShardingable ? (IShardingable) entity : null); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T extends IEntity> IResultSet<T> find(T entity, Fields filter, Page page, IShardingable shardingable) throws Exception { return (IResultSet<T>) this.find(EntitySQL.create(entity.getClass()).field(filter), Where.create(BaseEntity.buildEntityCond(entity)), page, shardingable); } public <T extends IEntity> IResultSet<T> find(EntitySQL<T> entity) throws Exception { return find(entity, null, null, null); } public <T extends IEntity> IResultSet<T> find(EntitySQL<T> entity, IShardingable shardingable) throws Exception { return this.find(entity, null, null, shardingable); } public <T extends IEntity> IResultSet<T> find(EntitySQL<T> entity, Page page) throws Exception { return find(entity, null, page, null); } public <T extends IEntity> IResultSet<T> find(EntitySQL<T> entity, Page page, IShardingable shardingable) throws Exception { return this.find(entity, null, page, shardingable); } public <T extends IEntity> IResultSet<T> find(EntitySQL<T> entity, Where where) throws Exception { return find(entity, where, null, null); } public <T extends IEntity> IResultSet<T> find(EntitySQL<T> entity, Where where, IShardingable shardingable) throws Exception { return this.find(entity, where, null, shardingable); } public <T extends IEntity> IResultSet<T> find(EntitySQL<T> entity, Where where, Page page) throws Exception { return find(entity, where, page, null); } public <T extends IEntity> IResultSet<T> find(EntitySQL<T> entity, Where where, Page page, IShardingable shardingable) throws Exception { String _selectSql = __dialect.buildSelectSQL(entity.getEntityClass(), __tablePrefix, shardingable, __doGetNotExcludedFields(EntityMeta.createAndGet(entity.getEntityClass()), entity.fields(), false, true)); if (where != null) { _selectSql = _selectSql.concat(" ").concat(where.toString()); } long _count = 0; if (page != null) { _selectSql = __dialect.buildPagedQuerySQL(_selectSql,, page.pageSize()); if (page.isCount()) { _count = this.count(entity.getEntityClass(), where); } } // if (entity.forUpdate() != null) { _selectSql = _selectSql + " " + entity.forUpdate().toSQL(); } // IQueryOperator<T> _opt = new DefaultQueryOperator<T>(_selectSql, this.__connectionHolder, new EntityResultSetHandler<T>(entity.getEntityClass())); if (where != null) { for (Object _param : where.getParams().params()) { _opt.addParameter(_param); } } if (__sessionEvent != null) { __sessionEvent.onQueryBefore(new SessionEventContext(_opt)); } _opt.execute(); if (__sessionEvent != null) { __sessionEvent.onQueryAfter(new SessionEventContext(_opt)); } // if (page != null) { return new DefaultResultSet<T>(_opt.getResultSet(),, page.pageSize(), _count); } return new DefaultResultSet<T>(_opt.getResultSet()); } public <T extends IEntity> T find(EntitySQL<T> entity, Serializable id) throws Exception { return find(entity, id, null); } public <T extends IEntity> T find(EntitySQL<T> entity, Serializable id, IShardingable shardingable) throws Exception { EntityMeta _meta = EntityMeta.createAndGet(entity.getEntityClass()); PairObject<Fields, Params> _entityPK = __doGetPrimaryKeyFieldAndValues(_meta, id, null); String _selectSql = __dialect.buildSelectByPkSQL(entity.getEntityClass(), __tablePrefix, shardingable, _entityPK.getKey(), __doGetNotExcludedFields(_meta, entity.fields(), false, true)); // if (entity.forUpdate() != null) { _selectSql = _selectSql + " " + entity.forUpdate().toSQL(); } // IQueryOperator<T> _opt = new DefaultQueryOperator<T>(_selectSql, this.__connectionHolder, new EntityResultSetHandler<T>(entity.getEntityClass())); if (_meta.isMultiplePrimaryKey()) { for (Object _param : _entityPK.getValue().params()) { _opt.addParameter(_param); } } else { _opt.addParameter(id); } if (__sessionEvent != null) { __sessionEvent.onQueryBefore(new SessionEventContext(_opt)); } _opt.execute(); if (__sessionEvent != null) { __sessionEvent.onQueryAfter(new SessionEventContext(_opt)); } return _opt.getResultSet().isEmpty() ? null : _opt.getResultSet().get(0); } public <T> T findFirst(SQL sql, IResultSetHandler<T> handler) throws Exception { String _selectSql = __dialect.buildPagedQuerySQL(sql.getSQL(), 1, 1); IQueryOperator<T> _opt = new DefaultQueryOperator<T>(_selectSql, this.__connectionHolder, handler); for (Object _param : sql.params().params()) { _opt.addParameter(_param); } if (__sessionEvent != null) { __sessionEvent.onQueryBefore(new SessionEventContext(_opt)); } _opt.execute(); if (__sessionEvent != null) { __sessionEvent.onQueryAfter(new SessionEventContext(_opt)); } return _opt.getResultSet().isEmpty() ? null : _opt.getResultSet().get(0); } public <T extends IEntity> T findFirst(EntitySQL<T> entity) throws Exception { return findFirst(entity, null, null); } public <T extends IEntity> T findFirst(EntitySQL<T> entity, IShardingable shardingable) throws Exception { return findFirst(entity, null, shardingable); } public <T extends IEntity> T findFirst(EntitySQL<T> entity, Where where) throws Exception { return findFirst(entity, where, null); } public <T extends IEntity> T findFirst(EntitySQL<T> entity, Where where, IShardingable shardingable) throws Exception { String _selectSql = __dialect.buildSelectSQL(entity.getEntityClass(), __tablePrefix, shardingable, __doGetNotExcludedFields(EntityMeta.createAndGet(entity.getEntityClass()), entity.fields(), false, true)); if (where != null) { _selectSql = _selectSql.concat(" ").concat(where.toString()); } _selectSql = __dialect.buildPagedQuerySQL(_selectSql, 1, 1); // if (entity.forUpdate() != null) { _selectSql = _selectSql + " " + entity.forUpdate().toSQL(); } // IQueryOperator<T> _opt = new DefaultQueryOperator<T>(_selectSql, this.__connectionHolder, new EntityResultSetHandler<T>(entity.getEntityClass())); if (where != null) { for (Object _param : where.getParams().params()) { _opt.addParameter(_param); } } if (__sessionEvent != null) { __sessionEvent.onQueryBefore(new SessionEventContext(_opt)); } _opt.execute(); if (__sessionEvent != null) { __sessionEvent.onQueryAfter(new SessionEventContext(_opt)); } // return _opt.getResultSet().isEmpty() ? null : _opt.getResultSet().get(0); } public int executeForUpdate(SQL sql) throws Exception { IUpdateOperator _opt = new DefaultUpdateOperator(sql.getSQL(), this.getConnectionHolder()); for (Object _param : sql.params().params()) { _opt.addParameter(_param); } if (__sessionEvent != null) { __sessionEvent.onUpdateBefore(new SessionEventContext(_opt)); } _opt.execute(); if (__sessionEvent != null) { __sessionEvent.onUpdateAfter(new SessionEventContext(_opt)); } return _opt.getEffectCounts(); } public int[] executeForUpdate(BatchSQL sql) throws Exception { IBatchUpdateOperator _opt = null; if (sql.getSQL() != null) { _opt = new BatchUpdateOperator(sql.getSQL(), this.getConnectionHolder()); for (Params _param : sql.params()) { SQLBatchParameter _batchParam = SQLBatchParameter.create(); for (Object _p : _param.params()) { _batchParam.addParameter(_p); } _opt.addBatchParameter(_batchParam); } } else { _opt = new BatchUpdateOperator(this.getConnectionHolder()); } for (String _sql : sql.getSQLs()) { _opt.addBatchSQL(_sql); } if (__sessionEvent != null) { __sessionEvent.onUpdateBefore(new SessionEventContext(_opt)); } _opt.execute(); if (__sessionEvent != null) { __sessionEvent.onUpdateAfter(new SessionEventContext(_opt)); } return _opt.getEffectCounts(); } public <T extends IEntity> T update(T entity, Fields filter) throws Exception { return update(entity, filter, entity instanceof IShardingable ? (IShardingable) entity : null); } public <T extends IEntity> T update(T entity, Fields filter, IShardingable shardingable) throws Exception { EntityMeta _meta = EntityMeta.createAndGet(entity.getClass()); PairObject<Fields, Params> _entity = __doGetPrimaryKeyFieldAndValues(_meta, entity, null); filter = __doGetNotExcludedFields(_meta, filter, true, false); String _updateSql = __dialect.buildUpdateByPkSQL(entity.getClass(), __tablePrefix, shardingable, _entity.getKey(), filter); IUpdateOperator _opt = new DefaultUpdateOperator(_updateSql, this.__connectionHolder); // ?? for (Object _param : __doGetEntityFieldAndValues(_meta, entity, filter, false).getValue().params()) { _opt.addParameter(_param); } // ??? for (Object _param : _entity.getValue().params()) { _opt.addParameter(_param); } if (__sessionEvent != null) { __sessionEvent.onUpdateBefore(new SessionEventContext(_opt)); } _opt.execute(); if (__sessionEvent != null) { __sessionEvent.onUpdateAfter(new SessionEventContext(_opt)); } if (_opt.getEffectCounts() > 0) { return entity; } return null; } public <T extends IEntity> List<T> update(List<T> entities, Fields filter) throws Exception { T _element = entities.get(0); EntityMeta _meta = EntityMeta.createAndGet(_element.getClass()); PairObject<Fields, Params> _entity = __doGetPrimaryKeyFieldAndValues(_meta, _element, null); filter = __doGetNotExcludedFields(_meta, filter, true, false); String _updateSql = __dialect.buildUpdateByPkSQL(_element.getClass(), __tablePrefix, null, _entity.getKey(), filter); IBatchUpdateOperator _opt = new BatchUpdateOperator(_updateSql, this.__connectionHolder); for (T entity : entities) { SQLBatchParameter _batchParam = SQLBatchParameter.create(); _entity = __doGetEntityFieldAndValues(_meta, entity, filter, false); // ?? for (Object _param : _entity.getValue().params()) { _batchParam.addParameter(_param); } // ??? _entity = __doGetPrimaryKeyFieldAndValues(_meta, entity, null); for (Object _param : _entity.getValue().params()) { _batchParam.addParameter(_param); } _opt.addBatchParameter(_batchParam); } if (__sessionEvent != null) { __sessionEvent.onUpdateBefore(new SessionEventContext(_opt)); } _opt.execute(); if (__sessionEvent != null) { __sessionEvent.onUpdateAfter(new SessionEventContext(_opt)); } return entities; } public <T extends IEntity> List<T> update(ShardingList<T> entities, Fields filter) throws Exception { List<T> _results = new ArrayList<T>(); for (ShardingList.ShardingElement<T> _element : entities) { T _entity = this.update(_element.getElement(), filter, _element); if (_entity != null) { _results.add(_entity); } } return _results; } public <T extends IEntity> T insert(T entity) throws Exception { return insert(entity, null, (entity instanceof IShardingable ? (IShardingable) entity : null)); } public <T extends IEntity> T insert(T entity, IShardingable shardingable) throws Exception { return insert(entity, null, shardingable); } public <T extends IEntity> T insert(T entity, Fields filter) throws Exception { return insert(entity, filter, (entity instanceof IShardingable ? (IShardingable) entity : null)); } public <T extends IEntity> T insert(T entity, Fields filter, IShardingable shardingable) throws Exception { EntityMeta _meta = EntityMeta.createAndGet(entity.getClass()); PairObject<Fields, Params> _entity = __doGetEntityFieldAndValues(_meta, entity, filter, true); String _insertSql = __dialect.buildInsertSQL(entity.getClass(), __tablePrefix, shardingable, _entity.getKey()); IUpdateOperator _opt = new DefaultUpdateOperator(_insertSql, this.__connectionHolder); if (_meta.hasAutoincrement()) { // Oracle?? if (__connectionHolder.getDialect() instanceof OracleDialect) { final String[] _ids = _meta.getAutoincrementKeys() .toArray(new String[_meta.getAutoincrementKeys().size()]); _opt.setAccessorConfig(new EntityAccessorConfig(_meta, __connectionHolder, entity) { @Override public PreparedStatement getPreparedStatement(Connection conn, String sql) throws SQLException { if (conn != null && !conn.isClosed()) { return conn.prepareStatement(sql, _ids); } return __conn.getConnection().prepareStatement(sql, _ids); } }); } else { _opt.setAccessorConfig(new EntityAccessorConfig(_meta, __connectionHolder, entity)); } } // ? for (Object _param : _entity.getValue().params()) { _opt.addParameter(_param); } if (__sessionEvent != null) { __sessionEvent.onInsertBefore(new SessionEventContext(_opt)); } _opt.execute(); if (__sessionEvent != null) { __sessionEvent.onInsertAfter(new SessionEventContext(_opt)); } if (_opt.getEffectCounts() > 0) { return entity; } return null; } public <T extends IEntity> List<T> insert(List<T> entities) throws Exception { return insert(entities, null); } public <T extends IEntity> List<T> insert(ShardingList<T> entities) throws Exception { return this.insert(entities, null); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T extends IEntity> List<T> insert(List<T> entities, Fields filter) throws Exception { T _element = entities.get(0); EntityMeta _meta = EntityMeta.createAndGet(_element.getClass()); PairObject<Fields, Params> _entity = __doGetEntityFieldAndValues(_meta, _element, filter, true); String _insertSql = __dialect.buildInsertSQL(_element.getClass(), __tablePrefix, null, _entity.getKey()); IBatchUpdateOperator _opt = new BatchUpdateOperator(_insertSql, this.__connectionHolder); if (_meta.hasAutoincrement()) { // Oracle?? if (__connectionHolder.getDialect() instanceof OracleDialect) { final String[] _ids = _meta.getAutoincrementKeys() .toArray(new String[_meta.getAutoincrementKeys().size()]); _opt.setAccessorConfig( new EntityAccessorConfig(_meta, __connectionHolder, (List<IEntity<?>>) entities) { @Override public PreparedStatement getPreparedStatement(Connection conn, String sql) throws SQLException { if (conn != null && !conn.isClosed()) { return conn.prepareStatement(sql, _ids); } return __conn.getConnection().prepareStatement(sql, _ids); } }); } else { _opt.setAccessorConfig( new EntityAccessorConfig(_meta, __connectionHolder, (List<IEntity<?>>) entities)); } } for (T entity : entities) { SQLBatchParameter _batchParam = SQLBatchParameter.create(); for (Object _param : __doGetEntityFieldAndValues(_meta, entity, filter, true).getValue().params()) { _batchParam.addParameter(_param); } _opt.addBatchParameter(_batchParam); } if (__sessionEvent != null) { __sessionEvent.onInsertBefore(new SessionEventContext(_opt)); } _opt.execute(); if (__sessionEvent != null) { __sessionEvent.onInsertAfter(new SessionEventContext(_opt)); } return entities; } public <T extends IEntity> List<T> insert(ShardingList<T> entities, Fields filter) throws Exception { List<T> _results = new ArrayList<T>(); for (ShardingList.ShardingElement<T> _element : entities) { T _entity = this.insert(_element.getElement(), filter, _element); if (_entity != null) { _results.add(_entity); } } return _results; } public <T extends IEntity> T delete(T entity) throws Exception { return delete(entity, (entity instanceof IShardingable ? (IShardingable) entity : null)); } public <T extends IEntity> T delete(T entity, IShardingable shardingable) throws Exception { if (this.delete(entity.getClass(), entity.getId(), shardingable) > 0) { return entity; } return null; } public <T extends IEntity> int delete(Class<T> entityClass, Serializable id) throws Exception { return delete(entityClass, id, null); } public <T extends IEntity> int delete(Class<T> entityClass, Serializable id, IShardingable shardingable) throws Exception { EntityMeta _meta = EntityMeta.createAndGet(entityClass); PairObject<Fields, Params> _entity = __doGetPrimaryKeyFieldAndValues(_meta, id, null); String _deleteSql = __dialect.buildDeleteByPkSQL(entityClass, __tablePrefix, shardingable, _entity.getKey()); IUpdateOperator _opt = new DefaultUpdateOperator(_deleteSql, this.__connectionHolder); // ?? for (Object _param : _entity.getValue().params()) { _opt.addParameter(_param); } if (__sessionEvent != null) { __sessionEvent.onRemoveBefore(new SessionEventContext(_opt)); } _opt.execute(); if (__sessionEvent != null) { __sessionEvent.onRemoveAfter(new SessionEventContext(_opt)); } return _opt.getEffectCounts(); } public <T extends IEntity> List<T> delete(List<T> entities) throws Exception { EntityMeta _meta = EntityMeta.createAndGet(entities.get(0).getClass()); PairObject<Fields, Params> _entity = __doGetPrimaryKeyFieldAndValues(_meta, entities.get(0), null); String _deleteSql = __dialect.buildDeleteByPkSQL(entities.get(0).getClass(), __tablePrefix, null, _entity.getKey()); IBatchUpdateOperator _opt = new BatchUpdateOperator(_deleteSql, this.__connectionHolder); for (T entity : entities) { SQLBatchParameter _batchParam = SQLBatchParameter.create(); // ?? _entity = __doGetPrimaryKeyFieldAndValues(_meta, entity, null); for (Object _param : _entity.getValue().params()) { _batchParam.addParameter(_param); } _opt.addBatchParameter(_batchParam); } _opt.execute(); return entities; } public <T extends IEntity> List<T> delete(ShardingList<T> entities) throws Exception { List<T> _results = new ArrayList<T>(); for (ShardingList.ShardingElement<T> _element : entities) { T _entity = this.delete(_element.getElement(), _element); if (_entity != null) { _results.add(_entity); } } return _results; } public <T extends IEntity> int[] delete(Class<T> entityClass, Serializable[] ids) throws Exception { EntityMeta _meta = EntityMeta.createAndGet(entityClass); PairObject<Fields, Params> _entity = __doGetPrimaryKeyFieldAndValues(_meta, ids[0], null); String _deleteSql = __dialect.buildDeleteByPkSQL(entityClass, __tablePrefix, null, _entity.getKey()); IBatchUpdateOperator _opt = new BatchUpdateOperator(_deleteSql, this.__connectionHolder); for (Serializable _id : ids) { SQLBatchParameter _batchParam = SQLBatchParameter.create(); // ?? _entity = __doGetPrimaryKeyFieldAndValues(_meta, _id, null); for (Object _param : _entity.getValue().params()) { _batchParam.addParameter(_param); } _opt.addBatchParameter(_batchParam); } if (__sessionEvent != null) { __sessionEvent.onRemoveBefore(new SessionEventContext(_opt)); } _opt.execute(); if (__sessionEvent != null) { __sessionEvent.onRemoveAfter(new SessionEventContext(_opt)); } return _opt.getEffectCounts(); } public <T extends IEntity> int[] delete(Class<T> entityClass, ShardingList<Serializable> ids) throws Exception { List<Integer> _results = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (ShardingList.ShardingElement<Serializable> _element : ids) { _results.add(this.delete(entityClass, _element.getElement(), _element)); } return ArrayUtils.toPrimitive(_results.toArray(new Integer[0])); } public <T extends IEntity> long count(Class<T> entityClass, Where where) throws Exception { return count(entityClass, where, null); } public <T extends IEntity> long count(Class<T> entityClass, Where where, IShardingable shardingable) throws Exception { EntityMeta _meta = EntityMeta.createAndGet(entityClass); ExpressionUtils _exp = ExpressionUtils.bind("SELECT count(1) FROM ${table_name} ${where}") .set("table_name", __dialect.buildTableName(__tablePrefix, _meta, shardingable)) .set("where", where.toString()); IQueryOperator<Object[]> _opt = new DefaultQueryOperator<Object[]>(_exp.getResult(), this.getConnectionHolder(), IResultSetHandler.ARRAY); for (Object _param : where.getParams().params()) { _opt.addParameter(_param); } if (__sessionEvent != null) { __sessionEvent.onQueryBefore(new SessionEventContext(_opt)); } _opt.execute(); if (__sessionEvent != null) { __sessionEvent.onQueryAfter(new SessionEventContext(_opt)); } return BlurObject.bind(((Object[]) _opt.getResultSet().get(0)[0])[1]).toLongValue(); } public long count(SQL sql) throws Exception { String _sql = ExpressionUtils.bind("SELECT count(1) FROM (${sql}) c_t").set("sql", sql.getSQL()) .getResult(); IQueryOperator<Object[]> _opt = new DefaultQueryOperator<Object[]>(_sql, this.getConnectionHolder(), IResultSetHandler.ARRAY); for (Object _param : sql.params().params()) { _opt.addParameter(_param); } _opt.execute(); return BlurObject.bind(((Object[]) _opt.getResultSet().get(0)[0])[1]).toLongValue(); } /** * @param entityMeta ?? * @param targetObj * @param filter ??? * @return ? * @throws Exception ? */ protected PairObject<Fields, Params> __doGetPrimaryKeyFieldAndValues(EntityMeta entityMeta, Object targetObj, Fields filter) throws Exception { Fields _fields = Fields.create(); Params _values = Params.create(); if (targetObj instanceof IEntityPK) { if (entityMeta.isMultiplePrimaryKey()) { for (String _pkFieldName : entityMeta.getPrimaryKeys()) { Object _value = entityMeta.getPropertyByName(_pkFieldName).getField().get(targetObj); if (_value != null) { if (__doCheckField(filter, _pkFieldName)) { _fields.add(_pkFieldName); _values.add(_value); } } } } else { String _fieldName = entityMeta.getPrimaryKeys().get(0); if (__doCheckField(filter, _fieldName)) { _fields.add(_fieldName); _values.add(targetObj); } } } else if (targetObj instanceof IEntity) { if (entityMeta.isMultiplePrimaryKey()) { PairObject<Fields, Params> _tmpValues = __doGetPrimaryKeyFieldAndValues(entityMeta, ((IEntity) targetObj).getId(), filter); _fields.add(_tmpValues.getKey()); _values.add(_tmpValues.getValue()); } else { String _fieldName = entityMeta.getPrimaryKeys().get(0); if (__doCheckField(filter, _fieldName)) { _fields.add(_fieldName); _values.add(((IEntity) targetObj).getId()); } } } else { String _fieldName = entityMeta.getPrimaryKeys().get(0); if (__doCheckField(filter, _fieldName)) { _fields.add(_fieldName); _values.add(targetObj); } } return new PairObject<Fields, Params>(_fields, _values); } /** * @param entityMeta ?? * @param targetObj * @param filter ??? * @param includePK ???? * @return ? * @throws Exception ? */ protected PairObject<Fields, Params> __doGetEntityFieldAndValues(EntityMeta entityMeta, IEntity targetObj, Fields filter, boolean includePK) throws Exception { Fields _fields = Fields.create(); Params _values = Params.create(); for (String _fieldName : entityMeta.getPropertyNames()) { if (__doCheckField(filter, _fieldName)) { EntityMeta.PropertyMeta _propMeta = entityMeta.getPropertyByName(_fieldName); Object _value = null; if (entityMeta.isPrimaryKey(_fieldName)) { if (includePK) { // , ? if (_propMeta.isAutoincrement()) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(_propMeta.getSequenceName())) { _fields.add(_fieldName); // ??, ????? __dialect.getSequenceNextValSql(_propMeta.getSequenceName()); } } else { if (entityMeta.isMultiplePrimaryKey()) { _value = _propMeta.getField().get(targetObj.getId()); } else { _value = targetObj.getId(); } } } } else { _value = _propMeta.getField().get(targetObj); } // ?@Default?????null if (_value == null) { // value???? _value = BlurObject.bind(_propMeta.getDefaultValue()) .toObjectValue(_propMeta.getField().getType()); } if (_value != null || _propMeta.isNullable()) { if (includePK && entityMeta.isPrimaryKey(_fieldName) && entityMeta.isAutoincrement(_fieldName)) { continue; } // value? _fields.add(_fieldName); _values.add(_value); } } } return new PairObject<Fields, Params>(_fields, _values); } /** * @param filter * @param fieldName ??? * @return ? */ protected boolean __doCheckField(Fields filter, String fieldName) { if (filter != null) { if (filter.isExcluded()) { return !filter.fields().contains(fieldName); } else { return filter.fields().contains(fieldName); } } return true; } /** * @param entityMeta ??? * @param filter * @param forUpdate ??@Readonly * @param includePK ?? * @return ??? */ protected Fields __doGetNotExcludedFields(EntityMeta entityMeta, Fields filter, boolean forUpdate, boolean includePK) { Fields _returnValue = Fields.create(); for (String _field : entityMeta.getPropertyNames()) { if (__doCheckField(filter, _field)) { if (!includePK && entityMeta.isPrimaryKey(_field)) { continue; } if (forUpdate && entityMeta.isReadonly(_field)) { continue; } _returnValue.add(_field); } } return _returnValue; } /** * ????DefaultSession??? */ private class EntityAccessorConfig implements IAccessorConfig { protected EntityMeta __entityMeta; protected final IConnectionHolder __conn; protected List<IEntity<?>> __entities; public EntityAccessorConfig(EntityMeta entityMeta, IConnectionHolder connectionHolder, IEntity<?>... entity) { __entityMeta = entityMeta; __conn = connectionHolder; __entities = Arrays.asList(entity); } public EntityAccessorConfig(EntityMeta entityMeta, IConnectionHolder connectionHolder, List<IEntity<?>> entities) { __entityMeta = entityMeta; __conn = connectionHolder; __entities = entities; } public Statement getStatement(Connection conn) throws Exception { if (conn != null && !conn.isClosed()) { return conn.createStatement(); } return __conn.getConnection().createStatement(); } public CallableStatement getCallableStatement(Connection conn, String sql) throws Exception { if (conn != null && !conn.isClosed()) { return conn.prepareCall(sql); } return __conn.getConnection().prepareCall(sql); } public PreparedStatement getPreparedStatement(Connection conn, String sql) throws Exception { if (conn != null && !conn.isClosed()) { return conn.prepareStatement(sql, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); } return __conn.getConnection().prepareStatement(sql, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); } public void beforeStatementExecution(AccessorEventContext context) throws Exception { } public void afterStatementExecution(AccessorEventContext context) throws Exception { if (__entities != null && __entityMeta.hasAutoincrement()) { // : ?? // ??? Object[] _genKeyValue = __dialect.getGeneratedKey(context.getStatement()); if (_genKeyValue != null && _genKeyValue.length > 0) { for (int _idx = 0; _idx < this.__entities.size(); _idx++) { IEntity<?> _entity = __entities.get(_idx); for (String _autoFieldName : __entityMeta.getAutoincrementKeys()) { Field _field = __entityMeta.getPropertyByField(_autoFieldName).getField(); // ?, if (__entityMeta.isMultiplePrimaryKey()) { _field.set(_entity.getId(), BlurObject.bind(_genKeyValue[_idx]).toObjectValue(_field.getType())); } else { _field.set(_entity, BlurObject.bind(_genKeyValue[_idx]).toObjectValue(_field.getType())); } } } } } } public int getFetchDirection() { return 0; } public int getFetchSize() { return 10000; } public int getMaxFieldSize() { return 0; } public int getMaxRows() { return 1000; } public int getQueryTimeout() { return 0; } } }