Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2007-2016 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.ymate.platform.configuration.impl; import net.ymate.platform.configuration.IConfigurationProvider; import; import net.ymate.platform.core.lang.BlurObject; import net.ymate.platform.core.util.FileUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.NullArgumentException; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import java.util.*; /** * ???? * * @author ( on 2010-4-17 ?02:34:44 * @version 1.0 */ public class DefaultConfigurationProvider implements IConfigurationProvider { /** * ???? */ private static final Map<String, XMLConfigFileHandler> __CONFIG_CACHE_MAPS = new HashMap<String, XMLConfigFileHandler>(); /** * ? */ private XMLConfigFileHandler __config; /** * ?? */ private String __cfgFileName; public void load(String cfgFileName) throws Exception { if (StringUtils.isBlank(cfgFileName)) { throw new NullArgumentException("cfgFileName"); } if ((__config = __CONFIG_CACHE_MAPS.get(cfgFileName)) == null) { this.__cfgFileName = cfgFileName; __config = new XMLConfigFileHandler(FileUtils.toURL(cfgFileName)).load(true); __CONFIG_CACHE_MAPS.put(cfgFileName, __config); } } public void reload() throws Exception { // __CONFIG_CACHE_MAPS.remove(this.__cfgFileName); // ? load(this.__cfgFileName); } public String getCfgFileName() { return __cfgFileName; } public String getString(String key) { XMLConfigFileHandler.XMLProperty _prop = __config.getDefaultCategory().getProperty(key); return _prop == null ? null : _prop.getContent(); } public String getString(String key, String defaultValue) { return StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(getString(key), defaultValue); } public String getString(String category, String key, String defaultValue) { XMLConfigFileHandler.XMLCategory _category = __config.getCategory(category); if (_category == null) { return null; } XMLConfigFileHandler.XMLProperty _prop = _category.getProperty(key); return StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(_prop == null ? null : _prop.getContent(), defaultValue); } public List<String> getList(String key) { return getList(XMLConfigFileHandler.DEFAULT_CATEGORY_NAME, key); } public List<String> getList(String category, String key) { List<String> _returnValue = new ArrayList<String>(); XMLConfigFileHandler.XMLProperty _prop = __config.getCategory(category).getProperty(key); if (_prop != null) { for (XMLConfigFileHandler.XMLAttribute _attr : _prop.getAttributeMap().values()) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(_attr.getValue())) { _returnValue.add(_attr.getKey()); } } } return _returnValue; } public Map<String, String> getMap(String key) { return getMap(XMLConfigFileHandler.DEFAULT_CATEGORY_NAME, key); } public Map<String, String> getMap(String category, String key) { Map<String, String> _returnValue = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); XMLConfigFileHandler.XMLProperty _prop = __config.getCategory(category).getProperty(key); if (_prop != null) { for (String name : _prop.getAttributeMap().keySet()) { String value = _prop.getAttribute(name).getValue(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(value)) { _returnValue.put(name, value); } } } return _returnValue; } public String[] getArray(String key) { List<String> _resultValue = getList(key); return _resultValue.toArray(new String[_resultValue.size()]); } public String[] getArray(String key, boolean zeroSize) { return getArray(XMLConfigFileHandler.DEFAULT_CATEGORY_NAME, key, zeroSize); } public String[] getArray(String category, String key, boolean zeroSize) { List<String> _values = getList(category, key); if (_values.isEmpty() && !zeroSize) { return null; } return _values.toArray(new String[_values.size()]); } public int getInt(String key) { return getInt(XMLConfigFileHandler.DEFAULT_CATEGORY_NAME, key, 0); } public int getInt(String key, int defaultValue) { return getInt(XMLConfigFileHandler.DEFAULT_CATEGORY_NAME, key, defaultValue); } public int getInt(String category, String key, int defaultValue) { XMLConfigFileHandler.XMLCategory _category = __config.getCategory(category); if (_category != null) { XMLConfigFileHandler.XMLProperty _prop = _category.getProperty(key); if (_prop != null) { return new BlurObject(_prop.getContent()).toIntValue(); } } return defaultValue; } public boolean getBoolean(String key) { return getBoolean(XMLConfigFileHandler.DEFAULT_CATEGORY_NAME, key, false); } public boolean getBoolean(String key, boolean defaultValue) { return getBoolean(XMLConfigFileHandler.DEFAULT_CATEGORY_NAME, key, defaultValue); } public boolean getBoolean(String category, String key, boolean defaultValue) { XMLConfigFileHandler.XMLCategory _category = __config.getCategory(category); if (_category != null) { XMLConfigFileHandler.XMLProperty _prop = _category.getProperty(key); if (_prop != null) { return new BlurObject(_prop.getContent()).toBooleanValue(); } } return defaultValue; } public long getLong(String key) { return getLong(XMLConfigFileHandler.DEFAULT_CATEGORY_NAME, key, 0l); } public long getLong(String key, long defaultValue) { return getLong(XMLConfigFileHandler.DEFAULT_CATEGORY_NAME, key, defaultValue); } public long getLong(String category, String key, long defaultValue) { XMLConfigFileHandler.XMLCategory _category = __config.getCategory(category); if (_category != null) { XMLConfigFileHandler.XMLProperty _prop = _category.getProperty(key); if (_prop != null) { return new BlurObject(_prop.getContent()).toLongValue(); } } return defaultValue; } public float getFloat(String key) { return getFloat(XMLConfigFileHandler.DEFAULT_CATEGORY_NAME, key, 0f); } public float getFloat(String key, float defaultValue) { return getFloat(XMLConfigFileHandler.DEFAULT_CATEGORY_NAME, key, defaultValue); } public float getFloat(String category, String key, float defaultValue) { XMLConfigFileHandler.XMLCategory _category = __config.getCategory(category); if (_category != null) { XMLConfigFileHandler.XMLProperty _prop = _category.getProperty(key); if (_prop != null) { return new BlurObject(_prop.getContent()).toFloatValue(); } } return defaultValue; } public double getDouble(String key) { return getDouble(XMLConfigFileHandler.DEFAULT_CATEGORY_NAME, key, 0d); } public double getDouble(String key, double defaultValue) { return getDouble(XMLConfigFileHandler.DEFAULT_CATEGORY_NAME, key, defaultValue); } public double getDouble(String category, String key, double defaultValue) { XMLConfigFileHandler.XMLCategory _category = __config.getCategory(category); if (_category != null) { XMLConfigFileHandler.XMLProperty _prop = _category.getProperty(key); if (_prop != null) { return new BlurObject(_prop.getContent()).toDoubleValue(); } } return defaultValue; } public Map<String, String> toMap() { return toMap(XMLConfigFileHandler.DEFAULT_CATEGORY_NAME); } public Map<String, String> toMap(String category) { XMLConfigFileHandler.XMLCategory _category = __config.getCategory(category); if (_category == null) { return Collections.emptyMap(); } Collection<XMLConfigFileHandler.XMLProperty> _properties = _category.getPropertyMap().values(); Map<String, String> _returnValue = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(_properties.size()); for (XMLConfigFileHandler.XMLProperty _prop : _properties) { _returnValue.put(_prop.getName(), _prop.getContent()); for (XMLConfigFileHandler.XMLAttribute _attr : _prop.getAttributeMap().values()) { _returnValue.put(_prop.getName().concat(".").concat(_attr.getKey()), _attr.getValue()); } } return _returnValue; } public List<String> getCategoryNames() { return new ArrayList<String>(__config.getCategories().keySet()); } public boolean contains(String key) { return __config.getDefaultCategory().getProperty(key) != null; } public boolean contains(String category, String key) { XMLConfigFileHandler.XMLCategory _category = __config.getCategory(category); return _category != null && _category.getProperty(key) != null; } }