Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2007-2016 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.ymate.framework.validation; import net.ymate.framework.core.Optional; import net.ymate.platform.core.beans.annotation.CleanProxy; import net.ymate.platform.validation.AbstractValidator; import net.ymate.platform.validation.ValidateContext; import net.ymate.platform.validation.ValidateResult; import net.ymate.platform.validation.annotation.Validator; import net.ymate.platform.webmvc.IUploadFileWrapper; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; /** * @author ( on 16/3/20 ?3:48 * @version 1.0 */ @Validator(VUploadFile.class) @CleanProxy public class UploadFileValidator extends AbstractValidator { public ValidateResult validate(ValidateContext context) { // ??IUploadFileWrapper Object _paramValue = context.getParamValue(); if (_paramValue != null) { String _paramName = StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(context.getParamLabel(), context.getParamName()); _paramName = __doGetI18nFormatMessage(context, _paramName, _paramName); // VUploadFile _vUploadFile = (VUploadFile) context.getAnnotation(); // List<String> _allowContentTypes = __doGetAllowContentTypes(context, _vUploadFile); // if (_paramValue.getClass().isArray() && _paramValue instanceof IUploadFileWrapper[]) { // IUploadFileWrapper[] _values = (IUploadFileWrapper[]) _paramValue; long _totalSize = 0; for (IUploadFileWrapper _value : _values) { _totalSize += _value.getSize(); ValidateResult _result = __doValidateUploadFileWrapper(context, _allowContentTypes, _paramName, _vUploadFile, _value); if (_result != null) { return _result; } } if (_totalSize > _vUploadFile.totalMax()) { String _msg = StringUtils.trimToNull(_vUploadFile.msg()); if (_msg != null) { _msg = __doGetI18nFormatMessage(context, _msg, _msg, _paramName); } else { _msg = __doGetI18nFormatMessage(context, "ymp.validation.upload_file_total_max", "{0} total size must be lt {1}.", _paramName, _vUploadFile.totalMax()); } return new ValidateResult(_paramName, _msg); } } else if (_paramValue instanceof IUploadFileWrapper) { IUploadFileWrapper _value = (IUploadFileWrapper) _paramValue; ValidateResult _result = __doValidateUploadFileWrapper(context, _allowContentTypes, _paramName, _vUploadFile, _value); if (_result != null) { return _result; } } } return null; } private ValidateResult __doValidateUploadFileWrapper(ValidateContext context, List<String> allowContentTypes, String paramName, VUploadFile vUploadFile, IUploadFileWrapper value) { boolean _matched = false; boolean _isNotAllowContentType = false; // if (vUploadFile.min() > 0 && value.getSize() < vUploadFile.min()) { _matched = true; } else if (vUploadFile.max() > 0 && value.getSize() > vUploadFile.max()) { _matched = true; } else if (allowContentTypes.size() > 0) { boolean _flag = false; for (String _contentType : allowContentTypes) { if (StringUtils.contains(value.getContentType(), _contentType)) { _flag = true; break; } } if (!_flag) { _matched = true; _isNotAllowContentType = true; } } if (_matched) { String _msg = StringUtils.trimToNull(vUploadFile.msg()); if (_msg != null) { _msg = __doGetI18nFormatMessage(context, _msg, _msg, paramName); } else { if (_isNotAllowContentType) { _msg = __doGetI18nFormatMessage(context, "ymp.validation.upload_file_content_type", "{0} content type must be match {1}.", paramName, StringUtils.join(vUploadFile.contentTypes(), ",")); } else { if (vUploadFile.max() > 0 && vUploadFile.min() > 0) { _msg = __doGetI18nFormatMessage(context, "ymp.validation.upload_file_between", "{0} size must be between {1} and {2}.", paramName, vUploadFile.min(), vUploadFile.max()); } else if (vUploadFile.max() > 0) { _msg = __doGetI18nFormatMessage(context, "ymp.validation.upload_file_max", "{0} size must be lt {1}.", paramName, vUploadFile.max()); } else { _msg = __doGetI18nFormatMessage(context, "ymp.validation.upload_file_min", "{0} size must be gt {1}.", paramName, vUploadFile.min()); } } } return new ValidateResult(context.getParamName(), _msg); } return null; } private List<String> __doGetAllowContentTypes(ValidateContext context, VUploadFile vUploadFile) { List<String> _contentTyps = new ArrayList<String>(); // _contentTyps.addAll(Arrays.asList(vUploadFile.contentTypes())); // String[] _types = StringUtils.split(StringUtils .trimToEmpty(context.getContextParams().get(Optional.VALIDATION_ALLOW_UPLOAD_CONTENT_TYPES)), "|"); if (_types.length > 0) { _contentTyps.addAll(Arrays.asList(_types)); } // _types = StringUtils.split( StringUtils.trimToEmpty( context.getOwner().getConfig().getParam(Optional.VALIDATION_ALLOW_UPLOAD_CONTENT_TYPES)), "|"); if (_types.length > 0) { _contentTyps.addAll(Arrays.asList(_types)); } return _contentTyps; } }