Java tutorial
/** * YaCyQuery * Copyright 03.02.2018 by Michael Peter Christen, @0rb1t3r * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program in the file lgpl21.txt * If not, see <>. */ package; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.http.HttpStatus; import org.elasticsearch.index.query.BoolQueryBuilder; import org.elasticsearch.index.query.MatchAllQueryBuilder; import org.elasticsearch.index.query.MultiMatchQueryBuilder; import org.elasticsearch.index.query.Operator; import org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilder; import org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilders; import org.elasticsearch.index.query.RangeQueryBuilder; import org.elasticsearch.index.query.TermQueryBuilder; import; import; import; import; import net.yacy.grid.mcp.Data; import; import; public class YaCyQuery { private static char space = ' '; private static char sq = '\''; private static char dq = '"'; //private static String seps = ".:;#*`,!$%()=?^<>/&"; public final static String FACET_DEFAULT_PARAMETER = "host_s,url_file_ext_s,author_sxt,dates_in_content_dts,language_s,url_protocol_s,collection_sxt"; public List<String> collectionTextFilterQuery(boolean noimages) { final ArrayList<String> fqs = new ArrayList<>(); // add filter to prevent that results come from failed urls fqs.add(WebMapping.httpstatus_i.getMapping().name() + ":" + HttpStatus.SC_OK); if (noimages) { fqs.add("-" + WebMapping.content_type.getMapping().name() + ":(image/*)"); fqs.add("-" + WebMapping.url_file_ext_s.getMapping().name() + ":(jpg OR png OR gif)"); } return fqs; } private final static Pattern term4ORPattern = Pattern.compile("(?:^| )(\\S*(?: OR \\S*)+)(?: |$)"); // Pattern.compile("(^\\s*(?: OR ^\\s*+)+)"); private final static Pattern tokenizerPattern = Pattern.compile("([^\"]\\S*|\".+?\")\\s*"); // tokenizes Strings into terms respecting quoted parts public QueryBuilder queryBuilder; public Date since; public Date until; public String[] collections; public Boosts boosts; public HashSet<String> yacyModifiers; public HashSet<String> positiveBag, negativeBag; public YaCyQuery(String q, String[] collections, Classification.ContentDomain contentdom, int timezoneOffset) { // default values for since and util this.since = new Date(0); this.until = new Date(Long.MAX_VALUE); this.collections = collections; this.boosts = Data.boostsFactory.getBoosts(); // creates a clone of a standard boost mapping this.yacyModifiers = new HashSet<>(); this.positiveBag = new HashSet<>(); this.negativeBag = new HashSet<>(); // parse the query string this.queryBuilder = preparse(q, timezoneOffset); // handle constraints and document types if (this.collections != null && this.collections.length > 0) { // attach collection constraint BoolQueryBuilder qb = QueryBuilders.boolQuery().must(this.queryBuilder); BoolQueryBuilder collectionQuery = QueryBuilders.boolQuery(); for (String s : this.collections) { int p = s.indexOf('^'); TermQueryBuilder tq; if (p >= 0) { tq = QueryBuilders.termQuery(WebMapping.collection_sxt.getMapping().name(), s.substring(0, p)); tq.boost(Float.parseFloat(s.substring(p + 1))); } else { tq = QueryBuilders.termQuery(WebMapping.collection_sxt.getMapping().name(), s); } collectionQuery.should(tq); } qb.must(QueryBuilders.constantScoreQuery(collectionQuery)); this.queryBuilder = qb; } // add content domain if (contentdom == Classification.ContentDomain.IMAGE) { BoolQueryBuilder qb = QueryBuilders.boolQuery().must(this.queryBuilder); qb.must(QueryBuilders.rangeQuery(WebMapping.imagescount_i.getMapping().name()).gt(new Integer(0))); this.queryBuilder = qb; } if (contentdom == Classification.ContentDomain.VIDEO) { BoolQueryBuilder qb = QueryBuilders.boolQuery().must(this.queryBuilder); qb.must(QueryBuilders.rangeQuery(WebMapping.videolinkscount_i.getMapping().name()).gt(new Integer(0))); this.queryBuilder = qb; } // ready"YaCyQuery: " + this.queryBuilder.toString()); } private static List<String> splitIntoORGroups(String q) { // detect usage of OR junctor usage. Right now we cannot have mixed AND and OR usage. Thats a hack right now q = q.replaceAll(" AND ", " "); // AND is default // tokenize the query ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); Matcher m = term4ORPattern.matcher(q); while (m.find()) { String d =; q = q.replace(d, "").replace(" ", " "); list.add(d); m = term4ORPattern.matcher(q); } q = q.trim(); if (q.length() > 0) list.add(0, q); return list; } /** * fixing a query mistake covers most common wrong queries from the user * @param q * @return the fixed query */ public static String fixQueryMistakes(String q) { q = q.replaceAll("\\*:\\*", ""); // no solr hacking here q = q.replaceAll(" AND ", " "); // AND is default return q; } private QueryBuilder preparse(String q, int timezoneOffset) { // detect usage of OR connector usage. q = fixQueryMistakes(q); List<String> terms = splitIntoORGroups(q); // OR binds stronger than AND //if (terms.size() == 0) QueryBuilders.constantScoreQuery(QueryBuilders.matchAllQuery()); // special handling: we don't need a boolean query builder on top; just return one parse object if (terms.size() == 1) return parse(terms.get(0), timezoneOffset); // generic handling: all of those OR groups MUST match. That is done with the must query BoolQueryBuilder aquery = QueryBuilders.boolQuery(); for (String t : terms) { QueryBuilder partial = parse(t, timezoneOffset); aquery.must(partial); } return aquery; } private final static String[][] modifierTypes = new String[][] { new String[] { "id", "_id" }, new String[] { "intitle", WebMapping.title.getMapping().name() }, new String[] { "inurlinurl", WebMapping.url_file_name_tokens_t.getMapping().name() }, new String[] { "filetype", WebMapping.url_file_ext_s.getMapping().name() }, new String[] { "site", WebMapping.host_s.getMapping().name() }, new String[] { "author", WebMapping.author_sxt.getMapping().name() }, new String[] { "yacy", "_id" } }; private QueryBuilder parse(String q, int timezoneOffset) { // detect usage of OR ORconnective usage. Because of the preparse step we will have only OR or only AND here. q = q.replaceAll(" AND ", " "); // AND is default boolean ORconnective = q.indexOf(" OR ") >= 0; q = q.replaceAll(" OR ", " "); // if we know that all terms are OR, we remove that and apply it later. Because we splitted into OR groups it is right to use OR here only // tokenize the query Set<String> qe = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); Matcher m = tokenizerPattern.matcher(q); while (m.find()) qe.add(; // twitter search syntax: // term1 term2 term3 - all three terms shall appear // "term1 term2 term3" - exact match of all terms // term1 OR term2 OR term3 - any of the three terms shall appear // from:user - tweets posted from that user // to:user - tweets posted to that user // @user - tweets which mention that user // near:"location" within:xmi - tweets that are near that location // #hashtag - tweets containing the given hashtag // since:2015-04-01 until:2015-04-03 - tweets within given time range // additional constraints: // /image /audio /video /place - restrict to tweets which have attached images, audio, video or place ArrayList<String> text_positive_match = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<String> text_negative_match = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<String> text_positive_filter = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<String> text_negative_filter = new ArrayList<>(); Multimap<String, String> modifier = HashMultimap.create(); Set<String> constraints_positive = new HashSet<>(); Set<String> constraints_negative = new HashSet<>(); for (String t : qe) { if (t.length() == 0) continue; if (t.startsWith("/")) { constraints_positive.add(t.substring(1)); continue; } else if (t.startsWith("-/")) { constraints_negative.add(t.substring(2)); continue; } else if (t.indexOf(':') > 0) { int p = t.indexOf(':'); String name = t.substring(0, p).toLowerCase(); String value = t.substring(p + 1); if (value.indexOf('|') > 0) { String[] values = value.split("\\|"); for (String v : values) { modifier.put(name, v); } } else { modifier.put(name, value); } continue; } else { // patch characters that will confuse elasticsearch or have a different meaning boolean negative = t.startsWith("-"); if (negative) t = t.substring(1); if (t.length() == 0) continue; if ((t.charAt(0) == dq && t.charAt(t.length() - 1) == dq) || (t.charAt(0) == sq && t.charAt(t.length() - 1) == sq)) { t = t.substring(1, t.length() - 1); if (negative) { text_negative_filter.add(t); this.negativeBag.add(t); } else { text_positive_filter.add(t); this.positiveBag.add(t); } } else if (t.indexOf('-') > 0) { // this must be handled like a quoted string without the minus t = t.replace('-', space); if (negative) { text_negative_filter.add(t); this.negativeBag.add(t); } else { text_positive_filter.add(t); this.positiveBag.add(t); } } else { if (negative) { text_negative_match.add(t); this.negativeBag.add(t); } else { text_positive_match.add(t); this.positiveBag.add(t); } } continue; } } // construct a ranking if (modifier.containsKey("boost")) { this.boosts.patchWithModifier(modifier.get("boost").iterator().next()); } // compose query for text List<QueryBuilder> queries = new ArrayList<>(); // fuzzy matching if (!text_positive_match.isEmpty()) queries.add(simpleQueryBuilder(String.join(" ", text_positive_match), ORconnective, boosts)); if (!text_negative_match.isEmpty()) queries.add(QueryBuilders.boolQuery() .mustNot(simpleQueryBuilder(String.join(" ", text_negative_match), ORconnective, boosts))); // exact matching for (String text : text_positive_filter) { queries.add(exactMatchQueryBuilder(text, this.boosts)); } for (String text : text_negative_filter) { queries.add(QueryBuilders.boolQuery().mustNot(exactMatchQueryBuilder(text, this.boosts))); } // apply modifiers Collection<String> values; modifier_handling: for (String[] modifierType : modifierTypes) { String modifier_name = modifierType[0]; String index_name = modifierType[1]; if ((values = modifier.get(modifier_name)).size() > 0) { if (modifier_name.equals("yacy")) { values.forEach(y -> this.yacyModifiers.add(y)); continue modifier_handling; } if (modifier_name.equals("site") && values.size() == 1) { String host = values.iterator().next(); if (host.startsWith("www.")) values.add(host.substring(4)); else values.add("www." + host); } queries.add(QueryBuilders.constantScoreQuery(QueryBuilders.termsQuery(index_name, values))); continue modifier_handling; } if ((values = modifier.get("-" + modifier_name)).size() > 0) { if (modifier_name.equals("site") && values.size() == 1) { String host = values.iterator().next(); if (host.startsWith("www.")) values.add(host.substring(4)); else values.add("www." + host); } queries.add(QueryBuilders.boolQuery() .mustNot(QueryBuilders.constantScoreQuery(QueryBuilders.termsQuery(index_name, values)))); continue modifier_handling; } } if (modifier.containsKey("collection") && (this.collections == null || this.collections.length == 0)) { Collection<String> c = modifier.get("collection"); this.collections = c.toArray(new String[c.size()]); } if (modifier.containsKey("daterange")) { String dr = modifier.get("daterange").iterator().next(); if (dr.length() > 0) { String from_to[] = dr.endsWith("..") ? new String[] { dr.substring(0, dr.length() - 2), "" } : dr.startsWith("..") ? new String[] { "", dr.substring(2) } : dr.split("\\.\\."); if (from_to.length == 2) { if (from_to[0] != null && from_to[0].length() > 0) try { modifier.put("since", DateParser.dayDateFormat .format(DateParser.parse(from_to[0], timezoneOffset).getTime())); } catch (ParseException e) { } if (from_to[1] != null && from_to[1].length() > 0) try { modifier.put("until", DateParser.dayDateFormat .format(DateParser.parse(from_to[1], timezoneOffset).getTime())); } catch (ParseException e) { } } } } if (modifier.containsKey("since")) try { Calendar since = DateParser.parse(modifier.get("since").iterator().next(), timezoneOffset); this.since = since.getTime(); RangeQueryBuilder rangeQuery = QueryBuilders .rangeQuery(WebMapping.last_modified.getMapping().name()) .from(DateParser.formatGSAFS(this.since)); if (modifier.containsKey("until")) { Calendar until = DateParser.parse(modifier.get("until").iterator().next(), timezoneOffset); if (until.get(Calendar.HOUR) == 0 && until.get(Calendar.MINUTE) == 0) { // until must be the day which is included in results. // To get the result within the same day, we must add one day. until.add(Calendar.DATE, 1); } this.until = until.getTime();; } else { this.until = new Date(Long.MAX_VALUE); } queries.add(rangeQuery); } catch (ParseException e) { } else if (modifier.containsKey("until")) try { Calendar until = DateParser.parse(modifier.get("until").iterator().next(), timezoneOffset); if (until.get(Calendar.HOUR) == 0 && until.get(Calendar.MINUTE) == 0) { // until must be the day which is included in results. // To get the result within the same day, we must add one day. until.add(Calendar.DATE, 1); } this.until = until.getTime(); RangeQueryBuilder rangeQuery = QueryBuilders .rangeQuery(WebMapping.last_modified.getMapping().name()) .to(DateParser.formatGSAFS(this.until)); queries.add(rangeQuery); } catch (ParseException e) { } // now combine queries with OR or AND operator // simple case where we have one query only if (queries.size() == 1) { return queries.iterator().next(); } BoolQueryBuilder b = QueryBuilders.boolQuery(); for (QueryBuilder filter : queries) { if (ORconnective) b.should(filter); else b.must(filter); } if (ORconnective) b.minimumShouldMatch(1); return b; } public static QueryBuilder simpleQueryBuilder(String q, boolean or, Boosts boosts) { if (q.equals("yacyall")) return new MatchAllQueryBuilder(); final MultiMatchQueryBuilder qb = QueryBuilders.multiMatchQuery(q).operator(or ? Operator.OR : Operator.AND) .zeroTermsQuery(ZeroTermsQuery.ALL); boosts.forEach((mapping, boost) -> qb.field(mapping.getMapping().name(), boost)); return qb; } public static QueryBuilder exactMatchQueryBuilder(String q, Boosts boosts) { BoolQueryBuilder qb = QueryBuilders.boolQuery(); boosts.forEach((mapping, boost) -> qb.should(QueryBuilders.termQuery(mapping.getMapping().name(), q))); qb.minimumShouldMatch(1); return qb; } }