Java tutorial
/* * @(#)$Id: 116 2008-10-30 06:12:51Z unsaved $ * * Copyright 2008 by the JWebMail Development Team and Sebastian Schaffert. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.wastl.webmail.xml; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Random; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.TimeZone; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException; import net.wastl.webmail.exceptions.InvalidPasswordException; import net.wastl.webmail.exceptions.WebMailException; import net.wastl.webmail.misc.Helper; import net.wastl.webmail.server.MailHostData; import net.wastl.webmail.server.UserData; import net.wastl.webmail.server.WebMailServer; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.DocumentFragment; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; /** * @author Sebastian Schaffert */ public class XMLUserData extends XMLData implements UserData { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(XMLUserData.class); protected long login_time; protected boolean logged_in; public XMLUserData(Document d) { super(d); if (data == null) { // Should we not throw here so us developers will see and // fix the problem? - blaine log.error("Data was null ???"); data = root.createElement("USERDATA"); root.appendChild(data); } } public void init(String user, String domain, String password) { setUserName(user); setDomain(domain); setFullName(user); if (user.indexOf("@") != -1) { // This is a special case when the user already contains the domain // e.g. QMail setEmail(user); } else { setEmail(user + "@" + domain); } try { setPassword(password, password); } catch (InvalidPasswordException ex) { } setPreferredLocale(WebMailServer.getDefaultLocale().toString()); setTheme(WebMailServer.getDefaultTheme()); setIntVar("first login", System.currentTimeMillis()); setIntVar("last login", System.currentTimeMillis()); setIntVar("login count", 0); setIntVar("max show messages", 20); setIntVar("icon size", 48); setBoolVar("break lines", true); setIntVar("max line length", 79); } public String getProperty(String xpath) { return getValueXPath(xpath); } public Document getRoot() { return root; } public Document getDocumentInstance() { return root; } public Element getUserData() { return data; } public DocumentFragment getDocumentFragment() { DocumentFragment df = root.createDocumentFragment(); df.appendChild(data); return df; } /** * Create specified element if it doesn't exist already. */ protected void ensureElement(String tag, String attribute, String att_value) { /* TODO: Fix behavior of this method. * If it is really an ERROR for element to be missing, then this * method should throw if it's missing. * If it is not an error, then this method should be a boolean * getter, not a validator void method. */ StringBuilder xp_query = new StringBuilder(tag); /* Blaine disables this "//" prefix. * Besides this causing indisputable failures when input tag is * begins with slash, why would we want to use a wildcard when * "ensureing" that a specific element exists? * String xp_query="//"+tag; */ if (attribute != null && att_value != null) { xp_query.append("[@" + attribute + "='" + att_value + "']"); } else if (attribute != null) { xp_query.append("[@" + attribute + "]"); } try { if (getNodeXPath(xp_query.toString()) != null) return; } catch (TransformerException te) { log.warn("Got an exception instead of a null return from XPath " + "for '" + xp_query.toString() + "'. Continuing.", te); return; } // NodeList nl=data.getElementsByTagName(tag); // boolean flag=false; // for(int i=0;nl != null && i<nl.getLength();i++) { // Element e=(Element)nl.item(i); // if(attribute == null) { // // No attribute required // flag=true; // break; // } else if(att_value == null) { // if(e.getAttributeNode(attribute) != null) { // // Attribute exists, value is not requested // flag=true; // break; // } // } else if(e.getAttribute(attribute).equals(att_value)) { // flag=true; // break; // } // } Element elem = root.createElement(tag); if (attribute != null) elem.setAttribute(attribute, att_value == null ? "" : att_value); if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase("BOOLVAR")) elem.setAttribute("value", "no"); data.appendChild(elem); invalidateCache(); } public void login() { // Increase login count and last login pointer //setIntVar("last login",System.currentTimeMillis()); if (!logged_in) { setIntVar("login count", getIntVar("login count") + 1); login_time = System.currentTimeMillis(); logged_in = true; } else { log.error("Trying to log in a second time for user " + getLogin()); } } public void logout() { if (logged_in) { setIntVar("last login", login_time); logged_in = false; } else { log.error("Logging out a user that wasn't logged in."); } } public void addMailHost(String name, String host, String login, String password, String imapBaseDir) { // First, check whether a mailhost with this name already exists. // Delete, if yes. try { log.debug("Adding mailhost " + name); if (getMailHost(name) != null) { removeMailHost(name); } Element mailhost = root.createElement("MAILHOST"); mailhost.setAttribute("name", name); mailhost.setAttribute("id", Long.toHexString(Math.abs(name.hashCode())) + Long.toHexString(System.currentTimeMillis())); Element mh_login = root.createElement("MH_LOGIN"); XMLCommon.setElementTextValue(mh_login, login); mailhost.appendChild(mh_login); Element mh_pass = root.createElement("MH_PASSWORD"); XMLCommon.setElementTextValue(mh_pass, Helper.encryptTEA(password)); mailhost.appendChild(mh_pass); Element mh_uri = root.createElement("MH_URI"); XMLCommon.setElementTextValue(mh_uri, host); mailhost.appendChild(mh_uri); if (imapBaseDir != null) log.fatal("Implement persistence of MH_IMAP_BASEDIR. " + "Ignoring setting for now"); data.appendChild(mailhost); log.debug("Done with mailhost " + name); //XMLCommon.writeXML(root,System.err,""); invalidateCache(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Failed to add mailhost. Just aborting and continuing.", ex); } } public void removeMailHost(String id) { Element n = null; String xPathString = "/USERDATA/MAILHOST[@id='" + id + "']"; try { n = (Element) getNodeXPath(xPathString); } catch (TransformerException te) { log.error("Failed to get extract node for XPath '" + xPathString + "'", te); XMLCommon.dumpXML(log, xPathString, root); } if (n == null) return; data.removeChild(n); invalidateCache(); } public MailHostData getMailHost(String id) { //final Element mailhost=XMLCommon.getElementByAttribute(data,"MAILHOST","id",id); String xPathString = "/USERDATA/MAILHOST[@id='" + id + "']"; Element e = null; try { e = (Element) getNodeXPath(xPathString); } catch (TransformerException te) { log.error("Failed to get extract node for XPath '" + xPathString + "'. Continuing with null mailhost.", te); XMLCommon.dumpXML(log, xPathString, root); } final Element mailhost = e; return new MailHostData() { public String getPassword() { return Helper.decryptTEA(XMLCommon.getValueXPath(mailhost, "MH_PASSWORD/text()")); } public void setPassword(String s) { XMLCommon.setValueXPath(mailhost, "MH_PASSWORD/text()", Helper.encryptTEA(s)); } public String getLogin() { return XMLCommon.getValueXPath(mailhost, "MH_LOGIN/text()"); } public String getName() { return mailhost.getAttribute("name"); } public void setLogin(String s) { XMLCommon.setValueXPath(mailhost, "MH_LOGIN/text()", s); } public void setName(String s) { mailhost.setAttribute("name", s); } public String getHostURL() { return XMLCommon.getValueXPath(mailhost, "MH_URI/text()"); } public void setHostURL(String s) { XMLCommon.setValueXPath(mailhost, "MH_URI/text()", s); } public String getID() { return mailhost.getAttribute("id"); } }; } public Enumeration<String> mailHosts() { final NodeList nl = getNodeListXPath("//MAILHOST"); return new Enumeration<String>() { int i = 0; public boolean hasMoreElements() { return i < nl.getLength(); } public String nextElement() { Element e = (Element) nl.item(i++); return e.getAttribute("id"); } }; } public int getMaxShowMessages() { int retval = (int) getIntVarWrapper("max show messages"); return retval == 0 ? 20 : retval; } public void setMaxShowMessages(int i) { setIntVarWrapper("max show messages", i); } /** * As of WebMail 0.7.0 this is different from the username, because it * consists of the username and the domain. * @see getUserName() */ public String getLogin() { return getUserName() + "@" + getDomain(); } public String getFullName() { return getValueXPath("/USERDATA/FULL_NAME/text()"); } public void setFullName(String s) { setValueXPath("/USERDATA/FULL_NAME/text()", s); } public String getSignature() { return XMLCommon.getTagValue(data, "SIGNATURE"); } public void setSignature(String s) { XMLCommon.setTagValue(data, "SIGNATURE", s, true); } public String getEmail() { return getValueXPath("/USERDATA/EMAIL/ADDY/text()"); } public void setEmail(String s) { ensureElement("/USERDATA/EMAIL/ADDY", "default", "yes"); setValueXPath("/USERDATA/EMAIL/ADDY/text()", s); } public Locale getPreferredLocale() { String loc = getValueXPath("/USERDATA/LOCALE/text()"); StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(loc, "_"); String language = t.nextToken().toLowerCase(); String country = ""; if (t.hasMoreTokens()) { country = t.nextToken().toUpperCase(); } return new Locale(language, country); } public void setPreferredLocale(String newloc) { setValueXPath("/USERDATA/LOCALE/text()", newloc); } public void addEmail(String s) { Element email = null; try { email = (Element) getNodeXPath("/USERDATA/EMAIL"); } catch (TransformerException te) { log.error("Failed to get extract node for XPath '/USERDATA/EMAIL'", te); XMLCommon.dumpXML(log, "/USERDATA/EMAIL", root); } Element addy = root.createElement("ADDY"); XMLCommon.setElementTextValue(addy, s); email.appendChild(addy); } public void removeEmail(String s) throws WebMailException { NodeList nl = getNodeListXPath("/USERDATA/EMAIL/ADDY"); if (nl.getLength() == 1) { throw new WebMailException("Can not delete last email address!"); } for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) { Element addy = (Element) nl.item(i); if (XMLCommon.getElementTextValue(addy).equals(s)) { Element email = (Element) addy.getParentNode(); if (addy.getAttribute("default").equals("yes")) { // Need to set a new default email.removeChild(addy); addy = (Element) nl.item(0); addy.setAttribute("default", "yes"); } else { // Just remove it email.removeChild(addy); } break; } } invalidateCache(); } /** * Does nothing in case of failure. */ public void setDefaultEmail(String s) { NodeList nl = getNodeListXPath("/USERDATA/EMAIL/ADDY"); for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) { Element email = (Element) nl.item(i); // Be sure there is no other 'default' email.removeAttribute("default"); } Element email = null; String xPathString = "/USERDATA/EMAIL/ADDY[./text() = '" + s + "']"; try { email = (Element) getNodeXPath(xPathString); } catch (TransformerException te) { log.error("Failed to get extract node for XPath '" + xPathString + "'", te); XMLCommon.dumpXML(log, xPathString, root); return; } email.setAttribute("default", "yes"); invalidateCache(); } public String getDefaultEmail() throws WebMailException { // XXX Still buggy, check out why String v = getValueXPath("/USERDATA/EMAIL/ADDY[@default='yes']/@value"); if (v == null) { // It should not happen, but take care... throw new WebMailException("There is no default email address!"); } else { return v; } } public String getTheme() { String retval = getValueXPath("/USERDATA/THEME/text()"); if (retval.equals("")) { return WebMailServer.getDefaultTheme(); } else { return retval; } } public void setTheme(String theme) { setValueXPath("/USERDATA/THEME/text()", theme); } private String formatDate(long date) { TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getDefault(); DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.LONG, DateFormat.DEFAULT, getPreferredLocale()); df.setTimeZone(tz); String now = df.format(new Date(date)); return now; } public String getFirstLogin() { long date = getIntVarWrapper("first login"); return formatDate(date); } public String getLastLogin() { long date = getIntVarWrapper("last login"); return formatDate(date); } public String getLoginCount() { return getIntVarWrapper("login count") + ""; } public boolean checkPassword(String s) { String password = getValueXPath("/USERDATA/PASSWORD/text()"); if (password.startsWith(">")) { password = password.substring(1); } return password.equals(Helper.crypt(password, s)); } public void setPassword(String newpasswd, String verify) throws InvalidPasswordException { if (newpasswd.equals(verify)) { Random r = new Random(); // Generate the crypted password; avoid problems with XML parsing String crypted = ">"; while (crypted.lastIndexOf(">") >= 0 || crypted.lastIndexOf("<") >= 0) { // This has to be some integer between 46 and 127 for the Helper // class String seed = (char) (r.nextInt(80) + 46) + "" + (char) (r.nextInt(80) + 46); log.debug("Seed: " + seed); // Probably need to comment out crypted = Helper.crypt(seed, newpasswd); } setValueXPath("/USERDATA/PASSWORD/text()", crypted); } else { throw new InvalidPasswordException("The passwords did not match!"); } } public void setPasswordData(String data) { setValueXPath("/USERDATA/PASSUSERDATA/text()", data); } public String getPasswordData() { return getValueXPath("/USERDATA/PASSUSERDATA/text()"); } public int getMaxLineLength() { int retval = (int) getIntVarWrapper("max line length"); return retval == 0 ? 79 : retval; } public void setMaxLineLength(int i) { setIntVarWrapper("max line length", i); } public boolean wantsBreakLines() { return getBoolVarWrapper("break lines"); } public void setBreakLines(boolean b) { setBoolVarWrapper("break lines", b); } public boolean wantsShowImages() { return getBoolVarWrapper("show images"); } public void setShowImages(boolean b) { setBoolVarWrapper("show images", b); } public boolean wantsShowFancy() { return getBoolVarWrapper("show fancy"); } public void setShowFancy(boolean b) { setBoolVarWrapper("show fancy", b); } public boolean wantsSetFlags() { return getBoolVarWrapper("set message flags"); } public void setSetFlags(boolean b) { setBoolVarWrapper("set message flags", b); } public void setSaveSent(boolean b) { setBoolVarWrapper("save sent messages", b); } public boolean wantsSaveSent() { return getBoolVarWrapper("save sent messages"); } public String getSentFolder() { return getValueXPath("/USERDATA/SENT_FOLDER/text()"); } public void setSentFolder(String s) { setValueXPath("/USERDATA/SENT_FOLDER/text()", s); } public String getDomain() { return getValueXPath("/USERDATA/USER_DOMAIN/text()"); } public void setDomain(String s) { setValueXPath("/USERDATA/USER_DOMAIN/text()", s); } /** * Return the username without the domain (in contrast to getLogin()). * @see getLogin() */ public String getUserName() { return getValueXPath("/USERDATA/LOGIN/text()"); } public void setUserName(String s) { setValueXPath("/USERDATA/LOGIN/text()", s); } public void setIntVar(String var, long value) { setIntVarWrapper(var, value); } public long getIntVar(String var) { return getIntVarWrapper(var); } public void setBoolVar(String var, boolean value) { setBoolVarWrapper(var, value); } public boolean getBoolVar(String var) { return getBoolVarWrapper(var); } /** * Wrapper method for setting all int vars. * * Does nothing but log in case of failure. */ protected void setIntVarWrapper(String var, long value) { if (getIntVarWrapper(var) == value) return; ensureElement("INTVAR", "name", var); Element e = null; String xPathString = "/USERDATA/INTVAR[@name='" + var + "']"; try { e = (Element) getNodeXPath("/USERDATA/INTVAR[@name='" + var + "']"); } catch (TransformerException te) { log.error("Failed to get extract node for XPath '" + xPathString + "'", te); XMLCommon.dumpXML(log, xPathString, root); return; } e.setAttribute("value", value + ""); invalidateCache(); } /** * @returns 0 if no element for specified variable. */ protected long getIntVarWrapper(String var) { ensureElement("INTVAR", "name", var); long r = 0; String xPathString = "/USERDATA/INTVAR[@name='" + var + "']/@value"; String attValue = null; try { //r=Long.parseLong(e.getAttribute("value")); attValue = getValueXPath(xPathString); if (attValue == null) return 0; r = Long.parseLong(attValue); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { log.warn("Value '" + attValue + "', from XPath '" + xPathString + "' is not a well-formatted integer"); // Should we not throw here so us developers will see and // fix the problem? - blaine } return r; } /** * Wrapper method for setting all bool vars. * * Does nothing but log in case of failure. */ protected void setBoolVarWrapper(String var, boolean value) { if (getBoolVarWrapper(var) == value) return; ensureElement("BOOLVAR", "name", var); String xPathString = "/USERDATA/BOOLVAR[@name='" + var + "']"; Element e = null; try { e = (Element) getNodeXPath(xPathString); } catch (TransformerException te) { log.error("Failed to get extract node for XPath '" + xPathString + "'. Ignoring Boolean set request", te); XMLCommon.dumpXML(log, xPathString, root); return; } e.setAttribute("value", value ? "yes" : "no"); invalidateCache(); } protected boolean getBoolVarWrapper(String var) { ensureElement("BOOLVAR", "name", var); String value = getValueXPath("/USERDATA/BOOLVAR[@name='" + var + "']/@value"); return (value.toUpperCase().equals("YES") || value.toUpperCase().equals("TRUE")); } /** * Set all boolvars to "false". */ public void resetBoolVars() { NodeList nl = getNodeListXPath("/USERDATA/BOOLVAR"); for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) { Element elem = (Element) nl.item(i); elem.setAttribute("value", "no"); } invalidateCache(); } }