Java tutorial
/** Copyright (C) 2008 Volker Schnefeld. See the copyright notice in the LICENSE file. */ package net.volcore.wtvcache; //imports // slf4j import org.slf4j.*; // volcore libs import net.volcore.util.*; import net.volcore.wtvmina.*; import net.volcore.wtvmina.messages.*; // java import java.util.concurrent.atomic.*; import*; import*; // Apache commons CLI import org.apache.commons.cli.*; // Mina import org.apache.mina.transport.socket.nio.*; import org.apache.mina.filter.codec.*; import org.apache.mina.filter.ssl.*; import org.apache.mina.core.buffer.*; import org.apache.mina.core.session.*; import org.apache.mina.core.future.*; // asyncweb import org.apache.asyncweb.common.*; import org.apache.asyncweb.common.codec.*; // wtvcache import*; import net.volcore.wtvcache.uplink.*; import net.volcore.wtvcache.http.*; import net.volcore.wtvcache.relay.*; import net.volcore.wtvcache.accesslog.*; /******************************************************************************* Main class *******************************************************************************/ public class WTVCache { static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("WTVCache"); static Options options; static HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); public static final String applicationName = "WTVCache"; /** Protected members. */ /** The provided config. */ protected Config config; /** Shutdown trigger flag. */ protected boolean doShutdown = false; /** The web interface acceptor. */ protected NioSocketAcceptor webAcceptor; /** The WTVCache server acceptor. */ protected NioSocketAcceptor acceptor; /** The uplink connector. */ protected NioSocketConnector connector; /** The GameCache holds all the game infos returned from the server. */ public GameCache gameCache; /** The access log. */ protected AccessLog accessLog; /** Last time the game list was acquired. */ protected long lastGameListRequest = 0; protected long lastCachePrune = 0; /** Uptime counter. */ protected long timeStarted = System.currentTimeMillis(); /** Public access. */ /** Getter for gameCache */ public GameCache getGameCache() { return gameCache; } /** Setter for gameCache */ public void setGameCache(GameCache gameCache) { this.gameCache = gameCache; } /** Getter for accessLog */ public AccessLog getAccessLog() { return accessLog; } /** Setter for accessLog */ public void setAccessLog(AccessLog accessLog) { this.accessLog = accessLog; } /** Statistics. */ public long getUptime() { return System.currentTimeMillis() - timeStarted; } public String getVersionString() { return VersionInfo.major + "." + VersionInfo.minor + "." + VersionInfo.release + "-" + VersionInfo.special.trim(); } public long getNumSessions() { return acceptor.getManagedSessionCount(); } public long getTotalSessionCount() { return acceptor.getStatistics().getCumulativeManagedSessionCount(); } public long getTotalBytesRead() { return acceptor.getStatistics().getReadBytes(); } public long getTotalBytesWritten() { return acceptor.getStatistics().getWrittenBytes(); } public double getBytesReadPerSecond() { return acceptor.getStatistics().getReadBytesThroughput(); } public double getBytesWrittenPerSecond() { return acceptor.getStatistics().getWrittenBytesThroughput(); } public long getPeakSessionCount() { return acceptor.getStatistics().getLargestManagedSessionCount(); } public double getPeakBytesReadPerSecond() { return acceptor.getStatistics().getLargestReadBytesThroughput(); } public double getPeakBytesWrittenPerSecond() { return acceptor.getStatistics().getLargestWrittenBytesThroughput(); } /** Getter for connector */ public NioSocketConnector getConnector() { return connector; } /** Setter for connector */ public void setConnector(NioSocketConnector connector) { this.connector = connector; } /** Getter for acceptor */ public NioSocketAcceptor getAcceptor() { return acceptor; } /** Setter for acceptor */ public void setAcceptor(NioSocketAcceptor acceptor) { this.acceptor = acceptor; } /** Getter for webAcceptor */ public NioSocketAcceptor getWebAcceptor() { return webAcceptor; } /** Setter for webAcceptor */ public void setWebAcceptor(NioSocketAcceptor webAcceptor) { this.webAcceptor = webAcceptor; } /** Constructor */ protected WTVCache(Config config) throws ConfigException { this.config = config; /** Sanitycheck the config. */ if (config == null) throw new ConfigException("No config provided!"); if (config.listenPort == 0) throw new ConfigException("Please specify a port!"); if (config.master == null) throw new ConfigException("Please specify at least one master server!"); } /** Small subclass that takes care of the Control-C termination. */ protected class ShutdownThread extends Thread { public void run() {"Shutdown command received, terminating."); doShutdown = true; final int wait = 3000; try { // wait at most 3 seconds, then forcefully terminate. Thread.sleep(wait); logger.error( "Timed out waiting " + wait + "ms for main thread to shut down, forcefully terminating."); } catch (Exception e) { } } } /** should be called once in the beginning, sets up all the required logging. */ protected static void initializeLogging() { // Initialize logging String name = ""; URL log4jfile = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().getResource(name); if (log4jfile == null) throw new Error("Could not find " + name + "!"); org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator.configure(log4jfile); } /** Small subclass that contains all the parameters parsed at the command line. */ static protected class Config { public int httpPort = 8081; public int listenPort = 0; public SocketAddress[] master = null; public String accessLogDir = "accesslog"; } static protected class ConfigException extends Exception { public ConfigException(String message) { super(message); } } /** Use apache CLI to parse the command line */ protected static Config parseOptions(String[] args) { // Build options options = new Options(); options.addOption("h", "help", false, "print this message"); options.addOption("m", "master", true, "master server, format is <addr>:<port>, can be set 16 times , for multiple master servers"); options.getOption("m").setArgs(16); options.addOption("p", "port", true, "port to run the cache on"); options.addOption("l", "accesslog", true, "Directory of accesslog"); // Parse the command line options CommandLineParser parser = new PosixParser(); CommandLine line; try { // parse the command line arguments line = parser.parse(options, args); } catch (org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException exp) { // oops, something went wrong logger.error("Parsing failed. Reason: " + exp.getMessage()); return null; } // Process the parsed options if (line.hasOption("help")) { formatter.printHelp("wtvcache", options); return null; } Config config = new Config(); if (line.hasOption('p')) config.listenPort = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue('p')); if (line.hasOption('l')) config.accessLogDir = line.getOptionValue('l'); if (line.hasOption('m')) { String[] v = line.getOptionValues('m'); config.master = new SocketAddress[v.length]; for (int i = 0; i < v.length; ++i) { String[] spl = v[i].split(":"); String addr = spl[0]; int port = Integer.parseInt(spl[1]); config.master[i] = new InetSocketAddress(addr, port); } } return config; } /** Main entry point */ public static void main(String[] args) { initializeLogging(); Config config = parseOptions(args); // start the wtvcache. WTVCache wtvCache; ShutdownThread shutdownThread; try { wtvCache = new WTVCache(config); shutdownThread = ShutdownThread(); Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(shutdownThread);; } catch (ConfigException e) { formatter.printHelp("wtvcache", options); logger.error(e.getMessage()); return; } // wake the shutdown thread shutdownThread.interrupt();"WTVCache terminated."); // remove it in case its still there. try { Runtime.getRuntime().removeShutdownHook(shutdownThread); System.exit(0); } catch (Exception e) { } } /** Game related tasks. */ /** Contact the master server to query existential information about a game. */ public void initiateGameInfoFetch(final Game game, boolean force) { if (force == false) { if (game.getGameInfo() != null) return; if (game.getFetchingInfo() == true) return; } game.setFetchingInfo(true); final SocketAddress addr = config.master[game.getServerId()]; connector.connect(addr).addListener(new IoFutureListener<ConnectFuture>() { public void operationComplete(ConnectFuture future) { if (future.isConnected() == true) future.getSession() .setAttachment(new FetchGameInfoSession(game.getServerId(), game, WTVCache.this)); else { logger.warn("Failed to connect to master server " + addr + " to fetch info for " + game + "!"); // remove the game from cache so next time someone requests info a new attempt is made. // but only if this is not a forced, secondary attempt to update the game infos if (game.getGameInfo() == null) gameCache.removeGame(game.getGameId()); } } }); } /** Contact the associated server to fetch a game. */ public void initiateGameFetch(final Game game) { if (game.getCacheState() != Game.CACHESTATE_NONE) return; if (game.getFetchingGame() == true) return; accessLog.logCacheIn(game.getGameId()); game.setFetchingGame(true); final SocketAddress addr = config.master[game.getServerId()]; connector.connect(addr).addListener(new IoFutureListener<ConnectFuture>() { public void operationComplete(ConnectFuture future) { if (future.isConnected() == true) future.getSession() .setAttachment(new FetchGameSession(game.getServerId(), WTVCache.this, game)); else { logger.warn("Failed to connect to master server " + addr + " to fetch game " + game + "!"); // remove the game from cache so next time someone requests info a new attempt is made. gameCache.removeGame(game.getGameId()); } } }); } /** Check for a game list event and initiates it. */ protected void updateGamelist() { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); // check every minute final long interval = 60 * 1000; if (now - lastGameListRequest > interval) { //logger.trace( "Initiating a new game list request." ); lastGameListRequest = now; // initiate a new request. for (int i = 0; i < config.master.length; ++i) { final int index = i; final SocketAddress addr = config.master[i]; connector.connect(addr).addListener(new IoFutureListener<ConnectFuture>() { public void operationComplete(ConnectFuture future) { if (future.isConnected() == true) future.getSession().setAttachment(new FetchGameListSession(index, WTVCache.this)); else logger.warn("Failed to connect to master server " + addr + "!"); } }); } } } /** Update the cache */ protected void updateCache() { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); final long interval = 60 * 1000; if (now - lastCachePrune > interval) { lastCachePrune = now; gameCache.pruneCache(); } } /** Main loop of the WTVCache. */ protected void run() { try { /** Startup */"Starting up WTVCache version " + getVersionString() + "..."); /** Create the game cache. */ gameCache = new GameCache(config.master.length, this); /** Create the access log. */ accessLog = new AccessLog(config.accessLogDir); /** Disable direct memory. */ IoBuffer.setUseDirectBuffer(false); IoBuffer.setAllocator(new SimpleBufferAllocator()); /** Create the web acceptor */ webAcceptor = new NioSocketAcceptor(); webAcceptor.setReuseAddress(true); webAcceptor.setDefaultLocalAddress(new InetSocketAddress(config.httpPort)); webAcceptor.setHandler(new HttpIoHandler(this)); webAcceptor.getFilterChain().addLast("httpCodec", new ProtocolCodecFilter(new HttpCodecFactory())); webAcceptor.bind(); /** Create the relay acceptor */ acceptor = new NioSocketAcceptor(); acceptor.setReuseAddress(true); acceptor.setDefaultLocalAddress(new InetSocketAddress(config.listenPort)); acceptor.setHandler(new RelayIOHandler(this)); acceptor.getSessionConfig().setIdleTime(IdleStatus.READER_IDLE, 60); acceptor.getFilterChain().addLast("wtvCodec", new ProtocolCodecFilter(new WTVCodecFactory())); acceptor.bind(); /** Create the uplink connector */ connector = new NioSocketConnector(); connector.getFilterChain().addLast("wtvCodec", new ProtocolCodecFilter(new WTVCodecFactory())); connector.getSessionConfig().setIdleTime(IdleStatus.READER_IDLE, 120); connector.setHandler(new UplinkIOHandler(this, connector)); /** Main loop */"Entering main loop..."); while (doShutdown == false) { updateGamelist(); updateCache(); accessLog.checkLogRotate(); try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (Exception e) { break; } } /** Shutdown */"Shutting down..."); /** Shut down mina. */ acceptor.unbind(); webAcceptor.unbind(); /** Close any remaining sessions. */ for (IoSession session : acceptor.getManagedSessions().values()) session.close(true); /** Close any remaining sessions. */ for (IoSession session : webAcceptor.getManagedSessions().values()) session.close(true); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Startup failed: " + e); doShutdown = true; } } }