Java tutorial
// Copyright 2015 Ivan Popivanov // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package net.tradelib.core; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.SummaryStatistics; public class TradeSummaryBuilder { private long numTrades; private double grossProfits; private double grossLosses; private SummaryStatistics dailyPnlStats; private SummaryStatistics pnlStats; private long nonZero; private long positive; private long negative; private double maxWin; private double maxLoss; private Average averageWinTrade; private Average averageLossTrade; private Series pnl; private int pnlId; private double equity; private double minEquity; private double maxEquity; private double maxDD; private double maxDDPct; public TradeSummaryBuilder(Series pnl) { numTrades = 0; grossProfits = 0.0; grossLosses = 0.0; dailyPnlStats = new SummaryStatistics(); pnlStats = new SummaryStatistics(); nonZero = 0; positive = 0; negative = 0; maxWin = 0.0; maxLoss = 0.0; averageWinTrade = new Average(); averageLossTrade = new Average(); this.pnl = pnl; pnlId = 0; equity = 0.0; minEquity = Double.MAX_VALUE; maxEquity = Double.MIN_VALUE; maxDD = Double.MAX_VALUE; maxDDPct = Double.MAX_VALUE; } public void add(Trade ts) { ++numTrades; if (ts.pnl < 0.0) { ++nonZero; ++negative; averageLossTrade.add(ts.pnl); grossLosses += ts.pnl; } else if (ts.pnl > 0.0) { ++nonZero; ++positive; averageWinTrade.add(ts.pnl); grossProfits += ts.pnl; } pnlStats.addValue(ts.pnl); maxWin = Math.max(maxWin, ts.pnl); maxLoss = Math.min(maxLoss, ts.pnl); // Set the PnL to zero until the current trade begins while (pnlId < pnl.size() && pnl.getTimestamp(pnlId).isBefore(ts.start)) { pnl.set(pnlId, 0.0); ++pnlId; } // Keep the PnL as it is inside the current trade while (pnlId < pnl.size() && !pnl.getTimestamp(pnlId).isAfter(ts.end)) { equity += pnl.get(pnlId); maxEquity = Math.max(maxEquity, equity); minEquity = Math.min(minEquity, equity); maxDD = Math.min(maxDD, equity - maxEquity); double prev = maxDDPct; maxDDPct = Math.min(maxDDPct, equity / maxEquity - 1); if (Double.isNaN(maxDDPct) || !Double.isFinite(maxDDPct)) { maxDDPct = Double.MAX_VALUE; } if (pnl.get(pnlId) != 0.0) { dailyPnlStats.addValue(pnl.get(pnlId)); } ++pnlId; } } public TradeSummary summarize() { TradeSummary summary = new TradeSummary(); summary.numTrades = numTrades; if (numTrades > 0) { summary.grossLosses = grossLosses; summary.grossProfits = grossProfits; if (grossLosses != 0.0) { summary.profitFactor = Math.abs(grossProfits / grossLosses); } else { summary.profitFactor = Math.abs(grossProfits); } summary.averageTradePnl = pnlStats.getMax(); summary.tradePnlStdDev = pnlStats.getStandardDeviation(); if (numTrades > 0) { summary.pctNegative = (double) negative / numTrades * 100.0; summary.pctPositive = (double) positive / numTrades * 100.0; } else { summary.pctNegative = 0.0; summary.pctPositive = 0.0; } summary.maxLoss = maxLoss; summary.maxWin = maxWin; summary.averageLoss = averageLossTrade.get(); summary.averageWin = averageWinTrade.get(); if (summary.averageLoss != 0.0) { summary.averageWinLoss = summary.averageWin / (summary.averageLoss * (-1.0)); } else { summary.averageWinLoss = summary.averageWin; } summary.equityMin = minEquity; summary.equityMax = maxEquity; summary.maxDD = maxDD; summary.maxDDPct = maxDDPct * 100; if (Double.isNaN(summary.maxDDPct) || !Double.isFinite(summary.maxDDPct)) { Logger.getLogger("").warning(String.format("Fixing a bad maximum drawdown [%f]", summary.maxDDPct)); summary.maxDDPct = Double.MAX_VALUE; } summary.averageDailyPnl = dailyPnlStats.getMean(); summary.dailyPnlStdDev = dailyPnlStats.getStandardDeviation(); if (summary.dailyPnlStdDev == 0) { summary.dailyPnlStdDev = 1e-10; } summary.sharpeRatio = Functions.sharpeRatio(summary.averageDailyPnl, summary.dailyPnlStdDev, 252); } return summary; } }