Java tutorial
// Copyright 2015 Ivan Popivanov // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package net.tradelib.core; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.sql.Types; import java.time.Duration; import java.time.LocalDate; import java.time.LocalDateTime; import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import; import; import; import; public abstract class Strategy implements IBrokerListener { protected String name; protected long dbId = -1; protected String dbUrl; protected IBroker broker; protected BarHierarchy barData = new BarHierarchy(); protected List<Execution> executions = new ArrayList<Execution>(); private LocalDateTime tradingStart = LocalDateTime.of(1990, 1, 1, 0, 0); private LocalDateTime tradingStop = LocalDateTime.of(2100, 1, 1, 0, 0); // protected Portfolio portfolio = new Portfolio(); protected Account account = new Account(); protected Connection connection = null; protected LocalDate lastDay = LocalDate.MIN; protected LocalDateTime lastTimestamp = LocalDateTime.MIN; protected boolean checkBars = true; protected boolean maintainAccount = true; // True if old positions should be deleted from the database protected boolean cleanupPositions = true; public void setCleanupPositions(boolean b) { this.cleanupPositions = b; } public void setMaintainAccount(boolean b) { this.maintainAccount = b; } public void setCheckBars(boolean b) { this.checkBars = b; } public LocalDateTime getLastTimestamp() { return lastTimestamp; } protected void connectIfNecessary() throws SQLException { if (connection == null) { connection = DriverManager.getConnection(dbUrl); connection.setAutoCommit(false); } } public void initialize(Context context) throws Exception { // Cache some context setBroker(; setDbUrl(context.dbUrl); } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public String getName() { return; } public void setBroker(IBroker broker) throws Exception { = broker;; } public IBroker getBroker() { return broker; } public void setDbUrl(String dbUrl) { this.dbUrl = dbUrl; } public String getDbUrl() { return dbUrl; } protected void subscribe(String symbol) throws Exception { barData.addSymbol(symbol); getBroker().subscribe(symbol); } public void cleanupDb() throws SQLException { if (dbUrl == null || name == null) return; connectIfNecessary(); // Load the strategy unique id from the "strategies" table getDbId(); String query = "DELETE FROM executions WHERE strategy_id=?"; PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(query); stmt.setLong(1, dbId); stmt.executeUpdate(); stmt.close(); query = "DELETE FROM trades WHERE strategy_id=?"; stmt = connection.prepareStatement(query); stmt.setLong(1, dbId); stmt.executeUpdate(); stmt.close(); query = "DELETE FROM pnls WHERE strategy_id=?"; stmt = connection.prepareStatement(query); stmt.setLong(1, dbId); stmt.executeUpdate(); stmt.close(); query = "DELETE FROM trade_summaries WHERE strategy_id=?"; stmt = connection.prepareStatement(query); stmt.setLong(1, dbId); stmt.executeUpdate(); stmt.close(); if (cleanupPositions) { query = "DELETE FROM strategy_positions WHERE strategy_id=?"; stmt = connection.prepareStatement(query); stmt.setLong(1, dbId); stmt.executeUpdate(); stmt.close(); } query = "DELETE FROM end_equity WHERE strategy_id=?"; stmt = connection.prepareStatement(query); stmt.setLong(1, dbId); stmt.executeUpdate(); stmt.close(); connection.commit(); } public void getDbId() throws SQLException { if (dbId >= 0) return; connectIfNecessary(); // Get the strategy id String query = "SELECT id FROM strategies where name=?"; PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(query); stmt.setString(1, name); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if (! { // The name doesn't exist, insert it rs.close(); stmt.close(); stmt = connection.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO strategies(name) values (?)"); stmt.setString(1, name); // Ignore errors, some other process may insert the strategy. try { stmt.executeUpdate(); } catch (Exception e) { } stmt.close(); // Repeat the query stmt = connection.prepareStatement(query); stmt.setString(1, name); rs = stmt.executeQuery();; } dbId = rs.getLong(1); rs.close(); stmt.close(); } public void writeExecutions() throws SQLException { connectIfNecessary(); getDbId(); String query = "INSERT INTO executions(symbol,strategy_id,ts,price,quantity,signal_name) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)"; PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(query); for (Execution execution : executions) { stmt.setString(1, execution.getSymbol()); stmt.setLong(2, dbId); stmt.setTimestamp(3, Timestamp.valueOf(execution.getDateTime())); stmt.setDouble(4, execution.getPrice()); stmt.setLong(5, execution.getQuantity()); stmt.setString(6, execution.getSignal()); // stmt.executeUpdate(); stmt.addBatch(); } stmt.executeBatch(); connection.commit(); } public void writeExecutionsAndTrades() throws Exception { writeExecutions(); writeTrades(); } public void writeTrades() throws Exception { for (String symbol : account.getPortfolioSymbols()) { writeTrades(broker.getInstrument(symbol)); } } public void writeTrades(Instrument instrument) throws Exception { BarHistory history = barData.getHistory(instrument.getSymbol(), Duration.ofDays(1)); Series pnl = account.getPnlSeries(instrument); if (pnl.size() == 0) return; connectIfNecessary(); getDbId(); long start = System.nanoTime(); // Write the PnL String query = " REPLACE INTO pnls(strategy_id,symbol,ts,pnl) VALUES (?,?,?,?) "; PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(query); stmt.setLong(1, dbId); stmt.setString(2, instrument.getSymbol()); for (int ii = 0; ii < pnl.size(); ++ii) { stmt.setTimestamp(3, Timestamp.valueOf(pnl.getTimestamp(ii))); stmt.setDouble(4, pnl.get(ii)); stmt.addBatch(); } stmt.executeBatch(); connection.commit(); stmt.close(); long elapsedTime = System.nanoTime() - start; // System.out.println("pnls insert took " + String.format("%.4f secs",(double)elapsedTime/1e9)); TradingResults tr = account.getPortfolioTradingResults(instrument); // TradingResults trold = portfolio.getTradingResults(instrument); // Write the trade statistics if (tr.stats.size() > 0) { query = " INSERT INTO trades(strategy_id,symbol,start,end,initial_position, " + " max_position,num_transactions,pnl,pct_pnl,tick_pnl,fees) " + " VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; stmt = connection.prepareStatement(query); stmt.setLong(1, dbId); stmt.setString(2, instrument.getSymbol()); start = System.nanoTime(); int ii = 0; for (Trade tradeStats : tr.stats) { stmt.setTimestamp(3, Timestamp.valueOf(tradeStats.start)); stmt.setTimestamp(4, Timestamp.valueOf(tradeStats.end)); stmt.setLong(5, tradeStats.initialPosition); stmt.setLong(6, tradeStats.maxPosition); stmt.setLong(7, tradeStats.numTransactions); // System.out.println(tradeStats.pnl); stmt.setDouble(8, tradeStats.pnl); stmt.setDouble(9, tradeStats.pctPnl); stmt.setDouble(10, tradeStats.tickPnl); stmt.setDouble(11, tradeStats.fees); // Trade oldTradeStats = trold.stats.get(ii); // if(tradeStats.pnl != oldTradeStats.pnl || // tradeStats.numTransactions != oldTradeStats.numTransactions || // tradeStats.initialPosition != oldTradeStats.initialPosition) { // // throw new Exception("Alternative trade statitics don't match!"); // } stmt.executeUpdate(); ++ii; } connection.commit(); stmt.close(); elapsedTime = System.nanoTime() - start; // System.out.println("trades insert took " + String.format("%.4f secs",(double)elapsedTime/1e9)); } writeTradeSummary(instrument, "All", tr.all); writeTradeSummary(instrument, "Long", tr.longs); writeTradeSummary(instrument, "Short", tr.shorts); connection.commit(); } protected void writeTradeSummary(String symbol, String type, TradeSummary tradeSummary) throws SQLException { connectIfNecessary(); if (tradeSummary.numTrades > 0) { String query = " INSERT INTO trade_summaries (strategy_id,symbol,type,num_trades,gross_profits, " + " gross_losses,profit_factor,average_daily_pnl,daily_pnl_stddev,sharpe_ratio, " + " average_trade_pnl,trade_pnl_stddev,pct_positive,pct_negative,max_win,max_loss, " + " average_win,average_loss,average_win_loss,equity_min,equity_max,max_drawdown, " + " max_drawdown_pct) " + " VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(query); stmt.setLong(1, dbId); stmt.setString(2, symbol); stmt.setString(3, type); stmt.setLong(4, tradeSummary.numTrades); setDoubleParam(stmt, 5, tradeSummary.grossProfits); setDoubleParam(stmt, 6, tradeSummary.grossLosses); setDoubleParam(stmt, 7, tradeSummary.profitFactor); setDoubleParam(stmt, 8, tradeSummary.averageDailyPnl); setDoubleParam(stmt, 9, tradeSummary.dailyPnlStdDev); setDoubleParam(stmt, 10, tradeSummary.sharpeRatio); setDoubleParam(stmt, 11, tradeSummary.averageTradePnl); setDoubleParam(stmt, 12, tradeSummary.tradePnlStdDev); setDoubleParam(stmt, 13, tradeSummary.pctPositive); setDoubleParam(stmt, 14, tradeSummary.pctNegative); setDoubleParam(stmt, 15, tradeSummary.maxWin); setDoubleParam(stmt, 16, tradeSummary.maxLoss); setDoubleParam(stmt, 17, tradeSummary.averageWin); setDoubleParam(stmt, 18, tradeSummary.averageLoss); setDoubleParam(stmt, 19, tradeSummary.averageWinLoss); setDoubleParam(stmt, 20, tradeSummary.equityMin); setDoubleParam(stmt, 21, tradeSummary.equityMax); setDoubleParam(stmt, 22, tradeSummary.maxDD); setDoubleParam(stmt, 23, tradeSummary.maxDDPct); stmt.executeUpdate(); connection.commit(); } } public void writeEquity() throws SQLException { connectIfNecessary(); // Accumulate using the last value for each day (the end equity) Series eq = getAccount().getEquity().toDaily((Double x, Double y) -> y); String query = " REPLACE INTO end_equity(strategy_id,ts,equity) VALUES (?,?,?) "; PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(query); stmt.setLong(1, dbId); for (int ii = 0; ii < eq.size(); ++ii) { stmt.setTimestamp(2, Timestamp.valueOf(eq.getTimestamp(ii))); stmt.setDouble(3, eq.get(ii)); stmt.addBatch(); } stmt.executeBatch(); connection.commit(); stmt.close(); } private void setDoubleParam(PreparedStatement stmt, int index, double value) throws SQLException { if (Double.isFinite(value)) { stmt.setDouble(index, value); } else { stmt.setNull(index, Types.DOUBLE); } } protected void writeTradeSummary(Instrument instrument, String type, TradeSummary tradeSummary) throws SQLException { writeTradeSummary(instrument.getSymbol(), type, tradeSummary); } protected void onNewDay(LocalDate previousDay, LocalDate day) throws Exception { } protected void onBarOpen(BarHistory history, Bar bar) throws Exception { } protected void onBarClose(BarHistory history, Bar bar) throws Exception { } protected void onBarClosed(BarHistory history, Bar bar) throws Exception { } protected void onOrderNotification(OrderNotification on) throws Exception { } public void barOpenHandler(Bar bar) throws Exception { checkBar(bar); LocalDate newDay = bar.getDateTime().toLocalDate(); if (newDay.isAfter(lastDay)) { // Update the account equity once per day if (!lastDay.equals(LocalDate.MIN) && maintainAccount) { getAccount().updateEndEquity(lastDay.atTime(23, 59, 59)); // Signal a new day has started onNewDay(lastDay, newDay); } lastDay = newDay; } BarHistory history = barData.getHistory(bar); // null means the strategy is not interested in this symbol if (history != null) { onBarOpen(history, bar); } } public void barCloseHandler(Bar bar) throws Exception { checkBar(bar); BarHistory history = barData.getHistory(bar); // null means the strategy is not interested in this symbol if (history != null) { history.add(bar); onBarClose(history, bar); } } public void barClosedHandler(Bar bar) throws Exception { checkBar(bar); if (bar.getDateTime().isAfter(getTradingStart()) && maintainAccount) { Instrument instrument = broker.getInstrument(bar.getSymbol()); getAccount().mark(instrument, bar); } BarHistory history = barData.getHistory(bar); // null means the strategy is not interested in this symbol if (history != null) { onBarClosed(history, bar); } if (bar.getDateTime().isAfter(lastTimestamp)) { lastTimestamp = bar.getDateTime(); } } protected void checkBar(Bar bar) throws Exception { if (checkBars && (bar.getOpen() <= 0 || bar.getHigh() <= 0 || bar.getLow() <= 0 || bar.getClose() <= 0)) { throw new RuntimeException( String.format("Negative data for %s [%2$tY-%2$tm-%2$td]: %3$f %4$f %5$f %6$f", bar.getSymbol(), bar.getDateTime(), bar.getOpen(), bar.getHigh(), bar.getLow(), bar.getClose())); } } public void orderExecutedHandler(OrderNotification on) throws Exception { executions.add(on.execution); // portfolio.addTransaction(on.execution); getAccount().addTransaction(on.execution); onOrderNotification(on); } /** * @brief Get basic statistics to evaluate performance. * * Computations are based off the equity curve. * * For a quick strategy evaluation, I currently use the approach from * "Building Reliable Trading Systems", by Keith Fitschen. * * * PnL * * PnL as percentage * * End Equity * * Cash Max Drawdown * * Percentage Max Drawdown * * @return A time series with the afford-mentioned columns * * @throws SQLException */ public Series getAnnualStats() throws Exception { Series result = new Series(5); connectIfNecessary(); String query = "SELECT ts,equity FROM end_equity WHERE strategy_id=" + Long.toString(dbId) + " ORDER BY ts ASC"; Statement stmt = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query); double equity = Double.NaN; double startEquity = Double.NaN; double maxEquity = Double.NaN; double minEquity = Double.NaN; double maxDD = Double.NaN; double maxDDPct = 0.0; LocalDateTime last = null; if ( { last = rs.getTimestamp(1).toLocalDateTime(); equity = rs.getDouble(2); maxEquity = equity; minEquity = equity; startEquity = equity; maxDD = 0.0; } while ( { // Kick off the statistics at the first different equity if (result.size() == 0 && rs.getDouble(2) == equity) { last = rs.getTimestamp(1).toLocalDateTime(); continue; } LocalDateTime ldt = rs.getTimestamp(1).toLocalDateTime(); if (ldt.getYear() == last.getYear()) { // Same year, update the counters equity = rs.getDouble(2); maxEquity = Math.max(maxEquity, equity); minEquity = Math.min(minEquity, equity); maxDD = Math.min(maxDD, equity - maxEquity); maxDDPct = Math.min(maxDDPct, equity / maxEquity - 1.0); } else { // Starting a new year. Summarize statistics and reset the counters. double pnl = equity - startEquity; double pnlPct = equity / startEquity - 1.0; result.append(last, pnl, pnlPct, equity, maxDD, maxDDPct); startEquity = equity; equity = rs.getDouble(2); maxEquity = equity; minEquity = equity; maxDD = 0.0; maxDDPct = 0.0; last = ldt; } } // Add the last year if (!Double.isNaN(equity)) { double pnl = equity - startEquity; double pnlPct = equity / startEquity - 1.0; result.append(last, pnl, pnlPct, equity, maxDD, maxDDPct); } connection.commit(); return result; } /** * @brief Get basic statistics used to evaluate performance. * * For a quick strategy evaluation, I currently use the approach from * "Building Reliable Trading Systems", by Keith Fitschen. * * PnL * * Drawdown * * @return A time series with two columns - PnL and MaxDrawdown * @throws SQLException */ public Series getAnnualStatsOld() throws SQLException { Series annualStats = new Series(2); connectIfNecessary(); getDbId(); String query = "SELECT ts,pnl FROM pnls WHERE strategy_id=" + Long.toString(dbId) + " AND symbol = 'TOTAL' ORDER BY ts ASC"; Statement stmt = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query); double equity = 0.0; double maxEquity = Double.MIN_VALUE; double minEquity = Double.MAX_VALUE; double maxDrawdown = Double.MAX_VALUE; LocalDateTime last = LocalDateTime.of(0, 1, 1, 0, 0); while ( { LocalDateTime ldt = rs.getTimestamp(1).toLocalDateTime(); double pnl = rs.getDouble(2); // Kick off the statistics at the first positive PnL if (annualStats.size() == 0 && pnl == 0.0) continue; if (ldt.getYear() == last.getYear()) { // Same year, update the counters equity += pnl; maxEquity = Math.max(maxEquity, equity); minEquity = Math.min(minEquity, equity); maxDrawdown = Math.min(maxDrawdown, equity - maxEquity); } else { // Starting a new year. Summarize statistics and reset the counters. if (maxDrawdown != Double.MAX_VALUE) { annualStats.append(last, equity, maxDrawdown); } equity = pnl; maxEquity = equity; minEquity = equity; maxDrawdown = equity; last = ldt; } } // Add the last year if (maxDrawdown != Double.MAX_VALUE) { annualStats.append(last, equity, maxDrawdown); } connection.commit(); return annualStats; } public Series getPnl() throws Exception { return getPnl("TOTAL"); } public Series getPnl(String symbol) throws Exception { Series pnl = new Series(2); connectIfNecessary(); getDbId(); String query = "SELECT ts,pnl FROM pnls WHERE strategy_id=" + Long.toString(dbId) + " AND symbol = '" + symbol + "' ORDER BY ts ASC"; Statement stmt = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query); double equity = 0.0; double maxEquity = Double.MIN_VALUE; double minEquity = Double.MAX_VALUE; double maxDrawdown = Double.MAX_VALUE; LocalDateTime last = LocalDateTime.of(0, 1, 1, 0, 0); while ( { pnl.append(rs.getTimestamp(1).toLocalDateTime(), rs.getDouble(2)); } connection.commit(); return pnl; } public Series getEquity() { return getAccount().getEquity(); } public TimeSeries<BigDecimal> getAnnualPnl(String symbols) throws SQLException { TimeSeries<BigDecimal> pnl = new TimeSeries<BigDecimal>(1); connectIfNecessary(); getDbId(); // Build the query String query = "SELECT ts,pnl FROM pnls WHERE strategy_id=" + Long.toString(dbId) + " AND "; String inList = ""; if (!symbols.isEmpty()) { String[] strs = symbols.split("\\s*,\\s*"); for (String str : strs) { if (!inList.isEmpty()) inList = inList + ",\"" + str + "\""; else inList = "\"" + str + "\""; } query += " symbol in (" + inList + ") "; } else { // Exclude the totals query += " symbol <> 'TOTAL' "; } query += " ORDER BY ts"; Statement stmt = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query); while ( { if (pnl.size() != 0) { LocalDateTime ldt = rs.getTimestamp(1).toLocalDateTime(); BigDecimal pp = rs.getBigDecimal(2); if (ldt.getYear() != pnl.getTimestamp(pnl.size() - 1).getYear()) { // Entered a new year pnl.add(LocalDateTime.of(ldt.getYear(), 1, 1, 0, 0), pp); } else if (pp.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) != 0) { // Same year int id = pnl.size() - 1; BigDecimal prevPnl = pnl.get(id); pnl.set(id, prevPnl.add(pp)); } } else { BigDecimal pp = rs.getBigDecimal(2); // Start adding PnL after the first non-zero value if (pp.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0) continue; LocalDateTime ldt = rs.getTimestamp(1).toLocalDateTime(); pnl.add(LocalDateTime.of(ldt.getYear(), 1, 1, 0, 0), pp); } } connection.commit(); return pnl; } class TradeTotalsBuilder { private long numTrades; private double grossProfits; private double grossLosses; private double mean; private double variance; private AverageAndVariance dailyPnlStats; private AverageAndVariance pnlStats; private long nonZero; private long positive; private long negative; private double maxWin; private double maxLoss; private Average averageWinTrade; private Average averageLossTrade; private TimeSeries<Double> pnl; private int pnlId; private double previousEquity; private double minEquity; private double maxEquity; private double maxDrawdown; TradeTotalsBuilder() { numTrades = 0; grossProfits = 0.0; grossLosses = 0.0; nonZero = 0; positive = 0; negative = 0; maxWin = 0.0; maxLoss = 0.0; averageWinTrade = new Average(); averageLossTrade = new Average(); minEquity = 0.0; maxEquity = 0.0; previousEquity = 0.0; maxDrawdown = 0.0; pnl = new TimeSeries<Double>(); dailyPnlStats = new AverageAndVariance(); pnlStats = new AverageAndVariance(); } void add(long position, double pnl) { ++numTrades; if (pnl < 0.0) { ++nonZero; ++negative; averageLossTrade.add(pnl); grossLosses += pnl; } else if (pnl > 0.0) { ++nonZero; ++positive; averageWinTrade.add(pnl); grossProfits += pnl; } pnlStats.add(pnl); maxWin = Math.max(maxWin, pnl); maxLoss = Math.min(maxLoss, pnl); } TradeSummary summarize() { TradeSummary summary = new TradeSummary(); summary.numTrades = numTrades; if (numTrades > 0) { summary.grossLosses = grossLosses; summary.grossProfits = grossProfits; summary.profitFactor = grossLosses != 0.0 ? Math.abs(grossProfits / grossLosses) : Math.abs(grossProfits); summary.averageTradePnl = pnlStats.getAverage(); summary.tradePnlStdDev = pnlStats.getStdDev(); summary.pctNegative = numTrades > 0 ? (double) negative / numTrades * 100.0 : 0.0; summary.pctPositive = numTrades > 0 ? (double) positive / numTrades * 100.0 : 0.0; summary.maxLoss = maxLoss; summary.maxWin = maxWin; summary.averageLoss = averageLossTrade.get(); summary.averageWin = averageWinTrade.get(); summary.averageWinLoss = summary.averageLoss != 0.0 ? summary.averageWin / Math.abs(summary.averageLoss) : summary.averageWin; } return summary; } }; private class PnlPair { public boolean seenNonZeroPnl; public double pnl; public PnlPair(double d) { pnl = d; seenNonZeroPnl = pnl != 0.0; } public boolean seenNonZero() { return seenNonZeroPnl; } public double pnl() { return pnl; } public void add(double pnl) { this.pnl += pnl; seenNonZeroPnl |= this.pnl != 0.0; } } /** * @throws SQLException * @brief Computes total statistics for all trades for this strategy * in the database. * * Goes through the trades and the pnls for all instruments and * computes "TradeSummary". The new trade summary and the pnl are * inserted into the corresponding tables using the string "name" * as the symbol for the instrument. * * We use "TOTAL" for "name" (unlikely to have a real symbol TOTAL), * but it's good to have things flexible. * * @param[in] the id to use for the entries in the various tables */ protected void totalTradeStats(String name) throws SQLException { connectIfNecessary(); getDbId(); String query = "DELETE FROM pnls WHERE strategy_id=" + Long.toString(dbId) + " AND symbol = \"" + name + "\""; Statement stmt = connection.createStatement(); stmt.executeUpdate(query); connection.commit(); stmt.close(); query = "DELETE FROM trade_summaries WHERE strategy_id=" + Long.toString(dbId) + " AND symbol = \"" + name + "\""; stmt = connection.createStatement(); stmt.executeUpdate(query); connection.commit(); stmt.close(); // Go through each individual trade TradeTotalsBuilder shortsBuilder = new TradeTotalsBuilder(); TradeTotalsBuilder longsBuilder = new TradeTotalsBuilder(); TradeTotalsBuilder allBuilder = new TradeTotalsBuilder(); query = "SELECT initial_position,pnl FROM trades WHERE strategy_id=" + Long.toString(dbId); stmt = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query); while ( { long position = rs.getLong(1); double pnl = rs.getDouble(2); if (position < 0) { shortsBuilder.add(position, pnl); allBuilder.add(position, pnl); } else { longsBuilder.add(position, pnl); allBuilder.add(position, pnl); } } stmt.close(); // The pair tells us: // 1. Weather we have seen non-zero PnL for that timestamp // 2. The total PnL TreeMap<LocalDateTime, PnlPair> pnlMap = new TreeMap<LocalDateTime, PnlPair>(); query = "SELECT ts,pnl FROM pnls WHERE strategy_id=?"; PreparedStatement pstmt = connection.prepareStatement(query); pstmt.setLong(1, dbId); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); while ( { LocalDateTime ldt = rs.getTimestamp(1).toLocalDateTime(); double pnl = rs.getDouble(2); PnlPair pp = pnlMap.get(ldt); if (pp != null) { pp.add(pnl); } else { pnlMap.put(ldt, new PnlPair(pnl)); } } pstmt.close(); // Write the total PnL and collect the basic per-bar and equity statistics query = "INSERT INTO pnls (strategy_id,symbol,ts,pnl) values (?,?,?,?)"; pstmt = connection.prepareStatement(query); pstmt.setLong(1, dbId); pstmt.setString(2, name); AverageAndVariance barStats = new AverageAndVariance(); double equity = 0.0; double maxEquity = Double.MIN_VALUE; double minEquity = Double.MAX_VALUE; double maxDD = Double.MAX_VALUE; double maxDDPct = Double.MAX_VALUE; for (Map.Entry<LocalDateTime, PnlPair> entry : pnlMap.entrySet()) { PnlPair pp = entry.getValue(); double pnl = pp.pnl(); // Write the PnL pstmt.setTimestamp(3, Timestamp.valueOf(entry.getKey())); pstmt.setDouble(4, pnl); // pstmt.executeUpdate(); pstmt.addBatch(); // Collect statistics if (pp.seenNonZero()) barStats.add(pnl); equity += pnl; maxEquity = Math.max(maxEquity, equity); minEquity = Math.min(minEquity, equity); maxDD = Math.min(maxDD, equity - maxEquity); maxDDPct = Math.min(maxDDPct, equity / maxEquity - 1); if (Double.isNaN(maxDDPct) || !Double.isFinite(maxDDPct)) { Logger.getLogger("").warning(String.format("Fixing a bad maximum drawdown [%f]", maxDDPct)); maxDDPct = Double.MAX_VALUE; } } pstmt.executeBatch(); connection.commit(); pstmt.close(); // Write out the total as a trade summary TradeSummary summary = allBuilder.summarize(); summary.equityMin = minEquity; summary.equityMax = maxEquity; summary.maxDD = maxDD; summary.maxDDPct = maxDDPct * 100; summary.averageDailyPnl = barStats.getAverage(); summary.dailyPnlStdDev = barStats.getStdDev(); summary.sharpeRatio = Functions.sharpeRatio(summary.averageDailyPnl, summary.dailyPnlStdDev, 252); writeTradeSummary(name, "All", summary); // For the shorts and longs totals we don't have equityMin, equityMax, etc writeTradeSummary(name, "Long", longsBuilder.summarize()); writeTradeSummary(name, "Short", shortsBuilder.summarize()); connection.commit(); } public void totalTradeStats() throws Exception { totalTradeStats("TOTAL"); } // public Portfolio getPortfolio() { return portfolio; } public Account getAccount() { return account; } protected class Status { public long getId() { return id; } public void setId(long id) { = id; } public long getStrategyId() { return strategyId; } public void setStrategyId(long strategyId) { this.strategyId = strategyId; } public String getSymbol() { return symbol; } public void setSymbol(String symbol) { this.symbol = symbol; } public String getTradingSymbol() { return tradingSymbol; } public void setTradingSymbol(String symbol) { this.tradingSymbol = symbol; } public LocalDateTime getDateTime() { return ts; } public void setDateTime(LocalDateTime ts) { this.ts = ts; } public double getPosition() { return position; } public void setPosition(double position) { this.position = position; } public double getPnl() { return pnl; } public void setPnl(double pnl) { this.pnl = pnl; } public double getLastClose() { return lastClose; } public void setLastClose(double lastClose) { this.lastClose = lastClose; } public double getLastTradingClose() { return lastTradingClose; } public void setLastTradingClose(double lastClose) { this.lastTradingClose = lastClose; } public LocalDateTime getLastDateTime() { return lastDateTime; } public void setLastDateTime(LocalDateTime ldt) { this.lastDateTime = ldt; } public double getEntryPrice() { return entryPrice; } public void setEntryPrice(double entryPrice) { this.entryPrice = entryPrice; } public double getEntryRisk() { return entryRisk; } public void setEntryRisk(double entryRisk) { this.entryRisk = entryRisk; } public double getProfitTarget() { return profitTarget; } public void setProfitTarget(double profitTarget) { this.profitTarget = profitTarget; } public LocalDateTime getEntryDateTime() { return since; } public void setEntryDateTime(LocalDateTime ldt) { this.since = ldt; } public double getStopLoss() { return stopLoss; } public void setStopLoss(double stopLoss) { this.stopLoss = stopLoss; } public void addOrder(Order order) { orders.add(order); } public Status(String symbol) { setSymbol(symbol); orders = new ArrayList<Order>(); numericProperties = new HashMap<String, Double>(); } public Status(int strategyId, String symbol) { this(symbol); setStrategyId(strategyId); } public void addProperty(String name, double value) { numericProperties.put(name, value); } public void persist(Connection con) throws Exception { // Build the JSON status JsonObject jo = new JsonObject(); assert getPosition() != Double.NaN : "Position must not be NaN!"; jo.addProperty("position", getPosition()); if (!Double.isNaN(getPnl())) { jo.addProperty("pnl", getPnl()); } jo.addProperty("last_close", getLastTradingClose()); if (!Double.isNaN(getEntryPrice())) { jo.addProperty("entry_price", getEntryPrice()); } if (!Double.isNaN(getEntryRisk())) { jo.addProperty("entry_risk", getEntryRisk()); } if (!Double.isNaN(getProfitTarget())) { jo.addProperty("profit_target", getProfitTarget()); } if (!Double.isNaN(getStopLoss())) { jo.addProperty("stop_loss", getStopLoss()); } if (tradingSymbol != null && !tradingSymbol.isEmpty()) { jo.addProperty("trading_symbol", getTradingSymbol()); } numericProperties.forEach((k, v) -> jo.addProperty(k, v)); JsonArray ordersArray = new JsonArray(); for (Order oo : orders) { ordersArray.add(oo.toJsonString()); } jo.add("orders", ordersArray); Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting() .setFieldNamingPolicy(FieldNamingPolicy.LOWER_CASE_WITH_UNDERSCORES).create(); String query = " REPLACE INTO strategy_positions " + " (strategy_id,symbol,ts,position,last_close,last_ts,details) " + " VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?) "; String jsonString = gson.toJson(jo); PreparedStatement stmt = con.prepareStatement(query); stmt.setLong(1, getStrategyId()); stmt.setString(2, getSymbol()); if (getDateTime().equals(LocalDateTime.MIN)) { stmt.setNull(3, Types.TIMESTAMP); } else { stmt.setTimestamp(3, Timestamp.valueOf(getDateTime())); } stmt.setDouble(4, getPosition()); stmt.setDouble(5, getLastClose()); stmt.setTimestamp(6, Timestamp.valueOf(getLastDateTime())); stmt.setString(7, jsonString); stmt.executeUpdate(); con.commit(); } private long id; private long strategyId; private String symbol; private String tradingSymbol; private LocalDateTime ts = null; private double position = Double.NaN; private LocalDateTime since = null; private double pnl = Double.NaN; private double lastClose = Double.NaN; private double lastTradingClose = Double.NaN; private LocalDateTime lastDateTime = null; private double entryPrice = Double.NaN; private double entryRisk = Double.NaN; private double profitTarget = Double.NaN; private double stopLoss = Double.NaN; private List<Order> orders = null; private HashMap<String, Double> numericProperties = null; } public void persistStatus(Strategy.Status status) throws Exception { connectIfNecessary(); status.persist(connection); } public TradeSummary getSummary(String symbol, String type) throws SQLException { TradeSummary summary = new TradeSummary(); connectIfNecessary(); String query = " SELECT num_trades, gross_profits, gross_losses, profit_factor, " + " average_daily_pnl, daily_pnl_stddev, sharpe_ratio, " + " average_trade_pnl, trade_pnl_stddev, pct_positive, " + " pct_negative, max_win, max_loss, average_win, average_loss, " + " average_win_loss, equity_min, equity_max, max_drawdown, " + " max_drawdown_pct " + " FROM trade_summaries " + " WHERE strategy_id = ? AND symbol = ? AND type = ?"; PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(query); stmt.setLong(1, dbId); stmt.setString(2, symbol); stmt.setString(3, type); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if (! return null; summary.numTrades = rs.getLong(1); summary.grossProfits = rs.getDouble(2); summary.grossLosses = rs.getDouble(3); summary.profitFactor = rs.getDouble(4); summary.averageDailyPnl = rs.getDouble(5); summary.dailyPnlStdDev = rs.getDouble(6); summary.sharpeRatio = rs.getDouble(7); summary.averageTradePnl = rs.getDouble(8); summary.tradePnlStdDev = rs.getDouble(9); summary.pctPositive = rs.getDouble(10); summary.pctNegative = rs.getDouble(11); summary.maxWin = rs.getDouble(12); summary.maxLoss = rs.getDouble(13); summary.averageWin = rs.getDouble(14); summary.averageLoss = rs.getDouble(15); summary.averageWinLoss = rs.getDouble(16); summary.equityMin = rs.getDouble(17); summary.equityMax = rs.getDouble(18); summary.maxDD = rs.getDouble(19); summary.maxDDPct = rs.getDouble(20); connection.commit(); return summary; } public JsonObject writeStrategyReport() throws Exception { // Annual statistics Series annualStats = getAnnualStats(); JsonObject result = new JsonObject(); if (annualStats.size() > 0) { Average avgPnl = new Average(); Average avgPnlPct = new Average(); Average avgDD = new Average(); Average avgDDPct = new Average(); JsonArray asa = new JsonArray(); for (int ii = 0; ii < annualStats.size(); ++ii) { JsonObject ajo = new JsonObject(); ajo.addProperty("year", annualStats.getTimestamp(ii).getYear()); ajo.addProperty("pnl", Math.round(annualStats.get(ii, 0))); ajo.addProperty("pnl_pct", annualStats.get(ii, 1) * 100.0); ajo.addProperty("end_equity", Math.round(annualStats.get(ii, 2))); ajo.addProperty("maxdd", Math.round(annualStats.get(ii, 3))); ajo.addProperty("maxdd_pct", annualStats.get(ii, 4) * 100.0); asa.add(ajo); avgPnl.add(annualStats.get(ii, 0)); avgPnlPct.add(annualStats.get(ii, 1)); avgDD.add(annualStats.get(ii, 3)); avgDDPct.add(annualStats.get(ii, 4)); } result.add("annual_stats", asa); result.addProperty("pnl", Math.round(avgPnl.get())); result.addProperty("pnl_pct", avgPnlPct.get() * 100.0); result.addProperty("avgdd", Math.round(avgDD.get())); result.addProperty("avgdd_pct", avgDDPct.get() * 100.0); result.addProperty("gain_to_pain", avgPnl.get() / Math.abs(avgDD.get())); } // Global statistics LocalDateTime maxDateTime = LocalDateTime.MIN; double maxEndEq = Double.MIN_VALUE; double maxDD = Double.MAX_VALUE; double maxDDPct = Double.MAX_VALUE; Series equity = getEquity(); for (int ii = 0; ii < equity.size(); ++ii) { if (equity.get(ii) > maxEndEq) { maxEndEq = equity.get(ii); maxDateTime = equity.getTimestamp(ii); } maxDD = Math.min(maxDD, equity.get(ii) - maxEndEq); maxDDPct = Math.min(maxDDPct, equity.get(ii) / maxEndEq - 1); } double lastDD = equity.get(equity.size() - 1) - maxEndEq; double lastDDPct = (lastDD / maxEndEq) * 100; JsonObject jo = new JsonObject(); jo.addProperty("cash", lastDD); jo.addProperty("pct", lastDDPct); result.add("total_maxdd", jo); jo = new JsonObject(); jo.addProperty("date", maxDateTime.format(DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE)); jo.addProperty("equity", Math.round(maxEndEq)); result.add("total_peak", jo); if (equity.size() > 2) { int ii = equity.size() - 1; int jj = ii - 1; for (; jj >= 0 && equity.getTimestamp(jj).getYear() == equity.getTimestamp(ii).getYear(); --jj) { } if (jj >= 0 && equity.getTimestamp(jj).getYear() != equity.getTimestamp(ii).getYear()) { ++jj; maxDateTime = equity.getTimestamp(jj); maxEndEq = equity.get(jj); for (++jj; jj < equity.size(); ++jj) { if (equity.get(jj) > maxEndEq) { maxEndEq = equity.get(jj); maxDateTime = equity.getTimestamp(jj); } } lastDD = equity.get(equity.size() - 1) - maxEndEq; lastDDPct = (lastDD / maxEndEq) * 100; jo = new JsonObject(); jo.addProperty("cash", lastDD); jo.addProperty("pct", lastDDPct); result.add("latest_maxdd", jo); jo = new JsonObject(); jo.addProperty("date", maxDateTime.format(DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE)); jo.addProperty("equity", Math.round(maxEndEq)); result.add("latest_peak", jo); } } TradeSummary summary = getSummary("TOTAL", "All"); if (summary != null) { result.addProperty("avg_trade_pnl", Math.round(summary.averageTradePnl)); result.addProperty("maxdd", Math.round(maxDD)); result.addProperty("maxdd_pct", maxDDPct * 100); result.addProperty("num_trades", summary.numTrades); } else { result.addProperty("avg_trade_pnl", 0); result.addProperty("maxdd", 0); result.addProperty("maxdd_pct", 0); result.addProperty("num_trades", 0); } Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting() .setFieldNamingPolicy(FieldNamingPolicy.LOWER_CASE_WITH_UNDERSCORES).create(); connectIfNecessary(); String query = " REPLACE INTO strategy_report (strategy_id,last_date,report) " + " VALUES(?,?,?) "; PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(query); stmt.setLong(1, dbId); stmt.setTimestamp(2, Timestamp.valueOf(getLastTimestamp())); String jsonString = gson.toJson(result); stmt.setString(3, jsonString); stmt.executeUpdate(); connection.commit(); return result; } public Order enterLong(String symbol, long quantity, String signal) throws Exception { Order order = Order.enterLong(symbol, quantity, signal); broker.submitOrder(order); return order; } public Order enterLong(String symbol, long quantity) throws Exception { Order order = Order.enterLong(symbol, quantity); broker.submitOrder(order); return order; } public Order enterLongLimit(String symbol, double limitPrice, long quantity) throws Exception { assert quantity > 0; assert broker != null; Order order = Order.enterLongLimit(symbol, quantity, limitPrice); broker.submitOrder(order); return order; } public Order enterLongLimit(String symbol, double limitPrice, long quantity, String signal) throws Exception { assert quantity > 0; assert broker != null; Order order = Order.enterLongLimit(symbol, quantity, limitPrice, signal); broker.submitOrder(order); return order; } public Order enterLongLimit(String symbol, double limitPrice, long quantity, String signal, int barsValidFor) throws Exception { assert quantity > 0; assert broker != null; Order order = Order.enterLongLimit(symbol, quantity, limitPrice, signal); order.setExpiration(barsValidFor); broker.submitOrder(order); return order; } public Order enterLongStop(String symbol, double stopPrice, long quantity) throws Exception { assert quantity > 0; assert broker != null; Order order = Order.enterLongStop(symbol, quantity, stopPrice); broker.submitOrder(order); return order; } public Order enterLongStop(String symbol, double stopPrice, long quantity, String signal) throws Exception { assert quantity > 0; assert broker != null; Order order = Order.enterLongStop(symbol, quantity, stopPrice, signal); broker.submitOrder(order); return order; } public Order enterLongStop(String symbol, double stopPrice, long quantity, String signal, int barsValidFor) throws Exception { assert quantity > 0; assert broker != null; Order order = Order.enterLongStop(symbol, quantity, stopPrice, signal); order.setExpiration(barsValidFor); broker.submitOrder(order); return order; } public Order enterShortLimit(String symbol, double limitPrice, long quantity) throws Exception { assert quantity > 0; assert broker != null; Order order = Order.enterShortLimit(symbol, quantity, limitPrice); broker.submitOrder(order); return order; } public Order enterShortLimit(String symbol, double limitPrice, long quantity, String signal) throws Exception { assert quantity > 0; assert broker != null; Order order = Order.enterShortLimit(symbol, quantity, limitPrice, signal); broker.submitOrder(order); return order; } public Order enterShortLimit(String symbol, double limitPrice, long quantity, String signal, int barsValidFor) throws Exception { assert quantity > 0; assert broker != null; Order order = Order.enterShortLimit(symbol, quantity, limitPrice, signal); order.setExpiration(barsValidFor); broker.submitOrder(order); return order; } public Order enterShortStop(String symbol, double stopPrice, long quantity) throws Exception { assert quantity > 0; assert broker != null; Order order = Order.enterShortStop(symbol, quantity, stopPrice); broker.submitOrder(order); return order; } public Order enterShortStop(String symbol, double stopPrice, long quantity, String signal) throws Exception { assert quantity > 0; assert broker != null; Order order = Order.enterShortStop(symbol, quantity, stopPrice, signal); broker.submitOrder(order); return order; } public Order enterShortStop(String symbol, double stopPrice, long quantity, String signal, int barsValidFor) throws Exception { assert quantity > 0; assert broker != null; Order order = Order.enterShortStop(symbol, quantity, stopPrice, signal); order.setExpiration(barsValidFor); broker.submitOrder(order); return order; } public Order enterShort(String symbol, long quantity, String signal) throws Exception { Order order = Order.enterShort(symbol, quantity, signal); broker.submitOrder(order); return order; } public Order enterShort(String symbol, long quantity) throws Exception { Order order = Order.enterShort(symbol, quantity); broker.submitOrder(order); return order; } public Order exitShort(String symbol) throws Exception { Order order = Order.exitShort(symbol, Order.POSITION_QUANTITY); broker.submitOrder(order); return order; } public Order exitShort(String symbol, String signal) throws Exception { Order order = Order.exitShort(symbol, Order.POSITION_QUANTITY, signal); broker.submitOrder(order); return order; } public Order exitShort(String symbol, long quantity) throws Exception { Order order = Order.exitShort(symbol, quantity); broker.submitOrder(order); return order; } public Order exitShort(String symbol, long quantity, String signal) throws Exception { Order order = Order.exitShort(symbol, quantity, signal); broker.submitOrder(order); return order; } public Order exitLong(String symbol) throws Exception { Order order = Order.exitLong(symbol, Order.POSITION_QUANTITY); broker.submitOrder(order); return order; } public Order exitLong(String symbol, String signal) throws Exception { Order order = Order.exitLong(symbol, Order.POSITION_QUANTITY, signal); broker.submitOrder(order); return order; } public Order exitLong(String symbol, long quantity) throws Exception { Order order = Order.exitLong(symbol, quantity); broker.submitOrder(order); return order; } public Order exitLong(String symbol, long quantity, String signal) throws Exception { Order order = Order.exitLong(symbol, quantity, signal); broker.submitOrder(order); return order; } public Order exitLongStop(String symbol, double stopPrice, long quantity) throws Exception { assert quantity > 0; assert broker != null; Order order = Order.exitLongStop(symbol, quantity, stopPrice); broker.submitOrder(order); return order; } public Order exitLongStop(String symbol, double stopPrice, long quantity, String signal) throws Exception { assert quantity > 0; assert broker != null; Order order = Order.exitLongStop(symbol, quantity, stopPrice, signal); broker.submitOrder(order); return order; } public Order exitLongStop(String symbol, double stopPrice, long quantity, String signal, int barsValidFor) throws Exception { assert quantity > 0; assert broker != null; Order order = Order.exitLongStop(symbol, quantity, stopPrice, signal); order.setExpiration(barsValidFor); broker.submitOrder(order); return order; } public Order exitShortStop(String symbol, double stopPrice, long quantity) throws Exception { assert quantity > 0; assert broker != null; Order order = Order.exitShortStop(symbol, quantity, stopPrice); broker.submitOrder(order); return order; } public Order exitShortStop(String symbol, double stopPrice, long quantity, String signal) throws Exception { assert quantity > 0; assert broker != null; Order order = Order.exitShortStop(symbol, quantity, stopPrice, signal); broker.submitOrder(order); return order; } public Order exitShortStop(String symbol, double stopPrice, long quantity, String signal, int barsValidFor) throws Exception { assert quantity > 0; assert broker != null; Order order = Order.exitShortStop(symbol, quantity, stopPrice, signal); order.setExpiration(barsValidFor); broker.submitOrder(order); return order; } public Order enterLongStopLimit(String symbol, double stopPrice, double limitPrice, long quantity, String signal, int barsValidFor) throws Exception { assert quantity > 0; assert broker != null; Order order = Order.enterLongStopLimit(symbol, quantity, stopPrice, limitPrice, signal); order.setExpiration(barsValidFor); broker.submitOrder(order); return order; } public Order enterShortStopLimit(String symbol, double stopPrice, double limitPrice, long quantity, String signal, int barsValidFor) throws Exception { assert quantity > 0; assert broker != null; Order order = Order.enterShortStopLimit(symbol, quantity, stopPrice, limitPrice, signal); order.setExpiration(barsValidFor); broker.submitOrder(order); return order; } public void start() throws Exception { getBroker().start(); } public void finalize() throws Exception { } public void setTradingStart(LocalDateTime ldt) { tradingStart = ldt; } public LocalDateTime getTradingStart() { return tradingStart; } public void setTradingStop(LocalDateTime ldt) { tradingStop = ldt; } public LocalDateTime getTradingStop() { return tradingStop; } public void setInitialEquity(LocalDateTime ldt, double initialEquity) { getAccount().setInitialEquity(ldt, initialEquity); } public void setInitialEquity(LocalDate ld, double initialEquity) { getAccount().setInitialEquity(ld.atStartOfDay(), initialEquity); } public void updateEndEquity() { getAccount().updateEndEquity(); } }