Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2014, Caixa Magica Software Lda (CMS). * The work has been developed in the TIMBUS Project and the above-mentioned are Members of the TIMBUS Consortium. * TIMBUS is supported by the European Union under the 7th Framework Programme for research and technological * development and demonstration activities (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no. 269940. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on * an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied, including without * limitation, any warranties or conditions of TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTIBITLY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. In no event and under no legal theory, whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, * unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be liable for damages, including * any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a result of this * License or out of the use or inability to use the Work. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitation under the License. */ package net.timbusproject.extractors.rpmsoftwareextractor; import ch.qos.logback.classic.Level; import com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException; import net.timbusproject.extractors.helpers.MachineID; import; import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONArray; import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONException; import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONObject; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class Engine { enum Scope { INSTALLED_PACKAGES, UNIVERSE } private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Engine.class); private final Properties commands = new Properties(); private final SSHManager sshManager; public Engine() { this((SSHManager) null); } public Engine(SSHManager ssh) { this(ssh, Level.INFO); } public Engine(Level logLevel) { this(null, logLevel); } public Engine(SSHManager ssh, Level logLevel) { ((ch.qos.logback.classic.Logger) log).setLevel(logLevel); log.debug("Initializing..."); sshManager = ssh; commands.setProperty("is-command-available", "command -v %s"); commands.setProperty("rpm-qa", "rpm -qa --qf 'Id: %{nvra}\\nPackage: %{name}\\nBasename: %|basenames?{%{basenames}}:{}|\\nVersion: %{evr}\\nInstalled-Size: %{size}\\nArchitecture: %|arch?{%{arch}}:{}|\\nLicense: %{license}\\nSection: %{group}\\nVendor: %|vendor?{%{vendor}}:{}|\\nMaintainer: %|packager?{%{packager}}:{}|\\nDepends: [%{requirename} (%{requireflags:depflags} %{requireversion}), ]\\nProvides: [%{providename} (%{provideflags:depflags} %{provideversion}), ]\\nConflicts: [%{conflictname} (%{conflictflags:depflags} %{conflictversion}), ]\\nConffiles:\\n[\\{%{fileflags:fflags}\\} %{filemd5s} %{filenames}\\n]\\n' | sed -r '/^(Depend|Provide|Conflict)s: /!b;s/, $| \\( \\)//g' | grep -vE '^[a-zA-Z0-9\\-]+: ?$'"); commands.setProperty("rpmrc", "rpm -q --qf 'Id: %{nvra}\\nPackage: %{name}\\nBasename: %|basenames?{%{basenames}}:{}|\\nVersion: %{evr}\\nArchitecture: %|arch?{%{arch}}:{}|\\n' rpm-4.8.0-37.el6.x86_64 | sed -r 's/^(Id|Package): rpm/\\0rc/g'"); commands.setProperty("rpmrc-provides", "rpm --showrc | sed '1,/Features supported by rpmlib:/d' | sed '/^$/Q' | sed -r 's/^ +//' | sed -r 's/[<>=]+ [a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\-]+$/(\\0)/g' | sed -r ':a;N;$!ba;s/\\n/, /g'"); commands.setProperty("installers", "repoquery -a --qf 'Id: %{name}-%{version}-%{release}.%{arch}\\nLocation: %{location}\\n'"); commands.setProperty("os2json", "echo '{\"distribution\":\"'$(lsb_release -si)'\",\"release\":\"'$(lsb_release -sr)'\",\"codename\":\"'$(lsb_release -sc)'\",\"architecture\":\"'$(uname -i)'\"}'"); } public JSONObject run(Scope scope) throws JSchException, InterruptedException, JSONException, IOException { switch (scope) { case INSTALLED_PACKAGES: return extractInstalledPackages(); // case UNIVERSE: return extractUniverse(); } return new JSONObject(); } /* private JSONObject extractUniverse() throws JSchException, InterruptedException, JSONException, IOException { if (isSsh()) {"Connecting to " + sshManager.getHost() + ":" + sshManager.getPort() + "..."); try { sshManager.connect(); } catch (JSchException e) { log.error("Connection failed."); throw e; } }"Starting universe extraction...");"Extracting packages..."); JSONObject extraction = newExtraction(extractAllYumPackages(), true);"Extraction finished."); if (isSsh()) {"Closing connection from " + sshManager.getHost() + ":" + sshManager.getPort() + "..."); sshManager.disconnect(); } return extraction; } */ private JSONObject extractInstalledPackages() throws JSchException, InterruptedException, JSONException, IOException { if (isSsh()) {"Connecting to " + sshManager.getHost() + ":" + sshManager.getPort() + "..."); try { sshManager.connect(); } catch (JSchException e) { log.error("Connection failed."); throw e; } }"Starting installed packages extraction..."); if (((ch.qos.logback.classic.Logger) log).getLevel().equals(Level.INFO))"Extracting..."); log.debug("Extracting installed packages..."); Hashtable<String, JSONObject> table = extractAllRpmPackages(); log.debug("Extracting installers..."); extractInstallers(table); JSONObject extraction = newExtraction(table.values());"Extraction finished."); if (isSsh()) {"Closing connection from " + sshManager.getHost() + ":" + sshManager.getPort() + "..."); sshManager.disconnect(); } return extraction; } private JSONObject newExtraction(Collection<JSONObject> data) throws InterruptedException, JSchException, IOException, JSONException { return newExtraction(data, false); } private JSONObject newExtraction(Collection<JSONObject> data, boolean isUniverse) throws InterruptedException, JSchException, IOException, JSONException { JSONObject object = new JSONObject().put("isUniverse", isUniverse).put("machineId", getMachineId()); if (isCommandAvailable("lsb_release")) object.put("operatingSystem", new JSONObject(doCommand(commands.getProperty("os2json")) .getProperty("stdout").replaceAll("\\n", " ").trim())); else log.warn("Operating system could not be extracted."); return object.put("data", data); } public String getMachineId() throws InterruptedException, JSchException, IOException { return new MachineID(doCommand("hostid").getProperty("stdout").trim(), doCommand("hostname").getProperty("stdout").trim()).getXRN().trim(); } private Hashtable<String, JSONObject> extractAllRpmPackages() throws InterruptedException, JSchException, IOException, JSONException { String rpm = doCommand(commands.getProperty("rpm-qa")).getProperty("stdout"); Hashtable<String, JSONObject> table = new Hashtable<String, JSONObject>(); for (String packageInfo : rpm.split("\\n\\n")) { JSONObject object = extractPackage(packageInfo); if (!object.getString("Package").equals("gpg-pubkey") && !object.getString("License").equals("pubkey") && !object.getString("Section").equals("Public Keys")) table.put(object.getString("Id"), object); } JSONObject rpmrc = extractRpmrc(); table.put(rpmrc.getString("Package"), rpmrc); return table; } private JSONObject extractRpmrc() throws InterruptedException, JSchException, IOException, JSONException { return extractPackage(doCommand(commands.getProperty("rpmrc")).getProperty("stdout") + "Provides: " + doCommand(commands.getProperty("rpmrc-provides")).getProperty("stdout")); } /* private Collection<JSONObject> extractAllYumPackages() throws InterruptedException, JSchException, IOException, JSONException { String universe = doCommand(commands.getProperty("...")).getProperty("stdout"); Collection<JSONObject> collection = new ArrayList<JSONObject>(); for (String control : universe.split("\\n\\n")) collection.add(extractPackage(control)); return collection; } */ private JSONObject extractPackage(String control) throws JSONException { final Pattern fieldPattern = Pattern.compile("([^:]+):[ \\n](\\p{all}+)"); JSONObject object = new JSONObject(); for (String field : control.split("\\n(?=\\w)")) { Matcher matcher = fieldPattern.matcher(field); matcher.find(); try { if ("(?i)conffiles")) { object.put(, extractConffiles(; } else if ("(?i)depends|provides|conflicts")) { object.put(, extractListField(; } else object.put(,; } catch (IllegalStateException e) { log.warn("\"" + field + "\" from package \"" + object.optString("Package", "") + "\" could not be extracted."); } } return object; } private JSONArray extractListField(String list) throws JSONException { JSONArray array = new JSONArray(); for (String element : list.trim().split(", ")) if (element.contains(" | ")) { JSONArray formula = new JSONArray(); for (String sentence : element.split(" \\| ")) formula.put(extractInlinePackage(sentence)); array.put(formula); } else array.put(extractInlinePackage(element)); return array; } private JSONObject extractInlinePackage(String element) throws JSONException { final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(\\S+)(?: \\((\\S+) (.+)\\))?"); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(element); matcher.find(); JSONObject object = new JSONObject().put("Package",; if (matcher.groupCount() > 1) object.put("Comparator","Version",; return object; } private JSONArray extractConffiles(String list) throws JSONException { final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\{(?<flag>\\p{Lower}*)} (?<hash>\\w*) (?<file>.+)"); JSONArray array = new JSONArray(); for (String conffile : list.split("\\n")) { Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(conffile); matcher.find(); if ("flag").contains("c")) { JSONObject object = new JSONObject().put("file","file")); if (!"hash").isEmpty()) object.put("hash","hash")); array.put(object); } } return array; } private void extractInstallers(Hashtable<String, JSONObject> packages) throws InterruptedException, JSchException, IOException, JSONException { if (!isCommandAvailable("repoquery")) { log.warn("Installers could not be extracted."); return; } String rpm = doCommand(commands.getProperty("installers")).getProperty("stdout"); for (String installerInfo : rpm.split("\\n\\n")) { JSONObject object = extractPackage(installerInfo); if (packages.containsKey(object.getString("Id"))) packages.get(object.getString("Id")).put("Installer", object.getString("Location")); } } private Properties doCommand(String command) throws InterruptedException, JSchException, IOException { if (isSsh()) return sshManager.sendCommand(command); Properties properties = new Properties(); Process process = new ProcessBuilder("/bin/sh", "-c", command).start(); StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); IOUtils.copy(process.getInputStream(), writer); properties.setProperty("stdout", writer.toString()); IOUtils.copy(process.getErrorStream(), writer); properties.setProperty("stderr", writer.toString()); properties.setProperty("exit-value", String.valueOf(process.waitFor())); process.destroy(); if (Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty("exit-value")) != 0) log.warn("command \"" + command.split(" ")[0] + "\" failed with status: " + properties.getProperty("exit-value")); return properties; } private boolean isCommandAvailable(String command) throws InterruptedException, JSchException, IOException { log.trace("Testing command: " + command); Properties commandProperties = doCommand( String.format(commands.getProperty("is-command-available"), command)); return Integer.parseInt(commandProperties.getProperty("exit-value")) == 0; } private boolean isSsh() { return sshManager != null; } }