Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Hamza Haiken <> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package net.team2xh.crt.language.compiler; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import net.team2xh.crt.language.parser.CRTBaseVisitor; import net.team2xh.crt.language.parser.CRTLexer; import net.team2xh.crt.language.parser.CRTParser; import net.team2xh.crt.language.parser.CRTParser.*; import net.team2xh.crt.raytracer.Background; import net.team2xh.crt.raytracer.Camera; import net.team2xh.crt.raytracer.Material; import net.team2xh.crt.raytracer.lights.Light; import net.team2xh.crt.raytracer.Pigment; import net.team2xh.crt.raytracer.Scene; import net.team2xh.crt.raytracer.Settings; import net.team2xh.crt.raytracer.entities.Box; import net.team2xh.crt.raytracer.entities.Entity; import net.team2xh.crt.raytracer.entities.Plane; import net.team2xh.crt.raytracer.entities.Sphere; import net.team2xh.crt.raytracer.entities.csg.Difference; import net.team2xh.crt.raytracer.entities.csg.Intersection; import net.team2xh.crt.raytracer.entities.csg.Union; import net.team2xh.crt.raytracer.lights.ParallelLight; import net.team2xh.crt.raytracer.lights.PointLight; import net.team2xh.crt.raytracer.math.Vector3; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.ANTLRInputStream; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.CommonTokenStream; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.ParserRuleContext; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ParseTree; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; /** * * @author Hamza Haiken <> */ final public class Compiler extends CRTBaseVisitor { private final Script script; private final Scope scope; private final String code; private final static String RGB = "rgb"; private final static String RGBA = "rgba"; private final static String VEC3 = "vec3"; private final static String SIN = "sin"; private final static String COS = "cos"; private final static String TAN = "tan"; private final static String RAND = "rand"; private Random rand; private Compiler(String code) { this.code = code; script = new Script(); scope = new Scope(); rand = new Random(1337); } private static Script compile(String code, Compiler compiler) { CRTLexer lexer = new CRTLexer(new ANTLRInputStream(code)); CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer); CRTParser parser = new CRTParser(tokens); ParseTree tree = parser.script(); compiler.visit(tree); return compiler.script; } public static Script compile(String code) { return compile(code, new Variable(new Identifier("t"), 0)); } public static Script compile(String code, Variable v) { Compiler compiler = new Compiler(code); compiler.scope.add(v); return compile(code, compiler); } @Override public Script visitScript(ScriptContext ctx) { boolean hasSettings = false; boolean hasScene = false; for (StatementContext s : ctx.statement()) { Object o = s.accept(this); Class c = o.getClass(); if (hasScene) throw new CompilerException(ctx, code, "Scene block must at the end of the script"); if (c == Variable.class) { scope.add((Variable) o); } else if (c == Settings.class) { hasSettings = true; script.setSettings((Settings) o); } else if (c == Scene.class) { hasScene = true; script.setScene((Scene) o); } else { throw new CompilerException(ctx, code, "Top-level statements must be either an assignment or settings/scene block"); } } if (!hasSettings) throw new CompilerException("Script must define settings block"); if (!hasScene) throw new CompilerException("Script must define a scene"); script.getSettings().setParent(script.getScene()); //System.out.println(scope.getVariables()); System.out.println("Scene compiled (" + script.getScene().toString() + ")"); return script; } @Override public Settings visitSettings(SettingsContext ctx) { Settings settings = script.getSettings(); Scene scene = script.getScene(); for (AttributeContext a : ctx.attribute()) { ExpressionContext expr = a.expression(); Object value = resolve(expr); switch (a.IDENTIFIER().getText()) { case "title": assertAttributeType(value, "title", expr, String.class); System.out.println("Compiling " + value + "..."); settings.setTitle((String) value); break; case "author": assertAttributeType(value, "author", expr, String.class); settings.setAuthor((String) value); break; case "date": assertAttributeType(value, "date", expr, String.class); settings.setDate((String) value); break; case "notes": assertAttributeType(value, "notes", expr, String.class); settings.setAuthor((String) value); break; case "gamma": assertAttributeType(value, "gamma", expr, Double.class); settings.setGamma((Double) value); break; case "background": assertAttributeType(value, "background", expr, Background.class); scene.setBackground((Background) value); break; case "camera": assertAttributeType(value, "camera", expr, Camera.class); scene.setCamera((Camera) value); break; case "supersampling": assertAttributeType(value, "supersampling", expr, Integer.class); settings.setSupersampling((int) value); break; case "dofsamples": assertAttributeType(value, "dofsamples", expr, Integer.class); settings.setDOFSamples((int) value); break; case "recursiondepth": assertAttributeType(value, "recursiondepth", expr, Integer.class); settings.setRecursionDepth((int) value); break; case "lights": assertAttributeType(value, "lights", expr, LinkedList.class); LinkedList<Object> lights = (LinkedList) value; for (Object o : lights) { if (!(o instanceof Light)) throw new CompilerException(ctx, code, "Attribute 'light' must be of type Light"); scene.addLight((Light) o); } break; } } return settings; } private void assertAttributeType(Object object, String name, ParserRuleContext ctx, Class expected) { if (object == null) { throw new CompilerException(ctx, code, "Attribute '" + name + "' is required."); } if (object.getClass() != expected) throw new CompilerException(ctx, code, "Attribute '" + name + "' must be of type " + expected.getSimpleName()); } @Override public Scene visitScene(SceneContext ctx) { Scene scene = script.getScene(); for (ExpressionContext expr : ctx.expression()) { Object o = resolve(expr); Class c = o.getClass(); if (c == Variable.class) { scope.add((Variable) o); } else if (o instanceof Entity) { scene.add((Entity) o); } } return scene; } @Override public Object visitObject(ObjectContext ctx) { String name = ctx.NAME().getText(); Map<String, Object> attributes = new HashMap<>(); for (AttributeContext a : ctx.attribute()) { ExpressionContext expr = a.expression(); Object value = resolve(expr); String key = a.IDENTIFIER().getText(); attributes.put(key, value); } Object o = null; switch (name) { case "Material": { Object color = attributes.get("color"); assertAttributeType(color, "color", ctx, Pigment.class); o = new Material((Pigment) color); Object reflectivity = attributes.get("reflectivity"); if (reflectivity != null) { assertAttributeType(reflectivity, "reflectivity", ctx, Double.class); // TODO: reflectivity setter o = new Material((Pigment) color, (double) reflectivity); } break; } case "Camera": { Object position = attributes.get("position"); Object pointing = attributes.get("pointing"); Object fov = attributes.get("fov"); assertAttributeType(position, "position", ctx, Vector3.class); assertAttributeType(pointing, "pointing", ctx, Vector3.class); assertAttributeType(fov, "fov", ctx, Double.class); o = new Camera((Vector3) position, (Vector3) pointing, (double) fov); Object aperture = attributes.get("aperture"); if (aperture != null) { assertAttributeType(aperture, "aperture", ctx, Double.class); ((Camera) o).setAperture((double) aperture); } Object apertureShape = attributes.get("apertureshape"); if (apertureShape != null) { assertAttributeType(apertureShape, "apertureshape", ctx, String.class); ((Camera) o).setShape(Camera.ApertureShape.valueOf(((String) apertureShape).toUpperCase())); } Object focaldistance = attributes.get("focaldistance"); if (focaldistance != null) { assertAttributeType(focaldistance, "focaldistance", ctx, Double.class); ((Camera) o).setFocalDistance((double) focaldistance); } break; } case "ParallelLight": { Object from = attributes.get("from"); Object pointing = attributes.get("pointing"); Object color = attributes.get("color"); assertAttributeType(from, "from", ctx, Vector3.class); assertAttributeType(pointing, "pointing", ctx, Vector3.class); assertAttributeType(color, "color", ctx, Pigment.class); o = new ParallelLight((Vector3) from, (Vector3) pointing, (Pigment) color); Object ambient = attributes.get("ambient"); if (ambient != null) { assertAttributeType(ambient, "ambient", ctx, Double.class); ((ParallelLight) o).setAmbient((double) ambient); } break; } case "PointLight": { Object origin = attributes.get("origin"); Object color = attributes.get("color"); assertAttributeType(origin, "origin", ctx, Vector3.class); assertAttributeType(color, "color", ctx, Pigment.class); o = new PointLight((Vector3) origin, (Pigment) color); Object ambient = attributes.get("ambient"); if (ambient != null) { assertAttributeType(ambient, "ambient", ctx, Double.class); ((PointLight) o).setAmbient((double) ambient); } Object falloff = attributes.get("falloff"); if (falloff != null) { assertAttributeType(falloff, "falloff", ctx, Double.class); ((PointLight) o).setFalloff((double) falloff); } break; } case "Sphere": { Object center = attributes.get("center"); Object radius = attributes.get("radius"); Object material = attributes.get("material"); assertAttributeType(center, "center", ctx, Vector3.class); assertAttributeType(radius, "radius", ctx, Double.class); assertAttributeType(material, "material", ctx, Material.class); o = new Sphere((Vector3) center, (double) radius, (Material) material); break; } case "Box": { Object cornerA = attributes.get("cornerA"); Object cornerB = attributes.get("cornerB"); Object material = attributes.get("material"); assertAttributeType(cornerA, "cornerA", ctx, Vector3.class); assertAttributeType(cornerB, "cornerB", ctx, Vector3.class); assertAttributeType(material, "material", ctx, Material.class); o = new Box((Vector3) cornerA, (Vector3) cornerB, (Material) material); break; } case "Plane": { Object normal = attributes.get("normal"); Object position = attributes.get("position"); Object material = attributes.get("material"); assertAttributeType(normal, "normal", ctx, Vector3.class); assertAttributeType(position, "position", ctx, Vector3.class); assertAttributeType(material, "material", ctx, Material.class); o = new Plane((Vector3) normal, (Vector3) position, (Material) material); break; } case "Background": { Object color = attributes.get("color"); Object image = attributes.get("image"); Object horizon = attributes.get("horizon"); Object sky = attributes.get("sky"); Object angle = attributes.get("angle"); if (image != null) { assertAttributeType(image, "image", ctx, String.class); if (angle != null) { assertAttributeType(angle, "angle", ctx, Double.class); o = new Background((String) image, (double) angle); } else { o = new Background((String) image); } } else if (horizon != null && sky != null) { assertAttributeType(horizon, "horizon", ctx, Pigment.class); assertAttributeType(sky, "sky", ctx, Pigment.class); o = new Background((Pigment) horizon, (Pigment) sky); } else { assertAttributeType(color, "color", ctx, Pigment.class); o = new Background((Pigment) color); } break; } } return o; } @Override public Variable visitAssignment(AssignmentContext ctx) { Object left = ctx.expression(0).accept(this); Object right = ctx.expression(1).accept(this); if (left.getClass() != Identifier.class) { throw new CompilerException(ctx, code, "Left-hand side of assignment must be an identifier"); } Identifier name = (Identifier) left; return new Variable(name, right); } @Override public Identifier visitIdentifierPrimary(IdentifierPrimaryContext ctx) { return new Identifier(ctx.getText()); } @Override public Integer visitIntegerLiteral(IntegerLiteralContext ctx) { return Integer.parseInt(ctx.getText()); } @Override public Double visitFloatLiteral(FloatLiteralContext ctx) { return Double.parseDouble(ctx.getText()); } @Override public String visitStringLiteral(StringLiteralContext ctx) { String str = ctx.getText(); // Unescape characters // str = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeJava(str); return str.substring(1, str.length() - 1); } @Override public Boolean visitBooleanLiteral(BooleanLiteralContext ctx) { return Boolean.parseBoolean(ctx.getText()); } @Override public List<Object> visitList(ListContext ctx) { return visitExpressionList(ctx.expressionList()); } @Override public List<Object> visitExpressionList(ExpressionListContext ctx) { List<ExpressionContext> exprs = new LinkedList<>(); if (ctx != null) exprs = ctx.expression(); List<Object> result = new LinkedList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < exprs.size(); ++i) { result.add(resolve(exprs.get(i))); } return result; } @Override public Object visitCall(CallContext ctx) { Object left = ctx.expression().accept(this); List<Object> arguments = visitExpressionList(ctx.expressionList()); if (left.getClass() != Identifier.class) throw new CompilerException(ctx, code, "'" + left + "' muts be an identifier"); Identifier name = (Identifier) left; double[] args; switch (name.getName()) { case RGB: args = checkArguments(arguments, RGB, 3, ctx); return new Pigment(args[0], args[1], args[2]); case RGBA: args = checkArguments(arguments, RGBA, 4, ctx); return new Pigment(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]); case VEC3: args = checkArguments(arguments, VEC3, 3, ctx); return new Vector3(args[0], args[1], args[2]); case SIN: args = checkArguments(arguments, SIN, 1, ctx); return Math.sin(args[0]); case COS: args = checkArguments(arguments, COS, 1, ctx); return Math.cos(args[0]); case TAN: args = checkArguments(arguments, TAN, 1, ctx); return Math.tan(args[0]); case RAND: args = checkArguments(arguments, RAND, 2, ctx); Double r = rand.nextDouble() * Math.abs(args[0] - args[1]) + Math.min(args[0], args[1]); return r; default: // TODO: macro call return null; } } private double[] checkArguments(List<Object> arguments, String name, int n, ParserRuleContext ctx) { String ex = "'" + name + "' takes " + n + " float arguments"; if (arguments.size() != n) throw new CompilerException(ctx, code, ex); double[] args = new double[n]; for (int i = 0; i < arguments.size(); ++i) { if (arguments.get(i).getClass() != Double.class) throw new CompilerException(ctx, code, ex); args[i] = (Double) arguments.get(i); } return args; } @Override public Object visitListAccess(ListAccessContext ctx) { Object left = resolve(ctx.expression(0)); Object right = resolve(ctx.expression(1)); if (left.getClass() != LinkedList.class) throw new CompilerException(ctx, code, "'" + left + "' is not a list"); if (right.getClass() != Integer.class) throw new CompilerException(ctx, code, "List index must be an integer"); List<Object> list = (LinkedList) left; Integer index = (Integer) right; if (index >= list.size()) throw new CompilerException(ctx, code, "List index out of range"); return list.get(index); } @Override public Object visitUnarySign(UnarySignContext ctx) { Object operand = resolve(ctx.expression()); String sign = ctx.getChild(0).getText(); if (operand.getClass() == Double.class) { switch (sign) { case "+": return ((Double) operand); case "-": return -((Double) operand); } } if (operand.getClass() == Integer.class) { switch (sign) { case "+": return ((Integer) operand); case "-": return -((Integer) operand); } } throw new CompilerException(ctx, code, "Unsupported type for unary operator '" + sign + "': " + operand.getClass().getSimpleName()); } @Override public Boolean visitUnaryNot(UnaryNotContext ctx) { Object operand = resolve(ctx.expression()); if (operand.getClass() == Boolean.class) { return !((Boolean) operand); } throw new CompilerException(ctx, code, "Unsupported type for unary operator '!': " + operand.getClass().getSimpleName()); } @Override public Object visitMultiplication(MultiplicationContext ctx) { Object left = resolve(ctx.expression(0)); Object right = resolve(ctx.expression(1)); String operator = ctx.getChild(1).getText(); Class l = left.getClass(); Class r = right.getClass(); Class d = Double.class; Class i = Integer.class; Class s = String.class; // Integer multiplication if (l == i && r == i) { Integer x = (Integer) left, y = (Integer) right; switch (operator) { case "*": return x * y; case "/": return x / y; case "%": return x % y; } } // Double multiplication if ((l == i || l == d) && (r == i || r == d)) { Double x = (l == i) ? ((Integer) left).doubleValue() : (Double) left; Double y = (r == i) ? ((Integer) right).doubleValue() : (Double) right; switch (operator) { case "*": return x * y; case "/": return x / y; case "%": return x % y; } } // String repetition if (l == s && r == i || l == i && r == s) { if (operator.equals("*")) { if (l == s) return StringUtils.repeat((String) left, (Integer) right); return StringUtils.repeat((String) right, (Integer) left); } } throw new CompilerException(ctx, code, "Unsupported types for binary operator '" + operator + "': " + l.getSimpleName() + ", " + r.getSimpleName()); } @Override public Object visitAddition(AdditionContext ctx) { Object left = resolve(ctx.expression(0)); Object right = resolve(ctx.expression(1)); String operator = ctx.getChild(1).getText(); Class l = left.getClass(); Class r = right.getClass(); Class d = Double.class; Class i = Integer.class; Class s = String.class; Class b = Boolean.class; // Integer addition if (l == i && r == i) { Integer x = (Integer) left, y = (Integer) right; switch (operator) { case "+": return x + y; case "-": return x - y; } } // Double addition if ((l == i || l == d) && (r == i || r == d)) { Double x = (l == i) ? ((Integer) left).doubleValue() : (Double) left; Double y = (r == i) ? ((Integer) right).doubleValue() : (Double) right; switch (operator) { case "+": return x + y; case "-": return x - y; } } // String concatenation if (l == s) { if (operator.equals("+")) { if (r == i) return (String) left + (Integer) right; if (r == d) return (String) left + (Double) right; if (r == b) return (String) left + (Boolean) right; if (r == s) return (String) left + (String) right; } } if (r == s) { if (operator.equals("+")) { if (l == i) return (Integer) left + (String) right; if (l == d) return (Double) left + (String) right; if (l == b) return (Boolean) left + (String) right; } } // Entity CSG if (left instanceof Entity && right instanceof Entity) { Entity x = (Entity) left, y = (Entity) right; switch (operator) { case "+": return new Union(x, y); case "-": return new Difference(x, y); case "^": return new Intersection(x, y); } } throw new CompilerException(ctx, code, "Unsupported types for binary operator '" + operator + "': " + l.getSimpleName() + ", " + r.getSimpleName()); } @Override public Boolean visitComparison(ComparisonContext ctx) { Object left = resolve(ctx.expression(0)); Object right = resolve(ctx.expression(1)); String operator = ctx.getChild(1).getText(); Class l = left.getClass(); Class r = right.getClass(); Class d = Double.class; Class i = Integer.class; // Integer comparison if (l == i && r == i) { Integer x = (Integer) left, y = (Integer) right; switch (operator) { case "<=": return x <= y; case ">=": return x >= y; case "<": return x < y; case ">": return x > y; } } // Double comparison if ((l == i || l == d) && (r == i || r == d)) { Double x = (l == i) ? ((Integer) left).doubleValue() : (Double) left; Double y = (r == i) ? ((Integer) right).doubleValue() : (Double) right; switch (operator) { case "<=": return x <= y; case ">=": return x >= y; case "<": return x < y; case ">": return x > y; } } // Other if (operator.equals("==")) { return left.equals(right); } if (operator.equals("!=")) { return !(left.equals(right)); } throw new CompilerException(ctx, code, "Unsupported types for binary operator '" + operator + "': " + l.getSimpleName() + ", " + r.getSimpleName()); } @Override public Boolean visitBinaryAnd(BinaryAndContext ctx) { Object left = resolve(ctx.expression(0)); Object right = resolve(ctx.expression(1)); String operator = ctx.getChild(1).getText(); Class l = left.getClass(); Class r = right.getClass(); Class b = Boolean.class; if (l == b && r == b) { Boolean x = (Boolean) left, y = (Boolean) right; return x && y; } throw new CompilerException(ctx, code, "Unsupported types for binary operator '" + operator + "': " + l.getSimpleName() + ", " + r.getSimpleName()); } @Override public Boolean visitBinaryOr(BinaryOrContext ctx) { Object left = resolve(ctx.expression(0)); Object right = resolve(ctx.expression(1)); String operator = ctx.getChild(1).getText(); Class l = left.getClass(); Class r = right.getClass(); Class b = Boolean.class; if (l == b && r == b) { Boolean x = (Boolean) left, y = (Boolean) right; return x || y; } throw new CompilerException(ctx, code, "Unsupported types for binary operator '" + operator + "': " + l.getSimpleName() + ", " + r.getSimpleName()); } @Override public Object visitTernary(TernaryContext ctx) { Object condition = resolve(ctx.expression(0)); Object left = resolve(ctx.expression(1)); Object right = resolve(ctx.expression(2)); Class c = condition.getClass(); Class l = left.getClass(); Class r = right.getClass(); Class b = Boolean.class; if (c != b) throw new CompilerException(ctx, code, "Ternary condition must be a Boolean"); if (l == r) { return (Boolean) condition ? left : right; } throw new CompilerException(ctx, code, "Ternary results must be of the same type: " + l.getSimpleName() + ", " + r.getSimpleName()); } @Override public Object visitPrimary(PrimaryContext ctx) { // ( expr ) if (ctx.getChildCount() == 3) return ctx.getChild(1).accept(this); // literal or identifier return ctx.getChild(0).accept(this); } /** * Returns the value of an expression, * and if it is an identifier, fetches its value from the scope. * * @param expr Expression to resolve * @return Value of variable or evaluated expression */ private Object resolve(ExpressionContext expr) { Object result = expr.accept(this); if (result.getClass() == Identifier.class) { result = scope.get((Identifier) result).getValue(); } return result; } }