Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of SPFBL. * * SPFBL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * SPFBL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with SPFBL. If not, see <>. */ package; import; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Set; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import net.spfbl.core.Client; import net.spfbl.core.Core; import net.spfbl.core.ProcessException; import net.spfbl.core.Server; import net.spfbl.core.User; import net.spfbl.spf.SPF; import net.spfbl.whois.Domain; import net.spfbl.whois.Owner; import net.spfbl.whois.Subnet; import net.spfbl.whois.SubnetIPv4; import net.spfbl.whois.SubnetIPv6; import org.apache.commons.lang3.SerializationUtils; /** * Representa a lista de liberao do sistema. * * @author Leandro Carlos Rodrigues <> */ public class White { /** * Flag que indica se o cache foi modificado. */ private static boolean CHANGED = false; /** * Conjunto de remetentes liberados. */ private static class SET { private static final HashSet<String> SET = new HashSet<String>(); public static synchronized boolean isEmpty() { return SET.isEmpty(); } public static synchronized TreeSet<String> clear() { TreeSet<String> set = new TreeSet<String>(); set.addAll(SET); SET.clear(); return set; } public static synchronized TreeSet<String> getAll() { TreeSet<String> set = new TreeSet<String>(); set.addAll(SET); return set; } private static synchronized boolean addExact(String token) { return SET.add(token); } private static synchronized boolean dropExact(String token) { return SET.remove(token); } public static synchronized boolean contains(String token) { return SET.contains(token); } } /** * Conjunto de critrios WHOIS para liberao. */ private static class WHOIS { private static final HashMap<String, TreeSet<String>> MAP = new HashMap<String, TreeSet<String>>(); public static synchronized boolean isEmpty() { return MAP.isEmpty(); } public static synchronized TreeSet<String> clear() { TreeSet<String> set = getAll(); MAP.clear(); return set; } public static synchronized TreeSet<String> getAll() { TreeSet<String> set = new TreeSet<String>(); for (String client : MAP.keySet()) { for (String whois : MAP.get(client)) { if (client == null) { set.add("WHOIS/" + whois); } else { set.add(client + ":WHOIS/" + whois); } } } return set; } private static synchronized boolean dropExact(String token) { int index = token.indexOf('/'); String whois = token.substring(index + 1); index = token.lastIndexOf(':', index); String client; if (index == -1) { client = null; } else { client = token.substring(0, index); } TreeSet<String> set = MAP.get(client); if (set == null) { return false; } else { boolean removed = set.remove(whois); if (set.isEmpty()) { MAP.remove(client); } return removed; } } private static synchronized boolean addExact(String token) { int index = token.indexOf('/'); String whois = token.substring(index + 1); index = token.lastIndexOf(':', index); String client; if (index == -1) { client = null; } else { client = token.substring(0, index); } TreeSet<String> set = MAP.get(client); if (set == null) { set = new TreeSet<String>(); MAP.put(client, set); } return set.add(whois); } private static synchronized TreeSet<String> getClientSet(String client) { return MAP.get(client); } public static boolean contains(String client, String dnsbl) { if (dnsbl == null) { return false; } else { TreeSet<String> dnsblSet = getClientSet(client); if (dnsblSet == null) { return false; } else { return dnsblSet.contains(dnsbl); } } } private static String[] getArray(String client) { TreeSet<String> set = getClientSet(client); if (set == null) { return null; } else { int size = set.size(); String[] array = new String[size]; return set.toArray(array); } } private static String get(String client, Set<String> tokenSet) { if (tokenSet.isEmpty()) { return null; } else { TreeSet<String> subSet = new TreeSet<String>(); String[] array = getArray(null); if (array != null) { subSet.addAll(Arrays.asList(array)); } if (client != null) { array = getArray(client); if (array != null) { for (String whois : array) { subSet.add(client + ':' + whois); } } } if (subSet.isEmpty()) { return null; } else { for (String whois : subSet) { try { char signal = '='; int indexValue = whois.indexOf(signal); if (indexValue == -1) { signal = '<'; indexValue = whois.indexOf(signal); if (indexValue == -1) { signal = '>'; indexValue = whois.indexOf(signal); } } if (indexValue != -1) { int indexUser = whois.indexOf(':'); String key = whois.substring(indexUser + 1, indexValue); String criterion = whois.substring(indexValue + 1); for (String token : tokenSet) { String value = null; if (Subnet.isValidIP(token)) { value = Subnet.getValue(token, key); } else if (token.startsWith(".") && Domain.isHostname(token)) { value = Domain.getValue(token, key); } else if (!token.startsWith(".") && Domain.isHostname(token.substring(1))) { value = Domain.getValue(token, key); } if (value != null) { if (signal == '=') { if (criterion.equals(value)) { return whois; } } else if (value.length() > 0) { int criterionInt = parseIntWHOIS(criterion); int valueInt = parseIntWHOIS(value); if (signal == '<' && valueInt < criterionInt) { return whois; } else if (signal == '>' && valueInt > criterionInt) { return whois; } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Server.logError(ex); } } return null; } } } } /** * Conjunto de REGEX para liberao. */ private static class REGEX { private static final HashMap<String, ArrayList<Pattern>> MAP = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<Pattern>>(); public static synchronized boolean isEmpty() { return MAP.isEmpty(); } public static synchronized TreeSet<String> clear() { TreeSet<String> set = getAll(); MAP.clear(); return set; } public static synchronized TreeSet<String> getAll() { TreeSet<String> set = new TreeSet<String>(); for (String client : MAP.keySet()) { for (Pattern pattern : MAP.get(client)) { if (client == null) { set.add("REGEX=" + pattern); } else { set.add(client + ":REGEX=" + pattern); } } } return set; } private static synchronized boolean dropExact(String token) { int index = token.indexOf('='); String regex = token.substring(index + 1); index = token.lastIndexOf(':', index); String client; if (index == -1) { client = null; } else { client = token.substring(0, index); } ArrayList<Pattern> list = MAP.get(client); if (list == null) { return false; } else { for (index = 0; index < list.size(); index++) { Pattern pattern = list.get(index); if (regex.equals(pattern.pattern())) { list.remove(index); if (list.isEmpty()) { MAP.remove(client); } return true; } } return false; } } private static synchronized boolean addExact(String token) { int index = token.indexOf('='); String regex = token.substring(index + 1); index = token.lastIndexOf(':', index); String client; if (index == -1) { client = null; } else { client = token.substring(0, index); } ArrayList<Pattern> list = MAP.get(client); if (list == null) { list = new ArrayList<Pattern>(); MAP.put(client, list); } for (index = 0; index < list.size(); index++) { Pattern pattern = list.get(index); if (regex.equals(pattern.pattern())) { return false; } } Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex); list.add(pattern); return true; } private static synchronized ArrayList<Pattern> getClientList(String client) { return MAP.get(client); } public static boolean contains(String client, String regex) { if (regex == null) { return false; } else { ArrayList<Pattern> patternList = getClientList(client); if (patternList == null) { return false; } else { for (Pattern pattern : patternList) { if (regex.equals(pattern.pattern())) { return true; } } } return false; } } private static Pattern[] getArray(String client) { ArrayList<Pattern> patternList = getClientList(client); if (patternList == null) { return null; } else { int size = patternList.size(); Pattern[] array = new Pattern[size]; return patternList.toArray(array); } } private static String get(String client, Set<String> tokenSet) { if (tokenSet.isEmpty()) { return null; } else { // long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); String result = null; Pattern[] patternArray = getArray(null); if (patternArray != null) { for (Pattern pattern : patternArray) { for (String token : tokenSet) { if (token.contains("@") == pattern.pattern().contains("@")) { Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(token); if (matcher.matches()) { result = "REGEX=" + pattern.pattern(); break; } } } } } if (result == null && client != null) { patternArray = getArray(client); if (patternArray != null) { for (Pattern pattern : patternArray) { for (String token : tokenSet) { if (token.contains("@") == pattern.pattern().contains("@")) { Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(token); if (matcher.matches()) { result = client + ":REGEX=" + pattern.pattern(); break; } } } } } } // logTrace(time, "REGEX lookup for " + tokenSet + "."); return result; } } } /** * Representa o conjunto de blocos IP liberados. */ private static class CIDR { private static final HashMap<String, TreeSet<String>> MAP = new HashMap<String, TreeSet<String>>(); public static synchronized boolean isEmpty() { return MAP.isEmpty(); } public static synchronized TreeSet<String> clear() { TreeSet<String> set = getAll(); MAP.clear(); return set; } public static synchronized ArrayList<String> getKeySet() { ArrayList<String> resultSet = new ArrayList<String>(); resultSet.addAll(MAP.keySet()); return resultSet; } public static synchronized TreeSet<String> getClientSet(String client) { return MAP.get(client); } public static synchronized Object[] getClientArray(String client) { TreeSet<String> clientSet = MAP.get(client); if (clientSet == null) { return null; } else { return clientSet.toArray(); } } public static synchronized TreeSet<String> getExtended() { TreeSet<String> returnSet = new TreeSet<String>(); TreeSet<String> cidrSet = MAP.get(null); if (cidrSet != null) { returnSet.addAll(cidrSet); } return returnSet; } public static TreeSet<String> get(User user) { if (user == null) { return get((String) null); } else { return get(user.getEmail()); } } public static synchronized TreeSet<String> get(String user) { TreeSet<String> resultSet = new TreeSet<String>(); TreeSet<String> cidrSet = MAP.get(user); if (cidrSet != null) { for (String cidr : cidrSet) { if (cidr.contains(":")) { cidr = SubnetIPv6.normalizeCIDRv6(cidr); } else { cidr = SubnetIPv4.normalizeCIDRv4(cidr); } resultSet.add("CIDR=" + cidr); } } return resultSet; } public static int getAll(OutputStream outputStream) throws Exception { int count = 0; for (String client : getKeySet()) { Object[] clientSet = getClientArray(client); if (clientSet != null) { for (Object cidrObj : clientSet) { String cidr = (String) cidrObj; if (cidr.contains(":")) { cidr = SubnetIPv6.normalizeCIDRv6(cidr); } else { cidr = SubnetIPv4.normalizeCIDRv4(cidr); } if (client != null) { outputStream.write(client.getBytes("UTF-8")); outputStream.write(':'); } outputStream.write("CIDR=".getBytes("UTF-8")); outputStream.write(cidr.getBytes("UTF-8")); outputStream.write('\n'); count++; } } } return count; } public static TreeSet<String> getAll() { TreeSet<String> set = new TreeSet<String>(); for (String client : getKeySet()) { Object[] clientArray = getClientArray(client); if (clientArray != null) { for (Object element : clientArray) { String cidr = (String) element; if (cidr.contains(":")) { cidr = SubnetIPv6.normalizeCIDRv6(cidr); } else { cidr = SubnetIPv4.normalizeCIDRv4(cidr); } if (client == null) { set.add("CIDR=" + cidr); } else { set.add(client + ":CIDR=" + cidr); } } } } return set; } private static boolean split(String cidr) { if (CIDR.dropExact(cidr)) { cidr = cidr.substring(5); short mask = Subnet.getMask(cidr); String first = Subnet.getFirstIP(cidr); String last = Subnet.getLastIP(cidr); int max = SubnetIPv4.isValidIPv4(first) ? 32 : 128; if (mask < max) { mask++; String cidr1 = first + "/" + mask; String cidr2 = last + "/" + mask; cidr1 = "CIDR=" + Subnet.normalizeCIDR(cidr1); cidr2 = "CIDR=" + Subnet.normalizeCIDR(cidr2); boolean splited = true; try { if (!CIDR.addExact(cidr1, false)) { splited = false; } } catch (ProcessException ex) { splited = false; } try { if (!CIDR.addExact(cidr2, false)) { splited = false; } } catch (ProcessException ex) { splited = false; } return splited; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } private static synchronized boolean dropExact(String token) { if (token == null) { return false; } else { int index = token.indexOf('='); String cidr = token.substring(index + 1); index = token.lastIndexOf(':', index); String client; if (index == -1) { client = null; } else { client = token.substring(0, index); } TreeSet<String> set = MAP.get(client); if (set == null) { return false; } else { String key = Subnet.expandCIDR(cidr); boolean removed = set.remove(key); if (set.isEmpty()) { MAP.remove(client); } return removed; } } } public static void simplify() { try { TreeSet<String> cidrSet = getClientSet(null); if (cidrSet != null && !cidrSet.isEmpty()) { String cidrExtended = cidrSet.first(); do { if (SubnetIPv4.isValidCIDRv4(cidrExtended)) { String cidrSmaller = SubnetIPv4.normalizeCIDRv4(cidrExtended); short mask = Subnet.getMask(cidrSmaller); if (mask > 8) { String ipFirst = SubnetIPv4.getFirstIPv4(cidrSmaller); String cidrBigger = SubnetIPv4.normalizeCIDRv4(ipFirst + "/" + (mask - 1)); ipFirst = SubnetIPv4.getFirstIPv4(cidrBigger); String ipLast = SubnetIPv4.getLastIPv4(cidrBigger); String cidr1 = SubnetIPv4.normalizeCIDRv4(ipFirst + "/" + mask); if (CIDR.contains((String) null, cidr1)) { String cidr2 = SubnetIPv4.normalizeCIDRv4(ipLast + "/" + mask); if (CIDR.contains((String) null, cidr2)) { CIDR.dropExact(SubnetIPv4.expandCIDRv4(cidr1)); CIDR.dropExact(SubnetIPv4.expandCIDRv4(cidr2)); CIDR.addExact(null, cidrBigger); } } } } else if (SubnetIPv6.isValidCIDRv6(cidrExtended)) { String cidrSmaller = SubnetIPv6.normalizeCIDRv6(cidrExtended); short mask = Subnet.getMask(cidrSmaller); if (mask > 16) { String ipFirst = SubnetIPv6.getFirstIPv6(cidrSmaller); String cidrBigger = SubnetIPv6.normalizeCIDRv6(ipFirst + "/" + (mask - 1)); ipFirst = SubnetIPv6.getFirstIPv6(cidrBigger); String ipLast = SubnetIPv6.getLastIPv6(cidrBigger); String cidr1 = SubnetIPv6.normalizeCIDRv6(ipFirst + "/" + mask); if (CIDR.contains((String) null, cidr1)) { String cidr2 = SubnetIPv6.normalizeCIDRv6(ipLast + "/" + mask); if (CIDR.contains((String) null, cidr2)) { CIDR.dropExact(SubnetIPv6.expandCIDRv6(cidr1)); CIDR.dropExact(SubnetIPv6.expandCIDRv6(cidr2)); CIDR.addExact(null, cidrBigger); } } } } } while ((cidrExtended = cidrSet.higher(cidrExtended)) != null); } } catch (Exception ex) { Server.logError(ex); } } private static synchronized boolean addExact(String client, String token) { int index = token.indexOf('='); String cidr = token.substring(index + 1); TreeSet<String> set = MAP.get(client); if (set == null) { set = new TreeSet<String>(); MAP.put(client, set); } String key = Subnet.expandCIDR(cidr); return set.add(key); } private static synchronized boolean addExact(String token) throws ProcessException { int index = token.indexOf('='); String cidr = token.substring(index + 1); index = token.lastIndexOf(':', index); String client; if (index == -1) { client = null; } else { client = token.substring(0, index); } TreeSet<String> set = MAP.get(client); if (set == null) { set = new TreeSet<String>(); MAP.put(client, set); } String key = Subnet.expandCIDR(cidr); String first = Subnet.getFirstIP(cidr); String last = Subnet.getLastIP(cidr); String floorLower = set.lower(key); String floorLast = set.floor(Subnet.expandIP(last) + "/9"); if (floorLower == null) { floorLower = null; } else if (floorLower.contains(".")) { floorLower = SubnetIPv4.normalizeCIDRv4(floorLower); } else if (floorLower.contains(":")) { floorLower = SubnetIPv6.normalizeCIDRv6(floorLower); } else { floorLower = null; } if (floorLast == null) { floorLast = null; } else if (floorLast.contains(".")) { floorLast = SubnetIPv4.normalizeCIDRv4(floorLast); } else if (floorLast.contains(":")) { floorLast = SubnetIPv6.normalizeCIDRv6(floorLast); } else { floorLast = null; } if (cidr.equals(floorLast)) { return false; } else if (Subnet.containsIP(floorLast, first)) { throw new ProcessException("INTERSECTS " + floorLast); } else if (Subnet.containsIP(floorLast, last)) { throw new ProcessException("INTERSECTS " + floorLast); } else if (Subnet.containsIP(floorLower, first)) { throw new ProcessException("INTERSECTS " + floorLower); } else if (Subnet.containsIP(floorLower, last)) { throw new ProcessException("INTERSECTS " + floorLower); } else if (Subnet.containsIP(cidr, Subnet.getFirstIP(floorLast))) { throw new ProcessException("INTERSECTS " + floorLast); } else if (Subnet.containsIP(cidr, Subnet.getLastIP(floorLast))) { throw new ProcessException("INTERSECTS " + floorLast); } else { return set.add(key); } } private static synchronized boolean addExact(String token, boolean overlap) throws ProcessException { int index = token.indexOf('='); String cidr = token.substring(index + 1); index = token.lastIndexOf(':', index); String client; if (index == -1) { client = null; } else { client = token.substring(0, index); } TreeSet<String> set = MAP.get(client); if (set == null) { set = new TreeSet<String>(); MAP.put(client, set); } String key = Subnet.expandCIDR(cidr); if (set.contains(key)) { return false; } else { String firstCIDR = Subnet.getFirstIP(cidr); String lastCIDR = Subnet.getLastIP(cidr); String firstExpanded = Subnet.expandIP(firstCIDR) + "/00"; String lastExpanded = Subnet.expandIP(lastCIDR) + "/99"; String floorExpanded = set.floor(firstExpanded); String floor = Subnet.normalizeCIDR(floorExpanded); TreeSet<String> intersectsSet = new TreeSet<String>(); intersectsSet.addAll(set.subSet(firstExpanded, lastExpanded)); if (Subnet.containsIP(floor, firstCIDR)) { intersectsSet.add(floorExpanded); } TreeSet<String> overlapSet = new TreeSet<String>(); StringBuilder errorBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (String elementExpanded : intersectsSet) { String element = Subnet.normalizeCIDR(elementExpanded); String elementFirst = Subnet.getFirstIP(element); String elementLast = Subnet.getLastIP(element); if (!Subnet.containsIP(cidr, elementFirst)) { errorBuilder.append("INTERSECTS "); errorBuilder.append(element); errorBuilder.append('\n'); } else if (!Subnet.containsIP(cidr, elementLast)) { errorBuilder.append("INTERSECTS "); errorBuilder.append(element); errorBuilder.append('\n'); } else if (overlap) { overlapSet.add(elementExpanded); } else { errorBuilder.append("CONTAINS "); errorBuilder.append(element); errorBuilder.append('\n'); } } String error = errorBuilder.toString(); if (error.length() == 0) { set.removeAll(overlapSet); if (set.add(key)) { try { // Join algorithm. short mask; while ((mask = Subnet.getMask(cidr)) > 8) { String ipFirst = Subnet.getFirstIP(cidr); cidr = Subnet.normalizeCIDR(ipFirst + "/" + (mask - 1)); ipFirst = Subnet.getFirstIP(cidr); String ipLast = Subnet.getLastIP(cidr); String cidr1 = Subnet.normalizeCIDR(ipFirst + "/" + mask); String cidrExpanded1 = Subnet.expandCIDR(cidr1); if (set.contains(cidrExpanded1)) { String cidr2 = Subnet.normalizeCIDR(ipLast + "/" + mask); String cidrExpanded2 = Subnet.expandCIDR(cidr2); if (set.contains(cidrExpanded2)) { String cidrBiggerExpanded = Subnet.expandCIDR(cidr); set.remove(cidrExpanded1); set.remove(cidrExpanded2); set.add(cidrBiggerExpanded); } else { break; } } else { break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Server.logError(ex); } return true; } else { return false; } } else { throw new ProcessException(error); } } } public static boolean contains(Client client, String cidr) { if (client == null) { return contains((String) null, cidr); } else { return contains(client.getEmail(), cidr); } } public static boolean contains(String client, String cidr) { if (cidr == null) { return false; } else { String key = Subnet.expandCIDR(cidr); TreeSet<String> cidrSet = getClientSet(client); if (cidrSet == null) { return false; } else { return cidrSet.contains(key); } } } private static String getFloor(String client, String ip) { TreeSet<String> cidrSet = getClientSet(client); if (cidrSet == null || cidrSet.isEmpty()) { return null; } else if (SubnetIPv4.isValidIPv4(ip)) { String key = SubnetIPv4.expandIPv4(ip); String cidr = cidrSet.floor(key + "/9"); if (cidr == null) { return null; } else if (cidr.contains(".")) { return SubnetIPv4.normalizeCIDRv4(cidr); } else { return null; } } else if (SubnetIPv6.isValidIPv6(ip)) { String key = SubnetIPv6.expandIPv6(ip); String cidr = cidrSet.floor(key + "/9"); if (cidr == null) { return null; } else if (cidr.contains(":")) { return SubnetIPv6.normalizeCIDRv6(cidr); } else { return null; } } else { return null; } } public static String get(String client, String ip) { // long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); String result; String cidr = getFloor(null, ip); if (Subnet.containsIP(cidr, ip)) { result = "CIDR=" + cidr; } else if (client == null) { result = null; } else if ((cidr = getFloor(client, ip)) == null) { result = null; } else if (Subnet.containsIP(cidr, ip)) { result = client + ":CIDR=" + cidr; } else { result = null; } // logTrace(time, "CIDR lookup for '" + ip + "'."); return result; } } public static boolean dropExact(String token) throws ProcessException { if (token == null) { return false; } else if (token.contains("WHOIS/")) { if (WHOIS.dropExact(token)) { // Peer.releaseAll(token); CHANGED = true; return true; } else { return false; } } else if (token.contains("CIDR=")) { if (CIDR.dropExact(token)) { // Peer.releaseAll(token); CHANGED = true; return true; } else { return false; } } else if (token.contains("REGEX=")) { if (REGEX.dropExact(token)) { // Peer.releaseAll(token); CHANGED = true; return true; } else { return false; } } else if (SET.dropExact(token)) { // Peer.releaseAll(token); CHANGED = true; return true; } else { return false; } } public static synchronized TreeSet<String> dropAll() { TreeSet<String> set = SET.clear(); set.addAll(CIDR.clear()); set.addAll(REGEX.clear()); set.addAll(WHOIS.clear()); CHANGED = true; return set; } public static String byTicket(String ticket, LinkedList<User> userResult) { try { byte[] byteArray = Server.decryptToByteArrayURLSafe(ticket); if (byteArray.length > 8) { long date = byteArray[7] & 0xFF; date <<= 8; date += byteArray[6] & 0xFF; date <<= 8; date += byteArray[5] & 0xFF; date <<= 8; date += byteArray[4] & 0xFF; date <<= 8; date += byteArray[3] & 0xFF; date <<= 8; date += byteArray[2] & 0xFF; date <<= 8; date += byteArray[1] & 0xFF; date <<= 8; date += byteArray[0] & 0xFF; if (System.currentTimeMillis() - date > 432000000) { return "EXPIRED TICKET\n"; } else { String query = Core.HUFFMAN.decode(byteArray, 8); StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(query, " "); String command = tokenizer.nextToken(); if (command.equals("spam")) { String userEmail = null; while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { String token = tokenizer.nextToken(); if (token.endsWith(":")) { userEmail = token.substring(0, token.length() - 1); } } User user = User.get(userEmail); if (user == null) { return "QUERY NOT FOUND\n"; } else { userResult.add(user); User.Query userQuery = user.getQuerySafe(date); if (userQuery == null) { return "QUERY NOT FOUND\n"; } else if (userQuery.whiteSender(date)) { userQuery.setResult("WHITE"); return "ADDED\n"; } else { return "ALREADY EXISTS\n"; } } } else { return null; } } } else { return null; } } catch (ProcessException ex) { return null; } } public static boolean addExact(String token) throws ProcessException { if (token == null) { return false; } else if (token.contains("WHOIS/")) { if (WHOIS.addExact(token)) { // Peer.releaseAll(token); CHANGED = true; return true; } else { return false; } } else if (token.contains("CIDR=")) { if (CIDR.addExact(token)) { // Peer.releaseAll(token); CHANGED = true; return true; } else { return false; } } else if (token.contains("REGEX=")) { if (REGEX.addExact(token)) { // Peer.releaseAll(token); CHANGED = true; return true; } else { return false; } } else if (SET.addExact(token)) { // Peer.releaseAll(token); CHANGED = true; return true; } else { return false; } } public static synchronized TreeSet<String> getAll() throws ProcessException { TreeSet<String> whiteSet = SET.getAll(); whiteSet.addAll(CIDR.getAll()); whiteSet.addAll(REGEX.getAll()); whiteSet.addAll(WHOIS.getAll()); return whiteSet; } public static boolean containsIP(String ip) { if ((ip = Subnet.normalizeIP(ip)) == null) { return false; } else { return CIDR.get(null, ip) != null; } } public static boolean containsDomain(String host) { host = Domain.extractHost(host, true); if (host == null) { return false; } else { do { int index = host.indexOf('.') + 1; host = host.substring(index); String token = '.' + host; if (SET.contains(token + ";PASS")) { return true; } } while (host.contains(".")); return false; } } public static boolean containsExact(String token) { if (token.contains("WHOIS/")) { int index = token.indexOf('/'); String whois = token.substring(index + 1); index = token.lastIndexOf(':', index); String client; if (index == -1) { client = null; } else { client = token.substring(0, index); } return WHOIS.contains(client, whois); } else if (token.contains("CIDR=")) { int index = token.indexOf('='); String cidr = token.substring(index + 1); index = token.lastIndexOf(':', index); String client; if (index == -1) { client = null; } else { client = token.substring(0, index); } return CIDR.contains(client, cidr); } else if (token.contains("REGEX=")) { int index = token.indexOf('='); String regex = token.substring(index + 1); index = token.lastIndexOf(':', index); String client; if (index == -1) { client = null; } else { client = token.substring(0, index); } return REGEX.contains(client, regex); } else { return SET.contains(token); } } private static boolean matches(String regex, String token) { try { return Pattern.matches(regex, token); } catch (Exception ex) { return false; } } private static boolean isWHOIS(String token) { return matches("^WHOIS(/[a-z-]+)+((=[a-zA-Z0-9@/.-]+)|((<|>)[0-9]+))$", token); } private static boolean isREGEX(String token) { return matches("^REGEX=[^ ]+$", token); } private static boolean isDNSBL(String token) { if (token.startsWith("DNSBL=") && token.contains(";")) { int index1 = token.indexOf('='); int index2 = token.indexOf(';'); String server = token.substring(index1 + 1, index2); String value = token.substring(index2 + 1); return Domain.isHostname(server) && Subnet.isValidIP(value); } else { return false; } } private static boolean isCIDR(String token) { return matches("^CIDR=(" + "((([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\\.){3}" + "([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])/[0-9]{1,2})" + "|" + "(([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){7,7}[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}|" + "([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,7}:|" + "([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,6}:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}|" + "([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,5}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,2}|" + "([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,4}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,3}|" + "([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,3}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,4}|" + "([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,2}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,5}|" + "[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:((:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,6})|" + ":((:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,7}|:)|" + "fe80:(:[0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}){0,4}%[0-9a-zA-Z]{1,})" + "/[0-9]{1,3})$", token); } public static String normalizeTokenWhite(String token) throws ProcessException { token = SPF.normalizeToken(token, true, true, true, false, false, false); if (token == null) { return null; } else if (token.contains(";PASS")) { return token; } else if (token.contains(";SOFTFAIL")) { return token; } else if (token.contains(";NEUTRAL")) { return token; } else if (token.contains(";NONE")) { return token; } else if (isWHOIS(token)) { return token; } else if (isREGEX(token)) { return token; } else if (isDNSBL(token)) { return token; } else if (isCIDR(token)) { return token; } else if (token.startsWith("@>")) { return token; } else if (token.contains(";")) { return token; } else if (token.contains(">")) { int index = token.indexOf('>'); return token.substring(0, index) + ";PASS" + token.substring(index); } else { return token + ";PASS"; } } public static boolean add(String sender) throws ProcessException { if ((sender = normalizeTokenWhite(sender)) == null) { throw new ProcessException("SENDER INVALID"); } else if (addExact(sender)) { return true; } else { return false; } } public static boolean add(String client, String token) throws ProcessException { if (client == null || !Domain.isEmail(client)) { throw new ProcessException("CLIENT INVALID"); } else if ((token = normalizeTokenWhite(token)) == null) { throw new ProcessException("TOKEN INVALID"); } else { return addExact(client.toLowerCase() + ':' + token); } } public static boolean add(User user, String token) throws ProcessException { if (user == null) { throw new ProcessException("USER INVALID"); } else if ((token = normalizeTokenWhite(token)) == null) { throw new ProcessException("TOKEN INVALID"); } else { return addExact(user.getEmail() + ':' + token); } } public static boolean add(Client client, String token) throws ProcessException { if (client == null || !client.hasEmail()) { throw new ProcessException("CLIENT INVALID"); } else if ((token = normalizeTokenWhite(token)) == null) { throw new ProcessException("TOKEN INVALID"); } else { return addExact(client.getEmail() + ':' + token); } } public static boolean drop(String token) throws ProcessException { if ((token = normalizeTokenWhite(token)) == null) { throw new ProcessException("TOKEN INVALID"); } else if (dropExact(token)) { return true; } else { return false; } } public static boolean drop(String client, String token) throws ProcessException { if (client == null || !Domain.isEmail(client)) { throw new ProcessException("CLIENT INVALID"); } else if ((token = normalizeTokenWhite(token)) == null) { throw new ProcessException("TOKEN INVALID"); } else { return dropExact(client + ':' + token); } } public static boolean drop(User user, String token) throws ProcessException { if (user == null) { throw new ProcessException("USER INVALID"); } else if ((token = normalizeTokenWhite(token)) == null) { throw new ProcessException("TOKEN INVALID"); } else { return dropExact(user.getEmail() + ':' + token); } } public static boolean drop(Client client, String token) throws ProcessException { if (client == null || !client.hasEmail()) { throw new ProcessException("CLIENT INVALID"); } else if ((token = normalizeTokenWhite(token)) == null) { throw new ProcessException("TOKEN INVALID"); } else { return dropExact(client.getEmail() + ':' + token); } } public static boolean containsExtact(User user, String token) { if (user == null || token == null) { return false; } else { return SET.contains(user.getEmail() + ":" + token); } } public static TreeSet<String> get(Client client, User user) throws ProcessException { TreeSet<String> whiteSet = new TreeSet<String>(); // Definio do e-mail do usurio. String userEmail = null; if (user != null) { userEmail = user.getEmail(); } else if (client != null) { userEmail = client.getEmail(); } if (userEmail != null) { for (String token : getAll()) { if (token.startsWith(userEmail + ':')) { int index = token.indexOf(':') + 1; token = token.substring(index); whiteSet.add(token); } } } return whiteSet; } public static TreeSet<String> getAll(Client client, User user) throws ProcessException { TreeSet<String> whiteSet = new TreeSet<String>(); // Definio do e-mail do usurio. String userEmail = null; if (user != null) { userEmail = user.getEmail(); } else if (client != null) { userEmail = client.getEmail(); } if (userEmail != null) { for (String token : getAll()) { if (!token.contains(":")) { whiteSet.add(token); } else if (token.startsWith(userEmail + ':')) { int index = token.indexOf(':') + 1; token = token.substring(index); whiteSet.add(token); } } } return whiteSet; } public static TreeSet<String> getAllTokens(String value) { TreeSet<String> whiteSet = new TreeSet<String>(); if (Subnet.isValidIP(value)) { String ip = Subnet.normalizeIP(value); if (SET.contains(ip)) { whiteSet.add(ip); } } else if (Subnet.isValidCIDR(value)) { String cidr = Subnet.normalizeCIDR(value); if (CIDR.contains((String) null, cidr)) { whiteSet.add(cidr); } TreeSet<String> set = SET.getAll(); for (String ip : set) { if (Subnet.containsIP(cidr, ip)) { whiteSet.add(ip); } } for (String ip : set) { if (SubnetIPv6.containsIP(cidr, ip)) { whiteSet.add(ip); } } } else if (value.startsWith(".")) { String hostname = value; TreeSet<String> set = SET.getAll(); for (String key : set) { if (key.endsWith(hostname)) { whiteSet.add(key); } } for (String mx : set) { String hostKey = '.' + mx.substring(1); if (hostKey.endsWith(hostname)) { whiteSet.add(hostKey); } } } else if (SET.contains(value)) { whiteSet.add(value); } return whiteSet; } public static TreeSet<String> get() throws ProcessException { TreeSet<String> whiteSet = new TreeSet<String>(); for (String token : getAll()) { int index = Math.max(0, token.indexOf(':')); String email = token.substring(0, index); if (!Domain.isValidEmail(email)) { whiteSet.add(token); } } return whiteSet; } public static String clearCIDR(String ip, int mask) { if (Subnet.isValidIP(ip)) { String cidr; while ((cidr = CIDR.get(null, ip)) != null) { if (!CIDR.split(cidr)) { return cidr; } } return null; } else { return null; } } public static void clear(Client client, User user, String ip, String sender, String hostname, String qualifier, String recipient) throws ProcessException { String userEmail = null; if (user != null) { userEmail = user.getEmail(); } else if (client != null) { userEmail = client.getEmail(); } String white; int mask = SubnetIPv4.isValidIPv4(ip) ? 32 : 64; if ((white = White.clearCIDR(ip, mask)) != null) { if (userEmail == null) { Server.logInfo("false negative WHITE '" + white + "' detected."); } else { Server.logInfo("false negative WHITE '" + white + "' detected by '" + userEmail + "'."); } } TreeSet<String> whiteSet = new TreeSet<String>(); while ((white = find(client, user, ip, sender, hostname, qualifier, recipient)) != null) { if (whiteSet.contains(white)) { throw new ProcessException("FATAL WHITE ERROR " + white); } else if (dropExact(white)) { if (user != null) { Server.logInfo("false negative WHITE '" + white + "' detected by '" + user.getEmail() + "'."); } else if (client != null && client.hasEmail()) { Server.logInfo("false negative WHITE '" + white + "' detected by '" + client.getEmail() + "'."); } else { Server.logInfo("false negative WHITE '" + white + "' detected."); } } whiteSet.add(white); } } public static boolean contains(Client client, User user, String ip, String sender, String hostname, String qualifier, String recipient) { return find(client, user, ip, sender, hostname, qualifier, recipient) != null; } public static String find(Client client, User user, String ip, String sender, String hostname, String qualifier, String recipient) { TreeSet<String> whoisSet = new TreeSet<String>(); TreeSet<String> regexSet = new TreeSet<String>(); // Definio do e-mail do usurio. String userEmail = null; if (user != null) { userEmail = user.getEmail(); } else if (client != null) { userEmail = client.getEmail(); } // Definio do destinatrio. String recipientDomain; if (recipient != null && recipient.contains("@")) { int index = recipient.indexOf('@'); recipient = recipient.toLowerCase(); recipientDomain = recipient.substring(index); } else { recipient = null; recipientDomain = null; } if (sender == null && hostname != null) { sender = "mailer-daemon@" + hostname; } String found; if ((found = findSender(userEmail, sender, qualifier, recipient, recipientDomain, whoisSet, regexSet)) != null) { return found; } else if ((found = findSender(userEmail, sender, ip, recipient, recipientDomain, whoisSet, regexSet)) != null) { return found; } // Verifica o HELO. if ((hostname = Domain.extractHost(hostname, true)) != null) { if ((found = findHost(userEmail, sender, hostname, qualifier, recipient, recipientDomain, whoisSet, regexSet, SPF.matchHELO(ip, hostname))) != null) { return found; } if (hostname.endsWith(".br") && SPF.matchHELO(ip, hostname)) { whoisSet.add(hostname); } regexSet.add(hostname); } // Verifica o IP. if (ip != null) { ip = Subnet.normalizeIP(ip); String cidr; if (SET.contains(ip + ';' + qualifier)) { return ip + ';' + qualifier; } else if (recipient != null && SET.contains(ip + ';' + qualifier + '>' + recipient)) { return ip + ';' + qualifier + '>' + recipient; } else if (recipientDomain != null && SET.contains(ip + ';' + qualifier + '>' + recipientDomain)) { return ip + ';' + qualifier + '>' + recipientDomain; } else if (userEmail != null && SET.contains(userEmail + ":@;" + ip)) { return userEmail + ":@;" + ip; } else if (userEmail != null && SET.contains(userEmail + ':' + ip + ';' + qualifier)) { return userEmail + ':' + ip + ';' + qualifier; } else if (userEmail != null && recipient != null && SET.contains(userEmail + ':' + ip + ';' + qualifier + '>' + recipient)) { return userEmail + ':' + ip + ';' + qualifier + '>' + recipient; } else if (userEmail != null && recipientDomain != null && SET.contains(userEmail + ':' + ip + ';' + qualifier + '>' + recipientDomain)) { return userEmail + ':' + ip + ';' + qualifier + '>' + recipientDomain; } else if ((cidr = CIDR.get(userEmail, ip)) != null) { return cidr; } regexSet.add(ip); } // Verifica um critrio do REGEX. String regex; if ((regex = REGEX.get(userEmail, regexSet)) != null) { return regex; } // Verifica critrios do WHOIS. String whois; if ((whois = WHOIS.get(userEmail, whoisSet)) != null) { return whois; } return null; } private static String findSender(String userEmail, String sender, String validation, String recipient, String recipientDomain, TreeSet<String> whoisSet, TreeSet<String> regexSet) { // Verifica o remetente. if (sender != null && sender.contains("@")) { sender = sender.toLowerCase(); int index1 = sender.indexOf('@'); int index2 = sender.lastIndexOf('@'); String part = sender.substring(0, index1 + 1); String senderDomain = sender.substring(index2); String found; if (senderDomain.equals("") && validation.equals("PASS")) { return ";PASS"; } else if (sender.equals(Core.getAdminEmail()) && validation.equals("PASS")) { return Core.getAdminEmail() + ";PASS"; } else if (recipient != null && SET.contains(sender + ';' + validation + '>' + recipient)) { return sender + ';' + validation + '>' + recipient; } else if (recipientDomain != null && SET.contains(sender + ';' + validation + '>' + recipientDomain)) { return sender + ';' + validation + '>' + recipientDomain; } else if (SET.contains(sender + ';' + validation)) { return sender + ';' + validation; } else if (recipient != null && SET.contains(sender + ';' + validation + '>' + recipient)) { return sender + ';' + validation + '>' + recipient; } else if (recipientDomain != null && SET.contains(sender + ';' + validation + '>' + recipientDomain)) { return sender + ';' + validation + '>' + recipientDomain; } else if (userEmail != null && SET.contains(userEmail + ':' + sender + ';' + validation)) { return userEmail + ':' + sender + ';' + validation; } else if (userEmail != null && recipient != null && SET.contains(userEmail + ':' + sender + ';' + validation + '>' + recipient)) { return userEmail + ':' + sender + ';' + validation + '>' + recipient; } else if (userEmail != null && recipientDomain != null && SET.contains(userEmail + ':' + sender + ';' + validation + '>' + recipientDomain)) { return userEmail + ':' + sender + ';' + validation + '>' + recipientDomain; } else if (SET.contains(part + ';' + validation)) { return part + ';' + validation; } else if (recipient != null && SET.contains(part + ';' + validation + '>' + recipient)) { return part + ';' + validation + '>' + recipient; } else if (recipientDomain != null && SET.contains(part + ';' + validation + '>' + recipientDomain)) { return part + ';' + validation + '>' + recipientDomain; } else if (userEmail != null && SET.contains(userEmail + ':' + part + ';' + validation)) { return userEmail + ':' + part + ';' + validation; } else if (userEmail != null && recipient != null && SET.contains(userEmail + ':' + part + ';' + validation + '>' + recipient)) { return userEmail + ':' + part + ';' + validation + '>' + recipient; } else if (userEmail != null && recipientDomain != null && SET.contains(userEmail + ':' + part + ';' + validation + '>' + recipientDomain)) { return userEmail + ':' + part + ';' + validation + '>' + recipientDomain; } else if (SET.contains(senderDomain + ';' + validation)) { return senderDomain + ';' + validation; } else if (recipient != null && SET.contains(senderDomain + ';' + validation + '>' + recipient)) { return senderDomain + ';' + validation + '>' + recipient; } else if (recipientDomain != null && SET.contains(senderDomain + ';' + validation + '>' + recipientDomain)) { return senderDomain + ';' + validation + '>' + recipientDomain; } else if (userEmail != null && SET.contains(userEmail + ':' + senderDomain + ';' + validation)) { return userEmail + ':' + senderDomain + ';' + validation; } else if (userEmail != null && recipient != null && SET.contains(userEmail + ':' + senderDomain + ';' + validation + '>' + recipient)) { return userEmail + ':' + senderDomain + ';' + validation + '>' + recipient; } else if (userEmail != null && recipientDomain != null && SET.contains(userEmail + ':' + senderDomain + ';' + validation + '>' + recipientDomain)) { return userEmail + ':' + senderDomain + ';' + validation + '>' + recipientDomain; } else if ((found = findHost(userEmail, sender, "." + senderDomain.substring(1), validation, recipient, recipientDomain, whoisSet, regexSet, false)) != null) { return found; } else if (recipient != null && SET.contains("@>" + recipient)) { return "@>" + recipient; } else if (recipientDomain != null && SET.contains("@>" + recipientDomain)) { return "@>" + recipientDomain; } else if (recipient != null && userEmail != null && SET.contains(userEmail + ":@>" + recipient)) { return userEmail + ":@>" + recipient; } else if (recipientDomain != null && userEmail != null && SET.contains(userEmail + ":@>" + recipientDomain)) { return userEmail + ":@>" + recipientDomain; } else if (recipient != null && SET.contains("@;" + validation)) { return "@;" + validation; } else if (recipient != null && SET.contains("@;" + validation + ">" + recipient)) { return "@;" + validation + ">" + recipient; } else if (recipientDomain != null && SET.contains("@;" + validation + ">" + recipientDomain)) { return "@;" + validation + ">" + recipientDomain; } else if (recipient != null && userEmail != null && SET.contains(userEmail + ":@;" + validation)) { return userEmail + ":@;" + validation; } else if (recipient != null && userEmail != null && SET.contains(userEmail + ":@;" + validation + ">" + recipient)) { return userEmail + ":@;" + validation + ">" + recipient; } else if (recipientDomain != null && userEmail != null && SET.contains(userEmail + ":@;" + validation + ">" + recipientDomain)) { return userEmail + ":@;" + validation + ">" + recipientDomain; } else { int index3 = senderDomain.length(); while ((index3 = senderDomain.lastIndexOf('.', index3 - 1)) > index2) { String subdomain = senderDomain.substring(0, index3 + 1); if (SET.contains(subdomain + ';' + validation)) { return subdomain + ';' + validation; } else if (recipient != null && SET.contains(subdomain + ';' + validation + '>' + recipient)) { return subdomain + ';' + validation + '>' + recipient; } else if (recipientDomain != null && SET.contains(subdomain + ';' + validation + '>' + recipientDomain)) { return subdomain + ';' + validation + '>' + recipientDomain; } else if (userEmail != null && SET.contains(userEmail + ':' + subdomain + ';' + validation)) { return userEmail + ':' + subdomain + ';' + validation; } else if (userEmail != null && recipient != null && SET.contains(userEmail + ':' + subdomain + ';' + validation + '>' + recipient)) { return userEmail + ':' + subdomain + ';' + validation + '>' + recipient; } else if (userEmail != null && recipientDomain != null && SET .contains(userEmail + ':' + subdomain + ';' + validation + '>' + recipientDomain)) { return userEmail + ':' + subdomain + ';' + validation + '>' + recipientDomain; } } int index4 = sender.length(); while ((index4 = sender.lastIndexOf('.', index4 - 1)) > index2) { String subsender = sender.substring(0, index4 + 1); if (SET.contains(subsender + ';' + validation)) { return subsender + ';' + validation; } else if (recipient != null && SET.contains(subsender + ';' + validation + '>' + recipient)) { return subsender + ';' + validation + '>' + recipient; } else if (recipientDomain != null && SET.contains(subsender + ';' + validation + '>' + recipientDomain)) { return subsender + ';' + validation + '>' + recipientDomain; } else if (userEmail != null && SET.contains(userEmail + ':' + subsender + ';' + validation)) { return userEmail + ':' + subsender + ';' + validation; } else if (userEmail != null && recipient != null && SET.contains(userEmail + ':' + subsender + ';' + validation + '>' + recipient)) { return userEmail + ':' + subsender + ';' + validation + '>' + recipient; } else if (userEmail != null && recipientDomain != null && SET .contains(userEmail + ':' + subsender + ';' + validation + '>' + recipientDomain)) { return userEmail + ':' + subsender + ';' + validation + '>' + recipientDomain; } } index4 = index2; while ((index4 = sender.lastIndexOf('.', index4 - 1)) > 0) { String subsender = sender.substring(index4); if (SET.contains(subsender + ';' + validation)) { return subsender + ';' + validation; } else if (recipient != null && SET.contains(subsender + ';' + validation + '>' + recipient)) { return subsender + ';' + validation + '>' + recipient; } else if (recipientDomain != null && SET.contains(subsender + ';' + validation + '>' + recipientDomain)) { return subsender + ';' + validation + '>' + recipientDomain; } else if (userEmail != null && SET.contains(userEmail + ':' + subsender + ';' + validation)) { return userEmail + ':' + subsender + ';' + validation; } else if (userEmail != null && recipient != null && SET.contains(userEmail + ':' + subsender + ';' + validation + '>' + recipient)) { return userEmail + ':' + subsender + ';' + validation + '>' + recipient; } else if (userEmail != null && recipientDomain != null && SET .contains(userEmail + ':' + subsender + ';' + validation + '>' + recipientDomain)) { return userEmail + ':' + subsender + ';' + validation + '>' + recipientDomain; } } } if (senderDomain.endsWith(".br")) { whoisSet.add(senderDomain); } regexSet.add(sender); } return null; } private static String findHost(String userEmail, String sender, String hostname, String qualifier, String recipient, String recipientDomain, TreeSet<String> whoisSet, TreeSet<String> regexSet, boolean full) { do { int index = hostname.indexOf('.') + 1; hostname = hostname.substring(index); String token = '.' + hostname; if (SET.contains(token + ';' + qualifier)) { return token + ';' + qualifier; } else if (recipient != null && SET.contains(token + ';' + qualifier + '>' + recipient)) { return token + ';' + qualifier + '>' + recipient; } else if (recipientDomain != null && SET.contains(token + ';' + qualifier + '>' + recipientDomain)) { return token + ';' + qualifier + '>' + recipientDomain; } else if (userEmail != null && SET.contains(userEmail + ":@;" + hostname)) { return userEmail + ":@;" + hostname; } else if (userEmail != null && SET.contains(userEmail + ':' + token)) { return userEmail + ':' + token; } else if (userEmail != null && SET.contains(userEmail + ':' + token + ';' + qualifier)) { return userEmail + ':' + token + ';' + qualifier; } else if (userEmail != null && recipient != null && SET.contains(userEmail + ':' + token + ';' + qualifier + '>' + recipient)) { return userEmail + ':' + token + ';' + qualifier + '>' + recipient; } else if (userEmail != null && recipientDomain != null && SET.contains(userEmail + ':' + token + ';' + qualifier + '>' + recipientDomain)) { return userEmail + ':' + token + ';' + qualifier + '>' + recipientDomain; } else if (full && (token = findSender(userEmail, sender, hostname, recipient, recipientDomain, whoisSet, regexSet)) != null) { return token; } } while (hostname.contains(".")); return null; } private static int parseIntWHOIS(String value) { try { if (value == null || value.length() == 0) { return 0; } else { Date date = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd").parse(value); long time = date.getTime() / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24); long today = System.currentTimeMillis() / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24); return (int) (today - time); } } catch (Exception ex) { try { return Integer.parseInt(value); } catch (Exception ex2) { return 0; } } } public static void store(boolean simplify) { if (CHANGED) { try { if (simplify) { Server.logTrace("simplifing white.set"); CIDR.simplify(); } // Server.logTrace("storing white.set"); long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); File file = new File("./data/white.set"); TreeSet<String> set = getAll(); FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(file); try { SerializationUtils.serialize(set, outputStream); CHANGED = false; } finally { outputStream.close(); } Server.logStore(time, file); } catch (Exception ex) { Server.logError(ex); } } } public static void load() { long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); File file = new File("./data/white.set"); if (file.exists()) { try { Set<String> set; FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(file); try { set = SerializationUtils.deserialize(fileInputStream); } finally { fileInputStream.close(); } // Processo temporrio de transio. for (String token : set) { String client; String identifier; if (token.contains(":")) { int index = token.indexOf(':'); client = token.substring(0, index); identifier = token.substring(index + 1); } else { client = null; identifier = token; } if (client != null && client.startsWith("WHOIS/")) { // Correo temporria do defeito no registro WHOIS. while (client.startsWith("WHOIS/")) { client = client.substring(6); } token = client + ':' + identifier; } if (identifier.startsWith("WHOIS/WHOIS/")) { // Correo temporria do defeito no registro WHOIS. token = null; } else if (identifier.startsWith("WHOIS/") && !identifier.contains("=") && !identifier.contains("<") && !identifier.contains(">")) { // Correo temporria do defeito no registro WHOIS. identifier = null; } else if (Subnet.isValidCIDR(identifier)) { identifier = "CIDR=" + Subnet.normalizeCIDR(identifier); } else if (Owner.isOwnerID(identifier)) { identifier = "WHOIS/ownerid=" + identifier; } else { identifier = normalizeTokenWhite(identifier); } if (identifier != null) { try { if (client == null) { addExact(identifier); } else if (Domain.isEmail(client)) { addExact(client + ':' + identifier); } } catch (ProcessException ex) { Server.logDebug("WHITE CIDR " + identifier + " " + ex.getErrorMessage()); } } } CHANGED = false; Server.logLoad(time, file); } catch (Exception ex) { Server.logError(ex); } } } }