Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of SPFBL. * * SPFBL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * SPFBL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with SPFBL. If not, see <>. */ package; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import net.spfbl.core.ProcessException; import net.spfbl.core.Server; import net.spfbl.spf.SPF; import net.spfbl.whois.Domain; import net.spfbl.whois.Subnet; import org.apache.commons.lang3.SerializationUtils; /** * Representa a lista de reversos genricos do sistema. * * @author Leandro Carlos Rodrigues <> */ public class Generic { /** * Flag que indica se o cache foi modificado. */ private static boolean CHANGED = false; /** * Conjunto de zonas de reversos genericos. */ private static class MAP { private static final HashMap<String, Boolean> MAP = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(); public static synchronized boolean isEmpty() { return MAP.isEmpty(); } public static synchronized void clearGeneric() { MAP.clear(); CHANGED = true; } public static synchronized void clearDynamic() { for (String key : MAP.keySet()) { MAP.put(key, false); } } public static synchronized TreeSet<String> getGenericAll() { TreeSet<String> set = new TreeSet<String>(); set.addAll(MAP.keySet()); return set; } public static synchronized TreeSet<String> getDynamicAll() { TreeSet<String> set = new TreeSet<String>(); for (String key : MAP.keySet()) { if (MAP.get(key)) { set.add(key); } } return set; } public static synchronized TreeMap<String, Boolean> getMapAll() { TreeMap<String, Boolean> map = new TreeMap<String, Boolean>(); map.putAll(MAP); return map; } private static synchronized boolean addGenericExact(String token) { if (MAP.containsKey(token)) { return false; } else { Boolean old = MAP.put(token, false); boolean changed = old == null || old.equals(true); CHANGED |= changed; return changed; } } private static synchronized boolean addDynamicExact(String token) { Boolean old = MAP.put(token, true); boolean changed = old == null || old.equals(false); CHANGED |= changed; return changed; } private static synchronized boolean putExact(String token, boolean dyn) { Boolean old = MAP.put(token, dyn); boolean changed = old == null || !old.equals(dyn); CHANGED |= changed; return changed; } private static synchronized boolean dropGenericExact(String token) { boolean changed = MAP.remove(token) != null; CHANGED |= changed; return changed; } private static synchronized boolean dropDynamicExact(String token) { Boolean dyn = MAP.get(token); if (dyn == null) { return false; } else if (dyn) { MAP.put(token, false); return CHANGED = true; } else { return false; } } public static synchronized boolean containsGeneric(String token) { return MAP.containsKey(token); } public static synchronized boolean containsDynamic(String token) { Boolean dyn = MAP.get(token); if (dyn == null) { return false; } else { return dyn; } } } /** * Conjunto de REGEX para bloqueio. */ private static class REGEX { private static final HashMap<String, ArrayList<Pattern>> MAP = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<Pattern>>(); public static synchronized boolean isEmpty() { return MAP.isEmpty(); } public static synchronized void clear() { MAP.clear(); } public static synchronized TreeSet<String> getAll() { TreeSet<String> set = new TreeSet<String>(); for (String client : MAP.keySet()) { for (Pattern pattern : MAP.get(client)) { if (client == null) { set.add("REGEX=" + pattern); } else { set.add(client + ":REGEX=" + pattern); } } } return set; } private static synchronized boolean dropExact(String token) { int index = token.indexOf('='); String regex = token.substring(index + 1); index = token.lastIndexOf(':', index); String client; if (index == -1) { client = null; } else { client = token.substring(0, index); } ArrayList<Pattern> list = MAP.get(client); if (list == null) { return false; } else { for (index = 0; index < list.size(); index++) { Pattern pattern = list.get(index); if (regex.equals(pattern.pattern())) { list.remove(index); if (list.isEmpty()) { MAP.remove(client); } return CHANGED = true; } } return false; } } private static synchronized boolean addExact(String token) { int index = token.indexOf('='); String regex = token.substring(index + 1); index = token.lastIndexOf(':', index); String client; if (index == -1) { client = null; } else { client = token.substring(0, index); } ArrayList<Pattern> list = MAP.get(client); if (list == null) { list = new ArrayList<Pattern>(); MAP.put(client, list); } for (index = 0; index < list.size(); index++) { Pattern pattern = list.get(index); if (regex.equals(pattern.pattern())) { return false; } } Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex); list.add(pattern); return CHANGED = true; } private static synchronized ArrayList<Pattern> getClientList(String client) { return MAP.get(client); } private static String get(Collection<String> tokenList) throws ProcessException { if (tokenList.isEmpty()) { return null; } else { ArrayList<Pattern> patternList = getClientList(null); if (patternList != null) { for (Object object : patternList.toArray()) { Pattern pattern = (Pattern) object; for (String token : tokenList) { if (token.contains("@") == pattern.pattern().contains("@")) { Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(token); if (matcher.matches()) { return "REGEX=" + pattern.pattern(); } } } } } return null; } } } public static boolean dropGenericExact(String token) { if (token == null) { return false; } else if (token.contains("REGEX=")) { if (REGEX.dropExact(token)) { return CHANGED = true; } else { return false; } } else if (MAP.dropGenericExact(token)) { return CHANGED = true; } else { return false; } } public static boolean dropDynamicExact(String token) { if (token == null) { return false; } else if (token.contains("REGEX=")) { return false; } else if (MAP.dropDynamicExact(token)) { return CHANGED = true; } else { return false; } } public static boolean dropGenericAll() { MAP.clearGeneric(); REGEX.clear(); return CHANGED = true; } public static boolean dropDynamicAll() { MAP.clearDynamic(); return CHANGED = true; } private static boolean addGenericExact(String token) throws ProcessException { if (token == null) { return false; } else if (token.contains("REGEX=")) { if (REGEX.addExact(token)) { return CHANGED = true; } else { return false; } } else if (MAP.addGenericExact(token)) { return CHANGED = true; } else { return false; } } private static boolean addDynamicExact(String token) throws ProcessException { if (token == null) { return false; } else if (token.contains("REGEX=")) { return false; } else if (MAP.addDynamicExact(token)) { return CHANGED = true; } else { return false; } } public static TreeSet<String> getGenericAll() throws ProcessException { TreeSet<String> set = MAP.getGenericAll(); set.addAll(REGEX.getAll()); return set; } public static TreeSet<String> getDynamicAll() throws ProcessException { TreeSet<String> set = MAP.getDynamicAll(); return set; } public static TreeMap<String, Boolean> getMapAll() throws ProcessException { TreeMap<String, Boolean> map = MAP.getMapAll(); for (String key : REGEX.getAll()) { map.put(key, false); } return map; } public static boolean containsGenericExact(String address) { if (address == null) { return false; } else { return MAP.containsGeneric(address); } } public static boolean containsGenericDomain(String address) { if (address == null) { return false; } else { try { int index = address.indexOf('@') + 1; address = address.substring(index); String hostname = Domain.normalizeHostname(address, true); if (hostname == null) { return false; } else { LinkedList<String> regexList = new LinkedList<String>(); do { index = hostname.indexOf('.') + 1; hostname = hostname.substring(index); if (MAP.containsGeneric('.' + hostname)) { return true; } else { regexList.addFirst('.' + hostname); } } while (hostname.contains(".")); return REGEX.get(regexList) != null; } } catch (ProcessException ex) { Server.logError(ex); return false; } } } public static boolean containsDynamicDomain(String address) { if (address == null) { return false; } else { int index = address.indexOf('@') + 1; address = address.substring(index); String hostname = Domain.normalizeHostname(address, true); if (hostname == null) { return false; } else { do { index = hostname.indexOf('.') + 1; hostname = hostname.substring(index); if (MAP.containsDynamic('.' + hostname)) { return true; } } while (hostname.contains(".")); return false; } } } private static String normalizeToken(String token, boolean regex) { if (token == null) { return null; } else if (Subnet.isValidIP(token)) { return null; } else if (Domain.isEmail(token)) { return null; } else if (SPF.isREGEX(token)) { if (regex) { return token; } else { return null; } } else if (token.contains("#") || token.contains(".H.")) { while (token.contains(".H.")) { token = token.replace(".H.", ".$."); } while (token.contains("##")) { token = token.replace("##", "#"); } String normal = token.replace('#', '0'); normal = normal.replace(".$.", ".a0."); if (Domain.isHostname(normal)) { try { String domain = Domain.extractDomain(normal, true); if (normal.equals(domain)) { // Domnio genrico. token = Domain.normalizeHostname(token, true); while (token.contains(".$.")) { token = token.replace(".$.", ".H."); } return token; } else if (token.endsWith(domain)) { // Hostname genrico. token = Domain.normalizeHostname(token, true); while (token.contains(".$.")) { token = token.replace(".$.", ".H."); } return token; } } catch (ProcessException ex) { } } return null; } else if (Domain.isHostname(token)) { return Domain.normalizeHostname(token, true); } else { return null; } } public static boolean tryAdd(String token) { try { return addGeneric(token) != null; } catch (ProcessException ex) { return false; } } public static String addGeneric(String token) throws ProcessException { if ((token = normalizeToken(token, true)) == null) { throw new ProcessException("TOKEN INVALID"); } else if (addGenericExact(token)) { return token; } else { return null; } } public static String addDynamic(String token) throws ProcessException { if ((token = normalizeToken(token, false)) == null) { throw new ProcessException("TOKEN INVALID"); } else if (addDynamicExact(token)) { return token; } else { return null; } } public static boolean dropGeneric(String token) throws ProcessException { if ((token = normalizeToken(token, true)) == null) { throw new ProcessException("TOKEN INVALID"); } else if (dropGenericExact(token)) { return true; } else { return false; } } public static boolean dropDynamic(String token) throws ProcessException { if ((token = normalizeToken(token, false)) == null) { throw new ProcessException("TOKEN INVALID"); } else if (dropDynamicExact(token)) { return true; } else { return false; } } public static TreeSet<String> getGeneric() throws ProcessException { TreeSet<String> genericSet = new TreeSet<String>(); for (String token : getGenericAll()) { genericSet.add(token); } return genericSet; } public static TreeSet<String> getDynamic() throws ProcessException { TreeSet<String> genericSet = new TreeSet<String>(); for (String token : getDynamicAll()) { genericSet.add(token); } return genericSet; } public static boolean containsGeneric(String token) { return findGeneric(token) != null; } public static boolean containsGenericSoft(String token) { return findGenericSoft(token) != null; } public static boolean containsDynamic(String token) { return findDynamic(token) != null; } public static String convertDomainToMask(String host) { if ((host = Domain.normalizeHostname(host, true)) == null) { return null; } else { try { String domain = Domain.extractDomain(host, true); String mask = domain.replace('0', '#'); mask = mask.replace('1', '#'); mask = mask.replace('2', '#'); mask = mask.replace('3', '#'); mask = mask.replace('4', '#'); mask = mask.replace('5', '#'); mask = mask.replace('6', '#'); mask = mask.replace('7', '#'); mask = mask.replace('8', '#'); mask = mask.replace('9', '#'); while (mask.contains("##")) { mask = mask.replace("##", "#"); } if (mask.equals(domain)) { return null; } else { return mask; } } catch (ProcessException ex) { return null; } } } public static String convertHostToMask(String host) { if ((host = Domain.normalizeHostname(host, true)) == null) { return null; } else if (host.contains("mail")) { return null; } else if (host.contains("http")) { return null; } else if (host.contains("smtp")) { return null; } else if (host.contains("cpanel")) { return null; } else if (host.contains("relay")) { return null; } else if (host.contains("mta")) { return null; } else if (host.contains("zimbra")) { return null; } else if (host.contains("postfix")) { return null; } else if (host.contains("correio")) { return null; } else if (host.contains("newsletter")) { return null; } else if (host.contains("bounce")) { return null; } else if (host.contains("gateway")) { return null; } else if (host.contains("mbox")) { return null; } else if (host.startsWith(".www")) { return null; } else if (host.startsWith(".mx-")) { return null; } else { try { String domain = Domain.extractDomain(host, true); int index = host.length() - domain.length(); if (index > 0) { String mask = host.substring(0, index); mask = mask.replace('0', '#'); mask = mask.replace('1', '#'); mask = mask.replace('2', '#'); mask = mask.replace('3', '#'); mask = mask.replace('4', '#'); mask = mask.replace('5', '#'); mask = mask.replace('6', '#'); mask = mask.replace('7', '#'); mask = mask.replace('8', '#'); mask = mask.replace('9', '#'); StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(mask, "."); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { String token = tokenizer.nextToken(); String subMask = token.replace('a', 'H'); subMask = subMask.replace('b', 'H'); subMask = subMask.replace('c', 'H'); subMask = subMask.replace('d', 'H'); subMask = subMask.replace('e', 'H'); subMask = subMask.replace('f', 'H'); if (subMask.contains("H")) { subMask = subMask.replace('#', 'H'); if (subMask.contains("HHHH")) { while (subMask.contains("HH")) { subMask = subMask.replace("HH", "H"); } if (subMask.equals("H")) { mask = mask.replace('.' + token + '.', ".H."); if (mask.endsWith('.' + token)) { mask = mask.replace('.' + token, ".H"); } } } } } while (mask.contains("##")) { mask = mask.replace("##", "#"); } mask += domain; if (mask.equals(host)) { return null; } else if (mask.startsWith(".pm#")) { return null; } else if (mask.startsWith(".mx#")) { return null; } else if (mask.startsWith(".pop#")) { return null; } else if (mask.startsWith(".dns#")) { return null; } else if (mask.startsWith(".out#")) { return null; } else { return mask; } } else { return null; } } catch (ProcessException ex) { return null; } } } public static String findGeneric(String token) { String mask = null; LinkedList<String> regexList = new LinkedList<String>(); if (token == null) { return null; } else if (Domain.isHostname(token)) { token = Domain.normalizeHostname(token, true); String host = token; do { int index = host.indexOf('.') + 1; host = host.substring(index); String token2 = '.' + host; if (MAP.containsGeneric(token2)) { return token2; } regexList.addFirst(token2); } while (host.contains(".")); if ((host = convertDomainToMask(token)) != null) { if (MAP.containsGeneric(host)) { return host; } } if ((host = convertHostToMask(token)) != null) { mask = host; do { int index = host.indexOf('.') + 1; host = host.substring(index); String token2 = '.' + host; if (MAP.containsGeneric(token2)) { return token2; } regexList.addFirst(token2); } while (host.contains(".")); } } else if (token.contains("@")) { int index = token.lastIndexOf('@') + 1; token = token.substring(index); token = Domain.normalizeHostname(token, true); return findGeneric(token); } else { regexList.add(token); } try { // Verifica um critrio do REGEX. String regex; if ((regex = REGEX.get(regexList)) != null) { if (mask != null) { int index = regex.indexOf('=') + 1; if (!regex.contains("[0-9a-f]+") && !regex.contains("[0-9a-z]+") && !regex.contains("[a-z]+")) { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex.substring(index)); index = mask.length(); while ((index = mask.lastIndexOf('.', index - 1)) >= 0) { String subMask = mask.substring(index); if (Domain.isOfficialTLD(subMask)) { // Do nothing. } else if (Domain.isDomain(subMask)) { if ((subMask = Generic.convertDomainToMask(subMask)) != null) { Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(subMask.replace('#', '0')); if (matcher.matches()) { if (addGenericExact(subMask)) { Block.clear(subMask.replace('#', '0'), "GENERIC"); Server.logDebug( "new GENERIC '" + subMask + "' added by '" + regex + "'."); return subMask; } } } } else { Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(subMask.replace('#', '0').replace(".H.", ".0a.")); if (matcher.matches()) { if (addGenericExact(subMask)) { Block.clear(subMask.replace('#', '0').replace(".H.", ".0a."), "GENERIC"); Server.logDebug("new GENERIC '" + subMask + "' added by '" + regex + "'."); return subMask; } break; } } } } } return regex; } } catch (Exception ex) { Server.logError(ex); } return null; } public static String findGenericSoft(String token) { if (token == null) { return null; } else if (Domain.isHostname(token)) { token = Domain.normalizeHostname(token, true); String host = token; do { int index = host.indexOf('.') + 1; host = host.substring(index); String token2 = '.' + host; if (MAP.containsGeneric(token2)) { return token2; } } while (host.contains(".")); if ((host = convertDomainToMask(token)) != null) { if (MAP.containsGeneric(host)) { return host; } } if ((host = convertHostToMask(token)) != null) { do { int index = host.indexOf('.') + 1; host = host.substring(index); String token2 = '.' + host; if (MAP.containsGeneric(token2)) { return token2; } } while (host.contains(".")); } } else if (token.contains("@")) { int index = token.lastIndexOf('@') + 1; token = token.substring(index); token = Domain.normalizeHostname(token, true); if (token != null) { String host = token; do { index = host.indexOf('.') + 1; host = host.substring(index); String token2 = '.' + host; if (MAP.containsGeneric(token2)) { return token2; } } while (host.contains(".")); } } return null; } public static String findDynamic(String token) { if (token == null) { return null; } else if (Domain.isHostname(token)) { token = Domain.normalizeHostname(token, true); String host = token; do { int index = host.indexOf('.') + 1; host = host.substring(index); String token2 = '.' + host; if (MAP.containsDynamic(token2)) { return token2; } } while (host.contains(".")); if ((host = convertDomainToMask(token)) != null) { if (MAP.containsDynamic(host)) { return host; } } if ((host = convertHostToMask(token)) != null) { do { int index = host.indexOf('.') + 1; host = host.substring(index); String token2 = '.' + host; if (MAP.containsDynamic(token2)) { return token2; } } while (host.contains(".")); } } else if (token.contains("@")) { int index = token.lastIndexOf('@') + 1; token = token.substring(index); token = Domain.normalizeHostname(token, true); if (token != null) { String host = token; do { index = host.indexOf('.') + 1; host = host.substring(index); String token2 = '.' + host; if (MAP.containsDynamic(token2)) { return token2; } } while (host.contains(".")); } } return null; } public static void store() { if (CHANGED) { try { // Server.logTrace("storing generic.set"); long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); File file = new File("./data/generic.set"); TreeSet<String> set = getGenericAll(); FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(file); try { SerializationUtils.serialize(set, outputStream); CHANGED = false; } finally { outputStream.close(); } Server.logStore(time, file); // Server.logTrace("storing"); time = System.currentTimeMillis(); file = new File("./data/"); TreeMap<String, Boolean> map = getMapAll(); outputStream = new FileOutputStream(file); try { SerializationUtils.serialize(map, outputStream); CHANGED = false; } finally { outputStream.close(); } Server.logStore(time, file); } catch (Exception ex) { Server.logError(ex); } } } public static void load() { long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); File file = new File("./data/"); if (file.exists()) { try { Map<String, Boolean> map; FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(file); try { map = SerializationUtils.deserialize(fileInputStream); } finally { fileInputStream.close(); } for (String token : map.keySet()) { boolean dyn = map.get(token); if (token.startsWith("REGEX=")) { REGEX.addExact(token); } else { MAP.putExact(token, dyn); } } CHANGED = false; Server.logLoad(time, file); } catch (Exception ex) { Server.logError(ex); } } else if ((file = new File("./data/generic.set")).exists()) { try { Set<String> set; FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(file); try { set = SerializationUtils.deserialize(fileInputStream); } finally { fileInputStream.close(); } for (String token : set) { if (token.startsWith("REGEX=")) { REGEX.addExact(token); } else { MAP.addGenericExact(token); } } CHANGED = false; Server.logLoad(time, file); } catch (Exception ex) { Server.logError(ex); } } } }