Java tutorial
/* * Vulcan Build Manager * Copyright (C) 2005-2012 Chris Eldredge * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ package net.sourceforge.vulcan.mailer; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import javax.mail.MessagingException; import javax.mail.Session; import javax.mail.Transport; import javax.mail.internet.AddressException; import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException; import net.sourceforge.vulcan.core.ProjectDomBuilder; import net.sourceforge.vulcan.core.ProjectNameChangeListener; import net.sourceforge.vulcan.dto.ChangeLogDto; import net.sourceforge.vulcan.dto.ChangeSetDto; import net.sourceforge.vulcan.dto.PluginConfigDto; import net.sourceforge.vulcan.dto.ProjectConfigDto; import net.sourceforge.vulcan.dto.ProjectStatusDto; import net.sourceforge.vulcan.dto.ProjectStatusDto.Status; import net.sourceforge.vulcan.event.BrokenBuildClaimedEvent; import net.sourceforge.vulcan.event.BuildCompletedEvent; import net.sourceforge.vulcan.event.BuildStartingEvent; import net.sourceforge.vulcan.event.ErrorEvent; import net.sourceforge.vulcan.event.EventHandler; import net.sourceforge.vulcan.exception.NoSuchTransformFormatException; import net.sourceforge.vulcan.integration.BuildManagerObserverPlugin; import net.sourceforge.vulcan.integration.ConfigurablePlugin; import net.sourceforge.vulcan.mailer.dto.ConfigDto; import net.sourceforge.vulcan.mailer.dto.ProfileDto; import net.sourceforge.vulcan.mailer.dto.ProfileDto.Policy; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.jdom.DocType; import org.jdom.Document; import org.jdom.Element; import org.jdom.output.Format; import org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter; import org.jdom.transform.JDOMResult; import org.springframework.beans.BeansException; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextAware; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; public class EmailPlugin implements BuildManagerObserverPlugin, ConfigurablePlugin, ProjectNameChangeListener, ApplicationContextAware { ProjectDomBuilder projectDomBuilder; EventHandler eventHandler; MessageAssembler messageAssembler; String cssLocation; String stylesheet; ApplicationContext ctx; ConfigDto config = new ConfigDto(); Map<String, List<ProfileDto>> subscribers = new HashMap<String, List<ProfileDto>>(); Session mailSession; String cssRules; public String getId() { return ConfigDto.PLUGIN_ID; } public String getName() { return ConfigDto.PLUGIN_NAME; } public PluginConfigDto getConfiguration() { return config; } public synchronized void setConfiguration(PluginConfigDto config) { this.config = (ConfigDto) config; createMailSession(); hashProfiles(); } public synchronized void init() throws Exception { if (!StringUtils.isBlank(cssLocation)) { InputStream is; try { is = ctx.getResource(cssLocation).getInputStream(); } catch (Exception e) { is = ctx.getParent().getResource(cssLocation).getInputStream(); } try { cssRules = IOUtils.toString(is); } finally { is.close(); } } } public synchronized void destroy() throws Exception { } public void onBuildStarting(BuildStartingEvent event) { } public void onBrokenBuildClaimed(BrokenBuildClaimedEvent event) { } public synchronized void onBuildCompleted(BuildCompletedEvent event) { final ProjectStatusDto status = event.getStatus(); final Map<Locale, List<String>> subscribers = getSubscribedAddresses(status); if (mailSession == null || subscribers == null) { return; } final ProjectConfigDto projectConfig = event.getProjectConfig(); final ClassLoader prev = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); try { Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(getClass().getClassLoader()); sendMessages(event, projectConfig, subscribers); } finally { Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(prev); } } public synchronized void projectNameChanged(String oldName, String newName) { final ProfileDto[] profiles = config.getProfiles(); for (int i = 0; i < profiles.length; i++) { final String[] projects = profiles[i].getProjects(); for (int j = 0; j < projects.length; j++) { if (oldName.equals(projects[j])) { projects[j] = newName; } } } hashProfiles(); } public ProjectDomBuilder getProjectDomBuilder() { return projectDomBuilder; } public void setProjectDomBuilder(ProjectDomBuilder projectDomBuilder) { this.projectDomBuilder = projectDomBuilder; } public EventHandler getEventHandler() { return eventHandler; } public void setEventHandler(EventHandler eventHandler) { this.eventHandler = eventHandler; } public MessageAssembler getMessageAssembler() { return messageAssembler; } public void setMessageAssembler(MessageAssembler messageAssembler) { this.messageAssembler = messageAssembler; } public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) throws BeansException { this.ctx = applicationContext; } public String getCssLocation() { return cssLocation; } public void setCssLocation(String cssLocation) { this.cssLocation = cssLocation; } public String getStylesheet() { return stylesheet; } public void setStylesheet(String stylesheet) { this.stylesheet = stylesheet; } void sendMessage(MimeMessage message) throws AddressException, MessagingException { Transport.send(message); } Map<Locale, List<String>> getSubscribedAddresses(ProjectStatusDto status) { final List<ProfileDto> profiles = this.subscribers.get(status.getName()); if (profiles != null) { final Map<Locale, List<String>> map = new HashMap<Locale, List<String>>(); for (ProfileDto profile : profiles) { if (matchPolicy(status.getStatus(), profile, status.isStatusChanged())) { final Locale locale; if (StringUtils.isBlank(profile.getLocale())) { locale = null; } else { locale = new Locale(profile.getLocale()); } final List<String> addresses; if (map.containsKey(locale)) { addresses = map.get(locale); } else { addresses = new ArrayList<String>(); map.put(locale, addresses); } List<String> addressList = getEmailAddresses(status, profile); for (String addr : addressList) { final String trimmed = addr.trim(); if (trimmed.length() > 0) { addresses.add(trimmed); } } if (addresses.isEmpty()) { map.remove(locale); } } } if (map.size() > 0) { return map; } } return null; } protected List<String> getEmailAddresses(ProjectStatusDto status, ProfileDto profile) { if (profile.isOnlyEmailChangeAuthors()) { ChangeLogDto changeLog = status.getChangeLog(); if (changeLog == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } final Set<String> addresses = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); final List<ChangeSetDto> changeSets = changeLog.getChangeSets(); final Map<String, String> map = getChangeAuthorEmailMap(); final String[] profileAddresses = profile.getEmailAddresses(); for (ChangeSetDto changeSet : changeSets) { final String author = changeSet.getAuthorName().trim(); if (!map.containsKey(author)) { continue; } final String address = map.get(author); if (ArrayUtils.contains(profileAddresses, address)) { addresses.add(address); } } return new ArrayList<String>(addresses); } return Arrays.asList(profile.getEmailAddresses()); } /* * TODO: we need some validation for the mapping strings */ protected Map<String, String> getChangeAuthorEmailMap() { String[] mappings = config.getRepositoryEmailMappings(); Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (String mapping : mappings) { String[] keyValue = mapping.trim().split("="); map.put(keyValue[0], keyValue[1]); } return map; } private void sendMessages(BuildCompletedEvent event, final ProjectConfigDto projectConfig, final Map<Locale, List<String>> subscribers) { for (Map.Entry<Locale, List<String>> ent : subscribers.entrySet()) { try { final URL sandboxURL = generateSandboxURL(projectConfig); final URL statusURL = generateStatusURL(); URL trackerURL = null; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(projectConfig.getBugtraqUrl())) { trackerURL = new URL(projectConfig.getBugtraqUrl()); } final Document document = projectDomBuilder.createProjectDocument(event.getStatus(), ent.getKey()); final String content = generateXhtml(document, sandboxURL, statusURL, trackerURL, ent.getKey()); final MimeMessage message = messageAssembler.constructMessage( StringUtils.join(ent.getValue().iterator(), ","), config, event.getStatus(), content); sendMessage(message); } catch (AddressException e) { eventHandler.reportEvent(new ErrorEvent(this, "errors.address.exception", new Object[] { e.getRef(), e.getMessage() }, e)); } catch (MessagingException e) { eventHandler.reportEvent( new ErrorEvent(this, "errors.messaging.exception", new Object[] { e.getMessage() }, e)); } catch (Exception e) { eventHandler .reportEvent(new ErrorEvent(this, "errors.exception", new Object[] { e.getMessage() }, e)); } } } private boolean matchPolicy(Status status, ProfileDto profile, boolean statusChanged) { final List<Policy> policy = Arrays.asList(profile.getPolicy()); if (policy.contains(Policy.ALWAYS)) { return true; } if (profile.isOnlyOnChange() && !statusChanged) { return false; } return policy.contains(Policy.valueOf(; } private void hashProfiles() { subscribers.clear(); for (ProfileDto profile : config.getProfiles()) { for (String projectName : profile.getProjects()) { List<ProfileDto> profiles = this.subscribers.get(projectName); if (profiles == null) { profiles = new ArrayList<ProfileDto>(); this.subscribers.put(projectName, profiles); } profiles.add(profile); } } } private void createMailSession() { final String smtpHost = config.getSmtpHost(); if (smtpHost != null && smtpHost.length() > 0) { final Properties props = new Properties(); props.setProperty("", smtpHost); mailSession = Session.getInstance(props); } else { mailSession = null; } messageAssembler.setMailSession(mailSession); } private String generateXhtml(Document projectDom, URL projectSiteURL, URL statusURL, URL trackerURL, Locale locale) throws SAXException, IOException, TransformerException, NoSuchTransformFormatException, MalformedURLException { final JDOMResult xhtmlResult = new JDOMResult(); final Map<String, ? super Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("showBuildDirectory", Boolean.FALSE); if (projectSiteURL != null) { params.put("projectSiteURL", projectSiteURL.toExternalForm()); } if (statusURL != null) { params.put("viewProjectStatusURL", statusURL.toExternalForm()); } if (trackerURL != null) { params.put("issueTrackerURL", trackerURL.toExternalForm()); } projectDomBuilder.transform(projectDom, params, locale, stylesheet, xhtmlResult); final Document xhtmlDom = xhtmlResult.getDocument(); xhtmlDom.setDocType( new DocType("html", "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN", "")); addStyle(xhtmlDom.getRootElement()); final OutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); final XMLOutputter out = new XMLOutputter(Format.getRawFormat()); out.output(xhtmlDom, os); return os.toString(); } private void addStyle(Element xhtmlDom) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(cssRules)) { return; } final Element head = (Element) xhtmlDom.getContent().get(0); if (head == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("xhtml document does not have <head>"); } final Element style = new Element("style"); style.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); style.setText(cssRules); head.addContent(style); } private URL generateSandboxURL(ProjectConfigDto projectConfig) throws MalformedURLException { final StringBuilder buf = getVulcanRootURL(); buf.append("site/"); buf.append(projectConfig.getName()); return new URL(buf.toString()); } private URL generateStatusURL() throws MalformedURLException { final StringBuilder buf = getVulcanRootURL(); buf.append("projects/"); return new URL(buf.toString()); } private StringBuilder getVulcanRootURL() { final String vulcanUrl = config.getVulcanUrl(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(vulcanUrl)) { return new StringBuilder("http://localhost/vulcan"); } final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(vulcanUrl); if (!vulcanUrl.endsWith("/")) { buf.append('/'); } return buf; } }