Java tutorial
/* * Vulcan Build Manager * Copyright (C) 2005-2012 Chris Eldredge * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ package; import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.isNotBlank; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException; import javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys; import javax.xml.transform.Result; import javax.xml.transform.Transformer; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException; import net.sourceforge.vulcan.ProjectManager; import net.sourceforge.vulcan.core.BuildManager; import net.sourceforge.vulcan.core.ProjectDomBuilder; import net.sourceforge.vulcan.dto.*; import net.sourceforge.vulcan.dto.ProjectStatusDto.Status; import net.sourceforge.vulcan.event.ErrorEvent; import net.sourceforge.vulcan.event.EventHandler; import net.sourceforge.vulcan.exception.NoSuchProjectException; import net.sourceforge.vulcan.exception.NoSuchTransformFormatException; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.time.DateUtils; import org.jdom.Document; import org.jdom.Element; import org.jdom.transform.JDOMSource; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; public abstract class AbstractProjectDomBuilder implements ProjectDomBuilder { static TimeZone SYSTEM_TIMEZONE = TimeZone.getDefault(); static TimeZone GMT_TIMEZONE = TimeZone.getTimeZone("Greenwhich"); private ProjectManager projectManager; private BuildManager buildManager; private EventHandler eventHandler; public final Document createProjectDocument(ProjectStatusDto status, Locale locale) { if (locale == null) { locale = Locale.getDefault(); } final DateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(formatMessage("build.timestamp.format", null, locale), locale); format.setTimeZone(SYSTEM_TIMEZONE); final Element root = new Element("project"); final Document doc = new Document(root); addBasicContents(root, status, locale, format); final String repositoryUrl = status.getRepositoryUrl(); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(repositoryUrl)) { addChildNodeWithText(root, "repository-url", repositoryUrl); } if (status.getEstimatedBuildTimeMillis() != null) { addChildNodeWithText(root, "estimated-build-time", status.getEstimatedBuildTimeMillis().toString()); } addDependencies(root, status, format); addChangeLog(root, status, format); addBuildMessages(root, "error", status.getErrors()); addBuildMessages(root, "warning", status.getWarnings()); final Status buildStatus = status.getStatus(); if (buildStatus == null || !Status.PASS.equals(buildStatus)) { if (status.getLastGoodBuildNumber() != null) { addChildNodeWithText(root, "last-good-build-number", status.getLastGoodBuildNumber().toString()); } } final RevisionTokenDto lastKnownRevision = status.getLastKnownRevision(); if (status.getRevision() == null && lastKnownRevision != null) { final Element rev = addChildNodeWithText(root, "last-known-revision", lastKnownRevision.getLabel()); rev.setAttribute("numeric", lastKnownRevision.getRevision().toString()); } addMetrics(root, status.getMetrics(), locale); addTestFailures(root, status.getTestFailures()); final String workDir = status.getWorkDir(); if (isNotBlank(workDir)) { addReports(root, workDir); } return doc; } public Document createProjectSummaries(List<ProjectStatusDto> outcomes, Object fromLabel, Object toLabel, Locale locale) { if (locale == null) { locale = Locale.getDefault(); } final DateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(formatMessage("build.timestamp.format", null, locale), locale); format.setTimeZone(SYSTEM_TIMEZONE); final Element root = new Element("build-history"); final Document doc = new Document(root); if (fromLabel instanceof java.util.Date) { fromLabel = format.format(fromLabel); } if (toLabel instanceof java.util.Date) { toLabel = format.format(toLabel); } root.setAttribute("from", fromLabel.toString()); root.setAttribute("to", toLabel.toString()); addXAxis(root, outcomes, format, locale); for (ProjectStatusDto outcome : outcomes) { final Element summary = new Element("project"); addBasicContents(summary, outcome, locale, format); addMetrics(summary, outcome.getMetrics(), locale); root.addContent(summary); } return doc; } public String transform(Document document, Map<String, ?> transformParameters, Locale locale, String format, Result result) throws SAXException, IOException, TransformerException, NoSuchTransformFormatException { final Transformer transformer = createTransformer(format); if (transformParameters != null) { for (String key : transformParameters.keySet()) { transformer.setParameter(key, transformParameters.get(key)); } } transformer.transform(new JDOMSource(document), result); return transformer.getOutputProperty(OutputKeys.MEDIA_TYPE); } public void setProjectManager(ProjectManager projectManager) { this.projectManager = projectManager; } public void setBuildManager(BuildManager buildManager) { this.buildManager = buildManager; } public void setEventHandler(EventHandler eventHandler) { this.eventHandler = eventHandler; } protected abstract Transformer createTransformer(String format) throws NoSuchTransformFormatException; protected abstract String formatMessage(String key, Object[] args, Locale locale); protected boolean artifactExists(String workDir, String path) { return new File(workDir, path).exists(); } protected String readLog(File log) throws IOException { final InputStream is = new FileInputStream(log); try { return IOUtils.toString(is); } finally { is.close(); } } AxisLabelGenerator createAxisLabelGenerator(long min, long max, Locale locale) { return new AxisLabelGenerator(min, max, locale); } private static void addBuildMessages(Element root, String type, List<BuildMessageDto> messages) { if (messages != null && !messages.isEmpty()) { final Element listElem = new Element(type + "s"); root.addContent(listElem); for (BuildMessageDto m : messages) { final Element msg = new Element(type); msg.setText(m.getMessage()); final Integer lineNumber = m.getLineNumber(); if (lineNumber != null) { msg.setAttribute("line-number", lineNumber.toString()); } final String file = m.getFile(); if (file != null) { msg.setAttribute("file", file); } final String code = m.getCode(); if (code != null) { msg.setAttribute("code", code); } listElem.addContent(msg); } } } private void addMetrics(Element root, List<MetricDto> metrics, Locale locale) { if (metrics != null && !metrics.isEmpty()) { final Element mRoot = new Element("metrics"); for (MetricDto m : metrics) { final Element mEl = new Element("metric"); mEl.setAttribute("label", formatMessage(m.getMessageKey(), null, locale)); mEl.setAttribute("value", m.getValue()); mEl.setAttribute("type", m.getType().name().toLowerCase()); mEl.setAttribute("key", m.getMessageKey()); mRoot.addContent(mEl); } root.addContent(mRoot); } } private void addTestFailures(Element root, List<TestFailureDto> failures) { if (failures != null && !failures.isEmpty()) { final Element testFailuresRoot = new Element("test-failures"); for (TestFailureDto failure : failures) { final Element failureElement = new Element("test-failure"); final String testName = failure.getName(); final int lastDot = testName.lastIndexOf('.'); if (lastDot > 0) { failureElement.setAttribute("name", testName.substring(lastDot + 1)); failureElement.setAttribute("namespace", testName.substring(0, lastDot)); } else { failureElement.setAttribute("name", testName); } failureElement.setAttribute("first-build", failure.getBuildNumber().toString()); String message = failure.getMessage(); if (message == null) { message = StringUtils.EMPTY; } failureElement.setAttribute("message", message); String details = failure.getDetails(); if (details == null) { details = StringUtils.EMPTY; } failureElement.setText(details); testFailuresRoot.addContent(failureElement); } root.addContent(testFailuresRoot); } } private void addReports(final Element root, final String workDir) { final List<BuildArtifactLocationDto> specs = projectManager.getArtifactLocations(); final Element reportsNode = new Element("reports"); for (BuildArtifactLocationDto spec : specs) { if (artifactExists(workDir, spec.getPath())) { addArtifact(reportsNode, spec); } } if (reportsNode.getContentSize() > 0) { root.addContent(reportsNode); } } private void addArtifact(final Element reportsNode, BuildArtifactLocationDto spec) { final Element artifact = new Element("report"); addChildNodeWithText(artifact, "name", spec.getName()); addChildNodeWithText(artifact, "description", spec.getDescription()); addChildNodeWithText(artifact, "path", spec.getPath()); reportsNode.addContent(artifact); } private static Element addChildNodeWithText(final Element root, final String name, final String text) { final Element child = new Element(name); child.setText(text); root.addContent(child); return child; } private void addDependencies(Element root, ProjectStatusDto status, DateFormat format) { final Map<String, UUID> dependencyIds = status.getDependencyIds(); if (dependencyIds == null || dependencyIds.isEmpty()) { return; } final Element deps = new Element("dependencies"); root.addContent(deps); for (Map.Entry<String, UUID> e : dependencyIds.entrySet()) { final Element dep = new Element("dependency"); dep.setAttribute("name", e.getKey()); final ProjectStatusDto depStatus = buildManager.getStatus(e.getValue()); if (depStatus != null) { final RevisionTokenDto rev = depStatus.getRevision(); final String revString; if (rev != null) { revString = rev.toString(); } else { revString = ""; } dep.setAttribute("build-number", depStatus.getBuildNumber().toString()); dep.setAttribute("revision", revString); dep.setAttribute("status", depStatus.getStatus().name()); final Date completionDate = depStatus.getCompletionDate(); final Element timestampNode = addChildNodeWithText(dep, "timestamp", format.format(completionDate)); timestampNode.setAttribute("millis", Long.toString(completionDate.getTime())); final String tagName = depStatus.getTagName(); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(tagName)) { dep.setAttribute("repository-tag-name", tagName); } } deps.addContent(dep); } } private void addChangeLog(final Element root, ProjectStatusDto status, DateFormat dateFormat) { final ChangeLogDto changeLog = status.getChangeLog(); if (changeLog == null) { return; } final Element changeSets = new Element("change-sets"); List<ChangeSetDto> changeSetDtos = changeLog.getChangeSets(); if (changeSetDtos == null) { changeSetDtos = Collections.emptyList(); } for (ChangeSetDto changes : changeSetDtos) { final Element changeSet = new Element("change-set"); if (changes.getAuthorName() != null) { changeSet.setAttribute("author", changes.getAuthorName()); } if (changes.getAuthorEmail() != null) { changeSet.setAttribute("author-email", changes.getAuthorEmail()); } if (changes.getRevisionLabel() != null) { changeSet.setAttribute("revision", changes.getRevisionLabel().toString()); } if (changes.getTimestamp() != null) { final Element timestampNode = addChildNodeWithText(changeSet, "timestamp", dateFormat.format(changes.getTimestamp())); timestampNode.setAttribute("millis", Long.toString(changes.getTimestamp().getTime())); } if (changes.getMessage() != null) { linkifyCommitMessage(changeSet, changes, status.getName()); } if (changes.getModifiedPaths() != null) { addModifiedPaths(changeSet, changes.getModifiedPaths()); } changeSets.addContent(changeSet); } if (changeSets.getContentSize() > 0) { root.addContent(changeSets); } } private void linkifyCommitMessage(Element changeSet, ChangeSetDto changes, String projectName) { final CommitLogParser commitLogParser = new CommitLogParser(); try { final ProjectConfigDto projectConfig = projectManager.getProjectConfig(projectName); commitLogParser.setKeywordPattern(projectConfig.getBugtraqLogRegex1()); commitLogParser.setIdPattern(projectConfig.getBugtraqLogRegex2()); } catch (NoSuchProjectException ignore) { } try { commitLogParser.parse(changes.getMessage()); changeSet.addContent(commitLogParser.getMessageNode()); } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) { eventHandler.reportEvent(new ErrorEvent(this, "errors.bugtraq.regex", new Object[] { e.getPattern(), e.getDescription(), e.getIndex() }, e)); final Element message = new Element("message"); message.setText(changes.getMessage()); changeSet.addContent(message); } } private static void addModifiedPaths(Element changeSet, Iterable<ModifiedPathDto> modifiedPaths) { final Element mps = new Element("modified-paths"); for (ModifiedPathDto path : modifiedPaths) { final Element pathElem = new Element("path"); pathElem.setText(path.getPath()); if (path.getAction() != null) { pathElem.setAttribute("action", path.getAction().name().toLowerCase()); } mps.addContent(pathElem); } changeSet.addContent(mps); } private void addBasicContents(final Element root, ProjectStatusDto status, Locale locale, final DateFormat format) { addChildNodeWithText(root, "name", status.getName()); final Integer buildNumber = status.getBuildNumber(); if (buildNumber != null) { addChildNodeWithText(root, "build-number", buildNumber.toString()); } addChildNodeWithText(root, "update-type", status.getUpdateType().name()); final Status buildStatus = status.getStatus(); if (buildStatus != null) { addChildNodeWithText(root, "status",; } addElapsedTime(root, status, locale); final Date completionDate = status.getCompletionDate(); addTimestampNode(root, "timestamp", completionDate, format, locale); final String messageKey = status.getMessageKey(); if (messageKey != null) { addChildNodeWithText(root, "message", formatMessage(messageKey, status.getMessageArgs(), locale)); } final RevisionTokenDto revision = status.getRevision(); if (revision != null) { final Element rev = addChildNodeWithText(root, "revision", revision.toString()); rev.setAttribute("numeric", revision.getRevision().toString()); } final String repositoryTagName = status.getTagName(); if (isNotBlank(repositoryTagName)) { addChildNodeWithText(root, "repository-tag-name", repositoryTagName); } final String workDir = status.getWorkDir(); if (isNotBlank(workDir)) { final Element workDirNode = addChildNodeWithText(root, "work-directory", workDir); workDirNode.setAttribute("available", Boolean.toString(new File(workDir).isDirectory())); } final String requestedBy = status.getRequestedBy(); if (isNotBlank(requestedBy)) { if (status.isScheduledBuild()) { addChildNodeWithText(root, "build-scheduled-by", requestedBy); } else { addChildNodeWithText(root, "build-requested-by", requestedBy); } } final String buildReasonKey = status.getBuildReasonKey(); if (isNotBlank(buildReasonKey)) { addChildNodeWithText(root, "build-reason", formatMessage(buildReasonKey, status.getBuildReasonArgs(), locale)); } if (isNotBlank(status.getBrokenBy())) { addChildNodeWithText(root, "broken-by", status.getBrokenBy()); addTimestampNode(root, "claim-date", status.getClaimDate(), format, locale); } if (status.getBuildLogId() != null) { addChildNodeWithText(root, "build-log-available", null); } if (status.getDiffId() != null) { addChildNodeWithText(root, "diff-available", null); } } private void addTimestampNode(final Element parent, String nodeName, final Date date, final DateFormat format, Locale locale) { if (date != null) { final DateFormat textualDateFormat = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.LONG, DateFormat.SHORT, locale); final Element timestampNode = addChildNodeWithText(parent, nodeName, format.format(date)); timestampNode.setAttribute("millis", Long.toString(date.getTime())); timestampNode.setAttribute("text", textualDateFormat.format(date)); } } private void addElapsedTime(Element root, ProjectStatusDto status, Locale locale) { final Date startDate = status.getStartDate(); if (startDate == null) { return; } Date completionDate = status.getCompletionDate(); if (completionDate == null) { completionDate = new Date(); } final long elapsedMillis = completionDate.getTime() - startDate.getTime(); final Element elapsed = new Element("elapsed-time"); elapsed.setAttribute("millis", Long.toString(elapsedMillis)); final DateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(formatMessage("build.time.elapsed.format", null, locale), locale); format.setTimeZone(GMT_TIMEZONE); elapsed.setText(format.format(elapsedMillis)); root.addContent(elapsed); } private void addXAxis(Element root, List<ProjectStatusDto> outcomes, DateFormat format, Locale locale) { final Element xAxis = new Element("x-axis"); root.addContent(xAxis); long minSample = outcomes.get(0).getCompletionDate().getTime(); long maxSample = outcomes.get(outcomes.size() - 1).getCompletionDate().getTime(); final AxisLabelGenerator axisLabelGenerator = new AxisLabelGenerator(minSample, maxSample, locale); final Element minNode = addChildNodeWithText(xAxis, "minimum", format.format(new Date(axisLabelGenerator.getMin()))); minNode.setAttribute("millis", Long.toString(axisLabelGenerator.getMin())); final Element maxNode = addChildNodeWithText(xAxis, "maximum", format.format(new Date(axisLabelGenerator.getMax()))); maxNode.setAttribute("millis", Long.toString(axisLabelGenerator.getMax())); final Element labelsNode = new Element("labels"); xAxis.addContent(labelsNode); for (AxisLabel label : axisLabelGenerator.getLabels()) { final Element labelNode = new Element("label"); labelsNode.addContent(labelNode); labelNode.setAttribute("millis", Long.toString(label.getScalar())); labelNode.setText(label.getLabel()); } } static class AxisLabel { private final long scalar; private final String label; AxisLabel(long scalar, String label) { this.scalar = scalar; this.label = label; } public long getScalar() { return scalar; } public String getLabel() { return label; } } class AxisLabelGenerator { private final List<AxisLabel> labels; private final long minSample; private final long maxSample; private final Locale locale; private long min; private long max; AxisLabelGenerator(long minSample, long maxSample, Locale locale) { this.minSample = minSample; this.maxSample = maxSample; if (locale != null) { this.locale = locale; } else { this.locale = Locale.getDefault(); } this.labels = new ArrayList<AxisLabel>(); generateLabels(); } public long getMin() { return min; } public long getMax() { return max; } public List<AxisLabel> getLabels() { return labels; } private void generateLabels() { final long delta = maxSample - minSample; final int roundingField; final int incrementField; final DateFormat fmt; if (delta > DateUtils.MILLIS_PER_DAY * 7 * 6) { roundingField = Calendar.MONTH; incrementField = Calendar.MONTH; fmt = getDateFormat(""); } else if (delta > DateUtils.MILLIS_PER_DAY * 10) { roundingField = Calendar.DATE; incrementField = Calendar.WEEK_OF_MONTH; fmt = getDateFormat(""); } else { roundingField = Calendar.DATE; incrementField = Calendar.DATE; fmt = getDateFormat(""); } Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); cal.setTimeInMillis(maxSample); cal = DateUtils.truncate(cal, roundingField); cal.add(roundingField, 1); max = cal.getTimeInMillis(); cal.setTimeInMillis(minSample); cal = DateUtils.truncate(cal, roundingField); min = cal.getTimeInMillis(); while (cal.getTimeInMillis() < max) { final long timeInMillis = cal.getTimeInMillis(); labels.add(new AxisLabel(timeInMillis, fmt.format(new Date(timeInMillis)))); cal.add(incrementField, 1); } } private DateFormat getDateFormat(String key) { final String messageFormat = formatMessage(key, null, locale); if (messageFormat == null) { return DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM, locale); } return new SimpleDateFormat(messageFormat, locale); } } }