Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2005 Rob Manning * * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.plugins.dbcopy.util; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.sql.Array; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData; import java.sql.Date; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.Ref; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.Time; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.sql.Types; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.session.ISession; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.client.session.schemainfo.SchemaInfo; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.dialects.DialectFactory; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.dialects.HibernateDialect; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.dialects.UserCancelledOperationException; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.sql.*; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.util.StringManager; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.util.StringManagerFactory; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.util.log.ILogger; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.fw.util.log.LoggerController; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.plugins.dbcopy.ColTypeMapper; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.plugins.dbcopy.I18NBaseObject; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.plugins.dbcopy.SessionInfoProvider; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.plugins.dbcopy.prefs.DBCopyPreferenceBean; import net.sourceforge.squirrel_sql.plugins.dbcopy.prefs.PreferencesManager; import org.hibernate.MappingException; /** * A utility class for interacting with the database. */ public class DBUtil extends I18NBaseObject { /** Logger for this class. */ private final static ILogger log = LoggerController.createLogger(DBUtil.class); /** Plugin settings. The configuration panel uses this */ private static DBCopyPreferenceBean _prefs = PreferencesManager.getPreferences(); /** Internationalized strings for this class */ private static final StringManager s_stringMgr = StringManagerFactory.getStringManager(DBUtil.class); /** The name of the table to create when testing column names in dest db */ private static final String TEST_TABLE_NAME = "dbcopytest"; /** The last statement executed that we'll show to the user if error */ private static String lastStatement = null; private static String lastStatementValues = null; public static void setPreferences(DBCopyPreferenceBean bean) { _prefs = bean; } /** * Returns a string that looks like: * * (PK_COL1, PK_COL2, PK_COL3, ...) * * or null if there is no primary key for the specified table. * * @param sourceConn * @param ti * @return * @throws SQLException */ public static String getPKColumnString(ISQLConnection sourceConn, ITableInfo ti) throws SQLException { List<String> pkColumns = getPKColumnList(sourceConn, ti); if (pkColumns == null || pkColumns.size() == 0) { return null; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("("); Iterator<String> i = pkColumns.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { String columnName =; sb.append(columnName); if (i.hasNext()) { sb.append(", "); } } sb.append(")"); return sb.toString(); } /** * Returns a list of primary keys or null if there are no primary keys for the specified table. * * @param sourceConn * @param ti * @return * @throws SQLException */ private static List<String> getPKColumnList(ISQLConnection sourceConn, ITableInfo ti) throws SQLException { ArrayList<String> pkColumns = new ArrayList<String>(); DatabaseMetaData md = sourceConn.getConnection().getMetaData(); ResultSet rs = null; if (md.supportsCatalogsInTableDefinitions()) { rs = md.getPrimaryKeys(ti.getCatalogName(), null, ti.getSimpleName()); } else if (md.supportsSchemasInTableDefinitions()) { rs = md.getPrimaryKeys(null, ti.getSchemaName(), ti.getSimpleName()); } else { rs = md.getPrimaryKeys(null, null, ti.getSimpleName()); } while ( { String keyColumn = rs.getString(4); if (keyColumn != null) { pkColumns.add(keyColumn); } } if (pkColumns.size() == 0) { return null; } return pkColumns; } /** * Returns a List of SQL statements that add foreign key(s) to the table described in the specified * ITableInfo. * * @param prov * used to see if the destination session connection FKs in the source session exist already * @param ti * the table to get FK information on * @return Set a set of SQL statements that can be used to create foreign key constraints. * @throws SQLException */ public static Set<String> getForeignKeySQL(SessionInfoProvider prov, ITableInfo ti, ArrayList<ITableInfo> selectedTableInfos) throws SQLException, UserCancelledOperationException { HashSet<String> result = new HashSet<String>(); ForeignKeyInfo[] keys = ti.getImportedKeys(); if (keys == null) { return result; } for (ForeignKeyInfo fkInfo : keys) { String pkTableName = fkInfo.getPrimaryKeyTableName(); String pkTableCol = fkInfo.getPrimaryKeyColumnName(); String fkTableName = fkInfo.getForeignKeyTableName(); String fkTableCol = fkInfo.getForeignKeyColumnName(); // TODO: Is giving a FK constraint a name universally supported // and done the same way on every database? String fkName = fkInfo.getForeignKeyName(); // alter table ti.getSimpleName() // add foreign key (fkTableCol) // references pkTableName(pkTableCol); if (!containsTable(selectedTableInfos, pkTableName)) { // TODO: Maybe someday we could inform the user that the imported // key can't be created because the list of tables they've // selected, doesn't include the table that this foreign key // depends upon. For now, just log a warning and skip it. if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { // i18n[DBUtil.error.missingtable=getForeignKeySQL: table // '{0}' has a column '{1}' that references table '{2}' // column '{3}'. However, that table is not being copied. // Skipping this foreign key.] String msg = s_stringMgr.getString("DBUtil.error.missingtable", new String[] { fkTableName, fkTableCol, pkTableName, pkTableCol }); log.debug(msg); } continue; } ISession destSession = prov.getDestSession(); String destSchema = prov.getDestDatabaseObject().getSimpleName(); String destCatalog = prov.getDestDatabaseObject().getCatalogName(); if (tableHasForeignKey(destCatalog, destSchema, ti.getSimpleName(), fkInfo, prov)) { if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Skipping FK (" + fkName + ") - table " + ti.getSimpleName() + " seems to already have it defined."); } continue; } String fkTable = getQualifiedObjectName(destSession, destCatalog, destSchema, ti.getSimpleName(), DialectFactory.DEST_TYPE); String pkTable = getQualifiedObjectName(destSession, destCatalog, destSchema, pkTableName, DialectFactory.DEST_TYPE); StringBuilder tmp = new StringBuilder(); tmp.append("ALTER TABLE "); tmp.append(fkTable); tmp.append(" ADD FOREIGN KEY ("); tmp.append(fkTableCol); tmp.append(") REFERENCES "); tmp.append(pkTable); tmp.append("("); tmp.append(pkTableCol); tmp.append(")"); result.add(tmp.toString()); } return result; } public static boolean tableHasForeignKey(String destCatalog, String destSchema, String destTableName, ForeignKeyInfo fkInfo, SessionInfoProvider prov) { boolean result = false; try { SQLDatabaseMetaData md = prov.getDestSession().getSQLConnection().getSQLMetaData(); ITableInfo[] tables = md.getTables(destCatalog, destSchema, destTableName, new String[] { "TABLE" }, null); if (tables != null && tables.length == 1) { ForeignKeyInfo[] fks = SQLUtilities.getImportedKeys(tables[0], md); for (ForeignKeyInfo existingKey : fks) { if (areEqual(existingKey, fkInfo)) { result = true; break; } } } else { log.error("Couldn't find an exact match for destination table " + destTableName + " in schema " + destSchema + " and catalog " + destCatalog + ". Skipping FK constraint"); } } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("Unexpected exception while attempting to determine if " + "a table (" + destTableName + ") has a particular foreign " + "key"); } return result; } private static boolean areEqual(ForeignKeyInfo fk1, ForeignKeyInfo fk2) { String fk1FKColumn = fk1.getForeignKeyColumnName(); String fk2FKColumn = fk2.getForeignKeyColumnName(); String fk1PKColumn = fk1.getPrimaryKeyColumnName(); String fk2PKColumn = fk2.getPrimaryKeyColumnName(); String fk1FKTable = fk1.getForeignKeyTableName(); String fk2FKTable = fk2.getForeignKeyTableName(); String fk1PKTable = fk1.getPrimaryKeyTableName(); String fk2PKTable = fk2.getPrimaryKeyTableName(); if (!fk1PKColumn.equals(fk2PKColumn)) { return false; } if (!fk1FKColumn.equals(fk2FKColumn)) { return false; } if (!fk1PKTable.equals(fk2PKTable)) { return false; } if (!fk1FKTable.equals(fk2FKTable)) { return false; } return true; } private static boolean containsTable(List<ITableInfo> tableInfos, String table) { boolean result = false; for (ITableInfo ti : tableInfos) { if (table.equalsIgnoreCase(ti.getSimpleName())) { result = true; break; } } return result; } /** * Executes the given SQL using the specified SQLConnection. * * @param con * the SQLConnection to execute the update on. * @param SQL * the statement to execute. * @return either the row count for INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statements, or 0 for SQL statements that * return nothing * @throws SQLException * if a database access error occurs or the given SQL statement produces a ResultSet object */ public static int executeUpdate(ISQLConnection con, String SQL, boolean writeSQL) throws SQLException { Statement stmt = null; int result = 0; try { stmt = con.createStatement(); if (writeSQL) { ScriptWriter.write(SQL); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { // i18n[ Running SQL:\n '{0}'] String msg = s_stringMgr.getString("", SQL); log.debug(msg); } lastStatement = SQL; result = stmt.executeUpdate(SQL); } finally { SQLUtilities.closeStatement(stmt); } return result; } /** * Executes the specified sql statement on the specified connection and returns the ResultSet. * * @param con * @param sql * @param mysqlBigResultFix * if true, provides a work-around which is useful in the case that the connection is to a MySQL * database. If the number of rows is large this will prevent the driver from reading them all into * client memory. MySQL's normal practice is to do such a thing for performance reasons. * @return * @throws Exception */ public static ResultSet executeQuery(ISession session, String sql) throws SQLException { ISQLConnection sqlcon = session.getSQLConnection(); if (sqlcon == null || sql == null) { return null; } Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; Connection con = sqlcon.getConnection(); try { if (DialectFactory.isMySQL(session.getMetaData())) { stmt = con.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); stmt.setFetchSize(Integer.MIN_VALUE); } else if (DialectFactory.isTimesTen(session.getMetaData())) { stmt = con.createStatement(); int fetchSize = _prefs.getSelectFetchSize(); // TimesTen allows a maximum fetch size of 128. if (fetchSize > 128) {"executeQuery: TimesTen allows a maximum fetch size of " + "128. Altering preferred fetch size from " + fetchSize + " to 128."); fetchSize = 128; } stmt.setFetchSize(fetchSize); } else { stmt = con.createStatement(); // Allow the user to set "0" for the fetch size to indicate that // this should not be called. JDBC-ODBC bridge driver fails to // execute SQL once you have set the fetch size to *any* value. if (_prefs.getSelectFetchSize() > 0) { stmt.setFetchSize(_prefs.getSelectFetchSize()); } } } catch (SQLException e) { // Only close the statement if SQLException - otherwise it has to // remain open until the ResultSet is read through by the caller. SQLUtilities.closeResultSet(rs); SQLUtilities.closeStatement(stmt); throw e; } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { // i18n[ Running SQL:\n '{0}'] String msg = s_stringMgr.getString("", sql); log.debug(msg); } try { lastStatement = sql; rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql); } catch (SQLException e) { // Only close the statement if SQLException - otherwise it has to // remain open until the ResultSet is read through by the caller. SQLUtilities.closeStatement(stmt); throw e; } return rs; } /** * Returns a count of the records in the specified table. * * @param con * the SQLConnection to use to execute the count query. * @param tableName * the name of the table. This name should already be qualified by the schema. * * @return -1 if the table does not exist, otherwise the record count is returned. */ private static int getTableCount(ISession session, String tableName) { int result = -1; ResultSet rs = null; try { String sql = "select count(*) from " + tableName; rs = executeQuery(session, sql); if ( { result = rs.getInt(1); } } catch (Exception e) { /* Do Nothing - this can happen when the table doesn't exist */ } finally { SQLUtilities.closeResultSet(rs, true); } return result; } /** * Returns a count of the records in the specified table. * * @param con * the SQLConnection to use to execute the count query. * @param tableName * the name of the table * * @return -1 if the table does not exist, otherwise the record count is returned. */ public static int getTableCount(ISession session, String catalog, String schema, String tableName, int sessionType) throws UserCancelledOperationException { String table = getQualifiedObjectName(session, catalog, schema, tableName, sessionType); return getTableCount(session, table); } public static ITableInfo getTableInfo(ISession session, String schema, String tableName) throws SQLException, MappingException, UserCancelledOperationException { ISQLConnection con = session.getSQLConnection(); // Currently, as of milestone 3, Axion doesn't support "schemas" like // other databases. So, set the schema to emtpy string if we detect // an Axion session. if (con.getSQLMetaData().getDriverName().toLowerCase().startsWith("axion")) { schema = ""; } String catalog = null; // MySQL uses catalogs and not schemas if (DialectFactory.isMySQL(session.getMetaData())) { catalog = schema; schema = null; } // trim the table name in case of HADB tableName = tableName.trim(); ITableInfo[] tis = getTables(session, catalog, schema, tableName); if (tis == null || tis.length == 0) { if (Character.isUpperCase(tableName.charAt(0))) { tableName = tableName.toLowerCase(); } else { tableName = tableName.toUpperCase(); } tis = getTables(session, null, schema, tableName); if (tis.length == 0) { if (Character.isUpperCase(tableName.charAt(0))) { tableName = tableName.toLowerCase(); } else { tableName = tableName.toUpperCase(); } tis = getTables(session, null, schema, tableName); } } if (tis.length == 0) { // i18n[DBUtil.error.tablenotfound=Couldn't locate table '{0}' in // schema '(1)'] String msg = s_stringMgr.getString("DBUtil.error.tablenotfound", new String[] { tableName, schema }); throw new MappingException(msg); } if (tis.length > 1) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("DBUtil.getTableInfo: found " + tis.length + " that matched " + "catalog=" + catalog + " schema=" + schema + " tableName=" + tableName); } } return tis[0]; } public static ITableInfo[] getTables(ISession session, String catalog, String schema, String tableName) { ITableInfo[] result = new ITableInfo[0]; try { SchemaInfo schemaInfo = session.getSchemaInfo(); result = schemaInfo.getITableInfos(catalog, schema, tableName); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Encountered unexpected exception when attempting to " + "call schemaInfo.getTables with catalog = " + catalog + " schema = " + schema + " tableName = " + tableName); } if (result == null || result.length == 0) { // Fallback to the old method, going directly to the database // instead // of using SchemaInfo, since SchemaInfo didn't have it. SQLDatabaseMetaData d = session.getSQLConnection().getSQLMetaData(); result = getTables(d, catalog, schema, tableName); } return result; } private static ITableInfo[] getTables(SQLDatabaseMetaData data, String catalog, String schema, String tableName) { ITableInfo[] result = new ITableInfo[0]; try { result = data.getTables(catalog, schema, tableName, null, null); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Encountered unexpected exception when attempting to " + "call SQLDatabaseMetaData.getTables with catalog = " + catalog + " schema = " + schema + " tableName = " + tableName); } return result; } /** * Decides whether or not the specified column types (java.sql.Type constants) use the same java type to * read from the source database as the one used to write to the destination database. For example, * Types.DECIMAL and Types.NUMERIC both use BigDecimal java type to store the value in between reading and * writing it. Therefore, even though these types are not equal, they are equivalent. This method has not * yet been fully implemented with equivalences from the bindVariable method. * * @param sourceType * the column type as identified by the source database jdbc driver. * @param destType * the column type as identified by the destination database jdbc driver. * @return true if equivalent, false if not. */ public static boolean typesAreEquivalent(int sourceType, int destType) { boolean result = false; if (sourceType == destType) { result = true; } if (sourceType == Types.DECIMAL && destType == Types.NUMERIC) { result = true; } if (sourceType == Types.NUMERIC && destType == Types.DECIMAL) { result = true; } if (sourceType == Types.BOOLEAN && destType == Types.BIT) { result = true; } if (sourceType == Types.BIT && destType == Types.BOOLEAN) { result = true; } return result; } /** * Check to see if the last column retrieved at the specified index was null. If so, bind the specified * PreparedStatement column at the specified index to null and return true. * * @param rs * the ResultSet that was used to read the last row. * @param ps * the PreparedStatement that will be used to insetrt a row into the destination database. * @param index * the column in the row that was last read, whose value we mean to inspect. * @param type * the type of the column. * @return true if last column was null; false otherwise. * @throws SQLException */ private static boolean handleNull(ResultSet rs, PreparedStatement ps, int index, int type) throws SQLException { boolean result = false; if (rs.wasNull()) { ps.setNull(index, type); result = true; } return result; } /** * Takes the specified colInfo, gets the data type to see if it is 1111(OTHER). If so then get the type * name and try to match a jdbc type with the same name to get it's type code. * * @param colInfo * information about the column * @param session * the session that the specified column info came from. * @return the data type code * @throws MappingException */ public static int replaceOtherDataType(TableColumnInfo colInfo, ISession session) throws MappingException { int colJdbcType = colInfo.getDataType(); if (colJdbcType == java.sql.Types.OTHER) { try { HibernateDialect dialect = DialectFactory.getDialect(session.getMetaData()); String typeName = colInfo.getTypeName().toUpperCase(); int parenIndex = typeName.indexOf("("); if (parenIndex != -1) { typeName = typeName.substring(0, parenIndex); } colJdbcType = dialect.getJavaTypeForNativeType(colInfo.getTypeName()); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("replaceOtherDataType: unexpected exception - " + e.getMessage()); } } return colJdbcType; } /** * This is postgresql specific. If the session is pg, and the colInfo has a DISTINCT type (Java SQl Type * 2001)then this will query the information_schema, looking for the native type name of the column which * backs the DISINCT type. A distinct type is like a type alias - it is defined in SQL-99 as a UDT. * * @param colInfo * the TableColumnInfo representing the column. * @param session * the session to the database that the column is defined in. * @return the type code of the matching type, or if not found, the type code is taken from the specified * colInfo */ public static int replaceDistinctDataType(int colJdbcType, TableColumnInfo colInfo, ISession session) { if (colJdbcType == java.sql.Types.DISTINCT && DialectFactory.isPostgreSQL(session.getMetaData())) { Connection con = session.getSQLConnection().getConnection(); PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { String sql = "SELECT data_type " + "FROM information_schema.columns " + "where column_name = ? "; if (colInfo.getSchemaName() != null) { sql += " and table_schema = ? "; } pstmt = con.prepareStatement(sql); pstmt.setString(1, colInfo.getColumnName()); if (colInfo.getSchemaName() != null) { pstmt.setString(2, colInfo.getSchemaName()); } rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); if ( { String nativeTypeName = rs.getString(1); colJdbcType = JDBCTypeMapper.getJdbcType(nativeTypeName.toUpperCase(), colJdbcType); } } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("replaceDistinctDataType: Unexpected exception - " + e, e); } finally { SQLUtilities.closeStatement(pstmt); } } return colJdbcType; } /** * Reads the value from the specified ResultSet at column index index, and based on the type, calls the * appropriate setXXX method on ps with the value obtained. * * @param ps * @param sourceColType * @param destColType * @param index * @param rs * @return a string representation of the value that was bound. * @throws SQLException */ public static String bindVariable(PreparedStatement ps, int sourceColType, int destColType, int index, ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { String result = "null"; switch (sourceColType) { case Types.ARRAY: Array arrayVal = rs.getArray(index); result = getValue(arrayVal); ps.setArray(index, arrayVal); break; case Types.BIGINT: long bigintVal = rs.getLong(index); if (!handleNull(rs, ps, index, destColType)) { result = Long.toString(bigintVal); ps.setLong(index, bigintVal); } break; case Types.BINARY: result = bindBlobVar(ps, index, rs, destColType); break; case Types.BIT: // JDBC spec says that BIT refers to a boolean column - i.e. a // single binary digit with value either "0" or "1". Also // the same spec encourages use of getBoolean/setBoolean. // However, the SQL-92 standard clearly states that the BIT type // is a bit string with length >= 0. So for SQL-92 compliant // databases (like PostgreSQL) the JDBC spec's support for BIT // is at best broken and unusable. Still, we do what the JDBC // spec suggests as that is all that we can do. // TODO: just noticed that MySQL 5.0 supports a multi-bit BIT // column by using the getObject/setObject methods with a byte[]. // So it would be valuable at some point to make this code a bit // more dbms-specific boolean bitValue = rs.getBoolean(index); if (!handleNull(rs, ps, index, destColType)) { result = Boolean.toString(bitValue); ps.setBoolean(index, bitValue); } break; case Types.BLOB: result = bindBlobVar(ps, index, rs, destColType); break; case Types.BOOLEAN: boolean booleanValue = rs.getBoolean(index); if (!handleNull(rs, ps, index, destColType)) { result = Boolean.toString(booleanValue); // HACK: some dbs (like Frontbase) don't support boolean // types. I've tried tinyint, bit and boolean as the column // type, and setBoolean fails for all three. It's a mystery // at this point what column the getBoolean/setBoolean methods // actually work on iin FrontBase. switch (destColType) { case Types.TINYINT: case Types.SMALLINT: case Types.BIGINT: case Types.INTEGER: ps.setInt(index, booleanValue ? 1 : 0); break; case Types.FLOAT: ps.setFloat(index, booleanValue ? 1 : 0); break; case Types.DOUBLE: ps.setDouble(index, booleanValue ? 1 : 0); break; case Types.VARCHAR: case Types.CHAR: ps.setString(index, booleanValue ? "1" : "0"); break; default: ps.setBoolean(index, booleanValue); break; } } break; case Types.CHAR: String charValue = rs.getString(index); if (!handleNull(rs, ps, index, destColType)) { result = charValue; ps.setString(index, charValue); } break; case Types.CLOB: bindClobVar(ps, index, rs, destColType); break; case Types.DATALINK: // TODO: is this right??? Object datalinkValue = rs.getObject(index); if (!handleNull(rs, ps, index, destColType)) { result = getValue(datalinkValue); ps.setObject(index, datalinkValue); } break; case Types.DATE: Date dateValue = rs.getDate(index); if (!handleNull(rs, ps, index, destColType)) { // TODO: use the destination database type to derive a // format that is acceptable. result = getValue(dateValue); ps.setDate(index, dateValue); } break; case Types.DECIMAL: BigDecimal decimalValue = rs.getBigDecimal(index); if (!handleNull(rs, ps, index, destColType)) { result = getValue(decimalValue); ps.setBigDecimal(index, decimalValue); } break; case Types.DISTINCT: // TODO: is this right??? Object distinctValue = rs.getObject(index); if (!handleNull(rs, ps, index, destColType)) { result = getValue(distinctValue); ps.setObject(index, distinctValue); } break; case Types.DOUBLE: double doubleValue = rs.getDouble(index); if (!handleNull(rs, ps, index, destColType)) { result = Double.toString(doubleValue); ps.setDouble(index, doubleValue); } break; case Types.FLOAT: // SQL FLOAT requires support for 15 digits of mantissa. double floatValue = rs.getDouble(index); if (!handleNull(rs, ps, index, destColType)) { result = Double.toString(floatValue); ps.setDouble(index, floatValue); } break; case Types.INTEGER: int integerValue = rs.getInt(index); if (!handleNull(rs, ps, index, destColType)) { result = Integer.toString(integerValue); ps.setInt(index, integerValue); } break; case Types.JAVA_OBJECT: Object objectValue = rs.getObject(index); if (!handleNull(rs, ps, index, destColType)) { result = getValue(objectValue); ps.setObject(index, objectValue); } break; case Types.LONGVARBINARY: result = bindBlobVar(ps, index, rs, destColType); break; case Types.LONGVARCHAR: String longvarcharValue = rs.getString(index); if (!handleNull(rs, ps, index, destColType)) { result = longvarcharValue; ps.setString(index, longvarcharValue); } break; case Types.NULL: // TODO: is this right??? ps.setNull(index, Types.NULL); break; case Types.NUMERIC: BigDecimal numericValue = rs.getBigDecimal(index); if (!handleNull(rs, ps, index, destColType)) { result = getValue(numericValue); ps.setBigDecimal(index, numericValue); } break; case Types.OTHER: // TODO: figure out a more reliable way to handle OTHER type // which indicates a database-specific type. String testValue = rs.getString(index); if (!handleNull(rs, ps, index, destColType)) { try { Double.parseDouble(testValue); double numberValue = rs.getDouble(index); ps.setDouble(index, numberValue); } catch (SQLException e) { byte[] otherValue = rs.getBytes(index); result = getValue(otherValue); ps.setBytes(index, otherValue); } } break; case Types.REAL: float realValue = rs.getFloat(index); if (!handleNull(rs, ps, index, destColType)) { result = Float.toString(realValue); ps.setFloat(index, realValue); } break; case Types.REF: Ref refValue = rs.getRef(index); if (!handleNull(rs, ps, index, destColType)) { result = getValue(refValue); ps.setRef(index, refValue); } break; case Types.SMALLINT: short smallintValue = rs.getShort(index); if (!handleNull(rs, ps, index, destColType)) { result = Short.toString(smallintValue); ps.setShort(index, smallintValue); } break; case Types.STRUCT: Object structValue = rs.getObject(index); if (!handleNull(rs, ps, index, destColType)) { result = getValue(structValue); ps.setObject(index, structValue); } break; case Types.TIME: Time timeValue = rs.getTime(index); // TODO: use the destination database type to derive a format // that is acceptable. if (!handleNull(rs, ps, index, destColType)) { result = getValue(timeValue); ps.setTime(index, timeValue); } break; case Types.TIMESTAMP: Timestamp timestampValue = rs.getTimestamp(index); // TODO: use the destination database type to derive a format // that is acceptable. if (!handleNull(rs, ps, index, destColType)) { result = getValue(timestampValue); ps.setTimestamp(index, timestampValue); } break; case Types.TINYINT: byte tinyintValue = rs.getByte(index); if (!handleNull(rs, ps, index, destColType)) { result = Byte.toString(tinyintValue); ps.setByte(index, tinyintValue); } break; case Types.VARBINARY: result = bindBlobVar(ps, index, rs, destColType); break; case Types.VARCHAR: String varcharValue = rs.getString(index); if (!handleNull(rs, ps, index, destColType)) { result = varcharValue; ps.setString(index, varcharValue); } break; default: // i18n[DBUtil.error.unknowntype=Unknown Java SQL column type: '{0}'] String msg = s_stringMgr.getString("DBUtil.error.unknowntype", Integer.valueOf(sourceColType)); log.error(msg); // We still have to bind a value, or else the PS will throw // an exception. String value = rs.getString(index); if (!handleNull(rs, ps, index, destColType)) { result = value; ps.setString(index, value); } break; } return result; } private static String bindClobVar(PreparedStatement ps, int index, ResultSet rs, int type) throws SQLException { String result = "null"; if (_prefs.isUseFileCaching()) { try { bindClobVarInFile(ps, index, rs, type); } catch (Exception e) { // i18n[DBUtil.error.bindclobfailure=bindBlobVar: failed to // bind blob using filesystem - attempting to bind blob using // memory] String msg = s_stringMgr.getString("DBUtil.error.bindclobfailure"); log.error(msg, e); // if we failed to bind the blob in a file, try memory. result = bindClobVarInMemory(ps, index, rs, type); } } else { result = bindClobVarInMemory(ps, index, rs, type); } return result; } private static String bindBlobVar(PreparedStatement ps, int index, ResultSet rs, int type) throws SQLException { String result = "null"; if (_prefs.isUseFileCaching()) { try { bindBlobVarInFile(ps, index, rs, type); } catch (Exception e) { // i18n[DBUtil.error.bindblobfailure=bindBlobVar: failed to // bind blob using filesystem - attempting to bind blob using // memory] String msg = s_stringMgr.getString("DBUtil.error.bindblobfailure"); log.error(msg, e); // if we failed to bind the blob in a file, try memory. result = bindBlobVarInMemory(ps, index, rs, type); } } else { result = bindBlobVarInMemory(ps, index, rs, type); } return result; } private static String bindClobVarInMemory(PreparedStatement ps, int index, ResultSet rs, int type) throws SQLException { String clobValue = rs.getString(index); if (rs.wasNull()) { ps.setNull(index, type); return "null"; } String result = getValue(clobValue); if (log.isDebugEnabled() && clobValue != null) { // i18n[ binding '{0}' bytes] String msg = s_stringMgr.getString("", Integer.valueOf(clobValue.length())); log.debug(msg); } ps.setString(index, clobValue); return result; } private static String bindBlobVarInMemory(PreparedStatement ps, int index, ResultSet rs, int type) throws SQLException { byte[] blobValue = rs.getBytes(index); if (rs.wasNull()) { ps.setNull(index, type); return "null"; } String result = getValue(blobValue); if (log.isDebugEnabled() && blobValue != null) { // i18n[ binding '{0}' bytes] String msg = s_stringMgr.getString("", Integer.valueOf(blobValue.length)); log.debug(msg); } ps.setBytes(index, blobValue); return result; } private static void bindClobVarInFile(PreparedStatement ps, int index, ResultSet rs, int type) throws IOException, SQLException { // get ascii stream from rs InputStream is = rs.getAsciiStream(index); if (rs.wasNull()) { ps.setNull(index, type); return; } // Open file output stream long millis = System.currentTimeMillis(); File f = File.createTempFile("clob", "" + millis); f.deleteOnExit(); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(f); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { // i18n[ Opening temp file '{0}'] String msg = s_stringMgr.getString("", f.getAbsolutePath()); log.debug(msg); } // read rs input stream write to file output stream byte[] buf = new byte[_prefs.getFileCacheBufferSize()]; int length = 0; int total = 0; while ((length = >= 0) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { // i18n[ writing '{0}' bytes.] String msg = s_stringMgr.getString("", Integer.valueOf(length)); log.debug(msg); } fos.write(buf, 0, length); total += length; } fos.close(); // set the ps to read from the file we just created. FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(f); BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(fis); ps.setAsciiStream(index, bis, total); } private static void bindBlobVarInFile(PreparedStatement ps, int index, ResultSet rs, int type) throws IOException, SQLException { // get binary stream from rs InputStream is = rs.getBinaryStream(index); if (rs.wasNull()) { ps.setNull(index, type); return; } // Open file output stream long millis = System.currentTimeMillis(); File f = File.createTempFile("blob", "" + millis); f.deleteOnExit(); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(f); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { // i18n[ Opening temp file '{0}'] String msg = s_stringMgr.getString("", f.getAbsolutePath()); log.debug(msg); } // read rs input stream write to file output stream byte[] buf = new byte[_prefs.getFileCacheBufferSize()]; int length = 0; int total = 0; while ((length = >= 0) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { // i18n[ writing '{0}' bytes.] String msg = s_stringMgr.getString("", Integer.valueOf(length)); log.debug(msg); } fos.write(buf, 0, length); total += length; } fos.close(); // set the ps to read from the file we just created. FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(f); BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(fis); ps.setBinaryStream(index, bis, total); } /** * Returns the string representation of the specified object, or "null" if the specified object is null. * * @param o * @return */ private static String getValue(Object o) { if (o != null) { return o.toString(); } return "null"; } /** * * @param con * @param synonym * @param columnName * @return * @throws SQLException */ public static int getColumnType(ISQLConnection con, ITableInfo ti, String columnName) throws SQLException { int result = -1; if (ti != null) { TableColumnInfo[] tciArr = con.getSQLMetaData().getColumnInfo(ti); for (int i = 0; i < tciArr.length; i++) { if (tciArr[i].getColumnName().equalsIgnoreCase(columnName)) { result = tciArr[i].getDataType(); break; } } } return result; } public static int[] getColumnTypes(ISQLConnection con, ITableInfo ti, String[] colNames) throws SQLException { TableColumnInfo[] tciArr = con.getSQLMetaData().getColumnInfo(ti); int[] result = new int[tciArr.length]; for (int i = 0; i < tciArr.length; i++) { boolean found = false; for (int j = 0; j < colNames.length && !found; j++) { String columnName = colNames[j]; if (tciArr[i].getColumnName().equalsIgnoreCase(columnName)) { result[i] = tciArr[i].getDataType(); found = true; } } } return result; } public static boolean tableHasPrimaryKey(ISQLConnection con, ITableInfo ti) throws SQLException { boolean result = false; ResultSet rs = null; try { DatabaseMetaData md = con.getConnection().getMetaData(); String cat = ti.getCatalogName(); String schema = ti.getSchemaName(); String tableName = ti.getSimpleName(); rs = md.getPrimaryKeys(cat, schema, tableName); if ( { result = true; } } finally { SQLUtilities.closeResultSet(rs); } return result; } /** * Check the specified session to determine if the specified data is a keyword. * * @param session * @param data * @return */ public static boolean isKeyword(ISession session, String data) { return session.getSchemaInfo().isKeyword(data); } /** * Deletes existing data from the destination connection specified in the specified table. This will use * preferences to determine if truncate command is preferred. If truncate is preferred and fails, then * delete will be attempted. * * @param con * @param tablename * @throws SQLException */ public static void deleteDataInExistingTable(ISession session, String catalogName, String schemaName, String tableName) throws SQLException, UserCancelledOperationException { ISQLConnection con = session.getSQLConnection(); boolean useTrunc = PreferencesManager.getPreferences().isUseTruncate(); String fullTableName = getQualifiedObjectName(session, catalogName, schemaName, tableName, DialectFactory.DEST_TYPE); String truncSQL = "TRUNCATE TABLE " + fullTableName; String deleteSQL = "DELETE FROM " + fullTableName; try { if (useTrunc) { DBUtil.executeUpdate(con, truncSQL, true); } else { DBUtil.executeUpdate(con, deleteSQL, true); } } catch (SQLException e) { // If truncate was attempted and not supported, then try delete. // If on the other hand delete was attempted, just throw the // SQLException that resulted from the delete. if (useTrunc) { DBUtil.executeUpdate(con, deleteSQL, true); } else { throw e; } } } /** * This will take into account any special needs that the destination session has with regard to user * preferences, and throw a MappingException if any user preference isn't valid for the specified * destination session. * * @param destSession */ public static void sanityCheckPreferences(ISession destSession) throws MappingException { if (DialectFactory.isFirebird(destSession.getMetaData())) { if (!PreferencesManager.getPreferences().isCommitAfterTableDefs()) { // TODO: maybe instead of throwing an exception, we could ask // the user if they would like us to adjust their preference for // them. // i18n[DBUtil.error.firebirdcommit=Firebird requires commit // table create before inserting records. Please adjust your // preferences.] String msg = s_stringMgr.getString("DBUtil.error.firebirdcommit"); throw new MappingException(msg); } } } public static String getCreateTableSql(SessionInfoProvider prov, ITableInfo ti, String destTableName, String destSchema, String destCatalog) throws SQLException, MappingException, UserCancelledOperationException { ISession sourceSession = prov.getSourceSession(); String sourceSchema = prov.getSourceDatabaseObjects().get(0).getSchemaName(); String sourceCatalog = prov.getSourceDatabaseObjects().get(0).getCatalogName(); String sourceTableName = getQualifiedObjectName(sourceSession, sourceCatalog, sourceSchema, ti.getSimpleName(), DialectFactory.SOURCE_TYPE); ISession destSession = prov.getDestSession(); // String destSchema = getSchemaNameFromDbObject(prov.getDestDatabaseObject()); // String destCatalog = prov.getDestDatabaseObject().getCatalogName(); String destinationTableName = getQualifiedObjectName(destSession, destCatalog, destSchema, destTableName, DialectFactory.DEST_TYPE); StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder("CREATE TABLE "); result.append(destinationTableName); result.append(" ( "); result.append("\n"); TableColumnInfo colInfo = null; try { ISQLConnection sourceCon = prov.getSourceSession().getSQLConnection(); TableColumnInfo[] colInfoArr = sourceCon.getSQLMetaData().getColumnInfo(ti); if (colInfoArr.length == 0) { // i18n[DBUtil.error.nocolumns=Table '{0}' in schema '{1}' has // no columns to copy] String msg = s_stringMgr.getString("DBUtil.error.nocolumns", new String[] { ti.getSimpleName(), ti.getSchemaName() }); throw new MappingException(msg); } for (int i = 0; i < colInfoArr.length; i++) { colInfo = colInfoArr[i]; result.append("\t"); String columnSql = DBUtil.getColumnSql(prov, colInfo, sourceTableName, destinationTableName); result.append(columnSql); if (i < colInfoArr.length - 1) { result.append(",\n"); } } // If the user wants the primary key copied and the source session // isn't Axion (Axion throws SQLException for getPrimaryKeys()) // TODO: Perhaps we can tell the user when they click "Copy Table" // if the source session is Axion and they want primary keys that // it's not possible. if (_prefs.isCopyPrimaryKeys() && !DialectFactory.isAxion(sourceSession.getMetaData())) { String pkString = DBUtil.getPKColumnString(sourceCon, ti); if (pkString != null) { result.append(",\n\tPRIMARY KEY "); result.append(pkString); } } result.append(")"); } catch (MappingException e) { if (colInfo != null) { // i18n[DBUtil.error.maptype=Couldn't map type for table='{0}' // column='{1}'] String msg = s_stringMgr.getString("DBUtil.error.maptype", new String[] { destinationTableName, colInfo.getColumnName() }); log.error(msg, e); } throw e; } return result.toString(); } /** * * @param con * @param ti * @return * @throws SQLException */ public static String getColumnList(TableColumnInfo[] colInfoArr) throws SQLException { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < colInfoArr.length; i++) { TableColumnInfo colInfo = colInfoArr[i]; String columnName = colInfo.getColumnName(); result.append(columnName); if (i < colInfoArr.length - 1) { result.append(", "); } } return result.toString(); } /** * Uses the column type mapper to get the column type and appends that to the name with an optional not * null modifier. * * * @param colInfo * @throws UserCancelledOperationException * @throws MappingException */ public static String getColumnSql(SessionInfoProvider prov, TableColumnInfo colInfo, String sourceTableName, String destTableName) throws UserCancelledOperationException, MappingException { String columnName = colInfo.getColumnName(); if (_prefs.isCheckKeywords()) { checkKeyword(prov.getDestSession(), destTableName, columnName); } String typeName = ColTypeMapper.mapColType(prov.getSourceSession(), prov.getDestSession(), colInfo, sourceTableName, destTableName); String columnDefinitionString; if (typeName.contains("(")) { columnDefinitionString = columnName + " " + typeName; } else { // For example for HSQL varchar types do not get length from ColTypeMapper.mapColType(...) // We use this here as a fallback. columnDefinitionString = SQLUtilities.createColumnDefinitionString(columnName, typeName, colInfo.getColumnSize(), colInfo.getDecimalDigits()); } StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(columnDefinitionString); boolean notNullable = colInfo.isNullable().equalsIgnoreCase("NO"); if (notNullable) { result.append(" NOT NULL"); } else { ISession destSession = prov.getDestSession(); HibernateDialect d = DialectFactory.getDialect(DialectFactory.DEST_TYPE, destSession.getApplication().getMainFrame(), destSession.getMetaData()); String nullString = d.getNullColumnString().toUpperCase(); result.append(nullString); } return result.toString(); } /** * Checks the specified column is not a keyword in the specified session. * * @param session * the session whose keywords to check against * @param table * the name of the table to use in the error message * @param column * the name of the column to check * * @throws MappingException * if the specified column is a keyword in the specified session */ public static void checkKeyword(ISession session, String table, String column) throws MappingException { if (isKeyword(session, column)) { String message = getMessage("DBUtil.mappingErrorKeyword", new String[] { table, column }); throw new MappingException(message); } } /** * * @param sourceConn * @param ti * @param column * @return * @throws SQLException */ public static String getColumnName(ISQLConnection sourceConn, ITableInfo ti, int column) throws SQLException { TableColumnInfo[] infoArr = sourceConn.getSQLMetaData().getColumnInfo(ti); TableColumnInfo colInfo = infoArr[column]; return colInfo.getColumnName(); } /** * * @param sourceConn * @param ti * @return * @throws SQLException */ public static String[] getColumnNames(ISQLConnection sourceConn, ITableInfo ti) throws SQLException { TableColumnInfo[] infoArr = sourceConn.getSQLMetaData().getColumnInfo(ti); String[] result = new String[infoArr.length]; for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { TableColumnInfo colInfo = infoArr[i]; result[i] = colInfo.getColumnName(); } return result; } /** * * @param columnList * @param ti * @return * @throws SQLException */ public static String getSelectQuery(SessionInfoProvider prov, String columnList, ITableInfo ti) throws SQLException, UserCancelledOperationException { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder("select "); result.append(columnList); result.append(" from "); ISession sourceSession = prov.getSourceSession(); String tableName = getQualifiedObjectName(sourceSession, ti.getCatalogName(), ti.getSchemaName(), ti.getSimpleName(), DialectFactory.SOURCE_TYPE); result.append(tableName); return result.toString(); } /** * * @param sourceConn * @param columnList * @param ti * @return * @throws SQLException */ public static String getInsertSQL(SessionInfoProvider prov, String columnList, ITableInfo ti, int columnCount) throws SQLException, UserCancelledOperationException { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); result.append("insert into "); String destSchema = DBUtil.getSchemaNameFromDbObject(prov.getDestDatabaseObject()); String destCatalog = prov.getDestDatabaseObject().getCatalogName(); ISession destSession = prov.getDestSession(); result.append(getQualifiedObjectName(destSession, destCatalog, destSchema, ti.getSimpleName(), DialectFactory.DEST_TYPE)); result.append(" ( "); result.append(columnList); result.append(" ) values ( "); result.append(getQuestionMarks(columnCount)); result.append(" )"); return result.toString(); } /** * Returns a boolean value indicating whether or not the specified TableColumnInfo represents a database * column that holds binary type data. * * @param columnInfo * the TableColumnInfo to examine * @return true if binary; false otherwise. */ public static boolean isBinaryType(TableColumnInfo columnInfo) { boolean result = false; int type = columnInfo.getDataType(); if (type == Types.BINARY || type == Types.BLOB || type == Types.LONGVARBINARY || type == Types.VARBINARY) { result = true; } return result; } /** * Decide whether or not the session specified needs fully qualified table names (schema.table). In most * databases this is optional (Oracle). In others it is required (Progress). In still others it must not * occur. (Axion, Hypersonic) * * @param session * @param catalogName * @param schemaName * @param objectName * @return * @throws UserCancelledOperationException */ public static String getQualifiedObjectName(ISession session, String catalogName, String schemaName, String objectName, int sessionType) { String catalog = catalogName; String schema = schemaName; String object = objectName; // Bug #1714476 (DB copy uses wrong case for table names): When the // catalog/schema/object names come from the source session, don't mess // with the case, as the case is provided by the driver for the existing // table, and doesn't need to be fixed. if (sessionType == DialectFactory.DEST_TYPE) { catalog = fixCase(session, catalogName); schema = fixCase(session, schemaName); object = fixCase(session, objectName); } ISQLDatabaseMetaData md = session.getMetaData(); boolean useSchema = true; boolean useCatalog = true; try { useCatalog = md.supportsCatalogsInTableDefinitions(); } catch (SQLException e) {"Encountered unexpected exception while attempting to " + "determine if catalogs are used in table definitions"); } try { useSchema = md.supportsSchemasInTableDefinitions(); } catch (SQLException e) {"Encountered unexpected exception while attempting to " + "determine if schemas are used in table definitions"); } if (!useCatalog && !useSchema) { return object; } if ((catalog == null || catalog.equals("")) && (schema == null || schema.equals(""))) { return object; } StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); if (useCatalog && catalog != null && !catalog.equals("")) { result.append(catalog); result.append(getCatSep(session)); } if (useSchema && schema != null && !schema.equals("")) { result.append(schema); result.append("."); } result.append(object); return result.toString(); } public static String getCatSep(ISession session) { String catsep = "."; try { ISQLDatabaseMetaData md = session.getMetaData(); catsep = md.getCatalogSeparator(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("getCatSep: Unexpected Exception - " + e.getMessage(), e); } return catsep; } /** * Uppercase / Lowercase / Mixedcase identifiers are a big problem. Some databases support mixing case * (like McKoi) others force identifier case to all uppercase or all lowercase. Some (like MySQL) can be * configured to care or not care about case as well as depending on the platform the database is on. This * method attempt to use the metadata from the driver to "fix" the case of the identifier to be acceptable * for the specified session. * * @param session * the session whose disposition on case we care about. * @param identifier * @return */ public static String fixCase(ISession session, String identifier) { if (identifier == null || identifier.equals("")) { return identifier; } try { DatabaseMetaData md = session.getSQLConnection().getConnection().getMetaData(); // Don't change the case of the identifier if database allows mixed // case. if (md.storesMixedCaseIdentifiers()) { return identifier; } // Fix the case according to what the database tells us. if (md.storesUpperCaseIdentifiers()) { return identifier.toUpperCase(); } else { return identifier.toLowerCase(); } } catch (SQLException e) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("fixCase: unexpected exception: " + e.getMessage()); } return identifier; } } /** * Generates a string of question marks which are used for creating PreparedStatements. The question marks * are delimited by commas. * * @param count * the number of question marks (representing PS bind variables). * @return */ private static String getQuestionMarks(int count) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { result.append("?"); if (i < count - 1) { result.append(", "); } } return result.toString(); } /** * * @param sourceConn * @param ti * @return * @throws SQLException */ public static int getColumnCount(ISQLConnection sourceConn, ITableInfo ti) throws SQLException { return sourceConn.getSQLMetaData().getColumnInfo(ti).length; } /** * * @param con * @param ti * @param column * @return * @throws SQLException */ public static int getColumnType(ISQLConnection con, ITableInfo ti, int column) throws SQLException { TableColumnInfo[] infoArr = con.getSQLMetaData().getColumnInfo(ti); TableColumnInfo colInfo = infoArr[column]; return colInfo.getDataType(); } public static int[] getColumnTypes(ISQLConnection con, ITableInfo ti) throws SQLException { TableColumnInfo[] infoArr = con.getSQLMetaData().getColumnInfo(ti); int[] result = new int[infoArr.length]; for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { TableColumnInfo colInfo = infoArr[i]; result[i] = colInfo.getDataType(); } return result; } public static void validateColumnNames(ITableInfo ti, SessionInfoProvider prov) throws MappingException, UserCancelledOperationException { if (prov == null) { return; } ISession sourceSession = prov.getSourceSession(); ISession destSession = prov.getDestSession(); if (sourceSession == null || destSession == null) { return; } ISQLConnection sourceCon = sourceSession.getSQLConnection(); ISQLConnection con = destSession.getSQLConnection(); TableColumnInfo[] colInfoArr = null; try { colInfoArr = sourceCon.getSQLMetaData().getColumnInfo(ti); } catch (SQLException e) { // ignore any SQLExceptions. This would only if we could not get // column info from the SQL database meta data. return; } for (int colIdx = 0; colIdx < colInfoArr.length; colIdx++) { TableColumnInfo colInfo = colInfoArr[colIdx]; IDatabaseObjectInfo selectedDestObj = prov.getDestDatabaseObject(); String schema = selectedDestObj.getSimpleName(); String catalog = selectedDestObj.getCatalogName(); String tableName = getQualifiedObjectName(destSession, catalog, schema, TEST_TABLE_NAME, DialectFactory.DEST_TYPE); StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("CREATE TABLE "); sql.append(tableName); sql.append(" ( "); sql.append(colInfo.getColumnName()); sql.append(" CHAR(10) )"); boolean cascade = DialectFactory.isFrontBase(destSession.getMetaData()); try { dropTable(TEST_TABLE_NAME, schema, catalog, destSession, cascade, DialectFactory.DEST_TYPE); DBUtil.executeUpdate(con, sql.toString(), false); } catch (SQLException e) { String message = getMessage("DBUtil.mappingErrorKeyword", new String[] { ti.getSimpleName(), colInfo.getColumnName() }); log.error(message, e); throw new MappingException(message); } finally { dropTable(tableName, schema, catalog, destSession, cascade, DialectFactory.DEST_TYPE); } } } public static boolean dropTable(String tableName, String schemaName, String catalogName, ISession session, boolean cascade, int sessionType) throws UserCancelledOperationException { boolean result = false; ISQLConnection con = session.getSQLConnection(); String table = getQualifiedObjectName(session, catalogName, schemaName, tableName, sessionType); String dropsql = "DROP TABLE " + table; if (cascade) { dropsql += " CASCADE"; } try { DBUtil.executeUpdate(con, dropsql, false); result = true; } catch (SQLException e) { /* Do nothing */ } return result; } public static boolean sameDatabaseType(ISession session1, ISession session2) { boolean result = false; String driver1ClassName = session1.getDriver().getDriverClassName(); String driver2ClassName = session2.getDriver().getDriverClassName(); if (driver1ClassName.equals(driver2ClassName)) { result = true; } return result; } /** * Gets the SQL statement which can be used to select the maximum length of the current data found in * tableName within the specified column. * * @param sourceSession * @param colInfo * @param tableName * @param tableNameIsQualified * TODO * @return */ public static String getMaxColumnLengthSQL(ISession sourceSession, TableColumnInfo colInfo, String tableName, boolean tableNameIsQualified) throws UserCancelledOperationException { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); HibernateDialect dialect = DialectFactory.getDialect(DialectFactory.SOURCE_TYPE, sourceSession.getApplication().getMainFrame(), sourceSession.getMetaData()); String lengthFunction = dialect.getLengthFunction(colInfo.getDataType()); if (lengthFunction == null) { log.error("Length function is null for dialect=" + dialect.getClass().getName() + ". Using 'length'"); lengthFunction = "length"; } String maxFunction = dialect.getMaxFunction(); if (maxFunction == null) { log.error("Max function is null for dialect=" + dialect.getClass().getName() + ". Using 'max'"); maxFunction = "max"; } result.append("select "); result.append(maxFunction); result.append("("); result.append(lengthFunction); result.append("("); result.append(colInfo.getColumnName()); result.append(")) from "); String table = tableName; if (!tableNameIsQualified) { table = getQualifiedObjectName(sourceSession, colInfo.getCatalogName(), colInfo.getSchemaName(), tableName, DialectFactory.SOURCE_TYPE); } result.append(table); return result.toString(); } /** * @param lastStatement * the lastStatement to set */ public static void setLastStatement(String lastStatement) { DBUtil.lastStatement = lastStatement; } /** * @return the lastStatement */ public static String getLastStatement() { return lastStatement; } public static void setLastStatementValues(String values) { lastStatementValues = values; } public static String getLastStatementValues() { return lastStatementValues; } public static List<ITableInfo> convertObjectToTableList(List<IDatabaseObjectInfo> objectInfoList) { List<ITableInfo> result = new ArrayList<ITableInfo>(); for (IDatabaseObjectInfo info : objectInfoList) { result.add((ITableInfo) info); } return result; } public static List<ITableInfo> convertObjectArrayToTableList(IDatabaseObjectInfo[] objectInfoArr) { List<ITableInfo> selectedTables = new ArrayList<ITableInfo>(); for (int i = 0; i < objectInfoArr.length; i++) { selectedTables.add((ITableInfo) objectInfoArr[i]); } return selectedTables; } public static List<IDatabaseObjectInfo> convertTableToObjectList(List<ITableInfo> tableInfoList) { List<IDatabaseObjectInfo> result = new ArrayList<IDatabaseObjectInfo>(); for (IDatabaseObjectInfo info : tableInfoList) { result.add(info); } return result; } public static String getSchemaNameFromDbObject(IDatabaseObjectInfo dbObject) { String destSchema; if (dbObject.getDatabaseObjectType().equals(DatabaseObjectType.SCHEMA)) { destSchema = dbObject.getSimpleName(); } else { destSchema = dbObject.getSchemaName(); } return destSchema; } public static IDatabaseObjectInfo getSchemaFromDbObject(IDatabaseObjectInfo dbObject, SchemaInfo schemaInfo) { if (dbObject.getDatabaseObjectType().equals(DatabaseObjectType.SCHEMA)) { return dbObject; } else { return new DatabaseObjectInfo(dbObject.getCatalogName(), dbObject.getSchemaName(), dbObject.getSimpleName(), DatabaseObjectType.SCHEMA, schemaInfo.getSQLDatabaseMetaData()); } } }