Java tutorial
/** * BSD-style license; for more info see */ package; import static; import static; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class LinguisticNamingRule extends AbstractIgnoredAnnotationRule { private static final PropertyDescriptor<Boolean> CHECK_BOOLEAN_METHODS = booleanProperty("checkBooleanMethod") .defaultValue(true).desc("Check method names and types for inconsistent naming.").build(); private static final PropertyDescriptor<Boolean> CHECK_GETTERS = booleanProperty("checkGetters") .defaultValue(true).desc("Check return type of getters.").build(); private static final PropertyDescriptor<Boolean> CHECK_SETTERS = booleanProperty("checkSetters") .defaultValue(true).desc("Check return type of setters.").build(); private static final PropertyDescriptor<Boolean> CHECK_PREFIXED_TRANSFORM_METHODS = booleanProperty( "checkPrefixedTransformMethods").desc( "Check return type of methods whose names start with the configured prefix (see transformMethodNames property).") .defaultValue(true).build(); private static final PropertyDescriptor<Boolean> CHECK_TRANSFORM_METHODS = booleanProperty( "checkTransformMethods").desc( "Check return type of methods which contain the configured infix in their name (see transformMethodNames property).") .defaultValue(false).build(); private static final PropertyDescriptor<Boolean> CHECK_FIELDS = booleanProperty("checkFields") .defaultValue(true).desc("Check field names and types for inconsistent naming.").build(); private static final PropertyDescriptor<Boolean> CHECK_VARIABLES = booleanProperty("checkVariables") .defaultValue(true).desc("Check local variable names and types for inconsistent naming.").build(); private static final PropertyDescriptor<List<String>> BOOLEAN_METHOD_PREFIXES_PROPERTY = stringListProperty( "booleanMethodPrefixes").desc("The prefixes of methods that return boolean.") .defaultValues("is", "has", "can", "have", "will", "should").build(); private static final PropertyDescriptor<List<String>> TRANSFORM_METHOD_NAMES_PROPERTY = stringListProperty( "transformMethodNames").desc("The prefixes and infixes that indicate a transform method.") .defaultValues("to", "as").build(); private static final PropertyDescriptor<List<String>> BOOLEAN_FIELD_PREFIXES_PROPERTY = stringListProperty( "booleanFieldPrefixes").desc("The prefixes of fields and variables that indicate boolean.") .defaultValues("is", "has", "can", "have", "will", "should").build(); public LinguisticNamingRule() { definePropertyDescriptor(CHECK_BOOLEAN_METHODS); definePropertyDescriptor(CHECK_GETTERS); definePropertyDescriptor(CHECK_SETTERS); definePropertyDescriptor(CHECK_PREFIXED_TRANSFORM_METHODS); definePropertyDescriptor(CHECK_TRANSFORM_METHODS); definePropertyDescriptor(BOOLEAN_METHOD_PREFIXES_PROPERTY); definePropertyDescriptor(TRANSFORM_METHOD_NAMES_PROPERTY); definePropertyDescriptor(CHECK_FIELDS); definePropertyDescriptor(CHECK_VARIABLES); definePropertyDescriptor(BOOLEAN_FIELD_PREFIXES_PROPERTY); addRuleChainVisit(ASTMethodDeclaration.class); addRuleChainVisit(ASTFieldDeclaration.class); addRuleChainVisit(ASTLocalVariableDeclaration.class); } @Override protected Collection<String> defaultSuppressionAnnotations() { return Collections.checkedList(Arrays.asList("java.lang.Override"), String.class); } @Override public Object visit(ASTMethodDeclaration node, Object data) { if (!hasIgnoredAnnotation(node)) { String nameOfMethod = node.getMethodName(); if (getProperty(CHECK_BOOLEAN_METHODS)) { checkBooleanMethods(node, data, nameOfMethod); } if (getProperty(CHECK_SETTERS)) { checkSetters(node, data, nameOfMethod); } if (getProperty(CHECK_GETTERS)) { checkGetters(node, data, nameOfMethod); } if (getProperty(CHECK_PREFIXED_TRANSFORM_METHODS)) { checkPrefixedTransformMethods(node, data, nameOfMethod); } if (getProperty(CHECK_TRANSFORM_METHODS)) { checkTransformMethods(node, data, nameOfMethod); } } return data; } private void checkPrefixedTransformMethods(ASTMethodDeclaration node, Object data, String nameOfMethod) { ASTResultType resultType = node.getResultType(); List<String> prefixes = getProperty(TRANSFORM_METHOD_NAMES_PROPERTY); String[] splitMethodName = StringUtils.splitByCharacterTypeCamelCase(nameOfMethod); if (resultType.isVoid() && splitMethodName.length > 0 && prefixes.contains(splitMethodName[0].toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT))) { // "To" or any other configured prefix found addViolationWithMessage(data, node, "Linguistics Antipattern - The transform method ''{0}'' should not return void linguistically", new Object[] { nameOfMethod }); } } private void checkTransformMethods(ASTMethodDeclaration node, Object data, String nameOfMethod) { ASTResultType resultType = node.getResultType(); List<String> infixes = getProperty(TRANSFORM_METHOD_NAMES_PROPERTY); for (String infix : infixes) { if (resultType.isVoid() && containsWord(nameOfMethod, StringUtils.capitalize(infix))) { // "To" or any other configured infix in the middle somewhere addViolationWithMessage(data, node, "Linguistics Antipattern - The transform method ''{0}'' should not return void linguistically", new Object[] { nameOfMethod }); // the first violation is sufficient - it is still the same method we are analyzing here break; } } } private void checkGetters(ASTMethodDeclaration node, Object data, String nameOfMethod) { ASTResultType resultType = node.getResultType(); if (hasPrefix(nameOfMethod, "get") && resultType.isVoid()) { addViolationWithMessage(data, node, "Linguistics Antipattern - The getter ''{0}'' should not return void linguistically", new Object[] { nameOfMethod }); } } private void checkSetters(ASTMethodDeclaration node, Object data, String nameOfMethod) { ASTResultType resultType = node.getResultType(); if (hasPrefix(nameOfMethod, "set") && !resultType.isVoid()) { addViolationWithMessage(data, node, "Linguistics Antipattern - The setter ''{0}'' should not return any type except void linguistically", new Object[] { nameOfMethod }); } } private boolean isBooleanType(ASTType node) { return "boolean".equalsIgnoreCase(node.getTypeImage()) || TypeHelper.isA(node, "java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean"); } private void checkBooleanMethods(ASTMethodDeclaration node, Object data, String nameOfMethod) { ASTResultType resultType = node.getResultType(); ASTType t = node.getResultType().getFirstChildOfType(ASTType.class); if (!resultType.isVoid() && t != null) { for (String prefix : getProperty(BOOLEAN_METHOD_PREFIXES_PROPERTY)) { if (hasPrefix(nameOfMethod, prefix) && !isBooleanType(t)) { addViolationWithMessage(data, node, "Linguistics Antipattern - The method ''{0}'' indicates linguistically it returns a boolean, but it returns ''{1}''", new Object[] { nameOfMethod, t.getTypeImage() }); } } } } private void checkField(ASTType typeNode, ASTVariableDeclarator node, Object data) { for (String prefix : getProperty(BOOLEAN_FIELD_PREFIXES_PROPERTY)) { if (hasPrefix(node.getName(), prefix) && !isBooleanType(typeNode)) { addViolationWithMessage(data, node, "Linguistics Antipattern - The field ''{0}'' indicates linguistically it is a boolean, but it is ''{1}''", new Object[] { node.getName(), typeNode.getTypeImage() }); } } } private void checkVariable(ASTType typeNode, ASTVariableDeclarator node, Object data) { for (String prefix : getProperty(BOOLEAN_FIELD_PREFIXES_PROPERTY)) { if (hasPrefix(node.getName(), prefix) && !isBooleanType(typeNode)) { addViolationWithMessage(data, node, "Linguistics Antipattern - The variable ''{0}'' indicates linguistically it is a boolean, but it is ''{1}''", new Object[] { node.getName(), typeNode.getTypeImage() }); } } } @Override public Object visit(ASTFieldDeclaration node, Object data) { ASTType type = node.getFirstChildOfType(ASTType.class); if (type != null && getProperty(CHECK_FIELDS)) { List<ASTVariableDeclarator> fields = node.findChildrenOfType(ASTVariableDeclarator.class); for (ASTVariableDeclarator field : fields) { checkField(type, field, data); } } return data; } @Override public Object visit(ASTLocalVariableDeclaration node, Object data) { ASTType type = node.getFirstChildOfType(ASTType.class); if (type != null && getProperty(CHECK_VARIABLES)) { List<ASTVariableDeclarator> variables = node.findChildrenOfType(ASTVariableDeclarator.class); for (ASTVariableDeclarator variable : variables) { checkVariable(type, variable, data); } } return data; } private static boolean hasPrefix(String name, String prefix) { return name.startsWith(prefix) && name.length() > prefix.length() && Character.isUpperCase(name.charAt(prefix.length())); } private static boolean containsWord(String name, String word) { int index = name.indexOf(word); if (index >= 0 && name.length() > index + word.length()) { return Character.isUpperCase(name.charAt(index + word.length())); } return false; } }