Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * BSD-style license; for more info see


import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;


 * Static factory methods for JavaQualifiedName.
 * These are intended only for tests, even though some deprecated
 * APIs use it. May be moved to an internal package?
 * @author Clment Fournier
 * @since 6.1.0
public final class QualifiedNameFactory {

    /** Operation part of a lambda. */
    private static final String LAMBDA_PATTERN = "lambda\\$(\\w++)?\\$\\d++";
    private static final Pattern COMPILED_LAMBDA_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(LAMBDA_PATTERN);

     * Pattern specifying the format.
     * <pre>
     *     ((\w++\.)*)              # packages
     *     (                        # classes
     *       (\w++)                 # primary class
     *       (
     *         \$                   # separator
     *         \d*+                 # optional local/anonymous class index
     *         (\D\w*+)?            # regular class name, absent for anonymous class
     *       )*
     *     )
     *     (                        # optional operation suffix
     *       \#
     *       (
     *         lambda\$(\w++)\$\d++ # name of a lambda
     *       |
     *         (\w++)               # method name
     *         \(
     *         (                    # parameters
     *           (\w++)
     *           (,\040\w++)*       # \040 is a space
     *         )?
     *         \)
     *       )
     *     )?
     * </pre>
    private static final Pattern FORMAT = Pattern.compile("((\\w++\\.)*)                       # packages\n" // don't forget to edit the javadoc upon change
            + "(                         # classes\n" + "  (\\w++)                 # primary class\n" + "  ("
            + "    \\$                   # separator\n"
            + "    \\d*+                 # optional local/anonymous class index\n"
            + "    ([a-zA-Z]\\w*+)?      # regular class name, absent for anonymous class\n" + "  )*" + ")"
            + "(                         # optional operation suffix\n" + "  \\#" + "  (" + "   " + LAMBDA_PATTERN
            + " # name of a lambda\n" + "  |  " + "    (\\w++)               # method name\n" + "    \\("
            + "    (                     # parameters\n" + "      (\\w++)"
            + "      (,\\040\\w++)*      # \040 is a space\n" + "    )?" + "    \\)" + "  )" + ")?",
    // indices of interesting groups in the regex
    private static final int PACKAGES_GROUP_INDEX = 1;
    private static final int CLASSES_GROUP_INDEX = 3;
    private static final int OPERATION_GROUP_INDEX = 7;

    private static final Pattern LOCAL_INDEX_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(\\d+)(\\D\\w+)");

    private QualifiedNameFactory() {


     * Gets the qualified name of a class.
     * @param clazz Class object
     * @return The qualified name of the class, or null if the class is null
    public static JavaTypeQualifiedName ofClass(Class<?> clazz) {
        if (clazz == null) {
            return null;

        String name = clazz.getName();
        if (name.indexOf('.') < 0) {
            name = '.' + name; // unnamed package, marked by a full stop. See ofString's format below

        // Note: this assumes, that clazz has been loaded through the correct classloader,
        // specifically through the auxclasspath classloader.
        // But this method should only be used in tests anyway
        return (JavaTypeQualifiedName) ofStringWithClassLoader(name, clazz.getClassLoader());

     * Parses a qualified name given in the format defined for this implementation. The format
     * is specified by a regex pattern (see {@link #FORMAT}). Examples:
     * <p>{@code$Nested#myMethod(String, int)}
     * <ul>
     * <li> Packages are separated by full stops;
     * <li> Nested classes are separated by a dollar symbol;
     * <li> The optional method suffix is separated from the class with a hashtag;
     * <li> Method arguments are separated by a comma and a single space.
     * </ul>
     * <p>{@code MyClass$Nested}
     * <ul>
     * <li> The qualified name of a class in the unnamed package starts with the class name.
     * </ul>
     * <p>{@code$1LocalClass}
     * <ul>
     * <li> A local class' qualified name is assigned an index which identifies it within the scope
     * of its enclosing class. The index is displayed after the separating dollar symbol.
     * </ul>
     * @param name The name to parse.
     * @return A qualified name instance corresponding to the parsed string.
    public static JavaQualifiedName ofString(String name) {
        return ofStringWithClassLoader(name, null);

    private static JavaQualifiedName ofStringWithClassLoader(String name, ClassLoader classLoader) {
        Matcher matcher = FORMAT.matcher(name);

        if (!matcher.matches()) {
            return null;

        ImmutableList<String> packages = StringUtils.isBlank(
                ? ListFactory.<String>emptyList()
                : ListFactory.split(, "\\.");

        String operation = == null ? null
        boolean isLambda = operation != null && COMPILED_LAMBDA_PATTERN.matcher(operation).matches();

        ImmutableList<String> indexAndClasses = ListFactory.split(, "\\$");
        ImmutableList<Integer> localIndices = ListFactory.emptyList();
        ImmutableList<String> classes = ListFactory.emptyList();

        // iterates right to left
        for (String clazz : indexAndClasses.reverse()) {
            Matcher localIndexMatcher = LOCAL_INDEX_PATTERN.matcher(clazz);
            if (localIndexMatcher.matches()) { // anonymous classes don't match, because there needs to be at least one non-digit
                localIndices = localIndices.prepend(Integer.parseInt(;
                classes = classes.prepend(;
            } else {
                localIndices = localIndices.prepend(JavaTypeQualifiedName.NOTLOCAL_PLACEHOLDER);
                classes = classes.prepend(clazz);

        JavaTypeQualifiedName parent = new JavaTypeQualifiedName(packages, classes, localIndices, classLoader);
        return operation == null ? parent : new JavaOperationQualifiedName(parent, operation, isLambda);