Java tutorial
// Description: Java 7 Swing Element JTabbedPane implementation for Tenant. /* * MSS Code Factory CFGCash Java Swing Interface Business Application Model * * Copyright (c) 2014 Mark Sobkow * * This program is available as free software under the GNU GPL v3, or * under a commercial license from Mark Sobkow. For commercial licensing * details, please contact * * Under the terms of the GPL: * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * This source code incorporates modified modules originally licensed * under the Apache 2.0 license by MSS Code Factory including CFSecurity * (net-sourceforge-msscodefactory-2.0-cfsecurity.xml), * CFInternet (net-sourceforge-msscodefactory-2.0-cfinternet.xml), and * CFCrm 2.0 (net-sourceforge-msscodefactory-2.0-cfcrm.xml), with all of the * required models being available as part of the MSS Code Factory 1.11 * distribution source and install zips. * * You can download installations of MSS Code Factory 1.11 from * * * *********************************************************************** * * Code manufactured by MSS Code Factory */ package net.sourceforge.msscodefactory.cfgcash.v2_0.CFGCashSwing; import java.math.*; import java.sql.*; import java.text.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.List; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import net.sourceforge.msscodefactory.cflib.v1_11.CFLib.*; import net.sourceforge.msscodefactory.cflib.v1_11.CFLib.Swing.*; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import net.sourceforge.msscodefactory.cfgcash.v2_0.CFGCash.*; import net.sourceforge.msscodefactory.cfgcash.v2_0.CFGCashObj.*; /** * CFGCashSwingTenantEltJTabbedPane Swing Element JTabbedPane implementation * for Tenant. */ public class CFGCashSwingTenantEltJTabbedPane extends CFJTabbedPane implements ICFGCashSwingTenantJPanelCommon { protected ICFGCashSwingSchema swingSchema = null; protected boolean swingIsInitializing = true; public final String LABEL_TabComponentsAcctCfgAttr = "Optional Components Account Configuration"; public final String LABEL_TabComponentsTSecGroupList = "Optional Components Tenant Security Group"; public final String LABEL_TabComponentsDomainBaseList = "Optional Components Domain Base Objects"; public final String LABEL_TabComponentsTLDList = "Optional Components Top Level Domains"; public final String LABEL_TabComponentsCtcListList = "Optional Components Contact List"; public final String LABEL_TabComponentsTagList = "Optional Components Tag"; public final String LABEL_TabComponentsAccountList = "Optional Components Account"; protected JScrollPane tabViewComponentsAcctCfgAttrJScrollPane = null; protected JPanel tabViewComponentsAcctCfgAttrJPanel = null; protected JPanel tabViewComponentsTSecGroupListJPanel = null; protected JPanel tabViewComponentsDomainBaseListJPanel = null; protected JPanel tabViewComponentsTLDListJPanel = null; protected JPanel tabViewComponentsCtcListListJPanel = null; protected JPanel tabViewComponentsTagListJPanel = null; protected JPanel tabViewComponentsAccountListJPanel = null; public CFGCashSwingTenantEltJTabbedPane(ICFGCashSwingSchema argSchema, ICFGCashTenantObj argFocus) { super(JTabbedPane.TOP, JTabbedPane.WRAP_TAB_LAYOUT); final String S_ProcName = "construct-schema-focus"; if (argSchema == null) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 1, "argSchema"); } // argFocus is optional; focus may be set later during execution as // conditions of the runtime change. swingSchema = argSchema; setSwingFocusAsTenant(argFocus); // Wire the newly constructed JPanels/Tabs to this JTabbedPane addTab(LABEL_TabComponentsAcctCfgAttr, getTabViewComponentsAcctCfgAttrJScrollPane()); addTab(LABEL_TabComponentsTSecGroupList, getTabViewComponentsTSecGroupListJPanel()); addTab(LABEL_TabComponentsDomainBaseList, getTabViewComponentsDomainBaseListJPanel()); addTab(LABEL_TabComponentsTLDList, getTabViewComponentsTLDListJPanel()); addTab(LABEL_TabComponentsCtcListList, getTabViewComponentsCtcListListJPanel()); addTab(LABEL_TabComponentsTagList, getTabViewComponentsTagListJPanel()); addTab(LABEL_TabComponentsAccountList, getTabViewComponentsAccountListJPanel()); swingIsInitializing = false; } public ICFGCashSwingSchema getSwingSchema() { return (swingSchema); } public void setSwingFocus(ICFLibAnyObj2 value) { final String S_ProcName = "setSwingFocus"; if ((value == null) || (value instanceof ICFGCashTenantObj)) { super.setSwingFocus(value); } else { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newUnsupportedClassException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "value", value, "ICFGCashTenantObj"); } } public void setSwingFocusAsTenant(ICFGCashTenantObj value) { setSwingFocus(value); } public ICFGCashTenantObj getSwingFocusAsTenant() { return ((ICFGCashTenantObj) getSwingFocus()); } public JScrollPane getTabViewComponentsAcctCfgAttrJScrollPane() { if (tabViewComponentsAcctCfgAttrJScrollPane == null) { ICFGCashTenantObj focus = getSwingFocusAsTenant(); ICFGCashAccountConfigObj refAcctCfg = (focus != null) ? focus.getOptionalComponentsAcctCfg() : null; tabViewComponentsAcctCfgAttrJPanel = swingSchema.getAccountConfigFactory().newAttrJPanel(refAcctCfg); tabViewComponentsAcctCfgAttrJScrollPane = new CFHSlaveJScrollPane(tabViewComponentsAcctCfgAttrJPanel); } return (tabViewComponentsAcctCfgAttrJScrollPane); } protected class RefreshComponentsTSecGroupList implements ICFJRefreshCallback { public RefreshComponentsTSecGroupList() { } public void refreshMe() { Component cont = getParent(); while ((cont != null) && (!(cont instanceof JInternalFrame))) { cont = cont.getParent(); } if (cont != null) { if (!((JInternalFrame) cont).isClosed()) { Collection<ICFGCashTSecGroupObj> dataCollection; ICFGCashTenantObj focus = getSwingFocusAsTenant(); if (focus != null) { dataCollection = focus.getOptionalComponentsTSecGroup(swingIsInitializing).values(); } else { dataCollection = null; } JPanel panel = getTabViewComponentsTSecGroupListJPanel(); ICFGCashSwingTSecGroupJPanelList jpList = (ICFGCashSwingTSecGroupJPanelList) panel; jpList.setSwingDataCollection(dataCollection); } } } } public JPanel getTabViewComponentsTSecGroupListJPanel() { if (tabViewComponentsTSecGroupListJPanel == null) { Collection<ICFGCashTSecGroupObj> dataCollection; ICFGCashTenantObj focus = getSwingFocusAsTenant(); if (focus != null) { dataCollection = focus.getOptionalComponentsTSecGroup(swingIsInitializing).values(); } else { dataCollection = null; } ICFGCashTenantObj swingContainer; if ((focus != null) && (focus instanceof ICFGCashTenantObj)) { swingContainer = (ICFGCashTenantObj) focus; } else { swingContainer = null; } tabViewComponentsTSecGroupListJPanel = swingSchema.getTSecGroupFactory().newListJPanel(null, swingContainer, dataCollection, new RefreshComponentsTSecGroupList(), false); } return (tabViewComponentsTSecGroupListJPanel); } protected class RefreshComponentsDomainBaseList implements ICFJRefreshCallback { public RefreshComponentsDomainBaseList() { } public void refreshMe() { Component cont = getParent(); while ((cont != null) && (!(cont instanceof JInternalFrame))) { cont = cont.getParent(); } if (cont != null) { if (!((JInternalFrame) cont).isClosed()) { Collection<ICFGCashDomainBaseObj> dataCollection; ICFGCashTenantObj focus = getSwingFocusAsTenant(); if (focus != null) { dataCollection = focus.getOptionalComponentsDomainBase(swingIsInitializing).values(); } else { dataCollection = null; } JPanel panel = getTabViewComponentsDomainBaseListJPanel(); ICFGCashSwingDomainBaseJPanelList jpList = (ICFGCashSwingDomainBaseJPanelList) panel; jpList.setSwingDataCollection(dataCollection); } } } } public JPanel getTabViewComponentsDomainBaseListJPanel() { if (tabViewComponentsDomainBaseListJPanel == null) { Collection<ICFGCashDomainBaseObj> dataCollection; ICFGCashTenantObj focus = getSwingFocusAsTenant(); if (focus != null) { dataCollection = focus.getOptionalComponentsDomainBase(swingIsInitializing).values(); } else { dataCollection = null; } ICFLibAnyObj2 swingContainer; swingContainer = null; tabViewComponentsDomainBaseListJPanel = swingSchema.getDomainBaseFactory().newListJPanel(null, swingContainer, dataCollection, new RefreshComponentsDomainBaseList(), false); } return (tabViewComponentsDomainBaseListJPanel); } protected class RefreshComponentsTLDList implements ICFJRefreshCallback { public RefreshComponentsTLDList() { } public void refreshMe() { Component cont = getParent(); while ((cont != null) && (!(cont instanceof JInternalFrame))) { cont = cont.getParent(); } if (cont != null) { if (!((JInternalFrame) cont).isClosed()) { Collection<ICFGCashTldObj> dataCollection; ICFGCashTenantObj focus = getSwingFocusAsTenant(); if (focus != null) { dataCollection = focus.getOptionalComponentsTLD(swingIsInitializing).values(); } else { dataCollection = null; } JPanel panel = getTabViewComponentsTLDListJPanel(); ICFGCashSwingTldJPanelList jpList = (ICFGCashSwingTldJPanelList) panel; jpList.setSwingDataCollection(dataCollection); } } } } public JPanel getTabViewComponentsTLDListJPanel() { if (tabViewComponentsTLDListJPanel == null) { Collection<ICFGCashTldObj> dataCollection; ICFGCashTenantObj focus = getSwingFocusAsTenant(); if (focus != null) { dataCollection = focus.getOptionalComponentsTLD(swingIsInitializing).values(); } else { dataCollection = null; } ICFGCashTenantObj swingContainer; if ((focus != null) && (focus instanceof ICFGCashTenantObj)) { swingContainer = (ICFGCashTenantObj) focus; } else { swingContainer = null; } tabViewComponentsTLDListJPanel = swingSchema.getTldFactory().newListJPanel(null, swingContainer, dataCollection, new RefreshComponentsTLDList(), false); } return (tabViewComponentsTLDListJPanel); } protected class RefreshComponentsCtcListList implements ICFJRefreshCallback { public RefreshComponentsCtcListList() { } public void refreshMe() { Component cont = getParent(); while ((cont != null) && (!(cont instanceof JInternalFrame))) { cont = cont.getParent(); } if (cont != null) { if (!((JInternalFrame) cont).isClosed()) { Collection<ICFGCashContactListObj> dataCollection; ICFGCashTenantObj focus = getSwingFocusAsTenant(); if (focus != null) { dataCollection = focus.getOptionalComponentsCtcList(swingIsInitializing).values(); } else { dataCollection = null; } JPanel panel = getTabViewComponentsCtcListListJPanel(); ICFGCashSwingContactListJPanelList jpList = (ICFGCashSwingContactListJPanelList) panel; jpList.setSwingDataCollection(dataCollection); } } } } public JPanel getTabViewComponentsCtcListListJPanel() { if (tabViewComponentsCtcListListJPanel == null) { Collection<ICFGCashContactListObj> dataCollection; ICFGCashTenantObj focus = getSwingFocusAsTenant(); if (focus != null) { dataCollection = focus.getOptionalComponentsCtcList(swingIsInitializing).values(); } else { dataCollection = null; } ICFGCashTenantObj swingContainer; if ((focus != null) && (focus instanceof ICFGCashTenantObj)) { swingContainer = (ICFGCashTenantObj) focus; } else { swingContainer = null; } tabViewComponentsCtcListListJPanel = swingSchema.getContactListFactory().newListJPanel(null, swingContainer, dataCollection, new RefreshComponentsCtcListList(), false); } return (tabViewComponentsCtcListListJPanel); } protected class RefreshComponentsTagList implements ICFJRefreshCallback { public RefreshComponentsTagList() { } public void refreshMe() { Component cont = getParent(); while ((cont != null) && (!(cont instanceof JInternalFrame))) { cont = cont.getParent(); } if (cont != null) { if (!((JInternalFrame) cont).isClosed()) { Collection<ICFGCashTagObj> dataCollection; ICFGCashTenantObj focus = getSwingFocusAsTenant(); if (focus != null) { dataCollection = focus.getOptionalComponentsTag(swingIsInitializing).values(); } else { dataCollection = null; } JPanel panel = getTabViewComponentsTagListJPanel(); ICFGCashSwingTagJPanelList jpList = (ICFGCashSwingTagJPanelList) panel; jpList.setSwingDataCollection(dataCollection); } } } } public JPanel getTabViewComponentsTagListJPanel() { if (tabViewComponentsTagListJPanel == null) { Collection<ICFGCashTagObj> dataCollection; ICFGCashTenantObj focus = getSwingFocusAsTenant(); if (focus != null) { dataCollection = focus.getOptionalComponentsTag(swingIsInitializing).values(); } else { dataCollection = null; } ICFGCashTenantObj swingContainer; if ((focus != null) && (focus instanceof ICFGCashTenantObj)) { swingContainer = (ICFGCashTenantObj) focus; } else { swingContainer = null; } tabViewComponentsTagListJPanel = swingSchema.getTagFactory().newListJPanel(null, swingContainer, dataCollection, new RefreshComponentsTagList(), false); } return (tabViewComponentsTagListJPanel); } protected class RefreshComponentsAccountList implements ICFJRefreshCallback { public RefreshComponentsAccountList() { } public void refreshMe() { Component cont = getParent(); while ((cont != null) && (!(cont instanceof JInternalFrame))) { cont = cont.getParent(); } if (cont != null) { if (!((JInternalFrame) cont).isClosed()) { Collection<ICFGCashAccountObj> dataCollection; ICFGCashTenantObj focus = getSwingFocusAsTenant(); if (focus != null) { dataCollection = focus.getOptionalComponentsAccount(swingIsInitializing).values(); } else { dataCollection = null; } JPanel panel = getTabViewComponentsAccountListJPanel(); ICFGCashSwingAccountJPanelList jpList = (ICFGCashSwingAccountJPanelList) panel; jpList.setSwingDataCollection(dataCollection); } } } } public JPanel getTabViewComponentsAccountListJPanel() { if (tabViewComponentsAccountListJPanel == null) { Collection<ICFGCashAccountObj> dataCollection; ICFGCashTenantObj focus = getSwingFocusAsTenant(); if (focus != null) { dataCollection = focus.getOptionalComponentsAccount(swingIsInitializing).values(); } else { dataCollection = null; } ICFGCashTenantObj swingContainer; if ((focus != null) && (focus instanceof ICFGCashTenantObj)) { swingContainer = (ICFGCashTenantObj) focus; } else { swingContainer = null; } tabViewComponentsAccountListJPanel = swingSchema.getAccountFactory().newListJPanel(null, swingContainer, dataCollection, new RefreshComponentsAccountList(), false); } return (tabViewComponentsAccountListJPanel); } public void setPanelMode(CFJPanel.PanelMode value) { CFJPanel.PanelMode oldMode = getPanelMode(); super.setPanelMode(value); if (tabViewComponentsAcctCfgAttrJPanel != null) { ((ICFGCashSwingAccountConfigJPanelCommon) tabViewComponentsAcctCfgAttrJPanel) .setPanelMode(CFJPanel.PanelMode.View); } if (tabViewComponentsTSecGroupListJPanel != null) { ((ICFGCashSwingTSecGroupJPanelCommon) tabViewComponentsTSecGroupListJPanel).setPanelMode(value); } if (tabViewComponentsDomainBaseListJPanel != null) { ((ICFGCashSwingDomainBaseJPanelCommon) tabViewComponentsDomainBaseListJPanel).setPanelMode(value); } if (tabViewComponentsTLDListJPanel != null) { ((ICFGCashSwingTldJPanelCommon) tabViewComponentsTLDListJPanel).setPanelMode(value); } if (tabViewComponentsCtcListListJPanel != null) { ((ICFGCashSwingContactListJPanelCommon) tabViewComponentsCtcListListJPanel).setPanelMode(value); } if (tabViewComponentsTagListJPanel != null) { ((ICFGCashSwingTagJPanelCommon) tabViewComponentsTagListJPanel).setPanelMode(value); } if (tabViewComponentsAccountListJPanel != null) { ((ICFGCashSwingAccountJPanelCommon) tabViewComponentsAccountListJPanel).setPanelMode(value); } } }