Java tutorial
// Description: Java 7 Swing Attribute JPanel implementation for Domain. /* * CF Customer Relations Management model * * Copyright (c) 2010-2014 Mark Sobkow * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * *********************************************************************** * * Code manufactured by MSS Code Factory */ package net.sourceforge.msscodefactory.cfcrm.v2_0.CFCrmSwing; import java.math.*; import java.sql.*; import java.text.*; import java.util.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import net.sourceforge.msscodefactory.cflib.v1_11.CFLib.*; import net.sourceforge.msscodefactory.cflib.v1_11.CFLib.Swing.*; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import net.sourceforge.msscodefactory.cfcrm.v2_0.CFCrm.*; import net.sourceforge.msscodefactory.cfcrm.v2_0.CFCrmObj.*; /** * CFCrmSwingDomainAttrJPanel Swing Attribute JPanel implementation * for Domain. */ public class CFCrmSwingDomainAttrJPanel extends CFJPanel implements ICFCrmSwingDomainJPanelCommon { protected ICFCrmSwingSchema swingSchema = null; boolean swingIsInitializing = true; protected class TenantJLabel extends JLabel { public TenantJLabel() { super(); setText("Tenant"); } } protected class CallbackTenantChosen implements ICFCrmSwingTenantChosen { public CallbackTenantChosen() { } public void choseTenant(ICFCrmTenantObj value) { Component cont = getParent(); while ((cont != null) && (!(cont instanceof JInternalFrame))) { cont = cont.getParent(); } if (cont != null) { if (!((JInternalFrame) cont).isClosed()) { if (swingReferenceOwnerTenant != null) { ICFCrmDomainObj cur = getSwingFocusAsDomain(); if (cur != null) { ICFCrmDomainEditObj editObj = (ICFCrmDomainEditObj) cur.getEdit(); if (null != editObj) { CFJPanel.PanelMode curMode = getPanelMode(); if ((curMode == CFJPanel.PanelMode.Add) || (curMode == CFJPanel.PanelMode.Edit)) { swingReferenceOwnerTenant.setReferencedObject(value); editObj.setRequiredOwnerTenant(value); } } } } } } } } protected class ActionViewTenantReference extends AbstractAction { public ActionViewTenantReference() { super(); setEnabled(true); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { final String S_ProcName = "actionPerformed"; ICFCrmDomainObj focus = getSwingFocusAsDomain(); if (focus != null) { ICFCrmDomainEditObj editObj = (ICFCrmDomainEditObj) focus.getEdit(); if (editObj != null) { focus = editObj; } JInternalFrame frame = null; Container cont; JDesktopPane desktop; ICFCrmTenantObj referencedObj = focus.getRequiredOwnerTenant(swingIsInitializing); if (referencedObj != null) { String classCode = referencedObj.getClassCode(); if ("TENT".equals(classCode)) { frame = swingSchema.getTenantFactory().newViewEditJInternalFrame(referencedObj); cont = getParent(); while ((cont != null) && (!(cont instanceof JInternalFrame))) { cont = cont.getParent(); } if (cont != null) { JInternalFrame myInternalFrame = (JInternalFrame) cont; myInternalFrame.getDesktopPane().add(frame); frame.setVisible(true);; } } else { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newUnsupportedClassException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "swingFocus", focus, "ICFCrmTenantObj"); } } } } } protected class ActionPickTenantReference extends AbstractAction { public ActionPickTenantReference() { super(); setEnabled(true); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { final String S_ProcName = "actionPerformed"; Container cont; JDesktopPane desktop; ICFCrmSchemaObj schemaObj = swingSchema.getSchema(); ICFCrmDomainObj focus = getSwingFocusAsDomain(); ICFCrmDomainEditObj editObj = (ICFCrmDomainEditObj) focus.getEdit(); if (editObj != null) { focus = editObj; } ICFCrmTenantObj referencedObj = focus.getRequiredOwnerTenant(swingIsInitializing); SortedMap<CFCrmTenantPKey, ICFCrmTenantObj> mapOfTenant = null; CFCrmAuthorization auth = schemaObj.getAuthorization(); long containingClusterId = auth.getSecClusterId(); mapOfTenant = schemaObj.getTenantTableObj().readTenantByClusterIdx(containingClusterId); if (mapOfTenant == null) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "mapOfTenant"); } Collection<ICFCrmTenantObj> cltn = mapOfTenant.values(); JInternalFrame frame = swingSchema.getTenantFactory().newPickerJInternalFrame(referencedObj, null, cltn, new CallbackTenantChosen()); ((ICFCrmSwingTenantJPanelCommon) frame).setPanelMode(CFJPanel.PanelMode.View); cont = getParent(); while ((cont != null) && (!(cont instanceof JInternalFrame))) { cont = cont.getParent(); } if (cont != null) { JInternalFrame myInternalFrame = (JInternalFrame) cont; myInternalFrame.getDesktopPane().add(frame); frame.setVisible(true);; } } } protected class TenantCFJReferenceEditor extends CFJReferenceEditor { public TenantCFJReferenceEditor() { super(new ActionPickTenantReference(), new ActionViewTenantReference()); } } protected class ParentDomainJLabel extends JLabel { public ParentDomainJLabel() { super(); setText("Parent Domain"); } } protected class CallbackParentDomainChosen implements ICFCrmSwingDomainBaseChosen { public CallbackParentDomainChosen() { } public void choseDomainBase(ICFCrmDomainBaseObj value) { Component cont = getParent(); while ((cont != null) && (!(cont instanceof JInternalFrame))) { cont = cont.getParent(); } if (cont != null) { if (!((JInternalFrame) cont).isClosed()) { if (swingReferenceContainerParentDomain != null) { ICFCrmDomainObj cur = getSwingFocusAsDomain(); if (cur != null) { ICFCrmDomainEditObj editObj = (ICFCrmDomainEditObj) cur.getEdit(); if (null != editObj) { CFJPanel.PanelMode curMode = getPanelMode(); if ((curMode == CFJPanel.PanelMode.Add) || (curMode == CFJPanel.PanelMode.Edit)) { swingReferenceContainerParentDomain.setReferencedObject(value); editObj.setRequiredContainerParentDomain(value); } } } } } } } } protected class ActionViewParentDomainReference extends AbstractAction { public ActionViewParentDomainReference() { super(); setEnabled(true); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { final String S_ProcName = "actionPerformed"; ICFCrmDomainObj focus = getSwingFocusAsDomain(); if (focus != null) { ICFCrmDomainEditObj editObj = (ICFCrmDomainEditObj) focus.getEdit(); if (editObj != null) { focus = editObj; } JInternalFrame frame = null; Container cont; JDesktopPane desktop; ICFCrmDomainBaseObj referencedObj = focus.getRequiredContainerParentDomain(swingIsInitializing); if (referencedObj != null) { String classCode = referencedObj.getClassCode(); if ("BDOM".equals(classCode)) { frame = swingSchema.getDomainBaseFactory().newViewEditJInternalFrame(referencedObj); cont = getParent(); while ((cont != null) && (!(cont instanceof JInternalFrame))) { cont = cont.getParent(); } if (cont != null) { JInternalFrame myInternalFrame = (JInternalFrame) cont; myInternalFrame.getDesktopPane().add(frame); frame.setVisible(true);; } } else if ("TDOM".equals(classCode)) { ICFCrmTopDomainObj obj = (ICFCrmTopDomainObj) referencedObj; frame = swingSchema.getTopDomainFactory().newViewEditJInternalFrame(obj); cont = getParent(); while ((cont != null) && (!(cont instanceof JInternalFrame))) { cont = cont.getParent(); } if (cont != null) { JInternalFrame myInternalFrame = (JInternalFrame) cont; myInternalFrame.getDesktopPane().add(frame); frame.setVisible(true);; } } else if ("DOMN".equals(classCode)) { ICFCrmDomainObj obj = (ICFCrmDomainObj) referencedObj; frame = swingSchema.getDomainFactory().newViewEditJInternalFrame(obj); cont = getParent(); while ((cont != null) && (!(cont instanceof JInternalFrame))) { cont = cont.getParent(); } if (cont != null) { JInternalFrame myInternalFrame = (JInternalFrame) cont; myInternalFrame.getDesktopPane().add(frame); frame.setVisible(true);; } } else if ("BPRJ".equals(classCode)) { ICFCrmProjectBaseObj obj = (ICFCrmProjectBaseObj) referencedObj; frame = swingSchema.getProjectBaseFactory().newViewEditJInternalFrame(obj); cont = getParent(); while ((cont != null) && (!(cont instanceof JInternalFrame))) { cont = cont.getParent(); } if (cont != null) { JInternalFrame myInternalFrame = (JInternalFrame) cont; myInternalFrame.getDesktopPane().add(frame); frame.setVisible(true);; } } else if ("RPRJ".equals(classCode)) { ICFCrmRealProjectObj obj = (ICFCrmRealProjectObj) referencedObj; frame = swingSchema.getRealProjectFactory().newViewEditJInternalFrame(obj); cont = getParent(); while ((cont != null) && (!(cont instanceof JInternalFrame))) { cont = cont.getParent(); } if (cont != null) { JInternalFrame myInternalFrame = (JInternalFrame) cont; myInternalFrame.getDesktopPane().add(frame); frame.setVisible(true);; } } else if ("TPRJ".equals(classCode)) { ICFCrmTopProjectObj obj = (ICFCrmTopProjectObj) referencedObj; frame = swingSchema.getTopProjectFactory().newViewEditJInternalFrame(obj); cont = getParent(); while ((cont != null) && (!(cont instanceof JInternalFrame))) { cont = cont.getParent(); } if (cont != null) { JInternalFrame myInternalFrame = (JInternalFrame) cont; myInternalFrame.getDesktopPane().add(frame); frame.setVisible(true);; } } else if ("SPRJ".equals(classCode)) { ICFCrmSubProjectObj obj = (ICFCrmSubProjectObj) referencedObj; frame = swingSchema.getSubProjectFactory().newViewEditJInternalFrame(obj); cont = getParent(); while ((cont != null) && (!(cont instanceof JInternalFrame))) { cont = cont.getParent(); } if (cont != null) { JInternalFrame myInternalFrame = (JInternalFrame) cont; myInternalFrame.getDesktopPane().add(frame); frame.setVisible(true);; } } else if ("VERN".equals(classCode)) { ICFCrmVersionObj obj = (ICFCrmVersionObj) referencedObj; frame = swingSchema.getVersionFactory().newViewEditJInternalFrame(obj); cont = getParent(); while ((cont != null) && (!(cont instanceof JInternalFrame))) { cont = cont.getParent(); } if (cont != null) { JInternalFrame myInternalFrame = (JInternalFrame) cont; myInternalFrame.getDesktopPane().add(frame); frame.setVisible(true);; } } else if ("MJVR".equals(classCode)) { ICFCrmMajorVersionObj obj = (ICFCrmMajorVersionObj) referencedObj; frame = swingSchema.getMajorVersionFactory().newViewEditJInternalFrame(obj); cont = getParent(); while ((cont != null) && (!(cont instanceof JInternalFrame))) { cont = cont.getParent(); } if (cont != null) { JInternalFrame myInternalFrame = (JInternalFrame) cont; myInternalFrame.getDesktopPane().add(frame); frame.setVisible(true);; } } else if ("MNVR".equals(classCode)) { ICFCrmMinorVersionObj obj = (ICFCrmMinorVersionObj) referencedObj; frame = swingSchema.getMinorVersionFactory().newViewEditJInternalFrame(obj); cont = getParent(); while ((cont != null) && (!(cont instanceof JInternalFrame))) { cont = cont.getParent(); } if (cont != null) { JInternalFrame myInternalFrame = (JInternalFrame) cont; myInternalFrame.getDesktopPane().add(frame); frame.setVisible(true);; } } else { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newUnsupportedClassException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "swingFocus", focus, "ICFCrmDomainBaseObj, ICFCrmTopDomainObj, ICFCrmDomainObj, ICFCrmProjectBaseObj, ICFCrmRealProjectObj, ICFCrmTopProjectObj, ICFCrmSubProjectObj, ICFCrmVersionObj, ICFCrmMajorVersionObj, ICFCrmMinorVersionObj"); } } } } } protected class ActionPickParentDomainReference extends AbstractAction { public ActionPickParentDomainReference() { super(); setEnabled(true); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { final String S_ProcName = "actionPerformed"; Container cont; JDesktopPane desktop; ICFCrmSchemaObj schemaObj = swingSchema.getSchema(); ICFCrmDomainObj focus = getSwingFocusAsDomain(); ICFCrmDomainEditObj editObj = (ICFCrmDomainEditObj) focus.getEdit(); if (editObj != null) { focus = editObj; } ICFCrmDomainBaseObj referencedObj = focus.getRequiredContainerParentDomain(swingIsInitializing); SortedMap<CFCrmDomainBasePKey, ICFCrmDomainBaseObj> mapOfDomainBase = null; mapOfDomainBase = schemaObj.getDomainBaseTableObj().readAllDomainBase(); if (mapOfDomainBase == null) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "mapOfDomainBase"); } Collection<ICFCrmDomainBaseObj> cltn = mapOfDomainBase.values(); JInternalFrame frame = swingSchema.getDomainBaseFactory().newPickerJInternalFrame(referencedObj, null, cltn, new CallbackParentDomainChosen()); ((ICFCrmSwingDomainBaseJPanelCommon) frame).setPanelMode(CFJPanel.PanelMode.View); cont = getParent(); while ((cont != null) && (!(cont instanceof JInternalFrame))) { cont = cont.getParent(); } if (cont != null) { JInternalFrame myInternalFrame = (JInternalFrame) cont; myInternalFrame.getDesktopPane().add(frame); frame.setVisible(true);; } } } protected class ParentDomainCFJReferenceEditor extends CFJReferenceEditor { public ParentDomainCFJReferenceEditor() { super(new ActionPickParentDomainReference(), new ActionViewParentDomainReference()); } } protected class IdJLabel extends JLabel { public IdJLabel() { super(); setText("Id"); } } protected class IdJEditor extends CFJInt64Editor { public IdJEditor() { super(); setMinValue(0L); setMaxValue(9223372036854775807L); } } protected class DescriptionJLabel extends JLabel { public DescriptionJLabel() { super(); setText("Description"); } } protected class DescriptionJEditor extends CFJStringEditor { public DescriptionJEditor() { super(); setMaxLen(1024); } } protected class NameJLabel extends JLabel { public NameJLabel() { super(); setText("Name"); } } protected class NameJEditor extends CFJStringEditor { public NameJEditor() { super(); setMaxLen(64); } } protected ICFCrmTenantObj swingOwnerTenantObj = null; protected TenantJLabel swingLabelOwnerTenant = null; protected TenantCFJReferenceEditor swingReferenceOwnerTenant = null; protected ICFCrmDomainBaseObj swingContainerParentDomainObj = null; protected ParentDomainJLabel swingLabelContainerParentDomain = null; protected ParentDomainCFJReferenceEditor swingReferenceContainerParentDomain = null; protected IdJLabel swingLabelId = null; protected IdJEditor swingEditorId = null; protected DescriptionJLabel swingLabelDescription = null; protected DescriptionJEditor swingEditorDescription = null; protected NameJLabel swingLabelName = null; protected NameJEditor swingEditorName = null; public CFCrmSwingDomainAttrJPanel(ICFCrmSwingSchema argSchema, ICFCrmDomainObj argFocus) { super(); JLabel label; JComponent compo; CFJReferenceEditor reference; final String S_ProcName = "construct-schema-focus"; if (argSchema == null) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 1, "argSchema"); } // argFocus is optional; focus may be set later during execution as // conditions of the runtime change. swingSchema = argSchema; setSwingFocusAsDomain(argFocus); final int spacing = 5; int y = spacing; final int height = 25; final int textheight = 80; final int vspacing = height + spacing; final int textvspacing = textheight + spacing; final int labelx = spacing; final int labelwidth = 200; final int fieldx = labelx + labelwidth + spacing; final int fieldwidth = 785; final int panelwidth = fieldx + fieldwidth + spacing; // temporary -- I think you have to have a panel bigger than the coordinates initially setSize(panelwidth, 100000); label = getSwingLabelOwnerTenant(); add(label); label.setBounds(labelx, y, labelwidth, height); reference = getSwingReferenceOwnerTenant(); add(reference); reference.setBounds(fieldx, y, fieldwidth, height); y = y + vspacing; label = getSwingLabelContainerParentDomain(); add(label); label.setBounds(labelx, y, labelwidth, height); reference = getSwingReferenceContainerParentDomain(); add(reference); reference.setBounds(fieldx, y, fieldwidth, height); y = y + vspacing; label = getSwingLabelId(); add(label); label.setBounds(labelx, y, labelwidth, height); compo = getSwingEditorId(); add(compo); compo.setBounds(fieldx, y, fieldwidth, height); y = y + vspacing; label = getSwingLabelDescription(); add(label); label.setBounds(labelx, y, labelwidth, height); compo = getSwingEditorDescription(); add(compo); compo.setBounds(fieldx, y, fieldwidth, height); y = y + vspacing; label = getSwingLabelName(); add(label); label.setBounds(labelx, y, labelwidth, height); compo = getSwingEditorName(); add(compo); compo.setBounds(fieldx, y, fieldwidth, height); y = y + vspacing; // Now we can set the proper size based on the fields and references populated setSize(panelwidth, y); Dimension pfsz = new Dimension(panelwidth, y); setPreferredSize(pfsz); Dimension min = new Dimension(400, y); setMinimumSize(min); populateFields(); adjustComponentEnableStates(); swingIsInitializing = false; } public ICFCrmSwingSchema getSwingSchema() { return (swingSchema); } public void setSwingFocus(ICFLibAnyObj2 value) { final String S_ProcName = "setSwingFocus"; if ((value == null) || (value instanceof ICFCrmDomainObj)) { super.setSwingFocus(value); } else { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newUnsupportedClassException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "value", value, "ICFCrmDomainObj"); } populateFields(); adjustComponentEnableStates(); } public ICFCrmDomainObj getSwingFocusAsDomain() { return ((ICFCrmDomainObj) getSwingFocus()); } public void setSwingFocusAsDomain(ICFCrmDomainObj value) { setSwingFocus(value); } public ICFCrmTenantObj getSwingOwnerTenantObj() { return (swingOwnerTenantObj); } public void setSwingOwnerTenantObj(ICFCrmTenantObj value) { swingOwnerTenantObj = value; } public TenantJLabel getSwingLabelOwnerTenant() { if (swingLabelOwnerTenant == null) { swingLabelOwnerTenant = new TenantJLabel(); } return (swingLabelOwnerTenant); } public CFJReferenceEditor getSwingReferenceOwnerTenant() { if (swingReferenceOwnerTenant == null) { swingReferenceOwnerTenant = new TenantCFJReferenceEditor(); } return (swingReferenceOwnerTenant); } public void setSwingReferenceOwnerTenant(TenantCFJReferenceEditor value) { swingReferenceOwnerTenant = value; } public ICFCrmDomainBaseObj getSwingContainerParentDomainObj() { if (swingContainerParentDomainObj == null) { } return (swingContainerParentDomainObj); } public void setSwingContainerParentDomainObj(ICFCrmDomainBaseObj value) { swingContainerParentDomainObj = value; } public ParentDomainJLabel getSwingLabelContainerParentDomain() { if (swingLabelContainerParentDomain == null) { swingLabelContainerParentDomain = new ParentDomainJLabel(); } return (swingLabelContainerParentDomain); } public ParentDomainCFJReferenceEditor getSwingReferenceContainerParentDomain() { if (swingReferenceContainerParentDomain == null) { swingReferenceContainerParentDomain = new ParentDomainCFJReferenceEditor(); } return (swingReferenceContainerParentDomain); } public void setSwingReferenceContainerParentDomain(ParentDomainCFJReferenceEditor value) { swingReferenceContainerParentDomain = value; } public IdJLabel getSwingLabelId() { if (swingLabelId == null) { swingLabelId = new IdJLabel(); } return (swingLabelId); } public void setSwingLabelId(IdJLabel value) { swingLabelId = value; } public IdJEditor getSwingEditorId() { if (swingEditorId == null) { swingEditorId = new IdJEditor(); } return (swingEditorId); } public void setSwingEditorId(IdJEditor value) { swingEditorId = value; } public DescriptionJLabel getSwingLabelDescription() { if (swingLabelDescription == null) { swingLabelDescription = new DescriptionJLabel(); } return (swingLabelDescription); } public void setSwingLabelDescription(DescriptionJLabel value) { swingLabelDescription = value; } public DescriptionJEditor getSwingEditorDescription() { if (swingEditorDescription == null) { swingEditorDescription = new DescriptionJEditor(); } return (swingEditorDescription); } public void setSwingEditorDescription(DescriptionJEditor value) { swingEditorDescription = value; } public NameJLabel getSwingLabelName() { if (swingLabelName == null) { swingLabelName = new NameJLabel(); } return (swingLabelName); } public void setSwingLabelName(NameJLabel value) { swingLabelName = value; } public NameJEditor getSwingEditorName() { if (swingEditorName == null) { swingEditorName = new NameJEditor(); } return (swingEditorName); } public void setSwingEditorName(NameJEditor value) { swingEditorName = value; } public void doLayout() { JLabel label; JComponent compo; CFJReferenceEditor reference; Dimension dim; final int spacing = 5; int y = spacing; final int height = 25; final int textheight = 80; final int vspacing = height + spacing; final int textvspacing = textheight + spacing; final int labelx = spacing; final int labelwidth = 200; final int fieldx = labelx + labelwidth + spacing; final int fieldwidth = 1024; Dimension jpsz = getSize(); int usefieldwidth = jpsz.width - 215; label = getSwingLabelOwnerTenant(); label.setBounds(labelx, y, labelwidth, height); reference = getSwingReferenceOwnerTenant(); reference.setBounds(fieldx, y, usefieldwidth, height); y = y + vspacing; label = getSwingLabelContainerParentDomain(); label.setBounds(labelx, y, labelwidth, height); reference = getSwingReferenceContainerParentDomain(); reference.setBounds(fieldx, y, usefieldwidth, height); y = y + vspacing; label = getSwingLabelId(); label.setBounds(labelx, y, labelwidth, height); compo = getSwingEditorId(); dim = compo.getMaximumSize(); if (dim.width < usefieldwidth) { compo.setBounds(fieldx, y, dim.width, height); } else { compo.setBounds(fieldx, y, fieldwidth, height); } y = y + vspacing; label = getSwingLabelDescription(); label.setBounds(labelx, y, labelwidth, height); compo = getSwingEditorDescription(); dim = compo.getMaximumSize(); if (dim.width < usefieldwidth) { compo.setBounds(fieldx, y, dim.width, height); } else { compo.setBounds(fieldx, y, fieldwidth, height); } y = y + vspacing; label = getSwingLabelName(); label.setBounds(labelx, y, labelwidth, height); compo = getSwingEditorName(); dim = compo.getMaximumSize(); if (dim.width < usefieldwidth) { compo.setBounds(fieldx, y, dim.width, height); } else { compo.setBounds(fieldx, y, fieldwidth, height); } y = y + vspacing; } public void populateFields() { ICFCrmDomainObj popObj; ICFCrmDomainObj focus = getSwingFocusAsDomain(); if (focus != null) { popObj = (ICFCrmDomainObj) (focus.getEdit()); if (popObj == null) { popObj = focus; } } else { popObj = null; } if (getPanelMode() == CFJPanel.PanelMode.Unknown) { popObj = null; } if (popObj == null) { swingOwnerTenantObj = null; } else { swingOwnerTenantObj = popObj.getRequiredOwnerTenant(swingIsInitializing); } if (swingReferenceOwnerTenant != null) { swingReferenceOwnerTenant.setReferencedObject(swingOwnerTenantObj); } if (popObj == null) { swingContainerParentDomainObj = null; } else { swingContainerParentDomainObj = popObj.getRequiredContainerParentDomain(swingIsInitializing); } if (swingReferenceContainerParentDomain != null) { swingReferenceContainerParentDomain.setReferencedObject(swingContainerParentDomainObj); } if (popObj == null) { getSwingEditorId().setInt64Value(null); } else { getSwingEditorId().setInt64Value(popObj.getRequiredId()); } if (popObj == null) { getSwingEditorDescription().setStringValue(null); } else { getSwingEditorDescription().setStringValue(popObj.getOptionalDescription()); } if (popObj == null) { getSwingEditorName().setStringValue(null); } else { getSwingEditorName().setStringValue(popObj.getRequiredName()); } } public void postFields() { final String S_ProcName = "postFields"; ICFCrmDomainObj focus = getSwingFocusAsDomain(); ICFCrmDomainEditObj editObj; if (focus != null) { editObj = (ICFCrmDomainEditObj) (focus.getEdit()); } else { editObj = null; } if (editObj == null) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newUsageException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "Panel is unfocused or is not editing the focus object"); } // You are not allowed to edit the Container or Owner references, so they're not retrieved editObj.setOptionalDescription(getSwingEditorDescription().getStringValue()); editObj.setRequiredName(getSwingEditorName().getStringValue()); } public void setPanelMode(CFJPanel.PanelMode value) { final String S_ProcName = "setPanelMode"; CFJPanel.PanelMode oldValue = getPanelMode(); if (oldValue == value) { return; } ICFCrmDomainObj focus = getSwingFocusAsDomain(); if ((value != CFJPanel.PanelMode.Unknown) && (value != CFJPanel.PanelMode.View)) { if (focus == null) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "swingFocus"); } } ICFCrmDomainEditObj editObj; if (focus != null) { editObj = (ICFCrmDomainEditObj) focus.getEdit(); } else { editObj = null; } switch (value) { case Unknown: switch (oldValue) { case Unknown: break; default: if (editObj != null) { editObj.endEdit(); } break; } break; case Add: switch (oldValue) { case Unknown: case Add: case View: if (editObj == null) { if (focus != null) { if (!focus.getIsNew()) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newUsageException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "Transitioning to PanelMode Add requires Focus.getIsNew() to be true"); } editObj = (ICFCrmDomainEditObj) focus.beginEdit(); if (editObj == null) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newUsageException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "Expected beginEdit() to return a new edition of the focus object"); } } else { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "focus"); } } break; case Edit: throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newUsageException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "Cannot transition PanelMode Edit to Add"); case Update: throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newUsageException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "Cannot transition PanelMode Update to Add"); case Delete: throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newUsageException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "Cannot transition PanelMode Delete to Add"); default: throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newUsageException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "Cannot transition PanelMode default to Add"); } break; case View: switch (oldValue) { case Unknown: break; case View: break; case Edit: break; case Update: break; case Delete: break; default: throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newUsageException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "Cannot transition PanelMode " + oldValue + " to View"); } if (editObj != null) { editObj.endEdit(); } break; case Edit: switch (oldValue) { case Unknown: if (editObj == null) { editObj = (ICFCrmDomainEditObj) focus.beginEdit(); if (editObj == null) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newUsageException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "Expected beginEdit() to return a new edition of the focus object"); } } break; case View: if (editObj == null) { editObj = (ICFCrmDomainEditObj) focus.beginEdit(); if (editObj == null) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newUsageException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "Expected beginEdit() to return a new edition of the focus object"); } } break; case Edit: if (editObj == null) { editObj = (ICFCrmDomainEditObj) focus.beginEdit(); if (editObj == null) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newUsageException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "Expected beginEdit() to return a new edition of the focus object"); } } break; default: throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newUsageException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "Cannot transition PanelMode " + oldValue + " to Edit"); } break; case Update: if ((oldValue != CFJPanel.PanelMode.Edit) && (oldValue != CFJPanel.PanelMode.Add)) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newUsageException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "Cannot transition from mode " + oldValue + " to Update"); } super.setPanelMode(value); if (editObj != null) { postFields(); if (editObj.getIsNew()) { focus = (ICFCrmDomainObj) editObj.create(); setSwingFocus(focus); } else { editObj.update(); } editObj.endEdit(); editObj = null; } setPanelMode(CFJPanel.PanelMode.View); break; case Delete: switch (oldValue) { case View: if (focus != null) { if (editObj == null) { editObj = (ICFCrmDomainEditObj) focus.beginEdit(); if (editObj == null) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newUsageException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "Expected beginEdit() to return a new edition of the focus object"); } } } break; case Edit: if (focus != null) { if (editObj == null) { editObj = (ICFCrmDomainEditObj) focus.beginEdit(); if (editObj == null) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newUsageException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "Expected beginEdit() to return a new edition of the focus object"); } } } break; case Update: throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newUsageException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "Cannot transition PanelMode Update to Delete"); case Delete: if (editObj == null) { editObj = (ICFCrmDomainEditObj) focus.beginEdit(); if (editObj == null) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newUsageException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "Expected beginEdit() to return a new edition of the focus object"); } } break; default: throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newUsageException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "Cannot transition PanelMode " + oldValue + " to Delete"); } editObj.delete(); editObj.endEdit(); setSwingFocus(null); setPanelMode(CFJPanel.PanelMode.Unknown); break; default: switch (oldValue) { case Unknown: break; default: if (editObj != null) { editObj.endEdit(); } break; } break; } super.setPanelMode(value); populateFields(); adjustComponentEnableStates(); } public void adjustComponentEnableStates() { CFJPanel.PanelMode mode = getPanelMode(); boolean isEditing; switch (mode) { case Unknown: case View: case Delete: isEditing = false; break; case Add: case Edit: case Update: isEditing = true; break; default: isEditing = false; break; } if (isEditing) { ICFCrmDomainObj focus = getSwingFocusAsDomain(); if (focus == null) { isEditing = false; } else if (null == focus.getEdit()) { isEditing = false; } } if (swingReferenceOwnerTenant != null) { swingReferenceOwnerTenant.setEnabled(false); } if (swingReferenceContainerParentDomain != null) { swingReferenceContainerParentDomain.setEnabled(false); } if (swingEditorId != null) { swingEditorId.setEnabled(false); } if (swingEditorDescription != null) { swingEditorDescription.setEnabled(isEditing); } if (swingEditorName != null) { swingEditorName.setEnabled(isEditing); } } }