Java tutorial
// Description: Java 8 JavaFX Attribute Pane implementation for Atom. /* * CFBam * * Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Mark Sobkow * * This program is available as free software under the GNU GPL v3, or * under a commercial license from Mark Sobkow. For commercial licensing * details, please contact * * Under the terms of the GPL: * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * */ package net.sourceforge.msscodefactory.cfbam.v2_7.CFBamJavaFX; import java.math.*; import java.sql.*; import java.text.*; import java.util.*; import javafx.collections.FXCollections; import javafx.collections.ObservableList; import javafx.geometry.HPos; import javafx.geometry.Insets; import javafx.geometry.Pos; import javafx.scene.Node; import javafx.scene.control.ButtonType; import javafx.scene.control.ComboBox; import javafx.scene.control.Control; import javafx.scene.layout.ColumnConstraints; import javafx.scene.layout.Priority; import net.sourceforge.msscodefactory.cflib.v2_7.CFLib.*; import net.sourceforge.msscodefactory.cflib.v2_7.CFLib.JavaFX.*; import net.sourceforge.msscodefactory.cflib.v2_7.CFLib.JavaFX.CFReferenceEditor.ICFReferenceCallback; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import net.sourceforge.msscodefactory.cfsecurity.v2_7.CFSecurity.*; import net.sourceforge.msscodefactory.cfinternet.v2_7.CFInternet.*; import net.sourceforge.msscodefactory.cfbam.v2_7.CFBam.*; import net.sourceforge.msscodefactory.cfsecurity.v2_7.CFSecurityObj.*; import net.sourceforge.msscodefactory.cfinternet.v2_7.CFInternetObj.*; import net.sourceforge.msscodefactory.cfbam.v2_7.CFBamObj.*; import net.sourceforge.msscodefactory.cfsecurity.v2_7.CFSecurityJavaFX.*; import net.sourceforge.msscodefactory.cfinternet.v2_7.CFInternetJavaFX.*; /** * CFBamJavaFXAtomAttrPane JavaFX Attribute Pane implementation * for Atom. */ public class CFBamJavaFXAtomAttrPane extends CFGridPane implements ICFBamJavaFXAtomPaneCommon { protected ICFFormManager cfFormManager = null; protected ICFBamJavaFXSchema javafxSchema = null; boolean javafxIsInitializing = true; protected class DefSchemaCFLabel extends CFLabel { public DefSchemaCFLabel() { super(); setText("Defining Schema Definition"); } } protected class CallbackDefSchemaChosen implements ICFBamJavaFXSchemaDefChosen { public CallbackDefSchemaChosen() { } public void choseSchemaDef(ICFBamSchemaDefObj value) { if (javafxReferenceLookupDefSchema != null) { ICFBamAtomObj cur = getJavaFXFocusAsAtom(); if (cur != null) { ICFBamAtomEditObj editObj = (ICFBamAtomEditObj) cur.getEdit(); if (null != editObj) { CFPane.PaneMode curMode = getPaneMode(); if ((curMode == CFPane.PaneMode.Add) || (curMode == CFPane.PaneMode.Edit)) { javafxReferenceLookupDefSchema.setReferencedObject(value); editObj.setOptionalLookupDefSchema(value); } } } } } } protected class DefSchemaReferenceCallback implements ICFReferenceCallback { public void chose(ICFLibAnyObj value) { final String S_ProcName = "chose"; Node cont; ICFBamSchemaObj schemaObj = (ICFBamSchemaObj) javafxSchema.getSchema(); ICFBamAtomObj focus = getJavaFXFocusAsAtom(); ICFBamAtomEditObj editObj = (ICFBamAtomEditObj) focus.getEdit(); if (editObj != null) { focus = editObj; } ICFBamSchemaDefObj referencedObj = (ICFBamSchemaDefObj) javafxReferenceLookupDefSchema .getReferencedObject(); java.util.List<ICFBamSchemaDefObj> listOfSchemaDef = null; Collection<ICFBamSchemaDefObj> cltn = null; CFBorderPane form = javafxSchema.getSchemaDefFactory().newPickerForm(cfFormManager, referencedObj, null, cltn, new CallbackDefSchemaChosen()); ((ICFBamJavaFXSchemaDefPaneCommon) form).setPaneMode(CFPane.PaneMode.View); cfFormManager.pushForm(form); } public void view(ICFLibAnyObj value) { final String S_ProcName = "actionPerformed"; ICFBamAtomObj focus = getJavaFXFocusAsAtom(); if (focus != null) { ICFBamSchemaDefObj referencedObj = (ICFBamSchemaDefObj) javafxReferenceLookupDefSchema .getReferencedObject(); CFBorderPane form = null; if (referencedObj != null) { String classCode = referencedObj.getClassCode(); if ("SCHM".equals(classCode)) { form = javafxSchema.getSchemaDefFactory().newAddForm(cfFormManager, referencedObj, null, true); ICFBamJavaFXSchemaDefPaneCommon spec = (ICFBamJavaFXSchemaDefPaneCommon) form; spec.setJavaFXFocus(referencedObj); spec.setPaneMode(CFPane.PaneMode.View); } else { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newUnsupportedClassException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "javaFXFocus", focus, "ICFBamSchemaDefObj"); } cfFormManager.pushForm(form); } } } } protected class DefSchemaCFReferenceEditor extends CFReferenceEditor { public DefSchemaCFReferenceEditor() { super(new DefSchemaReferenceCallback()); setFieldName("Defining Schema Definition"); } } protected class IdCFLabel extends CFLabel { public IdCFLabel() { super(); setText("Id"); } } protected class IdEditor extends CFInt64Editor { public IdEditor() { super(); setMinValue(CFBamValueBuff.ID_MIN_VALUE); setFieldName("Id"); } } protected class NameCFLabel extends CFLabel { public NameCFLabel() { super(); setText("Name"); } } protected class NameEditor extends CFStringEditor { public NameEditor() { super(); setMaxLen(192); setFieldName("Name"); } } protected class ShortNameCFLabel extends CFLabel { public ShortNameCFLabel() { super(); setText("Short Name"); } } protected class ShortNameEditor extends CFStringEditor { public ShortNameEditor() { super(); setMaxLen(16); setFieldName("Short Name"); } } protected class LabelCFLabel extends CFLabel { public LabelCFLabel() { super(); setText("Label"); } } protected class LabelEditor extends CFStringEditor { public LabelEditor() { super(); setMaxLen(64); setFieldName("Label"); } } protected class ShortDescriptionCFLabel extends CFLabel { public ShortDescriptionCFLabel() { super(); setText("Short Description"); } } protected class ShortDescriptionEditor extends CFStringEditor { public ShortDescriptionEditor() { super(); setMaxLen(128); setFieldName("Short Description"); } } protected class DescriptionCFLabel extends CFLabel { public DescriptionCFLabel() { super(); setText("Description"); } } protected class DescriptionEditor extends CFStringEditor { public DescriptionEditor() { super(); setMaxLen(1023); setFieldName("Description"); } } protected class IsNullableCFLabel extends CFLabel { public IsNullableCFLabel() { super(); setText("Is Nullable"); } } protected class IsNullableEditor extends CFBoolEditor { public IsNullableEditor() { super(); setIsNullable(false); setFieldName("Is Nullable"); } } protected class GenerateIdCFLabel extends CFLabel { public GenerateIdCFLabel() { super(); setText("Generate Id"); } } protected class GenerateIdEditor extends CFBoolEditor { public GenerateIdEditor() { super(); setIsNullable(true); setFieldName("Generate Id"); } } protected class DefaultVisibilityCFLabel extends CFLabel { public DefaultVisibilityCFLabel() { super(); setText("Default Visibility"); } } protected class DefaultVisibilityEditor extends CFBoolEditor { public DefaultVisibilityEditor() { super(); setIsNullable(false); setFieldName("Default Visibility"); } } protected class DbNameCFLabel extends CFLabel { public DbNameCFLabel() { super(); setText("Db Name"); } } protected class DbNameEditor extends CFStringEditor { public DbNameEditor() { super(); setMaxLen(32); setFieldName("Db Name"); } } protected ICFBamSchemaDefObj javafxLookupDefSchemaObj = null; protected DefSchemaCFLabel javafxLabelLookupDefSchema = null; protected DefSchemaCFReferenceEditor javafxReferenceLookupDefSchema = null; protected IdCFLabel javafxLabelId = null; protected IdEditor javafxEditorId = null; protected NameCFLabel javafxLabelName = null; protected NameEditor javafxEditorName = null; protected ShortNameCFLabel javafxLabelShortName = null; protected ShortNameEditor javafxEditorShortName = null; protected LabelCFLabel javafxLabelLabel = null; protected LabelEditor javafxEditorLabel = null; protected ShortDescriptionCFLabel javafxLabelShortDescription = null; protected ShortDescriptionEditor javafxEditorShortDescription = null; protected DescriptionCFLabel javafxLabelDescription = null; protected DescriptionEditor javafxEditorDescription = null; protected IsNullableCFLabel javafxLabelIsNullable = null; protected IsNullableEditor javafxEditorIsNullable = null; protected GenerateIdCFLabel javafxLabelGenerateId = null; protected GenerateIdEditor javafxEditorGenerateId = null; protected DefaultVisibilityCFLabel javafxLabelDefaultVisibility = null; protected DefaultVisibilityEditor javafxEditorDefaultVisibility = null; protected DbNameCFLabel javafxLabelDbName = null; protected DbNameEditor javafxEditorDbName = null; public CFBamJavaFXAtomAttrPane(ICFFormManager formManager, ICFBamJavaFXSchema argSchema, ICFBamAtomObj argFocus) { super(); Control ctrl; CFLabel label; CFReferenceEditor reference; final String S_ProcName = "construct-schema-focus"; if (formManager == null) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 1, "formManager"); } cfFormManager = formManager; if (argSchema == null) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 2, "argSchema"); } // argFocus is optional; focus may be set later during execution as // conditions of the runtime change. javafxSchema = argSchema; setJavaFXFocusAsAtom(argFocus); setPadding(new Insets(5)); setHgap(5); setVgap(5); setAlignment(Pos.CENTER); ColumnConstraints column1 = new ColumnConstraints(125); ColumnConstraints column2 = new ColumnConstraints(125, 300, 500); column2.setHgrow(Priority.ALWAYS); getColumnConstraints().addAll(column1, column2); int gridRow = 0; label = getJavaFXLabelLookupDefSchema(); setHalignment(label, HPos.LEFT); add(label, 0, gridRow); reference = getJavaFXReferenceLookupDefSchema(); setHalignment(reference, HPos.LEFT); add(reference, 1, gridRow); gridRow++; label = getJavaFXLabelId(); setHalignment(label, HPos.LEFT); add(label, 0, gridRow); ctrl = getJavaFXEditorId(); setHalignment(ctrl, HPos.LEFT); add(ctrl, 1, gridRow); gridRow++; label = getJavaFXLabelName(); setHalignment(label, HPos.LEFT); add(label, 0, gridRow); ctrl = getJavaFXEditorName(); setHalignment(ctrl, HPos.LEFT); add(ctrl, 1, gridRow); gridRow++; label = getJavaFXLabelShortName(); setHalignment(label, HPos.LEFT); add(label, 0, gridRow); ctrl = getJavaFXEditorShortName(); setHalignment(ctrl, HPos.LEFT); add(ctrl, 1, gridRow); gridRow++; label = getJavaFXLabelLabel(); setHalignment(label, HPos.LEFT); add(label, 0, gridRow); ctrl = getJavaFXEditorLabel(); setHalignment(ctrl, HPos.LEFT); add(ctrl, 1, gridRow); gridRow++; label = getJavaFXLabelShortDescription(); setHalignment(label, HPos.LEFT); add(label, 0, gridRow); ctrl = getJavaFXEditorShortDescription(); setHalignment(ctrl, HPos.LEFT); add(ctrl, 1, gridRow); gridRow++; label = getJavaFXLabelDescription(); setHalignment(label, HPos.LEFT); add(label, 0, gridRow); ctrl = getJavaFXEditorDescription(); setHalignment(ctrl, HPos.LEFT); add(ctrl, 1, gridRow); gridRow++; label = getJavaFXLabelIsNullable(); setHalignment(label, HPos.LEFT); add(label, 0, gridRow); ctrl = getJavaFXEditorIsNullable(); setHalignment(ctrl, HPos.LEFT); add(ctrl, 1, gridRow); gridRow++; label = getJavaFXLabelGenerateId(); setHalignment(label, HPos.LEFT); add(label, 0, gridRow); ctrl = getJavaFXEditorGenerateId(); setHalignment(ctrl, HPos.LEFT); add(ctrl, 1, gridRow); gridRow++; label = getJavaFXLabelDefaultVisibility(); setHalignment(label, HPos.LEFT); add(label, 0, gridRow); ctrl = getJavaFXEditorDefaultVisibility(); setHalignment(ctrl, HPos.LEFT); add(ctrl, 1, gridRow); gridRow++; label = getJavaFXLabelDbName(); setHalignment(label, HPos.LEFT); add(label, 0, gridRow); ctrl = getJavaFXEditorDbName(); setHalignment(ctrl, HPos.LEFT); add(ctrl, 1, gridRow); gridRow++; populateFields(); adjustComponentEnableStates(); javafxIsInitializing = false; } public ICFFormManager getCFFormManager() { return (cfFormManager); } public void setCFFormManager(ICFFormManager value) { final String S_ProcName = "setCFFormManager"; if (value == null) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 1, "value"); } cfFormManager = value; } public ICFBamJavaFXSchema getJavaFXSchema() { return (javafxSchema); } public void setJavaFXFocus(ICFLibAnyObj value) { final String S_ProcName = "setJavaFXFocus"; if ((value == null) || (value instanceof ICFBamAtomObj)) { super.setJavaFXFocus(value); } else { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newUnsupportedClassException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "value", value, "ICFBamAtomObj"); } populateFields(); adjustComponentEnableStates(); } public ICFBamAtomObj getJavaFXFocusAsAtom() { return ((ICFBamAtomObj) getJavaFXFocus()); } public void setJavaFXFocusAsAtom(ICFBamAtomObj value) { setJavaFXFocus(value); } public ICFBamSchemaDefObj getJavaFXLookupDefSchemaObj() { return (javafxLookupDefSchemaObj); } public void setJavaFXLookupDefSchemaObj(ICFBamSchemaDefObj value) { javafxLookupDefSchemaObj = value; } public CFLabel getJavaFXLabelLookupDefSchema() { if (javafxLabelLookupDefSchema == null) { javafxLabelLookupDefSchema = new DefSchemaCFLabel(); } return (javafxLabelLookupDefSchema); } public CFReferenceEditor getJavaFXReferenceLookupDefSchema() { if (javafxReferenceLookupDefSchema == null) { javafxReferenceLookupDefSchema = new DefSchemaCFReferenceEditor(); } return (javafxReferenceLookupDefSchema); } public void setJavaFXReferenceLookupDefSchema(DefSchemaCFReferenceEditor value) { javafxReferenceLookupDefSchema = value; } public IdCFLabel getJavaFXLabelId() { if (javafxLabelId == null) { javafxLabelId = new IdCFLabel(); } return (javafxLabelId); } public void setJavaFXLabelId(IdCFLabel value) { javafxLabelId = value; } public IdEditor getJavaFXEditorId() { if (javafxEditorId == null) { javafxEditorId = new IdEditor(); } return (javafxEditorId); } public void setJavaFXEditorId(IdEditor value) { javafxEditorId = value; } public NameCFLabel getJavaFXLabelName() { if (javafxLabelName == null) { javafxLabelName = new NameCFLabel(); } return (javafxLabelName); } public void setJavaFXLabelName(NameCFLabel value) { javafxLabelName = value; } public NameEditor getJavaFXEditorName() { if (javafxEditorName == null) { javafxEditorName = new NameEditor(); } return (javafxEditorName); } public void setJavaFXEditorName(NameEditor value) { javafxEditorName = value; } public ShortNameCFLabel getJavaFXLabelShortName() { if (javafxLabelShortName == null) { javafxLabelShortName = new ShortNameCFLabel(); } return (javafxLabelShortName); } public void setJavaFXLabelShortName(ShortNameCFLabel value) { javafxLabelShortName = value; } public ShortNameEditor getJavaFXEditorShortName() { if (javafxEditorShortName == null) { javafxEditorShortName = new ShortNameEditor(); } return (javafxEditorShortName); } public void setJavaFXEditorShortName(ShortNameEditor value) { javafxEditorShortName = value; } public LabelCFLabel getJavaFXLabelLabel() { if (javafxLabelLabel == null) { javafxLabelLabel = new LabelCFLabel(); } return (javafxLabelLabel); } public void setJavaFXLabelLabel(LabelCFLabel value) { javafxLabelLabel = value; } public LabelEditor getJavaFXEditorLabel() { if (javafxEditorLabel == null) { javafxEditorLabel = new LabelEditor(); } return (javafxEditorLabel); } public void setJavaFXEditorLabel(LabelEditor value) { javafxEditorLabel = value; } public ShortDescriptionCFLabel getJavaFXLabelShortDescription() { if (javafxLabelShortDescription == null) { javafxLabelShortDescription = new ShortDescriptionCFLabel(); } return (javafxLabelShortDescription); } public void setJavaFXLabelShortDescription(ShortDescriptionCFLabel value) { javafxLabelShortDescription = value; } public ShortDescriptionEditor getJavaFXEditorShortDescription() { if (javafxEditorShortDescription == null) { javafxEditorShortDescription = new ShortDescriptionEditor(); } return (javafxEditorShortDescription); } public void setJavaFXEditorShortDescription(ShortDescriptionEditor value) { javafxEditorShortDescription = value; } public DescriptionCFLabel getJavaFXLabelDescription() { if (javafxLabelDescription == null) { javafxLabelDescription = new DescriptionCFLabel(); } return (javafxLabelDescription); } public void setJavaFXLabelDescription(DescriptionCFLabel value) { javafxLabelDescription = value; } public DescriptionEditor getJavaFXEditorDescription() { if (javafxEditorDescription == null) { javafxEditorDescription = new DescriptionEditor(); } return (javafxEditorDescription); } public void setJavaFXEditorDescription(DescriptionEditor value) { javafxEditorDescription = value; } public IsNullableCFLabel getJavaFXLabelIsNullable() { if (javafxLabelIsNullable == null) { javafxLabelIsNullable = new IsNullableCFLabel(); } return (javafxLabelIsNullable); } public void setJavaFXLabelIsNullable(IsNullableCFLabel value) { javafxLabelIsNullable = value; } public IsNullableEditor getJavaFXEditorIsNullable() { if (javafxEditorIsNullable == null) { javafxEditorIsNullable = new IsNullableEditor(); } return (javafxEditorIsNullable); } public void setJavaFXEditorIsNullable(IsNullableEditor value) { javafxEditorIsNullable = value; } public GenerateIdCFLabel getJavaFXLabelGenerateId() { if (javafxLabelGenerateId == null) { javafxLabelGenerateId = new GenerateIdCFLabel(); } return (javafxLabelGenerateId); } public void setJavaFXLabelGenerateId(GenerateIdCFLabel value) { javafxLabelGenerateId = value; } public GenerateIdEditor getJavaFXEditorGenerateId() { if (javafxEditorGenerateId == null) { javafxEditorGenerateId = new GenerateIdEditor(); } return (javafxEditorGenerateId); } public void setJavaFXEditorGenerateId(GenerateIdEditor value) { javafxEditorGenerateId = value; } public DefaultVisibilityCFLabel getJavaFXLabelDefaultVisibility() { if (javafxLabelDefaultVisibility == null) { javafxLabelDefaultVisibility = new DefaultVisibilityCFLabel(); } return (javafxLabelDefaultVisibility); } public void setJavaFXLabelDefaultVisibility(DefaultVisibilityCFLabel value) { javafxLabelDefaultVisibility = value; } public DefaultVisibilityEditor getJavaFXEditorDefaultVisibility() { if (javafxEditorDefaultVisibility == null) { javafxEditorDefaultVisibility = new DefaultVisibilityEditor(); } return (javafxEditorDefaultVisibility); } public void setJavaFXEditorDefaultVisibility(DefaultVisibilityEditor value) { javafxEditorDefaultVisibility = value; } public DbNameCFLabel getJavaFXLabelDbName() { if (javafxLabelDbName == null) { javafxLabelDbName = new DbNameCFLabel(); } return (javafxLabelDbName); } public void setJavaFXLabelDbName(DbNameCFLabel value) { javafxLabelDbName = value; } public DbNameEditor getJavaFXEditorDbName() { if (javafxEditorDbName == null) { javafxEditorDbName = new DbNameEditor(); } return (javafxEditorDbName); } public void setJavaFXEditorDbName(DbNameEditor value) { javafxEditorDbName = value; } public void populateFields() { ICFBamAtomObj popObj; ICFBamAtomObj focus = getJavaFXFocusAsAtom(); if (focus != null) { popObj = (ICFBamAtomObj) (focus.getEdit()); if (popObj == null) { popObj = focus; } } else { popObj = null; } if (getPaneMode() == CFPane.PaneMode.Unknown) { popObj = null; } if (popObj == null) { javafxLookupDefSchemaObj = null; } else { javafxLookupDefSchemaObj = (ICFBamSchemaDefObj) popObj.getOptionalLookupDefSchema(javafxIsInitializing); } if (javafxReferenceLookupDefSchema != null) { javafxReferenceLookupDefSchema.setReferencedObject(javafxLookupDefSchemaObj); } if (popObj == null) { getJavaFXEditorId().setInt64Value(null); } else { getJavaFXEditorId().setInt64Value(popObj.getRequiredId()); } if (popObj == null) { getJavaFXEditorName().setStringValue(null); } else { getJavaFXEditorName().setStringValue(popObj.getRequiredName()); } if (popObj == null) { getJavaFXEditorShortName().setStringValue(null); } else { getJavaFXEditorShortName().setStringValue(popObj.getOptionalShortName()); } if (popObj == null) { getJavaFXEditorLabel().setStringValue(null); } else { getJavaFXEditorLabel().setStringValue(popObj.getOptionalLabel()); } if (popObj == null) { getJavaFXEditorShortDescription().setStringValue(null); } else { getJavaFXEditorShortDescription().setStringValue(popObj.getOptionalShortDescription()); } if (popObj == null) { getJavaFXEditorDescription().setStringValue(null); } else { getJavaFXEditorDescription().setStringValue(popObj.getOptionalDescription()); } if (popObj == null) { getJavaFXEditorIsNullable().setBooleanValue(null); } else { getJavaFXEditorIsNullable().setBooleanValue(popObj.getRequiredIsNullable()); } if (popObj == null) { getJavaFXEditorGenerateId().setBooleanValue(null); } else { getJavaFXEditorGenerateId().setBooleanValue(popObj.getOptionalGenerateId()); } if (popObj == null) { getJavaFXEditorDefaultVisibility().setBooleanValue(null); } else { getJavaFXEditorDefaultVisibility().setBooleanValue(popObj.getRequiredDefaultVisibility()); } if (popObj == null) { getJavaFXEditorDbName().setStringValue(null); } else { getJavaFXEditorDbName().setStringValue(popObj.getOptionalDbName()); } } public void postFields() { final String S_ProcName = "postFields"; ICFBamAtomObj focus = getJavaFXFocusAsAtom(); ICFBamAtomEditObj editObj; if (focus != null) { editObj = (ICFBamAtomEditObj) (focus.getEdit()); } else { editObj = null; } if (editObj == null) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newUsageException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "Pane is unfocused or is not editing the focus object"); } javafxLookupDefSchemaObj = (ICFBamSchemaDefObj) (javafxReferenceLookupDefSchema.getReferencedObject()); editObj.setOptionalLookupDefSchema(javafxLookupDefSchemaObj); editObj.setRequiredName(getJavaFXEditorName().getStringValue()); editObj.setOptionalShortName(getJavaFXEditorShortName().getStringValue()); editObj.setOptionalLabel(getJavaFXEditorLabel().getStringValue()); editObj.setOptionalShortDescription(getJavaFXEditorShortDescription().getStringValue()); editObj.setOptionalDescription(getJavaFXEditorDescription().getStringValue()); editObj.setRequiredIsNullable(getJavaFXEditorIsNullable().getBooleanValue()); editObj.setOptionalGenerateId(getJavaFXEditorGenerateId().getBooleanValue()); editObj.setRequiredDefaultVisibility(getJavaFXEditorDefaultVisibility().getBooleanValue()); editObj.setOptionalDbName(getJavaFXEditorDbName().getStringValue()); } public void setPaneMode(CFPane.PaneMode value) { final String S_ProcName = "setPaneMode"; CFPane.PaneMode oldValue = getPaneMode(); if (oldValue == value) { return; } ICFBamAtomObj focus = getJavaFXFocusAsAtom(); if ((value != CFPane.PaneMode.Unknown) && (value != CFPane.PaneMode.View)) { if (focus == null) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "javaFXFocus"); } } ICFBamAtomEditObj editObj; if (focus != null) { editObj = (ICFBamAtomEditObj) focus.getEdit(); } else { editObj = null; } switch (value) { case Unknown: switch (oldValue) { case Unknown: break; default: if (editObj != null) { editObj.endEdit(); } break; } break; case Add: switch (oldValue) { case Unknown: case Add: case View: if (editObj == null) { if (focus != null) { if (!focus.getIsNew()) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newUsageException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "Transitioning to PaneMode Add requires Focus.getIsNew() to be true"); } editObj = (ICFBamAtomEditObj) focus.beginEdit(); if (editObj == null) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newUsageException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "Expected beginEdit() to return a new edition of the focus object"); } } else { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newNullArgumentException(getClass(), S_ProcName, 0, "focus"); } } break; case Edit: throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newUsageException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "Cannot transition PaneMode Edit to Add"); case Update: if ((editObj == null) || (!editObj.getIsNew())) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newUsageException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "Cannot transition PaneMode Update to Add"); } break; case Delete: throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newUsageException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "Cannot transition PaneMode Delete to Add"); default: throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newUsageException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "Cannot transition PaneMode default to Add"); } break; case View: switch (oldValue) { case Unknown: break; case View: break; case Edit: break; case Update: break; case Delete: break; default: throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newUsageException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "Cannot transition PaneMode " + oldValue + " to View"); } if (editObj != null) { editObj.endEdit(); } break; case Edit: switch (oldValue) { case Unknown: if (editObj == null) { editObj = (ICFBamAtomEditObj) focus.beginEdit(); if (editObj == null) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newUsageException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "Expected beginEdit() to return a new edition of the focus object"); } } break; case View: if (editObj == null) { editObj = (ICFBamAtomEditObj) focus.beginEdit(); if (editObj == null) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newUsageException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "Expected beginEdit() to return a new edition of the focus object"); } } break; case Edit: if (editObj == null) { editObj = (ICFBamAtomEditObj) focus.beginEdit(); if (editObj == null) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newUsageException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "Expected beginEdit() to return a new edition of the focus object"); } } break; case Update: if (editObj == null) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newUsageException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "Cannot transition PaneMode " + oldValue + " to Edit"); } break; default: throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newUsageException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "Cannot transition PaneMode " + oldValue + " to Edit"); } break; case Update: if ((oldValue != CFPane.PaneMode.Edit) && (oldValue != CFPane.PaneMode.Add)) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newUsageException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "Cannot transition from mode " + oldValue + " to Update"); } super.setPaneMode(value); if (editObj != null) { postFields(); if (editObj.getIsNew()) { focus = (ICFBamAtomObj) editObj.create(); setJavaFXFocus(focus); } else { editObj.update(); } editObj.endEdit(); editObj = null; } setPaneMode(CFPane.PaneMode.View); break; case Delete: switch (oldValue) { case View: if (focus != null) { if (editObj == null) { editObj = (ICFBamAtomEditObj) focus.beginEdit(); if (editObj == null) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newUsageException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "Expected beginEdit() to return a new edition of the focus object"); } } } break; case Edit: if (focus != null) { if (editObj == null) { editObj = (ICFBamAtomEditObj) focus.beginEdit(); if (editObj == null) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newUsageException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "Expected beginEdit() to return a new edition of the focus object"); } } } break; case Update: throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newUsageException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "Cannot transition PaneMode Update to Delete"); case Delete: if (editObj == null) { editObj = (ICFBamAtomEditObj) focus.beginEdit(); if (editObj == null) { throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newUsageException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "Expected beginEdit() to return a new edition of the focus object"); } } break; default: throw CFLib.getDefaultExceptionFactory().newUsageException(getClass(), S_ProcName, "Cannot transition PaneMode " + oldValue + " to Delete"); } editObj.delete(); editObj.endEdit(); setJavaFXFocus(null); setPaneMode(CFPane.PaneMode.Unknown); break; default: switch (oldValue) { case Unknown: break; default: if (editObj != null) { editObj.endEdit(); } break; } break; } super.setPaneMode(value); populateFields(); adjustComponentEnableStates(); } public void adjustComponentEnableStates() { CFPane.PaneMode mode = getPaneMode(); boolean isEditing; switch (mode) { case Unknown: case View: case Delete: isEditing = false; break; case Add: case Edit: case Update: isEditing = true; break; default: isEditing = false; break; } if (isEditing) { ICFBamAtomObj focus = getJavaFXFocusAsAtom(); if (focus == null) { isEditing = false; } else if (null == focus.getEdit()) { isEditing = false; } } if (javafxReferenceLookupDefSchema != null) { javafxReferenceLookupDefSchema.setCustomDisable(!isEditing); } if (javafxEditorId != null) { javafxEditorId.setDisable(true); } if (javafxEditorName != null) { javafxEditorName.setDisable(!isEditing); } if (javafxEditorShortName != null) { javafxEditorShortName.setDisable(!isEditing); } if (javafxEditorLabel != null) { javafxEditorLabel.setDisable(!isEditing); } if (javafxEditorShortDescription != null) { javafxEditorShortDescription.setDisable(!isEditing); } if (javafxEditorDescription != null) { javafxEditorDescription.setDisable(!isEditing); } if (javafxEditorIsNullable != null) { javafxEditorIsNullable.setDisable(!isEditing); } if (javafxEditorGenerateId != null) { javafxEditorGenerateId.setDisable(!isEditing); } if (javafxEditorDefaultVisibility != null) { javafxEditorDefaultVisibility.setDisable(!isEditing); } if (javafxEditorDbName != null) { javafxEditorDbName.setDisable(!isEditing); } } }